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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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WAGE DISPUTE EN (Special to the News) begin. promises to bo te tiitation. Upon the result of convention's posed reduction of 40 per cent. wages. It iat the Blowers 601 padiate the manufacturers -proposi- general joa hy strike, the manufacturers are said , tion. In anticipation of a to have plated rush orders for the automatic bottlemaking ma- chines that can be turned out dur- ng the summer months. These machines, each of which does the work of five men, are the bone out) of work entirely. Assessment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders Receipt Book: Hardwood Fl ooring Sc ),in your house will give you 7, floor that will last-a-Iife- jstim . We can supply you With Oak, Maple, and Birch at very little more st to you than the common Kind. We handle the cele- brated. BEAVER BOARD For inside finish. Ask for sampies. The Gas Gity Lumber Co y Office and Yard opp. Flour Mill Phone 282. DOMINION Ul UNL) ear roiee 91, 7) Sailings from Montreal Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling at : Quebee. : Megantic, July 6, Aug. 8, Aug 31. Teutonic, July 13, Aug. 19, Sept. 7. Laurenti , July 20, Aug: 17, Sept 14 Canada, July 27, Aug. 24, Sept. 21, 8S. LAURENTIC, 5.8, MECANTIC Largest and Finest steamers in Canadian trade. Staunch and Steady. Excellent accommodations for all classes. MODERATE RATE SERVICE .S. Teutonic and 8.8, Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin only. The best these steamers affor at moderate rates, also ble third-class two, foor and six-berth rooms. For reservations, rates, plans, 1- Failway-or steamship Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus, Doc, . REOPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd .. STUDENTS By of 100 Specialists. ee i ae i rahe BOTTLE INDUSTRY? Olean, N. ., Avg. 3,-The annual convention of the Bottls Blowers caiation of America, which will its sessions there Monday, the imost import- ant gathering ever held by that or deliberations depends the question of peace or war in the bottle industry. The manufacturers have notified the workmen of a pro FERRARA RAR RNAP NRA PEOPLE S PULPIT. CHIEF OR FIRST TAREEST. RESURRECTION the RUSSEAL The Rest of the DeadLived PescsBeokire Not Again Untilthe Thou- sand Years Were Finished. a atentntartartes + 4 Glasgow, Scotland, July 28th Bible ludents of this vicinity numbering e which this resurrection wil takers of the divine natur:, by the contention in the trade. Eventual ly they may force the bottle blower pa Instrated booklets, ete. apply to NDANCE LAST SEASON 2,040 F ob 170 paiges, mailed on ap- hundreds have held a three convention. To-day veral thousan by Pastor Russell twic all ation xx, 5. It was anno: next Sunday he will addr: Sonvention in London. He said resurrection of the dead seems to be the most difficult thing in the Bible for the worldly-minded to grasp by faith. This must be because the human mind instinctively rea the majesty of the Power and W dom necessary to the reproduction of the same individuality which lived and thought centuries ago, before ing into the silence of the tomb. he Bible makes no denial of the Stupendousness of the resurrection miracle so far. beyond the. wildest fights of human imagination it con. fesses this and calls upon us to exercise faith in the great Creator, the Omnipotent One, whose greatness we can but fecbly Sense and surely cannot comprehend. : Hence, the doctrine of the resur- rection of the dead, from its first announcement in the Scriptures, has ealled for the strongest faith on the part of believers and has excited the General resentment of unbelievers, who seem to find it easier to believe gnything else respecting the dead. Undoubtedly this is the reason why 0 many who give evidence of general intelligence accept the absurd theor; thet when a dog dies he is dead, when a man-dies he is more alive than ever. These properly claim to hope for evorlasting life, but not having faith enough to believe in the Divine pow- t to perform the resurrection of the dead. they of Plato. Piato quoted by min: learned men when discussing future life? They do not quote Jesu and the Apostles, of aro all to the contrar: hope of a futuro exjstence is resurrection. Note the answer of Jesus Sadducees told, ion of the dead: Jesus answered. That the dead are to be raissd w shown to Moses at the burni: God's messege wa: to han and the God of T aa God of Jacob. (Mark xii, 26. vii, 92.) Jesus commented that God would not declare Himself to be their God if they were dead in the absolute sense that brutes die. Jesu: ment was that the fact that God st Tecornized them. as persons slept and will be. granted .a re: and in better bodies under favorable conditions than thos which they died. We remember that St. Paul ters and sermons abound in ences to the dead. We call to min his great resurrection Corinthians xv), i that Ag all die in Adam, so all shall be made alive in Christ every man in his own orde: (Verses 22, 93.) He does not say that every man is mor: unde alive in the resurrection. The in mediate state he declares is a sleep, from, whieh, by Divine arrangemen through Jesus, they will all be awak- ened in the resurrection morning. at and aiter the second coming of Christ. We remind you afresh of his posi- tive statement that if ther be no resurrection of the dead, then al whom we have supposed have fallen asleep have perished. (Verses 16-18.) 