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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY: NEWS. Monday, May 6th. 1912 Listen They are comfort shoes SHOES SHOES are now in stock. patents, in lace 4. . button styles. gone. High Class Clothiers. : Our shoes wear well and make the foot Took neat and trim. New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and These. shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones are all Barker Patten Toronto Street. usin Dr amland Theatre FACTORY Wik OPGN THURSDAY Another of Medicine Hat's) New Industries Prepar - ing for Business. Another of Medicine Hat's new in- dustries Is opening for business, The Kalser Cigar Factory are preparing thelr place In the Dot block and ac- cording to Mr. St. Pierre, the mana- ger, expects to be In operation by Thursday. Ten clgur makers will be brought In from out of town and) started to work, They will manufucture clgars of high grade, using all Imported Yeat. Along with the famous Kaiser brand they Intend putting on the market a still higher grade. Young Man Issued Cheques) but had no Bank account. Albert Playfair was the defendant on a charge of false pretences pre- ferred by Quong Tong, proprietor of the Yale Restaurant on Main street, before Magistrate Kealy this morn- ing. Last Thursday evening about 11 p.m. Playfair entered the restaurant and asked Quong Tong to cash a/ check for 15. This Tong refused to it. Playfair then brought in friend Easy Money iii: Canadian ailway been making do unless he got a friend to endorse Municipal and industrial CREDIT Is BREATH OF LIFE IN CANADA Rush of Immi migrants Mus' Be Met By an Inflow a Capital. Good credit s the breath of life to Canada. Were the flow of capital rom Britain to the Dominion to cease for n single yoar the result would be a paute in this country on a colossal scale. says the Toronto Globe. The ush of immigrants at the rate of the past few years must be accompanied by a correspondingly great inflow of capital If the railways, and harbors, jand factartes and municipal services, and tools and implements necessary to Industry are to be provided. The savings of the people of Can- ada are quite suficient to provide the great basic convoulences: of civiliza- on for hundreds of thousands of newcomers each year, many of whom bring no: other capital than willing yhands and the 7 success, It follows that in calling for capi- al for Canadian enterprises the bor- rowers ag a mere matter of intelli- gent selfinterest should do nothing to put the British investor out of humor It s not a question altogether af sol- vency or of ability to repay. Canadian ndon have as a rule been of a very high class. National provincial and municipal borrowings have been regarded, and properly so, as giltedged securities, while with one or two unimportant exceptions bonds have been gold investments. There is evidence, however, that in some recent purch- ases of Canadian industrials even of bonds the British investor has been let in for pretty hazardous ven- tures, and voices of warning are now raised that Canada must heed. A writer in the Saturday. Review has uggestion that the brake should be put upon Canadian borrowing in order to-tlow the recent flood of solution to achieve Real-Estate Investments. TOWNSITE Lot 7, blk 85, 1050.00. Lot 25, block 82, 1050.00. Lot 22, block 80, 1050.00 Lot 13, block 59, 1726.00, 50 ft, block 52, 2000.00. Lot 14, block 96, 1800.00 Lot M4, block 11 (north) 1500, CENTRAL PARK Lots 26 26, bik. 21, 875 pair. Lots 17-18, bik. 27, 650 pr. Lots 29 and 30, bik 9, 825, pr. Lots 21 and 22, blk 21, 750. pr. Lots 25 to 48, bik 16, 900. pr, Ints: 83-36, bik. 20, 900 pr. COUSINS SISSONS. Lots 25 26, bik 10, 735 pair, Lots 7 to 10, bik 19, 700, pr. Lots 7 to 10, bik. 28, 575, pr. Lots 21 to 40, bik 22, 325 each Lots 21 and 22, DIK 13, 735 pi Lots 7 and 8 ,. SOUTH YUILL Lots 4 and 5. bik 12 (facing Al- lowance) 1260 each. Lot 8, bik 18, 3900. HERALD Lots 22 to 24, bik 8, 275 each, Lots 27 and 28, bik 28, 906 pr. Lots 9 and 10, bik 23, 900 pr. Lota in bik 10, 700 pair, Acreage for Sub-Division 80 acres close in 250 per acre. A. G. TROTMAN Imiperial Bank Bldg. Prone 895. ae ees SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. J. Glenwright of