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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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block of land gloss to the er and gas. We can sell tequirements, Get hold ong. L Co.) Phone 481. ee that one day when Vaclay + more money, Dalmatiis hid the body ina sofa, and into a ditch. YAQ SENTENCED, in Was charsod at the police ) morning, before Magistrate th begging, Prisoner plead but stated that he did not practice of beginning. He working at Edmonton and e asylum. .at-Battleford. d where the asylum was It, Moran stated between d South Battleford, Mr, marked that Moran should speak the truth, and sen- n to two months imprison FE. REAL ESTATE ACTIVE oner Agency reports the lots yesterday to eastern rho expect to commence perations in the mear fu ir -coupOng and get a free ut E. B. Trider s, Third Ave, mek say DIAN PagiEIe MONTON 1IBITION ust 12-17, 1912 Fare 1 Medicine Hat ) Strathcona And Return 8. SO dates August 10- veturn Limit Au- 20th, 1912. McNEILLIE, assenger Agent, Calgary. DUSES -are looking Home, see ROSE WARNE Builder. 00. DICINE W. AP. AND C, AP, TELEGRAPHIC COUPLE ARR ESTED IN TORONTO FOR COAST'S BIG BANK ROBBERY Loaded Down With Bills, Into Gustedy in Palmer House, Man and Wife Are Taken Toronto, After Some Clever Detective Work Some of Missing Bills Found in Their Grips. . (W. AP. Toronto, Aug, 11 The dramatic ar- rest of Walter Davis, allas Walsh at the clerk s desk in the Palmer House yesterday and the arrest a short time later of Alice Davis alias Walsh, who claims to be the former's wife, has come as a climax to of the most painstaking pleces of detective work carried out in Toronto for many years and has le dthe detective to believe they have one of the men who was implleated in the most daring robbery ever committed on the British Colum- Dispatch) plan coast. No less than 2020 in notes stolen from the branch of the Bank of Montreal in New Westmins- ter on the night of September 16th, 1911, when 350,000 disappeared, wet found in a grip belonging to Davis, and of the other amount of 250,000 which the man had in his possession the officers allege much was obtained by changing groups of the stolen motes, Davis s maintalinng 9 deter- mined silence as to the mann r in which he, got the notes, GERMAN LINER WITH 1200 IMMIG RANTS FOR - CANADA IS. WRECKED Collided with Steamer Bar- men off the Hook of Hol- land Lightship. FRANKFURT SHIPS CREAT QUANTITIES OF WATER Steamer June Took Off Most of Her Passengers Now at the Hook. Potterdam, . Aug. 12. The North German Lloyd steamer Frankfurt which yesterday collided with the German - steamer Barm n. off the . Hook of Holland lightship while on. the voyage to Canada from Bremen with 1200 emigrants, entered the Hook of Holland today towed . by four tugs. Of.ber passengers 460 were still aboard, the ler hay- steamer June. Immediately after the collission the Frankiurt shipped great quanti- ties of water, but. according to her officers she was in no danger of sinking. The Barmen which was on the way from Rotterdam for Bremen also WISCONSIN RETAIL GROCERS MEET. Special to the News) Fond du Lac., Wis., Aug. 12 Fond du Lac is entertaining during the first half of this week the twelfth annual convention of the Wisconsin Retail Grocers and General Merchants asso- ciation. Representative merchants from all parts of the state were pres- ent today when the gathering was op- ened with an address. by President E. J. Ferry of the local business men s association. Numerous questions of importance to the retail trade are slat- ed for discussion. REUNION OF THE PHILIPPINE VETERANS, Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 12. Veterans of the Philippine campaign from many States are in attendance upon the thir- teenth annual reunion of their nation- al organization, which opens dhere to- been transferred to the Dutch day- The reunfon will last over Tues- day and Wednesday. In addition to the regular business sessions there will be a parade, a sham battle and numerous features of social entertain- ment. 50 Feet, block 7, Central Park, 1000 for quick sale. H. C. Pettet has arrived at the Hook of Holland. 