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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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gt;of the oF Saturday, JwWy 20th, 1912. 422 Main St. Phone 261. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Half-minuty from Post PHONE Good Buys To-day, are High School Annex, Block 24, splannde, Office, Wardrobe 422 Main St. Phone 261 -Ladies Silk Dresses,. Rosy eet: Block 7, 850 per Waists, -Glov Feath- eee oat: Btock-5 900 per ers, Ete., Gents Suits, wim it, Block 18, 785 per Felt and Panama Hats Columbla Ave, Block 99 100 tt and. ehack. 2 Dry Cleaned Particular attention patd to trayellers* work, suits pressed up Ob hort notice. Herald, Block 8, 750 per pair. Herald, Block 17, 735 per pair. Riverside, Blk, 19, 600 per pair Herald, Block 2, 700 per pair. The Bending, Block 26, 75 ft. F 3700. gt; Thu-tt. for 3700. Powell, Block 2, 550 per pair. Altawana, north, 200 per pair. Old Townslte, 50 ft. for 1150 and 1100. Corner Toronto St. and Third Ave, 37 1-2 ft., 25,000, * Riverside, Block 11, 50 ft, and 4-roomed cottage, 2400. High School Annex, Block 21, 100 ft, for 1500. Block K, Dominion st, 1060 for 50. teet. Gentral Park, Blocks 17, 21 and 24, 400 for 25 ft. Riverside, Block 7, 50 ft. 800: Block 9, 50 tt, 850. Both these are corner lots. Esplanade, 250 tt,-facing Park. Grand site for Hotel, eto. Westover Park, Oity View and Kensington. Cheap lots with good terms, Original Townsite, Block 7, 34, 35. and 36, North River St., 10,000, J First-class basiness property in the blocks of Toronto-and Main St. occupied by leadi business firms, 1,000 per 72,000 acre ranch ( 8500. im- provements included) 6 miles frontage on river.. Price 10 Der-acre. This Is our gilt- edged investment. Powell, Blocks 1 and 2. Wik be valuable and today are cheap. . See Us, OPERA HOUSE Three Nights COMMENCING Sy, dl 1 THE EVER POPULAR COMEDIAN Tom Marks AND HIS EXCELLENT SUP- PORTING COMPANY in a repertonre of Comedies and Dramas OPENING comepy. The Man from. Canada : Also 5 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS 5 Prices, 26c., 50c., 75c. - Advance sale at Pingle's Drug St re Hardwood in your house will give you a floor that will lst a life- time. We can supply you. niin . GURL -E6ONOMICS. To Make Friends, ereet word about any one, Not only is this Christian charity, but It is the rewards thereof. Interesting as it may be to a woman fo hear her dearest enemy knocked yet with the suspicion of the feminine sex the truth slowly but surely pereo- Kites into her understanding that the woman who so joyously slays reputa- tlons claims-to be a friend of both herself and the victim, and when does her twrn-eome next sonal wit is the most dangerous It hurts two people, the one it Is dir- ected against and the one who says At, Stupid Women who have. not the power of expression often go much further socially than thelr more bril- Mant and loquacious friends. The for- mer ate most. valuable as confidants, and t s a sad fact of poor weak wo- man-nature that we must tell our se- crets once in a while to some fellow being we can trust. The more secrets a woman can safely tell a friend the more she can trust her, and trusting her means lov- ing her in most cases. Therefore 1f you want friends mi- Indy, be trustable, bear a closed mouth and by never mentioning names:be sure of a reputation which will prompt your sister women to make an intimate friend of you and share all their Jittle secrets with you. Always speak in the best terms you can of everybody. In nine cases out of ten your conversation will be re- peated and you will make countless friends In this indirect way by sowing your little seeds of kindness upon the winds of chance, THE GATES OF PARADISE Not here, but further, lies the land Whose beauties tongue cannot com- mand; Peace, truth and right dominion sway; e, beneath those beaming There pain and sorrow never show Themselves to those who here below Seemed weighted to the ground with Nevor say au unkind or an indis- seme of wisdom, and great are the+ felnlnloiefelap foleleleieiebelsis ns that the it ald about the trip from Kenora to Tore sooner can ts sameness be 01 mountains and giant trees en route, but fhe prairie dwellers looked on and were very pleased. Now the traim edged the streamlets golden with the grace of water lilies and again came the glimpses of dis- tant waters through the forest of fir trees and maple, It is in the region of Parry Sound and Muskoka and the rocks bear unmistakable marks of glacial action. has b come a partner in homes with dts trees streams, fleld