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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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- GRAIN STATISTICS OF LePAGE BROS. INTEREST TO BUK oO - su Eq THE NE-PRICE CAS STOR Paid a Visit to the 'Peg Grain Exchange Today. om The Duke Biz July Sale : ee Wemens Walking Skirts Joi ii ene es ANOTHER SENSATIONAL SALE OF ster eo WOMEN S WALKING SKIRTS istics showing the Wonderful growth Jor the grain business of Westel Can- 'The woman who has felt the need of just one more serviceable skirt will be able to se sure, one ada. This afternoon he visi Mani- toba Agricultural College and this during this July Sale'at a price which is only a tion.of its real value. evening the party returns to the East. AND COLORED SKIRTS in panama; Regular 8.75 amd 4.00 July Sale-Price, 2.45 each. 4 NICE PANAMA OR SERGE SKIRT In black, navy and gular 5.00; 8.00 and 6.50 value, Tuly Sale Price 4.00 each. Vor SKIRTS made in all the latest styles rimmed. Regular values up to 15.00, July Sale Price 8.35. Everything as represented or money back. LePAGE BROS. 388 Toronto St. Phone 28. 0 RENT. and In good repatr./ Gan get p session July 22. Apply to D, Jackson, 408 First Ave, 6d Barnum McGreevy 420 Main Street Situations Wanted, Help Wuuted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc:,.ada under these headings. 26 words, one day . 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, atx days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No COMMENCIN TS. THE EYER POPULAR COMEDIAN real estate office at-420 Tom Marks Main street. We intend- to do a legitimate; on AND HIS EXCELLENT SUP- the square business in PORTING COMPANY handling Medicine Hat Comedies City property and sur- rounding subdivision acreage and farin lands. We have spent several days in securing some of the newest,and best listings; have already secured. some the best buys in inside pr perty and hold exelus- ive listings on large tracts of subdivision. acreage. - We: earnestly solicit your listings:and 26 O RENT A five roomed house, possession on the 15th inst, Ap- ply 634 Montreal St STRAYED wipes, Man, July Grain Exchange. We have opened a eraeereTenee STRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on left thigh. Reward of 26.00 for return to Redelift Clay Products Co, -299dtf. Phone your att No. 13-9 it will receive attention, BELY WANTED, WA4NTED Muan .and wife to live in MARCRILATEOUS house on Demonstration Farm. Or woman housekeeper would also Suit. To board the Working men. The Jewoiry, guns, revolvers, valises, sult man Will be engaged to work on tarm 2 woman to prepare board Yor men. e stoves, musical -inatruments, Free house and coal. Farm produce furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- will be supplied at cost, such as milk, 81 harness, bicycles. : carpenter cream, eggs and potatoes, turnips, t0ls, etc, raw. hides and furs, horse etc. An acre of ground is allowed bain, wool and f- there, bought and for vegetables, Men's board is paid S0ld. Apply, to the Harvard-Palloring by Government. 3alary and rate for Co. 312 Fourth avenue, opposite board to be agreed upon. To take Dreamland theatre, P.O. box 368, charge Aug. Ist inst. A. B. Camp- Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid for bell, manager, S05att the above. gaDee. THB MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best s lection of Secoxd Hand Tools in the, city, We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, now and. second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods, We buy everything mentioned abore and pay-the best prices. Call at 504 South RaHway St. or Phone 587. in a repertonre of and Dramas WANTED LapDIgS' AND -GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, GIRL SAVES HER FATHER S LIFE San Jose, Cal., July 16. After, hay ing been bitten by, rattlesnake Jo- seph Eberhardt's life was saved by his twelve-year-gid daughter, Anita, when she cut out the affected part of the Hmb with her father's pocket- knife apd sucked Uie venom from the blood fh the wound. Sbaritardt and hig daughter wer scouring: the woods back-oftPaio-Alto jf when Huge rattler cotled and sprang at Eberhardt, biting him if.the 14 He swooned and remained unconsc- fous while the girl reso jo the herotc treatment. 