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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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BI 24, 23-23, 800; 1-3;-6-ang 12 23, 20, Bik. 5, 6. 2500, 900 Gash, and-12; 3, 18-19. 4000, 1-8,.6 and 12. 6, 133 ft, 4200, 1-8. 6 and 12, List with ms, we haye- buyers Lots. Price and cerms. 2-8, 1500. 1-2, 6 and 1: 6, 1-8, 1275, 1-2, 6 and 12, COUSENS -S18S0 Bik, Lots. Price and terms, 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12, , 825 pair, 1-3. 6 and 18, 13,6812, 36-40, 400 eac ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 eagh, Btock i4, all, 450.eaeh. ROSEDALE, TRACKAGE. Lots. Price amd terms. for your property. Phone 776. 2, Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. J. A. LANDRY CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Phone 626, 7it Ottawa St. Job Work Attended to. - If you want a modern home, lose in, I can supply you, as I have several good lots on which Tam prepared to build for you according to your own idea and style. See me, and I will gladly show you the Jots and some of the houses I have put up. Close in means 6 from post office. HOUSES FOR SALE. Box 31. minutes Piano Moving with Piano Van Speciality. Parcels Delirerea. scriy 2 208 rie Day Ment See Us for Sereen Doors ai 183-1mo- PHONE NO. 349. E. M. CAWKER, Phin. Be Druggist stock of Toilet Articles Proprietary Medi- of Physicians Pre- a specialty. Rv. se. solicited. will call for Phone 73. Wardrobe 422 Main St. Phone 261 dream of a Third-Emypire. in their dreams French Imperialists. Celebrate ey Victor's 50th. Birthday To ere are yet those ia Vrance wh: and who of many see Prince Vietor aay. In the days of French republic and wiicuunted Lives anism with the glorious Fourteen Warly in his career Vietor Vive la ropub- beean pretending aad plotting. ter. ehoucs: lt;f ve Ie ToPUh the restoration / the empire. Ei + still ringing ia their ears, ed to get (ie sinews of war but his aspira- Jirection were uns smitty tions im that sLadies Silk Dresses,. oy Gtoves, Feath ers, Ete., Gents Suits, Felt and Panama Hats Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid . to travelers work, suits pressed up on short notice, Thu-tf, OPERA HOUSE Three Nights COMMENCING ty: dy 18 THE EVER POPULAR co. om Marks AND HIS EXCELLENT SUP. PORTING COMPANY DIAN and Dramas OPENING. COMEDY The Man from Canada Also 5 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS 5 Prices, 25c.,, 50c., 7c. Advance sale at Pingle s Drug Store orous son his da: Brussels, in his sale writing ciples of returning to Paris bert, Louis XVI. and That the Bonapartist movement cision of sagnac to change the imperial wan. Autorite, Victor's creeds the French people, tions of Autorite failed to and the eireula- been arranged for, in the hope th; the people will news. but cess Clemintine, daughter of gold-lined old reprobate, Leopoldo B m, has chest of no small dimensi Prince Napoleon Frederic was born in Paris, 18. 1862, the That will co: Napoleonic. dynasty sians, a billion dollars, two Napopeon riding into Paris on al realized when thy aged woman died white horse, Today these devoted io 1903. few worshipers of the Man of Des- Prince Victor Wad w morganatic tiny will celebrate the fiftieth wife and a sma. collection of child- birthday of the Pretender, that val- ren, but that did not deter him of Plon Pion who spends retreat at manifestos, pro- clamations and declarations of prin- Far irom a strong man is this Prince Vietor, amd his chances are about as remote as those of the other French, pretender, Prince Louis Philippe Ro- Dine d'Orkeaps, and Naundorf, who boasts of being descended from Marie Antoinette. on the wane is shown by the de- the sons of Paul de Cas- or- fronr a - political sheet- to -2--real-newspaper. Prince interest fell to nothing, An elaborate news. Service has just read Victor's broadsides wnen sugar coated by st much money, Victow s-marriag to the Prin- that given him a war Victor Jerome July and was /but a boy when lost to France a war with the hated Pras- pro- from considering a marriage that would revive his blasted hopes. His better half was a Belgium woman of lowly origin, and there was Na- poleonie precedent for sacrificing love in the intrrests of the state Victor being the state. He began casting eyes of adoption on the homely Clementine, whose r yal fa- thery Leopold, had amassed a tre Clementine was will- for the match, but it had to be deferred until Leopold had passed to his reward. My dear Clementine, guoth the - old simet who. ruled the Belgians,. this Vietor is a blu. bag of wind, a four-fiusher, -or words to that: -/Sfleet and not at all the sort of of maw to breed up. a new. dynas- ty. So, as remarked; the loving fair had to postpone connubial bliss until such time as Leopoid was safely laid away in his coffin. When it was announced that the stork was expected at a the-hopes of the imperialists began ft to rise to full tixe, and Empress Eugenie; she - whose unwise ambi ons wereeke cond Eimpire promised 15,000,000 to. the cause if the child should be a boy. But the stork, no respecter of wishes, brought a girl, and Victor, tearing his hair, hissed through