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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ry Apt, SOLA, 2015, lt; 00 ity today. siness pro- keep from CO. Mlninlninininiminintetete gt; past seven years and begs to state e carried on as a k for the company an assurance of a beer -KINNON 235-d-tf has-niways ee ames, and after a very as served all retired to Those who took part. mme were: Solo, Mrs. m; reading, Miss Mo- solo, Miss M. Hartley; ee; banjo solo, Mr. piano solo, Miss Lily , Mr. Kinard. Good aps Cosh: 40. Reb br heheh bb r rrr b bre errr RH erento Present Dally Average 1666 Copies. 5 Advertisers in Dally get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation, No extra charge. Books open to ad- : vertisers. . MEDI VOL. 2, NO 246 lt; iBe,,, MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. SATURDAY. APRIL 27, 1912 en production 5 ame (6 he TRADERS AND ; Homesteader Suicides vee saa s MAL BANS Halifax Preparing After Shooting Horsesix * - On behalf of tHE Public School 1 (W, ACP. Dispateh,) Toronto April 27. I have nothing to say, the report is premature, waa the only, stafement to be had Reception-for-Dead F mittee on echnics this ; Lewis Sauerbrach, Residing 30 Miles North of Irvine, Dead by His Own Hand Had ne iving sia nveune Closs work de morning from Mr. C.D. Warren. the Coffins Ready and Head Stones Being Cut to Mark the Quarrel With his Neighbor Over Payment for Team of Horses Threatened to sire to express the gratiicaion elven are ene ee ieamaiion of Graves of the Unidentified Bodies Found by Cable- Shoot Self and Horses Rather Than Give Animals Up, and Kept His Word. in this educational Work, its ready re- the Traders and Royal Banks. Al the ship White Star Line Will Make ey Effort to sponse asauring 8 far as possible OMclals of the: Rradera were equally LocateRelatives. active co-opers and the courtesy be Lewis Sauerbrach a settler of Hilda, But Sawerbrach refused to take the) would let them go. It s not known) otended aa ee communication a place about 30 miles north of Irvine money or give up the mares which had definitely what happened on Thurs- i. vsra o this fmportant matter (W, A. P. Dispateh.) i 3 shot four of tts horses wd then com-/in the-menutime-had had-two foais-/ day morning between Robortson andi r-pave the Honk W de. Sirs, yours UEBEE IN GRIP Halifax, NS., April 27 Giving ver- iately after their Identity has been es gt; mitted sulclde-b shooting on Thurs- Last season was a somewhat hard Sauerbach but Sauerbach went to nos: respectfully, Willia Hay, ub dicts of accidental death, were pre- tablished to all parts of Canada and day morning last. one on the farmers In that district Where the horses were standing and oo oy Com, on Technical Training pared today in the readings for the the United States. About a year ago Sauerbrach bought and Robertson threatened to take the shot all four of them and then ended . s rccine Glass Bilucation, Mean FLOOD AND ee the Al formalities in connection with two valuable mares from a -neighbor mares away from Sauerbach, who had lls own life. eine Mat Pablie Board coroner's Juyy. watch wil Inspect the cssing the line will be. waived. A James Robertson and pald down 100 not made any further payments. Corporal Weldleman and Corotier) ine Coimmittes; Hl Feporting to last bodies of the Titanlc s dead, now on fui1 description of unclaimed bodies as the rest of the money was not forth- Sauerbrach was a man of very viol- Dr. Bolton of Irvine were notified of nee Trade aad Labor Council BIG Ick FLOES their way. here on board the cable will be taken and forwarded to the coming, Robertvon offered to take the ent temper and sald he would shoot the tragedy and went out to Uilda fr ity cadgrwed the night school ship Mackay-Bennett. The names ot New York office. of the Whit Star the horses and himself before he Thursday evening. pele mares back and give the deposit back. Another Gala Day Coming Labor Day Will See Programme of Sports Put on local labor unions sandwiched In with glaring display ads. of. -local merchants. It is the desire of the Couneil that no local merchant or no local labor union patronize or coun- tenance the schemes of this nature, unless the solicitor presents to his prospective patron a proper docu- ment of sanction bearing the signat- ure of the President and Secretary of be empowered to visit: the local labor unions in an endeavor to secure the hearty co-operation of labor forces tn generab in support of the school. The report was unanimously adopted by the Council. Several copies of the syllabus have been s cured by the committee and these will be distrib- uted judiciously. Other interesting matters brought up but definite action was were Jand recommended that the committee Menacing -the Residents Much Damage Done.