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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LePAGE BROS. ee THE ONE-PRICE CASH .STORE July Special ia Men s . Fine Shirts, 1.00 Afade of blue and tan chambray, perfectly fast in color. Two detachable collars with each Shirt; soft cuffs; sizes 14 to 17. Special for Saturday 1.00 each. Women's Fine Footwear 2.95-pa ir -- z 50 pairs Women s fine kid Shoes iy black and tans, being broken lines amd sizes from spring stock. Values up to 5.50, but they go at .. Z we esse 2.95 mu pairs Girl's Ea Pacdaie Wash Dresses, Toc. Pretty, little dresses made of fine percales and prints, astmmed In effective cofor contrast; fast colors. Sizes to fit ttle girls from 2 to 5 years, Good value at the regular price. Now specially priced for Saturday, sell- ing at... , ++ The, each, LePAGE BROS. 388 Toronto St. Phone 28, STATUE UNVEILED svlted in the adopticn of the recall tor A TEARGO ROLLO judicial, the extenbion of the commis- (Specal to. the, News) sion form of government to all towns Fargo, N. D., July 12. In the pres- of over 2,000 population, and the abol ence of a great gathering r presenting ition of a number of unnecessary of the Norwegian population of the en- fices. The income tax amendment was had the first Normandy. The sttion-of the sugar planters. Ap extts Statue was presented by the city of session of the l gislature to complete Rouen, France, to the Normans of the reform programme is considered North America, through the city of probable, * Wargo, and is*s memorial and token of regard from one .race of men ( MEMORIAL AT i another through whose veins flows McKINLEYS BIRTHPLACE the ame blood. The unveiling came : as the first event of an attractive pro- (Special to the News gramme prepared for the annus con- Nites, 0, July 12. Twenty-five ventions of the Sons of Norway ae Gwards a fund of 100,000 which it is proposed to als etre ing of a magnificent memorial in honor of the Iate President Will- si-McKinley, who was born in Niles. The memoriat will take the form of pie PUT oriam ssaciated in the movement for its erection are Myron i'r. Herrick, former governor of Ohio, fence followers. statue and now. ambassador to France; Jas: er eh oe Boyle, who was for tome years Mr. McKinley's secretary; J. G. Schmid- ali State-and parish officers except) thousand dollars has been subscrib /aa i i i a e f E iat ROOM FOR INDUSTRIES fwrath Capital and Labor Thore te Abundance of Raw Material Depa. sat ft Interior at only 48 GST horse power. If nenufacturing in -incressey. commensurately ratth the development of this now la- lemt power, what a. hive of industry EN ee enn greatest amount of capital are closely allied with operation by Yast resources of natural power. ty. in. nun based again on F of 1908, the manufactures in order importance with their representa- value are as fo lows: Timber, and thelr products, (other han steel) 140 millions; food pro- lapp, the Cincinnatti banker, and John G, Milburn of Buffalo, an in- timate friend of President McKinley. Special to the News) 7 Dane July. 12 The. Orangemen BOSTON ANCIENTS AT WINDSOR) of Belfast and vicinity. held. their. cus- . tomary celebration today to mark the (Specal to the News) anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. Londo , July 12 The members of The parade was one of the largest in the Ancient and Honorable Military recent years. Company of Massachusetts paid visit to Windsor today under escort ot their namesake organization of London. The chief. purpose af the pilgrimage to the foyal borough was Baton Rouge, La., -July 42 The to place.a tablet upon the house Voulsiana legislature has adjourned) which now stands on the site where, htter the most exciting session in its Robert Keayne, member of the Hon- -hist ry since: the Icttery was abol- ourable Artillery Company of Lon- ished. Governor L. E. Hall, who was qon, and first captain of the Ancient elected in April, was pledged to 2 and Honourable Artillery Company lengthy reform progtamme, but the o Sitved as a boy. in lawmakers were not in entire accord the 17th ct ay with his views. 2 PROGRESSIVE LEGISLATION IN LOUISIANA a SPENCER .TODD The Empress Shoe The Exclusive High-Grade Shoe for Women + 6.00-high ButtonFans for ....... 5.00 + 9 . 550 high Button Tans for .... .... 4.50 4.75 Tan Button Oxfords for - .- 8.75. 4.25 Patent Button Oxfords for. ... 3.25 3.25 Kid Button Oxfords for ... ... 