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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 6 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, June 3rd, 1912. Sect took a8 ca cteste ste stp fede stestestestertecten Sok afortocteeteeteetrsteestess ores aleoteatesteatpeteatesteatesteateasecte ste sseegiege ss da taste te te teate tests te sfo-ate-efoete steele ase ste re ie oes oe ae 2 eS fs Reetert ot es eS so toate te s to es o e te e tos os cS o4 Sais 4 the machinery the . oe e + operation. And we solicit your patronage. . x ed By the Parties Chief- Call phone No. 8 and our drivers will call for and return the ly Concerned. oods. z g Z Praise for Conservation 2, eS Commission and aa - ir At: cece nape Ee LOL ALLL ILE HE HS Columbia On, Their ALL OUR RIGHT AND CLAIMS FOR OUR GREA WORLD BEHIND WAR POWER) Everything Contributes and Converges on This One . Say -Churchill First . Ad: B 82 :e basee- This development jin the province are to appoint repre- tnlike the United States until Single Object or Point, miralty Lord. (By W. Hamilton Rhodes) : London, June 3 The speeches at; less renew in the years that are to the Royal Academy banquet at Bur- come: lington House last Saturday night bad very little tional defence. Mr. Churchill said: At the Admiralty everything con- tributes and converges on one single objact the development of the mai mum war power at a given moment and ata particular point. On that precise object is directed all the sciences our-age can boast, all the wealth of our country, all the e- sources of our civilization, all the patience, study, devotion to duty, and the sacrifice of personal. inter- ests which our naval officers and men supply all the glories of our his- tory in the past everything is dir- ected upon this one particular point tion at some special place. during the compass of a few mittutes of shatter- ing, blasting, overpowering force. This may not perhaps seem a very amiable topic to which civili- ized men should devote many hours of their. lives, but yet I venture to think that in the world in whieh we live and in the circumstances amid which we find ourselves, the study of absolute force for its own sake - is not perhaps altogether unworthy of those who are called upon to take a share in the counsels of a free peo- ple. * by For what lies-on-the other-side? What lies bebind this development of the force of war-power? Behind it lies all our right and claims for our great position in the world. Behind it lies all our power to pat our distinctive and characteris- tic. mark upon the unfolding civiliza- tion-of mankind, for under the shel- ter of this manifestation we may agree or quarrel as we please, Wwe may carry on our own party polities im perfect security. eS So long as that quality of our civilization, so long as the patriot- ism and organization of our country is sufficiently high to-enable us to produce the maximum of force at, a particular point, there is no reason why we should not hand on undimin- ished to those who come after us the great estate we have reached those who haye gone before. from + The best way to make war impos- sible is to make victory certain, and I am glad to be able to assure you that we see no difficulty in main- taining the main securities of the country and in providing an effeotive is now complete and will be in full ope We invite the general interest from the to the present labor point of view of art, buf the ban- amount of free advice offered: to the quet provided Mr. Churchill, First government as to the best way of Lord of the Admizalty with the op- desling with it- portunity to make very. interesting Phic statements on the'subject of na- cial, interests ment sprung upon it. Announcement The Medicine Hat Steam Laundry Company s New Plant ation on Monday, June 3rd. ss sanita in ev best that money,can buy. T POSITION 1N Much is being written with regard unrest, and The Daily Gra- which mentions that commer- throughout the coun- try are alive to the fact that the sole remedy for this state of affairs rests in the repeal of the Trade Dis- putes Act, offers the opinion that so long as Trades, Unions are exempt from liability for their actions, and so long as peaceful picketing en- ables them to force their will on loyal workers, so-long will the coun- try remain in danger of having the modern blackmail strike, at any mo- When trade unions are made