Calgary came fito town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Rutherford of Suffield, were intown over Sunday. Mr. W. A. Begg has returned from Calgary. SPORE reoerbes ar etree Seagoateatectecgeere ays a z NORTH YUILL. a SY Lot 11, Block 18, Bridge Street 3 50 feet 550.00 S Lot 5, Block 5, Braemar Strect, 50 feet .o..c.. ceceeeee veces 600.00 Lot 2, Block 4, Balmoral Street, gt; BO fest cats sacl, vere 850.00 3 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 50 feet, corner Lockwood and School Avenue ... feet, corner Alberta School Avenue 1260.00 Ms e gt; os 1200.00 and Me 50 ieee sgeate Tuesday, Present Advertises of the W amt 0 VOL. 2, NO py 50 feet, corner Charles and Sar CENTRAL PARK. 3 x atoga Avenue .... . - 1500.00 x Lot 13, Block 3, Charles St.; 50 x feet . : 1100.00 - Any of the above properties.are a good spot to bulid your home on. 5) 0 3 S go Oo a .. McCKINNON?S .. F. B, McKinnon desires to thank, his numerous friends and trons for generous patronage during the past seven years in which he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state tat on aid atter April 15th the business will he carried ex a's Joint Stock Company, Limited, an would bespeak for the company continuance of thelr esteemed patronage, with an assurance of continuation of that service and quality which has always been assoetated with-this-store: TO-NIGHT. Told in the Sierras .... Resourceful Lovers .. Her Mother Interferes ... French Army Manoeuvres . Haunted Room Our Peerless 4-Piece Orchestra Supplies the Music 'Nuff Sed. Matinee Prices 5c and 10e. Come Early. Come Early. Exceptional Selig Drama A. B. Comedy Comedy ... Scenic Cc. G. P. Cc. Evening Performance 10c and lic. A Warrior Bold In the Northern Woods . Current Events, Nos. 148, 149, 150 Music bythe Monarch Orchestra. Afternoon 5 10c. MATINEE 8.15, Mon Theatre . Majestic Comedy Indi: The Voice of a Child........-..... Mr. Atherton . Afternoon Se and 10c, A Trip from Colorado Springs te Cripple Creek, ; Intensely Interesting . Scenic gi2ge Struck Lizzie .... Edison Comedy Don t fail to see Lizzie. 5 Evening 100e and 15c, Every person who invests in real estate In a growing section of a prosperous com- munity adopts the surest and safest oming dent, for real esi / the basis of all we velt. TOWNSITE thod is Montreal St., 4 lots left in blocks 54 and 80, 50x130 1000. Terms. Pay St,, block 94, corner, 50 tt 31600 cash Block 52, Main-St. S., 50 ft 82000. Terms. Bik, 96, view lot, 4th Ave 1000. Terms, oe CENTRAL PARK Block 2, 50 feet 1000. Terms. Block 5, 50 feet 950. Term: Block 15, 50 feet 1060. Terms. Block 24, 50 feet 850. Terms. Block 26, south half 6000. Terms. COUSINS- SISSONS Block 22 350 each. Ter Block 19 375 each. Terms. Harrisville blocks at 125 per lot. Herald lots at 700 and 800 per pair. Powell sub-division lots at 200 each. Business sites on Main St. and Toron- Terms. to St. Trackage lots, snap. . HOUSES Braemar St. Terms, + Hipomar St N The Confederation St. modera 9 room frame 4700 Highland St, Terms. North, 5 room brick 2500. 5 room brick 2400, Terms modern room brick 5600. kK hithtts who endorsec check in Tong's presence. On Friday Quong Tong went to the Merchants Bank to cash the cheque and found to his sorrow that the parties concerned had no account there... Playfair had nothing to say in def- ence. He was remanded for sentence. A SPEEDY DY SESSION 20 Minutes Between Arrest and Sentence. RovA. Walker, a tie walk r, was hgiven a speedy trial this. mfbring af- ter the police court session was prac, tically closed. Mr. Hoffman, C.P-R. constable, arrested Walk r for tres- passing on the C.P.R. property, and brought him-to the ipolice station. When Chief of Polic 'Brad 'taw his filthy condition he: asked Magistrate Kealy to give him immediate trial. The magistrate fell in with the idea and found Walker to be guilty and imposed a fine of 5 and costs or a month in Lethbridge. As he was not in a position to pay up, he will get a free ride to Lethbridge and a free bath on arrival. Twenty minutes eiapsed from the time he was arrested by Hoffman un- til he was in the Mounted Police station waiting for the train for Lethbridge. TAKING TESTIMONY IN STEEL SUIT (Special to the News) New York, May 6 Before Henry P. Brown of