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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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y 27th 1912. DP FOUND y 24, between Fair the city, Nght fawn 2 to F, McPherson, tine Ohare: 27006 ION SALE TION 3ALE on the are overy Tuesday. and all kinds of indled at these sales. sehold goods cf all etc. List anything with us. Geo, Sat- 2670et LLANEOUS DIES' AND GENTS: hing, shoes, watches, evolvers, valiscs, pult nusical instruments, erat waggons, bug- dleyeles, carpenter hides and furs, horse f-athers, bought: and e Harvard Tailoring h avezue, opposite tre. 2. O. box 701, Beat Prices Paid for 2eDer. I HAT HIDE, FUR CO, The above have it selection of Second the city. We carry 8 and Bedding, new id Clothing, Clocks, ry, Rifles, Guns, Re- 8, Buggies, Harness, Une of vinter goods. ing mentioned above t Dri Call at 50 St. or Phone 587. tf Live Stock Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Sales every Friday 1 o'clock, Ranch sales conducted any- furniture sales con- ... Consult us, our ex- r disposal free. Ex- disposal free, Phone wne Co, 519 To- is2att ESS CARDS. NG MACHINES and fanning Pianos and and to rent All ance. W. J. Fleming, Street. Pettit RACTOR Box 781. lett, B.A.Sc - al Engineer, Iberta Land Surveyor Spur Railwiys, , Sewage, Irrigation, ans, Etc, erial Bank Building. Phone 420 7 Paperhanging. s Stewart. opposite Binnings) er Estimates cheer on cost of Papering naive 156 ) TUNING nd RECULATING repair undertaken at rge consistent with iD. ork Guaranteed. . A. ADSIT 505 Main St plowing 16 ft. fire- ach side. of Right-of- ; Current to Medicine iat to Calgary, Dun- to Cardston, Langdon rricana to Standard, by the undersigned up 1s supplied upon ap- R. C. HARRIS, dent Engineer, Medicine Hat. it Rolls it Notices es inders ooks er , ete., ete, ret prompt attention. care of by John Barleycorn. Monday, Muy th, 1912 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. So steate stead Posts . Sock Seetoetesteateaateateateatectecteeteeteateateeteeateateententedteateatetetes * ft Ne WERE When we opened. this store nearly nine years ago it was our determin- ation to serve the peo- ple of Medicine Hat better than they had ever been served both in quality of goods and in store service-offered. That our efforts ave ap- preciated is proven by our rapidly srewing business. Complete Men s Outfitters, Turpin Bros. The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollars Worth Ear ree WORKING SUITS Our west window shows a range of 10.00 and 12.00 Suits Reduced to 7.50 These are offered to meet the demand for a low-priced work- ing suit, and are very much bet- ter than we could purchase or- dinarily to sell. at 7.50 CALL AND SEE. H.S.IRELAND C.P.R. MENS STORE UNLESS Jack s Fight With Flynn will be But Little Scrap. There is a growing suspicion that Jack Johnson's show against. Jim Flynn will be his last unless Dame Fortune should turn on him later and take away the substance he has Gathered together in the last three years. and the sun must be setting on his physical prime. Added to this is the fact that he intends turning publican ++ ermpanceTes-THe-ta Seagoageatoctoatoateatestectpetpeteatectectecteetestectestarteateateceatectectetectect Grete drietecteees HAT TEAM LOST IN LAST SESSION Johnson is 34 years of age, Had Three Goals Lead on Lethbridge but their De- fense Fell Down. The Freight Shed Rovers football club journeyed to Lethbridge on Fri- day, and engaged the local club re- friendly game. the Medicine Hat club were with- out-sumo of their usual defense and their absence was soon felt in the second part of the game. The Medicine Hat team were stan- ding three goals to the good at the interval, and looked very much. like holding their own im the second half, but their defense gave way com- pletely in the last few moments of the game, with the result that Leth- presenting the C.P.R. there in a (biridge put on three goals in their fa- vor thus drawing the match. Poole, Willox and Wight scored the three goals forthe Hat, and all were neatly taken, with no doubt about them. After. the game and towards the latter part of the evening, the Medi- cine Hat lads were entertained to dinner in the Alexandra hotel and after partaking of a most enjoyable meal, kindly given by the Lethbridge employees, a concert was held and proved very entertai indeed: The Medi Rate 2at team with its followers thoroughly enjoyed the olting, and are looking forwand very much indeed to th first of July when they are arranging-to replay th Lethbridge team at Taber to de- cide as to the superiority of