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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Our Fall Clothing Has Arrived In sufficient quantities to warrant your obtaining the suit you have been Jooking for. - 7 Now Btricken. of ice cream, expired in Glosed 903. - -Ost. Oats closed 852. Oct. Flax closed 158. CASH PRICES: Wheat, 1 north, closed 107, 2 north 103 , 3 north 100; 4 north 85i, 5 north 70, north 593. Feed, 554. Oats, C.W..37. Extra No. 1 Feed 38. Barley No. 3 51, No. 4 46 . Plax No. 1 N.W. 159, 1 Manitoba Chicago, Aug. 3 Butlish forelgn advices today, Hfted wheat gt; Torrential rains were Peported to be dejaying the Russian 4 yest and there were Liverpool. digpatehes* telling of con- tinued demand for American cargoes. tures in the to favor the ing was unchanged to 3- -xent higher; Sept. started at to 92 7-8 and 3, and rose to 93 ah, Shorts in oats covered one off account of firmtone of other grain. Sepk started 1-8 nd 1-4 to 1-4 and 88 lowe? at-s2 to 321-8 and rallied Soe 8. Qnt., Aug. 3. In the seo- ond of the International Cup Sitios here to-day, Quaker Girl, the tions fresly were made today that -Amerigan entry, won by seventeen the strike of the freight handlers at Yercets- the head of the Jakes would end be- Eee fore tonight. Conferences held last gt; Winnipeg, Man,, Aug. 3. October night and early today all tended to Swhgat opened 933, closed 93 ; Dec. the settlement of the strike: being Re Minneapolis, Aug. 3. Sept. wheat opened 928, closed 928; Deo. 938, 938; May 923, 94. Chicago, Avg. 3. Sept. wheat opened 93 , closed 93; Deo. 94, 938; May 98, 978. Se MAY END TO-NIGHT. Duluth, Minn., Aug. 3. Predic- QSTER S Now open for business on North Railway Street, . Opposite C. P. R. Station. 9)A CITIZEN OF MEDICINE HAT , ATTRACTED IN FROM THE STREET Let us explain to you how the Angelus is the only player action that does not detract from the tone of the instrument. 4 : : Sold only by THE MEDICINE. HAT MUSIC 60. South Railway Street. Under the Big Fiddle, OPEN EVENINGS. resident. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. Vice-President. J.J. RICHARDSON, Sect Treas. innon s Ltd. e BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS H. . COOPER, Makers of Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. Registered Brands. This business is now under the supervision of Mr. J. B, Rich- ardson, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in the manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the best equipped Ice Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash basis. terms. pair terms, The same virtues characterize every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD TASSIE BROS. mile circle. Terms. 410 Main St, Phone 256. tickpating suddenly exclaimed and fell forward on the table less than Willing hands had dove everything Possible but of no avail. was embalmed and brought to Medi- cine Hat on Thursday morning and the funeral is on Monday, 5th inst at 2p.m,, the officiating clergyman Mr. Mo: Ges il Fire, Life, Aceldent, Hail ana Plate Glass Insurance. Carlstadt Woman . at rc ee iakpeaabi at Meeting to Camp Mrs. Geo: Beattie Was Par- in all the Gaiety When She Was Suddenly Carlstadt was shocked on Wednes- ay dost by the the sovial meeting at the Methodist Chureh, of Mrs. George Beattic, who Was assisting at the function. Beattie has been for some years in indifferent health, but on the day in question was feeling uncommonly sudden death, -She-had partaken bathing Dice. has been arranged for. perhaps too freely, and Preparations will be made for the I. feel funny, In the last three weeks an aver- age of one thousand mechanics week have been added to the roll of f union men in Los Angeles, Calit., gon suited 28 Jand the membership of the Building Trades Council in that city will ex- ceed ten thousand before the middle of this month, Kaiser's Old Timer 10 Cigar. Save your coupons and get a free dinner set at E. E. Trider s, Third Ave. hotham were the justices. Mrs. and minute. The body BOY SCOUTS CAMPS 2 . Second Coulee Many Arrangements to be Made At a meoting of the Boy Scouts last night it was decided to ga to camp Wednesday, Avg. 7, at Second Coulee, on the Seven Persons creek near the exhibition grounds. All boys must have permission from their parents. The following equip - ment must be brought: Blankets, pillow, hairbrushes aud eomb, bath- ing suit, towels, soap, plate, cup, saucer, knife, fork and spoon, cook- ing utensils, signalling flags and and bandages and staves. A. safo at exhibition, the