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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. and make the foot look neat and trim. They are comfort ieee too. SHOES SHOES New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and are now in stock. i All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. These shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes: Come early before the nobby ones are all gone. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto. Street. is Known by the company she keeps. So is a grocery wagon. Watch our wagons and you will see them stop at the best uA THE EREALTY MEN SAY (Continued from page 1) T X Patterson Tor Real estate prospeets never looked *brighter than at present tl We find very litte buying for si fon, nearly all pur chasers buying to bulld, Have a vei iarge number of new-comers wanting to buy houses, lic terms ar are Aoidtng ovement appears to be general all No particular part appears Can selt any number Property owners in prices alse over city to be favored. tory of our business, Buying contin ues in all parts of the city, Business property looks good for. investment. We are flooded with inquiries from all parts of Canada and some from the United States, Wm. Cousins: I think the reai estate situation In Med cine Hat Is in splen- did shape, There has been a steady advance in prices ever since the first of the year and the prospects look good for this to continue, With in- dustries established Medicine Hat is destined to be a big city; the working man getting good pay, and every working day gives backbone to a city. Potter Kent: One of the best fea- tures of the realty business this year fe the utter absence of any overnight boom. The feeling of owners, both resident and non-resident, is one of boundless confidence. Medicine Hat property has passed the speculative stage and stands today among the gilt edge investments of the whole Domin- fon. Central Alberta Land Co.: Medicine ; med to against the Wilson followers send a full svt of twenty- four delegates to Baltimore instruc- effort to DELUTH.CONVENTION CW. A. P, Dispatch.) Duluth Minn Tune fi democratic convention here today promised to be a merry battle. The Bryan and Clark forces plan- make a determined stand in an ted for the New Part of the Bryan crowd a Clark followers stated their intention to attempt to prevent the reelection: of Fred B. Lynch of St. Paul, Jersey governor, Led to put camdidater in the field for temporary and permanent chairman. Wilson had the majority of the in- structed delegates. He carried ery district but the sesses the first and sixth enough to pass the unit rule if all his delegates stand by him as there are but nine districts. was to select two dele National convention and be chosen at large. ix were to But many of the instructed Wilson delegates and some of the uninstyuc- ted ones who were said to favor him were so strongly alicned with Bryan that it was said they might refuse to put throngh the unit rule. Tn the event that it does not car- ry according to W. H. Williams, Clarke's manager, the fight will be carried to Baltimore. AMERICANS IN CANADA Speaker Clark Deplores the Emigration of U. S. Citi- the the T. F. Dawson Co.: The month of Wilsdir eeafidate for National om- ev th and pos- which is Each district ates on the Thursday, June 6th, 1912 Loans 3,000,000 3,000,000 To Loan on City Property and Farm Lands. Interest ' percent. esout Dally Advertisers tn Ds of the Weekly No extra charge. vertisers. Modern Brick House on Fewings ginal 600 DOWN Choice Building Lots in High School Annex. 750 THE PAIR erms, VOL. 2, NO- Fight IN SURANCE C. A. KRAUSS Porter Block. Main Street. Medicine Hat, Phone 250. 50 ft. Business Site, Toronto Street. A SNAP See us about this. Great Gathe States V Money to Loan on City Residences and Improved Farms. Chicago, June 7. the hours se for Teal battle for the the Republican ni the national comr showed few signs might have been Newspapermen country are here. The only comm ually to hear the the five press ass by admission to tl jonal house of 1 Washington. The understandi ening of the com sion .that contests Our Very Best Buys Duggan Duggan FINANCIAL BROKERS. . Fourth Avenue, ; ; .: Phone 527. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Block 28, Lots 22-26, 865 pair. Block 2, ts 23-24, 525 pair. eee NORTH YUILL, PLAYS AND PAYERS. coming pe Freckles is to be put on in Chicago for a run. Sica tad 4800. Leo Dietrichstein is to adapt a : . 