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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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me furnished front ved- o two unturnished bed v' cottage near high use of plone, Apply 630 or,phone 764, B0dd3 Mrat. class front or tWo Fentlon from city hall, ve. Apply soddte Furnished room im fafr- n houie, Use of phone, 1 Ottawa St. sozate aLB room to rent. -Threr rom depot. House fully ply 216 Peronto St. 301-8 furnished zooms to rent, Mi-sitting-room, modern suitable for two gentle 426 Toronto St. a7att WANTED. * Rooms suitable tor fog, Apply to box 130 goads VANTED To piircliase er, 7 or roomed fully . State best price and 188 box 210 Medicine Hat. 3 gt; 30446 ND BOARD WANTED DYROQM W. by young business mn wr in private fambiye. rticulars to box S4y, T AND FOUND + rday evening last a childs ped locket, nickle B. with ward given. 216 6th Aye Se So ee m of money. Owner may ne by proving property. , International Supply Co. 303d3 bunch of keys. Owner same hy calling at News ying for this ad. 80idtt d's: sweater coat, whites with blue, and a child's ry skirt partly worked. , R. station. Apply to aylor, 124 Braemar st. 20143 Mollcing Hat Saturday last, a pocketbook. con a of money and a railway er will be rewarded by same at B. F. Sotich s 30008 anighd rihg. Apply A. W, Park St. , 30184 STRAYED - Two bay geldings, white anded On left thigh. 00 for, return to Products Co, 299dtt. nd over V. One: bay 8, years old, white face, lege, and big. white spot eighs 1000 Ibs, Host 18 20 reward... Apply to Trvine; Alta July 4 tw SCELLANEOUS Mra, Henry Bochee of Hills would ltke to know outs of her daughter, Hiya, dicine Hat. It LADIES AND GENTS lothing, shoes, watches, i, revolvers, valises, sult , musical instruments, emocrat waggons, bug- ws, dieycles. carpenter aw hides and furs, horse ind f-ithers, bought and to the Harvard Tailoring - ourth avenue. opposite theatre. P, O. box 358. The Best Prices Paid for 3 28D CINE HAT HIDE, bestoddeet the lst of States in the number of -8 2 : ee ae Clup, eee ae ees meetings, with 105 to her credit. Can- : Humphries and McLean, home the Boston Red Sox visited ev- d 26 whole, had 101 mestings in OToola-and Stinnd: 1911, and,New York had eighty-cight, urpi DOs. ery city on the Amerivan League clr) 0 / aa on : 2 '* Pbteago 4 7 Ofeult, winning 47 of the 25 gam rine Spd ear dries 5 ST BE Coie pon Pennsylvania hed three. fewer than The Man a Stone Where You fe seen New York, cam fourth: with Get the, Big Doar's Wosth ender and. Archer, John B. Bayle, tthe University ot sixty-seven ind Mlinols titty with six. : Harmon and Bresnahan. Chicago thir who bas join- : ok ty-four,. sixth with fitty- 2 oo ed the Quakers, is touted a the best 1/0 ecventhowith ie: Spread EERGUE Sollee anes GON aeetian in eee aera Of 1,082 meetings. were Ist game * The New York State aru teams eee lane if ae eet SEGA treet ee Ps 2 : 4 ee up eorking pen ra Phe big line as - * hia. a ee i 5 the G: is called by trotting MAKING ONE + Brien and Carrigan. horse wien, will have ayexcellent cur- Coombs, Houck: and Egan. . tain r thig Week in the Grand Ra- DOLLAR DO THE ) ona game Fenlacee ions Carr, of the Kan- Sag Mich itestings the Punters WORK OF TWO *)Boston... . 5 7 fans Clty team, ts having great year) CM yrvige oGhan having woos ne age Philadelphia 3. 8), 3 with the stick. The former Nap bas sio09 ay aq Gthabtion tor enetne : Collins and Carrigan. been hitting close to the .375 mark S. neck nate sg our dollars vary in value of gt; Sore Morena Tap aitecaans, This gmouht fe the largest ever of- according as they Vary in .4 Now York e 5 6 4 Right flelder Tiny Graham, of 48 Noe ce purchasing. power. El Washington ... + 16 14 5 BRatioke team, and Right fielder ott with orem MMoreater the: tena The man or woman who + Warhop, Fisher and Sweeney. et of the Portsmouth team, top: the ee ae studies. gavertising is able, *F). agol and Williams list of batting averages in the Virginia , frequently, to make one dol- FT Detroit 3 8 1 Lengue, lar do the usual work of two. /Chicago ... 7 12 3) The ne Westein Tri-State League, The experienced reader of Works and S ailage. jcomy of Walla Willa, Pendleton, advertisements will always +f Watsn and Kuhn. 2 and La Grande, has canght, I make dollar - command a - / fancy of the fans ad is havingle b puss ; P k cessful season. ) (Special to buy more than th dollak of rt Otto Williams, of the Indianapolis avnon-reader of. advertise .