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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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THD To purchase 7 or 8 roomed fully State best price and 90x aio Medicine Hat. 30446 ehilds frei aaa d given, 216 6th Ave- ih 3083 money. peel by proving property. ternational Supbly Co. 30303 ich of keys. ne by calling at Ne g for this ad. 30idtt or, 124 Braemar. pia pocketbook con- derwear, fancy li and the adve stuff at Turpin Bros: Panama Hats, Summer *Snits, B. V. D. and oth- er lines of light un- ilk Hose and thread Hose, eatest. line of summer Shirts and soft jedllars you ever saw. Tog out for the soa of z Suly at. urpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You parser Big Dollar's Worth . is able, + tly, to make ome dol- -f qo the usual work of two. Phe experienced reader of ertisenients will always dollar command a reader of adie dollars th? that 1s, make it jore than the dollar of it aw much above par re fn your pocket Se 1 will depeng-om how close- ly you study the buying op- Portunities outlined rs, ils weal ibe 2 oe s of her daughter, Pra ine Hat. in THE DAILY NEWS the PITCHES TWO S * GAMES TO * Saginaw, Mich., July 8: Howard coll ge; basketball and baseball star, statt of the Utica team of the New, are prominent socially and the coupl Buck pitched two games in married. PXmson Bears Not a The Las Vegas, N M, July Jobnson, in this Mex co city of the single: bruise At the Marquis f Queens. WHO: NEVER SAW ONE Miss Luella Faley, beautiful young woman of this city. Thursday. Both Mrs, Buck will accompany her husband on the Utica team's turn, gnd then came to Saginaw for a thre -day Vacation In which two Although Mrs. Buck 1s marrying a ball player, she has neyer tended ball game: and doesn t snow.the first thing about thi Bationgy we 8. Jack .no- cauliflower ear, no flattened nose, king of pugdom, who bat- 10 marked up face. tled tin. Flyan, the fighting fireman awful results to ties, even in bis ihembrable, it sad, to onie- with. Jim; she has been performing never been TRAIGHT MARRY GIRL Buck, a former Adrish high ana and tow 4 member of the pitcbing ork State League club, was married to fe will spend A nbvel honeymoon in. that trips. two days 96 he could skip his regular Single- Bruise to Show For Fights grid's Heavyweight Champion Carries No Cauli- ver Ear, No Flattened Nose, No Marked Up Face Johnson, when: everything is sum- med up apd a total struck, has never yet had a fight, In all bis ring bat (es, Lit Artha hes 3 to fight... for the - simple reascn This will bea great Bugland, 2, memoral zave met in yearly combat at the wic- Kets an -fought for supremacy in Eng- J nd s national game. A lot of people on thiseide of the watery Atlantic are siven to poking fun -at cricket. and polnting out the superior base- pall, lacks the ginger and go and rpeed of baseball game or a lacrosse contest, and ginger is a spice highly esteemed over here, Nevertheless, cricket has its points, and the annual university matches are well worth Watching for a Person, pessossed of sufficient patience to spend at least two days watching Wh ide ericket, paseball, has been de- AE EEE es i It is true that the British game throw ditectiy at the wicket-towaver, but the ball must bit. 6 ground in fn the bounce, being to hit ; and displace. purpose is to fany manner that will 1 himself to another wicket sixty-six fect distant and touct ing a chalk-line with his club before the bali is fielded in. But the batter doesn t have tu ran unless he has made hit that suits him. The tong est hit that can be made counts four Tums, and is equivalent to-a homer, A Teal good batter may score a hundred or more'runs during the progress of one match, which makes C bb or Wag- ner look like thirty cents. Cricket is almost exclusively a battet s he, ands he has all the best, bod bowler or pitcher has to toil iike a Trojan against tremendoud odds, and he gets little applause for his pais. A et. The'batter makes errs Brooklyn Cincinnati . Barger and i Benton and Clark Chicago ... atyLouls Morgn and