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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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tage o The Jas. Morrison trass Mfg. Co., te Sua HOME RULE FIGHT MPORTANCE OF CTT i . Pure Gold Mfe ( Toronto, a The William Trains Co. Led, To: G.O. P CONTEsTs I /mt ey Nie : ; ; ronto. . : Y LetU Li Y Irish Writer Deals With the Various Phases of the Situa- tne canadian iturtuln Forge Co, a : DOMI NION/ 8 Loan You the tion The Possible Opposition and the Result. Baeetirremet mcaNticat Republican National Committee Ready to Name Seats (Ue eeamee EALUes Money at McClary Mfg. tendon, for the Big Convention Takes Form of Court Seats a, Lect opie z (By Timothy J. O'Connor.) Asbestos Mfg. Cv. Lut. Montreal 250 to Consider. sii foes pee cama, Dublin, June 4. Those who witness-/ pinion on Home Rule as a principle. Alaska Bedding Co, Ltd, Winnl- Laurent cone souls CLASSES ea the Home Rule controversies of At fais ona of the second-reading de- peg. at . . Chicago, I, June 5 Practically porary roll call of the conventin, andl Canada, June 15, July 18, Aug 10, 1886 anid 1893 must be profousidly ene tans oe si earn alte ee aint Glass Co., Winnt- aiy of the Republican National Com- there oa be no regularly organized Mogantic, June 22, July 20, Ang. 17, i + considerable section peg. eM en, 4 5 envention until the committee's roll I poston 3 build, conaider PER CENT. Imprensed by the altference of almos- of ine Unionist Party would be willing) Mooge Jaw Boar Trade, Moose lee ar In Ccago In rendineas MYention wall the con Teuton, Yune 39, uly t, Aaa a - Don't be per- phere between then and now. In the themselves to give Home Rule to Ire- Jaw. : to Degin the bearing of delogates / rns National Committee Is 6 Largest nad gt; Sinest stentoaten ie CHEAP LUM- TO BUY former years heat, bitterness, genuine land, and not only to Ireland, but to Canada Purnlture Mrs. Ltd, Wood- eontests tomorrow. The tunction of led of fittyabes matey oe eee Caedtan veda, Beacoon fame cheap use the BUILD alarm, extending far beyond conven- other parts of the United Kingdom. stock, . the National Committee 1s always ine /each of the forty-eight States, and gtsady, Excellent. accommodations have t, and ev- Pay Of Mortgages tional party warfare, governed the: beret is Ss nee ie q aeeos Le zone eae te Co., Forantos, portant, because t decides in advance one each from the District of Colum- for all classes. wslidee requiree: See ea aes a ery cane emetione Dat Geo. Hy Haws Son Co, Teronte.twno are to have seata when the con- bla, Alaska, Hawa, the Pallipings ueua ane parm adavice or Improve Real Estate, site, Now thera is-party wartare in it mbes avery narrow ledge for re- Phitiipa MEG. Co. lis, Toronto, Vention la called to order, In otter and Forts Rien Aes secon a Teutonte aad A6r oateale UNTER , FIR FINISH, MAPLE, BIRCH SEE OUR PLAN abundance, and occaslouany INTE may be worked up in the of Common, but the country s House not: wise acceptable, must The Unionist Party be presumed to be the best Stauntons,. Ltd.. Toronto. Standard Sanitary Mfg, Co, Toron- The work 1s espectally important this year, because of the unugually large Been Mhdulged tm concerning the personal preferences of the commit- teemen on the question of the pres- carry one class (and) cabin ony. The best these steamers affor at moderate rates, also comfortable Write, Phone or Call alarmed, men are not deeply divided, Judges of their own strategy, but the to, number of contests. With uy q y Jest pwards ol dential nomination. The majority third-class two, for ix-bel ones . and politicians, when they are frank Perpetua? threat that a small minority Dominion Ofl Cloth Co., Ltd, Mont- 959 contests to consider and act upon has been claimed for both Taft and rooms. SS yagoney ter the The Canadian Home aamit tat teir constituents cannot will meee en ASt ot Pastiens at (46- real Xt I Ukely that the committee will/ Roosevelt. On the other hand, those For reservations, rates, plans, l rgan Doors, Investment C. Ltd be stirred to any eles dosti: It ona e Aegis eeeeoniceaa va John eal ie d., Toronto. rind it necessary to continue the hear- who