the teams. OWAN MORAN 10 TACKLE J. WHITE Boxer on June 8 Claims .New York Fighters are Dodging Him. , OwenMoran, the British champion, with his knapsack carefully packed, will trek: to California within a few jdays accompanied by his manager, James Johnson. Moran will keep jmoving until he enters the confines lof Los Angeles. At that garden spot jhe will train until the afternoon of June 8, when he will try to. pulver- lize Jack White in a twenty round battle. : The boys will tussle in the after: noon, and according to the agree- ment, will weigh in at 128 pounds at noon. White is the lad that stopped Prankie Conley in twelve rounds a few days ago, and ig reputed to be a combingtion of a wildcat and a buzz saw. Be that as it may, Mor- an figures this affair as good as over jand is planning for another scrap with Wolgast. Moran hates to shake the Gotham dust off his boots, but says the boys around there run to cover wheni his name is mentioned. I want to fight Knockout Brown or Leaches Cross, but the best I got was the hoot, he spouted yester- day. Cross dmits that I can lick him, which is very nice on his. part, but lays 20 dough up for the Moran family. Brown said he was willing to fight me, but when it came down ito talking business Knockout twirl- ed his cane and remarked the weath- jer was certainly discouraging. When Moran lands in Los Angeles the rear of the parade will be brought up by Tommy Maloney and Harry Thomas, two brother mem- bers of the Johnson stable; James has a well-formed idea that Maloney and Thomas can get a fight or two NAPS HAVE BIG ADVANTAGE BY OWNING TOLEDOS One advantage that Cleveland has y joverthe other-clubs-in- the Ameri 1S Moses can draw on Toledo for any playing material it may need at any time. Sate sestectn te stesteste teste Mestestn ts o-ao-arete-sfosse-sie oie sieete-slesceerestesceece se-aceace eee e Seetee re ataeteatee THIS WEEK IN SPORTS (By Gra With more than 50,000 in cash prizes for the winheFs, the second an- Speaglle race at inde is entitled stakes and fanapolis next Thursday fo rank among the classics of the motor racing, sport. Twenty-seven racing cars, drlyen by pilots who have won international reputations at the Wwheei, vill make up a field about the classiest ever witnessed, and there will doubtless be many thrilling moments for the spectators. Last year s contest at the Hoosier capital was highly spectacular and the gruelling test Of next Thursday PSM SSeS eo tithe Heo Sotelo oe seo eo aie op SPORT NE ee eee Re BIG LEAGUE + SCORES EERE eee e NATIONAL + * + * + + Boston ... ... Philadelphia. . Purdue and Kling. Alexander and Dooin, Cincinnati . St Louis Fromme and McLean. Woodburn and Wingo, or Ss Briton Signs up for Twenty evant owar te Fotedo ciutr Round Bout with Chicago ana uses i zs it to greater advantage than any otlfer club does its farm.. Only the other day Art Griggs was recalled from the Mud Hens and now it is hinted that Chapman, the star shortstop of that team, will also join the Naps. While this is a great convenience to Cleveland, there is no doubt that this sort of practice will eventually put Toledo off the baseball map. It is impossible to make success of the game anywhere unless the people of the town take a pride in thetr Civic pride is-all that mascs the game, and to have its best players withdrawn from. time-to time is;sure to kill the interest in: Toledo, where; from all reports, the team is draw- ine none too well as matters stand. GREAT. CROW CROWD IS EXPECTED AT BOUT Allan-Baylay Go Go is Attract- ing Much Attention Fighters Get Ready. Bassano, May 7. A prominent sportsman who has been recently to the coast and who takes great inter- est in Joe Bayley, who will meet Billy Allen at Bassano on June 29th for the Canadian championship, was talk- ing to Tommy Burns yesterday and stated that Billy is in excellent shape. He watched Billy playing at the coast and states that entered int ie mill: with great en gt; thusiasm, and that his one ambition is to defeat Allen In the coming con- test. His hand is thoroughly recovered from the injury received in his last bout, and in every other respect he now ever Time has over pretty apt to be taken Only necessity will drive him into the ring after July 4, and that doesn't stem imminent now. Besides, Johnson does not like ing. He has looked is battle against men with a real chance to beat him men of his own race. There is seareely a doubt that Johnson fears Sam Langford. Every inducement has been offered to get the champion to enter the ting with Jeanette, Langford or McVey, but the golden smile is always the pre- lude to a negative