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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Will be held on the , starting on Tues- at2 p.m, These on Tuesday of each glad to handle any- Wednesday, May 8th 1912 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page 5 Seoeatoateateeageateateatoateateateated ye Soegese so ehesteoehe-sieese eoace ato atedtedteite epee serstesioaioate-ate-ste-stefestestoate testes tregeee z sell, Will sell any- List with me. Look BS SSS he WINTER: Geateteateatectoeteatocteateatecteatnatocts furnished room n, for two. Central box 1277 News of- 255d8t D FOUND k mare with white CT; two bay mares, face, and one black on face. Reward. News office, 253d3t ENS class plano, Apply 0 St. 25303t ESTATE early opposite the north side, would it Intending tenants, rs apply D. B,, 722 254d6t ston, lots 15 and 16 9, 10, 12, 12, 13, 14 se lots are all high - Only 135.00 cash in a bunch. Look Stambaugh, North 253a6t LANEOUS ImS' AND GENTS ing, shoes, watches, volvers, valises, nuit usical instruments, rat waggons, bug- bicyeles, carpenter ides and furs, horse thers, bought and e Harvard Tailoring avenue, opposite re. P. O. box 701. Best Prices. Paid for 23Dtt. , HAT HIDE, FUR 0. The above have selection of Second he city. We carry and ng. ne Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns. Re- Buggies, Harness, in of winter goods. ng mentioned above prices. Call at 504 t. or Phone 687, tf ONEERS CO., Live Stock Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Sales every Friday at 1 o'clock. Ranch sles-conducted an urniture sales con- Consult us, ow: disposal free. H. B. 9 Toronto St, 182dtf 38 CARDS. G- MACHINES an nning Pianos and and to rent. All nee. -W, J, Fleming, treet. Cleaning ing Co. ice, Fourth Avenue. ressed and Repaired to New. hand Goods Bought Sok for and Delivered, HARRIS, Proprietor. tt, B.A.Sc 1 Engineer, yerta Land Surveyor pur Railways, Sewagt, Irrigation, 8, Etc. . ial Bank Building. : Phone 484. on cost of Papering one 156, TUNING 1 REGULATING spate onal consistent with gt;. k Guaranteed. A. ADSIT 505 Main St. FOR SALE anch for sale. 800 d seventeen thous- Id. All tenced. Good and-bath:.-Flowing ns through corrals year round. Range uitable for horses or hirty miles N. BL Apply estate of G. rry, Man., or Thos. THE BEST DRESSED MEN All Over Canada Are Wearing 20th Century Brand Bench-Tailored * Clothes Sole Agents. Terpin Bros. The Man s Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth If You Could See Inside of some tailored so-called high-grade clothes, you would an be trusted. SEMI-READY is the: answer, for it has never deviated throughout its exist; ance from he one standard. BEST THERE IS and faithful tailoring where you don't know anytning about it. H.S.IRELAND -C-P.R. MENS STORE ee my Ne eaeate PEN Te) Berti 7. VN Sailings. from. Montreal. Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling at Quebec. Megantle May 11, June 8, July 6. Teutonle May 18, June 15, July 18 Laurentic Mny 25, June 22, Jy 20 Canada Iune 1, June 29, July 27. SS. LAURENTIC, ,S.. MECANTIC Largest and. Finest. steamers. in Canadian trade. Staunch and steady, Excellent accommodations for all classes, MODERATE RATE SERVICE 8. Teutonic and SS. Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin only. The best these steamers afford at moderate rates, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth rooms, For reservitions, rates, plans, - lustrated booklets, etc., apply to railway or steamship agents, orto have teams in ville and ville, Ind., ville, Tenn. W. M. McLEOD, C.W.P.A., 322 Main Sts Winnlpes, Larry Lajoie. The Nap star is lead- ing the American leaguc batters. released by the New York Americans to the Bridgeport Connecticut league team. ers to start - anything with Chase, Cree and Wolter on the hospital list lat the same time, slugger of the Three-I league, has been sold to Omaha by the St. Lou- jis Cardinals. the first twenty-one games last sea- son. Nvthing like that in the Tiger family this year. jing in the will be presented wiJ bile at the close-of the