*f patimore 15 1/team, bes ectablishea a chicken farm, dent s ed 0; return. to ments, Newark 3 6 2 Consisting of a real hen, under the Washington Moiday trom his brief How much above par ares Watker, Bei e aud Schmit: jTight field bleachers at the sotiost? outing at Beveriy. It is expested that the dollars in your pocket s- Sask, Mocinnity and Siete olis baseball park, jj aan dite WG BAK the Ge worth? Toronto ... 4 6 0 Scout Jim McGuire, of: the hretcore It-will depend on how close- Beftalo . 8 .6 4 Tigers, helleves that pitche- Cari Committee of nine, appointed from the ty you. study tiie buying. op. Lagh Graham. Zamloch, of the Missoula'Unton Asso- R publitan national committee, wilt portunities outlined in Wallen welder sand Mitcheir: ciation. team; has the stuff in him to Walt'on the President to learn his Providence 5 10 0/deliver big league benders. wishes 1 ig the conduct. of his Jersey City. 4 11 1 Matiager Frank Chance, of tho. Cubs, 3 ue ae AREER REE EE Bartlett, B.A.Sc Muntelpal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyoi Indtstri Water Stipplies, Sewage, Room 14, Imperial Medicine Hat summer Shirts and soft scollars yon ever saw. Pe out For the first of Superior Deguth .. Spur Railways, Irtigation + Plans; Etc. Buflding. ae Phone 420 Red Deer Barger, Bent and Mnier, Mathewson and Myers. Philadelphia Boston. ... Risey and Kilifer. BL Fyler and Rariden, 4 * CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL Rhoades and, Anderson, * Johnson and Hargrave. WESTERN CANADA Edmonton, Lafitte, Bailey, Dygert and Schmit. Doescher and Wells, odes ray St. or Phong 687. wt RED ACCQUNTA DERSON .CO,, chartered nts and auditors, (estab- auditors, city of Medicine eg, Medicine Hat, Leth- E. Gibson, C.A, resident one 198, Burgs *Block. a76att CTIONEERS WNE CO,, Live Stock eral AucHoneers, 619 Tor- ock Sales every Friday quare at 1 o'clock. Ranch gt;ck sales conducted any- use furniture. Bales con- here, Consult us, GU ex your disposal free. Phone Browne Co,, 819 To- sszatt SINESS CARDS, SWING MACHINES ang Manning Pianos and sale and to rent. Alb surance. W. J. Fleming, Lin Street, nde dredoipceceeeaae du eo erdodeey STATIONERY Sareeeteent PX PHOS SSS Tf the average business man had time to carefully investigate every proposition put up to him, he would pay less attention to ; first impressions and judge less by appeare anees, But he is called upon to think and act quickly, and he must base his judgments upon what.he ean take in at a glance. Using poor stationery or printing is poor business however you look at it, because it Zepresents you, and you cannat, prevent it. The: safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing'so good that you are willing to have your work or your goods judged by-it. There dro c rtain things that are tmposatble to say about Far instance, your character, the esteem you hold for your business, your integrity, these are things suggest * one s self. that cannot be advertised. But you can through your stationery and-prittted matter. A handsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once impress your man favorably, while an indifferently print ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained attention, It4s not exaggeration to say that the success of your let- ters often-depends upon -the-printing and paper. you buy; We will gladly. submit samples to you. We know that we can please you. Medicine Hat News, Limited. Medicine Hat, Alta, 2 ee 2 Tire ores sleadeet tl ia 0 won both: games Wednesday 7 to SOMPICS 3 f ;Aas never been off the continent. has. piirchased Will Dowling, the Speedy second baseman-of the Gales- burg Central Association team, Del Howard, the former Chicag Louisyijle player, has been released s the St; Paul club to the San proclaims Jake Daubert, of the Sup- erbas, the best of all first basemen: As Frank was a classy performer gt the first station, his opinion should ti count. . Pitching for. the Winston-Salem, team, Carl Ray, a coll ge southpaw, Sociation of three wins in-as many days: Ray won a. Monday game 7 to 8; Tuesday's game was postponed and 5 and 12 to 4. IN FULL SWING 30-000 People . Packed. the Great Stadium (W. A: P. Cable.) Stockhoim, July The insiuguvation of the Olympic games today provided spectacle which probably has n ver I, letles from the days of ainclent Greece. It wa-not only a beautiful and m m- orable scene, but solemn ceremony which affected the spectators deeply. The great'stadium was willed with 30,000 people of all Nations. Army Howard ,the Winnipeg 100 