and hills and aig-zag rall fences, There was a surveyors camp on the side-of the hill and once a-girl-in asunbonnet picking Berries in a stump field. The programme included a two hour visit to Toronio, where the teachers were to have been the guests of the city counell, but two fatalities jamong the engines with the subse- quent delay cancelled that arrange- ment and gave the Queen City only a shunting fifteen minutes, Hard travel) through the night brought the train to Montreal where the steamship delayed her sailing for the party. Today has been a memory with clear sunshine and blue skies and on either side the placid waters it the great St. Lawrence. Some- times the bordered banks with quaint narrow farm strips are clearly sight- ed and again the river s sea and tis banks but per blue line at the horizon. Tonight Quebec will be reached and.then good-bye to Can- jada and all aboard for the old land. Inthe souvenir diaries which Mr. Ney has presented is an explanation of his purpose in organizing these trips, an explanation via Kipling. am the land of their fathers, In me the virtue stays 1 will bring back my children After certain days. the office of and little Till I make plain the meaning Of all my thousand years TittT til their hearts with knowledge While I fill their eyes with tears. an Lawyer in Geneva, Women lawyers are becoming less and less of a novelty the world over. A barrister who has recently. been ad- british Compiblans sniffed at the * the-prettiest imported models of s are the most effective. A tly plain, beautifully tailored cout, cutaway and running into long tailsin the back, mmde with long mannish collar at stkeves and a shawk rather deep and clinging the shoulders, and associated with a plain skirt not too narro the whole untrimmed axcept for white peael buttons and a binding of white silk braid on all the cdges hag an fe tv good figure. Some of the straight coat models in-white sorge are good too, and when successful in line and detail are preferable now to the over popular short cutaway which has been de- veloped in. a multitude of cheap, ready.made models. An uncommon- ly good looking straight coat suit in white serge hail effective details in its line of flat stitched tabs, fastening both coat and skirt down the front, each tab having a but - tonhole with a white pearl. button, and in its odd pocketlike otifs set on the oat sides and holding in place-a belt which does not affect the straight line of the coat. Tho elaborately braided white serge suits, amd those with which white satin or other silk is liberally com- bined have less sniartness than such original but strictly tailored anodels as the one just deseribed; but good results are often obtained by in- troducing.a note of vivid color in helt, buttons or collar. Phiret likes this touch of color in the form of toile de Jouy or the more crude and daring figdred linen that is known as toile de Vichy. This latter material combined primitive and startling colors in a design. al- most aa primitive, yet it-does not Ihave a certain ' likable effect when skilfully figed, amd the French mak- jers aremaking entire coat linings of it, facing collars and cuffs, etc. It is rather more successful i the coat than in suit or frock, but with white serge it sometimes gives a pleasing effect. However, the milder Jouy colorings and designs ave usually safer propositions even with white serge, and of these are made piquant little waisteokts, col- lar facings and the like. Sometimes the waistcoat is the only detail in which the gay flowered stuff is used, land it shows but little. The bolero, which has not yet reasserted itself very insistently on this side of the water, is increas - ingly popular abroad. and some on by woman with lcostumes if white serge which have come over recently have loose little lboleros whose points roll back soft- Remedies not often be needed, But come weakened, impaired and broke indiscretions which have gon ou kom through countless gene SS ne generations, eoquired weakacsse jee ooen por final roots sold for aver for Tver Compl Heartbura, Bad Breath, I Derangoments, the Discovery The genuine has its Sere tae ere oe F Signature You can t afford to bolio, thereby make a little bigger profit. Pleasant Pellets reguia ed, and therefore the pannier dra - peries or the fullness of fichus need hold no terrors for slender wo- men. 7 Wido girdles are folded over shapes that. show pointed. underlines; they are slightly round, and. in some unique models are cut in squares around the waist line, They are ex- tremely high aiid suggest recolleo- tions of