are best acquainted with the lustrated booklets, ete., apply. to rj 0.. J. was not so in the Budget of 1909, nor 01 8 Northern Blectric Manufacturng lings aimost up to the day the com high personel of thi tt BRAUSIE UL 2 in the following yeara on the Parlia- the ground of this objection, are not o., sfontreal. Dp om high persone e committee are railway or steamship agents, or to )D FIBRE, LATH 8 POSTS, WIL pours swered to a genuine emotion. Unlon- senlously framed to guard the in- jones Bros, Co. Ltd. Toronto, eqns nny then rh nee eens g they would be settied in a court on Home terests of the minority in Ireland, and inediatatt : aides, and they will argue their case of equity and: that the delegates en- st orators may discourse upon a the Government have intimated their Representatives on Train and introduce as much testimony as/ titled to seats in the convention will Rule in the House of Commons, bu HD. Seully, Secretary and Mana-ltime will permit, both Inthe form be seated. In a general way Senator Unionist electioneers are devoting Willingness to consider any reasonable e a oon abpidibanls in this sence ea Oe i . of affidavts and oral witnessea, Af- Dixou and Representative McKinley, themselves to the-Ineurance Act eae s F. Mackay, Cabadan Cottns, ter the testimony s all in the attor-/the rival campaign managers, will the constituencies, never doubting that Peclally in regard: td the composition Penman's, Limited. H d i the contri-of the Second Chamber. The argu- ; 0: Patom Benman's, Limited. neys will sum up In closing argu- look after the contests, But those ouse an the -Anitial unpopularity of: the: contri- W. Redpath, Canadian Kodak Co, nd then it will be left to the/more directly in charge will be ex- butions -brings a dozen times more ment to Ulstermen should not be put 1 Ww parker, National ti i i 1 rker, nal Brug majority vote, in ex- Senator Charles Dick of Ohio, who grist to thelr mill than any alarm/on the ground of guarantees or Safe- oye imical Co. G d Pl re be raised about the Home/Suards. The Nationalists would. ask cte mca Oo- ecutive session, to determine which will look out for the interests of Pres- arden ants mite tne a them whether they would really, on C 4 SHAFT, Imperial Tobacco side in right. From the committee's ident Taft, and Ormsby B. McHare of : 4 ts Co. decision there will be no appeal, for New York, who will serve in a similiar The fact that violent emotion can reflection, wish to be separated from 5, sy a Now Ready for Spring. ... icnger be aroused about the bili Ireland: whether they think it fair to r eee a A. E. King, Rus-tne committee must make up the tem- capacity for Colonel Roosevel : does not however, augur i for the the rest of Ireland that they shouia * NOtOn OM Oo a t cause of Home Rule. The broad con- tnsist on thelr own view as final and , - (3. Nomis MEET TO REVISE CONSTITUTION co siderations which the Prime Mintster fatal, whether they too will not find) ey TS various Steel and Iron Pansies in bloom and summea up in his closing speech are eee mitiacton oe Renine for the compantaes (Special to: the News) before the country, and accepted by it erity of a uni reland. Argu- Bra -Hend Concord, N. H., June 5. A State; By. body says Bartlett must make mmm PEOPLE hardy enough for plant- las contribating the strongest possible ments er a RE will ava neues uae SE ren nenceraen, convention to propose amendments to my jedan At HONE 57 ef .. cess with the stalwarts of the Or PHONE 5: eee prima-facie case. It Is to the aver- - 8 of ange) r. pevicetOalurlo Wind mn ine ae the New Hampshire.constitution a8- gtadio Fourth Ave. (Over Binning s ing in garden. age onlooker a very impressive fact lodges, but there are an immense oom Numb f Ch Foll sembled here today and proceeded. to j stqrg,) Veretablecnt il, that..the Irish demand persists in Bamber of working men In Beltast/P OP Oe Mason Risch Com- error oe anges Follow: lt; ccsnisa. A number. of questions egetable plants wi spite of all efforts to meet it by alter- Who are not Orangemen and who do W- 0. Motley, ie ing the Promotion of MY. nave been suggested for- the consid. y not share the historical animosities P82Y- illi