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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The A wh Special Gloves lt;The House of Fashionable Desssara Glasgow House Fine Quality White Kid Only 75c fully guaranteed glove:in tans, black and * Only 1.00 New Blouses THIS WEEK. gt; See th new Handkerchief Blouse. ; Fourth Avenues : Pedededreetectentetecrtes mu ROYA OF CANADA, a Speciat eee SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCR POH eeereetetgetoey Gapital and Rest - Total Assets perial Bank of Ga ee C,. H. McDunnongh, Manager MEDICINE HAT C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June 2nd, 1912, Arrive. Loave. : 2020 2945 Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver 8.05 8.30 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van, Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. St. Paul-Seattle Express. t. Paul Express py. Winnipeg to Calgary. e Exp, Calgary to Winnipeg. Express from Kootenay Landing. Local from Cranbrook. Local from Calgary al for Cranbrook. Expres: for Kootenay Landing. Local for Calgary. Soo, Ltd., St Paul-Port. Soo, Ltd., Port 8t,-Paul. a 1 and 12 do not come Into Medicine Hat. Pasaing Dunmore shown, Medicine Mat News Published by the Medicize Hat News Coy Lid, every lawful evening ai its ollie, Hain Sheeu Wediclne Hat, Alta. A. J.N, TERRILL, Etttor, PuONE: HOR Baltortal, Advertieing Heportorll, and Clreulation and News Dept Job Depts. 12 RING RING 21Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 2 1 y.m., dolivered.... 4.00 1 year by mail... 6 months, 4 slyared,. Z00 . months, by mail 3 months, deliversd.. 200 3 months, by mall... 850 Addresses changed as often af desired, but dota now and 0ld ad resser mat be given. Se WEEMLY NEWS. Published every Thursday in aixteen-or-more pages, and. contains a evmmsa y of the news of the week. local and district. 6 months, in advance 73s 3 mon n 1 year tn edvance.... 1.50 moe Wednesday, July 10th, 1912. TO OUR VISITORS HE British Manufacturers, who are vis- tne a vedas ae doubtless been z warned in the East O the Western Wildcatter. tO ee And we have to acknowledge that we have the animal with us in some portions of the-West and that he does at times dis- pose of mountain tops and lake bottoms, as city lots. The News has just run across an article by -H FGadsby, the widely known Toronto writer, oh this very subject yf ; of wild-catting which should prove of par- cule Q f toda Mr. Gadsby, after showing up the boomater his true light, go s on to designate Medi- w. gt; ceive yA general Banking Business Transacted. We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- perial-Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. PRESTON: PLANING MILLS + Mariufacturers of reciedeatosed BANK UF WESTERN CANADA. - 180 Branches in Canada, 81,000,000. THE PIONEER pirat (Nor. 30th. otal Assets . 1911) over Savings accounts, 2 Medicine Hat Branth JOY, Manager : ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phon Offices 760; Mill 60. sae cineee ape este trey Special attention to * + Poste Sotge EPROPS rercrterteerees NOTICE TO BUILDERS If a wild-catter could be coa his private. classification of prairie towns, that ar boo tere and to'vns that don t. At any rate, / would. the view a hard-headed man a hard conscience would take of it. d , He regards buneo game, fifteen hundred miles and a thousand miles wide. and greed. work the suckers. something. His big te a oney talk is company. ' T have been ra metaphors fo call him. He is.the gam and alkali in the good soil; i raised by the sun; he is vermin. on society is disastrous, men doubt if life, after all, is not a huge swindle. He causes weak men to step jaside-from- to falter. and become tales of sudden riches too many of them true lead- fools to-expect the same e-cheat to get it. His affect Prairie Pride INCREASED SALES OF Patent Flour The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited He is a prodigious waster. cit: He is at the root of the outrageously high cost of living in the West. pace-he- sets some-d he measure for neeessi Fully half the f Vester val gro PHON 666. AL - AD Taxi Taxi taxi? Orders Phone'sog Day. 211 Night. Transfer Co. apid LIGHT and HEAYY Piano Moving) PD easonable DRAYING