- (W. A. P. Dispatih.) gt; Quebec, Qu , April 27 The flood ig still causing considerable damage at Port Neuf. The water has attain. ed abnormal height proportions and has brought great pleces of ice onto the line of the Canadian Northern, (Ice of Abnormal Height the cases when thelr names can be ascertained Stonecutters were set at work: today inscribing a number of head stones which will mark the, graves of those unidentified or un claimed who will be buried in the Halifax cemetery, No further news regarding the position of the cable ship was received here this morning. The latest information is that she will arrive either fate Sunday night the drowned will be filled in tater-in It is the intention of the company to publish them in the papers through out the United States and: Canada. If mite dodies are claimed after burial, the mayor of Halifax has promised that there will be no difficulty in hav- ing it exhumed and shipped to the rel- atives. Extraordinary precautions have been taken to guard the dock at which the Mackay-Bennett will te That Will Eclipse Last One Dealing With Technical tne Trades and Labor Council, and eft over till the next meeting which where the service is still interrupted, Of Monday morning. up. offins which contain the bodies Education Question the Council seal. will be held on Friday, May 10th, some of the pieces measure about fif- The White Star, officials pesist in will not be opened untfl the reach the The Council decided to have a teen feet high. their refusal to'admit to the deck any elty morgue. There they will be plac- The Trades and Labor Councttt held their regular monthly meeting last evening with President Bellamy in the chair, It was decided to hold meetings in future on the second and fourth Fri- days of each month, instead ef mon- thly, as at present. The council was unanimous in coming to this decis- fon, a8 it was felt that there was an increasing amount of business to come before the Council which nee essitated this action. No less than three busy sessions of the Executive that this year's previous records. That all Toca show will It is the with the Trades and Labor Cotinell on the committee which will have the affair shall have representation in hand. An early start will be made and most thorough and elaborate pre- parations will be made to draw a tre- mendous crowd to the city. It is un- derstood that the new park on the river bank will be completed in a short time and this should prove an ees of ad placards plated garding the Trades and Labor Council and local labor unions. These will be extradite village are sixty feet high, while tm- At Mewville there i Some of the blocks in front of the besides the friends and relatives of arrived already. Arrangements hav. prominently displayed at various. Points in the city, and will prove of interest to local labor men as well as the large influx of workmen to the city. Nights of meeting, list of offi- Gers. and other data will be given. Fhe Lethbridge Labor Temple Conipany, Limited, wrote, enclosing prospectuses of the Company, . en- quiring if the Medicine Hat Trades and Labor Council were desirous of Beattie Nesbitt Chicago Commissioner Or: ders Farmers Bank Man- Tense masses have been carried into to fields. Here the situation is sald to be grevious and the residents are afrad of the high tides. At Lenbeniere much damage has been done and the ce has piled up on the banks to an abnormal height. Sev- erdl quays have been carried away, and many houses and barns overturn- have been flooded. ed. At Yamaska also, many houses the Bxpress-Company-te-care for-the transportation of the bodies imm ed in charge of the Iocal undertakers jand Tull opportunity will be given to those who have a right to the bodies The. coroner's jury - wil Hnspection-at the Hib: make its: Husband Dead and Wife is Deported had been held during the past month. ideal spot for the days sport. taking stock. The Company is cap- s ans ree od 7 ne, Exeoutiva Committe, recom he Council wast a record anberlftalinad at l00000. Bian ercrii OSE LOMA MRE: amex winemese, 7 f8ad Case Dealt With by. Boston Ofticiale Women. With mended, among other things, that ing opposed to the practice of tfavell-leach, the minimum allotment being