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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. A Oiher Sports on Pages 10 and 12 p ay) R T N E WwW . Soot . LELEELOE PESO GTI O LLLP OOO GOS Rieeel Hiner POP et PPO GOOG So atesgeete ete atoeso tee eee preter rne Seago tage on such corner : oe x hee by imposed on the teal 7 T RECING Tinh D UD AT ROVAL ASCOT TRACK age thereof over, and Place Which for Two Centuries has Enjoyed the Royal Calf. We have just put Patronage, Opens for its Annual Meet. Pago 9. Tuesday, June 18th, 1912 jay, June 18, 1 ecial rate aforesaid dur- the said twenty years. gt; payment of the portion payable by special as- 1 the interes thereon a ake rate of ten cents per except where corner lots 1 rate shall be sufficient he said sum of 2073.14 annually inserted in the: shall be payable in the r as other rates in the yllaw shajl take effect into stock 60 pairs of ot the final passing tan calf,: leather lined, solid shank shoes, made tes of the burgesses of ; shall be taken on this he following times and is to say, on Friday the Is The Best Buying in seu Medicine Hat To-Day from the famous Chie- ae a pa REE OEE ETS say next, commencing ago Calf. call the amuns racecourse, a meet ,s, + ot nine o'clock in the : ing bogins today that will culmimate) GowERNOR + 1 continuing until fiv ith th ing of the Ascot Gold x earn of the une: These shoes should ) rir vrnursday. For over two cen- + WOULD STOP * : i follow Deputy Re- es the Ascot track ha: joyed ere, namely, for Wards sell for 6.00, but we are e i tavor, aa ie was in 1731 that Hy aes W H VY 9 e City Hall by. T. C. Anne, while driv: 1s Deputy Returning - Ofti- going to dispose of them. /2u2s2 Anne wala its destrabiity * El Past, Tex, June e ds 3 and 4 at the Court for her favorite spoftof racing, and * 18 I wilkputupa * i Benson, Deputy Re- for a 5.00 bill each, jlorderea a course established immed- - hig guarantee to sec- or a tatty. Ascot opened with a icine Ga ani itty, Avot was opened, with 4/4 ure the Johnson A 3 cause Of its close proximi to the hat hi * Fh battle: for ning Officer. And from what happe- ) wno was present at the first meet, ; sale yo said. Dick * . arsday the fourth di ited raluabl te. From ** v iy + peas fal sats ed to them Saturday mc fener of ascot bae t Smith, last night, Industrial Centre of the City. aa City Hall at ten they won t last long. een a brilliant one, with the royal -+ when Governor Me- lt; ; forenoon to appoint : 5 progress a8 a spectacular feature. 4. T)onald -announded . . * V1 ies Bat the various pot fe prosene imauraten about a he would do all in his Is it wise to pay large prices for building lots. when beautiful . and at the century ago, means the arrival e e a : up of the votes by the a Complete Men's Outfitters, Hie a Queen, with outriders and * power to stop. the Ra peeryane Turpin B sing ta coon it vues ang power to stop the 1 City View may be bought at such Low Prices and noting or opposing the T urp In TOS flies are tora of these processions, and - Smith with his part- * h E rms his By-law respectively. the Mass Store Where You in the days of King George IV. a/. ner, J. B. Russell + on suc. asy 1 e e ae an eee at his. Get the Blg Dollar's, Worth writer foted the cleanliness of the . 4), e concession for * 2 fall at ten o'clock ts ethin: - 7 a oa z . J 2 . . lt; on of Saturday the sixth Surkable, On that occasion, too, * rights in the Juarez Then too you will double your money within this year if 1912, to sum up the num- His Majesty ate potted meats and ** building- i . given for or against this. : traits. Willlam TV.was not. much - + you buy Now. Rernember these lots are the choicest of the All CLUBS WITHIN interested in racing, although he at). fete of of oh be oh PEPE Z d y te i By h 1 th f :S st time this fifth day of tended the Ascot meeting in state. tire 1v1S10N---r1 t a ong e ront 1884 Princess Victoria appeared in the death of the Prince Consort, af- en g . NELSON SPENCER, LIMIT SAYS BARROW the royal prcensiba end ice ter wale be nee pointes eat L h h k Mi 9 ss the races for the first time. The init- es. ie HL BAKER, iat Spsesnake at Victoria as Ee eae vag ee nee et us show you t ese money makers. Clerk. * at Ascot was the occasion of wild Edwar ; he i a : International League Head ; the royal procession. The - ond tii this fii thusiasm. He ttendants w re annually in yal pr ceo Declares National Agree- yeomon ot Windsor crest Fores uaiton has teen, maintaned: by