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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ne Srd,. 1912, build, consider t Don't, be per- / CHEAP LUM- 8 cheap use the ) have it, and evs juilder requires, ek of LUMBER, , FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH agency for the rgan Doors, BEAUTIFUL DD FIBRE, LATH R POSTS, WIL POSTS LR Y CO. BER PEOPLE . PHONE 57 ALINE SMUT . .Quart ..Pint AY MORE On Drug. and tore : 3 eRe Cais CURTIS ecorating. ACTORS AND. UILDERS GURE WITH YOU PLACING YOUR SORA DING and Contractors. ve,, Phone 434 . Box 304. nates Free. s Prepared. STABLE PHONE 402 728 , S. FOLLIS acting Co. TORONTO BT. Sand, Coal Gravel ting a Specialty. avy Horses forsale at Ail Times. Teno , LYON RACTS FOR Y TEAMING AND. EXCAVATING and Sand for Sale, Phone No. 415, 0, Box 81. Monday, June 3rd, 1912 l Lef Us Loan You the Money at 5 - PER CENT. TO BUY BUILD or Improve Real Estate. SEE OUR PLAN Write, Phone or Call The Canadian Home Investment Co., Ltd. ) . Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta, House and Garden Plants Now Ready for Spring. Pansies in bloom and hardy enough for plant- ing in garden. Vegetable plants will be.ready shortly. , The Roseries eer PPP +R. B. Taeylor -?Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Plano Moving. with Piano Van a Speelality. Parcels Delirerea. PHONE NO, 349. Frank H. Stock Accountant and Auditor. Balance Sheets, etc. Prepared. Phone 699. P. 0. Box 92, Private Residence 10 Braemar Plants for Sale Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Pansies, Stocks, ete, All kinds of plants for the garden. THOS. E. MILLS, Celery, Asters, City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers; Saddle Horses For Sale Light and Heaty Draying Hay for Sale Fred McClain Phone 85. Prop. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTREAL STREET Ww. A. Henderson Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS (Established 1882) Wienineg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat A. B, Gibson, C, A., Manager. KING GEORGE, 4 (Special to London, June 3. Today was the forty-seventh birthday anniversary of borough House, June 3, 1865. His Majesty spent the day quietly: with his family. During the forenoon the members of the diplomatic corps call- ed at the palace and left messages of congratulations in behalf .of thelr re- spective sovereigns. The anniversary was celebrated in the customary man- her today at all naval and military stations throughout the empire. In London, and at all home stations, however, the official observance of the anniversary will not, take place until June 14, Today the British people, at home and in the dominions beyond: the seas will celebrate the forty-seventh birthday of King George V. Born on June 3, 1865, at Marlborough House in London, the ruler of the empire on which the sun never sets was christeu- ed George Frederick Ernest Albert. As a youth he was known as Arch er, from his great liking for a bow and arrow, and in his young manhood was generally known as the Sailor Prince since he was never more at home than on the deck of a battleship. His liking for the sea has never left him and not long ago he gratifier his eager desire for a trip In a submar- ine. Today's observance of the King s birthday will be a quiet one for the royal family; as the court 8 in mourning for the late King Frederick of Denmark, uncle of King George. About three-fourth of George's reign has been marked by.mourning. His reign necessarily began with along period in black in memory of King Edward, There followed a briet sea- son of social activity, ended by the death of Queen Mary's brother, Prince Francis of Teck. The period of mourning for King Frederick is the second this year, the firstshaving been-fer-the Duke of Fife, hustand of Princess Loulse; a sister of the King There is a theory, generally enter- tained on this side of the water, that King George has real less power than, for instance, the President of Costa Rica. This conception of the British monarch as a mere figurehead is en- reign the King bas used his influence toward the settlement -of many difti- culties which Premier and Parliament found themselves with, T0-DM. MORE THAN A FIGUREHEAD Three-Fourths of the King s Two Years Reign Has Been Marked By Mourning Has Used Influence With Good Effect Since Going to Throne. the News) * 2 During his brief unable to cope Numerous and remarkable are the powers and privileges of King George, although many of them are of such a nature as to be more theoretical than practical. by ancient law still in full effect, is the guardian of all the idlots of the kingdom King can do no wrong, and cannot be held personally responsible for crime. fers no attractions to one of George's For instance, George V., Literally and actually, the any This provision, however, of- King peaceful and philosopLic temperament. The King, by law, is