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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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DEAE AND DUMB NAN GOES TO JAN 15.00 Suits that are the foremost word of value. Just-take-alook at our east window and see what a power 15.00 is for value. We have your size, too. J. Davidson s Cards We: WITH HARD LABOR Magistrate of Opinion That cae ALY NI the Royak the week-end in the Hat R.S, Beattle, land, are registered at the Royal. re D. D. Doyle, of Suffield, ts a vial SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ray Pelton, Suffield, is in the city. E. 8. Jankye, Seven Persons, is at W. Tovell, Bow Island, is spending and A, Olson, Bow Is- Ifyou are looking for Real Good Buys Read This List Altawana Lots 3-4, Block 10, 1050 Cash. in tow * 1 tote 1-2) Block 6, 1150, terms, me De. 'or in town ote 33, Fraud He'll Bo ese ana sien Beattie, Bow Is- Riverside Park. i rted. land, are staying At the American. 7 Our West Window a pe eS then Lots 81-88, Block 7, 600 pair. r J. Davidson, who is deaf and dumb,, W: Betts, Suffield, is In the Terms. , ie i ots 3-20, Block 13, 600 pair Contains a great range of SHIRTS : wan today sentenced to one month s Mr. Joseyh Howitt bay returned Lots 3-20 7 Contains a great range of SHIRTS. Most hiura lator for vagrancy before Mag- home rom spending vacotice atl rete 184, Block 1, 750. pate: pleasing patterns and good cloths for 1.00 istrate Kealy. Accused. in reply to Banff. Terms, each. questions, wrote that he had been deat Clare Foster left to-day to spend Lots 26-30, Block 15, 600 pair. jand dumb since birth. He used to work the woek end at Bunt Terms. P. R. Men se, broom maker, but he bad an 40-1 ge Uis,, O:.6,. Staitoeer with: Herald Survey a C. P. R. Men s S I j cident witch resulted In hts wot Delos 2 .ISe char lente for ed Gell note ee, SUVS oi. Fe able to work any more. On being in :thele teadl arenes rene Store le . an pressed as to where he originally any sore es Lots 28-29, Block 5, 1475 patr. came from he admitted that he was : Cash. - born ti: Graag: Forks, Ruth, Revecen Lodge, No 5, spray: Townsite L. A. T. B. of A. 'T., wreath; B. or Chtet Bruce said accused was dls- tributing cards in several of the of- R. T., spray; neighbors and friends, Tote teat lose se pasa ack, tices in town when arrested. The on- toss; parents and grandma, gates . . ly thing he did not like about the ci dumb. Mr. fraud, Kealy said It contained the word YES SIR Mr. A.P. Howells, of Calgary accompany singing and plays in an orchestra under a conductor on a 0 Yr ow or sadness ever darkened way; but alas, I am deaf and dumb life, as you s e, and there's noth implied that prisoner had only by soner would have to go to Lethbri for a month with hard labor, and would recommend that Davidson deported. that the man was genuimely deaf and the card was a 1 was-happy, Joyous and gay, no sor- but sorrow and sadness for me. This lately overtaken by his affliction. Pri- ajar; Aunties Mae and Lil Uncles and Aunt, Cousins, spray; Johnston, Shunk, spra: ase spray; spray; Mr. nce my for ing. 410 Main St. P.O, Box 816, Health of New York the other day q; een . 5 Phone 695. contains some interesting figures. The Nicholsun, spray; Mrs. Hench, spray; Health Department was established in idge Mr. and Mrs. W. Flynn, 1866, when the mortality in the city fiefand Mrs. A. E. Flynn, 7 be Misses Hila and Hattie Sacksmith, *f oh sd ole oh bo ob oh oho ee /36.31. The death rate in 1911, the last bouquet. b ba , scroll; Little, Mr. and Mrs. . and Mrs. Terms, GAS CITY REALTY Co. Life, Fire, Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Insurance, + STRAY TOPICS FROM ARE YOU S. Gourlay- Player Now then, this is only possible on a Gourlay-Angelus--nuff sed. THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC 60. South Railway Street. Under the Big Fiddle. Sal IGHT PICTURES AT nesday. clear and give a good view of and counts Rivers out. particular feature of the fight that caused so much comment among sporting writers. These pictures of .the Vernon fight, and should ; KEEP THIS CUT OUT THE WHOLE ADVT. CHURCH SERVICES. in the This Coupon, if not detached from the above advertise- ment. Is good for One Dollar's worth of Sheet Musle for every Dollar s worth of Music-yow purchase from us dur- ing the next ten days. Or a full: set of ten coupons 5 good for 10 on the purehase price of any Piano or Player Piano In our store. Not good after August 10th, 1912, The services W. E. Sibley, B.A.jrof the China Mission, will give an We Miss Baith' Harrison, B. ia.) speak under the auspices of the M. S. F. B, McKINNON, President. 