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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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: : a - now comprised in the portions of followed bre oo Earl EXPLORER TELLS OF SUFFERINGS IN FAR NORTH Captain Mikklesen s Narra- tive of His Adventures In Greenland. BOTH LOOKED LIKE WILD MEN WHEN PICKED UP A Medicine That Prolongs Lite VIGOROL will do al we claim for ie If not, we refund you your mon- ey, VIGOROL not only prolongs life, but makes the old feel and look young, It restores vim and energy. VIGOROL takes told of the inside nerves at once and braces you up. Some of your nerves have been dor- ment for years, ani if they are not. seokeateeed sizes Of Ladies Wal and pu ae? hi patents-and-tans; sizes 3-44-to-6.-Reg ul: li + They goon sale Saturady at fine. See South Window for st les and prices. over Oxfords PAIR ;X BUTTER FOR 1.00. Phone 28. or all the feasts and fasts on the lic calendar, none is more fn- veasive than the. Andulgence of Por- tinudipla, the ot all testi- vale or: origin, whith willbe celebrated throughout the wonl by, members pd devottes ot the three eet riists founded by an continuing until tomor- Tow. The conditions for gaiming the Portiuncula indulgence are contes- sion and communion and yisit bee tween vespers of Aug. 1 and sunset of Aug. 2. Besides, the church 4 the recitation of the an invocatic diction of ear Sacrament The observancejof Pp na ees a very small eh ort gt;, Hear Popes later exten all, the churches ai Soe kok Woodstign, spare that tree has become the battlecry of consider- able and: influential section of Eng- lish people. The forests which have Played so prominent apart in Eng- lish history are gradually being wiped out, aid if is predicted that within a century John Bull's island will be denuded of its trees unless agtive measures are soon taken to stop the slaughter. A meeting has been talled for today to launch a free conservation movement, and special attention will be paid tothe Protection and preservation of the forests famed in the history of England. Today is the amiversary of-the finding of the deed body of King William Bafus in New Forest, on August 2, 1100. . The popular ac- count of ris death is that he was slain by se ora Seeeaced 2 Walter Tyrrel, glanced from a tree and struck the momareh, but there has always besa a suspicion that William Rufus violent and tyrinical character had Something to do with his death Ne ores in Hampshire, was. affor Wil- jiam the Conigaeror in Seventh century. The gt; whole country for thirty miles i compass was laid waste and- tress - planted thereon. Agitation for the preservation of this historic forest waS commenced in 1870, but despite protests it has Another fe ticeat whites ts conservationists hope .to preserve to posterity is Sherwood Forest, the Scene of the activities of the re+ nowned Robin Hood. All that re- mains of this beautifal woodland is Bilhagh and Birkland. Railways are being run throngh and coab pits have been neighbor- hood, and it is feared that in no considerable time Sherwood Forest will soon be but a memory. Even in its Present shrunken state, how- aque sections of England. For half dozen centuries, from Normans to Stuarts, Sherwood For- est was a favorite hunting ground of kings, and there were also many veligious establishments scattered, through the woodland, remnants of, which still remain. Manver . are ion of the, forest known Bepesting to the intercessicn of the England Agi Agita ee Preservation of Forests A DEVOTIONS. - O BEGIN THIS E VENING tained in other specially appointed churches, The festival is entirely dif- ferent from other observations of the church, in that It is celebrated solely ou account of the indulgence. Tt was in the year i221 that St. Francis had a vision in the little chapel of Santa Maria of the Angels, Portiuncula. It is Christiania, Aug. 2 Captain Ejnar MIkK Isen, tie Danter-uretic-exptorer; and the enginger, Seversen, who were rescued July 17 on the coast of Green- nd by jan fishing vessel after having spent more than two years in that region, looked like wild animals when their rescuers found them. They had spent the previous win- ter st Bass Rock Istand, and It was there the Norwegians came upon them ina -eabin-they-had built, The fishermen knocked on the