the sole and undisputed owner of the beds of all the tidal rivers of Eng- land, ways present at all sessions of all law courts, and a criminal is an offendor against the King s peace, and such the monarch has full powers to pardon anyone he pleases. right to print and publish the Bible In British realms is vesten King, are not required to be numbered, and Theoretically, the King is al- as The sole in the The motor cars of the monarch the speed limit, so far as the King is concerned, is null and void. Georg 'Y., however, has given orders to his chaffeurs never to exceed the legal limit. Moreover, he has never taken advantage of the law by -which he could travel on special trains on any railroad in the United Kingdom with- out cost. The King always pays all travelling expenses, and insists upon even paying for the royal box at the theatres. King George's hobby is philately and his collection of postage stamps is one of the finest and most valuable in the world. The recent proposal to substitute a new machine for postage stamps was effectually squelched by ss, As a hunter King George, on the occasion of his recent visit to India, surpassed Col, Roosevelt's record by bagging thi tigers and thirteen rhinoceri. Gets More Mail Daily Than But Yearly on June 2 It Of all the great men of earth, Pope Pius X., who yesterday celebrated the seventy-seventh anniversary of his birth, received the heaviest mail. The average of 25,000 letters, telegrams, parcels and newspapers delivered daily at the Vatican 15 .tripled or quadripled as the birthday f His Holiness approaches and reaches the proportions of a veritable deluge each second day of June, From all over the world, from monarchs and presidents and cardinals, and from poor and humble admirers, couched in every language, by post and tele- graph and. cable, the messages of fel- fcitation pour Into the Eternal City, pir cted to that pedsant-amd:son f-a peasant who has risen to what Is, in the opitiion of millions, the most aug- ust of temporal thrones. Protestants join with Catholics to swell the chorus of-acel could be impossible for a well man and the Pontiff is far from well to read over a quarter of the congralulatory mes- sages, but none of them will go un read, Half a hundred secretaries are employed to go through the maas of correspondence, which reflects the homage of a vast army of 400,000,000 spiritual subjects of the successor of St. Peter. The Pope's daily average of 25.000 pleces of mail compares with abaut 8,000 directed to the Emperor of Ger- many; 5,000 to President Taft: 3,000 to King George, and about 1,000 to the Czar. No other ruler recelves on an average of as many as a thousand let- tera and papers daily His Holiness is also far in the lead in the number of his photographs in circulation. Millions of photographs of the Pope are sold every year and the official photographers contribute POPE PIUS WAS 77 YESTERDAY WAS DELUGED WITH MESSAGES Any. Other Man In World Is Tripled. (By 0. Terence) large sums to the church from the proceeds, The congregation of rites has refused admission to moving pic- ture compaties to reproduce in films the church ceremonials in which His Holiness appears, and the same body has. also recommended that the Pon- tiff decline to deliver an address into 'a phonograph. 5 It is not generally known that Pius fas a hobby, but he has, and it con- sists of q magnificent collection of lace worn by women on thelr wedding costumes. The tender sentiment con- nected with such a sentiment renders it doubly attractive. Pius X. is the first pope in a cen- tury and a half who 1s of plebelan or- igin, as both Pius IX. and Leo XItl. were of noble family. At the time of his elevation to the throne, the Pope had a brother who was an innkeeper and a sister who was the wife of a Supreme tobaccontst-Frugatity and humitits are the keynotes of the character of His Holines: Today s general election in Belgium has been preceded by a campaign in which the Socialists and Liberals combined against the Clericals. The issues in the campaign have been un restricted general suffrage and com- pulsory education, which are favored by the Soclalist-Liberal coalition and opposed by the Clericals, Yesterday was Trinity Sunday, which was definitely established as a church festival by Pope John XXII. in 1334. The day is celebrated inttaly as Constitution Day. Ti was also the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Guiseppe Garibaldi,/and memorial ex- ercises in honor of the great Italian patriot were held in many cities, Mrs. Tal 51 To In supplying biographical details for publication in works of reference most ladles. .God bless em are de- lightfully indefinite. Beyond advan- cing the information that they were born, which is the only eminently re- spectable way of arriving in the world, they are vague and elusive. An exception to the rule s Mrs, WI- liam Howard Taft, who has never