1 But that God is able to raise all the dead he declares is demonstiated by He raised up Jesus from the dead on the third day; and so. likewise on the Third Day-of a larger scale the third thousand-year day from the time Jesus was raised God will raise up all those who haye died becatise of Adam s sin. That Third Great Day, the Millen- nium, will be the Great Seventh Day or Sabbath. So to speak, our Lord gaye Himself a Ransom-price in the ith Day, from which the Seventh would be the Third Day, the day of the world s resurrection the last Day the end of the present Week of 1,000-year days in which sin and death have reigned, ushering in the glotious Epoch when God's will shall done on earth asit is done in Heaven. f The tenor of all the Scriptures is that the Church alone will participate in the First or Chief Resurrection the world im general will have no share in it. Hearken to Jesus words on this subject, and note their. ex- plicitness of statement to the effect that all who participate in his First Resurrection will be the elect over- comers of this Age, and they will be the Royal Priests, or Priestly Kings, of the next Age, in which the world Bill be dealt with and, to tar us will rom. sin leath. He Rave PBles ed and Lely ace ct they that have-part in the First Resurree- tion; on such the Second Death hath they shall be-pri no power; God and unto Obtist, and shall rel with Him'a thousand years. Revel- this text rendered first signifies chief, foremost, superior, It will indeed be first in order of time, too; but the particular thought is that it is superior. Its superiority rests in the fact that all who share in its blessings will not attain life, fall, perfect and ever but aad ionilly they will receive the highest plane, being made on par was addressed We report one of his discourses, based on Revel- ced that. sa similar are driven to the theory Indeed, who has not heard ers and other the because the ex- Planation of Jesus and the Apostles proving that the dead:ate dead, and that the only you the cially denied the- resurrec- Fection namely, the resurrection of bush. Tam the God of thy fathers, the God of Abra- and the Acts while dead implied that their souls merely. ree tion ofthe d ad: in God's dae time let- chapter -1, which he declares ive, but that they shall be made oh bring. to them. IT. Peter i, 4. The sharers of this resurrection will not only receive everlasting life. bu roof immortal sense, in which God alone hath has: also leemer in His resurrection, in the immortality. Church, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, in this First Resurrection. from so far as talit the Universe. Even angels, both the ho fallen, possess only the ordina mortality known as ever pendent upon the Divine and supported by necessa of Divine provision. The the contrary, of life, the same kind of immortality possessed by Jehovalt Himself. From the context It will be seen that none will participate in this Ghief Resurrection except such as hall sucoesstully: pass their trial and be accounted worthy of joint-heirship with Messiah in His glorious King- dom, for it is distinctly stated that they are to reign with Him a thous. and. years. From what we have seen it must be evident to all of us that to gain a share in this Chief Resurrection is to gain the great Prize held out before Us/ in the Gospel Age the Prize which our Lord referred to as. the Pearl of great price, for which a man would be well justified-in selling all that he has that he might pur- chase it. It wili be. admitted on all hands that the great Apostle Paul is repre- sented amongst the loyal ones who Sacrificed every earthly interest, aim, hope and ambition that he might tain the Kingdom blessings and joint-heirship with Christ. We are therefore deeply interested in St. Paul's words respecting his- hope, his ifice and his anticipation of at- taining a share in this better resur. tection, which he styles His Resur- Christ. The Scriptures continually maintain the thonght that Jesus is the Head of the Church w is Hi and that these saintly Elect consti tute the members of His Body. Carry. ing out this:figure, the whole Body, i all the members, should share in the same resurrection as that experienced by the Head the Redeemer. And to this the facts agree. Mors thant eigh- 1 teen centuries ago our Lord Jesus was raised fromthe dead by the Father's