Stagage. Langezand Sullivan. ist game St. Lauis . Cleveland . . Powell and Stephens, Koblen :and O Neil. 2nj game St. Louis . Cleveland . B. Brown and isrichetl: Baskett and Egsterly. SUNDAY GAMES Cleveland y.., oe. St Loitis Sline and Livingston. age BIG- LEAGUE BeeegE ee sEs eld, Lavender and Archer. JeDale, Salleo, Walis/ana Bresnahan. Hamilton, Adams and Kricheil, F toronto + Lafitte Gasket Rochester . Holmes Ottawa ... Jackson P terboro Berlin * Brantford London . Coos and Schuman Montreal; Rudolpho and Graham, Taylor, Merenane ent Angermatr, Providence lt; i Jersey City, Viebauhn and- Rath: Trac y and: Trout, Beattie and B yle, Hynes and Bowerman. Ist game No baseball mate SAC RAS be tonight, a8 Redcliff, with whom the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION * tocal bovs were trving to arrange fixture, are playing at Brooks. INTERNATIONAL and Schmidt, Barry and Wells, and McCarty, Shawkey and Bergen. Torney City . Providence Mason and Willis. Sling and Schmidt, and Biatj.. * CANADIAN LEAGUE St. Thomas. Sy 1 4 144 3 2 sed to be satisfied with the bbe income'a ener cath In these days a higher incorne with equal inafo- eakily attained through real estate investments owing to the marvelous development of the coun- forded by stocks and bonds vial from 3 a 4 is more desirable inorg 1 Hiecessary, and yet may and Powers. Draper and Hopper. Lamond. nd Daniels. Moline and Fisher. 14, Shamrocks 6. 6, -Montreat-6, 5, Toronto 3. Tecumsehs 6, Irish Canadians 5. 6 4 Cornwait 7 1) Capitals DL A Nationals 62 74 - BASEBALL will be played aes asp once Peipeeseeeest E. Bartlett, cthing,, ahpon: watabon revolvers, raliges, wilt musical instrulpents, mocrat waggons, ,bug- , dleycles. carpenter, y hides and furs, horse a f-ithers, bought and gt; the Harvard Tafloring rth avenue, opposite ne-Best- Prloos Paid tor Water: Municipal Engineer, Supplies, Sewage, Plans, Etc. Dominion and Alberta Land Sarveyor Tadnstrial Spur Rallways, Irrigation Room 14, Imperial Bank Bufldh Bedicine Hat doped to a high desres,the finda- mentals of the fame are as simple as a, b.c. Bach team has eleven play- ers, The batter who uses a wide, flat slab of wood somewhat smaller than the side of a barn takes his place in front of the wicket, which is a three- legged Affair twenty-seven inches liigh, with a small bit of wood called a bail on top... The bowler winds up, some- thing like a baseball pitcher, and sends a small, leather-covered ball towards th wicket. He Is not permitted to 28Dit INH HAT HIDE, FUR K CO. The above have pest selection of Second im th city. We carry oves and Bedding, new, and Clothing, Clocks, reiry,, Rifles;SGuns, Re - ons, Buggies, Harness, sw lindigt winter goods. ything mertioned above: best prices. Gall at -604' y. St. br Phone 687. tf your aiapoeal free. Bi Browne Co, 619 a SINESS CARDS, anton eae SWING MACHINES sna , Manning Piancs an saic and to- rent. All surance. W. + Ofie's self, attention. can please ypu. Some Tings You Shopld Know * About Business STA TIONER Srbeceetetececeee ces POereriestede: Tf the average business man , had time to carefull investigate very proposition put , he would pay less attention to essions and judge less by appear- ances. But he is called upon to think and act quickly, and he must base. his Judgments upon what he an take in at-a glarice. Using poor stationery. or printing is poor: business however you look at it, because it Teoe you, and you cannot prevent. it. e safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing so good that you are willing to have your work or your goods judged by it. Tiere are certain things that are impossible to say about - For instance, your character, the esteem you hold for your business,your integrity these are +things that. cannot be advertised. But you can. -suggest through your stationery and printed matter, A handsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once impress your man favorably, while gn indifferently print- ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained It 13 not exaggeration to say that the success of your let- ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy. We will gladly submit samples to you, she sto ste Soeteegeete Soe we Pe ogee RS soafe e es 9 START OF. THE GRAND CIRCUIT - (Special to the News) Grand-Rapids, Michi, July 8 Quar- tered at the beautiful racing plant just beyond the city Hmits of Grand Rapidsy are the trotters and pacers which are to furnish the sport that marks the first link of th Grand Cir- cult, Which. has its opening this after- noon at the Comstock Park track. The programme gyere is a splendid bne, made up edn a score of ev- fents; tut alt the talk is-of the two big features, the Milfufacturers 10,- 000 purse for 2.12 trotters and the 000 Conistoek purs for 2:11 pacers. AMERICAN WHIST CONGRESS: (Special to the News) trom almost every part of the country are in town to take part in the twen- ty-second annual meeting and tourn- sment of the Amefican Whist League, which was opened today at the Hotel Majestic and will last x full . week. There are. two championsh p contests on the programme, the Hamilton Club, trophy. for teams of four and the Minneapolis trophy for pajrs, besides four special contests for teams aud them We know that-we pairs and thirteen progressive games, Practice shoot last Saturday evening were as follows: . Shot at, Broke. New York, July 8 Whist players ; St. Pauk . st Pan... Columbus ... Louisville . ist game Columbus; Louisville . . 13 J Packard and Smith, Laudertiilk, Northrup, Noskingman and Lufwig, 2nd game Cosumbus .. Louisville .. MeQuiltun and Smith. Richter, Kroh and P. Toledo ... ... Indianapelis James and Carlsch. Hixon, Lind and Casey, Ist game Kansas City. Milwaukee ... Rhoades and James, Siapnicka, Hovlick and Noel. 2nd game Kansas City . Milwaukee ... Maddox and O'Connor. Nicholson and-Hughes. - ist game z Minneapolis Y ouleg and Owens. 2nd game Bt, Paul. Minneapolis . Gardener, Rieger and Mu Minneapolis * Yaroy sand Marshall, Olmstead and Owens. Cooper and Sinith. 8, T. Fawcet ... 75 46 Toney and Ludwig. A. McKellen 75 40 Toledo - +452. -- ene wr. HIM... . 75 35 Indianapolis .....:. TOW: Cratt . 50. 43 Palkenberg and Tana: 4K. Grimmer 50 . 38 Chill and Irwin. W. R. Martin 50 31) Kansas City ++. are A. W. Gleaves 50-29 Milwaukee ... fi 50 -20 Altrock ana O'Connor, G. Evans .., JUNE 8 IN PUGILISTIO ANNALS 1883 Bil Lang, the Australian hea- vyweight boxer, born at Melbourne. 1889 John L. Sullivan defeated Jake Kilrain for the world s heavy- Weight championship and 10,000' a side ,after fighting 75 rounds 2 hours 16 minutes, 23 second at Richburg, 1907 Jim Barry, outpointed Jack Blackburn tn 6 rounds at Philadelphia, Edmonton .,. Red Deer .. Marion and Schalk, WESTERN CANADA 1908 Jim Fiyma ana - Jim Barry Thomas, Rieger and Marshall. 242 fnhs, dom lows: Wilding, of hae score being Bt. Loui FOURTH TEST MATCH (C. A. P; Cable) Leeds, Eng., July 8. The fourth of the triangular test matches here sthis morning between England and South Africa. England were sent to bat firatf but were dismissedfor Wooley making score:with 57. When the sixt Bngland had 18 The Individual scores wer Hobbs 27, Rhodes 7, Spooner +24;-Pry (Captain) South Africa made a poor start in thefr first innings, losing two wickets fof thirty-five runs. g aN TENNIS. Witmbledon England, July 8 A. F. New Zealand, the tennis championship of Great Bri- tain by defeating A. W. Core, the Eng- glish player -by three sets to one, the 6-4, Toy 4-6, 6-4 ee el - OBJECT. m0 FABRIC ADULTURA. (Spectal to the Mews) Mo., Suly sity-of iegislation-to-prevent traudu- ent. adulturation of fabfics. by mill- ing companies is one of the chief sub- jects to be discussed at the annual convention of the National ,Associa- tion of Dyers and Cleaners, met in this city today for a three The snembers of the assoglation declare that much wool, silic.andJinen is aduiturated, and that salts and vencdrs-used.fn the adultu- rations cause thy ope ie fall to pieces while The as ociation proposes to inangur- fate a hation-wide campaign for+a re- form in the manufacture. of- fabrics. days session. OPENING OF NEW ROAD Tamaqua, Pa., July 8 The exten- jof the Lehigh