door and Mikkelsen and his companion Fushed out nearly naked, with guns. in their hands under the impression that the knocking was: caused. by beasts of prey. Mikkelsen had been very ill on the Tong journey to Bass Rock Island-and Seversenhad-dragsed-him-a bundred milea on a sledge. Fortunately, the men had enough ammunition to en- able them, at all times, to pro ure food. Mikkelsen s Story. Mikkelsen s story of the sufferthgs jendured by the men-is as tollows: ing taken leave -of our com- rades at Shannon Island on April 19, we proceeded northward over the in- lend Ice with provisions sufficient for Sick Man Dragged a Hun- looked after will dry up and die: VIGOROL reaches the nerve centre, dred Miles on Sledge By mparting life, youth and vigor. Weiplace ay ad Saturday morning all the a Comr That tired, Dillous feeling ls Femov ed; all your pains and acbes are driven away, The most wonderful tonlo ever sold is VIGOROL Don't be a burden to yourself and othere; get a bottle of VIGOROL today and Pingle s Drug Store 1s the only place in Medicine Hat where you can buy VIGOROL. Price 1.00 a bottle. strength, We suffered from poison- ing from having eaten dogs liver, We could not do any hunting so we started south again on Septomber 2. Phe sledging was much better as the new is always very uneven and difficult to pass. We found the north depot partly damaged when we reached. there. On September 10 open water to the south compelled us to leave the- sledge behind;-aiso our tent and other things, At the Bear rocks we walked and, carrying our diaries and three I consisting of of pemmican,* Acstorm broke the new fee in Ska- orgaards Fiord where we shot four ptarmigan. We had to walt a day-on- rock before the new ice Was strong enough to cagry us but severe storms broke it agaiMewhen we were out on related that Carist and the Virgin Mary and a multitude of angels ap- peared at the altar, encouraging ancis, that be might ask a favor Yor the salvation of souls. The saint, a poor sinner; usk of thy divine majesty this favor for the p tains between Queen Louise's land isthgerely confessed and devoutly visi- and Pledegerlacho, mapping the bor sthis church may-ODUNIn-a general der of the Tana trom there and Kouth- gence and full remission of all sins. The Lord remained sil- Gt at this petition, but through the He consented to the extraordinary re- vest, commanding Francis to aek atds in this neighborhood. eof the Pope it seas granted on Aug. 1, 1223, and ever shag. beeh observed on the first bt The Jand against the man with the axe. Sherwood Forest is doubtless sought surrounding himself with a band of kindred spirits, began the career that made him the most famous highwayman in history. Among his hundred or so followers, all expert archers, were Little John, his chief lieutenant, a man of enormous stature; George A. Green, Will Sear- let, Friar Tuck, a monk, and, not least, Maid Marian.' Many reputed relics of Robin Hood are to be seen today. A fragment. of stone carved with a cross, near Huddersfield, is supposed to mark the grave of the robber of Sherwood Forest. A cave near the village of Blidworth is declared to have been the store- house of Robin's band. Another eave is Pointed out to the visitor as the stable in which Robin Hood's horses were kept. There ate scores of other places supposed to have had some connection with the great- est of robbers and plenty of small boys in the villages who, for a few Pennies, will act as guides. Quebec, Aug. 2. The official inves tigation into the collision between the Canadian Pacific-steamer Em- press of Britain and the Dominion Coal Company's Vessel Helvetia, was opened here in the admiralty court -to-day before. the Dominion Wreck Commission. Captain Geo. Lindsay assisted by Captains Clift and-Nash.of assizes. The Canadian Pacific represented: by A. R. Holden, K. Mr. Charles Portland, K.C., appear- ed for Captain Murray and the of- ficers of the Empress, and Messrs. Cooke, K. C., and H. Barclay, for the owners of the sunken Helvetia. Mr. Cooke applied for a delay, but this was not granted. Captain was Murray, master of the Empress of Britain, was the first witness heard who *told of * the collision, adding The Duke ot' jittle to: whht-is already known. Regt Bunions and: corns may be cured by spthey * have, nightly. application of