power, St. Paul declares that because. of jf obedience iy carrying out the 2 Divine Program as our Redeemer even. unto death Therefore God hath highly exalted Him, and hath given Him a-name honor, station above every other name except His 1 own He. is excepted , that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, both of things in heaven and things on the earth. (Philippians it, 9, 10.) To this end we must all be changed from earthly to heavenly nature, be- cause Flesh and blood cannot in- herit the Kingdo: It seems a long time indeed between our Lord s resurrection and the resur- teetion of His Mystical Body, the Church elass (Col. i, 24), but the period is long dnly from our limited human. standpoint not long from the Divine standpoint, in which a thous- and years are as one da; fe who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, will bring us also from the dead by Him, and with Him, as members of His Ty is to this. that St.Paul re seying, I count all earthly thing: but as loss, * * that T may win Christ win a membership in His glorified Body in th Kingdom Felass , ** * that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection that I might experience that great Power of God which in the Redeem- er s case lifted Him not only: out of death, but to the very highest plane of existence, the diving nature, with its, glory, honor and. immortality , *.* * being made-conformable unto His death, that I might share also in, His resurreetion. Philippians itl, Al. Oh, the Aposiles: gives us the key to his hopes; he did not hope th the Heavenly Father, who had requi ed of Jesus a manifestation of H loyalty unto death: befote He would crown Him with immortality at His own right: hand he did not expect that this same God would give him a shure'in that great glory and Honor, except as he should: demonstrate larly, his loyalty. to the extent of z bility in being conformed to Christ th. There is a lesson here for us. It ia in vain that we shall hope to share the Master's glory. if we fail to share His loyalty, His. ignominy to be dead with Him to the world, its raises, its ambitions, its reward: Ht we suffer with Him, we shall re with Him/ And. the only way ta enter into that, reign of glory be they will thereby be made i Bible it is declared that God given immortality to our and promised the same to the elect Aside : the Bible this special kind of immor- goes to no other creatures in and the im. sting lite an immortality or deathlessness de, jleasure elements: shurch. on ring in this Chief Resurrection, will possess inherency ee ing deep Tt is very ea: thought that to last a thousand years, and tha all who shall be alive af that time. all who shall be born during tha period, will participate in the won: derful blessings and privileges. whieh it will bring to the human family They are ready. too, to admit reasonableness of giving an equn opportunity to those of our race, wh have gone down into either no a for four thousand ye with the too limited knowledge benefit them, ag has been the vas during the past two thousand yenrs and today,-only this text resnect the rest of the dea: way. I should be glad if any such are present here to-day, because 7 I know T can relieve them of their ficulty. Yea, I shall be glad if my words through the press shall reach many others who have been perplox- ed by this Soripture. It is not necessary for us to set this Scripture aside, even though all: Bible Scholars know, or should know, that this portion of Revelation xx, 4, 5 which relates to the rest af th dead which live not again until tha thousand years are finished is Spurious that it is not found in any of the old Greek manscripts, It ix supposed that it cot into the text, not through any desire to corrunt the same and falsify the-record; bu that in the days when the mahuscripte were copied by pen, gomt copyist made this meriorandum on the mar. gin of manuscript as a helpful Hhought. and-that other copyista. us ing his manuscript, supposed it to be part of the original and incorpor- ated it in the text. mee However, the additional words are in no sense in conflict with the facts, h are these: Adam, created in Maker's likeness. perfect, was ive in the sense that he enjoyed perfection of life and that-he had Tight toa fife everlasting, except a: he should forfeit the same by. dis. obedience. The moment he disobeyed God's command he came: under the sentence of sin, inmely, death. From that moment onward he was judi ly dead, even thouch the dying pro- eess lasted for mor than nine hun- dred years. imilarly, all of his posterity, from children of: wrath. Jesus carried out this same thought in His teach- ing, saying, Let :he dead bury their a Only those w ed Him as their Life-giver are even reckonedly considered alive, from the Divine standpoint. And 5, throughout the thousand years of Messiah s re All in their graves shall come forth, e in his own order ; but they be, from the Divine standpoint, ju