when the question is raised. Johnson doesn t want any of the game of his black brethern. As for white hopes, there is none in sight likely to develop be- fore taps is sounded over John- son's career. Thus, if Flynn can't turn the trick, history may have to record that the only retired, unde- feated champion of the world is a negro. THE TEXAS RANGERS There was a fair attendance at the opera house on Saturday night to see The Texas Rangers, and those who delight in thrilling melodrama of the lurid character, with shotguns, mur- ders and killings in every act, re- ceived their fill, The same company are here tonight In another thriller of the same character, Jesse James. Fer all kinds of job printing, ter, the News Job Department. opportunities to engage in -out-on the coast so as to relieve the strain on the exchequer. GOV. GEN, PRESENTS DOMINION CHAMPS FOOTBALL CUP Will be Played for Among Association Teams An- nually. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Toronto, May 27 It is stated on ood authority that the Duke of Con- naught will shortly present to the newly constituted Dominion of Can- ada Football Association a cup, to be competed for annually, the winners of the same to be recognized as the champions of the Dominion for one year. : WINNIPEG TO HAVE BIG ART GALLERY (W. A. P. Dispaton.) Winntpeg gt;-Man. May 27. Plans are under way for the erection of an art gallery here which will be similar, though smaller than the Royal Aca- demy in London, The site selected. is immediately south of the permanent industrial exhibition building. A first class fire proof building will be erect- vd as soon as preliminary arrange- ments have been completed, and in connection with it the promoters hope to have an art school For all kinds of job printing, try the Nows,Job Department. tooks in-better-conditton-than-tre was before. Supporters of Billy. in Ottawa are. beginning to consider Bayley a man to be feared, and Allen is training with the best boxers of the East, tak- ing no chances of being defeated in June, Huck, his manager, will not accompany Alfen-west-but-the-welter weight champion of Central New York, one of Allen's most intimate friends, will come with him. They will arrive in Calgary two weeks be- fore the bout. Already a large number of people have expressed their attention of se- curing seats. The one big trouble now before the Promoters is.the providing oi accommodation for the large crowd that, will attend. GIANTS BURNING The New York Giants are burning up the National league. Seventeen out of twenty is the Giant's tecord. The Giants won nine straight, lost three, then won eight straight. Some class to that roadway aggregation. You've got to hand it to Muggsy McGraw. The little Napoleon is al- ways up there with his ball team. You never hear MoGraw howling hard) luck or complaining about his team being handicapped by injured or sick ball players. He spends the coin and has em on the bench ready to fill in. Then you never hear of McGraw hav- ing trouble with the national com- mission over some player's salary. McGraw has a bunch of satisfied ball players. He pays his men well. 'That s why the team is winning. UP i ele Tuesday Hugo Kelly vs. Jack Dillon, 10 rounds, at Indianapolis, Eddie McGoorty vs. Bob Mohs, 10 rounds, at New York. the -seacon of the Ken- tucky-Indiana-Tennessee (Kitty League. Western open golf championship begins at Idlewild Club, Chicago. Wednesday Annual exhibition of Deyon Horse will doubtless try to the utmost the endurance of machines and men Chicago 2 4 3 8 Olymple trials for the 10,000 metre Pittaburg .. 4.90 walk and for the swimming relay Lavender and Drieher. team will be held next Saturday at Cammnitz and Kelly. Travers Island, New York. The con- ditions in both evyamts will be simit- New York ....... ... ... tt 12 2 far to those obtaining at Stockholm. Brooklyn : 3 5 8 Preliminary*provinelal trials will also Willis and Mye: be held in eastern Canada for the Stack and Phelps, Dominion Olympic trials to be held in Montreal on June 8th. SUNDAY GAMES Frank Gotch, the title holder ,and Cineinnat + 410 2 Gus Schoontoin, Americus, will con- St Louls ... ....-.. 4... 5 1 1 test in Baltimore mext Thursday for Keefe, Benton and McLean. the world's heavyweight wrestling Harmon and Bliss. championship. The articles cal) for finish mateh, hams ko of thred fall bleago 8 0 and the only hold that will be barred Pittsburg : 70 will be the strangle. The champion Cheney and Arche will receive 40 per cent. of the gross 'Toole and Kelley, receipts and Americus 35 per cent. ae Alfred De Oro, who lost the world s AMERICAN LEAGUE pool or pocket billiard championship tae to Edward Ralph early this year, will 1st same attempt to reclaim the title from his Washington ... 