3 Soren ee a LIGHTNING STARTS: FIRB BLACK nicely trimmed and OPENING COMEDY The Man from: Canada Also 5 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS 5 brown BLAC beautifully o. Se. , Advance 'Pingle s Drug Store . Si penne peeetnaaeteest WANTED Smart Udy girl for light house work. No children. Apply patronage. to Mrs. Wright, 808-Esplanade, or Wright's Jewelry Store, opposite post OLD TOWNSITE office. Bast 50 fet, Block 5, on Main Street, e 100 feet from City Hall, 40,000. 75 feet with large modern house. facing Ottawa, between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, 10,000. HARLOW-FULLER . Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 8. Each lot 200x330 feet. 900 each. Terms, CENTRAL PARK Corner close in. 2 lots. 950. cash, 1050 t rms. HERALD South haif Block 20, 300 per lot. 2 SOUTH YUILL Lots 11 and 12, Block 8, 3700. Terms. YUILL Lot 5, Block 7, 1000. Terms. Let us show you some good buys in Main street property. Let us show you -som good buys in sub- division acreage. here, the very le most up-to-date in gentlemen s ean be seen at o We sell The Slater, . The Walk-0 and the Nettleton Sh: WANTED Woman to clean office daily.- Apply Alberta: Clay Pro- W. A. P. Dispatch) ducts. Company. sate Quebec, Que., July 17. Bofire start- ed. by lightning destroyed the -prem- ises of the Quebec and Jacques Cart- fer Electric Company this; Myprning and-as a consequence half of Quebec will h without light and power until a temporary plant-can be erected think the American religious public is generations behind us, al- though I don t say that individual American divines are not the equals, of ours on any-question. Such dis- cussion as-thatis inconceivable in a. Seriously representative body here. It was done with generations ago. You can't get any public interest about any such a matter here. People. would say you were flogging a dead horse. My predecessor, Dean (after ward Canon), Farrar, on publisbing his book, Eternal Hope, raised therteroughout the country i8 involved: controversy, but even then the ser-li. tne suit of the Tlingis Traction fous opposition was Insignificant. 2 tom against the Peoria, and Pe- The Rev. R. J. Campbell, repres- i tynioxt Railway, which 3ras enting the Nonconformist feeling, -ven its initial hearittg before - the. tock the same view, saying: Phi infesi n Interstate Commerce Commissil seems to me -to be-a very belated : aay: athe suit jnstifuted be jpronouncement I don't know am F. ine zailway. companygaielined elergyiian Bere Who Stans Gio interchange ofbraffic; nal punishment: nor do I think any or, according tollttie com- educated: clergyman has done so for) 7) the case, has resulted in many years. apy injury to shippers. PHENOM PREMIERS COUSIN BEDS neriows RY ENGINEERS. DEAD STAT : ING, ANTED Man for gffice. One who Sig able to take dictation and do tenographic work. Apply to box 1817 News office. 2a5t (ANTED- Small team outfits for ditch wirk. Have 2000 miles to let, Sizes of Gltches from 8 to foot bottom, Jense, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. ae7at WHO SAID THERE WAS AREAL HELL, ANYWAY? British Clergymen Consider Recent American Decis- ion A Belated Pronoun- cement. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS YW: 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, clty of Medicine Hat,, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- The Man's Stone bridge, A. B.Gibson, C.A, resident ; aie partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. Cee WANTED Men and women to learn + 275dtt Sage barber trade. Summer rate now on, Situations guardnteed. Special AUCTIONEERS Swedish T. Win Mil Tates to ladies, Particulars and cata- ass oe logue free. Moler Colk 609 Cen- H- B, BROWNE CO., Live Stock Riding Germany a a Clos tre St, Calgary. 