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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Me eee Se Soto sof gt;u build, consider irat. Don t be per- buy CHEAP LUM- e it's cheap use the We have it, and ev- gt; Builder requires, stock or LUMBER, SH, FIR FINISH, K, MAPLE, BIRCH Poste fees oh *s Sete e oat fs e oi Soe e REDCLIFF has NATURAL GAS in unlimited : quantities. at . ; : REDCLIFF has COAL ofa superior quality, already ; ee Ags well established in the Western narkeue : 4 forgan Desrs, DR BEAUTIFUL : OOD FIBRE, LATH REDCLIFF has SHALE, which is bein the finest quality of brick by 2large g mad rick p: AR POSTS, Wit: +4 REDCLIFF has SILICA SAND guitable for Boas making of glass, a REDCLIFF has a, pay-roll of over 30,000 a month. VER 5 : REDCLIFF has a. modern Flour Mill, with a daily TS ; . capacity of 1,000 barr ls 3 4 REDCLIFF ships at j present on an average of Four. teen Carloads of Her Products Daily. REDCLIFF is in the entre of the Richest Agricul Re gt; tural District ina: jada. ae 4 3 M edicine Hat Ss Busy REDCLIFF has the largest Ornamental Iron Works , eee s in Canada, equipped to turn out the highest Industrial Suburb grade of work. Anagustrial Suburb REDCLIFF has for the workin man the Cheapest Rents, Light and General inc Expenses of any town in Western Canada. ; : THINK, MR. INVESTOR, what-all thesenatural Te- 3 p : sources and advantages mean for the FUTURE . : OF REDCLIFF. + The MANUFACTURERS are coming. The MINERS are coming. + 3 The MERCHANTS are coming. The LABORERS are coming. i 5 Then, MR. INVESTOR, wouid it not be wise for yon also to get busy and come, Toronto St. Phone 368. WE WANT YOUR MEDICINE HAT LISTINGS, : , : Y CO BER PEOPLE eafeste cto 3) g e er. o a 5 Q E nD. ye 5 Be g adian Pacific Railway Depot Assiniboia Hotel, Cosmopolitan Hotel, American Hotel, Armory, Becker Block, Imperial Bank Butiding, Hull Block, Hutchinson Block, Public School Buildings, Monarch Theatre, Terrace, Canadian , Bank of Commerce, and a large number of private residences. SQoageesdoaress Nera sioeeeotaottotiotioarihore oso lo oat atoatoatestesfeetesfoeat Soeseasedteefoefot SoSeeSesoede Noeke cloetoedoetoatees bases ete etoasoes SoeSoetenieesocearey eee Hoeeedoegoatecs Seafoeoctoes BIG HOTELS nt servant conditions, be run as Sab Paulo. It wil cost 2,500,000 and Sorat thieh dates from 1856, The setigion and-langusge of the Toad are now in operation and over ERA OF BIG Sata Std, efi et ec se tte ee, stm rem rat 58 be Fol sa mn ically, Naturally, e mi 2 ruction. ON THIS CONTINENT tress comes to prefer the hotel, which, The-Ritz-Carlton has prospered so and perhaps superior, to those of r but religious freedom is tolerated tiie bead ae so inorder to meet this increasing need, in this city that we are going to build INDEPENDE NCE DAY rather, than provided for by statute. the Ineas, who succeeded them and foreign capital, will open te-de- SAYS RUIZ MANAGER has become more homelike and rest- an addition costing between 1,500,000 Roman Catholicism is the religion Gverran their territories, When. velopment ocip ofthe Sok fal, and 2 000,000. We will add.100 guest Fae of the State, -but Jewish sym Pizerrs, the Spanish adventurer.. in- tries of the world. oe (of course conditions may change, Fooms and a huge ballrooin, which Oldest Nation in the World comves and Angiiean st other Pro- vaded Peru in 1531, the empire was Sok hy Largest Proprietor of Hos- ut it seems that in a generation or will be. I believe, the largest and Holds Great National testant churches are permitted to a engaged in war, caused by the, riv- at telties Tells of Change in tvo a large part of the well-to-do peo- finest in the city. I consider the Holiday. exist in Lima and Callao. al claims of the emperor or Inca THIRD PARTY IN KANSAS +. + Ple will live in hotels, It is because growth of this hotel as phenomenal. a The republic