27-tt BEEF PRICES SOARING TO HIGH WAR LEVEL Prime Corn-fed Bullocks Fetch 10.00 Per Hundred- weight in the.Chicago Stockyards Scarcity of range Cattle May Send Quotations Still Higher. Chicago, I, Aug. 10 Notwith standing the dissolution of the Nation- al Packinng Company, the corporate name of the so-called Beef Trust, the price of beef continues to soar to levels attained only'in time of war. That the people of New. York and of the Atlantic States generally will have an extraordinary high price for beef in the immediate future, trust or no trust, was demonstrated today when prime corn-fed bullocks at- tained In the stockyards the. top-notch Price of 10.10 per hundred weight, price not reached in this market since 1867, just after the civil war. A-three-car lot of heavy black steers, bred by A.W. Bragg of Tuscola, Ilinnois, sold for 10.10 a hundred, the first time in the records of the Chicago market since the war that beef on the hoof, except in the case of prize-winning single animals, has sold as high as ten cents a pound. The same figure almost was touched in another deal, when cattle raised by the eame feeder but slightiy lighter in weight sold for 10,05 a hundred. The high price commanded by the two lots of steers was due, it was sald, to the scarcity of choice cattle and the activity of competitive buyers to get a hola of especially desirable steers. It was predicted, following the two sales, that the price would go-even higher, the reason for which being the scarcity of range cattle. TODAY S MARKETS. Chicago, Aug. 11 Prosyects for large yields from the'fields evidenced by the government crop report sup- plemented by private reports of siimlar nature, had a depressing ef- fect today on the prices, The outlook for moderately warm weather and 9 general light precipitation over the central valley with good weather con- ditions in the Canadian northwest al- 80 worked against an advance. Buy- ing was limited on fair offerings. Op- ening prices were a shade higer to 8-8 lower. December started at 91 7-8 to 92 1-8, a-shade higher to 1-8 split lower and sank to 913-4, steady- ing at 91 7-8, Demand from cash houses was evi- dent in the oats pit. The opening fig- ures were a shade to 1-4 higher.. De- cember opened a shade to 1-8 split higher at 32 3-8 to 32 1-2 and fell off to 82 1-4, Winnipeg, Aug. 12 Today isa civic holiday here and all places of busi- ness, Including the local Grain Ex- chunge, Stock Exchange, Bank and stores are closed. A heavy thunder- shower passed over the city during the forenoon, drenching many hun- ie various perks, but later it cleared up. eee Chicago; Aug. 12. Cash demand to fill waiting boats reduced ad- vance of half cent for September, which fell off slightly before the close. Other felt the effect of Se and crept up under generally restless trading. The close - was steady with Dec. and cent higher at 928. Liverpool, Ang: 12.-Jobn Hogers Co., cable that the Birkenhead market today was steady thongh slow and today s quotations remain unchanged at 144 to 154 cents Der pound for Canadian steers. Consulting Engineer Lee who is overseeing the water works exten- sion isin the city. C. B. Brown has returned to the city after a trip to Winnipeg. Mrs. Brown returned with him. - Miss Etta Cormich, of Moncton, N.B., is the guest of Mrs F. Snod- grass, Barclay St.. for a couple oi weeks on her way to Ferni , B.C. 50 Feet, block 7, Central Park, Co. arte 1000 for quick sale. H. C. Pottet night. CRUELTY TO A HORSE For working a horse when In an un- fit state, E. C. Barney Was fined 10 and costs at the police court this morning by Magistrate Kealy. The d cused stated that he was Working for a contractor in town and had t niet Bt ee ee surgeon had stated that the horse in question would not be fit to work even, though its shoulders had been alright, on account of it being so old. HOBO SENTENCED At the police court this morning, Magistrate Kealy sentenced H. P. Hughes to a month's imprisonment for jumping a passenger train. From prisoner's story it appears that he is Winnipeg man, and was looking for work along the line, but Chiet Bruce said the man would not leave the train when asked, and insisted on riding without paying his fare. POLICE COURT At the police court this morning W. H. Holland and Chas. Hassard were fined 3 and costs for being drunk and. incapable. Magistrate Kealy was. the justive. eet a GUN CLUB. The monthly spoon shot was pull- ed off last Wednesday, H. A. Wilkins winking Ist spoon, A. K. Grimmer 2nd spoon. Total scores, shot at (Handicaped 2 targets.) 25 25 25 W.. Craft AJK. Grimmer .. 