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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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the latest Prices. i Loose Leaf to order. We ean supply. you with Leaf Systems at Eastern Keep. the money at home. Get our prices - before sending out of the city for these goods. : a We catry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, hedger Sheets, Account for this work. We make a speciality of duvoy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass etc., and can make ther Job Department ' Medicine Hat News, Ltd. improved Loose a t Forms, :ete. Binders, in Cor- .. any size * i BANK-AIDS REGINS we. XS gt; Foronto, Ont. Iply 5 The Bank of Cotimierce today telegraphed 5.006-to the Regina relief fund. DISTRICT OF CALGARY Province of, Alberta, rancher, hotel proprietor, deceased. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN. that having claims upon. the estate of th sald iate William Henry Babb, deceased, who died on the sec- of May, A. D, 1912,are re W,. J. McLean, man- aging exccutdret the estat of said yefore the Both day of August, A: D,, 1912, a full state- all ond quired deceased, on OF ment of their claims, and of any curities Held by them, duly naging execitor wil Dated at Medicine Hat, this Sth day of July, A.D, 1912. WILLIAM A. BEGG, executor. 304a3 Sat. i RAL SMS Lot 8, Block 14; South Yuill, facing Ogilvie Mills, 50x130, 1050. Rosedale House on... corner, lot 2,000 cash South Yuill Mill ft. Shack and 50 ft. iot, 900. B. F. SOUCH DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. INTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE BOFATE-o Hen- ry Babb, late of Medicine Hat in the r and and that, after that date, the sald p proce distribute the assets of the de cea: among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been filed with the sald W. J. MoLean, as such executor. Alberta, of Becker Block; Main St., Medicine Hat, Alberta, Solicitor for the said HEALS THELURGS STOPS COUGHS Price. 2s Pingle, Wales Bell COM. AGENTS CUSTOMS BROKERS, NOTARY PUBLIC, Ete. 6th Ave. and Esplanade, half a minute from City Hall. OFFER SPECIALS . TODAY 2 corner (separate). acres of flat land six blocks from Taber Railway Depot. Land close to railway at .the absurd price of * 300 per acre. This is. not or 5 miles away, remember, but daly 6 blocks away. Owner 5 compelled to sell owing to re- quiring money for money spec- jon. A rare chan A ice Jock up for a.shre vestor. in- ALE Block 6, 50 ft. Jots at 225 each. Level as a lard table (private infor- mation known about-the loc- ality. CENTRAL PARK Blocky 17, 21 and 24. Level lots close in to the Park, 400 each. Landlords We want 6 houses. for capital tenants. Require 4 to 5 rooms . Modern con- *veniences. a REDCLIFF Many speculators are turning thelr eyes to: this growing town. We have a Tepresentative on the spot and can give you good tist- ings and sound information North Yuill, Herald, Cousins and Sissons, Westover Park, id City View Tots, Good terms. * We shave several sub-divjstoris and ferms surrounding Medi- cine Het for sate, Remember We are Tepresenited by the old- est and most experienced brokers in this class-of pro- perty in the city: W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee- and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executor of papers for shipments going- into the United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent MEDICINE HAT. : FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE - ALWAYS TASSID BROS. PHONE NO, 256. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, Maxwell left this morning for a visit to her England, She safls on the Ro al Edward, leaving Montreal on the 10th nt. Mrs, McIntosh and family left for the east this morning, Karol Teuerle who intends spend- ing a few months at hfs home in Ham- bourg, Germauy, left town this morn- Jing for Montreal where hes will sail on the 12th July on the Empress of Ireland. amily are also pay- Country and leave Montres Dh the 10th, salling on the Lake Champlatn, Mrs, Tomlinson and family, and Mrs, Castle and family, are sailing from Montreal-on July 12 on the Em- press of ireland, r Joe Glantuck,-and George Curley of Carlstad, are registered at the Royal, Willtain Parliament of Suffield, 18 spending the week end in the city Mr. A. P, Thompson, C, Po R. super- intendent s, chief clerk, and his bride, Feturued: trom thelr, honeymoon last night, Mrs. J. W. Brows left the clty this morning for Minneapolis, Mr. and Mra. J. J. Renwick, of Re- gitia, the latter cousin of Mr. B. Bel- lamy, of the Hat, wore heavy losers in the Regina cytione, Their residence wad Gemolished as was also thelr store in which was a stock of planos, etc. The family at the time of the disaster Tuckily happened to be out of the city. Air: Renwick aiid f qily about three years ago resided in Medicine Hat-with Mr. Bentley, tie being. em- Company. He has on