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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDION 1 Stree 9006000558005300IO SCOT HTTOET IN Reetegeged oe Seton Sets shed and then retrimmed ow of allk or velvet. The I compared with the re nd the girl who has mas- edge o? Bow to trim and a have four or five for the as a time, however, whan ere cheaper or-more t 6 are veritable borgaine 0 buy bat just because he Tankest form of ex- - therefore the bargain. areful inspection. nd String Bag. rella and cloak closet of id there were placed holding wrapping papers , s of string and twine, would be spared a com: rhenever those two hum- ere needed at a mo A girl who has suffered fence on this account has tacle which precisely fills nt. First she measured g strips of figured denim, one end md generousiy er on , and then joined sections, which are two- ) of the bag, with a four , leaving the points to mouth of the bag, and m ast their extreme end JR LARGE FACTORIE: ARE IN OPERATION And making Redcliff famous as the high-grade building products centre - of Western Canada. These factories dosbntostostortestectectestectestoate corte Goestecteteeeeteetecin teatetio toto tose tsetse for the article. Having 2 eres ae have a present pay roll of over ote 30,000 per month. i fost be . roper is intended to hold of all sixes and thick- ne idea is a good one for i Ee a he hosiery going into the ee and the darning cottons into the pockets. x x ae Vall Paper 3 ' -. -FORONTO STREET : segoeteeteatoarestesguuteetectecteateate-ctectedioatestocteateatestesteteatesgoets 2, ee PPPOE ning paper. The bloe- portant document to Sir Franels qwith Me. Clarke's great) grandson, ithe: green follage were ar . mm one end in Japanese vice led to madnegs, and for a time a total of 711,000, distributed antongy i: th the impression of hand Binhdey of Wee a before his death in 1893 he-was vio- 7,900 local lodges in all parts of the ; a the remarks, this 1s better than Revi) W. G. Clarke-Maxwell, recetitiy lass was fitted over the lently insane. To the last he enter- United States.and Canada and in Mex- Sold. a. ee found the fine manuseripts 7 id in the frame and IM. f Sh S tained a detestation for love and life, co, China, Cuba, Hawall, Panama and i rrom Henry LY, of France. some old letters Hernsteln gave pe esigrs tran 2 aster O OTE OCOLY hiciors ana tame. Three things, he the Philippines. A ie oe Henry IV of France for Burns autograph verses,/ To,Miss : Roms ae declared, were a disgrace to any peat corte eos to, John Maitland, Chancellor of Scot- Ferrier, enclosing the elegy.on Sir. i - Se ee prose and verse, Knowing *Fenchman to become a member of eeeee wi be 8 cae at lund, speaks of the high esteem in ..Blalr, and 425 for Burns'(anto? Y ieaab hanson cosetoa Paris will today honor the memory ems of Progen vas also intimate tue Academy, to wear the ribbon of representatives of three of the great which King Henry held the friend-/gtaph poem, On the) iat oftwene: y de Maupassant, supreme mas- the. peasantry, he w: . - f he frame completed the z a the Short story, on the occas- with the gentry of the country, and tRe Teelon of Honor, and to vrite ;raternities, representing an aggregate shibjot ne King of Scotland, Donald- tate Lord Besedent : Jon of the sixty-second anniversary hig pictures of thelr life, their loves for the Revue des Deux Mondes..He o more than 3/000,000 members, will sonpgot,t for 250, : ily Album. xt his roils those who now and:ipaaslons, one fe la-are trud:to Pad sedten of 16 e, attalrs sith all/emphasize the place. and power of : tremely fniferesting letter. by OKLAHOMA TENNIS: soi y, io tak Book te English translations have missed As a young man, Mannassant was Te l love he never knew. . . life. The speakers will be John B. 5 : etn eta sient Pee ee ng the family archives : vice, servi Corkum of Indianapolis, Grand Sire sel 3 ster, Okla, Aug. 6 is pled: by yontig: Hist. much ofthe delicacy and charm of a clerk in the civil service, serving PyRATANG IN DENVER FE ne ee a and ae RObOEEER i pStiel, was capsized or run down in entry Ilst comprising selie Of 9the) he pictures: she can find the original French, Maupassant tias in the navy and) education deport. (Special to the News) ot nee oe Gian ak Hote a f urns: Fay) 1822. Sabin. pald 760 for Bobby best talent of Oklahoma, y popu- he men he'm r ekahs; George B, Griggs of Hous- 2 2 rs vena, ean ore a a ee aunaad Gos in crated of Sig alae The eat Denver, Colo., Aug. 6 Charged With) ton, Texas, Great Incohones of the Sold for a Fe L Burns autograph verses on a Scotch as, Missouri and Arkansas, a. Bn: . ales, f . i eel y thes reas atop Aree - ee ates Then a iife the duty of legislating for the frater-1 359,000 Red Mon, and Judge Hanson, Going -to. the. West Inilies : wien eee os. ot titlons ot: Be: Yor eS la ed trea aan guien necessity MA interests of nearly three-quarters