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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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IT WILL PAY YOU. TO WATCH OUR WINDOWS This week you will fing some excellent values in Night Shirts, Pajamas and Hosiery Tookes, white twilled cotton Shirts, exceptionally full Star Pajamas, fine patterns, in stripes and figures, good fitting 1.75 Startler, the best 2c pur wool cashmere hose in Canada D5C cra v HS, Ireland Store . Supply Will be greatly appreciated by both visitors and citizens. The streets will no doubt be lined with music lov- ers tomorrow night. Ai 8 0 6s 6 ow ng POLICE COURT. * Soloman Silver, a Jewish store- Keeper, was the witness against two .prothers named Warner at the po- hice court this morning who were changed at the suit of the police * with using-improper language and creating a disturbance in Silver's store. 2 The defendants pleaded not. guilty, but. Capt. Parker said he had every reason to, believe Silver's evidence land fined them 1 and costs. . C. PR, yard engine -2328 1s off the track down in the yards and laying partially on its side. eee COLORADO DEMOCRATS Pueblo, Colo, Aug. 6 Leading Democrats of Colorado are rounding up in Puebto in readiness for, their State assembly which will . meet SS - here tomorrow. The purpose of the PIPERS* BAND . - assembly is to select the names of The committee of the pipers band candidates for State offele to be plac- have decided to give a concert every d Upon allots at the primaries i Tuesday night in the city, to start to- pextmonth. Views, expressed by the Gjmorrow night. It was at first decia- Party leaders who Lave arrived in ed that the band should play in the town Indicate a general feeling of a in the park, but at the sug- Confidence that the Democrats will gestion of many citizens. they have be able to elect their State ticket + Garranzea to come right in the eity in Colorado next November and also and play selections at various points. control the legislature which will gf tears mos bt that the excellent have the selection of the United States music whid SHOE REPAIRING REMOVED FROM FOSTER S Now open for business:on North Railway..Street, Opposite C. P..R. Station. F. KASS Medicine Hat A CITIZEN OF MEDICINE HAT ATTRACTED IN FROM THE STR E i ae TONE... Ce Gourlay-Angelus Player . lt;q. Let us explain to you how the Angelus is the cll only player action that does not detract from the tone of the instrumeat. HE IT a ste soteste ate ctastestatents Be gRe Sh fees cd En Sold only by - 1 THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC South Railway Street, Under the Big Fiddle. OPEN EVENINGS. . B. McKINNON, President. H, C., COOPER, Vice-President. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. J.J. RICHARDSON, Sect.-Treas, MMAcKinnon s Ltd. THA to-date BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Makers of Butter Nut and White Heather Bread. Registered Brands. This business is now under the supervision of Mr. J. B, Rich- ardsop, formerly of Winnipeg, who has had a large experience in the manufacture of first-class Bread and Confectionary. One of the best equipped Ice Cream Parlors in the West. On and after the 15th of August this business will be conducted on Strictly Gash basis. R'S BR And-you will enjoy life. TASSIE BROS. EEE EEE EE t AMONG THE t CHURCHES + Lee eee eee eee KNOX CHURCH Rev. Mr. Sewell, who occupied the pulpit in the Knox church, congratu- lated the congregation, before the sermon, on their increased numbers Hat. the 13th Chapt, Genisus, ith Verse: ham, How the two characters were fwesociated, but how Lot's estrayed from him, fellow, but an old fogie,. It was the world really owed them. He (the don, The greatest fault. with the present day peopl ning because they have made Lot him. God woulthave-him-take, and there Small since he had last visited Medicine o our pastor same way in the world today. Men ecreasing population, whom they considered old fogies, and Increasing accordingly. had commiseration for, how much the great country being rapidly developed that they won't that Chriat make a choice of any kind. Choose/own sad developing as rapidly as the yeithis day whom ye will serve. Do country. till, as the parish of St. m r-and-women-spend-their-time-sin- Patrick, unde: your paternal guid- that/anee ,assisted by your most capable choice? He held not, rather because assistant, Rev, Father Cadoux, they did. not choose anything, but just made such rapid progress in the last drifted through life, There was some- few years we cannot help but be de- thing -wroig with Lot's choice, for prested, tobe animated with He chose for him- ot sadness to learn that in a short self. Therp was no though of what time those ties will be severed. Your Cheap was no thought of what the outeome might be. In conclusion Mr. Sewell extorted all to make a right choice, an? make 4y that day. IMPRESSIVE SERVICE (Continued from page 1) thelr efforts, and not to be outdone have, by the ever available assistance organized a branch of the Sodality of the Children of Mary. Taking (or his text in the