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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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BS AND GENTS ng, shoes, watches, olvers, valises, sult sical Instrumente, at waggons, bug- leycles. carpenter des and furs, horse thers, bought and Harvard Tatlorin ayenve. oppoxit gt;. P.O. box 358 Prices Paid for, 2eDKe. HAT HIDE, FUR, O. The above have selection of Second Ne clty. We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks , Rifles, Guns, Re Buggies, Harness ine of winter goods 1 mentioned abo: prices. Call at. . Or Phone 687. t ACCOUNTANTS: ON- - 0,, charter nd auditors, (estal ors, city of Medicin fedicine Hat, Leth: bson, C.A., residen' 198, Burns Blo auctioneers, 619 Tor Bales every Frid at Sialock, Ranct arniture sales con Consult us, our ex; disposal free. Phom me Co, 619 To 1s2dt 8S CARDS. i MACHINES inning Pianos. and to rent. nee. W. J. Fi treet. ett, B.A.Sc al Engineer, berta Land Surveyo Spur Rattways, Thursday, June 27th, 1912, Saat testnstestestess eetoeniedsinie rate contoet Bo ONE MORE THE IANS GIANTS Hot Weather stuff at Turpin Bros. Panama Hats, Summer Suits, B. V. D. and oth- er lines of light. un- derwear, silk Hose and fancy lisle thread Hose, and the greatest line of summer Shirts and soft collars you ever saw. Tog out for the first of July at Turpin Bros The Man's Stone Where You Get the Big Dollat s Worth See ee * 101 RANCH -* SHOWS HERE + JULY ist. * ae Bo Ne er ae a ae ws he wh Se 8 h/that the reconstructionists will Err t ts MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. OME rrr tar Ores Soo eioeie sear eee ser sae ee Ie PIN e TTPO SPORT NEWS SME OTE MS Page 5, SEOOS STOOGES 2 HATTERS OFF T PRIZE FIGHT AT BASSANO-T0-NIGHT Special Coach Loaded Down With Signs poostiis the Hat Left on Train 3. . Sixty Hatters, with thelr car labell- ed Made in Medicine Hat, and many other signs, departed in a special coach on. Trap No. .today for Bas- sand to attend the prize fight there tonight. Secretary White ot the Industrial Bureau and others when they heard that they were taking a special car, Saw to it that they took some City Boosting along with them also. They had a couple of hurry-up signs made boosting the Hat's gas and its Indus- tries. They also grabbed another which was in the Industrial Oftice and which read: The contents made in Medicine Hat and strung them out alongsides of the coach. DAVIS WiLL TEAR THE NAPS 10 PIECES er Is Dis- Showing oievated With of His Team. June 27. The Naps are due ofa sensatfonal: shaking-up, The recent defeats have so peeved Manager Harry Davis that he declares he will naugurate a reconstruction of the team. Davis hes announced be Grafted from the Toledo, New Orleans waueaetaaeeets BIG LEAGUE SCORES ob ole beak sh oe he oh ob ob NATIONAL LEACUE + + * t * Tyler and Rariden. Ragon, Kent and Phelps, Philadelphia aoa New York . Sobultz, Searon and Kiliifer, Ames and Wilson, Caicago .-. Cincinnat ... 5.. Richie and Archer, Suggs, Frome and Clark. Pittsburg St Louis . Camnitz and Gibson. Sallee and Wingo. 2 4 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago - St, Louis Krapp and O'Neil. Lake and Stanage. 1st game New York ... Philadelphia Fisher, War Pjank, Bender and Hgan. 2nd game New York Philadelphia Quinn, Thompson and Sweeney. Coombs and Lapp. ist game Bost Washington . When You Think of GOOD Investments OBrien ard Carrigan, Groome and Henry. With apologi ies to Mr. Post ASK US There s a Reason Sewage, Irrigatior ns. Etc. rial Bank Building, Phone 49 WRIGHT ns Broker, rwarding agent, ai ecutor of papers fq ; into the Unite stoner In B. R,, Re and General Agen CINE HAT. i Paperhanging s Stewart. opposite Binnings) er Estimates eho on cost of Paperi hone 156. A ) contractors will be received, ad undersign d up to Saturday the 29th he erection-o Ballding in the elf for the Union Ban acks for an amor per cent of tender roposals, any tender not nece BRED STALLION i AW R PORTED) yewinner of Gov- mium of 250 Jan. wn horse, 1215 Ibs., roven stayers over ialf to -four mile / you want a 16 pat will road ten oF, tor five and-six 4 stretch and can be 0100 Yiiles in a Topsawyer with 00 to 1200, with dard and thorough- Do you want a good it hunter? Cross vith a good short- ral purpose mare ugh-bred cross one rations back. Tope stand at the Sarnia sh. Throws no col- s or browns and m head on all his 297-12t. OR SALE and springers. 