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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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little pt. exries this sea- e pleasant sur- 1e off the farm. i give it. Thursday, June 27th, 1912. MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. A FEW OF OUR LISTINGS GOOD ACREAGE PROPOSI- TION Some Money-maker. in Cousins and Sissons, Bend- ing, Altawana, and Riverside at, right prices. : Good list fully modern Houses. BUSINESS Main St, Block 15, 500 per foot. 50 ft, corner, Block 25, Mont- rea St, 400 per foot. Toronto St, Block 24, 500 per foot. CENTRAL PARK 850, terms, 50 ft., Block 9. 2600, ttrms, 125 ft, corner, in Block, 13. 1600, terms , 100 ft. Block 24. COUSINS AND SISSONS 800, terms, 50 ft, facing High- lund, Block 2. 700, 60 ft, Block 1. 700 pai 6-40, Block 19. 560 pair, terms, Block (snap.) corner, 14, Wanted to Purchase 160 Acres on North Hill or West Side, Medicine Hat. Must be level and price low to be considered. From 21 miles to 314 miles from centre of town. Owner only need apply; stating quarter section, township will have fifty a, Come early, 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.30 and 5 P. M. no food whatever, water occasionally. pounds at the be- , and had lost thir- i s conclusion, In the fj fr. Griscom, of Chi- nilar attempt, but xpiration of thirty- . Dr. Tanner s at- nglish people ha nflergune long fast nce they were found deception, and most risoned as cheai EPEAT ERLE ETS PLAYS AND PLAYERS. PEPE EEE EES Margaret Mayo has two plays under way. * Se + + Otis Skinmer will star again next season in Kismet. Walter Hackett has a play called Officer 666 is to have a summer iin in New York City. Margaret Anglin will appear in fgypt, by. Edward Sheldon; some time in September. Chrystal Herne fs leading a stock company in New Haven, Connecticut. Henrietta Crosman is sald to be look- ing for a good suffragette play. gaged as a member of the Gilbert and. Sullivan Opera Company. Hiliott Dexter is leading man of a stock company in Kansas City. William T. Hodge is still playing The Man from Home' iat the West, Henry Kolker has recently joined the Sunter-Bradford Players in Hart- Holbrook Blinn has written a play, as yet unnamed, which is to have a try-out in Chicago. Fred Thompson has filed a vol- untary petition in bankruptcy in New York City. s Grace La Rue and her husband, Byron Chandler, Paris looking for a new musical play. FULLER-HARLOW 1200, terms, 100 ft., Block 3. 1400, 100 ft, Block 2. These are river lots and snaps, HERALD 750, terms, Lots 19520, Block 17 600, terms, Lots 39-40 Block 17. 1000, terms, Lots 27-28, Blk, 13. 4,200, terms, Lots 19-20, Block B., with small house. SEE US FOR LOANS AND IN- SURANCE Next season Florence Rockwall-4s to appear in new play dalled The Wild Swers, from the pen of Buchanan Thompson, Lele Fuller is sald to be teaching dancing to children in Paris and ac- cording to reports has been sucess- ful at the work. Winona Winter has been engaged for an important part in one of next Season s productions by Cohan and Harris. Elsie Ferguson will appear in a new Play in the a rection of Klaw and Erlanger. J. Hartley Manners has recently completed a new play call d Barbar- aza. Itis to be produced in Los An- geles. Cecilia Loftus is to cut short her fe eriean engagement to go to London and appear by royal command before the King and Queen. Vera Rossmore, a nieca-of the ate Denman Thompson, has been engaged as a member of the cast to support Emma Trentini the coming season. Julian Hitinge will begin another sori Atlin City in August in The Fascinating Widow, and will spend. about 20,00 in new dresses for.the production. Atlantic City ts where the Hltinge offering was orig- inally presented on November 14, 1910. Knicker Do you use labor-saving devices? Bocker Yes, a, fishing-pole will prevent you from having to- take up the carpets. New York Sun. When Summer Stops the Swing ad esestestoeaesielese estenlocnepaestetoion scene 1) Most of us can remember the school lesson in the law of accumulated motion momentum. If you exert a pound of pressure against a man in a swing, you'll start him moving slowly to and fro. If you continue to exert a pound of pres- sure against him every time the swing makes a trip, you'll soon have him going so high that he almost turns the whole circle. If you stop push- ing, the momentum will die out and the swing come to rest at dead centre. Advertisements are the force behind the swing of public favor. Each new advertisement increases the momentum. Finally, the accumfilated force of these numerous impulses swings indifference to Gin aN, Se DOG POM a es Le a If you stop Advertising, you lose momentum. The. moral of which is: Don t stop the business swing in Summer. Keep adding the pounds of Advertising pressure. Farm and Garden AT HOG KILLING TIME hog killing time it 1 necessary to ve good scraper, a sticking knife, hog hook: anda place that 1s cou: for working. 