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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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jay, May 28th, 1912. Tuesday, Ma MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Page 6 ob port, In attestation of which he has off oh +h +b soafe-ate-ote-ofe oe Seats oat caatestestesteste teste teste teste ate se ese test eee ese eae geese ce ngeey A eee Beeteateate eat ecto tee gegeoateateateete gesseegosgesteate ate eee erg ee rare Bankers Looking Cheerful cuny iene tatement ee + The routes by which dope, hy- : s + PEN PICTURES + podermie syringes, liquor and other : : Figures Show the Reason jtrcit sate cana te conics * + * S are described with great particularity * fe le ob ob ok oh oh ob ok hb bk hb se , . us they have passed on thetrctreutt- 3. 3 Stea m I au nr aA ry Deposits, Demand and Savings Increased Nearly 13,- throush the hands of five or more t's Probable that no institution in 000,000 in April and Loans Expand, Though Notes joveratives. Every routy ts looked up- the Dominlon of Canada comes into y : 3) in Circulation Show Small Decrease Call Loans * he property oF wim Just fous Bits 0 large number of per Cy ss ascib) thocroute;by( hich)-yourmmorn- 200s W50)haye) made: improvement:: n: ye - ) Transferred Abroad. ing paper Ie delivered, hia in *eHtmente ke doce the Annuities x lt; and highly dangerous trading, which 4ranch of the Post Office Department. ; ; es ; mind . ; Gould ae certainly, include firearma 1 understood that hardly a day Sreesteeretes The Medicine Hat Steam Laundry will reopen for business in its 3, Ottawa, May 28: DuringApril croage o 2 e people of nnq ammunition as ather contraband P8sses that several communications tho chartered banks of Canada in- Canada, during the two months, larticles, was facilitated by subter- yt recetver-tr-which-the-writers geod te hea: you bewail the loss of money invested in me one thing ts some scheme that promised phenom- cabin? Is Hawley enal dividends or returns. One of the No, no He le saddest of these cases is that of a morning. 1 have Tady who about Wires Years ago ei Weft me alone sine oe March and April, added 15,118,228 to their saving deposits in the chi tered bi DepoR fuges whereby the convicts credits at the prison office for-what they earn over and above a certain specified task Tn branes o d neopren ere tside of Canada totalled at rates of exchange as high as 3 In creased their liabilities by 22,440, 712 and their assets by 24,566,965. he reserves of the banks on April 30 totalled 100,635.20, an tar fine new premises, with a thoroughly modern and up-to-date coat a few days oer banks ou: It is the intention, hereafter, to conduct the business on a + crease of 1,103,409. Notes in cireu- a i ; i 4 0 crned at 95,145,371, a / 85,679,238, an inerea compar- eredits for 1 In cash. quired as to the cost of an Annuity of y cas basis 01 SW ill be o nened. lation are ret . . Ne , an imerease, as mopar bad the cabin all strictly cash basis and no account: F wenoant of Demition notes in cireu-led with March, of 942,214. Upon the night of March 1, Judge 00. The tnformation, was pro night. 1 have. 773,033. The average The banks i Fre H it 2 SOUS mentally t: a decrease of e ave b reduced their call and Frost was one of the five witnesses) 1116) was not embraced. She believ- santendeaii olngi 0 in Who in ex-convict deliver a bottle short loans on stocks and bonds in eer en saps ed she could invest her money to bet- night. Three mer oot ation, however, shows an inerease of 994,047, as compared with the Canada b; during the month ot morphine from outside the prison PEEP SELES HGH TE igure at tie pevious month. but increased. smlar loa abeond 51 1 erUsy Inede and ree, SSaeaameranestesinimiethaey ans anenonstale - Deposits continue to increase. The by 8,891,965 in the same period. Un-/*4 articles tn Te heeg fell and 2oe Senet never encugt to PAP looking old