the portraits of Mme, Pompadour, Du Barry and other court beauties. Velvet, satin, and silk are used for girdles, and. they are fastened under girldes of quilling or shirring, under ornament of silk flowers or under rows of colored buttons. They are a delightful relief and of- fer opportunity for a contrast in color on a dressy gown. Sleeves are gradual fuller and fuller, Before very long we may return to the leg-o'-mut- ton sleeve of other days. Bell a slowly but surely to the fore. A favorite style is the elbow sleeve made fairly loose and trimmed with a full lace ruffie that falls very long at the bwek of the arm and is cut rather short in front. FLOREECE. FAIRBANKS. are Needed Were we perfect, which we are not, medi would wince our systems have be- femedies are nce; lature in correcting our fahorited and of To reach the seat of stomach weakness and conscquent digestive troubles, there is nothing 0 food as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov und; extracted trom-sative-medie hing of food, Chronic Dizrrhea and other time-provesi and most efficient Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy down thro the carly sgene ewise taint, Pain ia the Stor after me fi iedicine oF know Courosion, sol cra eh tee ae dale ae and invigorate to take as ae s 4 INT f DISTRICT DISTRICT 0) IN THE ESTATE ry Bab es of Mi Province of Alberta, hotel proprietor, dee NOTICE IS HEREBY all persons having claf estate of the sald late Babb, deceased, who died ond day of May, A. D., 1 quited to send to W. J. Mi aging executor of the e1 deceased, on or before the of August, A. D., 1912, a full state ment of thelr-claims, and of any 96 curities held by them, duly veritle and that, after, that date, the said, managing executor will proceed to distribute -the assets of the d ; among the parties aving regard only to the claims. which notice has been filed with sald W. J. McLean, as such execut ie Hat, All this 5th day of July, A. D., 1912. WILLIAM A. BEGG, of Becker Block, Main St, M Hat, Alberta, Solicitor for the executor, 4 30443 Sat. ON SPENC ER TO PHONE -40. DD A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the Folfowing Lines in our Men s Wear Department. irst of; The y placed in e best of its La Fon- American 4 fne summer? ing shame iz dame, o each comer please. at ease; a glance, a -must-dance. art of the e wind im- Id, ree with Oak, Maple,: and Birch flooring at. very little more cost to you than the common kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for samples. The Gas Gity Lumber Co y A HAPPY DA it was for the man who would - like to be a good dresser and look natty and smart the day We introduced our dry cleaning in Medicine Hat. There is noth- ing like it for, keepIng wardrobe in good ondition. Let WS be your Valet and keep your garments mended, cleaned, pressed and looking mew by Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill . bringing them to . Phone 282. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. gt;. Rear of Post Office on Fourth ave, L OFOMtO Se a rey 5 Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus. Doc. Musical Director. REOPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 38rd ATTENDANCE LAST SEASON 2,010 STUDENTS Faculty of 100 Specialists. CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE For Young Lady Students, lis being gr atly enlarged-and will be. ready for. the opening. YEAR BOOK, 170 pages, mailed on ap- plication. Se T: Sailings from Montreal Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling at Quebec. fegantle, July 6, Aug. Teutonic, Tuy 48; Laurentic, July 20,-Aug. 17, Sept 14 Canada, July 27, Aug. 24, Sept, 21, SS. LAURENTIC, S.S. MECANTIC inest steamers in 3, Aug oI Canadian trade. Staunch ant SES iteady. Excellent accommodations H : M Sail cutee. ouse over MODERATE RATE SERVICE SS. Teutonic and SS. Canada arry one class (2nd) cabin only, The best these steamers affor at ) moderate rates, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth rooms. For reservations, rates, plans, il- lustrated booklets, etc., apply to railway or steamship agents, or to W, M. McLEOD; C.W.P.A, 83 Main St, Winnipeg eS CitySaleStables Saddle - SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. Phone 260, J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET Shop Uack of C. Howley s reat estate oftice next Hull Block, Toron- to street. A, TILLEY PHONE 561, sast Teams, Drivers, Horses for Sale, DRAYING. Heavy LIGHT AND HEAVY Hay for Sale. Painting and Paperhanging. FRED McCLAIN ce ornolds B Stewart. i NE 85 PROPRIETOR ERONE Now Wall Paper Estimates