Cnicago, April 26-LLate this after- Babes on-Way to Saskatoon to Join Parents Gets Sad the Council make early arrangements for holding another monster . Labor ing advertisement solicitors who visit the city and compile advertising pla- Day celebration: List renr's hi a9 cards bearing information regarding Captain of GPR: - Liner to Testify er of Moun omnia Inquiry Many Other Witnesses Yet to ie Gees Members of Crew Still B eing Held. 50 shares. Lethbridge Trades and Labor Council are large sharehold- ers. The temple, it is proposed, will take up a ground space of 100 feet by 125 feet and will be centrally located in that city. Amiong other features in 4the plans are - redding room, library, Pool room, workmen's club room, furnished sleeping apartments, ton- sorial parlors, baths and a large aud. itorium with a seating capaaity.. 1,000. The: matter was referred t the Executive Committee. noon Commissioner Foote ordered that Beattie Nesbitt be extradited. Chicago, April 26 The argument over the extradiction of Dr: William Beattie Nesbitt, former president. of the Defunct Farmers Bgnk of Can- ada at Toronto began today before the United States Commissioner, Mark A. Foote. Dr. Nesbitt is accused of making false statements concerning thie financial conditions of the bank to the Canadian Minister of Com- (W. A. P. Dispatch.) * Ottawa, Ont: April 27. Hon. J. D. Hazen Minister of Marine and Fisher- tes, has been elected president of the North American fish and game pro- jtective association which yesterday held its annual meeting at Boston. The minister yesterday received. a-tele- graphic message to that effect. NAVICATIGN ROUGH Blow. TW, A. Py Boston, Mass., April 27. Her young husband dead from fever In Saska j toon, Sask., hospital, with not a friend inthe new land, and almost penniless, Mrs. Florence M. Fleet sailed out of Boston harbor yesterday, dejected. With her, deported to her home in Woolst ne, England, went four male children, all crying for Papa. Fleet Pispaten.) family. They left for Portland Maine, fon the Cymfie intending to take the train from there direct to Saskatoon but upon reaching land they were in- formed that husband and fatlier was dead. They had only a few shillings besides their tickets. They came to Boston aud: the immigration authori- ties a quarters of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada that it was the intention to do considerable organi- zation workin this section of the Word Was received from the head co s CHBTES Was, substituted some days ago for the original charge of forgery on which Dr. Nesbitt was first held in custody.. The physician- banker was represented at the hear- ing by Attorney W. K. Pattison, who Storm on Lake Superior Makes It Very Dangerous for Vessels. Teft England Jas October and crossed the States to the land of plenty. He was doing well at Saskatoon, where he Wwas making big wages as farm foreman. He sent for his wife and Were Dorothy, Bertha, Lillian and Hl- Bie, aged eleven, seven three and one year Tespectively: The local immi- Bration officers call it the saddest case on record, my Domini resent yea . A. P2 Dispateh.) a (W. AP. Dispatch.) ; Hon during the present year. lacciared he would reslat extradition he : EI . 5, A 2. eet rads Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., April 27. Sa Washington, April 21. Coptein lieve the Manm Remole got the a ator guiel a oetuedetin falescttatoment eh aitiongh arecmergdulch passed throeeh she TWO NEW HO I ; Thomas H. Moore of the Canadian tanic's wireless tignal of the disas-/ 7 Laver Counc communication) ne was willing that hig client should tT toned vecentey, mrenenteed Pacific Railway's steamship Mount Temple arrived in Washington to- day to t stify. before-the- Senate Committee of Inquiry into the Tita- nic disaster. The passengers on the Mount Temple which was in the vici- nity of the Titanic on the fateful night of Sunday, April 14th, have de- clared they saw the Titanic s lights and signals. Wireless Operator Cottam of the Carpathia testified he did not be ter because the operator. of the Mount Temple had given him 'Good Night shortly after 10 o'clock that night. The committee has yet to examiue a number of the British lors who. survived the Titanic and contem- plates putting on the stand A. Craw- ford, one of the British sailors who was examined in New York. L. Bruce Ismay, managing director (Continued on page 4.) ALDERMAN, WARD 1 Medicin: AVP. Day, Esq. Medicine Hat. e Hat, Alta., sen 26, 1912. is giver onr committee