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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ays. Shoe Store 2 a No Profit ee Sa feet Ss 4 DAILY EDITION WAP. AND CAL By; TELEGRAP less of Soler oF OL. 3,.NO.9 lt;i, MEDICINE HAT, AL BERTA, CANADA. SATURDAY. JULY - 20,. 1912 PRICE, FIVE, Cl he crowds that ag two Baise of Journey to Scotland where she ana REVaL REPOR AT Liswoy gt; e on ie her husband weroheaded for when ee ee T hrilling I eles of Rese e ra ees reas ee (0B Ba Great Ovation. f Medicine Hat vorts from the hospitel where Dr. Dev- Madrid July 20.The correspond ep eile teste hteedntpdin ede din endnote eee oa 2 ey RY soeteesetios Ss * Early Moming: ie Soutpletaly Wipes out Business Block of the Coast City Tnjuted Loss Vancouver, B. C., July 20 Caus- ing approximately a million dollars amage and loss, fire at three o'clock this morning wiped out practically all of the buildings on the west side of Main street in the block south of Prior St. One account says the electric Nght wires furnished the first spark. No fatalities are report- ed but many residents of rooming houses who were forced out got on the street in the nick of time. The fire originated behind Champion anti White's warehouse, which was burn- ed, as well as the Second Hope Mot- or Co. and A. B. C. Motor Company's buildings with most of th ir contents and cars, Guests at the Royal George Hotel were aroused, but this building as if by a miracle, escaped. Gibbons Tool Works, Angelus tarn- ished rooming house and six. street cars were burned: Falling throtigh the transom of on of the rooms of the Angelus building, Thomas Desmond; fireman, while climbing into rescue one of the sleepers, was injured and was taken to the hospital with wounds about the arms. Protesting and re- r-Stores Carried Out Past Million Mark, (W. A. P, Dispatch.) saved. Six street cars were burned before they could be taken from the barns after the power was shut off and ten A. B. . motor cars went up fn the flames. The firemen fought at the peril of their lives, knowing full well that behind in the rear of the garage. a one thousand gallon tank of gasoline might any time. The terrific heat from the cauldron prevented them after. the first hour from going near the build- ings and thelr efforts had to be re- stricted to preventing the fire from Spreading to adjoining buildings, Glass windows across the street were cracked by the heat. Stretching from the garage building into the/An- gelus rooming house, where forty men slept, the fire made short work of the three story building, Invad ing every room through the windows firemen snatched men from thelr beds and before they were ardly awake had passed the roomers. along the line of their waiting comrades, through windows and down ladders to the street. Doors that cofiid not be opened otherwise were forced, or lon, eS ah h is By Firemen Two: or Three hi of People with trunks and handbags hurried out of the doors before the building caught fire, and going back for more things had to be carried to safety down the ladders. One man threw a. pack of cards out of a win- dow before he would be assisted down. The lumber pile of the Brit- ish Columbia Supply Co., at.the rear of the Royal George Hotel, and ad- Joining the B. . E, railway car sheds fell a quick victim to the flames, All the lumber stored there for the Vancouver trade by the Fraser Mills Company was lost. Added to the thunder of the falling root of the Champion White warehouse was the noise of crackling car frames, of Which six-were burned. Scores of others were removed fn g string from the sheds which ex- terided southwards a4 far as Cambic and Cordova streets. The office furntstingsof-the-sheds was remioy- ed with: the property of the. guests of the Royat George ffotel to eating houses and private apartments across thy street. When about half past ee o'clock the wind yeered around hi B w about the crime, officers in charge was injured every 1 10 wager he made ployee of the Albel last night, by faill bricks weighing 5. bet he could do. be packed on an Ordinary wheelbar- Tow, and that ig wHere he lost, for try as he would jmore than ered by many almost impossible fe ir is betng cared 0F; ada hemorrhage this morning which survived it his eOndition was pro- jounced by the medical men as very dangerous Sheppard, who was lasc evening put Into a straight Jacket because of his displaying symptom of a-return of confirmation is mad fit, yelled amd screamed most the night. This morning he was uieter and able t talk rationally He told the police him that since is accldent i; Chicago when his head eek or so when ited he grows desire to mur- e gets the least izzy and then the ler comes over him. RICK WHEELING EXTRAORDINARY A galician named Rebisky lost a ith