of Peru, the anniver- and his half-brother. Pizarro and a le Style of Living in. thoy) ary iotuy nomnat oee ho- But then, it is in New York, and New . sary of which is celebrated today, his successors overthrew the empite Little Rock, Ark, July 29 , Large Cities. countey, raey erecting more in this York ts the greatest hotel city in the War of Freedom Continued marke tne shird stage of Peruvian)of the Ineas and established the ses leaders in tho Roosevelt mover *-Jcountry. They say America is much world, Three Years Before Vic- history. The earliest period was of rule of Spain over the vast and ment have completed arrangenisniis CAUSE ASCRIBED TO more of a note country than any in Then, too, ana unknown duration, put it is keown rich territory, this is without tory Was Proclaimed. ' State convention to be held in) SERVANT PROBLEM 2: 0re. And New York is the great- thought of flattery, the American peo. pee that Peru was the seat of a na- Of Jate years the republic. has/city tomorrow to name del gates:. to est hotel city in the world. ple are the best hotel guests, from Today, the oldest nation in the 102 or nations whidh.had a flour- made great material and intellectual ea eres convention lt; a a : ishi Hi H i i icago next week. No Use for Atlantic City. the hotel proprietor s point of view. New World, Peru, celebrates its In, ibimg and enlightened civilization. progress. About 2,000 miles of rai,- eB Movement Exten: long had thtendea to baila a 5,000.- 2 they are satisied, they not only aependence Deo, the ent nt ie We had intended to build a 5,000,- : deve gt; td aie em ae , Avleatie Hee iiara rong ane atenenas pane 5001 iar, se Sitaas, ak al aPary Balitay of teense Manto Soeereeeeetrerersatrtecpgraaretrageegrceageteegetoagetoatetestedeeted Montreal to Rio Windsor, in Atiantic City, during this ho0y j the same thing. Buropeans ic va cadea, pone racing and var- Janierio. eason and even had plans prepared fos, 0 tit. They are just satie- ier oosts will he inion the . z x fied. 3 for an exquisite hotel, but the so- observance, and the military of the New York, July 29. William: Her- catied reform wave has made ue give A Sere Biga * country will be, received by the seer Raby the largest hotel pro-/up all our plans and decide fot to i? President. The Peruvian . National prietor in the world, chairman of the buila there tartan: Congress will also be convened in annual session today in the archi- tectually magnificent Capitol in ; Well, she s started housecleaning. Rits-Gariton Companies, who has just 9. Philadelphia hotel witl open in House all torn up? Fale ag ta mie te Weel tebe hla Oo ease ae Montreal one will Not yet. intertsts here, said that the Aineri tk eye 5 Lima. The Senate of-Pera consists Cans in the larger cities, particularly) Ven in. the same month. Just where Rugs in the back yard? fof fifty-one members and the House We will build our next I am unable to that comes next though. in New: York, are rapidly becoming a Say, But the hotel business fs boom. ainter and decorators on the Of Representatives of 166 members hotel people, owing: to the acuteness f4 : Put the hotel bus tenet ane each of the nineteen depart- 7: a of the servant problem. waters eds wig ee eee oa eS ments and thr e provinees or for * Not only. is- domestic labor much ae sis ta : every 30,000 inhabitants or traction pare Crpensive over here thanabroad Oddly, there sd tremendous de- * aeoame 45,000;. iCongress meets but it is much more intrustworthy, mand for high-class hotels in South No. ws gnnually On Independence Day, July Said Mr, Harris, at the Ritz-Carlton Am rica now. We are building a 4,- Window. curtains down? 27, and sits for-ninety days. *-Spree- tast evening. There is more diseon- 000,000-structure-in-Rio Janeiro with No, but she s started Housekeeping ial sessions may be sunamoned tent here, and more Uissatisfaction 