his clench- ed teoth: Curses Foiled again in the Congo. ing, ever eager sung by the the reality is all Zanzibar Most Picturesque : of African Coast Cities Zanzibar It is the name to be lovely coryphees, to rag-time musi of comi opera. And that the name suggests, and more. Today the peo- that strange. city. The intense heat claims hundreds of victims, and it is unsafe for a white man to remove his helmet when in the direct glare of the sun. Malaria lurks'in the it was for the man who. Would like to be a good dresser. and: look natty and smart the day we introdiiced our. dry cleaning in Medicine Hat. There is aoth- ing lke st for keeping a man s wardrobe in good condition. Let us be your valet and keep your garments mended; cleaned, pressed and looking new by bringing them to THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. House Mover SAND FOR SALE * - EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORE. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET Windows, BOX 353. PHONE 732 ATKINSON FISHER TRANSFER AND DRAYING. Promptly Attended to. Address: Royal Bo Alley. Phone 190. Address: 14 Montreal ts x I City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale, FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR Tiger eee ++ HOME SEEKERS + + + oe EXCURSIONS, ++ There's many a home seek- sf oh ers exoursion right here ing * the city every day personal- - owas comic. opera, perhs in name only. potentates is a tale that is told, Zanzibar has et the eapital unique. As the tourist enters the harbor of a mast. That piece of wreckage stands for one of the most heroic race. When a great British war vessel eame into the harbor to take Possession of the islands, the navy of His Highness the Sultan went blithely forth. to meet. it. The navy was a tiny gunboat, man- ned by native crew, and jts armament consisted of only two or three antiquated guns. Yet... the avy opened the battle and fired away at the giant cruiser that loomed above it until the tiny sbip vanished beneath the waves. That , but it certainly proved that the Sultan's tars were not lacking in reckless bravery. jArriving at Zanzibar, the passeng- er is sent ashore ina small boat, and is there carried through the surf on the back of a stalwart na- tive. On the beach the visitor to Zanzibar's hospitable shores is sur - rounded by a howling mass of na- tives, each eager to carry his lug - gage to the hotel. With the other Passengers Engtish officers, Arabs, Jewish merchants, Sawhilis, Parsees Chinese, Hast Indians, and men of all European nationalities the tour- ist ascends the stairs to a narrow street lined with little shops, whose owners clutch at him as he passes, Proffering their wares of silver and ivory and ostrich feathers and the inevitable post cards. (here is one all-prevailing thing about Zanzibar that can't be reproduced in comic ope: and. that is the smell. Any-Idicted that ih i A B problem will be one who has ever whiffed the oders colved by, means of his cement of Zanzibar will never quite get poured houses them out-of his nostrils, a: In streets so narrow that the ex- High Praise, tended arms can almost touch the SEY conducted, tpo,. by readers + walls of honses on either side one nue manicufe; he a gay old bachelor, boot finds a cdpelomeration of humanity noted at the Metropolitan Club for Ale + for +f scar iy.eqhillet in any other port Pleasantries, according to the Hamp- ms, ecot- e/of the world. It is not a health - ten Magazine, As sho added the fin- e ares apartments, plan a ful place for the whites in tholishing touches-one morning she look- ome seekers excursion crowd, however, as a sting from ed up with lipid eyes, saying: We through the Wants; bid pos- cene of th black and white striped ar always so Blad to have testimon- Mble tenants come and look mosquitoes almost invariably means als from our customers. De you at what you have to offer. a fatal fever. The Caucasian in mind?* il The Wants cost but 6 for fe Zanzibar has to go to bed in the Noy tmde d: 1 am delighted one insertion, 8 for 50c, one f+ week for 1.00. dark, as the light would attract the poisonous insects. PTORS Also. serve to awarms of ple of Zanzibr will celebrate the night air, and, all in all, Zanzibar tenth aniversary of the accesvion has a few claims: as a health re- of Sultan Seyyid Ali, and the most sort. - picturesque and Taseinating of Atr 7 can East Coast cities -will be en a PREEE EEE fete. True, the paleface invaders * : have pulled the throne from tinder F FIRST THINGS. the Sultan, and he is now monarch Once the fathers of outh who now-bears the: title including not only.the islands and a wide stretch of main- land. While the rule of the dusky yet lostithose fascinating features that Have made agitated im both America and Eng- of the city- of Zanzibar, the chief Pelltion for woman's suffrage was enterport of East Africa, he sees Presented to the United StatesgCon- rising from the waters a fragment 8tess by the American Equal ts episodes in the history of the black a sachusette Republican convention Whereapot he Wrote upon his car and handed her the-following. PLE EEE EEE EEE The first Woman's rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, N. Y., six- ty-four