another em- Cliay Products to wheel 250 Ibs, each, which he The bricks were to could not get However, he at was consid- je tried it, as an 200 heeled these, and efor FOOT BADLY LACERATED A farmer named Roth, of Eagle indicate that his From Vancouver's Big ie threittened to carry: him off, and while ent Portugal. Jat Orense by in Spain, ngar der. - It is or port and official ever concerning it. Barroso, this afternoon the statement published newspapers that a broken out at Lisbon ani WASTE. PAPER Clean. reyolution d Opert, BOX 250 GRANT T0 THE HATS PIPE BAND: Matter Laid Ove Over for Short Time, However Man: Other Minor Matters. of the Universe Pblg at Orense, . He Spain, has sent a dispatch to this city saying that a revolution has broken out at Lisbon and Operto in This news was received ay of Verina, a town the Portugues bor- eee imposible to secure either denial of this re- circles in Madrid have received no information what - The minister of the interior, Senor confirmed Orense has AT POST OFFICE Ald. Johnson Wants to See the Streets of the City vy Dublin, July 20. Premier Asquith again Conight was the recipfent of tur- ther ovation at the hands of Dublin- ites, both inside and outside the Thea- ter Royal, where he made an address, Mr. Asquith, who was accompanied by his wife, was greet by enormous crowds who shouted the welcome they Save him last night. John Redmond, the leader of the Nationalists, in in- troducing the Premier to his audience sald that such a reception had never hitherto been accorded to.any cabinet minister and never again would be until Mr. Asquith camie to Dubli presenting the King, to open an Sah parliament, Mr. Asquith s speech. was interrup- ted at times by male and-female suff ragettes, some of whom were violent- ly ejected from the theatre. The speech was a warm. defence of. the Irish cause, It characterized oppos- tion to home rule as merely obstruc tive and chaotic, but powerless to wreck the bill whieh, he sald, would be sent to the House of Lords be- fore Christmas. Then, he added, with Given House of Lords Will Pass Bill, He Says, Can. Overrule Decision of People Suffrage to Rather Rough ugh Handling. (C. A. P, Cable) patience and discipline, fin sight, because it was Possible for the House of overrule. the decision of the. The triumphs of Ireland's Mr. Asquith declared, would first step of imperial reorgs of which home rule was the one only solution. Expressing hig Net in the possibility of a. civil in Ulster county, the Premier rej his previous statement that the ernment stood ready to sympathize and consider proposals to strengthen safe guards jn that country. While the matter wi Proceeding, extraor- dinary scenes: were witnessed outside: the theatre. Suffragettes who ats tempted to make'a demonstration were et upon bythe populate who tried 4 throw, them in the river Liffey. The police interfered for their protection 9 in-holding back the crowds and freq quently urged the incensed men toes be Irishmen. The suffragettes were: thoroughly frightened by 'the-ousian of the crowd and were glad to refuge -in street cars and in the lob- by of the general post oftic re ote OO EETGD ON NURDER CASE Disgusted With the Half-Hearted Action of New York Detectives in Gamblers Murder,Citizens Hire Out- siders to Probe for Facts and Pull the Murderers. 2 fring every step of the way, Mr. J. some S to the east dashes were made or Butte, is In the hospital suffering from At the council meeting last eve- house, was forced down a ladder from It was in this performance of duty pre might jump the street and devour /a cut from an axe while chopping oe of eee rae Paper re- r a second story window and his life that Pireman wooden buildings there. Be- wood: epticles'-to-place-on-the street corn- control, though imany places still 208 then have the police enforce Sa jsmouldered. y-law agai on The matter met with the approval : gt; between one and a half and 2 million: : Estimates show the chief losses to be of the members of th teouncil. Ald. F.A. Bouie will Have Charge of Clay product Manufac- ane in post-office ame Twas de Plant and . 1. 00.