jodine and the the Hood. wearlng Of easy fitting shoes. ot provisions and-took all of them a bundred day's journey: We were much hindered from the Outset by the tempestous weather. The surface was very hilly-and full of abysses and as a consequence we and the dogs fell very often through snow braes, We reached ana feet and passed several high imoun- ara to Denmark Fiord. On May 12 we stepped down from: the inland ice to a lake connected with the bottom of Denmark Fiord. We shot two musk oxen uoon after- On the Way Back. We sledged along the north coast 25th. Hg had. only a small supply of Erichson at 80.25 north latitude. Erichson left this place September 12, 1907, in good order, starting on his, return journey along the coast... He had good hunting and carried sixteen days provisions. All were well -and they had seven dogs. In the summer camp Was found a second -cairn containing information of this journey. Peary Channel was not passable, Navy Cliff being con- nected with Hellprint land and he had left his summer camp on the 2th. He had only a small supply with him. We started on our return journey on May 25 from Cape Rigsdagen. The snow was very soft and the going slow. We searched all through the land but found no trace of Erichson. At this point I became very ill of. scurvy. We found a depot on Northeast bend. The depot contained very little food and nothing besides that . A depot on Andrlup s land was untouch- ed, We reached Molemuk mountain June 21 and had to Me low until the snow had melted from the ice. I found yery ttle hunting in this neighborhood but shot a few seagulls. Tee Found impassable, I recovered .soon afterward from the scurvy and could work again. At the beginning of July we proceeded southward on the ice without snow, but were much delayed by the water and crevasses. We lost our instru- ments and other things when a sledge fell into the water. The prov again we had to lie low on Hav- good s island uatil the beginning of August, the outdrifting jbeing impassable. The depot here was quite destroy- ed by water, but it had not been touched. We got no ganie and were very hungry, having been on short al- Jowances since the beginning of July. Hunger forced-us southward in August. Wevhad only seven pounds of provisions and two dogs. Deep water enots and rivers on outdrifted imland:ice delayed us very much, Finally we had to turn a sledge into the ferry boat which could carry the load of dogs and one ite broken own and had to be carried on the sledges. We shot twelve ptarmgan and a hare kid on the north coast of Lambert's Land. From there we walk- ed on to the next depot. We. ad to eat both the dogs. My comrade was very iN and both of us very. much ex- hausted. Severe Storms. We moved along slowly with the sledge. There was much water on the ice and we came along broad crevices. We reachad the depot a long time after we had eaten the last of the dog s meat. The depot gave us a good supply but we had to lie inland ice it. So we had to seek-Yeruge-agutr on an island in the middle of the fiord. The storms were incessant and we walted two days and ate our last provisions. We had no water or fuel. Finally we had to go and left the diriesa in a cairn. We reached land after ten hours of hard We walked along the coast to Cape Marie Valdemar Thee we found two Loans with teat eattectamdrested a few hours. Broken by Hunger and Cold. From there we proceeded, very much broken by hunger and cold, We tried to rest behind a stone the-fol- lowing night, but it was blowing gq, much for steep - ; Because of the wind becoming stronger and the intense cold we were forced to leafe this refuge, where we found two small cans of soup between the stones, From there we went straight across country and reached Denmark harbor at noon on September 19. We tried to go back from hete for our iaries in October, but tid to give up the attempt after day s striving. Uninterrupted storiis delayed our Journey toward Winter harbor. We started finally November 3 and reach- ed the harbor on the twenty-fifth, af- ter forty hours of continuous walk- ing. We spent the winter Sledged southward to the southeastern point We shot abOr of Shannon We wanted to get to Bass Rock Island, but the conditions were difficult, open water and deep snow on the island ice preventing. We de- cided first to