made any attempt to conceal the fact Phone No. 198 Burns Block Z that she was born on the thivd day day, isa Conservative Suffragist (By 0. Terence) of June, n' the year 1861, and Is thus fifty-one years old today. It 18 not only gallant, but truthful, to add that she does not look tt Helen Herron was born in Cincinr ati, three years, three months and thirteen days after the birth of Wil- liam Howard Taft. fh the same Ohio city, -Like her future husband, Miss Herron came of a family, that had numbered many. iegal lights among members, and she inherited a jud- ron s acquaintance House began long bef there as ts mistress In her teens she wa fal residence chiet executive. Herroh and Lub Taft b shoot Indians. On the nineteenth of Jun the republic s Mrs. Taft. bands or megaphones. somewhat. retiring disposi Taft's opinions on public are not generally known, A June baby, Miss Herron was a June bride. The romance of Nell an when suffragist, Dut conservative the her tle did she dream to use the accept- ed and orthodox phrase that she would some da occupy the President- wnite in this city, as throughout the better half of a entertained ambitions to go West and It continued through the years when sho Was the belle of the fair co-eds of the Universoity of- Cincinnattl and Big Bill Taft a loy- al and loud-volced son of ition, She is White arrival when a girl often the gues of President and Mrs Hayes at the ex ecutive mansion Ju Washington. Lit- Old Bi in 1886, there was Wedding In the Herron home, and William Howard Taft and his blushing. bride set blithely forth they lived happy-ever after A devoted wife and mother and a charming and amiable first lady of . The dut- es and responsibilities of her exalted position have been fully lived up to, but without accompaniment of brass Belng of and not given to courting publicity, Mrs, questions one, MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. f elal temperament that made ber tne 5 Sievaea ad ore lS UNE LOSING John W. H rron, was long a United States district attorney, and a close ee CLASS friend of President Hayes. Miss Her 4 4 MA Wedding Bells Ring Merril Frequently Now As In the land, the wedding bells will ring right merrily many times this month, the fact remains that June is losing its supremacy as the month of mat- riages. Among the antient Romans pituous month for brides, the partic- ularly favorable seasons being at full moon and at the conjunction of the sun and moon, This idea was preval- ent in the Europe of the middle ages, and has not yet died out, but it is gradually losing its sway. England began the departure from the custom Statistics which are dry things to mention in connection with romance show that in Great Britain the June bride is in the minority when com- September heads the list, with De- cember second and poor old June is relegated-to third-place. -In-the-Unit- ed States and Canada the same con- ditions do not yet prevail, but it is likely to be a matter of only a few years until June is sent to the rear. It Cupid and Hymen are losing their preference for June, the same cannot be said of the stork. In England this month leads in the number of births, 80 a and has seant sympathy with wind- ow-smashing methods. She holds that Women should have the right to vote, but condemns parades, election- eering and office holding as beyond woman's sphere. The right to vote should be disassociated from the right tw hold office; in the opinion of Mrs. Taft. Women gre not fitted to take part im the mad scramble for oftice, 7 she declares, and possibly the recent exchanges of repartee between her husband and Col. Roosevelt have con- firmed that opinion. Mrs. Taft has/ admitted that she was largely respon- sible for inducing Mr. Taft to aband- on his beloved bench for the political asa rule, with March usually second, September third and December four- th. robbed is that it Is the month of the rose, the period charming of the flowers spreads its petals and attains its greatest beauty, world, and was not a, more bone. of contention for the powers to squavble over, her poets sang of the lovliness of the red, red rose and ever since the world has been held captive by the blushing beauty excent A glory of which June. cannot be when the most in the days when Persia ruled the those arena. concerns: Mrs. Taft more that relating to divorce. valence of: divorce Whatwd his wife? This: ed is due to the boss. CATED zations, The monument, te contains an. administi his head and fastened. to be passed around the hips. The executor with his whip at arm of the prisoner s body. Perhaps the public question which deeply She asserts that present conditions are shocking and demoralizing and that the pre- ig the greatest menace to the public weal. 8 President Taft think of She has made me what I am. /What t have accomplish- BATTLEFIELD MONUMENT DEDI- mauga battlefield in memory of the Alabama soldiers