by the expres- authorities bringing before the m of the Council the estab- of inight schools for tech- jucation in Alexandra School. munication was referred to the Council's Educational. Committee which subsequently met and decid- ed to request the promoters for fur- ther information than that contain- ed in.4he syllabus recently issued. The following reply elicited the de- sired data Dear Sirs: I beg to acknowledge Teceipt of your. favor of the 3rd inst. Ye. proposed organization of Evening and Technical Training classes by the local Public School Board. Your Council's ndorsement of this educa- tional venture is most gratifying to +he Roard, and much encouragement return to Canada to face the forgery charge. The Canadian government was represented by Attorney A. W. Bulkley, who- presented several affi- davits of former officials of the To- ronto Bank in support of the charge against. Dr. Nesbitt. LOOKING FOR COUNTERFEIT PLANT Minneapolis, April 27. The police and secret service men are searching today for an elaborate counterfeit coining plant, thought to be located some where in the. outskirts of Min- neapolis. This followed the finding of 50 in bad silver-dottars-and-heittottars-in bag in the police patrol wago usedto-convey-to the Central Station shortly after tho vehisle had been lt;iety ia felt for the safety. of the very severe weather on Lake Superior last night, Signals displayed for Northwest Gale proved warning for a blow which has reached fifty miles an hour, There has been-no report from any steamer ag no down boats have yet reached this port. The steamer North Lake was due down this morn- ing but severe weather and numerous iceflelds still afloat would render nav- igation slow, and-she may report Iat- er in the day. High winds and thun- der storms of last night is driving the lice down the river considerable trou- ble is met operating the lors. Sault Ste. Marie, April 7 A fifty perfor last night and considerable an- steamers that -passed ap vesterda: Medicine Hat will have two hand- some new hotels this summer. Plans for both are prepared, and work has been started on one of them. W. R. Penland is building one of street just, be run by Messrs. Babb and McLean mile gale, accompanied by snoW and the hotels on Ottawa freoning- tomperatiire-ewapt iake-80-l east-of Nort Railway strect. It mt essrs. Bennet and Lockwood are FOR THIS CITY Messrs. Bennett and Lockwood to Build One on Montreal St. W. R, Penland s Hostelry on Ottawa St. Started - Both Will be Three Storey. vision for the adding another teen of these rooms will have p vate baths in c nnection. There will. be hotand cold water in all rooms. Penland hotel will be practi- the same in size, 75 by 130, and will have 52 bediooms, and three which will give 83 bedrooms, Six: Dear Sir, We, the tidersiteds request that you will accept a nomination for Alderman for est 1 to fill pledge you our influence and William A. Begg a How son. In the event of your accepting this edition, we Support, T. F. Dawson sion of your Educational committee's appreciation of our effort and of your contemplated plan of action in support thereof - With zeference to. your enquiries respecting certain matters of impor: tance to prospective students, permit me to reply as follows : Until this work is well established Avenue and Second Street, charged with drunkenness. The counterfelt colns were only partially completed. - They tad been coated with aluminium for polishing but the polishing pro- ces had not been commenced. Aside from Xhat the coins wel fect spe iments. three men,. arreste at- Nicollette The gale has driven much ce down, filling the passage above the Soo Ca- nal. GERMAN BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED : Dantzig, Germany, April 27 The battleship Koenig Albert, named for building the other on Montreal street, practically opposite the Pen- land hotel. It will be leased by Mr. Broadfoot, .at present owner of the Redcliff hotel and who has owned and-managed hotels in Calgary. According to the plans of the Ben- net-Lockwood hotel it will vie with. There will be a: poolroom in the base ment. The rotunda will he a commo- dious one and will have a layout somewhat along the lines of the Bon- net hotel. The tenders haye beet called for J. E. Howson G. W Elliott C. C. McGregor. CLS. Pingle A. P. Burns Jas. G. Berry . Benson H.C, Yuill H. K. Oakes James Fleming gone J. Quail z Kerr drawing set of inatruments. One that *st a* Dreamland tonight. of the largest and most attractive in Genin