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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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butl , consider st Don t be per- y -OHEAP 1 it's cheap use the Fifth Heat J, Bonina, Franc ie ie oe Cannaiand up in. Seceie ets coll Foe the Children today is as followaz United States 69, ock of LUMBER, iF ys Mf Sweden 64, Great Britain 36; France FIR- FINISH, . d jak 17; South Africa tL 5 B 5, 000 Metre Heats The British Olymple team predict that this meeting will-cause'a radical Giant Cactus That Resomblea Spur. ehange in the methods of hand Se Calgary, and Keeper, Winnipeg, Each Finish their teams. They do not techn argen: Deers: Secopd Australian Girl Sets New Record for bi. baeayeeeiiessmge agree ard t team, particularly those of the Uni- R BEAUTIFUL ; : Metre Swim. erally, of break ingle sadpeablad OD FIBRE, LATH S H I RTS to the attractions of the city. k POSTS, WH ji im AL ee i t : dust opened up a ship- ;Stockolm, sweden, July 9 The)100 inetres Swimming, back stroky,for heats of the 5,000 metres, run, off mon, first heat Harris J, Hedugr, Un- ment of putes ars today, resulted as follows: + ited States, first:0. Gross, Germ ee the , Birab Heat G. v.Bouhag,New A saints SE saaoeels ieeats ok the Dae Atrtcane eh oor . Second, -heat O, Fuhr, Germany, ble soft collars we ork, won; A. Decoteav, Calgary, Can: Y ccont Dut six more Tung, the side being cat ; : Oe rae ey a ee re ee NT, AOC Ay aoa mMlEE UG tine Sricee have them in -white,. Ithira. winner won by ton yards mu tine fists a8 seconde, of 95. On the irst innings of the grey, tan and stripes, 16 min, 22 8-5 seconds, iat ecpalar ria HUSEArY: fourteenth match tm the second. at. Second Heat H. 1. Scott, New Jer- tiroecondn nt teimpt they made 688 to which Spoon - ALSO: * sey, wom. Joo: Keeper, Winnipeg, wec- Time 1 minuto 22-seconds, er contributed 82, Hobb 65 and Car- hat affo Ss absolute safe ond; Hudson, GreacoBritain, thira. 100 metres swimming, .tree style, ney 55. The Africans require. there: of ae Some of our Fall Shoes scott won easily in 1 taints 38, ea second, BeaG, -Lastorret; Australes) ory ase to wha. 7 1 first; Foster, Great Britain, second. + have been put into. j seconis, 3 The .great size to which: the eactua: time 23 mitut e 98 seconds. s ATizO1 stock real new stiff, Third H at Carlson,, Sweden, won. 1680 lt; metres flat race, first heat, fees re es ee mpeiyio thereat oe : ae Grover, Great Britain, second; Bort- Neivin W. Sh TT me? oven ms 00K Ahem Ys os Daa ecto nase wets Sey BIG, LEAGUE sos tore mp trace ee aver ane Ished two hundred yatta) abead of secona, a. Hare,.Great Britain, third. SCORES. le the fact that this plant takes tie soe Hat Oity property investments, Porter. The Englishman eased up Time 4 minutes 27 3-5 sevonds. of a spur, due probably to thie y of Ferg ee, fas sa Aisa Ib tntnntes setona heat NORE. Taber, Ui Fee eee strangwindaatieb- bent Th anada offers such wonder. ands, ited Stateet Inst; POR. Baker,-Great . sportuniti estmen: Turpin Bros. In the: sembtinal onthe 2600-mo- ion Sa ea IE cr crest NATIONAL LEAGUE After which a wecond root formed and ul op, ies for good inv oe tros, free style swim today, George - ae + ane e scowes started tpward treba tbe: safety of Principal along with treme with trem he Ban's Store Where. You R, Hodgsbi, Montreal, Yon. Hatfield, eis eee es E - Get the nee Worth: Greut Britain, finished second, Hodg- Third beat Abel R- Kivial United pittabary t The Elephant. 2 fon Noa by two yards, his time be-/States, first; H. A. rnaud, France, Abesantec a Even in, Indi - the elephant ts not ing 22 minutes .26. seconds. feeond: H. Paltersos third, Time Cote, Cemalty anf Gibin. used for going about as much as he Fanny Durack of Australia, created 4 minutes 4 2-5 seconds. Qnd- gamle once was, But for) the-durbar (the fnew Worlds resord fn the fourin Fourth heat a. 'r. Jaceson, p28, Same - Dell esting at which Ring Goveys A Few of Our Med Good Bas: FORTE heat of the 100 metres, free style Great Britain, first; John Pail, Un- Pittsburg. 