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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Al 27th, 1912, ling re and never had int from any of either as to or promptness in can satisfy you our present p: al order will tel 1 opp. Flour Mill snch Yard at Bowell PPO OOR NORTHERN HIPS LTD. yal Line b - QUEBEC L, ENGLAND to London on yating Palaces, celaving opening .S. Royal a from Haltiox ce Sailings: dward.. May 15 Iward.. June 12 Passage: (0 and-upwards 5 -and-upwards ol or London 50, ay or steamship trated booklets, rrite DAVIS a Agent, Scott 1 St, Winnipeg. April 191 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEW: Page? Kee Bwswe Weve aeateatvateateateateateateateateatiateed PACKEY WAS EAS BRAND, TAILORED BY TORONTO The Man Who Wears 20th Century Brand Garments Has the satisfaction of knowing that he is stylishly and correct ly dressed, that he has not pald too much for the style and qual- ity In his clothes and thst they were made in clean, sanitary tailor shops and not In a filthy sweat shop. He is comfortable in body and mind. Sole Agents Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollay s Worth fet ear aR EEE Two Specials in Waterproof Coats 7.50 15.00 Our 750 coat is a pure wool cashmere water-proof, sewn seamst olive shade, and full skirted, allowing ample cover-. ing when sitting freedom of tiie Limbs, You had better see them. and fullest -S- IRELAND Y WINNER Leagu new saying, both true, however. that It would come before tire season what it say The schedule which is issued by League and which is published in the of the way the league is going to be is a bad example of schedule making. first month of the season, Calgary. Calgary plays fourteen games in Broncos will be the big drawing team the start of the season Calgary lays ing the month of July. For the first two months of the days long and at the close they last a the tear Calgary play 14. Red Deer plays 18 clause in his contract. uor in his life. Good business? lis a Calgary man; the vice-president is gary man. Good business? LOS Great Work i - Evidenced i in W.C. Someone Evidently Had a Brain Storm a and the Playing Schedule of Four Club League Resulted Business, ? Says Edmonton Bulletin. Murder will out, an old saying; bum baseball management, will out; the four club W. C. B, League would prove a farce, but hardly The Edmonton Bulletin seema'to be of the same opinion, will be an unfortunate year for baseball In this country. The document While Red Deeris playing eighteen games in Edmonton during the playing an almost equal number with Bassano. Red Deer is going to have a strong team. be weak if Chesty Cox keeps the line-up he has at present. secure a lead right there that will never be overtaken, 14 times in the best ball town in the circuit. returns for only nine games during the entire three There-te-not-a game between Edmonton and Edmonton dur- Good business? team will play for seven or eight games in succession, mer when the bunch want to get acquainted with the teams and when in- terest is at its height, the series are short. the serfes lengthen ont to a monotonous length, Good business? Red Deer plays 41 games in Sdmonton and Bassano plays 39, Umpire Longnecker is fired because he objects to signing a temper- ance pledge and remonstrate with President Johnson's insertion of such a Longnecker nev Hornibrook is elected vice-President of the league at meeting at which no Edmonton representative was present. Calgary man, and doubtless the janitor Of the league's officea is a Cal- x e Schedule the officers of the Western Canada Bulletin today may be an example managed this year, but if it is it Bassano is going to Batterles Pape, Gieotte, Badtent Calgary will and Nunamaker. Morgan, Russel, and Thomas. Edmonton during the season, The RH. EB. in the league, yet they play only New York 10 10 2 Washington 24 1 Good business? Right near five games in Edmonton and then sueceeding months. season the series of games are-three week, After the fans have got all iz d up and know how strong. or how weak they are, the same Early in the sum- When interest is slowing down and times in May. Good business? Some secret R. H. B.jof the game. If Tait and Goulding The presideng Baltimore . 5 10 5 go they will sail by New York, and a Calgary man; the secretary is a Rochester ... 10 12 2 will not compete in the finals at Batteries -Dygert, Smith and Klein- Montreal. S eat Cinch Wi McFarland Had With Wells heb bbe + + + + + + + Brooklyn .. Philadelphia Archer, ed, threatening weather. RH. B Boston ... . 7 4 2 Philadelphia 61 38 ker, Breker, Cashon-and Williams, Jon account of ral Toronto Providence . chell and Schmidt, Buffalo ... 1 8 2 Jersey City eee er took a drink of intoxicating Ha- Batteries Merritt and Mitchell; Deschep and Condeay and Wells. Columbus... AEOLIAN LD EPP OI SPORT NEWS Seat atoat to destestestecte steceatostestes ro sloate-steeteateatontoetectpateatestestocte stectectestectestostoateet bb bbb bbe t NATIONAL LEAGUE. SH sce Batteries Stack ana Phelps; Bren- Ban and Graham. Toronto, April 25. If it can be ar- Fine RH w. ranged, Jack Tait and George Goul- Boston . 