he ready shortly. Don led by cash by ndneses f-the ofa settlers, They. if, they W. 3. Thompton, Mcciary aanu- W gt; Phillips. fuel uae sare omer Geauetae I 3 order has been restored in Ireland, hoon can do a Yast deal to compose Pane Saaome Nalisnai Cash Rog- Toronto, Jume-1 A number of lest are the proposals for ened st. E. M. CA WKER, ity is this quarrel. : i Ne y 5 and a large measure:of prosperity ja ins ak anacpenagste gives s/s: inten CORE Canadian Northern Railway officials /rage and the adoption of a short bal- Phm. B. being enjoyed by Irishmen, but 'st R, W. Kian Ideal Bedais c have been shifted, following the pro- lessen the cost of elections i: the Irishmen want to be governed by Pression to the surprise and perplex- B. W- See Fairbanks Otion of Mr, William Phillips to be under the direct primary system now Dr sist e oseries Irish tdeas in purely Irish attairs, The ty of the Nationalists at Mr. Lloyd J B. MoGII Canadian Falrbanks ie manager in London, England. in force oa 2 us: Englishman who formerly asked why, George's silence in the Home Rule de- Morse Company. Mr. Phillips will be succeeded as * Complete stock of Toilet Articles SMUT e- bates, E. J. Browrilee, Alaska Bedding 8 Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- now asks why not? He has seen re- . 2 ' be general passenger agent in Toronto cines, ete. cent instances with the modern Tt says: Irishmen not unnatural- Company by Mr. R. R. Fairbairn, formerly gen- WHITE LOOKING INTO Di g of Physicians Pre- Quart ebb ere bicieieiieiefeteieiep eve. Instead of reading in text- y expected that Mr. Lloyd George en L, Helliwell, Gurney Foundty freigtt agent of the Onta io-lings scriptions a specialty. vi otivi any. 104 South Ry. St. Phone 73. Pint books about the example of Canada, he WOuld be the most active and zealous Comp: : 2 x and general fireight and passenger WEST S COMP AINTS 2 R. B. Taylor s /has pefore him in his own time the Champion of their cause during these - 0. peg ea Travelling e otsthe tacmetlauclo rere, Y MORE example of South Africa. There may debates in the House of Commons. It Passenger Agent, C. Mr, A. A. Young, commercial agent Drug and Me 2 se eter tas xcept by the way of devolution, y. vi gate reported transportation difficul- Prepared. There are Migh-tiyiig ederalists exemplification of the proverbial say- LO3 on, June 4A romantic: story topl : to. be dizcuased by the several Gaeta ATERSON 3 Jor a lost codicil, on which turns the/hundred experts who assembled here : P who say that we must do nothing un- ing that threatened Institutions live disposal of fort 1 fh n ts of th tod: The government Will have ful? infor- s Phone 699. 10: Bor 92 til we can-do everything. We miust/IONE. A231 for ite bolo was i eee ee ee Pe een roms all pants of the, country. today asd pil dectvrtiethe:ancer Contractors feleiolefnletetetedet Private Residence 310 Braemar a subordinate Parliament for troduced by Lord John Russel, as 0llars, is contained In an advertise- for a three days conference under the inimiteta eee ae nd antil we can have subordinate Prime Minister, as a Government Ment in the newspapers offering a re- ausplces of the Playground and Re- 2 8 few days. Shop Fittings and Repairs NI ae i. ae for England and Scotland measure in May 1950; and its second Td of ten thousand pounds for the creation Association of America. The Given Prompt Attention. LEADER : Da iakeral Sania ieee top Feading was carried by 2 majority of i8Covery of the formally executed rural travelling -Mbrary, contests in F See Us for Sexeen Doors aud of them all. Very ingenious argu- 225. Subsequently, however, the ear Acre a of the eel gardening, corn cu athletics, Boy E ONFE NC 5 Windows, rating. PI ts fi S l 2 measure was dtopped by the Govern- Ws found among the papers of the Scout activities and Camp Fire Girls sacha ments can be produced on paper for Was dropped by the ERS an or sale doing all oF nothing, and, therefore, ment owing to the opposition of the te Sir John Murray Seott, who per- will be considered and various forms All Leading Nations of the BOX 353. for absolving the Federalists from Duke of Wellington in the House of suaded