Philadelphia, sitting as special examiner, the taking of testi- mony was begun today in the case of the Government's suit for the dis- solution of the United States Steel Corporation. It is expected-that-the hearing of witnesses will occupy six months or more and that the case will not reach the courts for trial until the beginning of next year. Read the Serial Story in the News. The toms tO OS -AIEETET. In reply H. K. S. ish investors to find fault with Cai adian muplelpal bonds when they are able to show a single loss of principal or interest. He adds that so far as Great Britain is concerned, Canada is under-borrowing, Lef those re- Sponsible for the allegation make a careful Study of the facts when they will gladly hasten to undo the injury that wilt otherwise result from such in insidious thrust. he concludes. Att Hemming is probably quite fight in the main. but here in Toronto we have not yet forgotten the prac- tical insolvency of Toronto Junction a number of years ago. Some of the recent municipal borrowings have been on a ery tavish scale, and while t is alniost certain that there will be no fault that is not a suffi fent answer to the charge of flo ing the market. It must be Teme ered that borrowing fs a ngcessity if Cinada is to grow rapidly, while tHere is no compulstoh about lending. The British capital has the whole world as'x field for the investment of his capital. and if he gets the idea that Canada is asking him for money she does not really need, he will but- ton up his pockets In a most decided fashion, and with results that will be startling. Tt fs of the utmost importarce therefore that the Canadian borrower shall exercise sound judgment, and shall ask only for capital that can be invested to the profit of both lender and borrower, Forcing the-financial Pace is nothing short of menace to the-national prosperity. BANK OFFICIAL ON TRIAL (Special to the News Little Rock, Ark, May 6. The case of H. C. Wynne, president of the de- funet-Night and Day Bank of Little Rock, was called for trial today. There are five charges against Wynne four for felonies and one for misde- meanor in connection with his afleged fraudulent action in receiving depos- its and mismanaging the bank. Look for' the Label. OUR SLOGAN A smaller loaf but Better Bread. OTHER S BREAD TASS E BROS Phone 256. Service Life El Paso St Central Park cottage 3500. Head re a es best refrigerator, has no equal on ea ce ee monthly, ees : ut Listings of Houses, Made in Ash, Birch ani th snow whit Toronto eee Try Us For and Quality Call and see our fine line of Barnet Hygenic Refrigerators, the the market. FEWINGS -- RUBIDGE News Block, Opp. Post Office. ) Phone 90, Also zine and galvonized iron SCREEN DOORS AND SCREEN WINDOWS. WIRE CLOTH, POULTRY NETTING, ETC. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO.,LTD. Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat sie Se Bute lined refrigerators. D. R. McGrej and EB. H. Smith S. Memming 8ay8: were in town fron Suffield on Satur it will be time enough for the Brit- day. Mr, Jas, Ostrom Is in town Maple Creek. from Thane Swaneby and C. Benjamin - were visitors from Carlstodt. Fred visiting Messrs. George Hogg and Loth of Barrie, Ont, are friends in town. Mrs, H. E. Todd left town last eve- ning to visit her parents at Bothwell, Qnt, Mrs, Bell and Mrs, Mills, Charles St, Central Park, will. receiye on Wednesday, May, 8th. Mr. Jas. Turpin, sr., is visiting his sons W. H. and Jas. jr., in this city. Mr. J. Pettet has signed a contract for the building of the Central Meth- odist church of Swift Current, which is to have a seating capacity of about 800, the work to cost about 34,000. A meeting of the Clerks associa- tion will be held in the Court Room ing at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to attend. 253-3t BIRTHS. REILLY To Mr. and Mrs; A. A gt; H. Reilly, May 6th, a son. M. P. SUPT. DEAD (W. A. P. Dispatch) Vancouver, B.C. May 6, Chas. Constant, Supt, of Mounted. Police in the early Klondyke days, died yester- day at Long Beach, Cal. MAKERS CENTRAL PARK lots 14-15, bik 31. lots 29-80, blk. 29. 450 Pr., lots 21-31, bik 27. 325 Pr., lots 31-38, bik. 29. 1500 Pr., lots 17-18, blk. 33. Corner. 186 ft. by 84 ft Snap. 630 Pr., lots 27-28, bik 29. 