season. Walsh, of the White Sox, has pitch- ed fifty shut-out-vietories since he cluded in the ld-circuit; which broke into the American league. White Sox, showed real class recent- ly when he fanned the mighty TY closing dat Cobb twice in one game. ly of the Giants a real pitcher in Bedient, The young- ster has faced pions twice and got away with it. jFunning wild the,Cubs and the Pir- ates will have Pretty soon, if they expect heard from this season. Games on Saturday Next. z The following clubs have joined to- gether and formed a league, to be at 18 k. called the Medicine Hat District Foot- High School vs. Redclitf. ball League, at 16.30, The league consists of the 0, Py R. Athletic, High School, Sons of Scot- Kickoff at 18.30. land, Redclitf, and Freight Shea. A representative of each club met president, ana Mr, treasurer, and a committee consist- medals for the league winners. ing of one representative from each The following fixtures were arrang- tomorrow night and a good turnout ed for the 11th: of all players is expected Fe oe ole oe oho fe ole fe fe obs eke of of oh * + oo BASEBALL NOTES + (W. A. P. Cable.) ok London, May 8 The Chester Cup, th oh ole ols oe oie ob oe be oh oe be be CHESTER CUP to 2, was second and Lord Dan Brown, an,outfielder, has been) Hall's Southanan, 9 to 1, third. Not much chanee for the Highland, Fall River, Hickory Johnson, the demon WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE The Detroit team copped twenty of (Special to the News) Calgary, May 8. The champio; The player making the New York Stat Bassano and Calgary in this tity. present leaguo is virtually ane According to a Chicago scribe Ed- organization. . Calgary and Bamoi braced Winnipeg, Brandon, Jaw and Saskatoon. for the present season provides for 126 games, with September 7: as the Pitcher Iron Man Lange, of the FOOTBALL Catcher Frank Bowerman, former- and the Katigas now under way in Medicine Hat. Wa hear of the various industries push ing their way Hatwards and the The Boston Red Sox seem o have athletes must push too, or the criti the World's Cham- be severe.. The highest praise is un- doubtly due the enterprising C.P.R club's officers and players, for and New York) have started the ball Tolling ee businesslike fashion. They can put. to start something 4 smart eleven on the pitch looking to be spick and span in ted and white stri ped jerseys and white nicks. No With. Cincinnati doubt when the city clerks Bi a 400 ee oe ee a Columbus and Columbis; champs tinea their end in. ate ee gt; 315 Enonsn. 736 patn peceints inspected ind runner-up respectively, of the holiday, they will. tum their atten Winnipeg every day, he says, show va ie p the railways are moving forward South Atlantic league, got away to tion to the formation of a lub. Be- NORTHWESTERN Tot of eFain. Do doubt, w bad start this spring: Both teams sides the C.P-R, the freight sheds Portiand . + + Res 8c -518 Mr. Carruthers, that with any lost the first seven: games. will sun team also, the Medicine Victoria ess cee lke favorable conditions. next : Hat Grocery Co., and the High)Spokane ... . tte peoeon our Canadian Wost will have Kate eae, iat Beem added to the school: My advise to the rest is ta Vancouver. 5 jo 444 phe Mesest crop ot wheat-on record. y Teague cirouit.-- The league will) ake up and get busy or the times SSCs: 5 farmers there are hoping for s Paducah, Hopkins- Henderson, Ky., Bvans- Cairo, TM., and Clarks- will leave them far behind. REFEREE. KANSAS FOR ROOSEVELT Football league : igs . Formed in City Seepage eeeed IN FINE EXHIBIT in Canada Train Will be Four Club and Small Schedule of Games Arranged First poston .. . P. R. ve, Freight Shed, kickoff /Philadelphia ,. Kickoff Sons of Scotland vs. High School. A canvas of the city is to be held last evening and elected Mr. Wright to see if-sutficient funds cannot be Gale secretary- raised to provide a cup or shield and club, Practice will be held at 18 o'clock a handicap of 2,000 metres, about two miles and a fourth, was won today by Playing first base must agree with L. Nolan s aged horse