me- tres-sprinter, how at Stockholm, has been protested by the Swedes on ac- Coutit of professional race with Don- aldson in South Africa threeyears ai Before this trip to the Olympic he 160-metreg; the first atiiletic victory for the United States, was won by Ira oprimey of the Seattle A.C., in- the third heat of the.100 metres flat, hfs time being 11. seconds, H. E. H. Blak ly of England was second and a Hun- garian third. Geo. Goulding of Toronto, the pedes- trian fs going strong in the 1000 me- tres walk, Gillies of Vancouver, threw the 2 shot 174 feet. JOLY 6 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS 1860 Tom Sayers announced -his retirement after his tout with Tom Heenan, leaving the heavyweight championship belt open to competit- fon. Sam Hurst was the next to hold A Le the belt by defeating Paddock. 1911 Rudolf Unhols defeated Peter Jensen in 20 rounds at Trinidad, Colo, 1911 Young Loughrey outpointed in State Wednesday to name candidates for supreme court platform. hibition pafty for the nomination of candidates for President and Vice President will be called to order Wed- nesday in Atlantic City. Among those now mentioned:for the head of the ticket are Dr, Aaron 5, Watkins Ohio, Francis i. Baldwin of New York, Bugene W. Chafin of Arizona, Andrew Lurkin of Pennsylvania, ied by Princess Patricia, is due to ar- been equalled in all the history of oth- rive in Winnipeg Tuesday: to besiti his tour of the Canadian West. On the day following his atrival in the west- ern metropolis have about 150, Last year Ohio third-party Republicans of Towa are to meet Convention in Des Moines The national convention of the pro- ot Houston of Texas and Madison F. The Duke of Connaught, accompan- B3ints to a most successful season for th, trotting horge owners this year, as about a tliolisand harness meets o- iave. been scheduied for the United lt; * States, while Oshada -wijl -probably led the begtining of the pres- p: idential catpalgn. The movement will manifest itself in the holding of conf rences in st number of set a new record for the Carqlina As- fhe tates fo Giwabise Ju. the dnterese of the Roosevelt presidential andi- dacy. Wisconsin. CRICKET (W. ALP. Cable) London, July by nine wickets and Notts The South runs, , B. in the triangular test matche: ENGLISHMAN WON CAL Cable) Paris, July 6 An Englishman, Michael Scott, today won teur gal? championship of the the day in feu 3 vying: the most er COMING WEEKS:.NEWS FORECAST News Washington, D.C, July G. Presi-fwill officiate at: the opening of the Canadian Industrial Exhibition. Thursday is the day fixed for confident of victory. United States. The most important: events on of the principle athletic fixtures Saturday will see the finals, in following day will take place hieved at London two years ago. The convention calendar of week Will He unusually Well tional Educa' Order of Elks, in Portland, Ore.; National Municjpat League, in North America, in Detroit, and His Royal Highness Kid Henry in 10 rounds at New York, mt is to be held in Fargo, N. D. - REP ARRTE Scene from Beverly of Graustark, New. Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvan- ia, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia . and. Lancaster gained Victory over the Austfalians, winning by elght wickets. Kent beat Surrey byshire by an-tmMings and 147 rund, ricans defeated Warwick shire by six wickets and Hampshire beat University by an innings and 68 k, England's captain played splendid innings for 203 and not out. ama- ce on ule lixtks, Mr. Scott defeated erican, J. J. Anderson, yester- the finals by 2 up and 2 to-play. Loose Leaf. System The News Job Department has every facility tor sup- general elections in the Province of Saskatchewan. A spirited cautpaign is in progress and both parties appear The result of the election-will be of mor than lo- cal interest as it ix expected. to af- ford an indication of whether there has been any change of views on the Part of the people of western Canada - on the subject of reciprocity with the rogramme of the Olymple games in Stockholm will be decided during the Week, These events will include all which the Americans will take part. standing high jump, the discs throw, the 400-metre and team rac . On the gteat- Marathon race, in which Am- Judges and adopt ajerica hopes to repeat her victory ac- filled. Among the most important gatherings will be the Conventions of the Na- Association, in Chi- cago; the Benevolent and Protective - . Los. Angeles; the United States Leegue of Local Building and Loan Associations, , in Atlantic City; the International, As- sociation of Chiefs of Police, in Toron- to; the Fire Marshals Assocjation of biennial saengerfest of the Norwegian Singers Association of America, which Sree PEt SFT 4 Peebeeeeee - . e + BIG. EEAGUE +/+ Mile ack+ Harness: Racing - SCORES * * BASEBALL NOTES :. aa gtlieteseeeceeeed eason Will Open Monday heb bbb bbe toe s ; PAN SENOCARON.Vcices erie ave: Mardvarn meae / AERA. Oi Git Inaugural Mecting at G at Grand Rapids A - ert a Roller Compauy Inc.)