visit of General Sir Robert Baden-Powell. K.C.B., K,C. V.C., L.LD., founder of the Boy Scout movement, and the Duke of Connaught, Chief Seout for Canada. Bring your bugles, trumpets, drums and cameras. Next mesting willbe Tuesday at 7.30 sharp. ry - POLICE COURT. A boomer brakeman named Hol- lamd was charged at the police court this morning with trespassing on .P.R. property. On pleading that he was employed by the . P. R. at Moose Jaw and was look- ing for a job in the city the case was remanded so that his story could be Verifted- John Nuff and R. Baker were each fied 2-and costs for drunkenness. Capt. Parker and Inspector Shoe- DIOHUP HERE CATHOLIC BISE Rt. Rev. Legal of Prince Al- bert Visiting St. Patrick's Parish. Bishop Legal of the night, and will give firet communion and confirmation to a number of chil- tomor- dren at St.Patrick s church row. GAS WELLS The city engineer, A. K. Grimmer, renorts that the 2000 ft. gas well thet fa being bored was today 900 feet deep. and the Ogilvie well 700 feet The contractors he sa d, had excelient progress at both these wells, CARD OF THANKS. Mr, and Mrs. W. Peters, relatives of Arthur Panting, the young man who was drowned in the creek on Sunday lasi, and with whom he was staying, desire to thank the members-of the Sons of ngland and the friends of deceased, for their sympathy and attendance at place this week from L. W. Yokens undertaking parlors, was largely at- tended, and wreaths were sent from the Sons of England, . Tassie Bros., Mr. and Mrs: Turnbull, Mrs. H. J. Heath and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Bridge- man. e Red lips cannot be acquired artl- ficially; they usually indicate good health and a large quantity of iron in the blood, Diocese of Prince Albert, arrived in the city last made the funeral. The interment, which took thanks for the settlement of clalm on my garage building last Sunday eve- ning. Was only taken out on Saturday after- noon, that the fire occurred on,Sunday evening, and that settlement was made today, just as soon as the damage could be estimated, it is very grat- ifying to me, and a practical illus- doing business of your firm. Do You Intend to Bui If so drop in te our office and let us show you the ideal site for your home. We have secured the exclusive sale of block of land close to the High School, which is served by uower, water anys, We van sell you 25, 50, or more feet, according to your requirements. Get hold of some of these lots as they will not last long. H. C. Pettet Co. 368 Toronto St. - Phone 481 GOOD INSURANCE BUSINESS HECKER EXPERTS TO CONTEST, Cedar Point, 0.,, Aug.3. Many noted experts at the ancient gamo of checkers are rounding up here for the second annual tournament for the American checker champion- ship. The leading players of tho country aie entered and the great - est checker battle of all times fs i prospect. The notable names on the entry list include those of the present American champion, Newell W. Banks of Detroit, the great Heffner of Boston, Fishbourne, the Southern champion, Ketchum and Drouillard of San Francisco, De- Orio of Chicago, Henderson of Pittsburg, Herr of Buffalo and Al- fred Jordan of Toledo, who holds the championship of England and C.F, Smith. Scotland. 4 The following letter explains itselt: Aug. 3rd, 1912, Messrs. Potter and Kent, City. Gentlemen: Kindly accept my the Springfield Fire Insurance Co., through your agency, for the fire in When one considers that the policy tration of the rapid fire methods of a The Stampede - MORE B WHEN? AUG. Sth to 17th WHERE? SUSINESS MONDAY Watch Rucs PECIALS Our Windows 25 4'6 x2 No. 2A for Monday ... 20 per cent. discount on all our-stock blankets, pillows, etc., allowed this week. CASH CARPET SPECIALS Come and Lasso The Bargains J. J. MOORE SON - Nerth Railway St. A NEW ONE E MARYLAND DAIRY will deliver to your home every morning the fresh- est of Milk and Cream. A trial fs all we ask. W. EYLE, Proprietor. Real Good Buys HERALD Block 5, Lots 24-25, 1200, terms. Block 10, lots 1-2, 800 terme. Block 10, lots 39-40, 860, terms. Block 5, lots 28-29, 1475, cash. Block D, lots 5-6, 4000, terms. Block 1, lots 40-42, 2000, terms. Block 17, lots 89-40, 750, terms. HILL Block 27, lots 87 to 40, 1000, Block 21, lots 18 to 20, 400 2 Biock 28, lots 1 to 20, 500 pair. Block 29, lots 11-12, 525, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 15, lots 36 to 40, 1500, . ACREAGE 160 acres half within the 3-mile circle, 250 per acre; Terms. 