Lady Wallace to leave the Wal- of musical and dramatic play activi- World Represented to- a PHONE 712 Rae ee Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, aoe anything: but oppose what the Lords. jlace collection to the nation. He left ties that have been developed in rural day in London. yee BUILDING Tomatoes, Fansles, Asters, / Government proposes. Dut this, as Seventeen men were arrested at/ ll ete ic ee, Sas Catt CLL Bs prosecitad. i Stocks, ete, the Prime Minister said, is pedantry Cloonmarity, near Roscommon, on ss iar ye knows CBR eet a (Special tothe News) to City Hall. All kinds of plants for the and not statesmanship. The states- Saturday last after a conflict between ech eerie Fedo, phe sade tna a3 garden, man, at all events in this country, does demonstrators and the police, in con- 1 one Million pounds, to Lady Sack- BB POT ees naa iNet thew oria aoe orang eee J. A. LANDRY i not Write constitutions in the air; he nection with a grazing farm dispute, IBYTION (aitatiney Beane CARPENTER. AND BUILDER Phone 649, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat, Alta, Transfer Light and Heavy Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Piano Yan a Speciality. Parcels Delirerea, pacne NO. 349. i Accountant and Auditor. Balance Sheets, etc. THOS. E. MILLS, -Jevil in the one: cas ment Bill. In both these cases strong feeling was aroused and expressed in language which, if violent at least an- be and no doubt are important differ- ences between him in. his own time the example of South Africa, There may be and no doubt are differences between the two cases, but their re- semblance .is much more than their difference, and ths, signal disaster which has befallen: the prophets of discredits the ;possimists in the ther But Home Rule-ts-a1so working from the-home end, Everyone fee's the necessity of changes in the Imperial Parliament Parliament can struggle on with the whole* load of Imperial legislation without losing both its dignity and ef- ficfency, and there is no relief for it beging with an urgent and pressing zY BROS. ginning with Ireland ahd leave the door wide open to what we believe is Ukely to appeal favorably to falr- minded people in England and Scot- land, The Bill s carefully and in- Was supposed that he would be one of the principle speakers on the Gov: ernment side on the second reading, but for some reason. or other he has elected to remain stolidly silent. If any member of the Government is un- der an obligation to the Irish members that member is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, They helped him to carry 0 measures, the Budget and the In. surance Act, but which he increai Ireland s burden. He made eeveral speeches in England during the Par- t 1s not the requital we should ex- pect. The Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland, an office which Lord Charles Beresford would abolish, might be cited as an and all but one were subsequently Imperial Glass Co.. Toronto, Hamilton Stove Heater Co., Ham- ilton. G. J. Dodd, Dominion Textile Com- pany. N. P. Lambert, Advance Agent. A. C. Batten, Press Correspondent T. H, Race, Lecturer. J. A. Rmsay, Assistant Manager. Publicity OFFERED BY RELATIVES ed Amendment to Will Disposing of an Estate of Five Million Dollars. Ifa signed and witnessed copy can be found of the roughly drawn codicil is- appointed -divisional freight agent vention assembles, In hearing the contests the Nation- al Committee will sit as a court. At- at Chicago, for the western States, for all Ontario, with headquarters at Toronto. Mr, R. M. Bell, former commercial agent at Pittsburgh, succeeds Mr. Young in Chicago, while Mr. Bell s po- sition will be taken by Mr. A. E. Hodgins, travelling agent in Montreal agent and Mr.Jumes Morrison, for- merly of the Canadian, Pacific Rafl- way, will be assistant goneral .passen- RECREATION OF RURALS (Special Dispatch) Cleveland, June 5. Recreation in rural communities is the important of the opinion that each contest will be decided upon the evidence. They believe that the cases will be settled RE. CEMENT SHORTAGE Minister of Finance May Remedy Conditions By Lifting