700. German play which David Bel: Block 18, Lots 10-11, 750. e PE se asco Will produce some time next season. SOUTH YUILL Mabel Taliaferro wi wrote her own sketch, 'The-Return of Tori San. It is said Fritzi Scheff is to star in a revival of Mile, Modiste. Water Supply Co., appeared this Hat ig having the most steady, sound and progressive growth of any city in Canada and this has been unattended by any boom. The city s great wealth in natural gas and good water, its suburb location as a dirtributing cen- tre, has attracted numerous industries and everything points to continued prosperity for years to come. Don't forget the sale of household furniture at O, Strausburg s, 201 Main Bill that has been introduced in Con- 17a3 zens. No one will describe Mr. Clark, the Speaker of Congress at Washington, as a friend of Canada or of the British Empire, and yet 20 utterance of his has done more to recommend Canada to his country- men than the speech he recently BEee gress to arrest the constantly in- ,ereasing emigration from the United States to Canada. To me, Mr. POLICE COURT. Champ Clark said solemnly, the most painful feature of our time is ardiman . Burke form- Bel aod Oey lto see the constantly-inereasing f the Moose. Jaw Stream of the. very best American ee eas of being drunk citizens to Manitcha and Alberta. and incapable. They said they came O2 day in my county, one of the into town yesterday with about 25 Wealthiest and largest and most beautiful counties in God s own) apiece, but at an early hour the money was gone. Magistrate Kealy fined them 3 apiece. HA. Smith who was on Tuesday of certain monies was sentenced to 3/ months at Lethbridge with hard la- Thor with a strong recommendation PUHet out tor Atberta. There was lta be. deported at the dnd of the not a man among them who was not a m jfaicly well-to-do. Another man in my district sold his farm for 5,200) land his stock and other valuable as- sets ran the sum up to 8,000. He country, 43 families lvuaded an en- tire freight train, 2s much as one of those big locomotives can pull. They chartered a train, and, with term. John Coate was charged on infor- mation of Mary Jane Coate with having expelled her from his house Champ made in supporting the Homestead every one of them in a sleeping car, CENTRAL PARK. Block 9, Lots 87-88, 790 pair. Block 20, Lots 47-50, 950-pair. Block 25, Lots. 9-19, 850 pair. BENDING. Block 24, south half, 200 each. Fine level lots in Powell in block or half blocks near the Ogilvie Mills. See us about these HAMILTON . HEMEON BY-LAW NIGHT her stage. Eugenie Blair is in vaudeville in a playlet called A Girl From Bast. Apple of Discord, dramatized. Wm: H. Crane next year will Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth may play a London engagement next fall. Sir Herbert Beerboim Tree is to have Shakespearean season in Pa- Block 18, Lots 27-28, 785 cash. ri5. Marie Dressler is resting fiftieth anniversary Henry R. Rowland s novel, country that it is to be produced in Berlin. at her farm in the mountains of Vermony. Mrs. Sol Smith will soon celetgrate on the the The to Amorita, is soon to be with other Ethel Kellys. Margaret Anglin is booked to play Fannie Ward will star under the management and direction of Chas. B. Dinningham for the next three years. , Two English companies will pres ent the late London success Mile- in New York and Chicago next season. Augustus Thomas has decided to. change the name of his latest play from When it Comes Home to The Model. Ethel Kelly, who is with A Win- some Widow, has changed her name to avoid confusion Henry E. Dixey is to appear next re- season under the management of Co- Winona Shannon, a sister of Effie Shannon, has been engaged to play Marie Tompest meay appeat on her the leading role in the fir City Council Dealt with a tour here in Arnold Bennett's Ho- pany which will present A Butter- -Great Large Gist of By- ee fly on the Wheel on tour next sea- In the late summer or early in the -son. houses in town. That means we are giving a superior service and the highest possible quality your quality. What we do for others we can do or you. Try us, Watch our wagons today. The driv- ers will take your orders and deliver them promptly. They will call as often as you ish for further orders. That is- their business and yours. Please make the fullest use of it. * Save your time. The-following are some of the leaders: this week, prompt delivery by wagon NOW IS THE SEASON FOR THE WARM WEATHER IS DRY FRUITS HERE AGAIN Table Figs, 15 per Ib. or 10 Ib. boxes, ...... 1.40 aOR Sou Cooking Figs, 3 Ibs for .. 25 Crystal Jellies .. 3 for 250, ROM THE OLD FARM ' Raspberry Trifle, 2 for 25c. RE MAPLE SYRUP FRESH Swiss Trifle 2 for '25c, Per Gallon, 2.25. Swiss Cream .... 2 for 25c. Rye Mas Gave scmne as Charlotte Russe 2 pkgs. 25 . bulk which we sell at 60c. MONK GLASS mer dbart Custard, ....1 Ib. tins, 30 . NOW IS THE TIME TO PRE- Ib. pkts. .... 