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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, May 27th, 1912, Glasgow House BON TON NON-RUSTABLE ORSETS Be sure to ask for Bon-Ton, the only corsets worthy of their They are designed to give the wearer comfort and to create . the figure contour of prevailing style. Dressmakers invariably give these superior corsets the pref- erence. All the new styles in Worcester and Bon-Ton, Royal i Il sizes. xon-P Brassiers, all sizes. The House of Fashionable Dressers Soeteeteateatestontocteatate Soefeeteete te ateateege goatee ge ROYAL BANK? CAPITAL AND RESERVES. 16,000,000 feegeegeets e HE ra Medicine Hat News Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawfal evening at its office, Main Steet. Medicine Hat, Alta. A. J. TERRILL, Eetor. 4 ) PONE: oh aah sh t Editorial, Advertising ) Reportoriul, and Cireulation and News Bept. lt;i Job Depts. )13 RNa RING 1) DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-ar, delivered. ... 4.00 3 year by mall... . 3.00 months, d livered.. 2.00 6 months, by mail.... 1.50 8 months, deliv 1 3 months, by mall. ..76e, 1 month, delivered....850 Addresses changed as otten as destred, but dota uiw aud old WEEKLY NEWS. Puhlishec avery Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and contains a eumma-y of the news of the week. local and districi 6 months, in advance 750 1 year in advance.... 1.50 3 months, in advance. .f0e Monday, May 27th, 1912. ROOM FOR ARGUMENT. UNE the third is a statutory holiday being the King s Birthday. It will be - observed by the schools, the banks and the Public Offices. Whether or not the local places of business will close, is, up to the present an open question. June the third is also the date selected for a vote to be taken upon several money by-laws in Medicine Hat. The question has been rais- ed as to whether or not a vote can be taken on a statutory holiday. Then here s' another odd. thing in con- nection with civie administration. Water users have paid their rates for the present quarter. On the fact of the receipt which they have been given appears a schedule of the hours during which the lawn services Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind him. This Bank offers its clients the services of a fully equipped Banking organization. gt; Fourth Avenue : ugh, Manager oqoahertectoteatontectectedioetends aSeedessestedteegergeaaeeteasedte te o gt; Soetregoatreentoegeatocteateeteateety PO erry 4 Imperial Bank of Canada . * 3, ee 0a Roetotts - Capital and Rest . eae 2 oe A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 4T ALL BRANCHES, x R. G WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. Ce Bots Sa tetetetestos e oat Roatectertertodteagectectedteate seetecteateecesteateateeloetoateaze ate Ti MERCHANTS BANK 2 ip gt;. Estabished 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. .. .. .. -. -- .. -- S11458 878 We give speciai attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay In withdrawals. Two or more persons may open a joint account and either pary ean withdraw money. Our deposits hare inereased from 19,426,091 in 1901 to 68,494,580. W. 0. JOY, Manager: 0: Medicine Hat Branch. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Ave the Best. Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride Patent Flour Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Be Had. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited pe PBODOOOBODS council to change the schedule and have a pean be-used gt; ecepted a rate- payer s money, is it within the power of the for ecther in crowded city block river with a boat line to reduc to the lowest tern lent sanitar a nayigable freight rates good hospitals, excel- conditions, an abundance nt the development of tenement rts of the same general system tha king for the upbuilding of the town. SS , PUBLIC OPINION. dmonton Bulletin The-bali-se ened. In most civilized places this: an- nual event is regarded as one of the compen- Ts pro hn the scheme of things to offset some of the ills which humans have pr jto endure. For. instanee, it will enable Ed- monton people to forget for a little while the kine wat Ge stuff for which they are charged rates, Lethbridge News. While the West is out it, it should work hard to secure that ther fine reform in community life the entlonacas of the credit system as far as ssible, po SEIT NE SA THIS DATE IN HISTORY. May 27, fi 1705 St, Petersburg, the capital of Russia, founded by Peter the Great. 