3. B, RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. H.C, COOPER, Vice-President. J.5. RICHARDSON, Sect-Treas, McKinnon s Ltd. The Up-to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS OO opportunity of hearing her agai W. M.S.-work will be taken the evening service. ST. BARNABAS: ANGLICAN. Services Sunday, 28th inst. High This business is now under the supervision of Mr. J. B, Rich- ardson, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a larg experience in the manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the best equipped Ice Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash basis, Calder, preach. Houses If you are looking for a Home, see W.l. ROSEWARNE Builder. ON LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS SHEARS, NOZZLES. WATERING CANS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS AND LAWN SEATS. - At specially REDUCED PRICES For the next TEN DAYS. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LID, PHONE 26. TORONTO ST... MEDICINE HAT. 50 ft. in Rosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie Spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms, The same virtues characterize every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD TASSIE BROS. 84 ft, corner of Sixth Ave. and Braemar St. Ideal site for an apartment house, 4,000, One-third cash; six and twelve months, B. F. SOUCH, Phm. B. Office at back of Drug Store 884 Toronto St. Phone 256, MONARCH THEATRE The motion pictures of the Wolgast- Rivers Fight at Vernon, July 4th, will Be shown at the Monarch next Wed The pittires are remarkably double knock-out in the 13th round, when both fighters were floored. The referes assists Wolgast to his feet It s this the only genuitie motion films taken be confused with steroptican slid s. Methodist Church to-morrow will be of a spec fal character. In the;morning Rev. dress on some phase of the mission work jn the land where, he labors. In the evening Mrs. Sibley (nee will The many friends of Mrs. Sibley, who was so,well and fav- orably known during her residence in Medicine Hat, will'welcome this A. special -offering on bebalf of the 7.30 p.m. At the morning and even- ing service the Rev. Archibald C. LLB. of Regina, will AVING THE COUPONS ? If not, you may get any that you have missed at our store. The Medicine Hat Music Co. , NOXIOUS WEEDS M. P. barracks, before Inspector Sho botham last evening, three Seven Pe: the law, when notified. CATHOLIC LAYME: TICE has A meeting of the Medicine the are not enroll as members, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH fages at both services. HOT WEATHER AILMENTS jest d- A medicine that will keep childre: Ww. do, An occasional dose keeps th prevents sickness, summer months stomach Speedily turn to fatal diarrhoea 01 atlate in a, few. hours, and give their children an occasion: bowels and keep them well, ta Don 7 Sunday after. Trinity. Celebration Makers of. Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. or Hoy Comania gor Pow Rad sed tay ole Registered Brands. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Evensong, Every mother who uses the Tablets Hams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RAH. (Popular Magazine.) talk about the Bible at a society din- ner one evening. On his way to the club with a friend later on he saic Nobody reads the Bible any more: The ignorance of the average person about the Bible and biblical things is absolutely amazing. After I had talked my head off regarding the Scriptar s this evening a young lady said: I have enjoyed what you said, But, do you know, I always thought Sodom and Gomorrah were man and wife? An older-woman made this com- ment: Oh, well, I suppose they ought to have been if they were not. The Salic law is that you must take everything with ai grain of salt. Julias Ceasar was renowned for his great strength. He threw a idge across the - Rhine. The Zodiac is the Zoo of the sky, where lions, goats, and other animals go after they are dead. The Pharisees were people who like the show off their goodness by Praying in synomnys. An abstract noun is something you an t see when you are looking at it, Algebrical symbols are used, when you do not know what you are talking about. An epistle is the wife of an apos- tle. The principal parts of the eye are the pupil, the moat. amd the beam. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Inwood, daughter, July 37, A i tre Under the Big Fiddle. At a special court in the R.N. W. Sons farmers named Smith, Macey and Hall, were fined 5 and costs for not complying with the noxious weed by- Hat Branch of the Catholic association of Alberta will be held Sunday evening after Vespers in StPatrick's-church. All laymen are urged to attend and Rev.