various occa- sions Visited the city-as representative: of the Stratford Milling Co. Mra, Geo: Thompson left this morn- ing for Lethbrdige where she side in the: future, is trip to Montreal and Quebec. jolbrook is taking charge(during REPORT WAS INCORRECT Mr. Warren Oveypack states that report that he intends to open clay, plants at Redcliff and the coast are incorrect and is an injustice to him- self and the company. x He has resigned his position as Gon- eral Manager of the Clay Produets Co. after four years hard plugging, to take iq much: needed rest. Mr. Overpack buiit the plant here and has since its inception spagg practioally every mins fite of his tim in working out plaus fer its further development and he. now feels that he should have a rest. He will leave next weok for an auto +rip to his old home in Abia: FG mafntaihs his interests Products Co., being one of the direc: tors and secretarytreasurer. ployed as miliwright By the-Miljing BY-LAWS Improvements. The five by-laws voted on yeaterday iby the burgesses were all passed by laLrge majorities, The new agreement with the Clay Products, passed by 32 to 2 against. Plank sidewalks proposing an expe RE PASSED Amounts Aggregating 89,820 to Be Utilized for City diture of 5,630 by 32 for and none against; carb and gutter bylaw, +J6, 000, passed by 32 for and two against ment aidewatks, 34,190, vy for and none against, and street grading, 15,000, by 34 for and one against. trang 2 i C. PLR. Freight Cars Brok- en Into Several Petty Larcenies Reported. For the past day or two there has been an overflow of vagrants in the city, and they haye been busy while here, Many C. P. R. freight ears with mertchandise for the city merchants have been broken open, several petty larcenles have been ed. On an average three vage been brought before the magistrate every day by the.C,'P. R. constab and al- thomgh stiff sentences have heen hand- ed out, there seems to be no check to the depravities. Whether wor .is. plentiful or not there is hever atiy mi tion of the traipp Wutsance- sahun all ki tena s ofTabor, and pass ily out of wr existence at the: expense of the mtbpayers say the police. They re not welcom- ed in the cities but singul ly Httle is don jo check their wi Alfalfa Five Feet High Wheat Headed Out. J. A Johnston, of Woolchester, about 12 miles from this ity, has a field of 3-acres of alfalfa which-stands over five feet high, a sampl pf which has baen received by the secretary. of the Medicine Hat Agricultural Society on exhibition at the socie- ty's office, Board of Trade buildin: Mr, Johnston, talking to the News, Tee that there was) every app aranc : S ARE. Theable-bodied no- BUSY of the depravities that bave been go- ing on for some time past in the city. Jail seems to have no terrors for them, for while they are-ininates they have better beds they: veually have, clean cloth lar uteals, tor the Sake of whigh they are at times will- ing to-submi to a certain ambunt of restraint and inconvenience, provided they are not asked to work too hard, Untl in some way these able-bodied itineyant Idlers are made to pay for thelr board and pay good and hard in Iabor, they will continue to invest the cities. sf At the police court this morning be- fore Magistrate Kealy two bos named Koller and Cumming; were sentenced to a month s imprisonment for tres- passing on C.P,R property: . P. R. constable Washburn sald he.saw the men unload rom a freight, on the other side of tle bridge and then walk into the depot where he arrested? them. lt; A 3 fine was Imposed on J. Gress neve come wis ap should be Setrtay ARS Local Crops -are Good was all Heading out, as Were thecctops: of hil the other farmers in the nelgb- fndon -fleld of Mr. Frank Whit Would easily yield 75 bushels to the acre. This was-a very conservative estimate. The harvest, he thought, would be a little earlier than last year and there was little danger of any not Deing abl to g tighr ahed out as was the cage last yale. The Mitte rain they tag. Deen, get ting, he added, onto world pt S00d,and there was.every Feason to bumper crop/notytthstending-the ihiik the local crop. would he the best hot dry. speel of al ek ago. His wheat in Years. SCHOOL TEACHERS AOLDING FORTH T DAY IN cinco Educators Will Have Session Will Co All Week. Chicago, 1, July 6. Chicago began today the entertainment of the thou- sands of schoolteachers from every nook and corner of the United States, who.are here for the golden jubilee eonvention. of the National Educatzon Association. Delegat s.began arriving, several days ago. Each hour adds hundreds until today when the teach- ers began passing into the city by the Pthousands, The convention will con- tinue all of next week. Three-sessions of the National Couneil of Education ushered in. the: Convention activities today. Tomorrow fifty churches will be hosts to the dele- gates, theircministers speaking on ed: ucational topics, On Monday the first general session will be held in the Auditorium Theater, and in the even- ing there will be a reception in the Art Institute. The nitial session. will be devoted principally to a review of the history of the association and-the work it has accompjlished during the hal century of its existence. The speakers will friclude Carrolf G: Pearse of Milwaukee; the present head of the association, and former Presidents Thomas W. Bicknell of Providence and James N, Greensood of Kansas City: Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended fo: woinen's allments, a scientiffeally prepared remedy of proven. worth, The result froin thelr use Is quick and permanent. For-sale at all drug stores, e.0.d.