man, amount on demand deposits returned der this head the banks on April 30 one olber witness obtained and hold a8 . Annuity outright, but a lttle eheek, and a face ae caged 30 was, 345,365,263, an in- had 69,243,791 out in Canada and *dehe re ee aera fortune besides, This week another ger. He alau't se aaa ae 3.108.015, during the 103,558,302 on loan atroad. Current The Prison Condition, fietter naa been recelved from 4 Seen cat eal An inspection of the prison bY /came Indy, who by the way, 8 now aeaetaesiwens 70 Sysodop SSujAus OTTYA yATOUT 4700.00 - Easy Terms Fully Modern House Near High School, 7 Rooms, Halt, Bath, Hardwood Floors, - Cement Basement, Lot 66 ft, x 100 ft. This price is good for 6 days only. Call in or a S - Joans elsewhere than in Canada show Phone 433. HO NGER AGEN 384 Main St. Bij anca 615,370.3:5--es- Compared with a decrease of 2,739,536, as compar- wroey, of experiences mite, aurina ithe over fifty years of axe, which furnish T heard him say Se LLI C we Bf) G500,014,08 cn March 30, an irted-with the month of March fen and Religion campaign in L10- Joa tho sequel to the story. She save: Hawley's orders w ee cn, ented he complaints made/ have eben my savings oo nosh ees leas stocks, believing, firmly believing Ch : R d Mat eee. Nears eet ea that I would soon be rich. I would jaida't know what H : istration. ough steel cells have ; S i uman ain Nescue an See ee cal aen eeat ce eave eometneee that I es cn taean eae Cl nee B: : k ff fail dive tase olay lecven test eee iy Russa oes jroom, and put up s cell, seven fect nogs now, to-waste-my-all In schemes door. When he cs ose to Brink of the Fallsjise sa eight feet igh, was T0504) new nothing about. For some time (Qear; then he spo et es re ee ere i i * tain compantes every month. Now and went to Henry Smith Was Swept About 150 Yards in Current, inckea any means of ventilating these lena thay have birbed: oak -worthlees: lta the dark so long and Was Hooked by Pole When But Forty Yards overcrowded cells. I see how crazy and wrong I was. I Ree cent Into these close quarters young,/am sorry, If ever anyone was sorr; . m the Cataracts Edge. eee a ieee: Fro: 's Edge. first-term prisoners were indiscrimin- for what Ihave done, but nothing will Mae at eecnareg ately placed with incorrigibles and pring-back what-I-have wasted. He: Phat is all don Niagara Fails, Ont., May 27. Jofficer holding the pole far out into TEE ee werent: reeulting ta ae case is a pathetic one, and her ex and we'll have th Ss e - the ragi rapidas moi ization al foo amply sted. perience has been costly, but it is the mercy in another Wanrlering isbout i Erospert Park un gaia Sie Bore capidly down OB of these seems not only to have cmmon experience of many who have must go now to th der the influence of liquor, Henry been given his choice of cell mates, tried Get-Rich-Quick Schemes. hind these saddle 2 ; phone and we will show this to you. 2 i ee eu fTea 28 wa nly om the third Soe wagmiunliy im charge of ty ty anne month of tho same eA mth I come or 7 Di 7 7s prison pharmacy, although serving a a remain right he css Cea huastsad yates rived tol tusten the polelia Mik olSH UMUC eee a puting nia Wte Br e eee aimee revere tne ean the cost of a Goyernment Annuity. hen levee: wareivne above the American Falls. He was ing and haul him ashore. Smit Was administering POISONS OT MS OWm si too. had saved MITE SS hauled out only after the swift cur- i - ng-an irre Aer thi exhausted and taken to police head- compounding. The dining room, ror the Rainy Day as the result of lasped her to him, es rent had carried him to within forty quarters. which nearly 400 prisoners take their 1., own labours, She began pay- Bweetbeart, he D feet of the cataract s brink, Less than an hour later Smithiwas meals, 1s overcrowded and ill ventil- ments starting with a lump sum, and lilies iooald aot he NORTH YUILL. Aaron Kerorkian saw Smith topple again seen wandering to the point ated. The kitchen Is dilapidated; con- -ontinuing monthly payments with a ber arms were abo Block 8, Lots 16, 17 and 18, next to school. 