3 for 250. SERVE YOUR PINEAPPLE MAGGI SOUP Per doz. Each .,,. . 5 Strawberries, Cucumbers, 2. Asst. flavors, .- 4 for 25c. Oranges, 30c, 40c, and 50c, per dozen. Lemons, per doz. -:-.. Tomatos, Radishes, Onions, Lettuce, fresh daily. OUR DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE 9 A. M., 11 A.M, 2.0 and 5 P. M. Hewitt Armstrong Phone 258 QUALITY GROCERS. Main St. 40 There are many kinds, some good, some otherwise. A refrigerator that will keep onions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in th same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. - 2 THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to buy. See ft at our Store, Screen Doors, and Windows, etc. AVARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO., LTD, Phone 26, Toronto St. Medicine Hat Prunes, per case, .... 2.50 Peaches, per case, ... 4.00 trince of Effiel Tower Lem- Pears, per case 4.25 onade for a nice cool drink. Apricots, per Ib. 30e Only + . 25e per tin. jnent party leaders will speak, number of friends to cards. in Walsh and has refused to support cea Manitoba and purchased her in consequerlce of which her acres. He gave each of his health has become impaired. This Sight children 1,000 acres, keeping case was adjourned until this after- 2000 acres for himself. That is the: pees jelass of American citizen who is leaving the United States and. going MARKETS to the British North-West. The im- migration agent up there estimates that every American citizen arriving there carries with him on an average 200. Last year upwards of 100,- 000 American sottlers entered Can- ada, and the movement during the Present season by all accounts is ex: pected to be a recordone. Hence these tears. No wonder Mr. Champ Clark's withers are wrung at the spectacle of this amazing contribu- tion of men and money to the up- building of 2 State which, in Earl Grey's belief, will in the lifetime of some of those now living famutibate jthe dominating portion of the Brit- ish Empire. The Financier, London. Winnipeg, June G- Wheat: July 2053-1058, Oct. 983.98. Oats: July 45 -45, ex 1 feed July 433-432. Flax: July 200-200. Cash prices I nor 104 , 2 nor 1013, 3 nor 973, 4 nor 87, 5 nor 722, 6 nor 62, feed 564. Oats, 2 CW 44, 3 CW 42, ex 1 1 NW 2.10, 6 MA 1.96, rejected 1.82. Minneapolis - Wheat: July 112 -110 ,-Sept. 1043- 104, Dec. 107 . Chicago Wheat: July 119-1 188, Sept. 1158- 1143, Dec. 1158-1043. INDIANA DEMOCRATIC EDITORS SEUBGRAPHEG BRIEFS: 23 W, A. P. Dispatch.) Ft. Wayne, Ind. a Ne : E v1 June 6 The men New York, June 6. Twin wireless cee iC ae stations to communicate ditect with State in x60d fighting trim gathered) FoNcoe NT be bullt-alone: the New Beresaas i. sathered' Jersey coast within a year, according ere In foree: today: at the opening Of tq an announcement made tolay by the the annual meeting of the Indiana Ww 7 m 4 Vireless D cca eri tow esevnk Wie s Telegraph Company The national campaign and the ir portant part that Indiana expects play in the Baltimore conyention have resulted in an unusually large attendance at the meeting. The edi- tors will remain in the city three 3S (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Vallerfield, PQ, June 6. Last night a brother of Vailiun Court of St. Timothee College was drowned in the Valllan Cour: Canala. The sup- days. The big feature of the pro- position is: that his-W rse got seared samme will be a banquet and public it a dredge in the eaal, He and a meeting tomorrow night at which priest drove to Peauljarnois and a Governor Marshall and other promi- brother of William CouN was feturn- ing home when the accident happened. A pleasant evening was-spent at. the residence of Mrs. S. McLaughlin last evening when they entertained a anda (W. A. P. Cable.) London, June 6 Rowdy scenes marked the delivery of Andrew Carne- sie's rhbtorical address at Aberdeen University at Aberdeen, Scotiand, to- day. The students, the number of whom, was large, hurled chairs and rugs about the ball and kept an inces- sant din, singing and whistling, but fi- nally permitted thelr master to pro- ceed. After he. had begun the row- dyism was resumed. The proceedings family should be provided with and closed with rousing cheers for Mr. and especially during the summer months Mrs. Carnegie. viz: Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and a Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost cer- Don't forget the sale of household tain to be needed. It costa but a furniture at O. Strausburg s, 201 Main quarter. Can you afford to be with- Street. 27703 out it? For sale by all dealers. 