Rathlea, by St. -Monans, Sylvia, who started at three to one, J. Thorneycroft s Claroneux, 7 Michel McFARLAND TO MEET VETERAN (Special to the News) Mass., May 8. The fight fans of Fall River and vicinity tnaianapolis, will have an opportunity to see Pac- icansas City . key McFarland in action tomorrow night, when he will mix it up before a local club with Martin Canole, one of the veterans of the ring. The er sama calls for a ten-round bout hip season of the Western ),Canada Baseball league was ushered in today with games between Red Deer and Edmonton at Edmonton-and between ough retaining the old name, the ton are the only cities that were in- Moose Mccinnity, afeadams, ee find Mc- gad showing the products of numerous The schedule Carthy. n It is pleasing to.a-sportsman- -to Victoria... City Cowboys, has signed as mana- hear of the different football tlubs Portland g r of the London team in the Cana- dian league, cism of the other Western cities will peeeeoeee - *S CANADIAN GOODS + SCORES : Chicago the Greatest Exhibition Ever Lavender and Archer. Placed on Wheels Perdue, MoTighe Bd Kling and Gowdy. 8 un Cincinnati... . 578 Sealton, Schultz, Brennan, Graham, and Dooins Stiges, Fromae, Benton and Mel.can, St, Louis .. Oe. 2 6 1 New York ... + 68 91 Steele, Dell ami Bits Marquard and Myers. Brooklyn vs, Pittsburg, Home Market is equ no game, Wood and Carrigan, exhibits will have three wall Mullen, Dubuc and Stanage. Chicago... Washington ... Lange and Block, * Green and Henry, Cleveland vs, Philadelphia, rain. St. Louis ve. New Xork, rain. Posters or other sdvertising The train will be electric 4 throughout. The train itself marvel of Canadian industry, is throughout and was made in the Montreal. The space all been taken up, and without bt-will -be- utilized in the greatest finest exhibit ever placed on It is nothing short of an in- nd on a large scale AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Columbus . 3183 Minneapolis... vs Lionhardt, and Smith, Leverett and Owens. Toledo ... 2 representative showing of h made-in-Canada goods as all clas ane rger and Langresser. oes sd ; Fy, rubber goods, salt, kodake, implements, paints and oils, cement, furniture, jewelry, and hes, silver plate, and all kinds of metal products. Che train will leave Toronto on May b, and will then to Mon- and Ottawa, and thence to Port a h they Teach on May 21. After that the D wil cover some 100 towns Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Al- ta, following the lines of the Can- Pacific Rallway. It is the pur- of the association to run over Hpatreat 1s Loewe Tandcniges Betats et the ure. of Brock, Wickers, Smith, Klelnow and Matte ators wile atk Payne. Innipeg manufacturers are re- Parsons, Averett, Carrol, Mattern ig it. Eastern manufacturers re- jand Roth, this Western zeal as a strong in- Rochester tion of the progress of manufan- Providence aa ned mina tthe Wen. E ns j,y Martin, Withelm and: Blair. re, has. put, me the, more bas put,to shame the more jis Gavett ) Sline, Schultg-and Schmidt attitude of the established Eas- Battalg: 10-121 houses The arrangement of the cars will be 142 nemo A model house car, Webb and Clark. Withers and O Uonnor. Louisville vs. yo ange rain. Maxwell ang Fisher. Baltimore -/1i 2. Streetan: and MeAliis dian factories, Composite exhibits, showing the oa ae ess of manufacture of raw sted NORTHWESTERNS so italmeay teraes Vancouver... ... 9 1 tn ie sctuat exhibits Jeotures will be given on board by Beatene : : 08S iT, I. Race, of Mitchell, Ont, who Greaves and Shea. been Canada's representative at Cochrane and Devoght, fhe World's Faire held in Australia, 63 Zealand, Britain, and Belguim. 