5 hy len Range herd 0 t Capt Rolph-whe- jt. Lambert, the ducer of the world, 18 iVt pounds 143-4: 0 eturn per head (00 king) in 1911 was ov; e of cream alone. Fot in full mile except ansit from Ontario. to freshen before Sex, interested apply to . box 399, or 225 Ms fat. June 27 w excell cowboys. With the 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show which will be here on July 1, swill be a full company of the Mexican insurrectors who)have been carrying on the war against the Madero goy- ernment of Mexico. While the greater part of the difficulty between the Mex- ican government and the insurrectors has be n adjusted the opportunity of seeing the men who were among those who waged the war will be one that ali will take advantage of. Aside: from the fact-that these men are in- surrectors and the fiercenese with which they fought-almost made. them objects of admiration. They possess many natural accomplishments that appeal to lovers of amusement. As horsemen they are almost as equally proficiett as the American cowboy but their style of riding Is much different. They have no regard for their horse and their crueity is so Pronounced that t would make a -cowboy s blood boil to witness. They are held in check when with the show for should they ever attempt to spur sand whip the-horses with the show -as they do-in thelr own country there would be an uprising which would re- n the annihilation of the Mex- jeans. They are not-onty-deringand accomplished riders, but they. carry with it a grace that no cowboy has ever been able to affect. With the asso and lariat they are experts and for fancy roping and trick roping they However, when it conies to straight roping the cowboys, Tiave Ten beat to a frazzle. The Mex- icans in all of their work court ap- ?plause more than anything else white the cowboy looks only for substantial Tesults. The cowboy will take long Chances for practical results which will bring substantial reward while the Mexican will sacrifice everything Yor a smile from some fair lady or a fsom the same All of the American league cities, om source; The Jatter has no charm for the cowboy. Applause is lost to him and he strives only for that which is practical and substantial. AMERICAN BRIDE FOR GRAHAME-WHITE (Special to the News) London, June 27 Claude Grahame- White, the famous aviator who at one time or another has been reported engaged to half a dozen actresses and prominent young women of society, is at last a benedict, Today he was mar- ried to Miss Dorothy Taylor, daughter of Mre. Le Roy Taylor ani . grand- daughter of the late Governor Ros- well P, Flower of NeW York. The wedding ceremony was performed in the llttle parish church at Widford, in Essex, and was followed by a re- ception at the home of Sir Danlel and Lady Gooch, who are intimate friends -of the bride, For ali kinds of job p ini, try the News Job Department. 9 4 and Brown University teams, and that the only players left in the Nap line-up will be Joe Jackson and Larry Lajoie. This means the benching of Ivan Olson, .Of.the catchers, not one has proved himself of championship calibre. Livingstone is an old-team mate of Davis and for this reason he probably will be spared, but O'Neil. and Addms will be-ditched. Grover Land probably will be recalled from Toledo. Just who the Browa players Davis intends to get.are unknown. ' Earl Bitting, the Philadelphia high school boy, now with New Orleans, who was procured rom the Naps, probably will be recalled. Topsy Hartzel, manager of the To- ledo crew, is a close and staunch friend of the Nep manager, and he will give Davis his choice of the To- ledo men without protest. Davis is determined to build up a team if he is compelled to incur the displeasure of every baseball fan in Cleveland-to do-it. ; POOR ATTENDANCE Giants Runaway. to Have Made Fans Lose Interest. National League men all over the cireult.complain that the gate recelpts this season has been much smaller than usual. They say that the un- favorable weather and the Giants run away lead have affected the general interest in the pennant struggle. There is a lingering hope in Chicago and Pittsburgh that something may happen to McGraw s men, but in the other cities the fans have lost, heart. the other hand, are turning out the usual crowds, because of the uncer- tainty of the race for the flag. FOR CENTRAL A A. U, TITLES Chicago, I, June 27 The an- jrunt track and fieid champloushipe of the Central Association, A. A. U:, will be held Saturday on Northwest ern field at Evanston, Many star athletes representing universities, colleges, high schools and athletic clubs in, the middle West are, expect- ed to compete. There will be thirteep events on the day programme, which will be run off in the followfhg ord r: 120- yard hurdle, trial heats; 100-yard dash, trial heats;-one-mile run, 440- yard run, 100-yard dash, finals yard burdl s, final; 220-yard Yaeh, trials; 220-yard low hurdles, trials; 80-yard run, 220-yard dash, final; two-mile run rin, 220-yard low bur- dles, final; and one-mile open relay race. The field events. will be put on simultantously with: the track cons tests, the running high-jump, pole ; vault, shot put and running broad Deryou call this a pint? asked the sharp servant girl of the milkman. Yes, Well, t won't do. When we want condensed milk fre'll buy it at the sae Bits, i u OW for the Daily News. gt;. . 