A, Speciaity liable 864 Toronto Street. A TAXI CON Attended to, New Cars, Carefal Drivers. ture. He will last as long as the ey on him-, He will last a capital, S eut ot. country by ple s Budgets, takes the long jump out floyd George s frying pan into his fire. 0 of fat pickings to look forward to yet. He 1 not ease to be an outstanding f a 7 say, unbroken prairie or broken, ix which Survey fully employed. d-to give he would probably divide them this way ght a numberof industries oe : S Way The gas has brot z towns that have had their boom, towns Iready notably a big clay mt a boom, xc ith has an amazing busi- e West, fron Winnipeg to the Pacifie Ocean, as one vast long His idea is not to develop resources fan madness Not to work the land: but to give nothing. for sicken- ing, and he is a great nuisance in decent king my brain for other at they He makes honest ht paths and strong men iscontented. His. luck luxury is no example for. an industrious people. His success discounts honest en- deavour and encourages trickery and de- He pays office rents that nobody else can afford. He squanders like)a drunken sailor. The -in-extravagences becomes in ch is idue to the faet-that he sees the wild-catter reaping what he has not sown. But such as he is will last for some time yet because he trades on master. passions in human na- East crowds handfuls and more handfuls of mon- s long as English Yes: indeed, the wild-catter has years 'e him. DAILY NEWS. : latter case it costs at least 5 an acre more but sells quicker. But town lot booms are to be had in all the eolors of the rainbow, and to any kind of music from molto adagio to aliegro prestissimo. You can get any kind you pay for, from slow, subfle, soft pedal stuff, to blaring brass band Sousa. quicksteps from trombone finishes. The interior department at Ottawa is al- ways getting out maps, useful and. other- wise: so as to keep the summer heroes and winter cartographers of the Geological We have railway maps, telephone maps, telegraph maps, for- est maps, mineral maps, population maps, crop maps all-sort of spotty maps that Took ike-a-drunkard s liver and other dis- cases. Why not a land boom-map-efthe West, showing booms busted, booms bloom- e ine, booms budding, booms wanced, and booms aot wanted? The color plan would * be Hike this for booms outgrown, steady yy) vestful green, the kind they hang out of tile) back of the train to show that everything fe; for booms budding, a delicate spring croeus shade, hinting at frost and snowfalls in May; for booms ranted: a neat yt not audy. pink, signifying the dawn of hope; foe oF et S antedl: a sullen black; for booms in full blast, a violent red, meaning high fever or danger, or the S. 0. S. signal. It would be a very interesting map and it would make the Northwest look like a path- plogist s chart of a bad attack of double pneumonia, with suppuration not far off. ut this is only a suggestion. The West is too big-and serious to make jokes about. Medicine Hat is a fair sample of a town that wants a boom, and deserves one, and is getting ready for it ina sensible way. One of the first symptoms wag an effort to change its picturesque name, but so great an.authority as Rudyard Kipling persuaded the innovators that the Medicine Hat so far from being a handi p, was really a romantic lure to outside investorg, suggest- ing as it did cowboys, Indians, prpes, and piping times of peace and limitless wild west business chances. As Rudyard had already given the place world-wide adver- tising as the town with all hell for a base- ment, ? Medicine Hat . considered that it owed him one and took his advice. After that it did nothing foolish, Hell for a base- ampaign literatur - Feur lmiles awa i ield, fifty miles squre, Ss 2.40 per. wer per year. The gas pected out forever. f it falls a little short there is coal to the town al products works, and an iron works, both of which arexto plants this year. A four thousand barrel flour mill Ti en a good location-on-the plot set factory. sites, and Brown, the publicity man; who is off gunning for industries, in the United States, has just written home that he is sending a glass factory and a porcelain factory.. Natural gas has done much to console Medicine Hat for the loss of