2.75 ri eae ed These are all Made-in-Canada Shoes Some lower grades in Women s Shoes. and Slippers at 1.75, regular 2.25. np quickly, bargains and will be snapped Specials all through the store. a ucts, (chief of which would. be, flour, and canned fruits) 120 millions; s, 100 millions and tron and sl products, 80 millions. All of justrien, one may readily see, most abundant of our natural resour- oes, anf they also lend themselves easily to operation by the various falls rapids, which go to make up Sanaas's 26 millions of natural horse- Peye have the raw material, the power and the market. All. that is Bocessary is the capital and labor t An jon to Canada of Returns of British Board of Trade The British Board of Trade lest the results of which as tabule- G. R. Askwith, have re- at tf i RERE ee ju i xve) Conntiig the Cost Winkleby gazed at the new triplets MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. OPERA HOUSE Three Nights COMMENCING Tutsi, dy 1 THE EVER POPULAR COMEDIAN Tom Marks AND HIS EXCELL SUP. PORTING COMPANY in a repertonre of Cofhedies and Dramas OPENING COMEDY The Man from Canada . Also . 5 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS 3 Prices, 25 ., 50c., 75c. Advance sale at Pingle's Drug Store and Dramas RIMMER SMITH 805 North Railway- St Phone 478. Hotise and barn on -Yuill. St, 50 ft. lot, 1850, terms. 2 Lots, Central Park, Block 28; 625 the pair. 4 Lots, Block 2, Powell, 1,000 for the four. Terms, FIRST THINGS The first convention of the Grand Army of the Republic, the organiza tlon of veterans of the civil war, was held forty-six years ago today in Springfield, Tl: To Dr. B.F: Step-' henson, of that city, belongs the hon- or of first suggesting the formation lof such an association of veterans, Dr. Stephenson had been a surgeon In a volunteer regiment and was convin- ced: that an organization of the re- turned veterans, for mutual benefit, was highly desirable. A ritual was drafted under his supervision and the first post of the Grand Army, was in- stituted-at Decatur, Ill, early in 1866, Other posts were soon formed throughout Illinois and adjoining States, and the first State department was opened-in Springfield, July 12, 1866. On Nov. 20 following the first national convention was called to or- der at Indianapolis, Ind. with, vet- erans from eleven States represent- ea The first Quakers to land on Am- erican soll were Mary Fisher and Ann Austin, who reached Boston on thir date in 1656 after a long voyage from England by way of the West Indian island of Barbados.. The two womet caused great consternation to the Puritans, and George Bishop in an address to the magistrates, said: so Shock ye, to the everlasting shame of you, and of your established order, as if a formidable army .bad invaded your borders. The Quaker sect, or Society of Friends, was founded by Fox in 1648, about eight years before the first members. reached America fon July 11, 1656. Later George Fox visited America. The part played by William Penn and other Quakers in the early hisiory of? lvania and New Jergey is familiar to all students, of history. . i BAERS EPEEEE SETAE EE Fa GOOD WANT AD. + + Want Ad. These essentials, 4m the order of their import- ance, are, first, the names of the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the atticle or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat. apprehension in his, 4 e tev What are you thinking, asked Mra, Winkleby, , Nothing, dear, nothitl falteringly. Only don that it would be wiser for us installment plan y For. all, the Ne J ee with fatherly pride, but Hot a gt; ittle to build up our little family on' the Kinds. of Job printing, try ed in the Want Ad, the best regufts are obtained; but in : to, the number of essentials ommitted the Ad., does the advert- * Weer Surtail the results to his th 46, Bach Want Ad. is an + 91 3 look for them in News, Phone. 13. LEPEE PEELE EEE EEE EEE bob ee A the square business in Two women arriving in your harbor / Barnum McGreevy 420 Main Street We have opened a real estate office at 420 Main street. We intend to do a legitimate, on handling Medicine Hat City property: and-sur- rounding subdivision acreage and farm lands. We have spent several days in securing some of the newest and bes? listings; have already secured some of the best buys in inside pro- perty and hold exclus- ive listings on large tracis of subdivision aereage. We earnestly solicit your listings an: patronage. OLD TOWNSITE 60 fet, Block.5, on Main Street, 100 feet from City Hall, 40,000. 75 feet with large modern house facing Ottawa, between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, 10,000. HARLOW-FULLER . Lots 14, 16, 16 and 17, Block 8 Each lot 200x330 feet. 900 each. Terms. CENTRAL PARK * Corner-close in. 2 lots. cash, 1050 terms, HERALD South half Block 20, 300 per ot SOUTH YUILL Lots, il and 12, Block 8, 3700. Terms. . YUILL Lot 6, Block.7, 1000. Terms, Let us show you some good buys in Main street property. - Let us show you some good buys in sub- division acreage. 