cially dead without the right to everlasting life. The work of the Jord Jesus, as the Great Prophet, Priest, King and Judge, and the Church with Him, will be the in- struction and as of these for their gradual uplif:ing out of sin and weakness. and impertectiin toward perfection toward acceptance ith God toward lasting life. Such as reject the assistunce offered will die the Second Death. Such as avail themselves of the blessed privileges at time will uttain human pe: n I they will not hav everlasting life accorded to them They will merely be in a good, suit- able and ready condition grant them eve The tests to will come nic reign etween God having.aecomplished His on of the race, shall vthing into the the Father the hands-of Justic: rlasting life will not be given as a who-will demonstrate d worthiness of ever- the bringing of them cordition, where perfection in deed and thought. will possible, The great temptation which will to all the world, through the loosing of Satan the temporary yermission of evil the world will emonstrate which of these resurrect- d from the dead God can approve grant the great gilt le. All those who fail in trial will. be destroyed with Sa- 1 the Second Death, while all who we their loxalty will he acknowl. ived worthy of everlasting Thus the rest of the dead, aside rom those now on trial, the Church ass will-Hot live in the full sense o Divine recognition as worthy of verlasting life, until the thousand years of Messiah s reign shall have nded. beloved brethren, much as we in the glorious blessings the Messianic Kingdom shall at oring to the world of mankind, the Ferd wishes us to be specially: inter- din the glorious opportunity and rivitege which He has accorded us of saving fellowship wit u the suffering ofthis present time, nd being ounted worthy to share vith Him in the glory:which shall fol- low into which the faithful will be ered by the power of the First tesurrection, Willing Away Bodies. There have been many instances of similar bequests to that of Flor. noe Nightingale in her last will and testament: I give up my body for dissection or post-mortem examin: tion for the purposes of medical. gci- The earnest desire to aid. the of medicine usually has been sufficient reason for the slight atrange- ness of the legacy, but many. testa- directions are not so open to atisfactoty explanation. Some un- known and unwritten romance may lurk beneath the bald words of the through the power of His Resur- rection the Chief Resurrection. The statement of,our text that the rest of the dead. Mll not live until the thousand years of Christ's reign ate finished has proven a stumbling block to many who have studied toa superficially. Let us not forget thal the Bpirit does not reveal the deep Kings of God: except to those whe packet which will be found on my di ilar packet, which will also be found 25 and my miniatum por individual who desired his. carcass to be cremated, and the residuum thereof deposited in two urns, num- bered respectively 1 and 2. On the ashes in No. 1 are to be pissed and my miniature portrait scarf pin, and on the ashes in urn No. 2 s sim. pataciiy. persistently, dely- for all to-grasp-the fessiah s Kingdom is the death with knowledge of Christ, as wis oF a stands in their /SUNDAY SCHOOL, : Lesson v Thied: Quarter, For Fi ree of Cost ; Heplans or Matas Seseises oe ay piee, as Aug. 4, 1912, Gx oesal clan to the Peveiie Hoel ad Sor a, tical Jit at Buffalo, book of 1008 large pa and illustrations, in French cloth binding, to eny one ding SO of wrapplad and mailing sudy. Over 680,000 conte eh this ete Family Doctor Book wi price of Afterward: way We. Give A + THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ia cloth binding at regular is about two and half million copies were given Text of the Lesson, Matt. xill, 44-53. Memory Verses, 45, 48 Golden Text. Matt, vi, 33 Commentary Prepared by Rev. 0. M. Stearna. up-fo-date revised edition is now ready for mali Boeter send NOW, belore ail aro fone, Address: Wore ? Dursuants Manicat Association, Dr.'R. V. Pierce, President, Bulfalo, N. Y, D . PIERCE S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for women s peculiar ailments good enough that its makers are not afraid to priat on ite outside wrapper its It wax after He sent the multitudes away iud went uty the house that He but that has to be broken te true that there are outside truths wilt and enter in, and there are tru pare Fisk It hus been sald that.a parable Is the ment tt keeps the meat from the indolent and for the diligent, It is ulxo the world that they may receive tf they Z egies Hlulued to the diselples the parables Svery ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. e and spake theve others of today's les THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots wet of well established curative value. for tbs An enterprising merchant is thoroughly alive to the fact that The High Cost of Living: is in many cases