3 9 2) ding will compete at the British New York -.. 7 11 2/ championships at Stamford Bridge Batterlee Donnelly and Fariden June 22. The only-obstacle that a Crandall and Myers. ee stands in the way is getting their The News a short time ago predicted that /st. Louts 1028 plea sen Sr tes oss ae thought Chicago . 8 8 5 ships before gaing ti hed started away, but-here it is. Batteries state: Woodbury, Mary; get a Tine o on the other eolonial ath- for here's mon and Bliss; Wingo, Cheney and/jo es who will be in London for the Pittsburg-Cinelanat game postpon- AMERICAN LEAGUE. Batterles Quinn and Mosher; Wil- Chicago-Cleyeland Same postponed TAIT AND COULDING FOR BRITISH GAMES Will Compete at Champion- ship Meet in London on June 22, games. The Australians and the South Africans are now on their way. Goulding would get a line on the Australian walker, who it is claimed recently set up a new world s record for the mile. He would also buck up,against the South African wonder of which much is expected. Tait would also be in a position to know how fast he is traveling by rac- ing against the French, German and Scottish milers. The idea is a good one, and both boys would reap big benefit by competing. They would not only. know what chance they would stand Sega eae ete tpaectpeteeteateiegesteete dfeetecfotte cient eee eee gs your savings in Medicine Hat. By so doing you will pave the way to wealth and affluence, and the rest of the road will be smooth and easy. Realty investments in live growing cities like Medicine Hat have been the foundations of many large fortunes, a Be a Doer. They re good. 10 lots, block 80, Cousins Sissons 300 each. Terms. 50 feet, block 4, Central Park 1050 cash. 100 feet, block 2, Cousins Sissons 1650. Lots 21 and 22, block 13, Herald 1050 cash. Block 14, Cousins Sissons 280 each. Terms. One pair lots, block 31, High School Annex 750, Terms. 2 lots, block 31, Cousins Sissons 500 pair. Terms. List Your Property With Us if You Want it Sold. Start in Today. Buy some of these. Terms. St. Louls-Detroit game postponed, ain. INTERNATIONAL LEAGU E R. vail - 1 4 8 Batterles Winter and Fischer; Mit- au; Hughes, Mausir and BI X + AMERICAN Meee ATOR a fe BASEB NoTEs . ae . aL Toledo ... 12 13 1 Aeneas ee en ee ee ee ee Batteries West and Leand; Nich- olson, Marion and Hughes. ton June: 8 in Montreal. . no boats R. H. E. 1 9 0 at Stockholm, but race themselves into the pink of condition. The Canadian Olympis committed are disappointed that all the ath- letes who are going to Sweden will not be able to enter the British championships, as it would be a great thing for them. The final trials are There are 390 TORONTO STREET. leaving Canadian: ports early enough to send the whole team. across in time for the games. There is a sailing on the 15th, but the team would only land there the day Eeeee eee eee Pitchet Walter Johnson, of the Washington ceam, looks to be the same old-demon-with the fast shoot- ers. We Have Been Asked the Question What Constitutes a Safe, Sound, Lucrative Investment? . , A safe, sound, lucrative investment is an in- vestment in real property, industrial or residen- tial, situated in a locality contiguous to industrial development or in a residential centre, not too far removed from an industrial centre, situated so that industrial progress will necessitate a rapid ad- ae by demands for such-industrial or residen- - - tial sites. /ATORY C ER, Mus. Doc. irector. A TIONS ) JULY be in not later RESIDENCE for is being greatly ven that on and ay of May, 1912, : of the Province section Dairies orced within the yf milk vendors wn to paragraph et: y dairy supply- or village shall it from the local re he may sell oundaries of the sity. or before he rom such dairy peing resol by mmed milk in have the rin - ty not less than han 3 per cjnt, than 9 per cint. per cent. amples of nil ty hall. sith Act may be THOMPSON gt; oe C.P.R. MENS STORE ENGLISH FOOTBALL SEASON-1S. CLOSED (WA-P- Dispatch.) London, Eng., April 27 The foot- ball eeason of 1911-12, closed today with the Blackburn Rovers at the head of the first division. Derby County head the second division and will thus gradiate into the first division at the beginning. of next season, With the exception of probably some postponed games and a secdnd division game on , Monday, today s games are the last of the season, Scottish League. Glasgow Rangers 3, Motherwell. 1. Third Lanark 4, St. Marien 2. Clyde 0, Queen s Park 1. Morton 4, Dundee 2. Kilmarnock 3, Aberdeen 0. Hearts of Midlothian 2, Patrick This tles 1. 