morning They also have S004, fast growing membersbip,-and are preparing for a And Lot chose bim all the plains of eampaign of good work along the lines the Jordon, the preacher dealt. at/lald down by the Soclety s constituc Jength with the life of Lot und Abra-jtion. The oly note of sadness which greed. for breaks in on this day s gladness for this world s goods overcame the love ns, ix the rumor that this may be your he bore for Abraham, so that he was last visit to us. We realize, as was) and eventually previously remarked, that your bur- Went to live in the city of Sodom. No den fs indeed a heavy one gn account doubt Lot thought Abraham a fine of the large territory which you have Under your care, and the rapidly in- and your cares To see this is certainly a pleasure. The fact that, Preacher) had no fault to find with it will sogn be necessary for a di- Lot's choosing the valley of the Jor- vision of the diocese is also a pleas are, as it is strong evidence of the fact church is holding h r has spirit Successor, whoever he may be, will al wove, in keeping with the attitude of the Catholies, the world over, be reeted with the prayers of the whole Parish for bis success, but just as sure as that 16 true, so sure-will you depart with the prayers of the parish- rx that you may continue to-en- Joy good health, that the Dear Lord will spare you for years to come that you may continue to carry on the Sreat and noble work you have so capably, energentically and -suctess- fully carried on in the past. Last and not least by no moans; Of the many benefits which we, your humble diocesans enjoy,-for Which we i owe many prayers, first to our Lord and then your lordship, and we leave fc last eo that tt will indeed remain fresh in Your memory, is the capable and energetic pastor with which we lare blessed. No church, no parish or congregation, and in making this statement we realize its sweeping character, in the province of Alberta who looks after the wants and the spiritual welfare of bis people better than does. Rev. thusiastic, kindly, energetic, capable, broadminded, in fact these are nojIt words which-ean picture the love and esteem in which he 1s held by his peo- ple. Many times we are led to. won- der fro what) fountain he receives trath that he, like yourself, is ani- mated the true spirit of God, and of Chrlatlan fordesde-whisb- oversee any of the small Worldly obstables which we encounter. Again extending to you the prayers of the congre- sation, for your continued health and prosperity, for the prosperity-of the diocese of St, Albert and incidertally the parish of.St. Patrick The para- The Bishop in reply thanked the Father Cadoux. En- congregation for their many kind words as expressed in the address, manner in which the feast of the his many good qualities, and virtues, he noticed that but in the end are led to realize the the city had grown rapidly. Do You Intend to Build? If so drop in to our office and let usshow you the ideal site for your home, 368 Toronto St. was a consolation to him, the that you have shown. in tho We have secured the exclusive sale of a block of land close to the High School, which ts served by sewer, water and gas, We-can-sell you- 25,.50, or more feet, according to your requirements, Get hold of-seme-of these lots as they will not last long. H. C. Pettet Co. it to Medicine Phone 481 Hat, today, are blessed with a purieh priest C e council and parishers of St. Pa- The new church here will be a. cred: triks, Medicine Hat, im fact it credit to any city far of loyalty Past: and know that it will continue to in the past year would always: pray for the prosper ity of (St. Patricks, Medicine Hat, THE ROUND-UP Ridadiyainster, Parquet, Wilton, Axminster, Brussels, Tapestry, Scotch Woo and Unions have been rounded up for your inspection. These-are-not-three or four years old; all new stock purchased this season. Money ( 6 Only Tapestry Rugs: 3x3 yds. Regular 10.00. Sale Price : gt;i . 12 Only Tapestry Rugs, 3x4 yds. Regular 15.00 to 16.00. Sale Price 12 Only Tapestry Rugs,-3x31 yds. Regular 16.50. Sale Price 2 Saly 2 Tapestry Rugs, 3x314 yds. Regular 12.25. 9 Ohly y Sofa , Rugs, 114x2 yds.. Regular 6.00. Sale price Figures Are Dry Things. Seeing is Beiieving. Come and See. Wednesday Carpet Specials Contin Phone 515 tae (Special to News) Okiahoma:. City. Okla; Aug me Dee a ne new 5 jontient) a Sasa Gestices ut suse the criminal court of appeqi, and ae members of the 1913 to: be nominated in he. The most interest of courge, centres Real Good Buys HERALD Block 5, Lots 24-25, 1200, terms. Block 10, lots 1-2, 800 terms. FOR OKLAHOMA SENATORSHIP im tno contest for the United States senatorship; is not a direct nomination, but it is an expression of preference supposed senator, eight con- t5 bind the legislature which winter will name a successor to Sonimissioner, Robert L. Owen, who is a candidate remecourt and/or re-election. was commenced as earfly as last December and has been extremely. bitter. the Republican endorsemept for the Senate rehip. amite Ea Perry of Coalgate, who fs leader of the Roosevelt faction of the Republican