1200 cash for all. - into the water. With David Gordon where he fell into the river. He was tracted and dirty, view to purchasing the ame amount i Bleck 16 Lots,1 f0.26, 1050.00 cache Terms a shack KILLED A WOMAN fand Reservation Officer Harrington, arrested. Pea Pigaat sat aude anal potslatent Lee Natit x tects an tie eacie abs cuarre Bleck Ks ate esesaen. orma; Corser Daiuoral and ee he rashed to the unfortunate man s The rescue, which was one of the / tievance among the prisoners as at- (55). In the course of time she be- rrietoan Block C, Lots 12 and 18, 3000.00, Terms. as eB i aid. Running down stream with his most spectacular in several years, tested especially by discharged con-/came afflicted with a malady, which, His heart beatin Block 18, Lots 2 to 6, 785.00 each. Terms. Belgian King Causes Offic- two companions at his heels, Har- occurred while thousands of Sunday *icts who are free to speak, is against/tnough not fatal, incapacitated her ess, yet conscloui zee be Lets a ter 35-90 cect Terms. jal-Note to be Issued rington grabbed a pike pole and the visitors were viewing the natural the food received. from earning a livelihood. Under the still confronting hi Precatreprge erry ral aes from the Palace three men formed a human chain, the wonders of Niagara Some have charged that t was nec- terms of the Act she was entitled to. others, giving ther . Block 15, Lot 1, 1100.00. Terms. Corner. ee ss esuiry to buy sufficient food to sus- haye her contract converted into an iburried account Block 11, Lot 8, 5800.00. Terms. Coruer. HINT OF SCANDAL tain life; others charged such poor mmediate Annuity contract. She had ue) cabin, an Block 18, Lots 1 and 2, 2000.00 for pair. Terms. : ; quality of food that a brisk trade/tnis done, and is now receiving, and) a CotSlaCs Cae es Block 8, Lot 21, 650.00 terms. Size of two 50 foot lots. AT GARDEN PARTY) Ocanda ollows urders was carried on between the prisoners, will receive as long as she lives, an neous boys ihe) ie who haye cash or credits, and the annuity of over 212. It s doubtful ithere is ten thous r better cuts of meat. j7 there is a more satisfied woman iq veut for him, dead to be cooked tm cells at) Canada. Joe of the Ba: reath sharp Itll sure be de Block A, Lot 9 1260.00. Terms, NORTH TOWNSITE. Block 10, Lots 14 to 18, 1000.00 each. Main Street. ook: : saisrercaeeone aes o 2 convic Queen Said to Have Surpris-, in Nebraska-Penitentiary 32 ed Monarch With Her on. improvised stoves burning gasoline m Annuities System does n Block ( Lots 1 and 2, 9000.00 a palr. Terms, Corner Toronto and Rival. out lowance, t 100 yy 15 wt Sal, 4 Ei or wood alcohol. The lack of variety. + Block 27, Lot 8 8000.00, Terms. Toronto Street. Inefficient Guards Found to Have Trafficked in Articles , the aiet ana the uncleanly ana un- rome, Ove come fered, that cuss Block 23, Lots 21 and 22, 50 ft, corner of Montreal and Second Brussels, Belgium, May 7 A of Trade for Convicts Conditions Unsanitary and apvetizing way in which the food is i pnd na) veneditsyent bares jo other way. venue, Snap. semi-officlal note, dealing with false a prepared, to quote Judge Frost, 12 which are not paid for; but It dogs They went at it CENTRAL PARK. reports as to the private life of the Against Reform. , - : z + 18 promise to give a return,-and wit gamer of the) W A Bl 1050.00 : 7 from the convict's standpoint, the H of Block 1, 1 each. Terms. Belgian oval family, was issued yes- the security of the Government time, feeling no m Bloek 8, Lot 11 (corner) 1400.00, Terms. ce sles i 5 most serious thing in connection with Canada behind it, greater than can bt tthe unconscious sle Block 27, Lots 1 and 2, 600.00 a pair. Terms. terday from the palace in the follow- within the 48 days, February 11 to)management which he had b en quiet- the management