1 16 14 A. McKellen 2 20 17 H. A. Wilkins 24 21 YOUTHFUL BURGLAR SORRY NOW FOR SERIES OF ROBBERIES COMMITTED Says That Hereafter He ll Lead an: Honest: Lifes Minneapolis, Minn.,.Aug. 11 Filled with remorse over Ms burglaries at White *Bear Lake, to which he has eoutessed, 14 year old Himer Reyn- olds, the boy captured after several bold daylight robberies in the sum- mer colony Saturday, sit alone: it a cell in the Washington county fail at Stillwater and told the story of how jhe conceived the idea ct housebreak- ing. At the conclusion of his story, the boy resolved that his predicament would be the last of a simflar nature, vowing hereafter to lead an honest life. gt; The youthful burglar was a sopho- more in a Winnipeg high school, hav- ing reached his advanced position as the result of hard study, he says. Deputy Sheriff Elmquist of Still- water, will communicate with the boy's father this morning. In lieu of an immediate answer from the par- ents the arraignment, of the boy may be delayed. MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. MONDAY. AUGUST 12, 1912 ANOTHER OF NEW YORK'S MURDERERS Ls Sam Sche) Detective Springs. SAYS HE'S THE KEYNOTE 16 WAOLE SITUATION If They se. Him Right He'll Use. Them Right, When He Gets Back. (WwW. A japatch.) Hot Springs, Ark, Avg. 11. Sam Schepps, wanted n New York in connection with the murder of Her- man Rosenthal was placed under ar- rest in this plage last night. He was captared by an officer, who it is reported, is folding him pending advice from the District Attorney's office in New York, I am ready to go back to New York without any request, said Schepps, but I. want to know that everything is all right. Tam the Keynote to the situation in New York and if they want me to. treat the Distriet Attorney's of- fice right, they will have to treat me right. Schepps said today that he has not decided whether he will join with Rose, Vallon and Webber in a con- fession. The alleged go-petween said that he would make up his mind on that question while on the way east. The arrest was made Nthrongh a detective agency. New York, Aug. 12. This week pro- mises to unravel much, if not all of Captured by icy at Hot of the gambler, Herman Rosenthal, who was shot down fn front of the Hot l Metropolitan. nearly a month ago. With the coming of Sam Schepps from Hot Springs, Ark. and a possi- ble confession from Jack Sullivan, the istrict attorney s office prepared it self today for important epanion test would corroborate the confessi Bald Jack Rose, thalg-Police. Liei i CHICAGO ROBBERS WAKE A'HAUL BY DARING ROBBERY Hold Up Street Car and 4t. Point of Gunt Rob Con- ductor and -Passengers. PROPRIETOR AFTERWARDS Relieved Him of 1500 cash Corner Stone of St.Barnabas to be Laid This Evening Ceremony Will Take Place At 7 O clock L. B. Go- chrane Will Officiate. The ceremony of laying the corner storie of St, Barnabas's new church will be held this evening at 7 o'clock. Mr, 1B Oipkreme, wholwaa the tirst warden of this parish, will lay the stone. There will be special music and a special order of service, con- ducted by the rector, Rev. B. A. Da- WITHDRAW. CANDIDATE Minister's Advice To Liber- als in Midicthian Election, Ignored. (W. A. P. Cable) Bainburgh, Aug. 11 The Midloth- jan Liberal Association has received the advice of the Minister of Hlibank who yesterday issued a notice-urging the Midlothian Liberals to withdraw Labor candidate In the bye-election for the seat which he has just vacat- ed. At a meeting today the associ: tion nominated Alex. Shaw, son of Baron Shaw, of Dunfermline, as the Liberal candidate. The local associa- tion denounced the Minister of EH- bank's attempt to queer the pitch. MOOSE TO-NIGHT. There will be a big initiation of the Moose in the Opera House to- Final arrangements about building are expected to be made. monton,their host Wm. Biackwood; and 500 in Jewelry. (W. A. P. Dispateh) Chicago, Aug. 12.Four robbers boarded a Western Avenue street car near Fourteenth street, covered thie passengers with revolvers and es- caped, taking 31 in cash and a watch from the conduetor. Several passen- gers, among whom were women, were forced to give up their jewelry. A. C. Thum, cwner of a chain of cigar stores, was choked into uncon- sciousness and robbed of 1500 and jewelry Valued at 500 by three men onthe north side. The robbers es- eaped. FOUR IN HOSPITAL FROM AUTO ACCIDENT Winnipeg Party Hurt When Machine Turns Turtle. Winnipeg, Aug. 12 Mrs. Geo. San- derson and her daughter, Ada, of Ed- 211 Colonyst, and Geo. Morgan, are all in the general hospital with more or les serious injury ficurred when the auto in which they were returning from Meadow