2944tf and General Aucijoneers, 519 Tor- onto St, Stock Sales every Friday and States Les Point Lower, Turpin HEARING ON * INTERCHARGE QUESTION: Washington, D, C., July: 7A question of general fad jo portance to shippers. and carriers New York, July 17 A London cab- le says: Commenting oh the depis- fon that hell is a myth, arrived at by the International Bible. Students Association at Washington this week, coupled with the request that every minister in the United States. publish his views, Canon Hensley Henson, of Westminster Abbey,*one of thi most divines of the Angilcan church, it was for the man who would like to be a, good dresser and look natty and smart the day we introduced our dry cleaning in Medicine Hat. There is noth- Ing like it for keeping a man s wardrobe in. good condition. Let us be your Valet and keep your garments mended, cleaned, pressed and looking. new by bringing them to THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Ofiice on Fourth Ave. RUPTURE EXT v WE ff A ednesday the 24th The Specialist of MR. A. CLAVERIE WII be again at the Assiniboia Hotel Hours; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m, ALL ADVICE GIVEN FREE Don t miss this chance. on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at- your disposal free. Phone 708. HB. Browne Co, 519 To- ronto. St s2dtt SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION wauted 8 a stenogra- pher. Apply to Box 1324, News office, Gast. )XPERT STENOGRAPHER, 6 yea experience in law office, wishes position: Please state ealary.. Box lews office, Babe a er ARSE, EM Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executor of papers for shipments going. into the United replies or answers. It is a ject to going to coast. Apply box *8tes. Commissioner in B. R Real law that increased demand +/1319, Medicine Hat News. 4a6t Estate Broker and General Agent. makes certain the quicker MEDICINE HAT. w-A-F- Disp Stockholm, July ding competition team pic games Was conclud ing. It included .a di about thirty-four miles try Tide, about three 1 yidual steeplechase rac ing and prize riding. team finished first with Germany second. with and the United States th points. Th Owmpic arena morning with the Tace fours, with sliding sea coxwain. The . result were as follor Stockholm beat Chris lengths. Denmark .b length and a half. Norway beat France t The race for eight-o shells with coxswain ab the attention of the sp heats resulted as follow Germany , beat . Frane and a half; time, 0:6:4 Australia beat Sweden e OW. A. P, Cable.) Oe Morse Paris, juiy3i Jutes- Hentt-Poin caire, the illustrious mathematician and cousin of the French premier, died suddenly today fromthe bursting 6f an-embolism. A fortiiight ago he un- derwent a serious operation, which Dr. Morse s Was successful, and the doctors in at- / - Emdian Root Pills tendance toresaw no complications. eee PeeeeET ESET EET t A GOOD WANT AD. s; 0f course, one which wil bring the greatest number of EYyaivrmn stivation as bookkeeper by experienced young Taay-Ptease apply to box 1318-News office. 4d3t ady seeks ngagement as compan- ion help or housekeeper. Don't ob- Winona, Minn., July 17, nual , Sonv ntion -of the Association of Stationaty, bogan in this cityttoday continue'untif the end of All the principal cities are represented and thi expect the meeting to bethe mo successful in the history of the sociation. The organization is union and Is nonpartisan, it aeter and devoted purely to the vancetnent of the interests of engine educational SPENCER PHONE 40. YOUNG PEOPLE'S CHRISTIAN: UNION. (Spectal Gated. Pittsburg, Pa;, July. 17. Members of the Young People s Christian Union are here from every section) No.more so-called elastic halle of the country for their twenty- too soft and inconsistent or too flat first annual convention, we-named are instru- sembled today for ur days ses- ments of torture which injure the sion, The union is affiliated with flesh about the back and hips, which oan 5. by their violent pressure, crush the the United Presbyterian Chureh herni ja, press into the muscle: North America, and some of the ae duction of 20 per cent. off the tig our Men s Wear Department. RNITURE, Hnoleum, carpets, stoves,-gtaniteware, all kinds.,0f) household goods, etc,, at as low Dries for cash as out of town stofes: and See.for yourselyes.-No trol eee eal al ES Pes sale. SITUATION WANTED Young Eng- m The Want Ad. is the brief- lish giri seeks situation in private E B t 4 est kind of an Ad. that fs.ever f/home: Cannot cook. Apply to box Ma. artle 4; B.A.Sc written, and hence in its brev- 1814 News office. ast Municipal Engineer, ity there must be wit-wisdom sje Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor The Want Ad.