950 Patterson Benner: 894 Toronto St. Phone 178 WE CAN Sell you a house cheap Sell your house quicke Insure your property more safe- v5 i Loan you money in larger am- ounts; e Rent your house Rent you a hous Sell your farm; Sell you a farm; - Or anything else and guarantee satisfaction. Insurance--all kinds The old Hartford Fire, Law, Union and Rock ;the strongest, safest and largest companies in the world. Prompt payment of losses and fall value. We refer you to the following citizens, who have -had losses: P, McKinnon. Insure with us and. safe, REAL ESTATE The best in Old Survey: you are Hello Yes, out of order. Phone 561. House Meve SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. We'll fix that Type- writer; Gas Jet, or anything else that is A, TILLEY. Situations Wanted, Help Wzited, For Sale, Lost, Foand, ete., ads under these headings. 25 words, one day... 25 words, three days .. 50 25 words; ox days 00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than-26 conte. Cash must sccompany the orter. Phone your ad to No. 38 ring 2, and it will receive attention. lt; 26 BBLY WANTED, SPVANTED Man and wife to live in Rousse on Denovstration Farm, Or woman hotisekeeper would also suit. To board the working men, The man will-be engaged to work on farm, woman to prepare board for men. Free house and coal, Farm produce will be supplied at cost, such as milk, cream, eggs and pota turnips, etc, An acre of sroynd sie, allowed for vegetables. Men's board is paid by Government, Salary and rate for Doard to be ngreed upon. To take charge Aug, Ist inst. A.B, Camp- bell, manager. ay s05dtt VVANTED Youth for financial of- fice, Aged 18 to 18, Good pros- pects. Apply by letter. to box, 1816 News office, adat ANTED A shoe salesman. Apply Foster s Shoe Store, Main Street. aate YANTED A girl for general house work and capable of cooking. Ap. ply W. T. Finlay, 503 Esplanade, ' - ast ae ee re Bees Fee eee rANTED A fow smart young men wanted at once. Big money as- sured, Apply room 1, 386 Main St. 305a6 VANTED Youth, high school du- cation, for Redcliff, to assist in office and drafting room. Splendid op- Bortunity to learn ornamental iron business, Salary 10 per-week. Board reasonable, Apply with sample of handwriting to City Editor of News. 304a8 ANTED A maid for general house work, None but experienced need, apply. The best of wages paid. Mrs. Ss MAt wanrEp apply to 422 Bs- planade. 3 ace Hall team outfits for ditch work, Have 2000 miles to let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 oot bottom. Janse, McDonnell Co., fBassano, Alta. 2eTee pen WWANTED Men and women to learn barber trade, Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special rates to ladies, Particulars and cata logue fr e- Moler- College, 609 Con- tre St, Calgary. SITUATIONS. WANTED. fice, home. 1814 News offiod, FOR SALE. equipped. Apply P. 0: box 597. TO RENI- lt; lt; lt; 7 0. RENT A new roomed house en corner of 7th Ave. and Bal- moral St. All modetn conveniences. Apply C. John on, 237 Main St. 143 edhe Sas tee PO RENT A five roomed house, possession on the 15th inst. Ap- ply 634 Montreal St. 4 Ts,.of course, one which will , Block 88, commer, 50 ft 1600. : ? corner 50 ft,, 1500. Far eee f bring the greatest number of Block 89, corner, 66 ft, 2100. ROOMS TO RENT. f replies or answers, It isa + Block 89, corner,'66 ft. 2500. ee te Wie tsat tmernect demand Bice, camey 106 08, 0 HEN Farnone oma ty makes certain the quicker + Allowance and Esplanade. modern house, t r-2-or-2:xentle- How rooms, and 23 ft. tot, men. Apply phone 627, or 711 Ottawa sale, + 3700. This is close to /st are 2att, The Want Ad. is the brief- + North Ry. St, and on6 of the eS oS est kind of an Ad. that Is ever best buys-in Medicine Hat. 'OR RENT 2 rooms furnished com- written, and henoe in its brev- oi Oe eS ee Pea IO? plete for housekeeping (modern). i 4 Price 16. Parties with more than, Bs Fae aa te Sd z Information cheerfelly given Hi one child need not apply. 409. Kast rant Ad. can only Allowance St. 2aat et te recteron ter tants or - Patterson Benner pela ii thderest: -20iph: zeadey.ia ots 0 RENT Furnished rooms to rent, hs fatergted in. eanh end: all-ot Ske parlor, bed-sitting x mote De hve cesdilale: to'aheiy. conventencts, suitable for two gentle- nen. Apply 426 Toronto St, 274tt ply box 1815, News office, WANTED Small furnished cottage for several months, from Sept. No children, Apply to box 1312 News of- fice, ldtt iO HOUSE -WANTED To piirchase from owner, 7 or 8 roomed fully modern house. State best price and Ytorms., Address box 210 Medicine Hat. 80406 TEACHER WANTED EACHER WANTED for Bowell S. D. No, 1912, holding 1st or 2nd. e BOARD AND ROOM Five rooms, all 108 Montreal. R. R.-Stoner, Redcliff 30446 2gdatt een WANTED sMan and wife wishes sit- uation on a ranch. Experienced, and capable of managing a ranch if desired, Apply to box 1813 News of- 1ast Se SITUATION WANTED Young Eng- lish girl seeks situation in private Cannot. cook. Apply to box ast, Ss ett ee AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHBAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-class, condition, 30-borse power, fully tt Ps IES SSI BOARD AND ROOM, newly. furnished. Terms moderate. 