4 Performance by Jack Mac. Browne Co.'s auction sale on Fri- day, in addition to stock mentioned in our display ad, will be offered one trlo of first prize Golden Wyandottes (The, Beauty Breed,) wonderful lay- ers and the best table fowl, There is one medicine that every session was occupied dealing with) Ddylaws, passing some, introducing others. They were changing lawn services so that people on the dill are given from 7 to 9 in the morning to wat - er lawns, 35,000 curb and gutter, meter rental,- closing lane and streets, lane in Altawana and the other Road Allowance near the Ogil- sewer 107,349, 34,190 , new bylaw for Alberta Every Time. MOTHER'S BREAD Look for the Label. Tassie Bros, Clay grading and 5,630 for plank, walks. Products, 13,000 for street (The Beauty Breed,) wonderful lay- ers and the best table fowl. TENDERS Tenders wanted for unloading and delivering atthe Hull Block 18 to 20 cars of lumber, 27703 PIANO TUNING, OAKES ei patrons for thelr generous patronage during the pi Seven years In which he has conducted his bakery business, and begs to state that on and after Aprif 15th the business will be carried on as a Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the company a continuance of thelr esteemed patronage, with an assurance of 2 continuation of that service and quality which bas always been associated with this store. F. B. McKINNON Watch for further Announcements) as5-a4e VOICING and REGULATING All kinds of repair undertaken a1 the lowest charge eonsistent with best workmanship. ranteed. xpert. Work Gane TE a ot CHAS. A. Al Telephone 68. 700.00 a Pair Lots 11-15, Block 11, Cousins and Sissons, Don't forget the sale of household 008e Leaf System The News Job furniture at O. Strausburg s, 201 Main Department has every facility for sup- Stroet 27743 plying the most satisfactory. , B. F.Souch, phm.s. PRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. HUNTLEY PAEMER BISCUITS We have just placed in stock a large assort- H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. itbiceiviebevinivivinieiefeisiele eee einen nit x Pebble btn rier i Phone 54. ered in order, Alz Block 5, Lot 6, 1050.00; One of the early productions of two-weeks engagement in San Block T, Lots 18-19, 1150.00. next fall will be A Garden Francisco, her play to be Green states contests inv Block 5, Lots 11-12, 1250.00, of Girls. Stockings. at large and distri fifth, sixth and ni eight of Alabama structed for Taft Next would com sas for at large a gates from first, s fifth and sixteentl With thirty mim each side for- pre involving dejegatl ffteen. minufes pe contests it Was e1 the best possibie o the intended omi: recess would find touched upon at t - work, The committee (Session at 10.10 a : sume his tour in The Senator han and Harris, in a new farce by eee Keeps House. Frances Nordstrom, called Room Se sie Kismet has done so well in this 44. prior to: meeting make public any arguments tn the though the Tgft at out a synopsis of contests, of that laws, Roosevelt. were n mae the press only as wast night was bylaw night h up by the committ it . 4 i e 1 3 Another attempt City Council. Practically the whole MAKES A HIT. i Sueinatieacttae velt attorneys, to : roll cail by requ bers. Senator Bo fight yesterday to quirement of; tiven call. CW. ALP. Chicago, IIL, Jun bama cases were ray of counsel app to oren the fight f the outcome of wh Presidential nomir * k, and arles eam .. MCKINNON S a day, in addition to stock mentioned: in o5e Cc : ee peed oe a ai our display adj lt;will be offered one SSS wel ir EB .ttio of first prize Golden Wyandottes dent Tare With-te 2 pals F, B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friends and were Frederick C. ton, Street, and S, 8. 1 6f the Taft delega Alabama, and W. tis, and A. G. Bire The voting starts nection with the : aupended list of cai Indy to represent * 1 Miss Vera Flemin i Miss J an Nichol: Miss Nora Nibloc Miss Marion Mel Miss Ethel Laloni Miss Marjorie Ra Miss Margaret Mi a Mi aa erie pees ment of these'famous buscuits, including q Miss SE 650.00 the following: 1 fase Ae ee for 50-ft,-and shack in-S.Yulll, Fee q Hise Sertesde FI water and gas. Worth 1000 ,DIGE STIV E DINNER i Miss Kr MeCombs PHILIPPINE ; BRAZIL + Miss eaptiaeh 700.00 ACORN FOLKESTONE i. wary mek 50 ft, Block 2 Central Park. SAVOY SHORTBREAD Coupons will. ap MACAROONS ARROWROOT See ea SHREWSBURG SALT evening, June 24th good for one rote. out of the News, fil the name of the you wish to vote Miss- Canada Conte City. Tho vote will te each day and the r the News at that 6
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Image 960 (1912-06-06), from microfilm reel 960, (CU1771964). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.