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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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tadric. Velvet with mousseline de sole, voile de ole or marquisette, and with light color ning ia most charming, and a model that has at once met with approval on these lines, Extremely simple in desiga, the gown has a charm that at once attracts attention and admiration. The ale color lib- eae . ning te of white or eome p ian ery satin and the body of the skirt and Ser Yoh Mert Compan cs waist Is of black volle de sole, but there et are wide flounces of black velvet and the ga walat ts heavily trimmed with the velvet, ff If worn under a long fur coat this gown for luncheon or card party ls the perfeo tom of taste, while to serve aaa mode), for a host attractive summer frock there ime model in green and could be nothing more suitable if taffeta effective, and there is de- be substituted for the velvet. For s ity in the eut of bo brigesmaid's go 7 Texshionab while in the one color bretelles or wide girdle of the striped it is delightfully effective, the fashion for velveteen or corduroy. This style cam be contrast in color has here an excellent taken as an advance fashion for a spring jcostume, shdwing that the striped and; Plain effects combined will be worn or that plain coats, short or long, are cer- tain to be in etyle. The striped velveteena Jare most effective, whether in black with the hair stripe of white or in the con- trasting colors already described. There are several new models for walk- ing ekirta. The three flounces, bias ounces overlapping, Is a favorite design, but the plain straight skirt opened at the jside to show a panel of a contrasting jeolor or materia) and cat short to show a band of the contrast below the hem is Y Hoids tait imto gravetut lines: jalso 4 in yorite atyle When I 4 jmodel where the material mente fellew ene another in such quick wuccensinn dat there is little time to order Dew pewes But the outfit of the late av- jenough to clear the ground and to show the feet, but no thodel now is so tight and short as to make a blatant display Jot uhoes and stockings, not to mention the entire figure, Altogether these present fashions are decidedly more rationa . and in far better taste than those in vogue a few months ago, for they are conspicuous, black is the: freshness and smartness, end the charm. L and delight of the new fashions are most becoming. For the street the tallor made. Soatume of cloth or velvet is as cxeentiall as ever, but there are several new models quite unlike any that have Bitherto been Popular. At the moment the one piece gowns worn with the for coat are all Smportant, for even the fur trimmed cos up into gowns than the other varieties, and this year is more than ever fashion. In many of the newest akirte the drapery is caught up at one side and the draped closely jarcund the figure also is eff ctive in the soft panne velvetd, which have-an ex- jquisite tone and lustre, whether in black jor. colors. Both are fashionable, but ter, and the amount of white used with the black ie astonishing. The entire front panel of a gown will be white ratine in the sharpest contrast and even a large-womun cay look well ii Latest Fashions of all kinds have sd: Dame Fashion . still in sists they shaihbe worn. Stratige to say, the more costl, it Is, and as casually) us though of cloth, aatin or velvet. A degree of perfection of cut has been jattained that ix mubye lously becoming, the new styles, for the lines are straight Jand long. Coats rathtr than wraps are chosen, but they are so large, in spite Jof their slender effect, that they have all would become necessary to toss them in Long Fur Coats pik apuirre etd orery yet SKIES TBST and in to determine. Ref spite of the tact that furs vanced. grectir in price is a rare opportunity at the present mo- the fur the moze popular this time of year new stock. shere ure thonsands and thou- sands of dollars invpsted in chinchilla, sable /and- ermine coats, which are worn they were made SS TAQ Os mone But just this thing has come to pass Furthermore, it has proved to be bless f would puzzle the most astute naturalist For the benefit of ie foreed-to-be eco- ; Bomical woman let it be known that there ment tO purebase a fur coat for a much , lower price than originally asked. At not pur- chased aud every.clever business man jY Ants to dispose of what is on hand, knowing bow often fashions change over night, as it were, Paragraphs from Paris, OSS-sreen: will be w good color for. spring. dresses, All the shades of sreen, with the possible exception of emerald green, will be used for tailored Jer Coi chet blouse It is very prot present indicatio: Watters, of V of the Dominion Congress, will bs executive positio, gress