0 Be will give, ag it were, word pictures pf industria and agricultural life the world over. WESTERN GONDITIONS: om Kaufman and Meck. Stanfield, Moore and Morris, acoma. -gomeae 4 3 Seattle . eggs 1 Hunt and Griffiths. Spieder and Whilings, the Greatest Crop on Record eeade Lee 353 , Collections are improving, dealers t 82: Ne Xe me 764 BF meeting their notes as they come Ree Ey fm. wholesale houses report good Sate tu Piders, trade conditions are excellent. Pitsburg s ly, Whis is the report which Mr. James ae 437 o sii phitadelonia ig, Parruthers brings back to Montreal Tacoma 7 10 Atl late spring, with continued eather, whidh they preter to an Jo es tp eral break in Sofie 9 pains MEMIOAN Chicago bi Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Books Letter Paper Envelopes, etc., etc. Mail Orders get prompt attention. prine Ranci hedt McClain, Medicine ge or too small for artment. Give us a THE MEDICINE HAT, - ALBERTA Orleans, started a rough house dur- cided predominance of Roosevelt. sen- ing a recent game and were set back timent was in evidence when the Re- fifty bucks court the other day. of the Deowae, ata 1 Gy daey was first launched, and in the Zolia's oORTREEECR. chs big christening of which Governor Stubbs show. Jack is now forty-three years: old and is now playing his eighteentty, een evident that the majority of season. EEEEEE EEE EE hE doubt as to the result of the contest + WITH THE BOXERS *t conventions and primaries gave Roos- eek devi oie i obese oh ob 1 to today s convention and assured the mreet in Madison New York, May 17. jand try to hook up in a match with Johnny Conlon. fair. Every time the little ex-cham- Otto Bremmer, For all kisd or job printing, try pion appeare in a boxing bout there Ponent. The vote was, Keller 16,206; Third Baseman Gardella, of Mo- (Special to the News) ile, and Catcher LaFitte, of New Independence, Kas., May 8. A de- in the Mobile police Publican State convention assembled here today to select four delegates-at- 2 large to the national-convention at Since the Roosevelt candi- Jack Powell, the veteran pitcher Chicago. played conspicuous Kansas Republicans favored the nom- ination of the former President. All waa removed when the recent county Fleveit a safe majority of the delegates selection of a Roosevelt delegation to K, 0. Brown and Leach Gross willl Gntcago, Square Garden, 8T. PAUL'S MAYOR -k-P-Dimpateh.j St Paul, May 8 Mayor Herbert P. Keller of St. Paul was re-elected yes- terday by a narrow majority of four Abe Attell seems to be in bad for /hundred and twenty-three. votes over: his Democratic op- the Ne ob Department. is part, it has Minneapolis . Columbia - . eat Toledo . 2 12.7 to 7 St. Paul 5 9 Kansas City ... 9 10 Milwaukee- ... 7 10 Indianapolis ... 7 1 Louisville . 3 18 INTERNATIONAL eau: bisa jersey City v2. 0s.2 +.. AE :Bostor Washington sf Philadelphia Cleveland . am Detroit. 400 St, Louis - shee New York fees AMERICAN incon Buffalo .., Retnocedn Rochester ... -...-1- - 8 Baltimore ... . et Pa 5 N E Ww Ss CITY SOCCERIES ORGANIZE Bese arrtrctoctocte toate atogoatneteatonteetecsente deeteateateeteatoatnetpatoatpeteateteateatetpgeateet Whe Made-in-Canada train which the C dian Association Prepared for a trip through Wes- Canada will show the people of West in a graphic manner what development of manufacturing in West will mean to them. It will serve to demonstrate the fact the quality of Canadian-made 3 to anything tW t can imported, valuefor value. The n will consist of ten standard bag: rain, cars, the interior of which will arranged s0 as to permit the dis- Boston Boece of the products as attractively Detroit 410 1 compactly as possible. Firma to display photographs of their James Carruthers Predicts for 1912 No dedertectoatectecteatects ene ese ele ne eh nr 2 ode aetontecteentectontede that Medicine Hat is going to be a Large City Then why not buy a home and pay for it by easy monthly payments rent. Twill prove a good investment to say nothing of the satisfac- tion of owning your home. Very few cities offer investment opportunities such as Medicine Hat. The element of risk being entirely eliminated. Let us show you some of these houses : Modern 7-room House, 50 ft. lot, Woodman Ave. ...... 2,200; terms 5-room House, 88 ft. lot, Dominion St. .. Modern 7-room House, 60 ft. lot, Ottawa St. Modern 5-room House, 30 ft. lot, Dominion St. 5-room House, 50 ft. lot, ... 