cheer are: 3 7 That bliss eternal we may share If we would only will to rise And seek the gates of Paradise. So far away they lie, they say, That we must travel many a day; The months must fly ,the years must Bo; The journey's end we may not know; Life's vista long before us lies; It s end the gates of Paradise. The way is arduous, narrow, rough, And difficulties come enough; et, being such, it is the best; Then onward go; pause not to rest, Until behind-each sorrow lies; Before the getes of Paradise. Thomas Garrett A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ence should be work, the legitimate employment of all your facilities. Follow this as a first principle. Being forced to work and forced to do your best should breed in you strength. of will, cheerulness and. a hundred vir- tives that the idle never know. Cheer- fulness 1s-HKe money well expended in charity the more you dispense it the greater. your possessions. R. M. S, Virginia, July 5. The par- ty of 835 Canadian teachers en route for England and the Mediterranean arrived in Montreal this morning by. special train and immediately board- ed the yessel. The party is ynder the auspices of the government of the Dominion and is personally conducted by Fred J. Ney, of the department of education for Manitoba. Every prov- ince. in Canada, is represented, even Newfoundland this time joining in the federation. + Pedagogues from Victoria, Vancou- ver, New Westminster, Nelson . and Chilliwack fraternize with those from St. John and Frederickton. Calgary and Moose Jaw meet in common fel- lowship and, Winnipeg and Toronto shage the sam state room. Some of the leading educationalists of Canada are with the party, Profes- sor Cadwallader of Fredericton; Prin- cipal Inch of the Fredericton Normal school; Dr. Struthers, medical in- spector of Toronto schools; Inspector Hamilton, of the Toronto schools; Professor Joliffe and Professor Wwil- son, of Wesley College, Winniper, and Dr. Eber Crummy, of Grace church, Winnipeg. This is the third and larg- est party taken by Mr. Ney, the others going the stimmers of 1910, 1911, and Dr. Crummy has been coun- ted in each time. It's got to be a habit with him, much to the satisfaction of the rest of the travelers. The spectal train dedicated to Jearn- fing lett Winnipeg the afternoon of July'2. The first break was made at Kenora. By courtesy of the local board of trade launches were placed at the disposal of the party ani for two hours a sall was taken around the island-dotted Iake. among. fully ufrnished on cost of Papering SUBRCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. your rcoms, Phone 156, mitted to the bar in Switzerland is Mme, Rachel Vuille of Geneva. She has. become a partner in the office of a well-known law firm in that city, and already--has a-tit Possessed of independent means and bereft of her family by death, her prime motive in taking up the law was t -have a profession and be of. assistance to other women. It is her conviction that a woman lawyer can defend. a woman prisoner better than a man, because of the, greater sym- pathy that may be established bet- ween client. and couasel when both Jare women, She made a record as a law student passing the examination in three years, the shortest possible time in WIch the course can be completed. It is her ambition-to see suffrage for women established in Switzerland, The end and object of your extst- but she says that Swiss women Im general-are-far bebind their English sisters in'their interest in the work and for the cause, - That they are, however, rousing to the issue, she thinks cannot be denied. The best and most important part of every man s education s that which he gives himself. To endure is the first thing a child ought to learn and that which he will have most need to know. There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who mows how to bear unhappiness with cour- age. Give your tongue more holiday than your hands or eyes. Trifles make ,perfection, but per- fection 18 no triffe. Truth, like roses, often blossoms upon. a thorny stem, ole ode eke ole ole obs ole obs ode obs obs be be oe x + : PADS AND FASHIONS + + Leaner ee ee eeee New York, July 20. White serge is always a feature of the seashore wardrobe ani while, each season brings out admirable medels in this material, this summer's showing is more than usually attractive. In Paris during the gay season white serge has been seen in many odd phases. The famous makers have, for instance, combined the wopl materials with the finest Hinen, let - ting the cool lingerie material from the uppgr part