and New England from Loulsville Opened, to traffic cost 3,00,00 and is the om An many yeai 10; Wooley 57, - the Lehigh Coal and gation Company its own through Hine to Boston and is expected to-re- sult In a tremendous conriogaae Cpeningpet se Call at our office and let us take you to see some ty good buying, We have a nyiiiber of good listings that we can deliver which are below the market. These commonly called 5. Snaps, - will not last 199 See Us At Once Sa IL cHTIER UD CPA 890. TORONTO STRE PHONE 17 MONDAY Annual tournament of the American Whist, League opens in New York city; Opening of the Grand-Gireult trot ting meeting at Grand Rapids, Mich. Opening of fourteen days running race meeting at Tulsa, Okla. Opering. of; Western Canada Circuit race meeting at Moose Jaw, Sask. Opening of Lake Brie Trotting Cir- ouit meeting at Rockport, 0. Opening of annual tournament of opened farathoh race is Athletic Club, Chicago, Sat es ca BASEBALL NOTES John MeGraw.tias demonstra te of speed on the bas Giants have won more-games hit than thelt opponents in league, top cket ins, as fol- Hearn 45,(Foster 80, Barnes 0, Smith : Fein. Ontario Bowling Aesoctation at Nia- i a Jessop tee not out; two. ex- 9 Ne-twdaty-ten Uae aonar ras, total 242. Anhual tournament of American attended Catcher Kelly when he Golf Association of Advertising In- terests opens at Bretton- Woods, N.H. With O'Toole but without any Central Iowa championship t nais tournament opens at Toledo, Iowa. Province of Quebec. hampionship, tennis tournament opens at Montreal. Fred Storbeck vs, Jim Stewart, 10 rounds, at Garden A. C., New York, c TUESDAY Opening-of Great Western Trotting Circuit meeting at Grand Rapids, Michi Opening of Michigan Sitort Ship rotting Cireult meeting at Bay City, regained Phifadet against. Matquard ies Interest will be at fever heat, ters. Last year the question was vers d. Whichever way i's puf, t's Opening of Corn Belt Trotting Cir- cult meeting at Pierre, S.D. Opening .af New Brunswick Trotting Circuit meeting at St. John, N.B: + Opening of Iilinoig Valley Trotting Circuit meeting at Mendota, Tl). Meeting of the Dominion of Canada Football Association at Winnipeg. Jimmy Potts vs. K'a Scaler, rounds, at Edmonton, Alta. WEDNESDAY Opening of Western Canada Racing Circult moatag at Winnipeg. Annual championship tournament of Canadian Chess Association opens in Winnipeg. i. William Haines vs. Edward Durnan, for rowing championship of America, at Toronto. crowds. ahead of the ball. pens that games are won because: which for the player who - 45 base line on any sort of a hit. ig Marquard became Sieaned. gel, Musser and Cashion. constantly improving, should show thi pitchers of high THURSDAY Chanipionship tournament of the Hudison River Golf Association opens this today. to struction Anglo-French prelimniary lawn, ten- rs, The nis m tches of the Davis tuternation- al cup series begin at Folkestone, Eng- Inivd. SATURDAY er meeting of the Windsor, -Ont. Connecticut State championship feathers*he is becoming. one tenn fs tournament openg-at Litchfield, best catehers in the pe pace league. Conn. and Boston. If he pitches in, the coming ser- The question 1g asked whether the: American League has the better hit- old as the contemopranieous : oe hit always Temains poptilar with the There is nothing more Pleas- ing to the fans than to see player making eyery effort to reach first Dhse And it often hap great: pitcher only after being nursed along fortwo or three years. Pitchers-ae not us- ually made overnight. They may have ability, but they can't win until they, get into their proper stride, Griffith has been fortunate in tliat he has three youngsters with lots. of ability in Bo- They are next year; of re as Mtct. s, of the two leagues. Opening of Cedar Velley Trotting . es Cirenit meeting at-OEtge, Towa The ball player who ens obt every F of this effort, while there s not a chance loafs down the.
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Image 36 (1912-07-08), from microfilm reel 36, (CU1772044). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.