8-room House, 50 ft. lot, . S-room E 50 ft. lot 5-room House, 50 ft. lot, .. List: your City Property with us. We will sell it. We are THE FARM Land Company e 890 TORONTO STREET. EJ5- BUTE Phone 110 le Becker Block ROSEDALE . Block 7, Lot 1. Price 2100.00, Half cash, balance 6 and 12, Block 8, Lots 14 te Price. .00. Half cash, balance 6 and 12 Block 8, Lots 12 t 15, Price 1275.00 each, usual terms, Block 2. Price for block 912950,00. Usual Terms. Block 1. Lots 26 to 29, Price 2100 each, half cash, bal. 6 12, RIVERSIDE Block A. Lots 5 and 6 Price 2100.00 per pair. Usual terms. Block 19, Lots 21 to 27. Price 225 each. Usual Terms. Block-19; Lots 15 to 17. Price 800 each. Usual Terms, Block 4, Lots 15 and 16. Price 700.00 per pair. Usual Terms. Block 5, Lots 21 and 22. Price 680.00 per pair. U: COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 24, Lots 21 to 40. Price 250.00 each, Usual Terms. Block 14, Lots 1 to 40, 230.00 each. Usual Terms. Block 17, Lots 1 to 40, Price each, Usual Terms, , Block 82, Lots 28 to 85. Price 550.00 pair. Usual Terms. Block 11, Lots 11 to 15. Price 750.00: pair. Usual Terms, Block 5, Lots 6,7 and 8 Price 300,00-each. Usual Terms. CENTRAL PARK Bleck 27, Lets 5 to 11. Price 650.00 pair. Block 2, Lot.6. Price 1100.00. Usual Terms. Block. 6, Lots 1 and 2. Price 1275.00, Half cash, bal. 6 and 12, t Block 15; Lots 9 and 10, Price 1000.00. Usual Terms. Block 16, Lots 45 to 48. Price 900.00 pair. Usual Terms. Block 2 Lots 19 to 20. Price 900.00. Usual Terms. i, Old Townsite, Her- ald, Riverdale, iariow and, Fuller Sub-divistons. E. J. Butler Co, BECKER BLOCK. Usual Terms, FIREMEN MAKE, DEMANDS ohh ohh eb h bh eh oe be * + A GOOD WANT AD. + Is, of course, one which will ee bring the greatest number of replies or answ rs. It is'a f+ law that Ther ased demand makes certain the quicker sf sale. + (W. A. P, Dispatch.) New York, May 8 The demands of. olcomotive firemen on the fifty rail- Toads in the eastern territory for in- creased wages, extra men on certain classes of freight engines and other working conditions, comes up next Wednesday for consideration by the conference committee of railway man- Fee inthe eat A Decnlnent asers A-reply tsexpeuted 10 be drafted to the demands which will be oh teh bee ob be ob est kind of an Ad. that is ever f+ oer tind. aa Tike . wall in e 8 Don t forget In Wyoming at the Anas Ganedian, Canadian for. Opera House tonight, fiaranteed ty the management. Bremmer, 15,783. cry of frame-up. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department, Budscribe NOW for The Daily News, Sent to Grand Chief Carter of the z ity arene - 26 Brotherbood: of Locomotive Firemsa 4 he Want Ad. can aly Baler and Engineers, following which there est the reader on the ae + will be a series of conferences to * consider the demands in detail. ( 7 + oe - JUDGE MABEE S FUNERAL . * + * (W. A. P. Dispatch.) n + Toronto, May 8.At twenty minutes .f. the article or thing *- after nine this morning Hon. Chas. J. .f ed; second the quality of + Mabee s funeral train pulled out of the .f article or the kind of thing + union station for Port Rowan. Fol - .j advertised; third the pri e of + lowing the well known character and). the article or thing advertis- lt; wishes of the chairman of the rall-). ed; fourth, the address, of way commission, an effort had been .f. ( phone, or street number) of fe made to avold anything spectacular, . the advertiser, and, fifth, the fe but the number of distinguished men * name of the advertiser. + who gathered to do the last honor to . When the above essentials sf the departed and who filled the long are fully ard truthfully stat- train, made the occasion an impres- . , eq in the Want Ad, th best gt; sive one. + results are obtains Dut in +b proportion to the pamber of KILLED BY EXPLOSION these essentials ommitted f+ fF from the Ad, does the sdvert- (W, A. P.Dispateh:) ole Vancouver, B. + Brown, aged 3 mangled almost beyond hn. ge han bien + * opportunity; look for them in hd + PEPPERS SERRE
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Image 786 (1912-05-08), from microfilm reel 786, (CU1771558). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.