Single Lots 165.00 ' Double Lots 325.00 NELSON ; S Nicholas I. of Russia visited As- King George and Queen . : Medea ment is As Good As Sign et rere tad for eight yeare ther- proceasion consists of eight carria- Our car at your service. H, BAKER, ed. atter the Russian Emperor's Plate ges, sith drawn by four bay snare mies Sere: Toronto, June 18. All the Inter- wee De eo coma tee a end led by outriders in. brilliant STICK is hereby giver national League clubs are within the A ery year until scarlet. z going is a true copy of by-law to authorize the entures. of the City Hat to the amount of Pay for the construc- ete- sidewalks which introduced and which Passed (in the event of the burgesses being eto after one month day of June, 1912, that upon which this notice hed in the Medicine Hat required limit of twenty men per club, said President Edward Barrow International League recently. What fine could have been impos- ed had the club not'been within the limit on June 12 he was asked. hat s a question. The rule which makes It obligatory for all clubs classed as AA to be within a limit is part of the new national agreement, This agreement is just now becoming operative, so that it is doubtfui if any fine could have been imposed, had Will Take Two Teams. Philadelphia, June 18. Mamagar on Big Baseball Tour Giant Leader Planning to Tour the World Next Year . One of the teams will be , BOB BURMAN COULD ENCIRCLE BASES TWICE F. M. GINTHER LAND CO. 390 Toronto Street *Phone 171 ENGLAND'S CHOICE 15 Successive Bulls ne Hat, and upon the some club violated the rile last Sat.) pe cnchan of the Cardinals ants. The other will bo a picked ag- i (0. aie; Gablage s July, 1912, the voting nurday. aes ae gregation. Bresnahan will command WHILE Ty COBB 1S MAKING ADASH FOR FIRST London, June 18. The following ten Calgary Shot Makes Good be held between the Our league yoted for this tule, has received an invitation from Man- the latter, as Roger has all but de- .. 5 have been invited to represent Eng- Score at A: T Meet- ) o'clock a. m. and five and it-was up to me to see that Itlager McGrew of the Giants to 9 cided to accept tlie invitation. saree . land im the third match against the) * yreshire Meet- at the following pl was enforced, regardless of the mst- -Gmpany him on a baseball tour of picked team will probiabl aris Fast)Granting that Cobb could -run 100 Australlans which . commences on) Ing. dixhig the sbtet St the Jonal agreement. But, as T have asld. ) a ie tale Pelee iy co Some Comparisons on Fast) ee tT the world s record time of Monday next, June 24; C. B. Fry, cap- ee the world next winters McGraw is tain a few American leaguers, but d Player. or voters residing in there was no penalty then, I might a Swill be National 1 Racer and Ball yer. 9.90, allowing for his remarkable tain; R. H. Spencer, P. F. Warner, (C. A. P. Cable.) arid 2, at the Council ave found one bad a club cut down Planing for the most pretentious most of them will be Nationa an speed on the bases, it wonld require Middlesex; F. R, Foster, Warwick- London, June 18 Sergt. Martin, of 1e City Hall; for voters to twenty men by June 1, the extend- trip ever undertaken by baseball stars, and inbloded. 40: Gp Uist pr The Toledo Blades sporting editor about 8 2.6 seconds for him: to reach shire; Hobbs, Surrey; Rhodes, York- Calgary, the notable Bisley winner, 6 sae Coe robes: ed time. club, and he, wants Bresnahan as his ably will be Ed Koney, the Cardinal propounds some interesting isures first base the distance of 90 feet, On Sshire; Barnes, B. J. Smith, Warwick- scored fifteen successive bulls at the se. National Agreement. rival tactician on the long junket. first sacker. 5 on auto racing speed. the other hand, Burman, travelling at shire; Wooley, Kent; and Dean, Lan- thousand yard mark at the Ayreshire it, June 10th, 1912, The national agreement after some In keoping with McGraw s policy In his letter to Bresnahan, Me. 5,4 Burman the world s speed the rate of 141 miles, covers 218 feet cashire. meeting yesterday, scoring 222 points Hy BAKER, Clerk. thane te ihe aiajor clubs, 18 an good of doing everything right, Muggsy Graw says he has completid all 3r- lying, will tako part in the events to per second. The entire distance of a) out of a possible 296, : i as signed now. Only the two majors this winter intends to journey to rangements, and the journey will last se held at the Lucas county race cirouit of a baseball diamond is four A married man could