the v. P. R. shops. It will be'something better now than a divisional point on a raibvay. Besides, there are more-railways than one, and the G. T. P. is coming in. There-are, as you can see, decided advantages in hay- ing hell for a- basement, so long as Hell will) ay on thet particular job. Meanwhi ty use the gas what you might call, freely barn day and night. It The street lights cheaper, so they say, to do so than to. pay man to turn them out. Medicine Hat owns all its public utilities and has single tax. It is so jealous of public ownership that it defeated-a-street raily by-law the other day because there was just the. faintest smell of private-monopoly about it. , Medi- i i for the town. The the natural gas. The: hat-zis down and the town sits easily in the crown of it. And no town: as I have Said before, talks less through its hat than Medicine Hat. What Medicine Hat thinks jt wants-is a boom what it is really going to get is the reward of enterprise. Indus- tries first the other- gifts of prosperity . afterwards. 7 3 Sigh a ea EA Pane from Medicine Hat s advantages as img medicine i turned upside a manutfacturing-cer- tre, which have heen so abundantly demonstrated: the city always conveys the impression to a. visitor that it is ta goo place in which to live and there s a great, deal in that. 0 NDUSTRIAL Commissioner Brown sta- tes that it is not necessary to lie about Medicine Hat yet the other cities in Western Canada disagree. with VIGOROL The Great French Tonic Builds up a Run-Down Sys- A new lease of life Is guaranteed to VIGOROL, The complexion is made clear; every blemish wil be romoved, the blood made pure, the nurves mad? PStron. ant rere Organ wilt -be-pine-f ed tn a healthy condition. usm will be entirely driven out Uf moved; new ambition an the wonderful tonic today. VIGOROL will remoy that pain in the Price 1.00 a bottle. Gains Liberty but Japanese Pardoned on Con- Taft yesterday pardoned M. Hayo- shida, a Japanese serving. year sentence for manslaughter Alaska on the Unique condition that he accompany and: defray penses.of transportation of an insane fellow countryman back to Japan. guilt. who was also convicted slaughter also pardi would return to his native land . fore he embarked he became insane. Honaire who recently added-to hi numerous benefactions. by obatribut ing a large sum toward the buildin of the new Germanic Museum at Har- vard University, was born at Mayrnce- on-the-Rhine, Germany, July 10, 1839, to America and tocated m-St touts- lBusch engazed tithe brewing bush perous frenciat-and tedustrint enters eid d rhus-another objection to, the steam tem Men-and women of Medicine Hat may now be Strong and Healthy Mr, Pingle has it . and Guarantees Every Bottie. VIGOROL is the latest invention, very man and woman who takes Rheuma- he system; that Ured fle ree enersy wit blo to cam- Wet Bottle 9) te wits the world, back: nd * give you a healthy appetite: Must Leave Alaska ition That He Convoy Insane Fellow-Country- man to.Japan. 10, Prestdent Washington, July twenty in the ex- There was doubt as to Hayoshide s The other Japanese, Oshida, of man- btful evidence was n condition that he Be- THIS IS MY 73RD BIRTHDAY Adolphus Buseh Adolphus Busch, the St. Louis mil- His, education was received in the schools of. Darmstadt and Brussels. At eighteen years of-age he cane For a short time during the civil war he served In the Union army un- der Gen. Lyon, After the war Mr. nesg. and in the. course of time his business grew until it became one of the largest of the kind in the world. He also hfs large iffterests In num- prises in St. Louis and in various cit- les of the Southwest. In recognition of his philanthropy and his efforts-to 7 rt Wednesday, July: Hitb, 1932... When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use Very best We have-tt; and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR - FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. elebrated Morgan Doors, HE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WodD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT DAR POSTS, WIL EK vOsTS BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE BO, BOX 29. PHONE 37 FORMALIE: FOR SMoOT 50c.... Quart 25c....Pint DON T. PAY