2 Falkirk 2, Airdrionians 1. Friendly Games. Celtic 1, Aston Village 1 Ist Division Bolton Wanderers 1, United 1. Manchester Bradford City 1, Tottenham Hot- spur 0. Everton 1, Bury 1. Manchester City 2, Middleborough 0 Oldham Athletic 0, Liverpool 1. West Bromwich Albion 1, Suffield Wednesday 5. Wolwich Arsenal 0, Notts County 3, Southern League. Brighton and Hove- Albion 2, Swin- don Town 0. SKE, Bristol Rovers 1. Coventry City 2, Westham United 0. Leyton 1, Millwall Athletic 1. Norwich Gi gers 1. of Crystaal Palace 2, Brentford 0. Southampton 3, Exeter City 0. Plymouth Argyle 2, New Brompton nil. Reading 6, Watford 2. Northampton 1, Luton 0. Second Division. Newcastle United 1, Blackburn Rov-+ ers 1. (. A. P. fable.) London, April 26 In a first divis- fon postponed football game played Wost Bromwich Albion defeated Grad- ford City one to none. Jimmy Gardner and Howard Baker Queers Park Ran- New York, April 27. Packey Mc- Farland who was introduced last night at the Madison Square Gar dens as Chicago's fighting Irishman administered a severe drubbing t and while McFarland was a ten to rounds at the Garden Athletic Club, seven favorite, nobody thought that his task would be so easy. Wells was a decided disappointment. The Eng- BROWN IS AGAINST Entrance Into Seattle. Vancouver, April 26. According to President Brown ofthe Beavers, there does not seem much chance for It was proposed by President Baum of the Coast league that owing to Portland being on the Northwestern circuit, they should reciprocate as it were, by allowing the Coa t league to expand to an eight-club circuit, placing. a team in the Sound City. The following wire from President Brown, who is now in Spokane, fore- casts a fight on the part of the high- er organization if they succeed if placing a team in Dugdale's Park. Notice paper reports where Coast league clubs say they will demand a Coast league club in Seattle for con- eossion of letting Northwestern op- erate in Portland. I Aa ardly' think the Coast league is sua correctly, as one of the promises of the Coast league, through Owner Ish of Frisco and President Baum and other Coast) clubs, gave to President Dugdale of Seattle club and myself last fall, was that the Northwestern could op -erate-in-Portland a long-as:we had no conflicting schedule. It they are honest, which I think they are, we will continue to operate there, but not at the cost of letting the Coast Teague put a club in Seattle, as I believe the Northwesteen will oppose any such move. I know Vancouver's vote will be against it. oe ve signed fora muss to take place ) in Denver on May 1. ' 800 Biock 16, Central Park. Simp- Stockyard Boy Proved oved Too Fast a1 Fast aid Scientific for Eng- lish Scrapper and Worsted Him at All Stages. Special to News). lishman s was not in evidence after the open- ing round. McFarland at all stages of the game was cool and collected, round and Wells made frantic efforts COASTERS INVASION) TO ROW 1N ENGLAND Beaver President Does Not world s Champion Arrived Approve of Coast League Yesterday, for Big Race. -the-Goust-lexgus to invade Senttiet the-voyage-to-reduce welght T erpect o lave amore Gallng (AGAINST GAMBLERS much heralded cleverness. while Wells lost his head early in the England s lightweight, Champion game. Packey jabbed, swung and up- Boston ... Matt Wells. The men went ten percut his man at will, until the fin- rah al-elang-of the bell ending the tenth to land a telling blow, but Packey invariably made him miss by clever side stepping and ducking. ARNST ANB-BARRY London, April 27 Richard Arnst, of New Zealand, champion sculler the world, arrived today. He looks very heavy and has done stoking on time with Ernest Barry on the Thames than on the Seambesi . he said. Barry, who is champion of Binginnd; wes astestad ste eae besi match by two lengths and fara bontch-o0, thes TRUSbg Bea arranged. KENTUCKY RACING SEASON OPENS Lexington, Ky., April 27. Lexing- ton is thronged with trainets, owners and lovers of fast horses, all here for the opening this afternoon of the spring. meeting of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders Associa- tion. The meeting marks the opening of the racing season in Kentucky. The State Racing Commission has lotted Lexingtoneleven days, follow- racing at Louisville and then a twen- ty-five days, s.eeting at Latonia. Youngstown, April. 27. Mike Don- lin, of the Pittsburg Pirates, and Battling Nelson, ex-lightweight box- ing champion, were here yesterday to see Bonesetter Reese. Both injured) athletes improved. Donlin's limp wag gone and Nelson's injured hand has been fixed up. The Battler was or- dered to take arest of two months. Rhodes and Connor. Cincinnati Kansas-City Batteries MeQuillan and Smith; Indianapolis-Minneapolis, rain. . Louisville-St, Paul, postponed. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDIN G. New York ... Pittsburg .. Brooklyn Chicago - aananaciy AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDING L. Pe. Chicago ... . 7 Philadelphia 666 Boston ... 600 Washington... 500 Cleveland .. 