an oppressive burden. He knows that the margin between income and expenditure is often a very narrow one. He buys newspaper space to let people know that he knows. In short, he advertises. The merchant who advertises has some- thing worth while to tell. That stands to doesn t it, because newspaper 4 POO odes Note: reason, Abraham was promised a seed as the SSBRS : Space costs money, 4 It will pay you, there- fore, to watch carefully the announcements of the stores that advertise. You'll find all the good stores advertising in the Medicine Hat Daily News. Pen oeoedip hoodiesle donee one eny Sot e 2, o + Ct a jout spot or blemish or wrin this case, as in that of th the man gave up all that he purchase it. Salvation, or eter Sor in wh pavo redemption, is not cbtatned i GASP NOES Loatetoeteeeetoaieceateereteete that way, but as gift of God * ya ae 3 il, 24; , D. Neither money not gt; Xe o lt; good works can obtain eternal life The cost of our redemption fell wholly upon Jesus-Christ, and by His perfect fe and death in our stead and resar rection from the dead He has provided eternal redemption for all who-will re. ceive Him. We are saved, however, al 0 great a price in order to become His fs 3 estern Canada Lumber Co. Ltd. LARGE STOCK OF Dry Common Lumber, Fir and Cedar Finish, Fir and Cedar Doors; Fir, Maple, and Oak Flooring, SOLE AGENTS FOR - oes Me to Spe SP otenteegestotod Se o, s it is written, Whosoever he be of you Paroid Roofing, Neponset Water- + that forsaketh hast all that heron be proof Paper, Neponset Roofing, Felt, z porrsthindle/leprcdineryrugiend bg B. and 8. Wall Board requires no z which He obtains by giving up all that further finish. . PrvehpitRid prodding SEE US BEFORE BUYING. Hich, yet for your sakes He became 3, YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 4, poor that ye through His poverty might be rich (II Cor. vill, 9), it is certainly true that whatever of value or pte clousness there will be in Israel or the chureh it wil be because of union with Him in whom alone ts any precious ness. Another phase of truth should be considered in connection with Ie rael and the church, and that fs that Leroi peioreriortocoerioriodioate areteateateatectortecieriectoctoeteet ' -1- OOO -1-0-1-0-b0-1-0-1-0: 2 he tet ceperereves. ACTORS AND BUILDERS Don't.close deal for your Fir Finish without tirst-inepecting our stock, Its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you hours of work usually spent on cleaning: We: have.a full-stock of heavy coast Fir - Joists, good straight dim nsion, and everything else required by the builder. HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. THE REVELSTONE SAW UID Yard, North Railway Street. : Phone 59 oLepetefeLereteLererererepesabe see he- oats i g 9 aT 2 Fug OHS LOO OL Ob OH O-hO-LejeHowe EDLOPRLOLOL OL OHOLeLALeLoLe. a t a lad 7 g E i 1466 Limited Quality : ' Service Price Put these in whatever order of precedent you may wish, you will always find these virtues with the i ; 3 dng it but it was BEAVER LUMBER CO. ERE oh ee eee oe eel Track foremen of the New York, untarily and as a surprise to the (The rules of the Illinois Central's LIMITED t *h New Haven Hartford Railway men. pension department have been so + THE LABOR WORLD Company have demanded a chango In Massachusetts there are now changed that a man who has been E. W. STACEY, Mgr. , + +f in their ten-hour daily rate to eight 379,75 women wage-earners, one- in the company s service contin- Phone 166. Factory St. and South Railway. oh be fe e ofe The International Association of Photo Engravers, an organization that includes most of the large em- be lovers in this trade,:has voted to raise 25,000 and te hold that fund St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., in readiness for use of members in amounting to practically ten per strike contingencies. cent. hours on Saturdays and a half.on Stindays, as well as on othet days for all overtime work: The Twin City Rapid Transit Com- pany has announced an increase of cl wages to two thousand trainmen in and om time quarter of the entire female popula- tion of the commonwealth. Of this number 91,000 are mfarried women, three-quarters of whom are-moth- twenty years totir pension for p rmanent: disability, re- gardless of ago. ers, with Department. has every tactlity-tor gi The increase was miade vol- plying the most satisfactory famil 8 averaging four hildren, . eee, Loose Leat System The News Job uously for twenty-five years and a woman who tinuous service of the company for has been in the con- Remember we-want your business and are prepared to offer you great inducements. Just try us, 2 may be retired on a Minnie Dupee is to appear in a tabloid version Mrs. Eyne. ? of The Indiscrete ets You Was Hie Diy News aes
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Image 211 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 211, (CU1772186). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.