1736 Patrick Henry, Virginia statesman and orator, born. Died June 6, 1799. 1779 William/B. Wood, a noted comedian of the early American stage, born in Montreal. Died in Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1861. 1838 Earl of Durham arrived in Canada to assume the office of Governor-vien - eral. 1861 Staves-around ortress-Monroe en LIFE IMPRISONMENT r tering the Federal lines were declar- ed contraband by Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. of eap water, decent housing-laws to . The Great French Tonic Your Druggist, Is the First to Import this Into Medl- clne Hat Get a Bottle and be When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- funded to buy CHEAP LUM- it tails, Price 1.00 a, bottle. TRYING TO SAVE. HER FROM CHAIR Determined Effort Being Made by Boston Wom- an s Counsel. WANT SENTENCE OF FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0, BOX 29, PHONE 57 mer schedule? Another odd thing is that the lawyers of the city, at least two of them are not afraid to allow their dogs to run upon the streets unleashed. Does this mean that there is a flaw in the new dog by-law, or does it mean that lawyers are not in the same catagory as the rest of the citizens and can laugh at the provisions of city by-laws? SE ae eer ae CITY BUILDING. L eke Kansas City a good place to live int? In these eight words is de: tire plan.adopted about twenty years by the Commercial Club of Kansas City for the building up of a large centre. A few days ago someone sent the following note to The Times of that-eit : Tn this age of competition between ities oughtn t Kansas City to do something to increase its population? I don t believe it ought to just trust to luck to continue the wonderful growth shown by the last cens Oughtn t it to adopt some definite plan for boosting itself? S ee ys 5, In reply the paper repeated the eight words quoted above, Make Kansas City a good place to live in. x Commenting on the results attained in living up to the ideal contained in this mot- to the Kansas City paper says: The town that makes itself the best possible place to live in, is on the road to the jhighest success. The town that doesn t is doomed to failure, Mere quantity of popu- lation doesn t count. .What did it amount to that the old geographies used to cite Pekin as the largest city in the world? Little Athens, that wouldn't have made a fly to the Chis capital, was i ribed the en ie MADE-IN-CANADA Frain Exhibition twelve electric-lighted cars over one hundred inter- esting exhibits of Canada s wonderful industrial development AT C. P. R. DEPOT, MEDICINE HAT, Thursday, June 6th, from 2.50 p.m. to 5 a.m. Don't miss this unique Travelling Exhibition. It will be arevel- + ation to you, Free illustrated lectures during visit. FREE ADMISSION TO EVERY CAR 202 P. O. Box 1010. Phone 759. THE WESTERN PLUMBING CO.,. LIMITED HEATING, VENTILATING AND SANITARY 2 ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS For Steam, Hot Water, Vapor, Vacuum and Fah Systems of Heating and Ventilating, and Sanitary Plumbing. Pians, Specifications and Estimates furnished Architects, Contractors and Builders on application. ALTA. 602 MAIN ST. MEDICINE HAT Taxi Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAX COMPANY io Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. All Trains Met. New Cars. Careful and Intelligent Drivers. e, a favorable tion is necessary for the largest measure of success. A city must have. the economie basis for greatness. But where the adyan- tages of location are equal, the sort of pop- ulation worth having, the sort that is mad up of good zens ,whether they have money or not, is the sort that naturally flows to the city that offers the greatest op- portunities in richness of life. * * * in the last decade Kansas City has begun to attract population in similar ways, Up to about 1900 it was a sort of boarding house city. Men came here to make money. Hav- ing made it they expected to move on to some other town. No outsiders ever thought of moving to the city because they might like to live here. But the town had the advantage of a remarkable geograph - ical situation. It was the capital of the most wonderful agricultural region in the world. So it had the resources to start with. And besides it had the Commercial Club s motto. In accordance with this it instituted the park-and