party in Oklahoma. ) All of the five representatives who now make up the Oklahoma delegs- The senatorial vote next Former Governor Charles N. Has- Kell is opposing senator Owen for the Oklabome Democratic nomination for the senat- primaries tomorrow. oxship. The fight between the two Five Republicans are contesting for Among them is Dyn- Block 10, lots 39-40, 800, terms. por in the lower branch of Congress Block 5, lots 28-29, 1475, cash. Block D, lots 5-6, 4000, terms. Block 1, lots 40-42, 2000, terms. Block 17, lots 39-40, 750, terms. HILL Block 27, lots 37 to 40, 1000, terms. Block 21, lots 13 to 20, 400 a pair. Block 28, lots 1 to 20, 500 pair. Block 29, lots 11-12, 525, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 15, lots 36 to 40, terms, ACREAGE 160 acres half within the 3-mile circle, 250 per acre, Terms. 80 acres, all within the 2 1-2 mile circle. 350 pe erm, 1500, Fire, Life; Accident, Hail and Plate Glass In * 410 Main St. Pp. Phone 695. fare inclined to bury their differences so far as the State campaign s con: earned, in the hope that they may be fable to elect a majority in one, if not both, houses of the State legislature. Both factions are eager to wrest the State from local control of the Demo- rats, believing this year home affairs are of more tmportance than -gotting into a.factional fight over national matters that would neither Taft; or Roosevelt, inasmuch GAS Gly Realy G0. ( lt;2 Save your coupons and get a free dinner s t At E. E. Trider s, Third Ave. Triders, Thira Ave, are candidates for renomination. The three new representatives are to be elected as congressmen-at-large Decatise of the fallufe of the ture to re-district the State three seats there are a total of forty- four aspirants, including twenty-eight Democrats, thirteen Republicans, and three Socialists, the Republican leaders of both factions be helpful. to Oklahoma s electoral vote is certain g0 to the Democratic presidential Kalser s Old Timer 10 Cigar. Coupons on all purchases at E. EL tf VAG SENT DOWN. J. Fargo, a Vag who was changed at the police court this morning with trespassing on C.P.R. property, was sentenced to a month's im prisonment. Houses If you are looking Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor Tailoring business from Toronto has removed his St. to 331 North Railway 2 St. Suits made to order 28 usual. Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert PHONE 486, Ladies and Gents hands, Work called for and delivered. Sale Price .. Y ) Talks. Here Deposit will hold any goods until August 18th J. J, MOORE SON North Railway St. for a Home, see Wei ROSEWARNE Phone are Real Estate These Two are Money Makers. 50 ft. In Rosedale next to city Property and close to Ogilvie spur with good house and stable at only 1,900 cash or 2,000 terms. 84 ft, corner of Sixth Ave. and Braemar St, Ideal site for an apartment house. 4,000. One-third cash; six and alve months. B. F. SOUCH, Phu. B. Office at back of Drag Store 334 Toronte St. Riehtet : Serve fruit naffies, Main Street. 2 The Ideal Dessert Maclearn s Imperial Jelly We have it in all flavors, fruit wine, Price per Doz. 90c SPECIAL We are giving a demonstra. tion of these Jellies this week. With each dozen jellies we give free 4 glass a H.W. lreiand. Co. ADVERTISE IN THE NEw: tg y B og be Ppepepetefetefon befell falacalenfofeg iteelt in the future. You want it is the great rea- Catholic Church is. over the work. THe agreed with the remarks prais Chicago, Aug. velt appeared o1 tional Progress ternoon, to ma faith, he tace audiences ' ever Coliseum build) tion of delegate: him lasted halt The Colonel t ception and du course making ' ing his apprec to 'epeek. Chicago, Il Roosevelt mad Faith today gressive cony President stru ground advanei said frankly w either socialist delegates listen the: understand either adopt tially in consol or look elsewh the spring cam he was subject Col. Roosevelt extension to al as state court tablishment amendment, bo State constitu' view of promp judicial decisio Use of the workmen to b the bisiness i ployed. The governm shaped that th he cannot con: the -wishes o their desire misrepresent tl Col. Rooseve way by which about and thet tion as to wh a fundamental can system of quarters it 1 declaration in the recall to : judicial officer ernment from Control of retention of law and estal state industria late industrial inter-state regulates rail which come commission am be immune fr the Sherman Those which subject to Pl secution is su memberment, not to be a save under cor the: industrial tions determin tion of a nu secure general tice to the W Included in lishment by t the minimum men, minimun fix standards ers, old age wages, which as an amoun' War Ogilvie P: to Bu At the city night the foll ef trom W A Ogilvie Comp: lows: The C. P. Plan of the sign, 1 Yefer who advised tr you are prot building, und: ours, In or should be, avi I think it wot for you to h Tease, as you trouble with
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Image 221 (1912-08-05), from microfilm reel 221, (CU1772296). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.