-Some cars stored in A. B. hase one box as an spoke of havi tish Cofllumbia Electric Railway, 30 gt; The Mayor ing-the-wa- 000; Tudhope Motor Co., 30,000; Pal- Jansen, proprietor of the rooming effected, these places, .. It was feared that the a badly lacerated foot as a result of ing Ald. Johnston lt;up the. coe five o'clock the fire was undor erg of the business section of the city W VV The latest estimates places loss at the streets. Champion and White, builders sup- Johnston stated that tigiworst place 25 Deriment niad place ICO GpMoter Co: warehouse, 225,000; Bri- Line, Passes Through the mer Land Investment Co. 75,000, Hat. . GONG 10 BE GREATEST Mater i The organization qQiay- change during the last week. Instead of one manager as heretofore, two have been appoipted. The manutac- turing end.of the concern 1s now be- Boule, and C. L. White is in charge of financial matters and the sales, The work at the mills is being car- ried on'at high pressure, and a record for shipment will .probably be made this month. Up to yesterday no less than 189 cars of brick had been ship- ped, and Mr. White stated that by the end of the month he hoped to be able the Alberta ter carts make the roungs of the city at 24,o leck.. He said that it greatly helped the streets in th morning be- fore the carts made thelr first rounds. The public works committee will-geal of to report that 360 car loads had left je Yards, The orders are chiefly from Cal- Bary and Saskatoon; and a great, aut quantity hug been shipped to Regina (W. A. P. Dispatch.) for the rebuilding of that city, Vencouver, B.C., July 1 Mr, White stated that the pre StH rosie beh strain under which the plant is op-'street shprtly before mfidnight, was erating would be greatly relieved by raging fiercely at two o'clock. An the establishment of the Canadian entire business block was destroyed Fireproofing Manufacturing-Co; it'as were the B. C. Electric Railway Ute city council and their board of car barns. The Royal Gearge' Hotel Girectors should agree in regard to,smd the Angeles Apartment House. location, This new plant, he add- Nia bean gutted. bes ed, would have practically an equal mo fatal injuries and it is estimat- capacity of the Clay Product: ed that nearly a million dollars loss has- been sustained, The fire still burning at 3 o'clock. Members of Councit 2s2 222-rs 5 paint and hardware, P d it E e t oe street; British Columbia Electric ing West on any particular jbusi- Feeved at: ditoria Car barns, Main street;: Camadal's ness, He amd the Vice. President Pride, Range retail stores; Palmer jof the Bank were just inspecting alt Brothers and Hanning, contractors; the branches along tlie line. They Criticism of Body, Passed by NEWS Charging Them With Juggling With Water Question, Rouses Their Tre Ald, Pratt and Mayor Replies. Dispatch) th gambler making charges of police partmership with the gambling fraternity, In jon with bringing in outside ow. AP. New. York, N. ., July 20. Pri- vate detectives were brought into er case today by Diet bitter Whitman. They vere miraged by a committee of citizens who shared the prosecators evident dissatisfaction with the lack of results achieved by the police de- partment in tracing the slayers of Ald, Brown made a motion to the effect that the Fire Chief be instruct- , ed to enforce the by-law which re- Auires people to clean waste paper from thelr yards, Ald, Johnston said that he would not criticize any other alderman's de- partment like had been done at the last council meeting when he was ab- sent. The police were doing excellent work and this matter of them catching dogs he wouldnt stand for. The other aldermen hastened to as- sure him that only one alderman, Mr. Ansley, who by the way was absent, had made the suggestion. Never mind, said Mr. Johnston, the Way the dog catcher is going now there be no dawgs in the Hat ina week or 80, Conductor Kelly addressed the coun- cil re the condition of Beventh Ave., stating he had been waiting*about 25 Davi Years more or less, to have the above Wintle, Pressed on going through die Rolling street a most fportaut one fixed Mr, Wiatle, who owns the larg Mi cat Bie cient gas up. Mr, Kelly spoke to some length est individually owned brewery i r was remarked that the 7 jamicited a few SMUUFIng incidents he England, was very much interested was glad to say that Bittsbung was has encountered during that time, but in Medicine Hat. During the day not the only place on the contin one occasion he started to bulld alhe was shown round the different ent where this industry was earried: stone wail to Keep the earth up, but factories by Alderman Brown, and 0 ed that the story that Ross was to be killed was in wide circula- tion among the east siders Monday jevening, but no measures. were taken to protect: him. Is Opinion Given By . Big Financier'of r of This City. in Sis Montagu Allan, head of the Allan Steamship Line, and President of the Merchants Bank, arrived in the city on his private car Re public this morning, from the Crows Nest Pass, He left at 11.35 for Calgary. * Speaking to a News reporter Sir Montague said he was not go- There bas . J. Wintle, Who Owns the Largest Individually 0: sBroway in England, Greatly Pleased With the Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wintle and jhe predicted a great futuro tee. daughter spdnt yesterday in the city. jeity. He was struch by the won They have . been visiting