legal- ly responsible for officials, and when their funds are put at stake, there will be an tmme- paper on are binding upon every individual who enters into one. A good deal of attention is being paid to the doings of the King's sons. The Prince of Wales s move- ments in Paris are chronicled with unfailing regularity, and the fact has been duly recorded. Prince Hen- ry, His Majesty's third son, is now claiming the-attention of the (public. of the famil; possibly a deeper purpose in, this comprenensive young princes than any at first be apparent, for it is stated in Court les that the King intends his sons to become Links of Empire by taking up positions similar to naught. The increase of motor-traction foreibly is that the sight of a horse down, formerly one of the eommon- est and most frequent incidents, is now comparatively. rare. But there is ome interesting feature that re- mains, and that is the van dog. It is generally a rough-haired active little mongrel which does sentry-go backwards and forwards over the load, and patrols to right and left, with an - occasional professional glance at the horse just to see that that subsidiary animal is also do; cisive points without adding greatly to the enerous provisions there is, of course. the attendant Phone 433. 100x130 corner. , Lot 36-40, Bik 13, Lockwood + 125 130.-ft. corner. Lot 45-46, Bik,.20, Lawton St. 50x180, Lot 39-40, Blk, 27,-Omaba St, 67x130 ft. Corner. 25120 ft: oortier. pevinn Stee Lot 6, Bik, 88, Ottawa St, 1300 terms. 50x130. CENTRAL PARK. very absolutely devoted to the sense , of ocoupied the day. wublic to inspect the plant while in days this year, when the young chil- the acts of their diate end to the strike without no- and object, namely, the manifesta- tice- Agreements between masters soived and men at present not worth the , es tos os OF FEDERAL e hott Saati et et to Chief Fire Inspector and Noatects eee 2, Zs fe o4 Mr, Clyde Leavitt at Coast Arrange Co-operation Re- , os e 48 ery respect, and to et o, Present Situation As View- fo Victoria, June 3 vitt, chief fir trespass ds a gamekeeper. The van and no profane hand may even Be eter of the commission of conserva- out angry protest, and to touch any rai heme for Sait conse bimn to trenay. Hla iewsile ge oie, mong the diffe al world. It is many years since so pronoun- ing the early life of Queen Victoria's a juvenile atmosphere was felt ingham Palace now. Of course, dur- . * ast three years by the at Court as is experienced at Buck- Commission of Sena gn oe children parties were occasionally gi- Hon. Wm. R. Ross, provincial min- ven, but there was a certain-amoumt lister of lands. As result of their jof restraint about them owing to the efrorts. the Dominion railway act was late Queen's rigid regard for Court amended in 1911 so as to require the etiquette. The present King and railways under Dominion charter, to Queen, however, believe in the essen- maintain, at their own expense, such tially typical English home where fire patrols and to provide them with children are allowed to give play to such equipment as the board might their juvenility, and.daring the holi- consider necessary. 5 After the adoption of this amend- aren: of the aristocracy will be free ment a mevting of the commisston from school attendanse, a good many was held in Vancouver for the dis- children s parties will be held - of cussion of the subject last August. abont two hours duration each, dur- At that mecting-the province, as re- ing which time there will be dancing Presentead ts Mr. A. D. McLean, and all sorts of games for the little (Urged, that inspectors of Dominion ones. irailways should be appointed in the province. with power to say what Cau fake the Ses ste Mee? patrole hould be established. Chair- Psa seer tips toes Sag asioes tame Manes suesested staat thecro- Pee asay Ceteeea Sava ores nate Reotenen othe Pee Baise ries Jot patrol which it thought should be : adopted. Such a plan was accord- change, of their own, and thus be in- ingly drawn up by Hon. W. R. Ross be deemed necessary. The presence of Mr. Leavitt in Vic- tora comes as the culmination of the work that h F WMPORTANT MISSION, sss sae os i be left in the hands of the officials of the) provinelal forester service who are under control of the provincial minister of lands. OFFICIAL (Sraseueercrstc. ar conducted In thorough harmony with the province's new department