2 o was formally proclaimed emperor ot Pim for ladles here, tie new time ited States, second; J. C: Anderson, goers Sots ade Doin, Se eal Yi ie Lots 30 and 31, Block 71, Old: (business) 1600, being 1 minutes 19 4-6 seconds. United States, third, Time 3 minutes Hondrig. and Hamonds. nen Ti Z erms, * ale . In 1500 metres flat, heat four,-Jack- 21 1-2 seconds, Nowsteue Se incurs garam son, Eagiand, won. Jones, America, Javeline-throwing- (sight and left) Chie? 14 was'a wonderful sight J. Lots and: 13, Block 13, Herald, fine view bie Here, we see elephauts oniy-at-the 1150; Terms. Second; Victor of South Africa Finland took first, second -and third ya, aM Fucang and: Mapes. zoplogical-gardens and at the eirens, Been 3 Placed. By e5 tira. - a places. 2 . o ta 36 to-40 z Prin The results of the 300 metres relay' 6,000 metres flat race, fourth heat And aren't they interesting Loi Block 20, Cousins and Sissons, ee ciples, for Bout - at (tinal) was, England, first; Sweden A. Kalochmainen, Finland, first; iH. : vhs fare Airave identity this largest ner) 2000, Ca et er Ge said ve i Saskatoon, Secohd:- Germany, disqualified, Hordstam, Sweden, seco Pentie-scr wie (CW. ALP. Dispateny Willis and Wingo. Saskatoon iSask, July 9 Forteits , 5 ge Sof 1,000' each ot Tommy Burns and : Bl Richards ai a suarantes of thelr ana fans ar i a era ee appdardnes here on August 8 were - : ae , SE Soute Tecelved at the Merchants Bank: ae i Seas i Bostoa -+r 2A Wright nua O'Brien, the promoters, Canuck Leading in One of the First-Events in Bisley -mutson ana Stephene. Ht post theirs goniorrow and im. Wh eam ii Kinn Brown, Wood ani-Cady: mediately make all arrangements for ole i ine oF up erent z the big bout wufch is for the heavy- 4 Clevefana welght championship of the Domin-1; y ; s ae gt; ion Tt willitkely Ye pulled oft in Bisley Camp, July 9 -By carrying jriee Biogd with Mortimer fourth, tead- - Krapp-and-O'Netil: the. auditorium rink which wil ac- away: successively today the Bass and ing the Canadians. Brown and Lapp. Pomodate a ergwd gt;f 5,000: CRICKET Lavender and Archer. evi ania patie s Tare a tae e kote 15 to 17, Re nu, Cousins and Sissons, 1250 pair of imilic Shia ighthey shed ) T Just as bumen, ies do their mil th. Lot 36, Bl i rhe diglkioes wonderful trunk tan 7 ok BO Of, exenent val, 8106, extension of its nose, the-nostriis-being it the end of the'trunk. Down at the end. there is a fngeriixe- bh which the elephant can pick, up AMEPICAN LEAGUE ist. game the smallest objects. This always, ; Tf you want to sell quickly Uist with us. eicater is acems very strange since the elephant : i (C. A. P, Cable) gt; Gag Philadelphia... * is so large. ig eee ate THE FARM Land Company along-at the rate of twelve miles, but Elge competitions, Corporal Mortimer :The shooting opened yesterday when . 2nd-game : be cannot trot. 3 4 ed jor y llebec focussed public attention th Waldograve, a match rifle event, Cleveland ... ... - fe Wille he clishhs rather steep moun: JULY 9 IN PUGHUSTIC-ANNALS on the Canadian team and took the Was the principal item, but the-meet- Philadelphia: tains.a ditch seven feet in width stops 3 oe firsttwo.step to tie the famous re- ing. did not eally. get going until to- Gres and Livingston. him short, 1890 Ike: Wejr, the Belfast Ban- cord of Mauri e. Blood last year when 4aY- Houclt and Han, - The ivory.of which bis tusks are am *firstfeath rweight lt;champion of ne won five events oie after the Catfadians are taking pai ie a made a eT a With these g99 TORONTO STREET. : / PHONE) 171. the world, Mmocked- out Jimmy Con-lother anid won the Hopton Cup. number of sweepstakes and individual AMERICAN ASSOCIATION wks be attacks aitanemy.: 4 mors in sdands t Butta - events today and tomorrow and on Ke Wisg. oles Gaitin. * 1908 AdWolgast and Charlie Gree gt; (CAP, Cable) Mursday. They will undergo thelr St. Paul ... Ji)... 11 2/ kine-of the eaitle ts a good game. * ley Wought 4 round draw at Cadillac, Bisley Camp, Eng,, July 9. A happy first baptism of fire as a whole in the) Minneapolis 5 One piiiyer gets on the top of a ttle Mich. sugury for the success of the Can- Kinnon College Cupeor ten teams Dreanter and Drissaif. hillock or moubd- of: earth and pro- 1809 Danny Webster knocked out/adian' team was provided today by of twelve; representative of the three Liebardt and asian. claims -himself king of the castle, -in- . : Frankie Sullivan in 13 rounds at San Corpbral C. Mortimer of the sti Ry h. *ingdoms, Wales, the Channel Islands, xinuating at the .sam time that. bis Winnipeg, July aly Wheat 108, Hernarino, Cal. Quebeo, one of the members: winning dla and the self-governing domin- : 7) playmiditeacand iitheceamcale , fu the WB 1-2; Oct. 95 3-4,-95, 2 1909 Frankie Conley knocked. out first-prize of 10 in the Bass, -a Jons and crown colonies. John and Parce. per met eon July. oats 40, 43 3-4; Oct. 86 1-2, a Pete Savoy in 8 rounds at St. Joseph. 