return for the diaries and sledged to Skaorgaard s Flord to get them. Bears had destroyed the depot and spread the contents about. We dug the snow away with our hands and found nearly everything. We re- turned to Shannon Island on June 6. In the middie of July ce drifted on the shore. We remained until Aug. 80, but there was still no water in view. Waiting for Relief. We tried to go southward with the boat, but had to leave it as we could Mot get it out from Winter harbo: We had plenty of hunting for- musk oxen during this fall. By means of a sledge we carried our meat and boats southward until we reached Southeast point on Nevember 10. From there we went over new ice to Bass Rock is- There was plenty of fuel, was very caim, but cold. . We hoped to sledge southward by Cape Dalton but were formed to give up the effort, being In very bad condi- tion after this third winter. We sledg- ed later on to Winter harbor with a Teport, but were very weak, probably owing to the scurvy. We walted there on Bass Rotk Island for eventual relief and were re- covered somewhat when found. We had long bea of hair and little The winter might be musk oxen. They would have shot us, but discovered their mistake in time. Many Biblical Towns England can boast that no /other country possesses so many Scriptural Place names as it does. The name of Jericho occurs six times on the Ord- nance maps, Paradise five Umes, and Nineveh, Mount Zion, Mount Ararat, and Mount Ephraim three times each. In Bedfordshire there is a Wood and in Dorsetshire a Hin, Calvary down for seven days to recover our Pingle s Ding Store Sells VIGOROL The Great Freach Tonic We ly trom all of now; Park, We Have Over 400 Lots become the most residential property in the elty. wards. When the car service comes it must go right up to the pow- er house, On the other-site-of-the-river In Rive have large quantity of lots, Remember they dear eventually. Special offers in Herald and Tow For Sale On the RIVER BANKS velleve they will ultimate- valuable There is nothing more charm- ing than a river view either in summer or winter, We have just secured the sale the Esplanade right up- ide and Altawana we which are selling rapidly. are cheap remember they will be Central Cousins and Sissons, the ite. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave, corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete: dir these headings, 26 words, One day .. 26 words, three days 25 words, ex days .. Additional words at same rate. No ad accepged for less than 25 cents. Cash .must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and it will receive attention. HELY WANTED, WANTED Neat and tldy girl, one who is willing to go to ranch. Apply to Mrs, James Mitchell, 806 Es- planade, V AS WO BK re Ask for W. Toombs, at Kaiser Cigar Co. cor. Toronto St. and 4th Ave: 19-3 VANTED A. maid for general housework. Must be capable. Ap- (CARPENTERS WANTED Must first-class, Apply to Hotel Cecil. 19-3 WANTED Maid for general house work, in small family. Experl- ence not necessary. Apply to- Mts: AH. Ayers. 1039 Toronto St. 18-3 JALESMEN are drawing 75.00 to 100.00 per week selling our oils, greases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men with feam preferred. Inland Oil Works Co,, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Ful 30-d1m VANTED AT ONCE Good dining room girl. Apply Royal Hotel. bE ms WANTED Good general servant. WANTED- Small team. outfits for ditch work, Have miles to zoe Hato 420 Braemar, ast be These horses were ht Situations Wanted, Help Wustea. Wwirded by F turiing to T. King St, ot at post office. OST A pearl sunburst tween Mr. W, T. Finlay's-and-elt hall, Reward will be given when d livered. Apply to W. T, Finlay, 124 STRAYED STRAYED On July 26th from the N.B, 1-2 8. 4, T. 12, R. 5, one bay mare 4 years old, brafided C7 on Fight shoulder, two white Biad ree locks clipped, weighing about 1050 1s, with leather halter and shank. 5.00- reward. for-delivery to awner. H. J, Butzon, on S.W. 1-4 8, 24,7. 11, R. 9, at Winifred, 1 blue grey gelding 3 years old, branded right shoulder. Re- ward for information to H. B. Browne Auctioneers, Medicine Hat, Phones. 295. and 703. 20-t DMROUNDED branded Ee One sorrel mare, left hip, weight 1160, One black gelding, blotched brand on left jaw, deformed on front foot, welght 1000. 