Lane: yesterday turned Sanderson a fractured left clavic, while the other two escaped with se- vere bruises, SOREL ERR Toate ATTEND THE + + MEETING + + Every one should at- + tend the meeting of + * the Industrial Commit- +) * tee on Thursday night, + ** called by the Mayor. + PELE ERE EEE EES ER ARREST: the mystery Surronnding the killing . HELD UP CIGAR STORE joreansna xc. + a further search for 1 POPUL ST LEADERS GATHER. (Specai to the News) Bt Louls, Mo, Aug. 12. The ad- vance workers for the national con- vention of the People's party, which meets here tomorrow, arrived today. James H, Ferris of Peoria, 1. chatr man of the national committee, has had headquatrers at the St. James ho- tel for several days In arranging for the convention. He was joined by a umber of others today it-is expect- ed that between 100 and 150 delegates will be on hand when the convention a call d to order. Opinions expressed by the delegates already on the. fleld shows a strong sentiment in favor of the proposal to indorse the Roosevelt -national ticket This sentiment, however, 1s not shar- ed by the Nebraska populists, who have given-notice that they will ylgor- ously oppose the movement for fusi n with the progressives. The state con- vention of the Nebraska populists has already indorse the democratic na- tonal ticket, ORGANIZE TO FIGHT MURPHY, (Special to the News) Rochester, N. .; Aug. 12 A move- ment to rescue the demdcratic party in New York state from the domin: tion of Charles F. Murphy, the Tam- many hall leader, was launched here today at a conference of.a number of representative leaders of the party, in eluding several members of the state committee. The especial object of the movement is to prevent the Tammany hall leader trom dictating the actions of the coming state convention. It is hoped .to accomplish this by making the fight in every county and to-send delegates to the convention who are opposed to Murphy. LUKEWARMNESS NEVER So Says Times, Referring to Home Rule Feeling in Canada. (C, A. P, Cable.) London, Aug. 12. The Times, re- ferring to the lukewarmness for of the Dominion, says the hatred of, England and hostility of the British Empire which are characteristic of risk Nationalists have never flour - ished in Canada as on the other side of the border. A deep senti- ment of loyalty in the Canadian peo- Ple has told against such demon- strations amd so. also has, the.. pre- sence of a grat body of inmi- grants from Protestant North Ire- land, but though the Irish vote Canada has been far less bellicose that in the United States has not heen an influence to Imperial solidarity and we rejoice that it is as a distinct and VERMONT TOWN 150 YEARS OLD. (Special to the News.) Newbury, Vt., Aug. 12.Gayly deco- rated and thronged with visitors, New- bury today began a week of celebra- tion will be the unveiling of a monu: ment erected on the Common in mem- ory of General Jacob Bayley, who founded the town of Newbury in 1762. Statement Missing, Case Is Adjourned Case Against Real Estate FLOURISHED IN CANADA , Irish-Home Rule. which its: Canaidian 4 between him and. ean Lalu -eorrecpondent esserts isthefealing- 5 Ps sheep. PRICE, FIVE CEN 1 SING SING S ELECTRIC. CHAIR CLAIMS SEV MORE MURDE Six Italians and One Negro Pay Penalty Crimes With Their Lives eae of Them G Most Brutal Murder. Dispatch) chair and theindeaths quietly the executions Gwere within an hour The condemned jp the following Collins, Lorenzo De Demarco, Filepo Ginsto, Gincenzo 1e prisoners with th Collins walked a CW.A. PD N. Yi; Aug. 12:-Seven were taken from theix Ossining, ing and put to*death in the: aleet cic chair. This is the langest nutaber-6f eriminals to suffer the death penalty. by electrocution on any one since the steotric chaig. was adop as a mode of capifiil punishment, 'The six Italians and ne negro ehee trocuted this morning went Re dba the Will Prevent a Fanatical Outbreak intl the Country. HIS BROTHER RIS Toe : sat ea BE Als. SUCCESSOR ' day-and completed all tor Voluntary at it the Suggestion f of France s Governor, He Makes the Move. (W. AS P, Cable.) 