of for- The Railway Commission s 0,) Object of (His Visit. is to represent the railway commis- sion-in these matters, is one of the several gentlemen who have recently been called into the service of Canada to help in the establishing of proper ral resources. ing in the United States, partly at the staff of the and partly in the University of Mich vice of the United States, working Ir, Clyde Lea- inspiring enthusiasm among men who f Y Inspector of the Do-/are making a career of this class of and its contents are sacred to him, inion railway commission and for- Dublic: employment. stretched towards his charge with-ltion ig here for the purpose of ar- great advantage, says. Mr. Leavitt. co-operation Her forests, like those of the United * ent parties interested States, have been wasted to a scand- the mischievous London boy thor- in forest preservation in Brittsh Co- alous extent by fire and oughly well, and keeps his eye upon iumbia, The railways doing business methods of cutting, but in Canada, of the sense of guardianship in the sentatives who will talk the subject recently, the mind of an animal whose progenit- over with Mr. Leavitt and with some from which the. ors were predatory is one of the person appointed on behalf of the taken, has remained in the state In- most wonderful things in the natur- provindia minister of lamds, In order stead of being sold along with the that sueh steps may be taken as may timber. been done during the have to be re-purchased from private Dominion owners, and it is astonishing. low went s to what is to be done, the task A guarantee fs thus Bleck My 2Uvt: 2 S16 raed afforded that the business of prevent Block C, Lots 12 and 18, 8000.00. Block 14, Lots 15 and 16, 785.00 Mr, Leavitt, whose official duty tt Block 15, Lot 1, 1100.00, Terms. Block 11, Lot 8, 5800.00. Terms. Block A, Lot 9, 1260.00. Terms. Road Allowance, Lot 100 Block 27, Lot 8, 8000.00, Terms. Block *. Lots 21 and venue, Snap, 7,000. He rec ived his train- New York college of forestry, under Dr, B. B. Fernow, who is now on the University of Toronto, Block 8, Lot 11 (corner) 1400.00, Block. 27, Lots 81 and 82, 600.00 igan, under Prof. Roth. For the past ea Ee ea Lots 8-9, Block 81, 700, Terms, eight years he has been in the ser- under Mr, Clifford Pinchot, who has shown in marked degree the power of Phone 287. Canada is starting with one very ranged for the evening of the 8th of June, There will be accommodations at this feast for 1,800 persons. Men very of all creeds and affiliations will gath- ownership of the land F about this banquet board, and at has been the guest table will be seated the President of the United States and distifiguished representatives of offl- cial and diplomatic life in the Na- tion's capital well as prominent officials from Canada and from the principle cities of the United States. Other organizations of the nation, interested in Christopher Columbus, and proud of his xploits as a con- tributor in a very material sense to improper timber As a consequence It is com- paratively easy to start on the task of repairing the damage. In the States a great deal of the land will rapidly land rises in value when the public wants to buy back what-it has parted with in the first instance for SS next to nothing. The commission on conservation in Canada is entitled to a great deal of credit for what t has already ac- complished. The -province of British re Columbia is very lucky in that It has realizbed In time the necessity for forest preservation and has grasped the immense importance of the irri- gation and other problems which have dealt with in the same connection. amr MANY CANADIAN NasapaeT KNIGHTS 10 G0, Knights of Columbus Will UAsaeay, The News B a a BH In Nearly B B , By Every Home Bi Bi Would proficabl - NORTH YUILL. Mock 8, Lots 16, 17 and 18 next to school, 1200 cash for all. Block 15, Lots 1 and 20, 1050.00 each. Terms, Block 4, Lot 5, only 825. Terms, Good money maker, Block 18, Lots 2 to 6, 785.00 cach. Terms. Block 18, Lots 11 and 12, 785.00 each. Terms. Block 15, Lot 20, 1050.00. Terms. Corner, Block 18, Lots 1 and 2, 2000.00 for pair. Block 8, Lot 21, 650.00 terms. Size of two 50 foot lots, NORTH TOWNSITE. 