-C, T. Holman closes- his pas- orate wit First Baptist hurch to- Morrow aud will deliver farewell mes- Well is a great boon to every mother. This 1s just what Baby s Own Tablets little stomach and bowels right and During the hot troables cholera infantum and if Baby's Own Tablets are not at hand the child may Wise mothers always keep the Tablets in the house al dose to clear out the stomach and wait till baby fs ill the delay may Praise them and that is the best evi- dence that there is no other medicine for children so good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- THE SINS OF SODOM AND GOMOR- John Drew, the actor, was: moved to + (Special to the News) e- r- actually become attuned, or be- cause she did not wish to disappoint the rector, who is a distant relative of her's, is not known, At all events she allowed herself to be baptized. It is characteristic of the old lady that thie rector.had to call at Her business office in New York and pry her away from her business before ehe allowed herself to be taken to the church in Jersey City in an automobile to be baptized, Members of the Bull family held a Well attended meeting in the Grange Hall at Hamptonburg, Orange County, New York, the other day and arranged plans for celebrating the two-hun- dredth anniversary of the advent of Sarah Wells in what is now Orange County. Sarah Wells was the first white Woman to, set foot in that coun- ty, As she afterward became the wife of William Bull, the first of that name to settle in this country, she became the maternal ancestor of all those bearing the name of Bull. According to history Sarah Wells was an or- phan who lived with her adopted par- ents, Christopher Denn and his wife on Long Island. Denn received a grant of land in Orange County and decided to settle upon it. As Denn and his wife were prevented by circumstances Just then to start for the new locality, they sent their adopted daughter, Sar- ah Wells, who was then only sixteen years old, with a number of Indians to make the settlement. They sailed up the Huds n, landing near the present )sight ot Newburgh, and proceeded ov- Jerlana: to a spot near Hamptonburg, where they made their camp, The cornerstone of the Johnson Fe- male Trades school, the first institu tion of this kind in the United States was laid at Winfield Station, I. I., the other-day. The-sehool which is pro- moted by the Master Builders Asso- elation of the City of New York has been named in honor of Fire Commis- sioner Johnson. The building, which is to cost 50,000, will be ready. for occupancy by October 15. At present more than. ninety pupils -have been n e r t carpentry work, plumbing, steam -heat- ing, and steel work. They will also be taught how to estimate the cost of buildings. The course.will cover two years, and the cost. of tuition will be 300 a year. The equipment to be Teady in October will accomodate two hundred students. The Rey, W. Wilkinson, rector of St. John s Chapel in Varick Street, and known as the Bishop of Wall Street, * LITTLE OLD NEW YORK + + + FREES EEE EE EEE New York, July 27. It did not even cause a flutter Gi Wall Street the oth- er day when it became known that Mrs, Hetty Green, now in her seventy- eighth year, had just been baptized in the Episcopal faith. Wall Street is rather callous in spiritual matters and received the news without comment beyond what may figuratively be call- ed a shrugging of the shoulder. Ac- cording to reports Mrs. Green did not emb-ace the faith with fanatical en- thusiasm. For five or six years the tector of Holy Cross Episcopal church in Jersey City had been trying to get Mrs, Green attuned to a spiritual life, before he succeeded-in obtaining her ccasent to her baptism. Whether she finally consented because she had enrolled. The young women, will be a instructed in brick-laying, laatering was an ardent advocate of a protec- tive tariff, but a recent expertence caused him to change his views. A fow daysj/ago hy returned from Europe, where he had spent three months tra- yeling. Upon his arrive? in port the custom house authorities hetd uj some trinkets and other articles which he had purchased in Europe for his own use Or for presents and demanded the payment of duties aggregating 37. The minister pald the duty, but he Is no longer a protectionist The New Era Club, an organization of working boys on the lower Kast Side, has purchased for itself a home on East Broadway. This fact is in- teresting because the clrb, the 250 members of which are nearly all poor Jewish boys who have to work hard to earn thelr small wages, owes its suc- cess to the push and energy of its members, The club was founded about twelve years ago as a social and ed; ucational center for the poor Jewish working boys of the lower East side. Not until last year did the club be- come self supporting. Formerly the small annual deficit was covered by Several