7 Paris, Aug. 12. It is offi ia need Mat Mutat Hattd; eh of Morocco, has completed malities demanded by F. his abdication is an ace fact, He started for France Mulai Youssoff, his brother, ent Khalit of Fez, s to be prosiatmed immediately . The abdication of Mulal Haid, was voluntary, It was generally acral - ing tho.ceonvention are he Roosevelt movement. urged upon the Sultan to annanoe and th to this olty itm i eS that it was for reasons of health and hfbition game this p.m. Cobb's agil- in order to avoid a posible fanatic out/ity saved him from serjous injured break that he had decided to take the /and possibly death, His injuries are Has Tooth Brush and Cenealogy Man Claiming to Be Son of Tacoma, Railway President Makes o Ther are not man; Eccentric Introduction to Big Hotel. beating freight trains. Gage's head ts shaven was wearing a Sweater Victoria, Aug. 12. T have escaped from a lunatic asylum in Portland, Ore. I have arrived here, Sir, with a toothbrush and a genealogy and I have used the toothbrush. This was the mannerin which George Guilford Gage introduced him- self when registering at the Tmpress tomb hotel, and the story he unfolded was sie, So he went off to b an amazing one. Claiming that bis fa- the dawn of tomorrow . ther is vice-president of the Sonthern ae Pacific railway, he states he is the cisco. A search revealed him with. arms sp) beer. He wi ne a collar and tie, but in 2 tf I was sent west to work out my own salvation as a clerk, and I got a. fob in Portland, where I worked. till one mysterious night two men entered my room, pulled me from bed and took me away to a lunatic asylum, but I in a coe of weeks on h tour of inspection. Man Heard Today. At the polic court this morning before Magistrate Kealy, the case scemnet the local real estate man Sime up tor hearing. He i with obtaining a loan from.a bank in town by writing false statements of his affairs. The.manager of the bank was galled this morning, and stated. that he remembered taking the statement of affairs from accus- ed, and issuing the loan, but he could not find the statement now. He was away from town for five days two weeks ago, and the act ing manager had access to his desk and drawers while he was way. Questioned by the Magistrate, wit- ness said there were two other lerks employed there, but as yet he had turtle, following a bursted tire. Mr. ed thi SCS. an thas fon tog, sttag nee aaed them to MIE cas a athes their own candidate and support the Blackwood hae e broke search. Mr. Kealy said he would adjourn the case until two o'clock, so that the statement could be-made, If they did not find it he would again adjourn the case until something was heard from the man who was acting, manager dur- ling the manager's absence, The prisoner at the afternoon se sion of the court when the statement. in question was produced. Sentence was suspended and put up surity of himself of 1000 and 500 m two other surities, as found guilty. , -heve-ecscaped. How, asked hi interviewer, Oh, never mind, that is the sad part of the story, but I have got past the immi- gration authorities as we Americans say, I blufted it. I hav -wired to my family for funds, and expect everything to be all right goon.. After leaving Portland 1 walked 45 miles, and then took to jumping freight trains tilt I reached Electric Chair Awaits Youthful tret ner cotase Marder Band) Tctik te eed eee ack Manitoba, is in the city t understood that he is new glass factory which is to be bi /here in a short time. year Mrs. Hall was attacked and rob- bed by halt dozen Italians who en- Five Are to Die For the Murder of Young Wo- ae months, waa in delicate health and was in care was slso beaten and kicked, but who recovered sufficiently to run to the + New York, Aug. 12 Fiye members construction camp and spread the al- d of Italian highwaymen and arm, murderers who terrorized the Croton 4 posse ot sheritts, farmers and iab- jLake district in Westchester county Jorers took up the chase and succeeded azo are to end their careers in in capturing tive of the Italians who tric chair in Sing Sing prison hag participated in the diabolical this week. Two of the band are still crime. A sixth member, Lorenzo Col- in thelr teens, while the oldest is but 1i, said to have Deen the leader o fthe little more than twenty-one, geng, Was atrested in Brooklyn a few The crime for which they are to pay days later... Colli.comfessed to having the death penalty was the marder of been the actual murdered of Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Henry Hall, the young wife of a He was given a separate trial and w: superintendent of the aqueduct near eonvioted and executed Croton Lake. On November 9 of last ago.
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Image 259 (1912-08-12), from microfilm reel 259, (CU1772357). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.