1, Smith, Poundkeeper. 19-6 50 REWARD The above will be payed for thformation that will flead-to-the recovery. of one brown Belding with white stripe on nose, 6 years old, and weight'aout 1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs,, branded .) on left thigh. last seen at Pete-Weiss on the 18th of May. R. B. Starks, Medicine Hat. 16att re: + oo 8 44 v lt; + ie: 2. * a Suit at ' The new Brand marked 0 er been ot show sue array of nine year Medicine let. Sizes of ditches from 3 to when. IT WILL GROW UP- on-xou- you form habits of neat- ness and learn to-be* fastidious in your dress so that you always presentable in good so- slety-o p Dusthess. are mong-yeur friends in It costs so little to nd made to look Bear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. foot bottom. Jense, McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. 267ate -ANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now Situations guaranteed. Special logue free, Molter. Callege, 609 Con- tre St,Calgary. 2odatr SITUATIONS WANTED, on. JF you want a rest from managing your hotel, you can get reliable middle aged couple with nine years Practical experitnce and best refer- Ave., Winnipeg. 19-6 Uke new that you cannot hesie - tale to brig it to WANTED Position. by young Inay 4 as servant. Apply 1337 News THE GLOBE CLEAN. /ottce. 20-6 ING PRESSING CO. FOR SALE (PRIVATE SALE of furniture on Fri- day, Saturday and Monday be- ences. C E Camley, 223 St. Mary's there; am for the sake of pei family, the cab on eee aaa 8 E. Bartlett, B.A.Sc Father really ought to.have his pic- ture taken he hasn't had a photo- graph since that funny looking one in the cut-away coat that he was a. you know.) There s a Photographer im your town. island. bears and 1 was/The BARTLETT STUDIO, cured of the last remnant of the FOURTH AVENUE, scurvy. bat Municipal Engineer, Domfaton and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation. Plans. Etc, Room 14, Imperial Bank Bullding. Medicine Hat Phone 420 POMS STE Ts a ec NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween George W. H. Simpson and Sidney Herbert Northam, doing bus - ness as Real Estate Agents, etc, un- der the firm name of The Simpson- Northam Company, has this day been in. ( Twas a noon wedding, F' ing. Apply to H. L. Pruitt. tween 2 a.m. and 6 p.m. Apply D. White, 19-3 OR SALE National Cash Register, from be to 10, in perfect order, Yes, mother says twas a good one Cheap. Mark Harris, Globe Clean- for the sare Wgked then, but really. ing, and Pressing Co, rear post of- family, eTeH fice, 4th Ave. 20-6 (FOR SALE At a Sacrifice, furni- ture in a newly furnished cottage. Will also rent cottage, 5 rooms and ith, four blocks from post. office. 30.00 per month. F. M. Ginther Land Co. * 19-6 NOTICE Intending campers at Elk- water Lake Boat for sale, catry four, as row boat, also fitted for sail- ing. Any. size boat Write or apply to John Bull, Elkwater Lake, built to order. isast TO RENT TO RENT A good modern house, 10 Tooms, on the corner of Montreal id Sixth Ave. Algo the Pruitt block newly fixed up for light housekeep- 20-6 pany, Limited, dissolved by mutual consent. The Trusts and Guarantee Com- ave been Calgary, URNISHED HOUSE TO RENT un- i April Ist. All. modern conyenlen- ces. Two blocks from P. 0. on Main land. -We spent last winter th re./T8tGay of August, A. D., 1912. Jordan Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. appointed to wind up business, Pay ali debts and collect all commis- Sions and accounts due. Dated at Medicine Hat, Alberta, this GEO. W. H. SIMPSON, SIDNEY HERBERT NORTHAM TENDERS a Bids are wanted for the building of a ferry of the standard government type, at Redcliff, Alta. Detailed draw- ings and blue print will be furnished upon application to C, W. White, Sec, Treas. of Village, Redcliff, Alta. 17-6 TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS A general meeting of. automobile owners is hereby respectfully called for Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the Agricultural Society's office, Board of Trade building, to discuss transportation to exhibition and La- bor Day sports. As this proposition 4s in the interests of the city it is R sincerely hoped a large number will turn out, Respectfully, H. HASSARD, Sec. Loose Leat System The News Job St. 10 RENT Two Apply 323 Mill St. TO RENT Moderniy bath. Apply to 203 Main St.