hokis its Guelph in Septer chance agaii Westerner in a r: Mr. Watters President, dec labor leader of been doing except in the Maritime the past month was always on labor matter was fore Parliament a President Watt ing in disguise. The woman of faxiiow wing careless in regard. to. uve crowning glory. She was fairly suother ing It upderbeath mountains of wniy- Stenic atuffiuntil it became dry and brittle and commented to fall out. There was danger of baldness, too. As soon amit beceme known that th turelit Wwarto F was to disregard the wat of the colffure- It required instant ai tention. When the woman who: for years has deen accustomed to wear falac hair re jturos from her hairdresser wearing only. her own hair the change is apparent once. Everybody notices It and sees a e- improvement. It takes the husbin? ek-to-the-days when she wore her h: in much the same fashion as it is avr dressed, and it causes friends to tell i of the -otetiein lance between her SPE A Redu Folle INEW BLOUSE DESIGNS ILS, charmeuse, crepe meteor and monseeline de soie are among the fs vored materials for separate blouses of an elaborate order. Blouses made ea mediun fe a St Blouse of Sine Cashmere, tirely. of lace mad quite plain In desist are also considered. most desirable. Both . bedvy and light Weight laces ure used for . these separate blouses, but the Irish cro- is not quite so fasiiouable aa dresses. Corsets are cut very low at the top, both front and back. They do not toueh the bust. Instead, a wide brocaded satis ribbon supports it This ribbon has two jelagtic bands, which slip over each ehoul der to hold the ribbon band in place. It fa then tied in front. tumes are not warm enough for mid- winter, bot warmer days are af hand, When there must be smart street. - tame to appear io. Combining materials, as well as colors, s noticeable fashion of to-day relvet with satin or cloth, satin with ratine and fur with everything. Striped velveteen with plain color rating or eamel s hair, or sibeline, as tt ia called, is one of Mack Velvet Breaing Gown, ing Rammificence there ls nothing very varied ingeniously in many ways. Byerything hes been attempted ; ere lonly for their beauty of material and per- and the Way to Wear Thems. shawis and Japanese kimonos, all these the cloaks destined to cover one's 2re an old story. The cut also has been that carry out this scheme successfully. A most anusual model fs in black and lsray panne velvet, the skirt and uppet part Of the waist belng Black andthe lower part of the waist and sleeves of Hight gray. Both the combining of colora Jand the design of the akirt and walst are Jabeolutely sovel and very smart. In jcopying the model only the lightest, soft- lest of velvets should be used, and care lshould be taken that the skirt b too loose in effect. jet ls softer and lighter in therefore, more casily ma BY in place of satin or velvet. Black Velvet and. White Satis Gown ito the velvet, and -and-chinchitix; ly dealt with, so that the markings jot the fur aball ahow to best advasitage fwhll at the same time giving the long cot, fastilons and will also be copled im the factory. There are aleo thie setson mom spring styles, but always With taffeta allk effective coats of less expensive skine pot Becossarily cheap, bowever of mole- 2 Mne, The erossplece around the foot of tet the cost also carries out this plan of the then there will be no markings of the fur, and-whether it be the middle or toward to the inclination of plum; th fu aware vase which have become lee slender, oval faces or prominent Striped volles In two tones of che aame features can more easily adopt the side aa eee pote parting. jWith velvet oF clot: costumes. pan adopted with discretion. for if It he easy to find your cloak to fit a woman, it is rare thing, on the other hand. to see-rour The newest 1d98 just now Ia to Gispeoer woman who really fite the cloak. sats, velvet, Ince aod fur, Indian with out altogether, But + must be Imagine aguare, sbapeless piece of istinction virgin satin, merely welghted with fringe riage and your ability to carry off an or fur, fud you will understand the dim- effect. This kind of thing has been sean culty of lendiny owe nothing -t6 the dressmaker, Bit ae bend entirely upon the grace of your car- shifted every moment Anywhere except ich at the op ra die in sky blue crepe de dir e and beasts, It was like clod which in the hands of an expert modiste tt woud ack have become w thing of heavy pleats and Prowalc-hooks and eyes, People less certain of themesives fall Umea with rest Ince and a gb almowt sa w eryuny Free Cire 9 bands, : veople of all clim - Two shows dai
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Image 169 (1912-07-29), from microfilm reel 169, (CU1772292). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.