MGRE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : Sree : We haye-the agency for the - hours a enough A sp apparat during requires progress hardly Ste sit ce Pliny principa young r 8o Phin: somethin And the vewu By Io why Phi the ban water w sides of purpose for adi of Its itt pr afterwa Bet f derful n go-rayn peineipt stead 0 the wor duced. werved plank a the: den Of cour volve ar round h the top. the plan over the were pla the land piece se Now ti Jength 0 ng been acum, loose en passed parts w wund w the fitst took the plank. to set 0 strengthen the bonds of friendship-b t ita few tween Germany and the United States to SestecteSeciesteieaie ttt: . began te Mr, Busch has been decorated by the 3 , Mounted German Emporer and the Grand Duke HOTSON * ya atareed of Hate: . - LEADER. tefal fa PHIS DATE IN HISTORY--JULY 10 Decorating. : - CONTRACTORS AND. 1854 Assassination of William of ;: SUAEDERS Orange, who led-the Hollanders in , LET Ut igus ae oe: rope pai their war for independ: 5 BEFORE Cr ustel 1716 Phirlots: destroyed the statue -f CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING fae F King George in Bowling Green, ESTIMATES FREE almost Office Next to City Hall. fiaped: stadt D ae shitting eRe PP water an ng, the longs 1782 George M. Dallas, eleventh - ee Vice President of the U. S,, born in ; Austen Philadelphia. Died there, Dec. . 21,1. CROSSLEY BROS. ac eeek 1864. : ee ed his supe: 1911 Senator Cummins amend- 55 : Now t ment to the Canaiidn rediprocity bin Builders and Contractors. ; paid out defeated, s it on the 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 St totiaties CONGRATULATIONS ne os R,.0. Box 304, mig 5 * for the b Finley Peter Dunne, the creator of stan round aft, Dootny 18 year ol Sodas Coens a eae Dexter Learned, professow of Ger- eae man at the University of Pennsylvania ee who-has sought to prove that. Ger- etree many has always been a friend of s Sees Ami rica, 65 years. Old today: OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE friends f L ss NO. 868, 402 728 ing pose * FIRST THINGS a iene same eve cee - THE J. S. FOLLIS Ee S venty-six years ago today, om the seine odes y . ei Philadelphia Columbia Railroad, it Contracting Co. fies ot was first demonstrated that ascents o dives for lconld be made by railway locomotives, 108 TORONTO ST. at a. ants. Before that time the up-grade from Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel The pa the Schuylkill had been made by the Excavating a Specialty. ing, to p was very aid of stationary engines and ropes, railrond was shown to be baseless. Those wise people who know it a and who are tf bane of the innov: tors of every age, had sagely. obse that while Jocomotives might be all very well of a level, they would be useless n a country where steep in- cHines had to be negotiated. For a time this judgment was accepted as. Leinet until Futy 10; 1836, 1s Mansee has been boomed up to the Arctic and beyond. These few candid rem sary, The West is its Ta amount of truth must Farms in the West two colors brown and blagk. 0 about the wild-catter dre painful but neces- big enough now to have d to that end: a certain e are to be had in enly That is to SS TR appeal for donations from Hatters to the Regina relief fund, it might be stated, was un-spontaneously re- ceived. ment of the Philadelphia Columbia road determined to put It to a test. To the amazement of all the-specta- tors, the locomotive puffed slowly but surely; up the incline, 0 , zy in the Hat Saturday. The Windy coming. TCLS: ALEC wor ait-Kinds ot-fob printing, try Loose Leaf System The News Job Department bas every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. the News Job Department. - HEAVY TEAMING . enanine- Q Light and Heavy Horses for sale at AL Times. FS. LYON CONTRACTS FOR 0 cs Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. 0. Box 81. w.R.Simmonds CARPENTER np CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to, Phone No. 335. * Phone No. 415, ever, rec following diasatiss when its juvenile at ite ip ronnd w with p swelling tory mar The co the grea
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Image 45 (1912-07-10), from microfilm reel 45, (CU1772088). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.