boulevard system. The result was that the beauty of the city became known and the steady stream of immigra- tion was accelerated by families who had heard of Kansas City as a good place to live in. Of course, only a beginning: has been made. But the path of progress is plain. The town is to do everything possible itself, and is to encourage every private enterprise that tends to add to its attractiveness. * * * Cheap fuel and light, adequate street car serviee, with extensions into the coun- try so that people need not be huddled to- 1864 Montana organized as a territory. Chicago s first elevated railway op- ened. 1896 Coronation of the Emperor and Em- press of Russia at Moscow. 1900 Congo Free State annexed by Great Britain : 1905 Japanese destroyed the Russian fleet in the great battle of the Sea of Japan. aS pS THIS IS MY 63rd BIRTHDAY. Bishop Bashford. (Dr. James W. Bashford, bishop of the M thedist Episcopal Church, was born at Filyette; Wis., May 27, 1849. His father was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the son, after graduating from the University of Wisconsin in 1876, atten- ded the theological school of Boston Univ- ersity. During the several years following his ordination to the ministry he was pas- tor of churches in various New England cities and in Buffalo N. Y. In 1889 he gave up his pastorate in Buffalo to accept the presidency of the Ohio. Wesleyan Univer- sity. He continued with the university un- til 1904, in which year he was elected a bish- op and sent to China. Bishop Bashford is regarded-as one.of the most learned bishops of the church. He has travelled in many parts of the world and is the author of a number of books. THIS IS MY 49th BIRTHDAY ae frst ume im the-memory of per- sons generation that a woman Shailer Mathews Dr. Shailer Mathews, the well-known ed- ueator and author, was born in Portland, Me., May 26, 1863. He graduated from Colby University in 1884 and from the ater. From 1887 until , With the e ception of a year spent in study at the Uni- versity of Berlin, he was a member of the feeulty of Colby University, - In 1894 Dr. Mathews became professor of New Testa- ent history and interpretation at the Uni- rversity of Chicago and since 1904 he has heen dean of the divinity school of that in- jtution. He is the author of a number of sooks on history and theology. subs ee a eee The doctrine of unconditional election and reprobation was first formulated in a theological system by John Calvin, who died -328 years ago today. The chief doc- rines or five points of the Calvinistic system are: Predestination, particular re- demption, total depravity, irresistible grace and the certain perseverance of the saints. Galvin, an austere, gloomy. and inflexible character, was born in Pieardy, France, in 1509, and died in his fifty-fifth year, May 27, 1564, The-greater part of his life was spent in Switerland. The theological sys - tem he worked out is still the aecepted faith ofthe greatest part of the Presbyterians and of millions aligned with other denom- inations in both North America and Europe. fe aru Tt was an interestin game, said Broncho Bob; but it had to break up. Wasn't it perfectly fair? Yes, But it got irritatin . We haz one of them protestin fellers settin into it. One of them fellers that can t hold less than three aces without thinkin erooked. x the. deal is PAzO OINTMENT falls to cure any (Special to the News) Boston, Mass., May 27 A deter- FOR SMUT mined effort s being made to have the death sentence of Mrs. Lena Cus- 50c umano, convicted of murdering her +++ -Quart husband and sentenced to die in the 25c....Pint electric chair in the State prison at Charlestown one week from today, commuted to. life imprisonment. While it is beleived there sa good chance these efforts will succeed, there is a strong sentiment in some quarters in favor of permitting the law to take Its course, in view of the unusual atrocity of the crime and the fact that the Supreme Court of Mass- achusetts decided: that the trial court had not erred in its judgment. Little public sympathy is expressed for Enrico Mascioll, the accomplice of Mrs- Cusumano, who-fs sentenced to be electrocuted onthe same day that-the-woman s to die. Only pre- functory efforts are being made in the man s behalf, although it is the general belief that he is likely to share in any act of clemency that is extend- ed ot Mrs. Cusumano. Those who are assisting in the