2nd game Boston .+. -.. Washington ... Wood and Cady. Johnson and Ainsmith, INTERNATIONAL Ist game Baltimore ... Buffalo... . S Walker, Vickers and Martin. Strout and Mitchell. 2nd game Baltimore - He Buffalo -.. ... Smith and Payne. McTigue and Roth. Montreal... ... Jersey City . Mattern, Taylor and Pierce and Murphy. Frill, Mauser and Rondeau. Rochester . Newark . 2 Holmes, Jones and Blair. McGinnity, and. Smith. ist game Providench ... 2... ... 615 5 Toronto ... : 12-13 1 Lafitte; Remneas and Schmidt. Lush, Rudolphe and Bemis. 9 42 ire 1 15 0) Bailey, Mitchell and Schmidt. Miller, Drucke, Steele and Curtis. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION e ees Minneapolis Milwaukee Patterson and Owen: Dougherty and Schalk. Indianapolis - i Toledo -.. +++ +++ Hixon and Clarke. Loulsville Laudermilk and Schite, Bruck and Murphy. Kansas City 5 Bt. Paul . : Rhoades and James. Haus and Mareell. CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL Superior ... 169 Grand Forks . Z 4 Rhoades and Anderson. Myers and Bowers, 1st game Duluth ... + Winnipeg say Stark nnd Hargrave. Moe and Hasty. 2nd game 80 Winntpes aoe Duluth ... ... ee Hirsch dnd Hasty, Hoffman and Hargrave. The Cleveland Naps have four of the first sfx men in the honor list of American league batters, and s f the Naps are not able to get up ong the contenders. A correspondest wants to how to pronounce Chihuahua. The) best Way is to say Chy-hew-hewa and then-laugh as though you knew bet- ter. It is done artistically, you can get away with it nearly every, time. The same treatment has been fre- quently applied to decollete with Ereat success. York Diepaten, changing? 390 Toron to Street F. M. GINTHER LAND CO. Phone 171 Claims He s Irish With Such a Handle as Andrew Chiauglion. 2 oI Jim Flynn who is matthed to fight Jack Johnson for the heavyweight championship of the world in New Mexico a week from today, does not travel under the monamaker he was. born with. Jim is Teally Mr. Chiari- glian, and his first name was origin- ally Andrew. Can you blame him for It has been alleged that Flynn is an Italian, but he says he is Irish, and he ought to know. He was born In Brooklyn, which is some- thing he couldn t h lp and ought not. to be held against him. He will be JIM FLYNN, 1S: HOT REAL NAME OF JORNSON'S FOE jounce of superfluous fat, and I have had the wbest advice to be had. I know how, to bore in and give punish- ment, and you can bet that when I hit Johnson he will know he has been iso know how p blo without using my jaw for that pur- pose. For all that I realize that Johnson is the champion, and that he had to fight to get the title. I expect to win the same way, and I realize that talking and roasting won't win for me. The sysem s to stretch John- son out for the count of ten. Public opinion always makes the champion the favorite, and of course a lot of fans think I have no chance. Let the wise ones take a tip from me, and play the short end. GEN LEB BASEBALL NOTES It the Glants.this season win 117 games and steal 313 bases, they. will have broken two long standing -rec- ords, the first made by Chicago and the second by Pittsburg. One Detroit paper accuses certain Tigers, including Stanage, of sulking again in a recent game because Cobb failed to reach a fly ball. Another pepper. So there you are. .Umpirs Glatts found life strenuous from the time he took his first assign- ment in the Tri-State. At Harrisburg on Decoration Day he was mobbed by the crowd. Four days later Shortstop Al Newton, of Johnstown, attacked Glatts in the club house, and beat him up. Newton continues playing for Johnstown as usu: George Browne, the former -out- fielder of the Phillies and the Giants, again wears the Quaker garb. Browne and is about twenty months younger than the colored champion. His height is.5 feet 9 1-2 inches, while Johnson standg a fraction of an inch over 6 feet. .Flynn weighs about 190 pounds whenjin the pink of condition which gives Little Artha quite an advantage in weight. Fiynn is a g little heavyweight but Johnson is a good big heavyweight. The logical answer to the question is easy, but you never can tell,* Flynn is a