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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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We are showing some Excellent Values HATS: AND SHOES SAT LIGHT SUMME dress wear at... . S IN HATS for R BATS os 3.50 2.00 HS. Irelan All Guessing What Canada Can Do Writer in Morning Post Outlines Naval Bill As He Sees It, (G. A P. Cable) July 3t. The Post gives prominence to its naval correspondent's statement anent nay- al particlpation for the question as to, whether immediate action is neces- sary, and if so, what form it shall take, is one from the British, not Canadian ministers. Hence the pres- ence of the latter in London. They have come hers to learn, not dictate. The question of the measure and the questions of Canada s permanent co- operation in Imperial for the Canadian government, Canadian parliament and the Canad- san people, and will not be fully ans- Fall wear NEW STYLE: C.P.R Men s s . Store akg wered until all three have pronoun- The writer goes on to claim that im a serioys issue accur- ately stated the position as regards naval defence: Phese proposals- all fall into classes, one relating to an emergency offer, definite and restric- ted in character and designed to meet the immediate necessities of the case jand the other relating to a permanent naval policy for Canada in co-opera- tion with the Imperial policy. Arising out of the later and larger Policy is the further question of gtv- ing the overseas dominions adequate representation im connection with the control of defences of the Empire. The correspondent procceds to ask: Is there anything in this procedure inconsistent with preparedness immediate. action on anada s part or anything which suggests the foun- Gation of the Empire be radically onto-a-new-basis-for Canad san lt;-operation in defence? SS Old Timer 10c: Cigar. ced upon It, London, Morning Kaiser SOURLAY PIANOS on our floors whieh are Sold,but we want you to see them before they are lt; delivered, 3-22 ee THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC. Under the Big Fiddle. ed he. South Railway Street. KEEP THIS CUT OUT THE WHOLE ADVT. This Coupon;it-not detached from the above advertises ment. is good for One Dollar's Worth of Sheet Musie for ie you purchase from us dur- Or a full set of ten-eoupons is hase price of any Piano or Player t good after August 10th, 1912, the law irrespective of any Mayor or id every Dollar s worth of Mus Ing the next ten days. g00d for 10 on the pure Piano in our store. No with Mr. Proctor himself. I. went down to his office and he was busy. I left word that it was necessary he should take out a license. I af- terwards sent an officer down to him to remind him about the license. He told the officer he was coming to see me, but he never came. He is entirely at, fault, OPEN EVENINGS. gt; States Mr. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. J.J. RICHARDSON, Sect-Treas. McKinnon s Ltd. Se ere ee The Up-to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS ee . B. McKINNON, President, H. C. COOPER, Vice-President. minister the law differently here. We allow no ontside influences to affect us. It is'a different system altogether. As I said before none of the police, nor myself care what the Makers of Butter Nut and White Heather Bread, 3 - Registered Brands. This business is now under the supervision of Mr. J. B. Rich- ardson, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in the manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the best equipped Ice Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash basis, The same virtues characterize every loaf of MOTHER'S BREAD Phone 266, legally impounding 16 head every other day. the horses while starved down to it. fall colts. fed, and he also watered the and Pound fees was 38.55. of oats day. Hargra held that Sal NO OUTSIDE INFLEUNCE out a License, * the Mono-rail brought Police Bruee. Mr. Proctor said he had been told Mayor Spencer and Alderman Brown without a license. Why should I be told this if I am summoned for not taking out a license now, ask- Mr, Kealy I don t know, I am sure. 7 Mr. Ptoctor That ix what I would like to know. If the mayor gives me permission, why should I be charged by the police? lt;P Mr. Kealy As I said before, I don't know. I think it was very foolish of the Mayor and Mr. Brown to give you permission. The police and myself are here to administer Chief Brace The fault lies entirely Mr. Kealy Do you come from the Proctor? : Mr. Proctor Yes. Mr. Kealy I thought so. We ad- Mayor or anybody else says. We Real Estate These Two are- Money- HORSES WERE NOT a aA