Tariff. (W. A. P. Dispaten.) Toronto, Ont., June Hon, W. T. + AWhite, Minister of Finance fs making in gation into complaints from the west that cement dealers are unable to obtain supplies and that serious the tariff on cement. The general manager of the Canadian Cement Com- pany has been in consultation here with the minister who wijl invest - sented at the Telegrayhic Conference which as- and the certainty that they will be af- Hamentary recess, but he abstained aan business loss has resulted. The sug- Liwnys ia Demand) Frank:H. Stock. hss ot te rite st ee ating c riale cetennen ts Of Late: Sir dohn Murray/ ser saat Se ene ee sae: y x eee * 1t 4s impossible that the Imperial Home Rule. This silence is amazing: Scott or Regularly Attest- be remedied-by s partial suspension of W. M. McLEOD, C.W.P.A., 822 Main St., Winnipeg, is the time to enroll. in the SOUTHERN ALBERTA yoy eres Stenographers and Bookkeepers WILLIAMSON Residence and Office had been cautioncd and vefused to turn back the police made a baton twenty or thirty thousand dollars trom courage Industry Being telegraphy and uniform laws for its 7 z the Tesult Will be to divert all the es- z Tembled In London today to discuss 7 wir See eee a ea eS ae eae aaa: Cea RRteE EMR AENS eee cact the IUGMMTENOES lesacy. ot FIFAEGPHOMO how BORA. tee interenticeal wien ae wireless Phone 626. Box 381 Job Work Attended to. SSS eee cine Lady Sackville to, Sir John Murray eld in Lo: regulation and control. The large at- See me about that home you fe the Tosteal and necessary develop sate. Caiman oS pata Scott's next of kin, Dy Malcolm Scott, Hi don. tendance and the widespread interest are going to build this season: ontractors. a ment. : whose behalf the Tr fered, manifest in the. coffer are attri- - I will gladiy give you expert City. Sale Stables The concentration of the Untonlst Also suffered, and thelr sympathizers 0 Mose Petal the reward ts offer) Longon, June S The first public ex- buted in measure to the recenc ointers, estimates and figures, 2, Phone 434 Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Party upon the Ulster case Is proof/retaliated with a volley of stones, by) 104 Sie Sonn, made bis will in 1900, Mbition ever held in connection with Ti . yingtar and) the vital part ) hare out up ie trons oe 3 i 00. : ave put up In town, ie a 2 Spring that they-are-alive-to-the change of which two policemen n The question is whether he over car- ne SK industries of the United King- inat-wiretess played in the rescte of HOUSES OR SALE. Box 304. For Sale Hed the draft codicil further into the 0 WA opened today at the Prin- te 99 persons who were saved. The es Free. Light and Henvy Draying form of a regularly attested amend- ep ee pits ett is United States has sent a delegation Hay for Sale 66 39 ment of a will, : SL Site Anoe ete cee Of the Brit-lor nine members to the conference, repared. Since the dratt of the domicit was Silk Association, which was found- oe one them John Haye, Hammond ag Fred McClain HH found a most thorough search has rrsanatine ee nate MES body Of New York, Prof. Willis L, Moore, 4 x ; representative women, including. sev- a s been made in all Sip John s houses; Lys chief of the weather bureau; William Phone 85. Prop. Bureaus and desks Nave been ram- re members of the royal family Whol Ty Terrall, chiet wireless Inspector of were desirous of encouraging and Saaee snare The Made-tn-Canaila train will be) The John MePhergon Co, Ltd.,/Sncked, sates tl Sespatet boxes eee soe ihe ail industry an much 2 Department of Commerce. and TRANSFER AND here Thursday, The following is the Hatnilton. Sfesely. wesichod aE eg man ot Pe ee ee ee Labor and Prof. Arthur G, Webster of DRAYVING. personel of the party and exhibits Brandram-Henderson Co., Ltd., Dapers- connected with the estate; ews vitien en have Cte University. Rear Admiral John . 