have a lot of iGe eee Srnie Semained to sign it, he Nationallevery country on the old contisent well nigh threo months. The troop- track on Saturday. times 90 fest to each base, or a total money if permitted to select his wife's For Other Sporting News ft Pi Association governs the International and also to Australia with two of ers will visit every big city inevery) purman will ve seen here with his fot 60 fect from the bome plate back hats. Pages 10 and 12, ieee ean Teague. The other day I heard from the most representative teams. in Buropean country and then dip down mitzon Benz with which he ostab- to the home plate. Ty Cobb would 230 1 -' i Garry Herrmann, the chairman of the haseball toda: to the Antipodes. lished his record for-a mile in 25 2-5 need 3 2-5-seconds to reach first after 2, Me Seedeoatorgectectecs EDCnTeee ; National Commission, that the agree- a canking hin hie iy. which tine. Bur: Sestetesteetessoetoatestestesgedte lt;Soeg so efe-etoete ste, if , i ment was as good as signed. Prob- having been contest to.Joat One mile, or 6280 feet, at the rate man would have covered 728 fect, or G* Came. ably by this time nas been sten- MORE TANGLED THAN EVER) crtit'tie arse Boer lof 1 1 miles per hour, ts speed over two circuits of the diamond; -in 500 500 3 until the first half was over, but injof 141 miles per hour, Is De 500 500 od, nun We tully op eas uve hee the last three sessions he made a Whith s almost impossible to con- fact, would be om first base at ex- e i i is layed. cs 2 . x cori TERE ESR cal Miaaloweight, Controveray prat ttn ta se feu, Pier an arbor oe, eda rae oo a : i ever travel ed, - * a S09 60 cuing forall or else, though some Not Cleared By MeGoorty 2s, cos 0 jot co busy, St tinction enough for any one modest two clreults or two home runs, so to if of the managers do not think 0, Our Mill, *-infighting Bob was to the good jection snout eons clubs considered May 15 as the time Mohs te ee. oar ee - a set for cutting down to this Mmit. S x e the middleweight title he 230: 180 180 286: i cecordiie Coe uANaaAT abcoammeyps eeesa a) oF cuencine Coe middle: nave to be more serious in his work In order that the reader may get SER Toun ee 500; So is uot the day, but Instead, Weight controversy, the battle be-lana give more attention to his pre-/ n idea of what annihilating spate If there was'e smooth, straig 500-500 ; Siater tay eoines ty and Bob Mo- Pitations otherwise he will never Feally means, t would be only noces- of the auality of the Dayiona, Bese 1 wher i a B n 200 200 im ha at New York only left it more lsary by way of comparisen to call toyieading-from New York- ( ter the opening of the season. and the coveted crown. Moha; too, Francisco, Cal, a distance of more 500 500 epwenty men are enough for any tangled than ever. Both have sie seems to be off color and was not at memory the reseaans te Ee epi iite, and Were Terie 450 450 club. Carrying more than that means eontenders for the championsbi CC his best. It is strange that fighters Of TY Cobb, the ing Se ae asia is tecasbcblec kia See ANe Ott i caevsconaary expense, Then, too, some America and MeGoorty has been 8i - who are making big money canmot e TY Cobb can start at the home a 413, 418 1 the prefe for the honor by gt;.21; Seca, plate nd veach first base, a distance f 141 miles per hour the entire dis- managers are sensitive about releas- en the preference realize that thet condition iv, every Meese, attwhlen he-teaverled t)Daxe ee 30, sane yore, They would have a most writers, but it seems that Ed-lin'n to them, Both MeGoorty amd Of 9 fect as fast or faster than any /E 2 Mh 0 ave washed oon ae Leech fall at every game it they had die is not following the dove sheets Inrohs are capable middleweights and PlAver io elther league. To say tat) OO stout be possible for him 260 260 t the stri he his splendid bat- cane Ty covers the first stage of the cir- Course, It wo pe le 630 630 rele aayy,vathiee sik out ie So 79RE ce, Cane ew near-champions, but they must tot ocr basca in a trifle over three t0 leave New York city after his noon- 300 300 to men who have seen good service le against Hugo Kelly and his fine n.c he fans to stand for inferior *cconas js but a fair comparison of day meal on Monday and by abstain- with them, or who seemed possessed showing in New York, he was picked ory. oes ing from his dinner to give up the en- int . He oH on Ee of a chance of delivering montlis or to best Moha decisively,, but accord- bis