of the penitentiary. secured from the investment of th Necwreeasing cole Block 17, Lots 19 and 20, 300.00 a pair. Terms. ing terms: March 29, five murders in the Nebras- ly conducting for several weeks. The kitchen and dining room are ov- ..46 amounts in any other manner pressing against hi SEE US FOR NICE HOUSES FOR SALE. Since a recent garden party held kq state penitentiary at Lincoln and Disclaiming personal acquaintanc- errun with rats and roaches, ewedas Work says: It is the Sav. fens stern vol Bilat tacken calumnious rumors have three killings by a sheriff's posse have ship with the prison officials and seal- 4 Not a move, Job bye: o ings Bank, the Insurance Company a deen put in cirev ation coscerning peremptorily summoned the citizens ing his tips about the-character of the Ay a the. Government Bond rplled: intd jgun; now get up ai e le the private life of the royal family. o that state to give heed not only to warden killed in the performance of Se ere lapletl ini tleTaiiall lhere. Resistance It was even declared that on the da tne management of this prison at his duty, Judge Frost courageously eae eee een jee) Bre; j rendered Phone 287. Real Estate Dealers. Room 8 News Block. th b est depositors. Your postmaster will lherded back towar of the garden party the queen of the their state capital, but to their whole fulfilled his obligation to his state as furnish you Iterature descriptive ol lall belonged to Hat Belgians surprised King Albert in the penal policy, says the Survey. fa loyal citizen by frankly and fear- iabaatrell Tae ae aeestaes Disck-whiskered company of a Indy of the chamber. The facts which startled Nebraska letsly making known the-tacte which Oem ese veainn ther ntormationtde jremembered havin that the queen shot the woman anq surprised the whole country fol- he had ascertained froth civilians and trad by writing 16 the superintsnden 7 There was no time lead with a revoiver. e 3 v . . :. ia lowed each other in rapid succession; former prison guards, as Well as from Experiment Stations in the or Annuities, Ottawa, to whom yout foo on Sey King Albert had no knowledge of tne murder of a deputy warden by ala dozen or more discharged convicts, 3, lett stage. of tneee reports at first, eithoush 10 rea euary 1; the resignation it was discredited by certain persons United States Tell how thr) Ald 80) Sree Oto chee eros several days military officers attach- 57-, chaplain, who-publiely took-issue because no convict was to be- 3 ute, plain, to Fight Pests. No order too large or too small fo the front of the b ed to the court Lad learned of ther with the warden s administration, lieved. . Guarding against the tend- Aaeains the News Job Department. Give us Ra by telephone calls both from Bel-)March 9; the Warden ency of prisoners to magnify griev- Untrained persons must not use gium and abroad. Delaney, cls depeey and WPaaher ascen and sifting and corroborating their own heads in the matter of in- trial, . - would be'enial After consultation it was decided py three escaping conyicts, who March their many statements, Judge Frost's sect remedies. It is a simple mat- and Neb on to acquafnt the king with the report. 11 gro, and blew thelr way out of the report furnishes conclusive evidene ter to get expert advice trom pub- fora sanchez was His majesty was astonished and Very prison with four revolvers and nitro-jof/the grossest corruption and the jjshoa pamphlets without any ex- 1 (wanted dead or a indignant. He decided to prosecute giycerin caps; the killing of two of most extraordinary lack of discipline, pense other than a postal-card or a H d d view, and anxious the authors of the reports and allltnese convicts and a farmer forced notwithstanding that some of the two-cent stamp. This applies not aradwoo eee ee persons repeating them. tc ald them in thelr escape March 18, worst all gations were not included, on1y to well known insect pests S ar aay ae ces Criminal proceedings were instit- anq the murder of one convict by but were reserved for later use if de- wich everybody knows the name, Soon As lope ti uted yesterday afternoon before the anotuer March 29 Because he had to nials force further publicity. says the Christian Herald, but ane Mand been securely King s, prosecutor. Fill big oF be Kitted-bytim,with ofA Traffic in Droge. i, posta that are unknown to the F ooring wooden bar. Brist the sockets, not w Medicine Hat Ice Co.