willing fighter, bas a gogd store of clever- ness, and has never shown a yellow streak. He loves the fighting game. He would rather fight than eat, as dozens of people in Pueblo know to thelr sorrow. As td his previous fight with Johnson, Flynn has this explanation on. tap: I ambiiot offering any excuses, but when I fought Johnson for Croffoth which was on Nov, was under 165 pounds in weight, green as aigourd and my long suit was not letting a punch get by me, and I usually, mianaged 'to stop them with my jaye In the eleventh roynd my late wi My lamps were cl the 5 right, Even in my blinded condition Johnson could not put me away.Then Johnson was at his best and clever- est, and dissipation had not begun to sap his vitality... I had nothing, knew and had nobody to tell me anything, I weigh. twenty-five pounds from a butt of stopped the f Rtte gy on vat The members contined the competi- tion for the Dominton Cartridge Co. trophy last evening. Scores for this event at 25 targest were : Sp WW. Cratttsscce. cece m1 HLA. Wilkins ...... e 1 fm Roxborough A. K. Grimmer . J. Lait .. . MoKellen apt scores for evening: Shot at Broke 75 64 15 88 51 Shot at Broke 50 45 50 oot 50 42 19 18 16 A. K. Grimmer BE. 0. Stickney A. McKellen . H. A Wilkins .. Wm. Roxborough W. Craft - ; J. Lait . 50 32 H. Baker . 50 oT JUNE 27 IN rughcerxp ANNALS 1809 George Dixon, American featherweight, defeat d Nuric Wallace, British champion, in 18 rounds at don. 1910 Harry Lewis Young Joseph ii 1907 Packey McFarland defeated waukee. 1907 Grover Hayes and Kid Te: blo, Colo, more than I did then, with not an t Subscribe now for The Daily News. knocked out Charley Neary in 10 rounds at Mil fought 20 rounds to a draw at Pue- ho-has beon managing the Washing- ton United States League team says it feels fine to think he is now going to play for real money instead of for promises, A New York genius has invented a suction cup arrangement for pitchers EEEEEEE EEE TEES + + + + EEE EEE EEE EE (By Rube Marquard, Star Southpaw of the New York Giants, whose vic- tory Tuesday made it 17 straight games.) Pitching is like making love. Every- dody does it differently. Every spring you hear all sorts ofsstories abbut new and wierd pi tricks that are going to revoluti the game. Some of these new UBS are really good and some are not. The spitball, which I do not use, is one of com paratively few freaks of pitching that has really done remarkable good. that was a wonder. Other pitchers can throw this ball, but none of them hag the remarkable control of it that Matty has. Freak balls are all change, and a pitcher must have some curves and breaks to make good, but the foundation of all guod right for a PITCHING rate VE . to wear on their fingers which he says will curve a ball. The greatest need of pitchers, however, is not a curver, but-a- controller. Jean Debuc has the best slow ball in the American Teague, in the opin- ft Billy Evans, The umpire goes r than that. He says Dubuc has. the best low- ball he ever looked at. Walter noses and Ed. Wa Teague, ate having a merry race this season. Johnson excels in small hit games, having pitched two two-hit one three-hit, three four-hit and one five-hit games. Catcher Hank Gowdy, of the Boston Nationals, is temporarily out of the game nursing an injured hand. The Philadelphia Nationals have landed Pitcher Rixey, the clever south paw of the University of Virginia, baseball team. Pittsburg Pirate are the real hope to give battle to the Giants for the National League fabric. Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup plying the most satisfactory. EEE EERE EEE EEE * e RUBE MARQUARD + + Oh bob heb eh ee oh he pitching ifes in two things control and change of pace. A pitcher who hasn t got these two, and especially the first, is no good, no matter how many slants and queer jumps he can give tova ball. the That was the hardett thing I had to learn control. You have to put the ball over the plate for big league batters. They don't strike at bad ones, an dif you put them square over the plate they hit em a mile. This means that you have to work the sides of the plate and that takes: control. Change of pace is necessary be- cause if you pitch every ball at the same rate of speed opposing batters soon learn to time: and hit them, You have to mix-the fast ones and slow ones, and the same motion in throy- ing must be used, or they will be able ) to tell which iss fast and which slow one before it leaves your hand,
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Image 1112 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1112, (CU1771939). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.