500 rooms, and also a 3,000,000 one all right. i whenever occasion demands, but aro among the hired help in the homes, at Sao Paulo, with 400 rooms. The What makes you think eo, if the limited to. forty-five days. Tat de ee Growing More Homelike. South Americans have a great lking house hasn't been disturbed? cnited that Senators be native Per- The servant class prefers other for hotel life, and both our new ones She bought two pounds of cold- O 35. years of-age-have an. fmployment, The result-is-that the jare being bullt by local capital, which Se a eaterdny marae eo ers iain aE ai least, 1.000 housewife doesn t like to go to the Was Voluntarily dffered us. We are troit Free Press. lee: (O00) or fedong to lt; seicatis STABLE PHONE worry and trouble of housekeeping. also erecting a delightful summery : 402 728 fessdon. Deputies in 1 Qne's house cannot under the pres- hotel at Quaruja, a seaside place near SUBCRIEF NOW for the Dally Negra) Ae ieatoentons Dp Seba ee years of age, and, gets Allin rniture all piled in one-room? areata ger Agency sims professional men excepted, fave a' The pattern is a flower and scroll design of rare beauty, richly interwoy- yeafly income of 500 soles. The Soefoteatoay ay. Bie em en with gold tracing. In faet it is one of the most beautiful patterns ever im- Bae t Sees A Wapato ore ported from the famous Staffordshire Potteries. . special it. aus i, Coal Gravel i ee aes ative ee i We give a number One Coupon with every 25 -purchase. - gi ; : 0 usated-this fall, The peruvian Presi You can get them piece by piece at any time according to the number of eae TX 7 HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX dent and two ViowPresidents, arel Tige anid finally you cil Conboy seeonding to set Block 22 1100 pair, terms. elected by a direct vote for a term ,g, COUpons you have and final 'Y you will be able to get the whole:set, 4 Sea a s ie oon Bn pocbald ce We want you to come and get a Dinner Set free of charge. Whether you 5 7 ROSEDALE (Special) pealek aoe epi ioe db tee Anak have been a regular customer in the past or not, start now. We will give ; YON CENTRAL PARK 2,100, terms, 60 ft, Block 6 (snap). term. Suffrage in Peru is restricted, Coupons on all cash sales. It pays you to save these coupons; it pays you to J Block 27 600 pair, terms, RIVERSIDE aurea over 21 years of age. trade with us. We handle a full assortment of Fancy and Staple Groceries, S FOR Block 21 840 pair, termn,7 Block 9, 760 pair, terme ndependence Day in Pern has been also Bootsand Shoes. Phone orders carefully taken and delivered to any Block .22 850 pair, terms. : : lebrated ever since July 27, 1821, 5 Cea oy one, AMING Bin 16- g900-jasterae Leb redo bnices pier trapdlver dood Ree part of the City. Our Motto is: Quality, Value and Service and we live up Block 23, 900 pair terms, qbr er. z 3 freedom ofthe country from the to-all three. KCAVATING Bleak 25 800 pair, terma-f TOWNSITE Spanish yoke and announced the es - gt; for Sale, Block 20 840 pair, te1 gs Block 82 1050, terms. tablishinent of the republic. Peru Block 000 r, tet Block 86 100 ft. corner, 3800, terms. had been the ost important. of e Phone No, 415, gaiaepts alban Block 85 100 tt. corner, 3,100, torms. thie Spanish viee-royalties in South Groceries Footwear sawliee ar HERe Block 87 56 ft., 1,500 ,terms. mie and the Spaniards: fought je e lock 13 : ir, valiantly to hold the rich Jad. The Block 5, 1,200. pair, terma, SEE US ABOUT YOUR INSUR. i t to hola 164, when the THIRD AVE: PHONE 366, MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, Block 3, 860 pair, terms, 3 ANCE. ast of the Dons were driven from , . the country. Under the present eon- ee ee a tag ae et aad
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Image 166 (1912-07-29), from microfilm reel 166, (CU1772311). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.