the ranch ful development: and remarked on south ofthe city owned by Mr. the/number of buildings under coms who: is a brother of Mrs. struction, He was very much ime B. C. Motor Car Garage; Angelus had just. come ix rom the Crows Apartment House; Tudhope Motor Nest Pass and were going to Cal. Company's garage; B.C. Supply gary, * 5 Company. Many of those aslecp in He had never decn in Medicine fhiotels and rooming housos wore Hat before, and he was astonished Tescwed with much diffiealty:, The lat its dovelopment. In your faci- Droprieton, of the Angclis Reoming jlities and natural advantages, he House has been taken to the hos-/added, you are umigue, Int statement . At the -present La 2 aif ae aaubepnan ot an pital. A child inthe samo block mind this is going ae tae gear whilethe article said that they were S Nearly killed by the rush of jest manufactur pentre in the at the limit of its supply thereto when they were after manufacturers An editorial which appeared in s edition of The News on system was the cause of a great eal of discussion at the Council meeting last night, 2 Pratt, chairmanor the Water in the article, it-contained rampant the wall as fast as the city filled it in.and som Electrio wires are said to have was particularly-Iucky to have gas been the cause of the blaze. and coal river ings, learned, He called us to the Committee, dealt with the article to some lengih, and did not at all take pkTEGT othe suggestion thrown: o1 or the criticiims df the council offer- ed, Mayor- Spencer also took up the Subject and.expressed his opinion on the matter. We are doing all we an to hasten e matter, sald Chairman - Pratt, and are even using lettergrams -to carry on r correspondente with the Consulting Engineer to hasten on our plang. He did not think that the Writer was very well in touch with and are assuring them of a good water Supply, he thought the the article was malicious in mt StoUld not be allowed. Its.injurions. The old eounci 'did all possible and this coun- cll, though handicapped to- .certain extent, are with the assistance of-our Engineer all working to get plans ready, but we were never, without the Assurance of a greatly increased pop- ulation, really In position to go ahead as it would put foo much of burden. on the present ratepayers. At the Present time we are only pumping 1,500,000 gallons dally, while we have INSANE PLASTERER so handy, and a which guaranteed an unlimited sup- ply of water ad infinatum. The Alberta Clay Products, which he had visited had-certainly surprised him, SHOOTS TWO MEN Chicago Bartender and Doc- tor Are Victims Mur-; derer Then Gives Self Up. t (W. A. P. Dispatch) Montreal, July 19 John Sheppard, a plasterer of Chicago, in a sudden it for a more thoroughly and perfect plant be liad never seen. My impression is, your city cannot be held back, and my visit here has so interested me up-to-date he said, that: at I shall always be on the;look jout for news of your further rapid- * development. The Mayor explained very difficult to fix up amount of work, Mr, done -this-year: hall, the report. that these it was street on account OF the-grades and the large However, he aseured Kelly that something would ve The Public Works Commitfee's re- port recommended Jno. K pple for the Position as new Janitor of the city. F-G.-Earster s notice re-damage to his property by grading Montreal St., Was deferred to another meeting, said) In the meantime the City OVEL EXPEDIGNT TRIED BY SAILORS TO HUSBAND FUNDS On Advice of Marshal of Unalaska, Secure Prison Term While Awaiting Chance to oe to Ship. FIRST Baprise eiteret fon and Was poking fun at the council. One of the big reasons for the delay was the fact that they had to wait and see if the natural fil- ter was satisfactory. The Mayor stated that he believed bth erg having full scope in municipal matters, but with the city Soing after manufacturers, he. did-not think that tact was shown in writing LEE aA Oh be be shes oe COUPON NO, 85. Saturday, July 20th. This coupon with five other consecutive coupons from the Dally News, and ten cents, en titles the holder to a phi famous painting, The gale Coupons and money should be presented at the News. office any time after Monday, Jane 24th. This picture cannot be sent u Ny a capacity of 2,250,000. Then again there were the conditions of the bond market, which were most unsatistac- tory. Then we had no right to. go ahead. without the sanction of the Tatepayers, Again, the laws of the Shall be sold or anything done till the complete plans have been approved by the Board of Health. Therefore, in my opinion, the article was injud- elous, This te-tiettrat time I've had to speak against the. paper and I'm only giving the facts, 5 Ald. Pratt again spoke, explaining a few other