- COR. 4th AVE. and ESPLANADE. PHONE NO. 745. Ice Supplied Daily The Company Canno i Order i a GUE ee ete ee The newspaper Le Peuple under- jcnite, afterwards found in the dead The drunkenness and profanity) Gor In the latter cases it will be der is Received the Day Before Required. stands that three persons whose convict s possession. among the guards while on duty; and tn Zi a This geries of shocks was further their connivance with trusty con- Hiecaspaky to send epeelinens, either in your house will give you jone side, lifted the 7 Keep down lo to the state agricultural experiment station or to the state,agricultural col- names are not given, are being. pro- ceeded against for circulating the intensified by coinciderice fa floor that will lasta lite- which victs inside the prison and discharged Vioeaan nore bao slanders, which take three forms. made plain the official responsibility convicts outside, ina long and well snere enite. the first, the queen sci pumite sigaiticance of theso trage- established trade in drugs, Mavor, lege of your own state and this time; We can supply you With one quick 2 should be done by preference or to ith Oak, Maple, and Birch door wide open, anc oe OFeTete+e FOFOre: leurprisod-the king in the-company of dies. At a meeting of the Lincoln food and other special privileges; the 1. 5, ts 1 we ples. loots. There, wera s lady of the chamber and killed the soci Service 10b, cae pipmeanvot Bntomolvey. ce We ses flooring at very little more Here aitate oeoanin N Z woman, According to the second, tle murder ofthe warden, and held on the fire hose and by stringing up in jpexcuen or saticuitere: Se. eens pout to you than the comme 4 them, the sud 3 cueen fired upon the king, while the the very day on which the two mur- the solitary cells; the failure to. pre- cea a pest Ser, to send most in- A revealing the tron 2 third report makes dt: appear as f derers were Killed and the third con- vent, If not permitting, certain priv- oS s' rat ae condition, with a . ed it the black ot rae epor sncly threatened the Indy yics ag captured, former Judge Lin- ileged prisoners exploiting and abu Spy eet em are wooden IMgure. Two of th Don t close a deal for your Fir Finish without first inspecting of he chamber. coln Frost published the report of the ing others thege are some of the erin. however, canbe Bent in jetant response, lea Sour stock. its thoroughly dry and all sanded, and will save you / rue king's private secretary said: investigation of prison conditions and charges preferred bythe judge's: re- me ei ae He ia te We handle the cele- wae eee Seas Shona ato cain , fo corms on ae ae Sart brated Santee es hi unfounded. Although, because of 10; . - 1 camonsion a everrniog lee reqirea by the bur. tensom, T canoe 5 Sou Mexican Amazons Wield Sword Site ac ener wun BEAVER BOARD Itbet Rares unos ni now j i HEADQUARTERS FOR CEMENT AND PLASTER. F sttonether, Jmpartial witness. I cox te Te entomee eaoT For inside tints. Ask for Keith tung the do + omhatically declare that the happl- f FE d 1 F jor to. the experts at Washington, and earaptes leaped down the st ness of the royal family never has n upport 0 e era orces not only this, but the chances are x jhe did so he struc ee been disturbed and that the king and equally great that printed informa- jforward, his revol queen are-s most united couple. ps tion will be at hand and available ais hand. Rising iS iF a ee ees predeoed a) pro. Armeds with: Wo- writer