-10mo. PEE EE ETE EEE pusy ue HOME SEEKERS , EXCURSIONS. There's many a home seek- ers excursion right here in the clty every day personal- ly conducted, too, -by readers of The Daily News Want Ads. gt; rent tooms, houses, tages apartments, pian a home seekers - excursion. through the Wants; bid poi sible tenants come and. at what you have'ta The Wants cost but Ope insertion, 3 for 50 , one: week for 1.00. . Phone 13, two rings. FEEEEEEEEE EES cot- he Seb bob ob betel h tee bet bbe If you have property Tor -+Rese Eestival will be reproduced for Oregon City. of the Benevolent and Protective Or- der of Elks, which is to hold forth here during the whgle of:next week. Streets are flaring with purple and White decorations, Downtown streets are gay with flags, streamers gnd fes- toons of incandescent lights. The ds coratibns extend to the residential sec- tions, and there is scarcely a house that is not, displaying a flag or piece of bunting in houor of the-visitors The central feature of the decoration dcheme s a Court of Honor in the shape of a square and formed by four of the principal streets of the business district, At each corner of the court are two massive arches, crowned with herofe-size elk figures. 3 -Forming the capitals of the seat pillars that line tfie Court of Honor are oie hundred big clocks that toll off the mystic hour, of eleven, every five minutes, day and/night. Elks and their friends streamed in- to the city today from every direction, So great was the crowd that It was possible to get-correct registration of the arrivals, but the city s hotels are already more than filled, downtown rooming houses-are crowded to the utmost and many private residences: have been thrown open for the en- Monday will be devoted to the recep- tion of the -visitgra The formal op- ening of the grand lodge session will take place Monday evening in the Ar- mory.. The programme will include addresses of sreeting by the Governor of Oregon and the Mayor of Portland and response for the visiting hosts by Grand Exalted Ruler John P. Sulli- Yan of New Orleans, One thousand automobiles will be put into use Tuesda to convey the f+ viniting Elks and their ladies on sight eving trips about the city. Several steamers have been chartered for ex- cursions on the Williamette and Co- Inmbia Rivers. a Tuseday nigtit the brilliant el ctrical parade that has become the noted spec: tacular feature of Portland's annual the benefit of the visitors. This par- ade will consist of a score of allegor- feal floats ,representing. the develop- iment of Oregon and the Northwest, To array will be added a number of S weetinas ae oe ot Elkdom, Weanss Been set entertainment At e is Portiaha's jon ithe, inter ,with tend Elks Stampede. Portland Great Gathering of Famous Lodge Holding Meeting in- - ( Portland, Ore., 6. Portland is in S lmon as the chief item on the jenu, gayest attire forthe forty-sishth an ree nual grand lodge meeting and ion Thursday will be the day of tite great parade, in- which some 50,000, Elks in Sorgeous costumes Will take part. The: parade will be in charge of James R. Nicholson of Springfield, Mass., grand esquire of the order, who has -had many Years experience in arranging street pageants. Portland lodge b e- ing the host, will occupy the position of honer at the head of the procession. The other lodges will follow in order, jtaking position according to the num- ber of their charter. New York being No. 1, will follow immediately after Pottland. Then will come Philadel- phia, San Francisco, Chicago, Cincin- nati and all, che others, On Friday a magnificent fleet - of naval and merchant vessels will carry the Bike and thefr families onan ex- cursion down the Williamette and Co- Jumbla, rivers. The United States erulger Boston wil head the proces- ston, and will be.followed by other na- yal craft and the boats of the Oregon Yacht Club. ae The unnuat-grand- batt, the principal social feature of every Elk reunion, will take place Friday night at the Multnomah Hotel, All visiting Elks and thetr families . will be admitted free. : No set programme has been prepar- tertainiment of the visitors; - ed for Saturday, the closing day of the reunion, but free automobile and boat Service will be available for-all yisit- ing lodgemen. When the gathering breaks up large parties of Hast rn visitors wll begin a tour of Califor- nia, Washington, British Coluimbla and the entire Pacitic Coast country before turning their faces homeward. many points included in the itinerary of these parties the tocat-todges of Elks are arranging special ent rtain- ment for thie tourists, : FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. W. G. W. Fortune, B.D., sec- retary of the Alberta Temperance and Moral Reform League of Alberta will occupy the pulpit at the morning ser- vice in First Baptist churetrtomorrow. The pastor will preach the first of two lsermons on The Effects of Sin, at the evening service. 