matters, The City Engineer, in reply to Ald. Brown, that Mr. Lee had been looking inte tbe master of fiters-at-PMnton- tioned the fact: and.Ald. Brown said same, that other cities had dirty Water as well as us and that t lasted Joager than here. Ts this a gravity system, sarcas. Ucally and laughingly asked the May- -Or,.of the City Rngineer. + ddA Edob babe: bbb ee ie Ie No, replied the Engineer, and the Montreal, tOW aNd KIs0 Saskatoon, He alia men vEan Saskatoon, We also mie0 tiging tie hopglossooee OT GP TS of. insane rage, this afternoon shot and kiNed Fred McKenna, a bartender at the Turkish Bath Hotel, and serious- ly wounded Dr, R. 8. Devlin, son of t the proprietor. The shooting took place in a sig St room. Sheppard at the time was ac- 1, companied by his wife and three chil- dren, After the shooting, the man calmed dows and went to the hotel clerk telling him what had hay He then calmly awaited th Of the police and aince his arrest: has shown Ittle concern as to his fate, - but repeatedly asks for news from, the Royal Victorie: Hospital where Mr. Devlin leg with a bullet througa his Tight showlde: . WIFE DESERTS HUSBAND Que, July 20 Evidently band s position and the slim chances he has of escaping anything but life long detention in a lunatic asylum Mrs, Sheppard, wife of the Scotch man, who yesterday shot and Killed Fred McKenna, a bartender at the me ORS Oe 2 Devlin, son of the propristo motel, has decided fo continue on her su The Laborers. and Cleansing Mil be Rev. C gt;T. Holman s topics the morning and evening services First Baptist Church to-morrow. rangers in th will be especial- welcomed TAPANES EMPEROR DYING Tokio, July 20 The Emperor of an is critically 111. The members the Japanese cabinet and the prin- cea of the-tmperial-family have been een CPR. steamer gen- mmoned to the palace and It is dite at Quebec July 19th, at 15 o'clock, cubte x : Subscribe now for The Dail vice on the matter. Committee presented to the Pipers Band, over a5 arranged. use , bis posite manure for boulevards. Ald. Pratt renewed motion to using meters, A by-law was system, as the certifica ;Montor could not go on. Nad not STEAMSHIP ARR mp jiand left Liverpool 18.15 )CoP-R. stemer Empress of Britain, attlyegcowr thm by on js notice Introduce a by-law change the water rates for custom rs introduced for raisitig of 300,000 for the water works te from VALS ress of solicitor Will secure other legal ad- Parks and Water Chairman MeClellan, recommended thiat the road to Hillside cemetery be put in shap It also recommended a grant of : but this-was laid detail in re- gard to the band playing one a week for the city have yet to be A second report dealt with the de- cision to utilize Johnston Park to de the elty of to the Ed. arrived the council Ire- 1 aly 19 b. ALL PARTIES 10 PACT REWARDED BY SCHEME Ji ack i Savi. 40, Astute, Painted and Shingled. San Francisco, July 19. Bleven Who passed twenty. days in Uanhiika this spring speak with warmth of the hospitality accorded them by United States Marshal Wie Nam B, Hastings. The sailors who arrived here: today from Dutch Harbor detailed thelr ac- qualntance with Marshal fastings as follows: We sailed for Nelsons lagoon Aprit 12,.to work at the fishing sta- tion there several month and navi. gate the vessel home, A-row with stick and sald: Boys, I'm your friend and I'm going to give you some 00d advice. There is no work for you to-do here,-and-n0- piace tostay: Was you would get arrested for va- Brancy. You'll be sent to jail until Some ship arrives on which you can get away. We did it. We were fined 40 or twenty days. -We-went to the brig He said there was no work to do. For twenty days we painted, papered, shingled, cleaned and scrubbed the marshal's house and numerous and y, others: We-were fed.tish that the marshal allowed us to catch ii our spare time, When our time was up we found, there were pleuty of jobs and plenty of shacks in which we coiild have slept, When we sail a, the matshal sald: My place was never in better condi- tion, Come agai McQUEEN-BROWN NUPTIALS At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James White on EB. Braemar St., on Friday evening at o'clock, , Miss Agnes Brown, of Grangemouth, Scotland, and Mr, Jos j B. McQueen, of Med- leine Hat pt force, were united in marriage, Rev. BE. E, Hench perform- ing the ceremony. - TAYLOR-PIER NUPTIALS re- the superintendent, brought our i charge and removal to order of the captain McCalloch, Arriv bie ie On Thursday evening at o'clock , Miss Bilen Pier and of. the revennet jonas M; Taylor, both of Moose
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Image 112 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 112, (CU1772059). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.