750 Pr,, lots 10-11, blk 31. 750 Pr., in bik. 22, 850 Pr. lots 19-20, Dik, Corner. 500 60 ft, bik. 33. Snap. YUILL NORTH 750 each, 12-13, blk. F. 600, lot 1, vik 18. 500, lot 14, bik 10. 4100, lot 9, bik. A. 31200, lot 31000, lot 1050, lot. 18, blic, B, 1050 Pair, lots 1-4, bli. 2. OLD TOWNSITE 1050, Lot 10, bik 82. 3950, lot. 7, bik. 82, 1600, lot 11, bik. 86. 1200, lot 15, bik. 36, 1050, jot 14, pik. 80. 4206,tot 44 bth 4000 all, lors 16-17, Bik. 84. 125, lot 18, bik, 89, 1800 for all,-1-2, bik. 89. Cor- ner. Snap. 6000, lots 7-and 8, bik 52, COUSINS SISSONS lots 21-22, bik 29, Tots 1i-15, bik. 11, Pr., lots 25-26, bik. 10. bik. 4. lots 19-20, blk 32. dots 1-20, bik. 24. 8 1-2 bik 22, B. F, SOUCH of the City Hall on Wednesday even- F. B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements a35-dtf EOE Bek ek hh eee, Empress offers you a roll buttered by *lher own hands, you will doubtless ss MATCH-MAKING KAISER +) not want to eat it, but you can sure- ly have it framed. Preeeeeaeenaed On one octasion while on a mili- The Kaiser is continually promin- S se, and he asked the reason of the ent before the world as a sportsman, t ty round the Emperor came across says the National Magazine, Riding, Private with a very melancholy vt shooting and yachting are his chief; troubled face. pastimes, though he is good at ten- It s like this, sir, said the sol- nis, which he generally plays at the dieri I ve fallen in love with a ser- fine courts at Wilhelmshobe, near eant s daughter, and she loves me Cassel. The officers of the garrison all right, but the father won't let are invited to the games, and the her marry anyone of lower rank thant Empress pours out the coffee and his. Gtten butters the Knuppels. Once Oh, that s it, laughed the Kai- m young lieutenant, who was not S r- hungry, politely declined the roll off- Well, go and tell her father that ered by the Kaiserin, quite in igno- the Kaiser has made you a ser- rance of the fact that to. do so was, geant. a serious breach of etiquette. The Kaiser was close to him and, notic- Parties intending to bulld a house ing the youngster s mistake, quietly Will find it to thelr advantage to write observed, My dear fellow, when the to Box 1266, News office. tt. Better Than a Bank That s, What it Means to Buy Property in Medicine Hat And MacBean Co., can give you a LITTLE BIT THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. We want your listings. - Our Office is in the News Block, e G G. McBean Co. Customs Brokers. Women s Pumps ade with wide silk bow in front, strap and Cuban heel. Avery dressy shoe and a good fitter. Sizes 214 to 6. ankle Price Per Pair 3.50 Ke. Ww. . Iretand .Co. Phoiie 6 Drug Store - Toronto St. i Stylish Patent Leather Boats Shy rushing termine New Orleans, 1 doats are hurried tions of the inund Pointe Coupee par hundreds of pet Word was receive morning that gre: ple still are conti south of the levee The, lack. of- boa handicap, Stories ing among flood re here today. Unof day place the agr flood in Louisiana half million dollar other property loss tned, Eight bund square miles of sts dated. RY.-COM. ME W, ALP. Ottawa, May railway commissio have been held tod Poned on account Judge Mabee. The set down for hearin ability come up ne: Commissioner D'Ar Lean, Dr, Millsand here with the hea departments and wi TWO FR One of 250'an Which to Tenders for indu sonsid red at the Couneil last night. of tenders were 1 Two of the:offers x ever, for free site and the other for when the coureil w it was decided that consider the offers Uae of the offers dicate headed by H offered 250 acres of city. They pointed o adjoining the site an acre. They ask water be laid and located there forth: mean the laying of The other off t: wi side Development president, and H. tary. They asked built to the proper F. W. 3 stoke Sawm Minneapolis stoke and 1 been in the MacBean. -Pingle and in autos do establishing , POR. rea yard will be down the ri be congratul ing these .m in the busir ch ob bth oh ob hk shite oh mercial pri *. OPER. Res +. also in the + taken fora + Bowman ex - the Hat, du she tale oh ob
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Image 773 (1912-05-06), from microfilm reel 773, (CU1771654). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.