-can only inter- + FOR SALE Industrial Spur Railways, est the reader on the basis of +f) - ,- Water Bupplies, Sewage, Irrigation, his interest. Each -eader is + ror SALE A Souvenir Cooking veh Plans, Etc. interested in each and/all of + Stove for coal or wood, with gas Room a4 tmperlal Bank Building. the five essentials to every .- fittings. In good condition. Apply Phone 420 resi ki Neha essentials, -/ 147 Princess Ave, Phone 769... 6-6t. in the order of their import- + more spring bandage ance, are, first, tne names of I tisg and Paperhanging. the article or thing advertis- +f Reynolds Stewart. ed; second ne (4th* Avenue opposite Binnings) : article or-the kind oi + Sh advertised; third the price of A chance to buy high-grade Shoes at eee ee eee oe crtanar p ahow goods J. J. Moore soso medium prices. ed; fourth, the address, -f- Railway St. vst (phone, or street number) of *f gt; large the rupture instead of clo best known preachers an -mission - aries of the denomination are here it, and make t worse instead of hea ing it. The others are absolutely incapable the advertiser, ang, fifth, the + name of the advertiser. * AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-class condition, 36 horse power, fully Be: by two half lengths, -. The Hartt Shoe PATENT OXFORDS wae 4.50 to speak at the convention. When the above essentials - are folty aunt trothtully stat- +7 ed in the Want Ad, the Lest results are obtained; but in proportion to the number of these essentials ommitted from the Ad., does,the advert- Tenders for the exclusive privilege to sell: meals and refreshments at Ex hibition grounds, during Fair time, Will be received by the undersigned up to noon Saturday, 27th inst. The use of the kitchen-wiil be understood to be included in the tender, and of maintaining the hernia in its pro- utes 32 -seeonds. Ne per position, that isto say, In the in- terior of the body, if the hernia is large they allow it to drop at the least movement; if it is small they hide it, but do not contain it; they are therefore incapable to stop the evil from growing, and of preventing the terrible aceldent of strangulation. lequipped. Apply P. O, box 697. tf ROOMS TO RENT, oe a JFURNISHED room to rent, 3: min- utes wall from depot: All mod- ern conveniences. Apply 217 Toron- TEXTIGE MANUFAC- six TURERS MEET. a quarter, time -seconds. Capt, Leander beat eight of Toronto by of a length after ab Louisville, Ky., July 17 The Mid- dle States Textile Mamifacturers Association held its third annual convention today at- the Louisville Country Club. Among the speakers and their topics were the following: Led Rodman, of Louisville, on uconte Systems, and-Captain Paul J. Marrs of Hen- The only apparatus In which we may have confidence are those which have not only the recommendation of one or two physicians, of one or two sick people, but those which have the official approbation of the large medical corps, and the testimonials of hundreds of thousands of patient seer curtail the results to his Ad. Each Want Ad. is an opportunity; look for then in The News, Phone 13. PEERED EE EEE EE ee pees dos PPPs to St. Gast. eee yO RENT Modernly. furnished rooms with bath and board. Ap: ply to. 203 Main St. bast fora week before fair, tion. to the secretary, eo and during ISARD, 3ai2t must be in use to provide hot meals the Further particulars on applica- - Secretary. To RENT 2 unfurnished rooms in 7 though after the firs the Eoglish boat slightly abead. At 15( Canadian crew spurte Phe lead of Bheir tiv length. Time, six wi onds. ee Regulat 9.75 for ne BB gt; GUN METAL BEUCHERS eae ern aera puctearne tot tig Auden Waly pparetes tn tha OO nd gsi ie. tar teelaakae gta tx TAN OXFORDS ... Regular 5.75 for ... on 4.75 Purchase of Cotton. Regular 6.25 for ... es 7 These are all the very latest styles. Regular 5.25 foi 4.75 Spencer Todd PATENT BLUCHERS . 