8qti dron competition: with match ri- R * 5 Dougherty and Schalk, Get down, you ittie rascalst . No. 1. f * + fles, open to all-comers, of ten shots Unattathed Canadians shooting at The boys stationed on the level ground e a Sor sue each, at 1,000 and 400. yards, Morti-/Bisley ana making their headquarters INTERNATIONAL reyent this insult by endeavoring to Sept. 99. 244, 99 1a TWO MEN mer sectired 46 at the first range and with the Canadian Club, are as fol- ee. pall ps push ag ke from ae Bi a 1-8, 100 2-4, 2 49 at the longer range in the after- lows: Captain W. C. Andrews, 90th/Toronto ... ... . position, while he exerts atm i + q i 5 noon. Col. Gobbs of the Glocester Winnipeg; Capt. W. K. Forrest, 60th Montreal ... efforts to maintain: bis atte taht . 34 Nor, 86; For all Kinds -of job Fea ry DROWN ED Engineers shot well, but Mortimer had Duke of Connaught Own Rifle, Van- Casgar and Graham. eer ere te dethrone 5, Nor. 711-2; 6 Nor. 68 1-2; foba 52 tie News Job Department. 3 centrals, The wegther soon settl d Couver; Staff Sergt. Bayles, 100th Ro- Carroll and Angermelr. sincyaed keep ae 12. : f eee 2 gr Clear and tine wiileh has tmproved jyal.Grenadiers Toronto, and. Rey. Baltimore tiegad:-title Gail woine ptrouuer coeet : 2 ere Out Rowing Wititiice prospects or ihe Canadians gen- A. R. Simpson, Rossland, B, C. Fur- Providence .. moner compels hinrto abdicate, PESEEee EY BROS Girls and Went in Swim- erany. *. ther names ere likely to be added to Danforth. and Payac. i : G y- a * ming. th Covington and Schmidt. a Jersey. City The News What Johnny Overheard, Jobnny was dozing in hin father s t : Newark .. iia brary when he overheard this conver nd Contractors. Dee bt eee batons y MePhail, Marion and Rona sutlon: raj Phone 44 algae, Git, Jay 809 es Footwork for Fighters : pete e Caer mig cine Ta Nearly ; Muan ry, the Dictionary. both . residents. of ttiis city. were Rochester 3 Ao re 863) rrallo, PEtaay- -eetorted the Dio 7 Box 304... drowned in Lake St, Louis at Dorval. s is Highly Important 2 BS He 8) 8 Al omar : Evsry Home ; y They: had taken two servant girls out ae ers and Blair, You're a wont person, Fatty. eal Ded ates Free, tor row and had afterwards gone PARI. FT rarer, Bebbes ana Smith. eed te Copybook. ee gS if Every Night You're an em hing, Thinny, . zn in Weavet was sean to d Munnery Went to his assist- What is the most important de- many battles and he-atiributed his CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL anid the Dictionary. Bound to baye-the last word, eh, STABLE PHONE HE 728 Ss. FOLLIS. ting Co. nce. The two men struggled for a/ Waile and then went-down, One of cer It LIGHTNING MELTED have come ta understand that they son 1s comparatively slow on, his toot- must learn to fight with their feet as sies, and so, for that nfatter, have well as with their hams and. their b en most of the big-tellows, with WOMAN 5 COLD ToOTH beans. Jim: Corbett..won the heavy- the exception of Jim Corbett. Pom- Toronto, Ont, July 9- Follawers of lopment of the boxing game in re- munity from punishment to bis nt years? nquired the O d Sport. 1s only of late years that boxors than avbolt of U htning. Jack John- ability, with his feet. Mike. Gibbons, Winnipeg the St. Paul lad, is-another-poxer who Superior the girls, Allee lt;Withun, rowed out Then, ag is-his-eustom, ko anew a wits / knows now get trom place to plac foe and Jones. Sr CREASES PUREESS i orn aimetion: Pourwork. Yeu, sir S ee by the time she reached the spot. - 810-5; in a ring with just a little fess speed Rhodes, Lyle and Anderson. TO ROW FOR TITLE (Special to the News) Fatty Y: sneered.the. Gopybook.