3 0 0 conqueror in a return match to be New York ... . 6 70 staged at Trenton, N. J., on Thursday, Johnston and Ainsmith. Friday and Saturday nights. The Frood and Sweeny. match is for 1,000 a side, the cham- gd gaune Homily trophy and the entire gate Washington chy Racing beging next Thursday jat New York ... . + 936: 8 Latonia Track, in Kentucky, opposite Groome and Ainsmith. Cincinatti, with the Decoration Day V shan. and Street. Handicap as th feature at the inaug- ; m, ural card, ingtead of the Latonia eee : eet Deity. which wili not be held on the an ones opening day this year. The Montreal C Jockey Club's Spring meet at Blue 00d and Nunamaker. .) Bohnets will open next Saturdgy, and five stakes willbe decided dusing the DO: saa s ide Chicago . 5 2 eight-day sessior The Dul and Works and Stanage. Duchess of Connaught have/ offered) 010 ots Sullivan, a cup for Canadish-owned hotses. a Peis Facterit intervollegiate trapk and field championXhips will be decided Lee ps on Saturday at Franklin Field, while Powell and St Stephens. the Western conference intercolleg- Kaller and Adams. iate meet will be held at Purdue Uni- versity, Lafayette, Ind. St. Loute:. sud CALENDAR OF SPORTS FoR THE UM oo oo eee oaane Blondong and Adams. Women's Tennis championships otl valauid ete. the Eastern States, at Heverford, Pa. St. Louts . . 8 8 4 Finish wrestling match between Grogg and Adams. ae xoke and Walter Miller, at a Pelly and Stephens. ce City. New England Intercollegiate tennis chicago signa 4 champfonshis, at, Boston. Detroit 6 12.1 Renze, Peter, Sullivan and-Kuhn. Mullin and Stanage. CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL Grand Forks . at Call at our office and se: erty or close in acreage n rl A ALD 1 IN OUR OFFICE THERE ARE SEVERAL REA- sons The big values we always give Our methods of doing business, our knowledge of the ever-chang- ing conditions making our advice and information invaluable to our customers, and recommendations to friends of our customers by our customers, which would not be were they We are THE FARM Land Company 390 TORONTO STREET. : z : 2 * soelesfoateateateateateclocze feeteateatoateateatateaty donates ALWAYS not treated squarely. e for yourself. We have many listings that are good buying Our prices are right and our terms reasonable See us before you buy Glad to show you any or all parts of town You can t loose if you buy Medicine Hat City prop- ow. We will sell your Property: if you list it with us, AN GOMPAN PHONE 171. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION SATURDAY GAMES Toledo .. 5 Indianapolis Krauss and Carisch, Merz and Carny. Columbus ... Louisville... . MeQuillin and Smith, Touriss and Spencer. Kansas City Minneapolis j-Maadox ana O'Connor, Constock and Owens. Milwaukee . St. Paul ... Marion and Schalk. Drennier and Block. SUNDAY GAMES Kansas City . St-Parit Rhodes and James. Thomas, Daus, Murray and Block. ? Toledo... Louisville Dalmb rk: and Lang. Rowan, Snyder and Spencer. Indianapolis . Columbus Schlitzer, Clark and Casey: Packard, Cooper and Smith. 6. 7 0 Superior ... lt; 3 10 5 Milwaukee . 241 Myers and Edmona: Minneapolis . 6 13 3 Switzer and Anderson. Dougherty and Schalk. Wadell and Owens. Duluth . 4 72 Sinnipes 2 5 5 WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE. a ER EREST RING FIGHT (By Gravy ). Seventeen. years ago tonight re- ' marked the Old Sport, there was pul- led off at Coney Island the freakiest fight recorded in the dope Tommy Ryan and My * Bill Smith both claimed the welterweight title and the Coney Island Athletic Club offered them a chance to fight it out. The required weight was 140 pounds, and Tommy had to work like steam engine on hardly enough food to Keep a kitten alive in order to save his forfeit. After weighing in Ryan got outside of a meal that would have put a crimp in the tummy of a farm-hand, and when he entered the ring he had about as much intelli- gence as a log, the overfeeding hav- ing befogged his intellectuals. Smith lookedall tothe good aid Billy's stock went soaring. For ten rounds Smith biffed Tommy at will, and in the eleventh sent in a punch to the aw that made Ryan sprawl on the floor. Before Tim Hurst, the referee, could count Tommy aiit, however, the police entered the ring and the confus- books, possible to tell whether Tommy was really out or not. In ten or fifteen minutes the cops cleared out and the mill continued, In the interval fol- owing his knockout for to