80 acres, all within the 212 350 per acre. realy 6 P, 0. Box 816, Phone 695, AMERICAN SOLDIERS FIRE AT MEXICANS (W. A. P, Dispatch.) El Paso, Texas, Aug. 3 About fif- ty shots were exchanged between United States soldiers and undenti- fied men from the Mexican sfde of the river last night in East El Pago. No one was hit. There were no ar- rests, Three shots were first fired from the Mexican side, striking a house belonging to C. H. Cole. After the first three or four shots were heard the soldiers on guard on the American side of the river, opened fire toward the Mexican side. The bullets then came faster from the Mexican side. After the persons on the Mexican side had fired thirty or forty times, they ceased and the Am- erican soldiers went toward the riv- er to investigate. NEW ENGLAND TOWN S 200TH BIRTHDAY. Pembroke, Mass., Aug. 3. This histori New England town, which lays claim to the distinction of be- ing the first town in the colonies at publicly rebelled against the Bgitish crown, is preparing to be- gin tomorrow a week of celebration in honor of the 200th anniversary of its incorporation. The celebra- tion will be ushered in with amni- versary exercises in all the churches. Parades, athletic sports, historical exercises and family reunions will fil in -the remainder of the week. British labor statistics show that in fifteen years the cost of ving has inereased 25 per coat: , How's things at your boarding housef Very inharmonious: We've got four kinds: of Republicans and three kinds of Democrats, to say nothing of those who favor the Bull Moose Party. Washington Herald, That novelist says characters from real life. fe should be encouraged to keep on taking them, replied: Mr. Grow- cher. The fewer live him in real i better. Washington Star. Houses If you are looking for a Home, see va Real Estate 60 ft. in Rosedale next to city property and close to Ogilvie spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms. 84 ft. corner of Sixth Ave. and Braemar St, Ideal site for an apartment house. 4,000. One-third cash; six and salve months; : B, F, SOUCH, Phu, B. Office at back of Drug Store 884 Toronto St. 50 4 6 'x2 6 Axminster Rugs aAssorted patterns, florals: conventionals arid Turkish effects. Regular 4.00. Monday only . Bincelaas bedrooms. Regular 3.00 and 3.50. 12 Hit-er-Miss Reversable Rugs These will Keep your ter. Regular 1.75. 20 Smyrna Rugs, Oriental Designs Assorted colors, reversible, large sizes. Regular 3.50 and 4.00. Monday 6 Large Axminster Rugs with fringe. Regular 6 3 x5 Cashmere Rugs Beautiful tones. Li - 2.50 nster R P ns; kind for Monday only ............ 1.50 feet warm this win- Monday only 3 coc cedcesielenc ee. elec be 1.00 OMY: So oa, DU eh Poeun ne 2 SAE x 2.75 0. Monday only 2.50 Regular 7. Extra Special cecaservegld Giewe weber 5.00 of carpets, draperies, rugs: curtains, ONLY TUESDAY Phone 515 Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands, Work ealled for and delivered. PHONE 486. tt. The Ideal Dessert serve -Maclearn s. Imperial Jelly We have it in all flavors, fruit and wine, Price per Doz. 90c SPECIAL We are giving a demonstra- tion of these Jellies this week. With each dozen jellies we give free 4 glass fruit naffies, H.W. Ireiand Co, Phope 54. Main Street: IVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Teddie Roo Birth tion Chicago, Aug delegates from vi were barred convertion by t The contests stormy executh mittee that Iasi before the cony committee de guthered in the committee Toor indignant prot was made kno they would o seata before th of the convent A tentative by the commit promising whl settle the neg mittee decided testants from cenvention. as gates without This was cor Florida negro Alten, proteste committee fins out both: Flor gro and white L. Anderson. In Mississip state conventi Lilywhite m gates elected On Saturday thrown out tv tested seats 1 red all of the Four contes Ohio delegatio negroes were over the actic there. was 8 mass meeting protest, No were maile hc Chicago, An was-called to owreg bardara 1 biem of the 1 fnost supplan men as well blem and mi orders to tri handkerchiefs Convention There was eV day that the tional Progr the Big Colis National R would be at of enthusiast Col. Roo scene as SP party has t by delegates into the cit Plans for me been more ing the fina velt. Im The sac the subjec in. his 8 of God a God in blesses times, at true to been imp original possible
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Image 213 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 213, (CU1772319). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.