- Need it in my business, eaid tho Dictionary, And the Umbr lla coughed ko bard that it bent one of fits ribe Philadelphia Ledger, Conundrums. Why does the sun rise in the east? Because east makes things rise. How do you know that some persona Would you be glad of the chance to rent room or two to congenial peo- ple? Would you iike to secpre a more Profitable position where the chances for advancement are more certain? Wouid you Iike to dispose of house- hold property or realty at g fair price? RONTO ST. Welght championship of the world padour Jim could never have won the aquatic sports are lookin; ved 1 the ible ig forward were evolved from the vegetable king- cs Sand, Coal rar with his pedal extremities. Packey/title if he had been a human Jocal with keen interest to the match race oe? Because many of them are still eneen Uke to locate a business toes, z ns a Sj (W. AC P. Dispatch) McFarland is another scrapper who frelght instead of a cainonball ox- tobe rowed on Toronto Bay tomor- all potal y Wiese: Sac aa - Winnipeg, Man., July 9 Mrs, - Al- owes his fame in considerable part to When-he fought Sullivan at ow- by William Haines of Boston sliietee- ow de ee mations Sao Sy ce ? q f Attell was. the clever; New Orie: e 2 tmen. bert. Welsh and three shildren of his feet. Abe 1 was. thie Pate eae Who saw that and Hddie Duman, the noted Toronto os shdipsawared: hietin ike wed toe LYON ACTS FOR TEAMING ND EXCAVATING Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415, Rear here, Mrs. Welsh was, hurled Windsor had a remarkable escapo est chap with his hands and mouth hlst ric battle were treated fo an ex- oursman. The race is considered the Sromr death when Hghtning struck/and head that ever entered a ring, but hibition of footwork such 4s prob- most notable event of its kind that. Shelr Gummer home at Linden Beach he was weak in footwork. That is ably .will never be seon again'in alhas taken place hereabouts in some Why he ts now writing ex- in froui/lieavywelght contest. John 1. could years. big Utie, If Attell had been as probably have put t over Gentleman three-mile course and will be for the Her feet in the middie of the room. swift on his props as he ts in every Jim if-Corbett had tood. still more Her face was singed and. gold/other way, Kilbane could never have than a fraction of Xooth was partially m lted. Her ga from her bed and landed upright on ot Umughter, and son escaped unhurt, but Auother bon was severely stunned. One end of the cottage was blown out and hurled over a buadred feet away. it rushing fighter be. ways about shed The contest will be over a Why ia a caterpiliar: like hot eakes? Tiley. both make the buttery. Naughty Willie. Willie Teacher licked. me cause I was the only one who could. Mother cfrightened) What was th When he was being rushed he couldn t get out of harm's way long enough to recover his wits, Among the old timers who in attempting to land al After Corbett had beet de Drived of his title by Fritz, he went up sgainst Jeffries at Couey Island, pearto be th-the-best-of physical con- dition for the race. Fights Scheduled for Tonight: Willle Who put the pin on teacher's question? The Airy Giraffe. dog to a tall giraffe, RY one cares, umns each day. Those who wish to rent rooms ar putin touch with those who have roofs to rent. Business partners sro Bae employes and eniployers are brought together, buygrs and sellers met - ; each day as a result of the iittle Want Ads that have to play such an im- Dortant part In-modern- business, Are you taking full advantage ot the Wants? Se Box 81. . Windsor Milis, Que, July 9 Two won titles with their fest, besides and the lumb ring Jett looked lke the Jimmy Potts vs. Kia Sealer, to stuck up that the nelgiie Operators, J. Caron and H. Taylor,) Jim Corbett, was Kid McCoy, rankest kind of an amateur for over/rounda, at Etmonton,; Alte: . J es Were torn to pieces when the powder Gans, Mysterious BIlly Smith, FL Bor inyeh Shed of the Canadian Express Co, Jack McAuliffe and Tommy twenty rotinds. It was not until Cor- Misi Brown, eas became too confident ang tried Ans say you are putting on atra wa stratte was annoyed, you could plates Phone your Wants wt No: 13, Ring 2 jregatiawn up through the heat fhis/Ryan. Young Gritfe, the Australlito-mix things in the twenty-third that ee on, tuorning: fighter, had them all outclassed when Jefr was able to put over a knockout fe : tor Ane ft came to footwork, however. ve Kalser's Old Timer 10c Cigar. Subbortia Sow Tar Tho bang teh:
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Image 40 (1912-07-09), from microfilm reel 40, (CU1772064). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.