representing the 711,000 Pythilans, All Where Burns hada great mind to tennis championship of 0 2 earliest infancy. een. publishedWhile his novels, es- appal im, and the 1 io 2 emigrate. Quaritch bought fc 5 gon vp of a million members, the Supreme be f the Pythian order and ing le ug for 950 enea here today with some book interest to the says and verses are delightful, it was/of escaping from such a career drove o are members of the Py SWAN fatter Burns John Clark ati ji . f the portrai , Oe aca ie literary am- L0dge of the Knights of Pythias a8-leach man belongs to the other orders when nn Clarke, petitions in prospeet, Te celatibiy celle sin 5 be Seisised, won eatiitnd ae ls pitions fia bad the yenetit of the ad- Sembled for its biennial meeting here) represented. of helly ENS oe, Mal sea A somnet are being played om the cou re . 3 Gapsized. the de: Seana ees . Took continuity and are in reality on- ice and counsel of Gustave Flaubert, day and wil continue In session) During the sessions of the supreme et : wae Scot pe chy Mage hi .n Old friend of the / bout ten days. 1 lar biennial meetings sah, s pale lageelof guaea: ly short stories strung -together or bis god-father and an old fri eecting promises to be the most lodge the regular bienn * London; Auk. S The most, varying a ial to family . Flaubert taugnt his pupii-that) meet ; will be held by the several organiza: ing edme time over th 3 pang a gt; pe pam nt ever held by the governing 7 Drices. ever pala for-auitozrapht letters: sa idea kak ela beatad: Maupassant will be dedicated today/genius was an infinite capacity for) SHOT OOO ston interest cen- HONS affiliated with the Knights of )0s histose, docuidents at ;Aottieby's egan, ich loved tabi vains, and this advice was x Pythias. These will include the su- - 2 any sersetiens 2 a tae anpoes asi first ence eaten by the youth. For half a ters around the general election on . rome temple of the Pythian Sisters, a ede cok 5N8 tok aah ianaes tad corals Maupassant monument In Paris, Hmile dozen years he served. an apprentice- Thursday, It is Se eee ae repr senting nearly 200,000 members, brit Tatler carritien on March Dereons nearest to her. Yola wes the principal speaker. He ship under Flaubert, writing number- eee conta A ace Seat of which Mrs. Sarah T. Cotton of Wear Radoiph ees has enlarged the collec- described the master of the short itss tales, nov ls, essays, verses and), ce a ieee Bae Sarees terford, Texas, Is supreme chief; the is aah HS SIT d some different from story as a Latin of good, clear, solid dramas, submitting them to the crit association of grand keepers of rec- 7 chancellor in, succession to George) gt;a. ana seals, of which W. T. Hollo- Earl of Leicester, head, a maker of beautiful sentences icisms of his master, and then -de- shining iik gold, pure as the dia- Stroying them. At last Flaubert ad- snond. i vised him to se k a publisher, and her father and mother, at is one of periods, ai ng with her father's possible she puts be- the year when it was re occasionally reasons g known; ant the-tinie, 5 to the book's interest. A Reduction of 20 per cent. off t Following Lines in our Men s f Wear Department. M, Hanson ofj Maine. The principal yen of Goldsboro, N. C., is president, contest will b gfor the office of su-/noy' an Gvirian editorial association, 4 Sule at Immediate Preme vice-chancellor, for which there ak i Quih) speaker:or bie the Maupassant was born August. 6, Boule de Suif brought immediate Dyomte Vie SoC a ort Sain 7. Sal- or whlch Ne Qin. oe eat the saitor for har hand. Nor- rect a thor. He Miesissippi house of representatlves,4 1850, in an ancient, chateau In - Nor- recoguition to the young author. neertot ws tics. Yaang ot. Oblo, sippi of rep wa.f4)But Donaldson only paid 375 for mandy ,and came of ah old and noble resigned his position with the govern- o is president, aesehenat zi ; am Ladew of New York, Charles 4 Jette signed by the Virgin. Queen family. He was early initiated iInto ment aha turned his entire attention . Davis of Colorado and Jobn-J. The programme of entertalsmenblyorsorr, t 3 * by wi we threeyS: herself, to our right trusty and right the miseries of matrimony by the to writing, turning out two or threey yO fyi and- special features prepared os Benes eran ae eer eee groups them by years, gran conjugal infelicity of his parents, who volumes a year. Altogether Maupas xe Week is a8 follows: e ee ee ae ae Soparated when he was still a child. sant wFote over 200 stories, besides) 4 number of Important jumislative Ck S oe frejregent of Scotland, though the A chance to buy high-grade Shoes at igh the matters will come before the Supreme. eaday yevening ReceptO8 Mi Qieen s letter dated on the very day medium prices. Se vetot, in Normandy, the scene of much other work. emany of his tales, was Maupassant's Oftenest he turned for topics to the the Earl of Northumberland