50 ft., corner of Montreal and Second CENTRAL PARK, All of Block 1, 1050.00 each. Torms. SEE US FOR NICE HOUSES FOR-SALE. G.G. MacBean Co. Real Estate Dealers, Room-7, Imperial Bank Bldg 8 -every-Nignt ep rent room or two to congenial peo- ple? Would you like to secure a more Two three roomed shacks. Terms, each. Cash. Corner. Corner. Terms, by Toronto Street. Terms, a pair, Terms, 5 the welfare. of humanity- iit be in the Ine of marclr NEVADA DEMOCRATS (Special to the News) Reno, Nev., June 3. Democrats of Nevada assembled at Fallon today for a Stat convention to select dele- gates to the national convention at Baltimore, The followers of Champ Clark and Woodrow Wilson are con- testing for control of the delegation. For all kinds of job printing, try the News Job Department. What Do You Want Most? ? you be glad of the chance to le position where the chances which they are written , will become as binding as contracts education of the dependent of the ordinary exchanges for inter-communication purposes. A centtal private exchange is now in course of construction at the railway clearing hous , and companies will be switched through to-each other Provement may result in considerable economies for the several offices, as that Prince Albert accompanied the many telegrams are now exchanged King on his historic submarine trip daily as the outcome of the present uncertainty in the telephone ser- vice. The army manoeuvres are to take said to be the nataral-student'piace this year from September 16 , and happy always when with books or music. There is Norfolk, to 19;in an area comprising parts of Suffolk, Essex, .Hertford- Huntingdonshire, Bedford- shire, lly there training, which starts about the be- ginning of July, the divisional train- ing for the most part at the begin- ning of September, and the to 24, in which the troops of the in Aldershot and London distriet com- the streets is gradually diminishing en aes the number of horsed vehicles, and one proof of this which strikes one mands Will take part. MEET TO DISCUSS, direct. It is suggested that this im- shire and Cambridgeshire. Previous- ie gestions made, he ill be the usal brigade 15 the proposal jcoveriiy all the railways under Do- minion charter in British Columbia and showing just what the province considered to be necessary in the way of patro and equipment for the pre- vention of fires along the rights of lway. This was submitted at a hear- ing of the railway commission in Ottawa last February and the board then promised to drft a scheme of fire rol and have it ready for the present fire season, Use of Oi Left Optional. The railways were asked to .give their views and a final hearing was had before the railway commission in Ottawa last month. On this occa- sion Hon, W. R. Ross was present and while endorsing most of the sug-' entered objection that the railways should be obliged to confine them- selves to the use of off fuel in forest areas, M would sands of members of-the-Knights of inter- be unnec ssary in British Coll , including Hon. Charles J. that now held by the Duke of Con-'givisional manoeuvres September 9 if other adequate precautions were taken and would be an injury to the coal mining business of the province. His representations on this point were needed, and th use of ofl on locomotives Was left optional. There it i 2 its imiportant duties than your littie sions of the convention will be open- 8 Die catieny Svmions which Parliament bas made in the van dog gt; It is an absorbing passion. ed tomorrow morning with the ad- Will be aUDORNee Te et past year, and which it will doubt- He is as jealous of intrusion as a WATER PROBLEMS very indication, however, that the tensive as the railways are finding by experience that, it posseses many ad Ges. The plan of fire protection which has been adopted provides for close co-operation between the railways the Dominion railway bourd and the provinc ; The officials of the pro- (Special to the News) Louisville, Ky., June 3 If any- thing goes wrong with your gity wat- er supply send the complaint to Lou- fsville, for the man responsible al probably here attending the thirty- Second annual convention of the Am- erican Waterworks Association, Del - 10s.1 tire protection service will, gates from scores of cities throuEl- necessary, be made also of- out the United States'and Canada 8r- foi). of the Dominion-railway board. the province and the railway meeting of the executive committee 1) vive them the necessary addi- The regular 8eS ) tions powers. Provincial officials points with power to examine the ress of the president, Alexander tocomotives and see that they cathedral verger, as resentful of 6. HOLLINGER AGENCY 2: Some R al Good Moriey-Makers TOWNSITE, Block 80, Montreal St. 1100 terms. 