all the spectators it appeared as if Tommy was a goner and would have never been able to get up within the count Ryan gained a lot of strength and his mind appeared to haye cleared magically, and the way he waded in- lion became so great that it was im2 ;Show Association opens at Devon, Pa. Ad, Wolgast vs. Leach Cross, 10 rounds, at New York. Packey McFarland vs, Ray Bron- son, 10 rounds, at Indianapolis. Sammy Trott vs. Pal Brown, 10 rounds, at Columbus, 0, rharsday 509-mile. International Sweepstakes automobile race at Indianapolis. Relay race of power boats on the Hudson River, from New York to Al- bany. Opening of the spring race meeting at Latonia, Forticth annual regatta of Harlem Regatta Association, at New York. Alfred De Oro vs, Edward Ralph for Docket billiards championship, at Trenton, N. J. New York State intercollegiate ath- letic championships at Hamilton, N. Friday tonal intercollegiate athletic championships, at. Philadelphia. Andul championships of the West- ern Conference Athletic Association, at Lafayette, Ind. Canadian Olympic swimming trials begin in Montreal. Saturday National intercollegiate athletic championships, at Philadelphia. Annual championships of Western Conference Athletic associ tion, at Lafayette, Ind. Northwest antercollegiate athletic championships, at Portland, Ore. Wisconsin State intercollegiate ath- letic championships, at Appleton, Wis. Johnson and Popham: Peaseley, Marquarrie and Shea. Grand Forks ... 5 9 0 Winnipeg . 160 Norton and Edmonds. Cummings, Jones and Shea, Superior 88-3 Duluth . ates lk (16 4. Rhodes, Chase and Anderson. Smith, Foss, Erickson and Popham. INTERNATIONAL Buffalo ... 1950 Rochester d 3 8 1 Beebe and McAllister. Hughes, Wilhelm and Blair. Baltimore .. ape rewe 230; Td Jersey City -. 10 8 Shawkey, Smith, Dygert and Ber gen, Hagerman, Descher, McHale aa Wells, Toronto ... 6 71 Montreal . 7 10 1 Winter, Mueller and Fischer. Taylor, Barke, Averett and Roots. Newark . Providence ... Eastman, Dem and McCarthy. Bailey and Schmidt. Baltimore ... ...:-2. ++. 2 6 1 Jersey City ... 1st game Edmonton Red Deer - Ford and Tanguay. Bone and Bliss. 2nd gamo der. mm that time on Ryan bad all the Better: of it and outclassed Smith fully as much as Billy had out- classed him in the edrlier rounds. In the eighteenth Billy fell against the ropes and hung on, while Ryn Edmonton Red Deer ... Heinriche and Weinhold, Dickenson and Bliss. OLSEN KO LONGER THE NAPS CAPTAIN Players of the Cleveland Team Protest Against his Methods. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Cleveland, Ohio, -May 27 Third Baseman Iven Olson bas been deposed as the captain of the Cleveland Am- erican team and it s said that Out- fielder George Birmingham will be his, successor. The news leaked out today when it became known that, me of the players, following an en- cdunter between Olson and Pitcher Whilie Mitchell, formally had protest- ed to the management regarding methods employed by Olson. Vickers, Smith and Doren. Frill and Bemis. Newark . Annual games of the Intercollegiate Association of Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, at Sharon, Pa. Providence ..- MeGinaity and McCarthy. Remneas and Schmidt. sent one crushing blow after the mau. Smith looked appealingly at the police, and for a second time the bh coats interfered, and the bout was finally stopped. Ryan had clearly won, but Smith had as certainly been tle, so old Tim Hurst, who was a wise un, extracted the cube root and called it a draw. If he hadn't he would probably have been mobbed, either way. I said that thet was the freakiest fight I ever saw, but is was really two night, .and I never saw a man so clearly out- classed as Ryan was in the first bout, unless it was Smith in the second. (Other Sports on Page 8.) KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AT PITTSBURGH (Special tothe News). Pittaburgh, Pa, May , Pitts- burgh has capitulated to an army of Knights Templar, who have, gather- ed her from all directions for the fitty-ninth annual conclave of the grand commandery of Pennsylvania. Indications point to the greatest gathering of its kind ev r held hers. The big event of the week will-be the parade Wednesday morning, In which 20,000 menibers of the order from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and. Wes Virginia will participate, tothe astonished Sinith was a won- the victor in the first part of the bat-, other tuto the aba defenseloas
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Image 889 (1912-05-27), from microfilm reel 889, (CU1771724). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.