- Apply box ate or 539 Main st. 20-6 TO LET 4 roomed cottage. Apply 11 Toronto St. Next Door. 10dtf TENANT WANTED for vacant store, on the corner of Montreal Street id 3rd Ave. Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living Tooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion. done, imperial Bani building. Repairs and overhauling will be Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. loatt BOOMS TO RENT. furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. 18-3 furnished Tooms with board, and use of 19-8 ROOMS WANTED. OOMS WANTED Suite of nicely furnished rooms for light house- keeping, near business section. Ap- Ply to box 1336 News office 20- BUSINESS CARDS, MATERNITY NURSING Apply to 114 Dom nton . St. 20-5 STRAYED Two bay geldings, white faces branded on left thigh. Reward of 25.00 for return to Redeliff Clay Products Co. -299dtt. MISCELLANEOUS A ANTE LADIES AND GENTS off clothing, shoes, watch iewerrs, guns, revolvers, valises, sult furniture, Democrat waggons, bus: gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f ithers,. bought and sold, Apply to the Harvard Tafloring Co. 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. . box 358. Phone 295. The Best Prices Paid tor - the above. 2aDet. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR . AND JUNK CO; The above have on bend the best selection of Secon Hand Tools in the city. We carrr Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mertioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 687. tf CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartorea accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882),-euditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E, Gibson, C.A, resident partner. Phone 198, Burns Block. aT5att s ; AUCTIONEERS H:- 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- Perlence at your disposal free, Phone 703. H. B. Browne Co, 619 Bo- Tonto St. iszate Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue oppesite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fully ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156, W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. - Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executer of papers for shipments going into the United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. i MEDICINE HAT. TENDERS: Sealed tenders will be received ad- dressed to the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, August 10, 1912, for the erection of a ten room brI kand stone, public schoot bultd ing in the city of Medicine Hat, Alta. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of W. T. Williams, Architect, Medicine Hat. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equivalent to 2 per cent of tender as guarantee of good faith. The lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted. (Signed) R. M, NAPIER, 13-kAug 10 Sec.-Treas. Medicine Hat School Dist. No. 76, Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, Jersey City International limit, This lea for that. It move. The ne cult is into m Downey, the Philadelphia cl him yesterday Maroney, the conditionally r Downey is one fered to Toron 1,500. The Canadia deelded-to help The league ha per cent gross sufficient fund the season an to start next trom August 1 son, Berlin, S Peterboro wil tribute this te addition share cent taken fra Brantford, Hai only condition ing the fund x In a recent port and Decat Davenport ma which two m home plate anc The best of yun against W in fadel ph - Washington, f 790's. zame and did READY TO FB (Spec Pittsburgh, burgh Drivin in readiness big trotting 1 Island track 1 ing will marl burgh into th absence of ne substantial D day and the f cuit. entered, ing forward cessful meet ters In the for 3-year-old on the card f AUGUST 1 eases 1870 Fran fighter in th and generall lem Coffee New York. was done in He championshir defeating Te 1900 Kid from Joe W few months again met Barbados in the sever 1911 Joe fought a 1 in New Yor experts gave although 501 a shade. CHE London, Cup, a han and a quar H. M. Harr 2. Samerto and Willan
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Image 201 (1912-08-02), from microfilm reel 201, (CU1772194). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.