3. FOLLIS H ouse Mover egtiee Montreal. which were with his bankers, minute Few re da Save eg B Edwards is chatrman of the dete- Orders Promptly ded. to. ; Exhibitions on Train The Sheet Metal ProductsCo,, of snspection has been made, but so.far Prospered more than the-making of cation The Canadian. tepresenta- Day Address: Royal Bowling silk, although the industry does not Alley. important. place that it ing Co. SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING no complete copy has been found of the few lines of manuscript which Canada, Ltd, Toronto, Algoma Steel Co., Sault Ste Marie. tives are G. J. Desbarats, Deputy Minister of the Navy, and G. P, Ed- The Gurney. Foundry. Co. Ltd, To Phone 189. occupy the to, a i Zz Night Addresys 914 Montreal eee Ot Ontario Wind Engine and Purap Co, Stee Co. of Canada, Ltd, Hamilton, fontrol the fate of million pounds ald years ago, Silk was manufactur- varay Dominion acgemrengeng. ot Street. Phone 509, Sand, Coal Gravel HEAVY TEAMING Ta ee Nova Scotia Steel Coal Co, Lta., Sterling. Sir John spent a consider- e4 a eta in the reign of James ireless, : se . 4 e1 he ; a Specialty, 4 roron- New Glasgow,.N. 8, able part of his time abroad and it is .. Who took a great interest in Horses for sal ee enaEe ee Caristle, Brown Cow Hid. Toron-) iy inion Ton Steel Co, 1td, thought possible that he filed out a Welfare of the Industry, but 1t was not nae fer sale at Phone 260. to. a pee eee ral draft and ieft it for safe keeping with Until 1685, when the revocation of the Atle TecaU Bedding 5 Cos Ett ror Te rc tia eaeha VRLERttES Mfg. foreign banker or elsewhere abroad; edict of Nantes sent a stream of per- J J. l A J T OR gl RN Ma: racine Ca Lia ONES Phe reward, which is as great as Secuted Hugenots into England, that t i 2 vanadian Kodak Co., Ltd., Toron cay f Was offered for the denunciation of the trade reached the zenith of its Me M ; d Risch, Limited, Toronto. a arkKe : 116 MONTREAL STREET Ruspell' Motoy Ga Go, L4d., West To-) Mason Risshe aS Getta, the Phoenix Park mutderers in 1882, prosperity and mportance. Among a 2 sone ee eee ce will be paid when the codicil is ad- these refugees were many skilled FOR SALE AT p The Walter M. Lownty Co. Ltd. e. mitted to probate. weavers, ard they established thei 5 p Don ttridge Co., Ltd., Mont- ane a : CTS FOR Wit A; SHenidersors Meee ee nes Coz eet) abit selves in Spitalfields, where-they set Applications wit be recelved up to WINNIFRED i s ds Dunlop Tire and Rubber Goods Co., Te AT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC up looms in their own homes, For aland including Saturday. Jone sth oronto Silver Plate 0, Toront vd 5 . TEAMING Company ua. toron0 Toetta Sires PAM pes Fares eae century and a half this colony was i812, for the position of roll Tex Cot Also 125 ton packing eawdust. D EXCAVATING : Se aNGHtAN The Canadian Salt Co., Windsor. 4 Auburn, Ala, June 5. One hund- the centre of the silk trade n England tector for the year 1912, dana tac ita CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND The Canadian Falrbanks-Morse Co., PeS: . : ed and twenty-seven graduates re- after which period the industry grad- A commission of 15, per cent will A. RISTER. AUDITORS Ltd., Montreal. -National Drug Chemical Co... Ltd., ceived their degrees this morning at ually declined until it can no longer be allowed on collections, i ) 2 7 . Sante WINNUFRED, Phone No, 415, (Establehed 1882) Pominton Textile Co.,, Ltd. Mont- Montreal. r the commencement exercises of the be looked upon as a national asset. Applications to be forwarded to the a Box 81. Teal. Edwardsburg Starch Co, Ltd Alabama Polytechn e Institute, Rev. Of late years the output has been undersigned and to be marked Poll Winnineg, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat Canadian Cottons, Ltd., Montreal. oritreal, James I, Vance, D.D., of Nashville, limited, though the higher grades of fax Collector. Penman s, Ltd., Part National Cash Register Co, Ltd., delivered the address to the graduat- British silks are still looked upon as H. BAKER, For all: kinds of job printing, try A. E, Gibson, C, Ay Manager. + 8 H rx mmonds exongsheries Burns Block The Smart Bag Co,,;Ltd., Montreal, Toronto, ; ing class, the best In the world fe L/ City Clerk.' the News Job Department, w gt; CONTRACTOR tly attended to. i i y No. 345.
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Image 945 (1912-06-05), from microfilm reel 945, (CU1771757). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.