LEGALLY IMPOUNDED .2witamote 22 eye specialist of Toronto, and Mrs, Reoves, spent last Sunday in town, partly to rest and also in order to see their niese, Mrs. J. M. Cooper. They are en route to Edmonton to attend the-medieal convention, re- turning to Toronto via Northern route. Mr. and Mra. Coopet dined with thers at the Cosmopolitan af ter which Mr. Kent Kindly enter tained the party to a two hours drive in his car all about the city and vicinity. The Doctor was much i it ittle cit; but thay had oot heard of any of Passel with our bright little city judging by its present growth and natural advantages. They left for fondant only cot 15 conte a. day per Banfl and Lagan on the evening head for feeding and attendance, Mr. Mahaffy suggested that Hai graves could have let them out on his pasture field. Says Magistrate Kealy in Bell vs. Hargrave Case, But Farmer Who Impounded Horses Has to Pay. At the resuming of the case brought by J. T. Bell Sons against George Hargraves, for il- had done his duty within the mean- act, which declared that must provide ing of the pound-keepe: stock in his charge with wholesome This had been done, the horses, Osteloh stated he never saw notice posted in Suffield post of- fice regarding the forming of the pound, although he was in there food and water Straw was sot the best of food, the horses dying from the effects of the feeding. They must also into consideration the fact that de. take Delkins, Ellis and Bishop, who are farmers and ranchers in thet coun- try, giving evidence regarding tho Pound, stated that straw was prac- tically no good as food, and range horses would not eat it, unless : no doubt in his mind iat: the horses WEtOR: Doria his, shesnce.She sok vice ilagsily impounded Jor ecclton Tor - ae Soatucted, ta 8 10 of the by-law under which the vy. me : case was brought stated that the proprietor of any lands surroumted TODAY S MARKETS. a legal fence, in the district, ae Pp (CW. A. P. Dispatch) an ae es Ar aren abe Rat ,, July 81. While trad- ers today leaned to the bull side, hea- . if vy rains were interfering with the So ee a Meee lege gines ane there were show- ers in North Dakota where moisture H. Bell gave evidence regarding the age of the colts which defend - ant had described as stallions. He said they had not been weaned yet, and had not lost their coat as yet. In his opinfon there could be no doubt as to their ages. They were bert McKinney evidence that had stated in his he had no fence George Hargraves (the defendant) said that one of the colts in ques- tion appeared to be a two-year-old, and the other two were yearlings. drove the horses to pound. The only difficulty in his mind was as pay Mr, Bell. Ac- Gording to Section 35-of the Act he thought it was the pounded the animals, not the pound- Keeper. The case was then adjourned, and proceedings - were to who should Regarding the feeding, he said he had fed his own horses on the same straw that Bell's horses had been im- Pounded horses twice a day. The amount he charged for their keep man who im- at five o'clock instituted against McKinney. ja lengthy hearing the Magistrate 5 . ged 1 1-2, t 2 cents owing to the led Sst McKimaly tae ay the Ok wants tition ae last night's After Questioned by Mr. Kealy he stat- ed that he sometimes let his own horses into the pasture, and while working he fed them three gallons Pound-keep r the stm collected, and all costs of court and the pound- must hand samo J.T. Bell Sons. The-amount- tiffs was 38.55, and the costs over to Mr. Davidson, who appeared for ARE YOU SAVING THE COUPONS ? The Medicine Hat Music Co. If not, you may get any that you have missed at our store. eee ie GG Under the Big Fiddle, administer the law irrespective anyone. 4 Mr. Proctor I was in ignorancs of CAN EFFECT COURT HERE SAYS MAGISTRATE Mono-Rail Man is Charged With Selling Stock With- Kealy. That does not matter to me: You are here now anyway. You are liable to a 50 fine. Mr. Proctor The proper thing to do, I suppose, is to take. out license. Mr. Kealy said if the defendant did he would deal with the case differently. Mr. H. Proctor, financial agent of Mr. Proctor then Company, appeared in court today to answer a charge of selling stock Without) stock broker's license. The ase was at the suit of Chief of took out a li- The magistrate let Mr. Proctor paying the off with were 1.25. Proctor I costs which em afraid the money for the license has cleaned me out. Sould I sell you a share in the eompany; ant amount. Mr. Kealy You mona-rail' shares to me. want a refund of the money you apply. to the Mayor. NEW SCHOOL WILL BE. LARGEST IN THE:GITY, Will Aiso Be One of the Fin- est