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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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y One sendii 0, Over 680,600 sopice al sloth binding at regular iltion copies. wer ro. given snow ready for mailing. e: Wono's Disrunsanr Buffalo, N. Y, ESCRIPTION iments good enough outside wrapper its s ains no alcohol and edicinal forest roots i Sa urden. He Seated meome and He ople know vertises. has some- ; stands to newspaper you, there- uncements lt; Vl find all + gt; Medicine lt; 4 Srpeteetetoeegecge Sorrreroe eS 1 3, sr Co.Ltd. + Sa + i Cedar s; Fir, + + Water- e g, Felt, Sg res no 1 1G. z PHONE 467 4 aosecierieeeateeteey 0 LO+erereped + LDS it tirst-inspecting nd will save you sts, good straight juilder. LASTER. : Phone 59 hse PO seheecetant, a SSE ED FOPR LOLOL 0400p OHA LO OL: precedent. nese virtu s t CO. 'Y, Mgr. th Railway. spared to offer Ses ate aioe elo oege Sretert Ss so-efo lt;fo i e Medicine Hat s Busy Industrial Suburb hee epee tate eee Leste eee For further particulars phone or call at STONER AGENCY Toronto St... Phone 368. oS WE WANT YOUR MEDICINE HAT LISTINGS, PR Srtresogoegresrseegenreetetoeeate eo hoatpolee eto nenite eo ehonie aie eoasenifocsoatoat ofoefeatecfoaieatefoageateegeat Loot e osha sha taste reteetoatestecteatestoatectec *e art Sector he So oho os 2 REDCLIFF has SILICA SAND suitable for Se etonteeteateciosseetoasetoese diode sioese eo sar nh Bete Se SP Hee SP Ie See NPE SPIN APN OOP Ht HP He OS REDCLIFF has NATURAL GAS in unlimited quantities. , REDCLIFF has.COAL ofa superior quality, already- well established in the Western markets. REDCLIFF has SHALE, which is being made into the finest quality of brick by 2 large Bie plants. making of glass. REDCLIFF has a pay-roll of over 30,000 a monte REDCLIFF has a modern Flour Mill, with a dai capacity of 1,000 barrels. i REDCLIFF ships at present.on an average of Four- ; teen Carloads of Her Products Daily. ie REDCLIFF is in the centre of the Richest Agricul tural District in Canada, . a REDCLIFF has the largest Ornamental Iron Works in Canada, equipped to turn out the highest grade of work. : REDCLIFF has for the working man the Cheapest fF; Rents, Light and General Living Expenses of any town in Western Canada. re THINK, MR. INVESTOR, what all these natural re- sources and advantages mean for the FUTURE OF REDCLIFF. 3 The MANUFACTURERS are coming. The MINERS are coming. The MERCHANTS are coming - The LABORERS are coming. Then, MR. INVESTOR, would it not be wise for you also to get busy:and come. You will find Redcliff ducts in the following buildings in Medicine Hat: The Ca: adian Pacific Railway Depot Assiniboia Hotel, Cosmopolitan Hotel, American Hotel, Armory, Becker Block, Imperial Bank Building, Hull Block, Hutchinson* - Block, Public School Buildings, Monarch Theatre, Marshall Terrace; Canadian Es Bank of Commerce, and a large number of-private residences. - , ae t ca FEATURES OF THE SELLS.FLOTO CIRCUS COMING MONDAY. lt; a 3 Jast season. 25 conts is the stand- running mate on the third party perc ard charge and the big tent will ticket. Many visitors are. arriving: seat 10,000 people. in. town to attend the gathering. As the Sells-Floto people have al- As yet, however, there appears to s ways borne an enviable reputation be no great rush dor tickets to the, for keeping faith with their public Coliseum, which are selling at there is no reason to doubt- but 10 to 20 each. The sttendante that their engagement here will be of press representatives promises 9) an unqualified success. be fully as large as at the oF SS publican and Democratic READY FOR THIRD Bi conventions. PARTY SHOW 2 100 DIFFICULT TO UND) . Special to the News) Chicago, Tll., Aug. 3. All was ( . A. P. Cable.) hustle and bustle about the Pro- London, Aug. 2. Answering gressive headquarters at the Oon- ton by Joseph: King, Liberal n gress Hote) today. This afternoon for North Somerset, Pi announcement was made of the com- Stated in the House o pletion of all arrangements for the day that the difficulties convention that will assemble Mon- of creating a. uniform mi day to nominate Theodore Roose- for the whole empire were toa velt for President and select his for the government to und: SPENCER TODD PHONE 40. A Reduction of 20 per cent. off the F Following Lines in our Men s. Wear Department. A e-to-buy high-grade-Shoes ai medium prices. z cae The Hartt Shoe Selis-Floto Circus is billed to reach a this city and they promise to out- Riot PATENT OXFORDS do in every way the performances fee h they have given heretofore: e Sells-Floto Circus is an in- gt; dependent organization operating PATENT BLUGCHERS . tirely outside the combination, erally known as the circus trust. Regular 5.75 for For many years they have had a strenuous fight on their hands in order that. they might exist, but eee last season they maugurated the/f TAN BLUCHERS .. policy of cutting the regular .ad- Regular 5.75 for mission price in half and if the re- ports of-their tour go for any- GUN METAL BLUCHERS .. . Regular- 5.75 for 4.15 aii thing, the departure met with ua- qualified approval ang success every- These are all the very latest styles. Spencer Todd This season, we are told, that The People s Store they come, back with a circus al- most twice as large as that of for- mer years. Their representative who is in the city asserts, those who view the magnificent parade which will be given at 10.30 on the morning of the performance will be fully convineed as to any statements made in that connection. The price of admission will be the same as,
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Image 212 (1912-08-03), from microfilm reel 212, (CU1772322). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.