ieee exton enon y: will serve all purposes and will last fs of ofe fe ofr ofe of obs oe obo ole ole ote oh THAW CASE AGA the west, it will be 54 by 44 fect, ; rath D MeLean W. B. Marshall W. R. Penland A gt; Patterson .J. Day . M. Johnston S . Fawcett Henry Stewart W. J, Melean R. E. Starks J. F. Bending a Hutchinson E. D. Bennett Wm. Crawford W. A. Burton F. . Lowes Co. W. G. Manson Robert Mitchell Vy Thos. White T. M. McKay W: 0. Joy the amount of deposit will be small and quite within the reach of anyone anxious to get a better education or ary course; 1.00 ; for Class I1. of the same course 2.00.; for Part 1I of the Technica) Tre ining Course - 5:00- Classes will be Beld tor two hours, 7.80 to 9.80 each night of the week ex- cept Saturday and Sunday. The me expensive part equipment required is the mechnaical of the 6. Other material in the form of books canbe purchased for not more tha. 5 altogether. The place that advertisement-writ- ing would be given on the course would be in accordance with the de- Shrlife-tine-may-be-procured for 5 or efe The 1.0.0.F. bretharn, both male lodges and Rebeccus will attend ser- training.-For Clase 1 of the-element-l-vices at lt;St. John's Presbyteri church (omorrow, The male lodges will meet at Becker's Hall at 10 o'clock, and the Rebeccas in the, Basement of the church at the same hour. Don t miss the Man from- the W AUTO AGENCY R. Penland, who has recently r turned frei Mo Iine, Til, states that an agen- cy for the Midland, car is Mr. We bee h ae heb beh bob blob bob thefornier King of Saxony, was. Iaunched today. The present Saxon King, Frederick Augusta, was pres- ent and made a speech, and his sis- vessel. The Koenlg Albert practically is Identical with the batueship Kaiser Frederich der Grosse, Tt has a tonnage of 24,500 and is armed with ten 12-inch and fourteon 6-inch guns. Specifications aamand a speed of 21 knots. preparing tho site has alroady-start- any hotel in the west for grandeur, style and size. The Penland Hotel will-aiso be a large-one, work on ed and it will be rushed. The Bennett-Lockwood hotel will he 75 by 130 feet, and. will be of brick and stone, with the probable cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 75,000. There tive features about The rotunda it is planned will, be one with private office, reading sobm, (CW. A. P, Dispatch.) New Rochelle, N. ., April 27. fourth attempt through the agency of the law to liberate Harry K. Thaw from Matteawan State hospital, where he has been imprisoned for the slay- writing room, general office and plaee for an elevator, The dinning room which will be another big feature will be 304 by 38 and-from it will be a private dinning room and a sil- back of this will he kit- ver room eeeeerestenteesy Ca. 50 feet on Elm St, only 526. . Pettet and Co. Sho h ecb deeb bh oh ob tee Coupon No. 8 +. * ee. She: Hie: This coupon, with one from +f each of the other issues of The f+ Daily News.of the week end- + ing -May 4th,and 10 cants sf ehtitles the holder to a photo- +f ousrd. Biseon s picture entit- led La Cigale, or Heward A. Begg, J. B. Howson, and other signeleaf aliove nent fu wm srg tom tng to tent he ovaeds Met io Senor Wis we rey age Chn parc and stove reams avert aan Gg reMURITiONI eee time. Specialization Hie cine Hat and becanse of insanity was made to- an 7 requisition: 5 ; lar form ot composition will grow, as of antos from the factory has 4+ day before Justice Kellough, of the The building will be a ea ei at The aie ae Gentlemen, I appreciate the confidence expressed orcaston requires, out of the general s- already been shipped. The Supreme Court in New Rochelle, He With a basement. In the eae ae) News office any time -., in me, and, after much consideration, I have decided to'ac- treatment fo the subject. Dnder company will send. tts own lwas brought down from Matteawanjbe a B rber sion mati ae eee eprese: vi i cede to your request. If-eleeted, T-shall-doarhatT con a us +fs represent ee oa bal sack ase: stg a ROE idee sai i Z ae ourse ; sider is in the best interests of our growing city composition will be seen to include 4 700 Block 5, Braemar St. Corner. to the station. The plans at present A. P. DAY, provide for 56- bedrooms, with. pro- *F i * planning outlines for oral and writ Seb bb bbe * of de fe Simpson-Northam, North Railway. gravure reproduction of a gt;
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Image 699 (1912-04-27), from microfilm reel 699, (CU1771594). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.