years ag today. Two years and three months Jater the first. na- tional convention of the suffragists Was held in Worcester, Mass. From that time until 1863 the subject was land, but no decisive action was tak- en until the latter year, when the first Association. By 1870 the suffragists had gained such influence that the admitted two women, Mary A. Liver- more and Lycy Stone, as regularly . accredited delegates. The only dis- tinguished survivor of the. first suf- fragist conventions is the Rev. Dr, Antoinette Louise Brown GBlackwell, of Elizabeth, N. J. Suffrage for the fair sex was first brought up in the British. Parliament. by John Stuart Mill, the eminent economist, and was negatived by a vote of 196 against 73, in May, 1867, The first model city for work- . men was formally opened thirty- eight years ago today on the Shaftesbury Park Estate, near Wandsworth, London, S. W. This was the first attempt to provide ideal cottage homes for laborers, artisans and clerks and to relieve the congestion prevailing, in crowded. tenement. districts of the world s metropolis. The Earl of Shaftesbury. was largely instrument- al-in the formation of the Artisans ,) Laborers and Gencral Dwellings al 4 mendous fortune by his operations On i r o ik) La Cigale ( The Grasshopper the Salon exhibition at Paris. kind. rhyme it runs this way: A grasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar, Of meat or of bread, Not a morsel she had; So a-begging she went, To her neighbor the ant, For the Ioan of some wheat, Which would erve' her to eat Till the season Double weight (And here she Little iven to Company, which promoted the enter- prise. The scheme was very suc- cessful and estates were purchased in. the vicinity of a number of British industrial centres. The problems of congestion, despite the slight relief afforded by such model cities, continue to be acute, and are now receiving serious consideration by the sociological experts of all big cities of Europe and -Ameriea. Thomas A. Edison has lately pre- She was pretty, dainty Fifth ave- This Picture 10c. and. from the front page of The Daily News. mail. There is a divinity that shapes lite -interesting, -if-brief, in ad ends, Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, 1 will pay you, she saith, On an animal's faith, Ere the harvest is bound. The ant ts a friend, THE COST IS ix Coupons ae ) byEdouard Bisson, the first of The was honorably placed. in It is a beautiful painting, one of the best of its La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everbody remembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and: the Ant. Done into American came round. How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, looking shame At the borrowing dame, Night and day to each comer 1 sang, if you please. You sang I'm at ease; For it's plain at-a glance, Now, madam, you must dance. on the pound- might mend) lend. a La Cigale is Bisson s idealization of the human counterpart of the the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- presses the story of the nobility and necessity of labor. A Photogravure 22x28 inches. Never Sold Less Than 2.50 Before: To Daily NewsRea ders These-pietures eannot be sent by nly 20 Left Greatest Paintings Of the Modern French Schaal 7 seouerient 11 urd COL. V COLENBRA c.B. Phota by Frank P. running one's self episode such as t mild and entirely 1 And to have it would be regarde Aiscourage the 1 further excitemen Johan Colenbrana and Wine it Is ap fromthe way he amore or Jess one Ute, in Zumntand t to read but little conquest of South fie effect of such the ordinary yout brander from win the annals.of the t and devoted patria Colonel Joban V Tul name and tlt was: placed in co venturers, modelle Riders, that bore the Boer war. Ai do not deserve mx become Companio deserved the hon than did Johan Co A native Afrik: emigrated 'to Nats Java, the ffty-od with adventures 0: tegendary hero, A from some of Cole Ush writer. drew which every read remember. Altern the Congo to the ( was because he is the world to lead jungle that Mr. Frederick R, Burn Colonel Colenbrar America a trip te girl, who lives wi him to come to Ne nf the great game start from the A animals to restock America; meeting nent the detachme go in fromthe Ea Aday or two be quest Colone Cale ing, to tell the st retonnting the Inc about bis appearne figtiteg, Rather a nd gray the part of the m placid blue eyes 2 xestuthe, staff rath than the doer. Bt for days country yrander wou Innd s foes, at the the, great organiza oid Rhodesian a the Na and of 7 when 1 feature of bis nt Inches. tc or got this terriiic W story of-his fight That brander, Thad been cha chief fight an he Leonid ride, 1 cou and the bard work After Cotewas Wolseley divided b and it was not 10 out among them. perhaps you have chief and married two to my knowle named Slbepu, wh lngazi, who was I the territories of 1 both of them. I knew the na Dunn took posses exclusive trading found that he w in communteatity
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Image 109 (1912-07-19), from microfilm reel 109, (CU1772085). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.