wealthy Jewish philanthrop- ists. Recognizing the great and bene- ictal Influence of the club, which of- fers to the boys of that locality much needed social and educational advan- tages, the patrons of the club willing- ly contributed funds to enable the boys to purchase a home for their club, s The bulletin issued by the Board of able, was 15.13, The statistics for the first six months of the present year indicate that the death rate for, 1912 will be even lower than that for 1911, Without exception the diseases in wiiich a reduction of mortality has deen effected belong to the class of infectuous diseases and it is quite lary of 18,000 a year. lear that the reduction of hte death ts due entirely to the efforts, of the Health Department in bringing about better sanitation and a more thorough inspection of the city s food supply. Owing to the exorbitant demands made by the Musicians Union of this city, which is backed by the American we Federation of Musicians, the manage: of the New York theatres have decided 6 discontinue tres of this city will be without o chestras and others will probably fol- low this example. The musical come for each 1,000 of the populatifn was ay and vaudeville houses, of course, will be compelled to continue the use year for which statistics are avall-lot orchestras and it is estimated that the cost for orchestra service under the new scale will be tacreased by 2000 to 6000 for each one of the houses, The new scale which the un- ion is determined to enforce places a tremendous burden musical companies carrying their own orchestras: Under the old scale the cost of carrying an orchestra for a while under the new scale the cost 58,200 a Year for each company. It panies whieh could afford the addition- al expense, wy July 27th, 191 A Few Big Snap 78 feet, Block M , adjoining N. R, depot site, 9500. 50 ft. Block 88, facing Y. W. A. site, 2600, Herald 50 ft, Block 23, 1000. Central Park 0 ft, water and gas, Bleck 1 1000, 50 ft, Block 18, 800 cash. q 50 ft. Block 4 (sewer, water and B88) 1300, High School Annex 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200, 50 ft, Block 20, 1100, North Yuill. 50 ft. lots, Block 18, 700 each, South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Block 8, 1050. Rosedale 50 ft. lot, Block 7, 1200 cash, Riverside. 50 ft. lots, Block 14, 600. 50.ft, lots, Block 15, 560, 50x300 ft., Block oO 1200, H.C. Pettet Co. 863 Toronto St, Phone 481, use Of orchestras theatres devoted to the legitimate rama, Next season ten of the th upon traveling son of forty weeks was 16,800, ould be about 75,000, a difference of believed that there are few com- Kalser s Old Timer 10 Clgar. Phone 166 Quality Put these in whatever with the has removed his Tailoring Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Premium because he preaches in the streets of the financial district, has become a convert to free trade. Formerly he A NEW ONE THE MARYLAND DAIRY will deliver to'your home every morning the fresh- ost of Milk and Creami, A trial s-all-we ask. W. EYLE, Proprietor. IN GLASS 25c. and Main Street. (I i etctetnetntebneteteinbtnteeteteietetabeetatetoieetabetebtaptce Service you may wish, you will always find these virtues BEAVER LUMBER CO. LIMITED E. W. STACEY, Mgr. Phone 166. Factory St. and South Railway: Remember we want-your business and gre prepared to offer you great inducements:, Just try us. 2 Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. hands. Work called for and delivered. s PHONE 486, Limited Price r order of precedent business from Toronto Cleaned and Pressed by expert * Bacon JARS 50c. Present Pait Advertisers 1 of the Weel No extra cas vertisers, VOL..3 I CP. i Big Liner ing E senge -ed Quebec, Qu adian Pacific press of Brit last Friday seven hundree Liverpool, re morning as 4 which occurre a collier stea Dominion Co: pact occurred unday betwee Fame Point, three hundred The acciden fense fog wl time, as witl Empress eras gt; eutting her: i almost imm: Terrible od Tt is Binz, Ger of o large m -Raltie- Bathin: eupacity dur hundred pers it Is belleved come from al Will Sen High Littl The permit Ogilvie plant and it provi of 450,000, + send Medicine month far ab cities of the permits for 125,000 shor The permit in number: Rey. Dr- gt; Grea Line ion Quebec; Jul Burke, one of account of t follows: I was on and saw ever well ag it cou calm and a er it ominous Gaspe coast, fog arose ths The siren of with painful of hours an Passengers hi tc*escape It It was a went on the Dilliards, Ot mal alarm a1 answer from under our bo everybody re for anything chance of 8
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Image 163 (1912-07-27), from microfilm reel 163, (CU1772293). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.