surrend- early home, and as a lad he gained baser and ignobled sides of life, and the insight into the Norman peasauc perhaps it Was this that Jed him into habits of dissipation. Overwork and vane AOMLINGER AGENCY . ACREAGE We have what we consider the best Acreage Lodge for consideration and action. ' Brown: Palace Hotel. Some minor changes in the ritual Wednesday evening Page Haan ai red to the English authorities, is of probably will be made and action will Auditorium. finmense historical Importance. be taken on Droposals to reduce the Thursday evening Ebaulire and) The hleheat price of the day. 1500, age Umit for members trom 21 years icnight ranks, was paid by Donaldson for a fine hol- to 18 and to extend the order into Friday evening. Asetienjn osraph letter Bigned in full by Oliver forelgn lands, The grand lodges of yriday evening Grand balk and Cromwell. Its undated, but was writ -PATENT OXFORDS ..... 5 Ontario, Manitoba and British Colum- tecture on the history. of Pythianism, ten from Cambridge about the end Regular 5.25 for a bia have asked that the order be'ex- Saturday Excursion trip to Coro- of January, 1640 and relates to a very i 8 oo SES t tended -to-the- mother-country, and ,. es critical period of the civil war. PATENT BLUCHERS .... .... ta probable that the reatiest will be Sunday atternoon Supreme lodge Mary Queen of Scots. Regular 5.75 for eo granted, memoriai services, Donaldson, paid 1025 for a docu- . ' ets oe Eien so Another topic that will engage the ment signed Mary th a large boid TAN OXFORDS . attention of the Supreme Lodge will hand. In it, Mary Queen ot Scots Regular 6.25 f be' Pythian Education, the extension grants the captainey of the Cartle.of egular 6.20 for . 5 of the knowledge of Pythian knight- (Spectal to the News) Washy to the Steur de 1a) Montaigue, TAN BLUCHERS . Regular 5.75 for GUN METAL BLUCHERS . of them were taken be- ise. Still keeping to continue until the first father takes its place Page corresponding in r mother s father and in the same way, the of her mother being 1 ok hop father s family and her mother s the until the death of her e their pictares to stop. wid her brouser and her- by periods. ctures varied in size, was impracticable for 1 in its place the girt bound scrap book of ages of very xtiff paper. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET hood and its work. Supreme Chancel- Denver, Colo, Aug. 5. Many pro- Steward to the Duke of Guise. lor Hanson will speak at length OD/T.inent members of the Knights of , 4 slightly blsher vaiue was placed this gubJect and t 6 expected that the pyenias, from every State of the Un- 9 holograph letter from the wo- id in place by cutting a or each corner of the iti ever offered to i tors in this ody will give much thoughtful con- man who bi Mary Queen of i roposition ever offered to inves jody will give fon and fearly all of the. Canadian 2 who brought Mary Queen of ead nse an cs sideration to the sna orovoted province, are arising i Denver for stato ihe senor Pe Se : ote. vicinity: he meeting wil discuss lthe meeting here thts weex of th a pr letter:to BirNsc rf et sutton ani, prover oberane ena as Tn ot fee, Pecommeon tnt win These are all the very latest styles. darn when se canoe 160 acres as level as a floor close to the Exhibition f))or tne golden jubilee of the order tW0 seme Toage. seetion Of the Your mistress, Elizabeth FR. Don mi son her k 4 thet the iz Jds01 107: pdr ineaioee ad Feats hence. It ts propose bac atih athe Gaet Aldson: got for 107 some ounds at only 125 per acre. iv. . ed with * PE eee en 245, fo grt y : Pe anniversary shall be celebrated WIth (i ert Oke de not to be held . Dut Be had to pay only 245 for a 1d friendsh Aunts suggested that certuin Tong letter jn which occurs the ine a. great meeting of the membership Francis Ni Washington, D.C, where the first te Sete om Sonmenrneye with the Be preme Lodge convention. There will With terms that allow the investor of smaller Junction, Burn thi Spencer Todd ie aad other bat y bilve not, and the girl ifetim lodge of the order was instituted Feb. Windebank, secretary of state, wrote on to write to these old means to get a chance of a lifetime. 19, 1864, by Justus H. Rathbone and x sie a ereta of. therallied) 11.6 tetter to Charies I, On the margit 7 . sea atten associates, -From. this oTesuiaation, the Pythian Sisters. th0 icing wrote answers to. various The People s Store 3e pOrtEATLe Are atill in rk is really resulting in y which will be of ho family interested in i SEE US. IT WILL PAY YOU. gned them and Im- modest beginning the Knights of Py- points in his own hand. tbias has increased its membership to Subscribe now for the Daily News. C. R. and sent the curi
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Image 228 (1912-08-06), from microfilm reel 228, (CU1772279). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.