moyement for a commutation of Mrs. Cusumano's sentence do so largely, from sentiment rather than reasons of justice or persenal sympathy. They declare that no woman has ever. met death in the electric chair in Massachusetts and that. it would be a disgrace to the State if the sentence DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book-Store : : : : : H. B. CURTIS. HOTSON LEADER Decorat CONTRACTORS AND was carried out. It is not only the BUILDERS first time In the history of Massach- ** pon yg usetts that a woman has been sent- f BEFORE. PLACING - -YOOR enced to die in the electric chair, but CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. PERE E RRR has been condemned to death in this State as a penalty for a crime. The crime of which Mrs, Cusumana ans Mascioll were convicted was committed in HulJ in September, 1910, A few weeks after the disappearance lot Cusumane his body was found on4 the ocean beach and an autopsy dis- closed that he was murdered. The Builders and Contractors. defendants were arrested shortly af- terwards and they were placed on 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 trial at Plymouth last February. A number of witnesses. testified, P. 0. Box 304. the most important of whom was Ac- cusia,. the seven-year-old. daughter of. Estimates Free, Mrs. Cusumano, who identified the quilt a which Cusumano's body was wrapped, as one that was on her father s bed. Other witnesses were Mrs, Clisumano s sisters. Both defen- dants testified, denying the crime, but the evidence, such as the finding of a Dlood-stained axe, a hole. in the ground near the Cusumano home and-a oundl6 of blood-stained cloth- ing which belonged to Mrs. Cusum- ano, was too strong. The testimony for the State showed that Mrs. Cus- umano and Mascioti entered the room where Cusumano laid and killed him. Fa teeet the woman it fe said, she unwilling and involun- tar; accomplice of Mascioti and. that she was long under the influence of Masciot . The term- hypnotic eye has been mentioned in this connect fom. It is recalled by the court offi- cials that throughout the trial of the pair the woman seemed to be in con- stant and abject fear of Maseiotl. Not once during the long trial did she lift her eyes to meet his. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 368, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses fer sale at All Times, F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING ING AND EXCAVATING and Sand for Sale, Different Views. T aill street. Phone No. 415. The pessimist sees the thorns on P. 0, Box 81. the roses; the optimist sees the roses the th Judge. ee eee W.R.Simmonds PILES CURED IN6T014DAYS CARPENTER xp CONTRACTOR Your druggiet will refund money Repeies promptly attended to. case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or *Phone No. 335. Protending Piles in to 16 days. 600. CROSSLEY BROS. . Monda) ev Let Us BER because it's cheap use the PE plies the Introduction of VIGOROI4 - vory-best- We-have-tt-and eo le en pheu- omenal. VIGOROL ts purely a tonio 7M the Builder requires, it builds up the run-dowi system tat napan iw creates a new leaso of-lite. The only pOORS, SASH, FIR FIN question is what to take. You can este toe hina: pile Tate rely upon VIGOROL as one of the greatest if not the greatest, that 44ND FIR FLOORINGS. SEE man ever prescribed, Every drop of We hate the agency for the thle wonderful French Tonle con- cctenrated Morgan Dror. Write tains life, Your nervea are toned up Se eee to thelr proper tention. The stom THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL The Cz eerons: hile HAS Mieatos tae asl So ee Invest: i, e iver 4 - are cleansed ard put in good work- SPEIT CEDAR POSTS, wi: nye? ing order. Headaches, biliousness, LOW BOsTs ana all blood impurities are at once Imperl removed, The skin becomes clear: Meal and healthy, VIGOROL in short will change your whole system making It pure and healthy. Mr. Pingle, your BEAVER druggist, will refund your: money if BOARD Goo NO 650, Lots 725, Lot 735, Lot 750, Tot 800, Lot 800, Lot 3500, 100 i. 900, Lots 420, Lots OUS 650, Lots 700, Lots F. 6. Phone 168 Hou Gard Now Re Ransi hardy e1 ing in g Veget be read 116 MO? W. A. C CHARTERED J asi Winnineg, Let A. EB. Gibs Phone No. 191
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Image 886 (1912-05-27), from microfilm reel 886, (CU1771772). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.