asserted. Seventy-four. re- for distribution, and that a prompt re- The Gas Gity dim light of the ste ee Tee x lbels were killed. ply will be received: from. which afl already half across found gensation here-and public orin- men Fight Side by b . dealy two sparks +. Yard, North Railway Street. : : Phone 59 licn ts greatly wrought up over the z The hospitals here are full of needed information can be gained) Lumber Co trom the Blackbes te : TaThes stanaers and thelr authors. With Soldiers, Killing wounded soldiers. Ruraies killed and that sound remedial measures bank; the man flung OF O--0-1041-0-F0-F0-4- 040 OTST OT OLOPOLOLS OFO-04-0-F0:20 Many Rebels. thirty bandits at Mocorito and the cam be instituted. gered, then went other day rurales from Durango slip- Moreover, the state experiment sta- office and Yard oyp. Flour Mill stream, knee deep a dozen yards, re Narunk, and fell fo across a spit of s ,out at the black, Le eee ee eens eS ee STILL ped into Sinaloa and caught the tions and the bureau of entomclogy - Phone 288. BAN Los Angeles, May 28. A letter Te- O,:ntero brothers, so-called bandit at Washington may be appealed to at ON DANCING eeivea today by Dr. George . lteaders. They killed them and 36. of jan time with questions about any PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS DANCING, ite yon aw ane armel ner et ine fs Sei ote is i 5 i vicen newspaper man in Mazatian, tion. of the Culiacan Joot. Sixty-five not appear to be injurious. Persons jand arose to his This is a breed of Poultry which meets every eae eee veative popalation of Prisoners ware shot. whose curiosity s aroused by some eared brrach wai requirement. The utility bird of the century f Mlnnespolls, May 27 with the ae, coer : : (On May 12 the federals sent out *trange looking creature can write ATKINSON K FISHER eget large, beautifwly plumaged and unexcelled in 4B cision of the amusement question and /the west coast of Mexico as in aly Oe ty tring in Justio Tiredo. Readauarters and learn all aboot L down into the uptt I: alities. E; 2.00 and 5.00 4. ithe taking of the sixth ballot for /state of terror and in the midst of ft, without even enclosing return It's the Indlan, laying qu : gs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- J sisnops, delegates of the Methodist .) ica TTen came back SG eee eesvaciaenc neste TRANSFER AND gancher must. ting. Coekerels for Sale. Zl rptscopal general conference made ooay, Suerte aces ane Te ramen Buford took tinetecn eee eee eee ee eee ale DRAYING. leeereraranaranes A. J N TERRILL NEW: - rapid strides in the completion in the At Esquinapa, ot ae eves the American refugees from Altata, says . the state stations, which are really anal seccnes Nin Ses FFICE s business of the session. women helped the federals under Gri-' the correspondent, and 100 more supported, at least in part, by gov- Ordcrs Promptly Attended to. euithae santo - 46 sayin vote of 446) 06/268, the canter- 7A) O elo)jto ignt topinces. te: Te were: awaiting the rete): when De ernment epntonsistlens: Day Address: Royal Bowling jacross the stream, Alley. Phone 189. Cet vos aan Ne wrote the letter, but the great ma- jority of American and British, he Loose Leat System The News Job Night Address: S14 Montreal gang. Bring that asserted, rafused to leave their pro- Department has every facility for sup Street. Phone 500. along with you. plying the most satisfactory. The Bar X m GOOLE OLOLSEE Lerrtrtrredetetedetede once voted to lente unchanged thesis under Guerroro, who bad at Ned tacked the town. discipline, paraghaph 260, re eh hich prohibits dancing, card playing The women took machets and kil- A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results, ana kindred amusements. led as many as the federal men, thy perty, * .
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Image 898 (1912-05-28), from microfilm reel 898, (CU1771753). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.