500 St. Louis. . A548 Detroit 300 Oana at New York 200 DRASTIC MEASURES No Betting on Baseball Games Will Hereafter Be rolerated in in Portland. Portland, gambling on baseball games is pro- day by City Attorney Grant at the request of a number of ardent sup- porters of the national game, and re commended for passage to the coun oil. Not only does the measure clamp the-lid-on-betting-on games played in this city, but on betting here on all baseball games wherever- played. The principals in the betting are not only held responsible, but the ordi- nance specifies also that any stake- ing which will come fifteen days of OTe) C Sookmaker'for betting on and ball games is liable to arrest prosecution. imprisonment Abe Attell bout sometime in June. tou-Nerthary 1 North, Raltway. 9444s Fe left here this afternoon for Alas- ka. : a barrel of money from Chicago as . ing series. April 27. All) hibited by an ordinance drafted to- The penalty of the violation of the proposed ordinance is a fine or or both. The ordin- ance is expected to pass the council. and Tommy Murphy will probably hook up in another Sandy Ferguson looked like a real Pitcher George Mullin, of the Ti- gers, is out to beat Cy Young's rec- ord for years of major league piteb- ing. The St. Louis Browns took away their share of the gate of the open- The major league clubs are not giving out the attendance this year 50 it's now up to the soribes to make eetimates. Manager Jack O'Connor of the Cleveland team in the*United States league has signed Joe Delehanty, the former Toront player. Manager Cantillon of the Minnea- polis club has appointed Dan Swee- ney, the old Louisville. player, cus- todian of the Millers . clubhous. The Iron-Copper Country league ) pE will open the season May 18, Calu- met, Marquette, Ishpeming and Ne- gaunee from the circuit of the league, We offer you an opportunity by placing a safe investment in Medicine Hat Real Estate. The Medicine Hat Industrial Committee has a fund guaranteed by the citizens of Medicine Hat for the purpose of placing industries here, in the course. of three months over twelve industries will be an actual fact. Why not buy when prices are normal? Save the other fellow s profit. If you are interested call on E. J. Butler Co., they will explain matters to you, and show you where Medicine Hat is due to receive her share of prosperity that is sweeping the Western Provinces. We Need Your Listings. E. J. Butler Co. BECKER BLOCK. PHONE 110 The Jersey City Club has a five year- lease of the cricket-grounds in. Hamilton, Bermuda, where the Skeeters trained dusing the spring. The Philadelphia Nationals have had more-men out of the game on account of injuries, so far this sea- som; -than-any other-club-in-the-ma- jor leagues. The New England league got away to a good start this season, and the playing strength looks to be pretty: -everily divided among the eight clubs of the league. eago player, has new. United Statesleague, which will. assign him to one of its eight clubs later in the season. Shirtstop Hauser of the St. Louis Cardinals, put one over on Jim Shee kard, of the Cubs, other day, when he worked the old **hidden ball gag on Jones. with Mr. L, ing of a large tract of land. Montreal 960,0070 four per cent., consolidat- , Patterson for the plow- dyn Irene Hands only child of John Hendry of Vancouver. Loose Leaf System The News Job Foley Bros. moved their grading line, and while they were arranging their camp let their mules and horses (in:all-about 40) loose to graze on the prairie, were completed and dinner over, they Capt. Anson, the famous old Chi- besan to look for the horses but not tied up with fhe ome was in sight, and they have had no tidings of them since, although search parties have been doing their best to find them. After camp arrangements Heavy Herta ten 0. Moving Zl Van London, April invite 27. The Bank of subscriptions for *PHONE NO. 349. payable 1940, 1960, at gr per cent. There is still hope for the High- landers. + The ' Minnesota-Wisconsin Teague Winona, La Crosse, Eau Claire and Rochester form the circuit that will start to do business May 14. Hugh Bradley, of the Boston Red the drum stick? Answer: No it would beat it. Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- come back in his recent-bout wit Morris Harris in Boston, plying the most satisfactory. Orly a few yoars ago a Bos, LOOCS SOOO SSS See ees ton team started off the season with nine straight defeats, and yet it wom di wr aeigee ate e w Breeding Poultry For Sale will have but four clubs this season. x + Thursday, May 2nd lt; 25 pens of Rocks, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Sox, sprang the following dafty /*s T.echorns and Rhode Island Reds to choose from. on Eddie Riley the other day. If a y Your chance to buy Bred. to make make brass band went on-a-strike, would z 4 gt; 4 Our express carload of Purebred Poultry will be at Medicine Hat Poultry at remarkably reasonable prices. Mr. A. P, Hillouse in charge of car, NED GUNN LANGLOIS CO.
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Image 705 (1912-04-27), from microfilm reel 705, (CU1771588). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.