50x130 Bik. 54, Montr al St. 1200 terms, Bike b4, Montreul St 2800; term: St. 2600. Terms. Lots 3: 840.- Terms, 630. Terms. 00 Ter: SCHOO ANNEX. concerned as to What s necessary in Lots 10-11, Blk, 26, Lockwood St, 900 cash, il this connection. 130 1050 terms. 50x130. Arranging for Co-operation. Hts Bleck 28, Lawton St, 860 a pair, ff it tn forthe purpose of arranging terms, 50x130. for co-operation in these matters that Sain Mr. Leavitt is here, and he is now These are Milne, of St. Catherines, Ont. properly equipped. The railways Will also Keep men for the same pur- pose, co that all Jocomotives traveling through the forest belts of.the prov- Ince will be subject to a double In- spection, province may desire rights-of-way will be ordered by the Dominion railway commission and provided and pald by. the railways, although of course there will be co- operation and agreement among all awaiting word from Ottawa as to railways may Kick before the reg- use of ofl fuel will become very ex- sists of a heroic figure of Columbus. be Present at Big Time in Washington, June 8 Washington, D.C., June 81 The Knights of Columbus throughout the United States and Canada and Mexi- co, have, through thelr delegates, made final plans for the partictpa- tion of the order in the Columbus Memorial Unveiling, which will take place in this city Saturday, June 8. Invitations are being sent out this week to Premier Borden, Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court of Canada; Sir Lomer Gouin, Premier of Quebec, and Cabi- net Ministers of the Dominion and the yarlous provinces, as well as Sir Francois Langelier, Lientenant-Gov- ernor of Quebec; Mgr. Stagni, Papal Ablegate for Canada and members of the Canadian higrarchy and other public men throughout the Dominion, while special trains will bring thou- Doherty, Minister of Justice; Dr. J. J. Guerin, ex-mayor of Montreal, both past grand knights of Canada Council, Montreal, and Mayor Chis- holm of Halifax. The -statue, which is directly in front of the new Union station, con- The citizens of the National Capital, through the board of trade and the chamber of commerce have. made am- Ditious arrangements for the enter- tainment of the Visitors, including vig reception at the beautiful marble palace of the Pan-American Republi- can, in which President Taft will. pro- bably participate. There will be public concerts, an auto and floral pa- rade, a fireworks display on the Mon- for advancement are more certain? Would you like 1 dispose of house- hold property or realty at a fair price? Would you like to locate a business partner. These are a few of the score or more questions that may be asked and answered through the Want Col- ummns each day, Those who wish to rent rooms aro put in touch with those . who have rooms to rent. Business partners aro located, realty is bought and sold, employes and employers are brought together, buyers and sellers meet each day as a result of the little Want Ads that bave to play such an im- portant part in modern business.- Are you taking full advantage of the Wants? Phone your Wants No.8, Ring 2 * PHONE COR. 4th AVE, and ESPLANADE. im rived foday to. attend the conyention. cag ao They will be appointed and Lament Lo In the amusement ing its work properly: It is impos- 'The reception of the visitors and ey wilt a font, Lot, fetes asthe ae margin for our security at all the de- sible to conceive of a creature more parks about the capital city, together with a great many private dinners and entertainments that will be given for distinguished visitors. Saturday, June 8, the day of the un- veiling, will fairly teem with interest- ing displays, it is declared, The great parade that will precede the un- veiling will be review by President Seastestectectectect 2, Me Mn aMe att and notable men in official lite Seieriootetiotdiototrstestoss generally. Order. is Received the 044 o-ate- This is a breed of Pou ofticers of the German squadron ai/ o tertained at dinner by President Taft. The Knights of Columbus of Wash- There mite vie a PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS Such fire patrols 28 th play on tho part of the naval and mil- along milway itary forces of the government. There