3 Loves Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. Shilohs Gure SERS Tre Tmoat ano tunes 0 cen? generaly adopted- for the abatement horhood; Oats were particularly Bood -FREE UE LECTURE Uniter the avppices ot INTERNATIONAL DIBLE STU. DENTS? ASSOCIATION and The Dead What are Their Future Hopes? MEDICINE HAT - TUESDAY July 9th at Sp. m, ALL ARE WELCOME - SEATS FREE. NO COLLECTION. hd ha Nasa al DOMINION Pts CANADA Sailings from Montreal Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling at - Quebec, A Megantic, July 6, Aug. 3, Aug 31. Teutonic, July 18, Aug. 10, Sept. 7. Laureitic, July 20, Aug. 17, Sept 14 Caneda; July 27, Sug. 24,.Sept. 2h, .S. LAURENTIC, 8.8. MECANTAC Largest and Finest steamers in Canadian trade. Staunch and steady. Excellent. accommodations for all classes. ed MODERATE RATE SERVICE 8.8, Teutonic. and SS. Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin onty. Phe best these steamers affor at moderate rates, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth oom: For reservations, rates, plans, fi- lustrated booklets, etc., apply - to Tailway or stesmship agents, or to W. M. McLEOD, C.W.P.A., 833 Maio St. Winnipeg Lot 24, bik, 84, 1875, Cash. gt; Lot 10, bik. 92, 2100. Terms. Lots 1-2, bik. 8, 1100, Terms. Watch our Windows for some of the NEWEST SHIRTS These goods will appeal to you for evening and best wear, and the values are exceptional. BY H.S.IRELAND GP. R. MENS STORE SOUND STNG TOWNSITE Lot 36, Bik. 2, 1150, Terms, Lot 4, bik. 82, 1050. Terma Lot 86, Bik, 80, 1050. Cash. Lot 27, bik. 2, 1109. Terms. Lots 16-17, bik. 54 2800. Terms HERALD SURVEY Lots 5-6, blk. D, 4000. Terms. Lots 28-29, bik 5, 1478. Cash. Lots 1-2, bik, 21, 1100.- Terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX . Lots 29-80, bik. 21, 1050, Tetms GAS CITY REALTY Co. PHONE 605. 410 MAIN ST. Agents for Accident and Sick- ness Insuranee. is the only one which will do buy. See it at our Store, THE-MARSHALL-MITCHELL, There are many. kinds, some good, some otherwisi A refrigerator that will kegp onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in ber xvithout taint or odor is one of the best, THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR Screen Doors and Windows, pha A Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat ie same foot cham this, and therefore the best to HARDWARE C0, UD, which he Has eondueted his that on and after April 15th the continuation of that service: and associated with this store. 7 F. A Hein : . B. MeKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and ns for their generous patronage ery business, and begs to state jusiness will be carried on as a+ Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of, their esteemed patronize, quality which has always been Watch for further Announcements Tomato Ketchup. z i H.W. Ireia during the past seven years with an assurance of Be McKINNON t 3 a3g-d-tf Delicious Relish tz nd Co. Main Street. Ki Saas Phone 54. Pilemtlinieleininteteleleieteieieieinteieieiebteieiinininieinleintninie gy f ( Se 2 3 Stockbolt programme the Olympt varied in trial heats. ing race, tl gt; standing br England, fi magnificent : by fitty yare jump; 0, Th + with 3,87 1 New..York J With 3.36 me NOY. A-Gut Tn the 40 ada 46 1-2 opposed; Un (Walkorer) 45 seconds Sweden, 43 Opposed. . Gi 8-5 seconds: 7-10 seconds 400 metres States beat seconds, In the 400 States team er runing. in failing te and that -the In the Sec tres race, the itors, The 1 -easily. The sentatives, F THE London, Jul pregiding at the Hudson's Fesuits of th highly gratify the policy of 1 the time whe diminish to. ir Events in Car mecently as to to ri the througiiout Ca pany by exte branches. Ve 4 ments tiave b Hine. Indicatic point to an at the coming se Turning. to lordship said firm throughor demand at g00 -al Iands as Ww Winnipeg mark tive, Conditio: -Battleford, Pri William are is * townsites it Is demand: for 10 The improved CHEA Galacian U ence at (Ww. A Winnipeg, Ju - Galician under murder at Gi hanged himseit this morning b: AM Highwater, Jacob Truax wa Water in which rowned.
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Image 31 (1912-07-06), from microfilm reel 31, (CU1772096). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.