* * Great. Season is This Year. Weather + at ting Reet . PaHare:, a 8 16 41) Rochester Hustlers have the star out- f ledo. nd Owens. 2 6 of elt of the tates League. Sey vis ec (By Gra oa nia 5 * Pitcher Pickett, the Bloomington fonllay wi eas the opening of for tralght events, with na nov- stuff at Turpin Bro: one sind Cariscn, gt; */t am tn the Thr e-r League, recently je hatness rails season on the mile handleaps or futuritics. ees Panama Hats, Summer Poona poeta eg pecied 9 Boag eatie; neathat, Dever oearen'g pet Cnc ent hen a walls Dace wen ee used to be satisfied with the moderate incom) i i thi th 4 * Suits, B.V.D. and oth- istiwankeo . ; -10 5 eae Ay eae Neocon is will-be thirty-tf such trotting mects for. hat ae bane Senate me forded by stocks. and bonds yielding from 3 erlines of light un- Ree sad O'Gannor. Playing the game of lus fe with the during 1912, aeatterea all over Am- monto, Stookton, Fresno, aid Ge Anc der ik a ene ene: Bohalie Braves, grlca from Gannecticut, and New eles. Michigan nd Miinole will gach erwear, si Ose an lt;a ee Knotty Lee's Haatttton Kolts.*have ve two; There will be one big zy NATIONAL LEAGUE been going strong of late and crowd- iu ee See event in each of the followingL, States: faney lisle thread Hose, Bae 1 aa BS Ones and Lond. for the banora Tea cnucdee Rate careens ee Aishama, Artsotin, Connections, Indta- es ; ; Cahadian Leagu ready jowa, Massacl Minn and. the greatest litte of new Yong anaes ek ae ee principally Mig (Canada. Mrerpibing 22k tinetts, esota, ty. more, lecirable, more Necessary, and yet may be easily a attained through real estate investments ; owing to the marvelous development of the coun. try. The astounding commercial and industrial de- velopment of the city of Medicine Hat has, owing to the Substantialty. of these developments, along with its many natural resources, won the confi- dence of the people from far and near and as a re- sult these people are.steadily buying Medicine Hat, cay Property, while in return the values of ee -Property has steadily risen and shall continue to rise. ra eoetuae Call at our office and Ist us tails Gon to see some. mighty good buying. We have a number of good listings that we can deliver which are below the market. These commonly called Snaps, will not last long. See Us At Once. Der- Hon. i We are gt; THE FARM Land Company EA SiN LAND COMPANY 390-TORONTO Sree ' .t PHONE aad the the CW. A Washington, July 6. Conflleting stories are being told of th hanging in effigy of William J. Bryan at Col- onial Beach, -a summer* resoft n ar here Wednesday night. The truth seems to be that the hanging was do: lt;Dispatch.) lt; by one man who was disappoint er the outcome of the balloting Baltifiore convention. Resi Golantal Beach, however, re act and by way of showing it ithe effigy.and threw it ints mac River. in tire the, JOEY 7 IN PUGMUBTIC ANAL Henley on Thames, uly nival, today reached the Doint in all the big events first timie since its inception received the patronage. of tls accompanied by the Queen cess Mary, who came trom Henley by train. On the ar King George and Queen. ed on the Royal Barge wi Mantly emblazoned With red and maimed ty, the King s watermen, in their liveries of c nturies ago. Their Majesties then proceeded down-the coumse to the Royal Stand from which they watch d the final heats of the Subserine now for The Daily, News, *tish aquatic championships: the 1905 Joe Jeanette outpointed Geo., Cole in a 6-round no-decision, bout if Philadelphia. 1907 Bill Lang, the Australian heavyweight, knocked out Dick Ker- rick in 2 rounds at Meibourne, 1908 Tommy Murphy bad the shade on Jack Goodman in a 6-round bout at New York. i9fi Harrp Powers defeated .Char- Jes Lawrence in 10. rounds at New fark the the Opera House, Monday, July 8.
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Image 28 (1912-07-06), from microfilm reel 28, (CU1772072). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.