prowess. tire time to travel, or continuous that It 1000 1000 i yesciita She iseeeee: ing to the vatious reports of the cons BURKE 18 TIGER SCOUT Were Bob Burman and Ty Cobb to driving, he would reach San Fran- and thea, it suspended lssuo entirely te 650 280 280 650 Cut Down the Cry test coming out of New York, neith- petrom, June 18 James Burke. start a circalt of the diamond togeth- clsco early the next morning in time some time when the publishers felt inclined? ear aE6 *y nave had applications from man- er one put up the fight they are eap- former manager of the Indianapolis or, with a flying start ,and were Bur- for very early breakfast. ; allowed to car- able of, and as a result their repu- American Association team, yesterday ma 300 300 agers this weeks gt; 06 : man to be under full speed before You: Gare terres. yor. paiceli SE aDRENS s- 850 . 850. 48 Fy one or two extra men for a few tation was mot enhanced anv. Most signed a contract with the Detrolt the fast Tyrus could reach the first syNp 18 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS. 3 Giean tages ee re 448 448 days, but I told them not to try itlof the writers gave MeGoorty the American team. He will act as scout sack, Bob would be crossing the home ertising. assume that fs im: i ja have i 7 1b, if the Foad at ways store news worth telling store news 3456 One man who applied. coul verdict. The trouble seems to favelfor the club, starting on the plate the second time, and would be apeaaiv inka) News) are 1000 1000 made room dy releasing some play- heen that, Ed not start early once. on his third cireuit of the diamond. 199 Jack Johnson, now heavy- 930 330 ers who were of no use to him. Wher Or if the mighty Ty were at bat, and ecigtickaa toareknecteditout + 800 told this he did some releasing, and was to make one of his famous drives Chaviey Heaney, sta the cient It ts net as poor policy for a store, as It wonld be for s now has room to spare within: the OR Se eee erat recat te harley Haghey in the s newspaper, to serve its patrens in a spasmodic, undepan-. . ove: on ar round at Gloucester, aMss. - fs hi to the poeple of 4178 13139 17495 4178 twenty: man fimit. Bufman. were to. start at fall -apeed dable way If your store is important The new national agreement, which UT ERN CHI 7ALRY? from the plate at the: exact frigtant 1907 Freddie Weeks won-the decis- the elty, your advertising fs important te them all of the will be in full operation next year, . snat the willow th:the hands of Cobb fon over Jimmy Welsh, the Bos. time aot merely now and then. ssions, It is expected unless something unforseen appears, ton boxer, in 10 rouns at Den- . 1 Dobson, B. A., will b i iM ali salary limit in the Ne estus tal contact, ith the phere, Be ver. De be Ee are ro Willi also; meeen Yazoo City, Miss, June 18 One catcher was behind the bat +f+ would reach the spot before the ball 3 4 The aise of your advertising space should net vary any Social Services. The International League. It is expected) 7 sor both teams for 16 innings in the Cotton States League game be. f would strike the ground, tield it easily 1910 Packey McFarland, of Chicago, than the size of a varies, and the appear- urse will be under the that the salary lmit will cause trou- F 7 Oo Ornus and Yazoo City here yesterday. In the second land return to first base under the isnocked out Goldswain, an eg palsy ane aa oe aoa Sed os 1 able Bible student. ble. If not in this league, in the Am.) TI ne iret game the Columbus catcher was hurt and there -I same speed-in time to nfp the run- English boxer, in 3 rounds at Toguiar as the appearance of thls newspaper, peeing ate ee rich Association: was no one to take his place. The Yazoo City catcber volunteered f+ ner at the first sac London. st helpful courses of lt; to keep the game going and it was so agreed by all in authority. eee s hoped thesevery Sun: ios Cure Yazoo City won both games, In trav lling at the rate of 141 The Tracerse City team in the pity eee + . miles an hour, Burman covers exact- Michigan State league has quite yt ied) by Paice. a8 cu ipper in Pi POPOSSOOOSSSS rmaton may be had by STOPS COUGHS EERE a ee EEE EET EE EE Ee Elly M8 foot im one secondaof time- tancy tipper in Pitelier Kirby. the Alberta Sunday . tion, Calgary ;
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Image 1044 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1044, (CU1771954). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.