large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- wil be a big squadron of American a . DE Vessels at the mouth of the Potomac 4 requirement. The utili during the unveiling, to greet a squa- 3, dron of German ships that are com- Jaying qualities. ing to return the call of the American ee ting. Cockerels for Sale. squadron at Kiel. The navy depart- 2: iF ment lias planned to entertain thet-4e 2 -N--TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE Washington, when thes will be en-/ 4 , 9.95 pesteatestedteateatestesty testes NO. 745. Ice Supplied Daily : The Company Cannot Guarantee Delivery Uniless- Day Before Required. Ressotecgeegeatestentnse seers Itry which meets every ty bird of the century fe Prnarnteste costo toe PAP ee reer ne eaten ington have contracted for a float lic reylewing stands along the lMne ulations are adopted instead of af- ter, and having reached an agree of march, A. Speciatty liable A grand public banquet is being 7- n Dik. 22, Ottawa St. 840, . Terms. whe wil be appointed by the rail- showing the landing of Columbus, the 0x10, ways to confer with him. The C: P.R./c st of which will be 1,000. The PHONE I asker 2 Rik 17, Ottawa St, 600. Terms. has already designated Mr. Wanaker float wih be unusually large. ' 0x120 corner. of Calgary for thie purpose and the) President Taft will review, the par- FF ae ee A stoce onde concerned it be hota ade at the statue The. Presidents 666 Transfer Co. s before buying elsewhere. from today Loni teporay, Having stend will have ascomressous 9t apid LIGHT and HEAVY hold thefr consultation 60 that the 2,500 persons, There will also be nub- Piano Moving easonable i DRAYING 864 Toronto Street. Monday, June ENGLISHMEN INDIA. KNC Td Very Little See: Only Lowest pear on IDEAL OF WON STILL MOTE To.Indian Man Folks Are Sa males are Bombay, June 1 traveller through Ind Ty evident that the o: sen about: In public Jowest working class it 1s true, the Parse Tanks are seen to mi Dat though Asiatics, munity has, to a ver adopted European cu Woman who paid hon Empercr at the gor gathering of the gr the Begum of Bheps Ruler, a wife, and a peared, veiled, to s her sovereign, This dia, No. Englishman the Viceroy downwa thing about the wor what they feel wha what they know wht millions and millions 50,000,000 wives and absolute unknown 4 rulers, Happily for India, anhood is. still the wife, To the Indian en-folk are sacred a mother s word is his first conscious mon and the wife who hat 4s his most cherishec This fierce modest woman, ber shrinkin kina except the imr her own family and band, seems to be fi Dreasts of all native Hindu. Mohammedan Christian, or even at inal tribes. It may seem extri is true that the Goyt has never fully gra feminist feeling 2 men of he: country; ions, and wishes of vast population have sidered for one mom the provision of me dia is a country th Laws, though her are the poorest in t possesses no old-age cause family feeling good relatives are want but India do State medical servic primarily and theor Ariny, practically gis to the whole popula wise would be left minictratios of the wife. And: what has bee women by, this huma government? Nothi Chooses to be atten which, as is well J majority of the re of all classes will ai Fifty years ago th India might be fore ajous neglect, for men doctors practic ist; but now, when of the highest attai ficiency are availat petent as the docto tions in sole charge pitals under the ez hhow can: the Gover: shut their eyes to t petore thet A service of med women organized o present existing ser recognition and ron ing on however sms be one of the grea dia that conld be gi try. STRAY TOPICS FR LITTLE (Special :to 1 New York, June which bears the son names of the Excel Knights and Ladie founded in Orange, day, through the ef Dr, William A. Fry Orange Methodist C to say that before had delivered his 0 the meeting at whi founded, but few resent had even t who Ehud was. Dr left-handed man, he a meeting of left-hai men, for the purpo order of the Left-I plained in his oper according to the Bil first left-handed ma ord, Ehud, who was sent by the Jer to King Bglon, the being left-handed, of his peculiarity t lverer of his peop ing his right hand drew his sword with
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Image 932 (1912-06-03), from microfilm reel 932, (CU1771769). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.