who participated in the historic conflict was today with impressive exercises con- ducted by the Ladies Memorial As- sociation and other patriotic organi- which was designed by E. C. Hamage, is located on the firing line, a spot which was held by the Confederate soldiers from Alabama during the great battle. Korean; Methods - of Punishment Rather Crude Lay On Stomach While Ex- ecutioner, After Getting Right Pose, Flails Them. (Special to the News) Tokio, June 8 The Official Gazct- ve order giving minute directions as to the method of application of corporal pun ishment in the Korean peninsula. The culprit shall lie on his stom lach, his hands stretched ont nbore ites, but tts eftizens-have best tesrn rative Straps the body round the knee joints and arms, with the'clothes so ftanged as to expose stand length, the tip protruding three inches over the eige The execut- shall dedicated aud pessimists who can only see the thorns. In Northwestern America the rose has reached its greatest beauty, and rose festivals have be- come very popular in Portland, Ore., and other cities where the worship of the queen of flowers is almost a cult. This month the Oregon metropolis holds forth th lure to tourists of a fiesta that shall surpass all its pre- decessors, Another interesting Feast of Roses takes piace annually in early Sune in Manheim, Pa. The founder of is AS THE RRIAGE MONTH y as Ever But Not Quite As Former Years. shaped clasp with turquoises, twelve wold bracelets set with precious stoues five chains of pure gold with many gold medallions, twenty gold rings set with pedris, diamonds, and other jew- els. presumed that the thieves hid themselves in the church after the evening service, which was continued to a late hour, and made their escape in the morning when the church was opened, as the doors show no signs of having been forced, and the win- dows are intact. The police are with- out clue to the perpetrators of this act of sacrilege, but they are making active Inquiries among certain mem- bers of the criminal classes who are known to specialize in church rob- beries, A-CONFERENCE OF INSURANCE MEN (Special to the News) London, June 3. An international congress of insurance brokers and agents assembled in London today. with an attendance of prominent in- surance men from the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and all portions of the British empire The meeting will last several days, during which time the insurance men will discuss the advantakes of inter+ national co-operation, the training of insurance brokers, state monopoly of insurance, and numerous other ques- tious relating to the several branches of the Insurance business. Pingle s Drug Store Sells VIGOROL The Great French Tonic A Medicine That Prolongs Life VIGOROL will do all we claim for it. If not, we refund you your mon- ey; VIGOROL hot only prolongs life, but makes the old feel and look young. It restores vim and energy. VIGOROL takes hold of the inside nerves at once and braces you up. Some of your nerves hqve been dor- the town, Baron Henry William Stie- gel of Manheim, Germany, in 1772 pre- sented to the congregation of the on Lutheran church at Manheim a (Spectal tothe News) site for their sacred edifice, with the Chattanooga, Tenn., June 3. The stipulation of an annual rental of monument erected on the Chicka- one red rose, payable in June,, when the same shall be lawfully demand- ed. For years the rose has been paid each year to some descendent of the Baron, with appropriate ceremon- tes. This week will see the beginning of the annual June rush to Paris. Great Britain and continental Europe, South America, the United States and Canada help ta swell the human tide that flows toward the City of, Light. Last year visitors) from the United States and Canada alone, during the months of June and July, spent in Paris a total of fifteen million good American dollars. It is estimated that no less than 30,000 Nord-Amer- iques will be registered at Parisian hotels and pensions durigg the two months to come. London gets onty about - 7,500,000 from American trip- pers during the season, or only about half of the amount expended in the French metropolis. The average sea- son's expenditure of Americans io Europe s about 60,000,000, 60 Paris gets a quarter of the total, It is doubtful. if Paris has more real at- tractions than many other European ed the art of publicity. Italian People Concerned Over Recent Sacrilege are foner s left hand Shall be on his left side, palm upwards, ther ight foot in advance, and bearing the weight of his body. The stroke is to be delivered per- pendicularly, and the skin is under no circumstances to be broken. The punishnient is to take place one hour after a meal, and the prisoner, if he requires refreshment during the -op- erations, shall be given a drink of tresh water. The Notice bad provided the Tokio press with an opportunity for