1 is commonly that 1s needed unless large. ealding tub will an- scalding much have one which of two inch planks for the and sheet iron for the correspondent of the ie bale j : OME WAT OF HANO rG PORE, - (Phetograph by Long Island agricultural experiment station.) American Cultivator It is six feet Jong and three and one-half feet wide, with a depth of two and one-half feet. Two hooks are fastened near the top on one side, with a pair of trace chains to ron under the hog to facilitate the turning and withdrawing from the tub. made by digging a trench tn the ground. and when in use I place pieces of wood across the bottom in order to keep the hog from coming with the tron bottom and getting too hot I find that the proper temperature for good scalding is from 180 to 190 de- grees and it a batzal ts to be used the 14 be bofling when dipped out of the kettle, as the barre will cool itsomewhat. If-a scalding tub is used the water should be cooled by adding a bucket of cold water before the hog 4s put in. To insure a correct heat of the water use a thermometer. Small quantities of lye, ashes or lime will have no effect in removing the hair, but-will-cause the scurf to come loose. more readily. A hog hook 1s almost indispensable, and if one is to be made it should be made in the form of m hay or bale hook. In fact, I find that a hay hook answers the purpose yery well. In handling the hog stick the hook: in the flesh of the lower jaw, just behind the fork of the jawbote, However, the hook may be stuck under the tendons of the hind legs. Keep the hog in constant motion while being scalded and draw it out to. air occasionally. When the hair and curt slip easily from the body the scalding is completed. Im scraping and cleaning the hog 1 clean the feet and head first, then the legs, and last, but not least, the body. T hang the hog with rope and pul- ley, as it 1s more easily hung in this away than any other, Bat it may be hung with the ordinary gambrel, 2 stick which is sharpened at each end and inserted under the tendon strings of the bind legs. A short singletree will be found to answer for a gambrel stick. If there is gufficient help at hand the hog may be hung on a pole put up for the purpose. ter the bog is hung op rinse it with scalding water, remove the Whye did youf give your parrot away? The poor bird meant noth- ing by Its profanity. I could stand its profanity, but it was learning to imitate my nelgh- dor s rusty lawn mower. Kansas City Journal. Bess--How do you eliminate the scent of onions? Tess Oh, the remedy's simple. I read a. story that takes my breath away. Tit-Bits. a Last Chance to Secure One of the Greatest Paintings Of the Modern French School Ta Cigale ( The Grasshopper ) byHdouard Bisson, the first of The Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in the Salon exhibition at Paris. It is a beautiful painting, one of the best of its kind. ; La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everybody remembers La Fon- American taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. Done into rhyme it runs this way: 4 A grasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of mest or of bread, Not a morsel she had; So .a-begging she went, To her neighbor the ant, For the loan of some wheat, Which -would..setve her to eat Till the season came round. 1 will pay you, she saith, On an animal's faith, i Double weight on the pound Ere the harvest is bound, The ant is a friend, (And here she might mend) Little riven to lend. How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, looking shame At the borrowing dante. Night and day to each comer I sang, if you please. You sang Ia at ease; For it's plain at glance, Now, madam, you must dance. La Cigale is Bisson s idealization of the human counterpart of the: the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- es the story of the nobility.and necessity of labor. A Photogravure 22x28 inches. This Picture Never Sold Less Than 2.50 Before ae T Daily News Readers THE COST IS , from the front page of The Daily News. These pictures cannot be sent by
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Image 1114 (1912-06-27), from microfilm reel 1114, (CU1771956). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.