307a6 LOST AND FOUND LO8T On Sunday between City -Park and Toronto St: on north side-of track an extension bracelet. A reward Will be giv n, Apply 217 lt;To- ronto St. 30743 JfOUND a bunch of keya. Owner can have same by calling at News office and paying for, this ad, 301dtt STRAYED . SSTRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on lett thigh. Reward of 26.00 for. return to Redelitt Clay Products Co. -299dtf. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED LADINS' AND . GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, jowairy, guns, revolvers, valises, sult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ote,, raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f-ithers, bought and sold, - Apply to the Harvard Tailoring - Co, 312: Fourth. avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0. box 368. Phone 295. Phe Best Prices Paid for the above. sede paces eee nena Se aes PH MBDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stores and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re volvers,- Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice Hew Tine of winter We buy everything: mentioned Above and) pay the best prices, Call at 504 South RaHway St: or Phone 687. tf CHARTERED A T. . A- HENDERSON CO., chartered and auditors, (estab- lish d 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnip g, Medicine Hat, Leth+ bridge. A. H, Gibson, C.A, resident partner.. Phone 198, Block. Beene great F- . BROWNE CO., Live Stock re oa and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranob and farpi stock sales conducted. any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone 103, HB, Browne Co,, 519. To- ronto St. iszate BUSINESS CARDS, SINGER SEWING MACHINES and Sherlock, Manning Pianos an Organs for sale and to ren Tolassea of insurance, W. J. Fleming, Office 381; Main Street. pea 2c + SPENDERS 3 fenders will be received ad- to the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon of Montay, the 15th day of July, 1912, for the erection of a 6-room bri k school bullding for the Medicine Hat Schoot District No. 76. Certified check for an amount equiv- alent to 6 per cent. of tender to accam- pany each tender. Plans and-epecitieations may he seen at fhe office of the architect in the Porter Block, Medicine Hat, Alta, The lowest or any tender hot neces- sarily accepted, , M, NAPIER, Secretary, Medicine Hat School District No. 76. 209d12t Customs Broker. Censignee and forwarding agent, as-- sembler and executor of papers for shipments going into the United States, Commissioner In B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent, : MEDICINE HAT. E. Bartlett, Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, WaterSupplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Ete. Room i4, Imperial Bank Building, Medicine Hat Phone 420 Painting and Paperhanging.- Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estiniates cheer- fully ufrnished- on cost of Papering WANTED, your rooms. Ph ne 156, Se eee en, ANTED A violit lo, ch ap. Aj Ww News office. 24a TENDER FOR WELL BORING The Town of Castor Is calling for tenders for the boring of a natural gas well-to a depth of -abotit 1000 feet. Tenders close on Saturday, July 27th, For specifications and full par- ticulars apply to L. B. BROWNE, Town Commissioner, : he tree ER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned having purchased. The Med- foine Hat-Blettric Co, as a going concern, all accounts outstanding, are payable to them. All bills owing by 1d2t class; coftificate. Protestant, Good, fe ode he ake eee EEEEPEEEEEE EEE EEE EE Le 16 MONTREAL STREET J.J. LAFT looking, Apply). stating salary re- a to A. E. Pentland, Bowell, Fe 6 the old company are payable by us, H. P; OLAND W: F. GRAVES, 906-4 Bor 832. - -W. E WRIGHT Prosent Advertis: of the No extre vertisers Shortly represent of Comme were met Brown an city coun tary of t Brown, I several p extended The del important Winnipeg, monten, with the which 1s 1 cago Asso industrial Regina; which wer ernment, t Pinto: Cre Liberal,: le safe At Liberal, 1e Being safe. in. doubt, - al seats fs doubitit 2: The seats and Shelbr mv Regina, turns rece ority,- was the list of uation tods the returns ceived. up. t changing 1 Six seats a position an sare very 1 f Regina s gan Pack Grand Ra Grand Rapi by a cy lot more perso: dollars dam * the city fro1 o'clock. Ti the city ma tds Central The market mers and te begun, Af root of the off and sca Horses, were persons Wer that they ha pital. The polic partment Ww storm swept ing the bes' ow, Minneapol of deners wh through the ly every me yesterday's 8 the devastat bles and be morning, R declared the serious, and Tess would for, vegetable From ever ple truck gal
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Image 61 (1912-07-12), from microfilm reel 61, (CU1772089). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.