gf the bodice and sleeves and perhaps a plaited or flounced or embroidered shirt or petticoat under a tunio of the serge. This is newer-than the-combinattom of serge and tulle or senge and chiffon; and while there may be two opinions as to the success of the combination it has been accepted in Paris as indisputably chic. How- ever, it is in the simpler tailored costume and semi-tailored frock that white serge is at its best and. is most useful. It Is generally accepted those who go through the count in wide ratige in point of elaboration, but for genetal use the more severe rest hour add a new touch to the The white serge tailored sit hasa feout to show- white crepe or in color, and. often ito.display a short, fanciful little waistcoat of flowered stuff or white silk, jometime; at, but between its open fronts foams a eascade of soft. lace lor fine lingerie and lace above a deep sash girdle The white Senge Norfolk suit is very smart for informal outing wear but is made more often in the roughest -serges and loose woven: white woollens than in fine serge. Such a white costume, . with or without a silk: lined hood and worn with a mannish shirt of soft, heavy, white wash silk, is a very knowing costume for the yacht or for am ear, and a ono Piece frock of white serge with ong cover-all coat.of the same serge, loose, ample, yet without looge ends and folds to flap in the wind, is a good iron for. the yachting obttit. Tho belt of black patent leather trimmed in pattes of plain color or figured matetial- and in little but- tons is worn wit the white serge suit or frock, as with- almost any aytime frock from silk to slleer muslin, and much ingenuity is dis- played in the trimmimgs of these belts, that the introduction of the trimming color and material. Ong may fiid in the shops such belts with almost any of the plain gay relieving colors and one may too find the belts of black or black gnd white and seperate trim- sning-motifs in color, to be applied according to one s taste. The ex- clusive-tailors-and-dressmakers have belts made or trimmed according - to their own ideas, in order to bo sure of original effects harmonizing perfectly with the general plan of the suit or frock. . With the revival of the pan Faperies comes back a decided m- Phasis on Dresden silks with all the exquisite colorings that we as- xociate with the Dresden shepherd- esses, Pink and blues, yellows abd pale green are the backgrounds on which are sprinkled famcinating bou- quets, garlands and even basvets of flowers. The Dresden silks and satis are practically adapted to suit the coats that * are. incorporated on af- ternoon dad evening frocks for,sum- mer wear. They are not as strik- ing in contrast with a. plain,.- thi fabtic and there is great scope for color combjnhtions: and flower effects Hats covered with Dresden taffetat are decidedly chio and Bridesmpids now me tavoring hats of this type. Little Dresden silk slippers for, the negligee set, especially if windings or medium prices, PATENT OXFORDS TAN OXFORDS .. a Regular 5.75 for Regular 5.75 for encer A chance to buy high-grade Shoes at e Hartt Shoe Regular 5:25 for PATENT BLUCHERS . Regular 5.75 for . Regular 6.25 for sian GUN METAL BLUCHERS .. .. : oe ee The People s Store f Todd LARGE STOCK OF a ote eS Se 044 s o-, * SOLE AGENTS FOR Segoe, foetoogs Me Soe further finish. 0-4 oy Drontoateesoriedongossecontoasesty Sreeriertecedeentegeeeree Sooo nae onie oer teo soto sree Western Canada Lumber Co.Ltd Dry Common Lumber, Fir and.Cedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Floorin; - Paroid Roofing, Neponsei Water- proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, B. and 8. Wall Board requires no SEE US BEFORE BUYING. YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. 4 PHONE 467 , SH Rohoctonte niente ete toy Advantages of a withinaititto-y trimming of Dresden silk be used on the gown. Dresddn sashes are also very attractive and add am ar- tistic touch of jan otherwise plain costume, Wide girtlles on afternoon and evemy ing goxns-are again im vogue. They are clever expedicats by which / ais bulk around thew o COMPANY, tricts. We have issued a manuel explaining: the , Being appointed as executor under your will. We THE TRUSTS GUARANTEE Public Administrator and Official Assignee of Lethbridge, Magleod, Calgary and Wetaskiwin Di 220 Eighth Avenue West, Calgary. wtf. ea ET IS Trust Company LIMITED,
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Image 118 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 118, (CU1772058). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.