4.15 Regular 5.75 for The People s Store WANTED AT ONCE Man and Wife Dairy Farm - APPLY TO HAMPTON NEGRO CONFERENCE Hampton, Va., July 17. Many so- cial workers of prominence were present today at the opening of the sixteenth annual Hampton Negro Conference, held under the auspices of Hampton Institute. The confer ence programme extends over two days ind calls for reports from county school supervisors on the progress uf negro educational work and the discussion of problems re- lating to health, agricultural and ous tife, the work of negro school administration, reereation and amusement in rural communi- ties, and community work problems. Sheboygan, Wis., July 17, Sheboy- gan js entertaining during the re- mainder of this week the annual which offer such guarantees are the patented apparatus of Mr. A. Clayer- fe, the celebrated specialist of Pari who during the last quarter of a cen- tury had so many times attracted the attention of the scientific world, The last creation of The Talisman solves definitely the question of the treatment of rupture with bandages. This marvellous apparatus, the most powerful of any, and at the same time the most gentle and the most comfortable, maintains any, kind of rupture. without ever causing the, least pain, and without ever becom- in a word it s the only ntifically established, with a view to permanent cure by means of palliation, * According the best French sur- geons it 1s perfection itself in the matter of apparatus for the cure of rupture. There should not therefore be. a jsingle person suffering from this fi WISCONSIN LABOR FEDERATION f irmity, who would. peglect this oc- casion to*Put an end to all his. feai and troubles, Let everyone: go to the Assin boia Hotel on Wednesday, the 24th. PERFECTED convention of the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor. The attend - ance includes representatives of la- bor bodies throughout the State. In addition to transacting considerable routine business the convention will discuss a wide range of topics af Assiniboia Hotel feoting the interests of organized la- ABDOMINAL BELTS FOR WOMEN AND MEN. APPARATUS FOR WEAKNESS AND DEFORMMITIES OF THE LEGS AND BACK, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, R IMMPROVE- CitySaleStables Heaty Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING GONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET BAIT. First Suffregette If we want to get the young girls interested in our meet- ings we must have something to at- tract them. Second Sffragette Which would it Bast Balmoral St, Apply to box 1321 News office. Saat Sealed tenders will be received, ad- dressed to the undersigned, up to 6 RENT Burnished room suitable o clock p.m. of Saturday, the 20th for two or three gentlemen. AD- better be refreshments or or Tent i pteiag, the; moet fpn-200 Ottawa St. Sea Se ae 0 RENT Furnished rooms to rent, parlor, bed-sitting,room, modern conventencts, suitable for two gentle- nen. Apply 426 Toronto St. 274tf WANTED. For plans, gt; on further information apply to WM. T. WILLIAMS, HOME SEEKERS EXCURSIONS, There's many a home seek- ers excursion right here in the cfty every day personal- ly conducted, too, by readers of The Daily News Want Ads, It you haye property for rent rooms, houses, cot- tages ' apartments, plan a home seekers excursion through the Wants; bid pos: t what you have to, offe: The Wants cost but 350 for one insertion, 2 for 50c, one oh week for 1.00. +b 'Phon 13, two rings. ANTHD-Smail furnished cottage for s veral months, from Sept. No children, Apply to box 1312 News of- fice, date WANTED Pe- rent, stables for four hofses. Apply Box 1822, News office. ea3t WANTED To buy, 50 feet in Blks. M or IT, MaingSt. State lowest price and best terms to Buyer, Box 1323, News office. east. ZENTLEMAN wishes: good board and room with refined family. Otters under 0. F., Box 1825, News office. 6-3t Pbpb heheh het 48 PEER EEE HE PEL beh bbb oH lt; lt;. Loose Leat System The News, Job Department has every facility for sup- saditaptory. the News Job Dapartment. PERE EERE bE For all kinds of job printing, try day of July for a bank building at Architect. Oe Fe he fe she fe ode ob fe he se ob he fe INTERSTATE GUN TC Salida, Colo., July 1 liment trap shooters. Wyoming and New Me traps here today at the big interstate tor tournament is being. auspices of the Sa and will continue : and Friday. SIFTON WOK AT Canadian Horses in the Jumping E The Hague, Hollan Hon. . Clifford Sifton s first, second and third high jump of the Show, Confidence b the open jumps the took one first, thre two thirds. Holland national military eo Canada second, one Other Sports o + For all kinds of Jo the News Job Departm
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Image 91 (1912-07-17), from microfilm reel 91, (CU1772065). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.