Will Be Erected on Sissons Avenue. Dittoring in ali-points-troni the us- ual stereotyped school Sissons Avenue School, for which ten-- ders for contracts are now invited, Promises to be one of the most turesque and at the same time emin- ently sensibly built buildings in the) Province. The style, which is gothic, fs unigue in this part of the country, and the turrets and small towers will show u': to great advantage, and no doubt attract widespread. attention. The scholl will be, when. completed, the largest in the city, being 156- feet by 72 feet; In the basement will be manuel training and domestic enec, and the boys Tooms, a8 well a8 spacious play- room. The ground and first floor is divided into a very fine arrangement of class-rooms, and there will aleo be a spacious cloak-room, rooms for the teachers and principal. The ventilation and-heating systems Are to be the most up-to-date procur- able. The basement is to be of stone, remainder of the bullding brick with stone facings. Mr. W.T. Williams is the architect. id deduct the can t sell any had better of accidents, nor will it allow him to -at Z.30 sharp to-night. z building, . pieportint dinner sets free to. his customers, Third Ave. tt Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. and girls toflet as well as and the Makers. 50 ft.In cosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie Spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms, 84 ft, corner of sixth Ave. and Braemar St. Ideal site tor an apartment house. 4,999, One-third cash; six and months, ve B. F. SOUCH, Phun. B, it back of Drng Store 384 Toronto St. train. spread concern, lied to 93 7-8 and 9 cent level, 33, and ascended to 33 1-4, 161. CASH PRICES: 553. Oats, No. 2 C.W., C.W.; 363; No. 2 Feed, 33, No. 3, 51; No. 4:close 4 t ed 933; Dec., 953, 948. 934; Dec., 953, 958. + net lower at. 933. POLICE COURT. Robert Greerson, Joseph Alexander, S. Bruce and Daniel Carthy were fined 3 and costs for drunkennes. team. Control Foot Tarffic Kansas City has decided that-as a city grows it is very evident that all traffic on foot as well as on wheels ust be controlled. It believes that the Jay walker Js a menace to traf- fic-in a. busy city and will not permit him to stray over a street on which the-movement of vehicles is strictly Tegulated and so increase the danger cut corners, a All members of Troop No. 1 are requested to meet*at Headquarters E. E. Trider is giving fine porcelain poeta Loose Leaf System The News Job Real Good Buys HERALD Block 5, Lotis 24-25, 1200, terms, Block 10, lots 1-2, 800 terms, Block 10, lots 39-40, 800, terms, Block 5, lots 28-29, 1475, cash. Block D, lots 5-6, 4000, terms, Block 1, lots 40-42, 2000, terms. Block 17, lots 39-40, 750, terms, HILL Block 27, lots 87 to 40, 1000, terms. Block 21 pair, Block 28, lots 1 to 20, 500 pair, Block 29, lots 11-22, 525, terms. gt; lots 18 to 20, 400 a FREIGHT CLERK ARRESTED Charged With Ap ing 42 of the Money, propriat- C. P. R.. s J. Hanlon, who for some time acted As chief clerk in the freight sheds here, and who it is alleged appro- Priated some 42- belonging to the company, was arrested in Seattle He has been brought to and will be brought up for trial before Inspector Shoebotham tits at- ternoon at the R. N, Tacks, days ago, town P. bar- RIVERSIDE Block 16, lots 86 to 40, 1500, terms. ACREAGE 160 acres half within the 3-mile circle, 250 per acre, Terms. soctas, AND PERSONAL POLICE CHIEF HAS NO SYMPATHY FOR DRUNKS) Two New Arrivals Are Sent Away for a Month Each. R. Pearson, who told trate be was an old Cameron Wander, aad James McCarry, an Eng- shman, were each sentenced to month s Imprisonment court last evening for Both men pleaded guilty, but sald they in town yesterday morning. They were both broke, but were looking for work. Chiet Bruce sala he had no sympa- thy for the men who came into town and got drunk when they were bro There Were lots of eraployers 160k; for men. He was disgusted this class-ef men. He had but lots of them to work, but they only stuck it for about a day and th town. Mevarry sald he was willlig to take any kind of a job but teaming. Was no good at that. *Chiet Bruce You're pretty good at teaming beer down your throat MOOSE INITIATE 150 Members Initiated Last Evening in-the City Hall. Medicine Hat Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, was formally launch- evening when over 150 candidates were led through the forest, and safely landed in the Herd of the local lodge. In the absence of a degree team, the inetalling was done by H. B. King, ot Regina, Deputy Supreme Organ- iser for Alberta, Saskatchewan and It is expected that the of- ficers of the local lodge will have the degree team work. in hand for the 01 some of the beautiful ritualistic ceremonies to the local members. Over 250 applications for member- ship have been received bresent time, and Medicine Hat prom- ises to have one of the largest and most enthusiastic lodges in the-order. Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Regina and Moose Jaw are the last cities to be organized between Fort William and Vancouver, the rest of the territory fully organized. The States have been finished, and Aus- tralia and New Zealand will be done in two months time now. The local lodge will cl ter with over 400 Moo: organizer, W. C. Smith, and it will have a lodge big-enough amt-enthus- lastic enough to warrant having their own home, club rooms, and gymnas- special being drunk. had only arrived Rev. Mr. Hinch left yesterday or. weeks vacation. He will vis Magistrate Kealy said there was it Vancouver, Seattle, and Wash- tumped the- ington. During his absence the ser- A prediction of higher temperature added to disquieting rumors about the plague, Opening. prices were 1-8 to 8 cents up, Sept. etarted at 93 7-8 to 94 1-8 cents, a change from last night. The market, taken altogether, reacted to 93 5-8 and 3-4c, then ral- July bul- Snatitucee tatt July 31. July wheat Oct., 948, July Oats + Ba. No. 1 Feed, July, closed 38. July Flax opened 168, closed 162; Oct., 161, Manitoba. next m the No. 3 North, 983; 4 North, 844 ; st Sioa 5 North, 68 , 6 north, 583. Feed, 3; No.3 Barley rejected, of BAILIFF S SALE Mimeapdlis, July 31. July Wheat closed 1073; Sept. opened 943, jelos- HORSES seized by me on the 11th day of July, 1911, under powers contained in a Chattel Mortgage dated jet , 1912, will be sola by having been Chicago, July 31. July, wheat opened 100, closed 923; Sept., 945, its char- Chicago, July 31. Despite ex- said the Perts sales, Canadian news of ideal stop . conditions led later to a backset. The close was-easy,Sept. August Ist, 1912 at 2 o'clock in the-affernoon, at the CITY STABLES, IN MEDICINE HAT, The house committee appointed last evening for quarters were Robt. F. Collins, W. E. Wright, David Gillis, Alexander McCarter, George W. Lawson and Robert Wil: Mamson. At the police court this morning Owen Oakly, H. Mantle, G. Howe, Robert Kent, W. Cavan was fined 5 and costs Subscribe now for the Daily News. for being drunk in charge of a One team Black Geldings, One Black Percheron Stal- A NEW ONE THE MARYLAND DAIRY will deliver to your-home every morning the fresh- gt; est of Milk and Cream. A trial Is all we ask. te REE Eropricter, ee Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailorin; St. to 331 North Rail Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repair hands. Work called for and deliv. . PHONE 486. tt. One grey French Draft Stal- HORSES ON VIEW AT CITY JOHN BENSON, Bailiff, Dated the 24th day of July, 1912, 16a3t. ig business from Toronto way St. . ed, Cleaned and Pressed by expert ered. A Few Big Snaps 75 feet, Block M , adjoining , N. R. depot site, 9900, 50 ft. Block 88, facing . W. , A. site; 2600. Herald 50 ft., Block 23, 1000. Central Park 50 Tt, water and gas, Block 16, 1000, eat 50 ft, Block 18, 800 cash. 50 ft, Block 4 (sewer, Water and gas) 1800, High School Annex 50 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. 50-ft., Block 20, 1100. North Yuill. 50 tt.-lots,-Bloek-18;-4700 each f South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Block 8, 1060. Rosedale Riverside. 50-ft. lots, Block 14, 600, 50 ft, lots, Block 15, 560; 50x300 ft. Block C 1200, H.C. Pettet Co. 863. Toronto St, Phone 481. 50 ft lo Houses If you are looking for a Home, see W. H ROSEWARNE Builder. Phone 800. Notice is hereby given that the sthe 4th day on as follows; that is to say: weight about 1550. lion, registered No. 52772, named Chicago. lion, registered No. 14873, named Montiego, STABLES, eee Pee ielneinieinisieiteleinieiniebieinteintoinintalateininfelotcintutet McLarer s Imperial Cheese eae ne EE SE Pimerito Cheese Pea Nut Batter Prepared Mustard FREE DEMONSTRATION of above pro- 80 acres, all within the 2 1-2 mile cirele, 350 per acre. Terms. GOS Gly Realy G0, Fire,. Life, Accident, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 816, Coupons on all. purchases at E. Triders, Thira Ave, Phone 695, ducts at our store every day this week. We will-be-pleased to have you call, s i H.W. Ireland Go. Main Street. Ritbitbinineieieletioteel-btnieleiefeisisioisiectatatey Phone 54,
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Image 187 (1912-07-31), from microfilm reel 187, (CU1772294). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.