display- Someone Entered Church and Stole Jewels Off the Statue. (Special to the News Rome, June 3 The faithful who attend the Church of Sant Andrea della Valle, in the Corse Vittoria Em- anuele, arem uch concerned over gross act statue, a of * sacrilege. A famous known as Bambino di San ing its iwt. obtain something towards It is suggested that Mr. Yamameto, Minister of Finance, might covering Gaetano, has been despoiled by con- sclenceless marauders of all the jew- els which had been presented to it by gratefui devotees, Miraculous virtue the deficit in the Budget by making the spectacle a public one at a charge of a penny per head for spectators. Atlanta, Ga., June 3 The South to- ay celebrated the one hundred and fourth anniversary of the birth of Jefferson Davis, and patd tribute to the memory of the only president of the Confederacy. The day is a legal holiday in South Cargtina; Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida, In each these States and in Louisiana and Virginia also the day was observed with appropriate exercises tonducted by the public schools and the various) patriotic organizations. was attributed Many people whose devout murmured before the holy image had received the desired answer, testified or to the bambind. prayers their gratitude for the: spiritual temporal blessing recetved by pre- senting gifts to adorn the statue, The full value of these donations is not accurately known, but ft Is tim- ated to be between 4,000 and 5,000. Alabaina, An incomplete list the Jewels with of which the statute was adorned is lt;'V- en by the Messaggero, and 6m - prises a crown of gold set with bri l- and pearls, pearl necklace, go'd star set with large diamonds, zold belt with emerald elasp, gold snake ian ment for years, and if they are not, looked after will dry up .and die. /VIGOROL reaches the nerve: impatting life, youth and vigor. ed;.all your pains and aches driven away. start fe over again. Price 1.00 a bottle. Great sNews great travels fast, And the news about our bargains in planos has reached the limits of Assiniboia. If you want a piano or a player plano now is THE ASGNIBOIL : Weekly AuctionSale The Market Square. JUNE 4. Commencing at 2 p.m. your chance. We make ex- ceptional easy terms. Come in The following described prope will be sold. both heavy and light. Harness; single and double work. Also furniture, carpet. and rugs. 1000 rhubarb roots, 20 bushel good potatoes; some jewelery, such as . watche: Will handle anything you have to fo sell at these sales, TERMS C45. G. Satterlee, Auctioneer. Horses, I centre, That tired, bilious feeling is remov- are The most wonderful tonic ever sold is VIGOROL. Don t be a burden to yourself and others; get a bottle of VIGOROL today and Pingle s Drug Store is the only place in Medicine Hat where yoi can buVIGOROL. eleleinleiviets ibelotel Als JIE a DOMINION/ aN cl) eerie 22) Sailings from Montreal Every Saturday for Liverpool, calling at Quebec. Laurentic, June 8, July 6, Aug. Canada, June 15, July 13, Aug. 10 Mogantic, June 22, July 20, Aug, 17. Teutonic, June 9, July 27, Aug. 24. 8.8. LAURENTIC, 8,8. MECANTIC Largest and Finest steamers in Canadian trade, Staunch and steady. Excellent accommodations for all classes. 8.8. Teutonic and 3.8. Canada carry one class (2nd) cabin only. The best these steamers affor at moderate rates, also comfortable third-class two, four and six-berth rooms, For reservations, rates, plans, il- lustrated booklets, etc., apply to railway or steemship agents, orto W. M. McLEOD, C.W.P.A., 22 Main St, Winnipeg. E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. 4 : Drusggist f Complete stuck of Toset Articles eee Semirtes, Reopiessey: ee es, ete. ing of Physicians Pre- meet scriptions a specialty. 204 South Rv. St. Phone 75. Seeecreertrtntnteen Everybody says Bartlett must make my PHOTOS, Studio Fourth Ave. (Over Binning s Store.) NOW is the time to enroll in the SOUTHERN ALBERTA Sei HP) Stenographers and Bookkeepers 7 Always In Demand. (WILLIAMSON PATERSON Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. See Us for Screen Doors. and Windows. BOX 353. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Residence and Office 711 Ottawa St Phone 26- Box 831 Job Work Attended to. See me about that home you are golag to build this season. I will gladty give you expert pointers, estimates and. figures, or show you over some houses T have put up in town. HOUSES YOR SALE. ATKINSON GFISHER TRANSFER AND - . DRAYING. Orders Promptly Attended to. Day Agisees frre fo Pa disc sd Night Address: 814 Montreal Street. Phone 509. VEGETABLE PLANTS: All Kinds EARLY CABBAGE now jready, cold frame grown; by the dozen, 160 or 1900. r WHITE WYANDOTTE, oF For hatehing, 1.00/pGr sett- 4 ing. sh
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Image 929 (1912-06-03), from microfilm reel 929, (CU1771737). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.