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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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lay, June Sth, 1912, DAILY EDITION WA PL AND'C. AL By TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE Present Daily Averuge 1666 Coples. Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisers, gains VOL. 2,NO 279 lt;i... eco MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1912 PRICE, FIVE CENTS gs Street. ee : - i N mr 9 bbb eee 5 + + : + COUPON NO. + S - + hool Annex. - a Thursday, Jane 6, AIR Report Says that Indian was Held by the Blackfoot Reserve Chief till the Bas + eee ort. WwW: Hand of Hamilton Will be in Medicine Hat on Dominion Day with a f ; it Tri consecutive coupons from the i i a Police Arrived and Arrested Him Ham Taken to Await Trial, +e Dally News, and ten conts, en- fe Two Thousand Dollar Fireworks Display. ; si : 4 titles the holder to a photo- 3 Jim Ham, the Indian of the Black-)deeds he had that day done, and* his, action against one of his own. z fracas aegis eee z Good news for you this morning, was the remark of A. F. Binning, chairman of Street. foot reserve, who 1s charged with the Teckless shooting and firing of his Tis said that when the Indian, with cS any fama aud money the July Ist celebration committee, when the News reporter called this morning. You murder ot Mounted Palleeman Fw. setarner walch ed to bia wadotng, It Biss Seale eres Tere he celeb: ahead RAUpRMIIIBIed at the ++ may say that the committce in charge of the sports have just completed arrange- avies, n 'Y awai woul ave ni loubt come later, per- PD D, he wore iS. x i hy a re SA famine rr e + . . poping tn trial, The aoe Galan oan theca: ceca Carlie bodahedy tore han Heat's eed: Soak Duce coldcees of the r News office 4 time after ++ ments by wire with Professor T, W. Hand, of Tlamilton, the largest fireworks com- who were with him at the time that the old and aged chief slipped up be- terrible tragedy which had been on. ** eatery June a on +) pany in America, to give.a grand two thousand dollar fireworks display for the big the alleged murder 1s sald to have oc- hind him and roped him, despite--hivfacted was the bullet hole through the . iger: eee ve vent Zz day, This display will consist of beautiful large set piece full display of aerial fire- curred, are being held as witnesses. half drunken efforts to avert the aS ay, ened ne See * 4./ Works of all the very latest effects, such as you only see at such places as the Toronto Further particulars of the arrest rope, the Mounted Police officers belt was buckled around him with the ea Rea: pe dar ities. Pp and Improved Uta Hawk se8 tolianat and dernee en altestie oreo Bun in the holster, This did not stay Fb oe ob Med t-te and Winnipeg fairs and other large cities. iggan RS. Phone 527. it Ray Keating, the Law and sengatin of the League, will join the- xt fall, Keating was he Hamilton Canadian ast season. on is pitching great Wilmington teamof the. sue.. Connie Mack stilt m the collegian and he ly be back with the ions next season. lph Capron, of the Mil- he Ty Cobb of the Am- tion. Capron is a for- 1 University football credited with doing a ; in 10 2-5 in football ugfest of the Internat ok place in Providence the Grays beat Balti- Thirty-three hits for uding nine triples, 5 mer and '18 singles during the aftrenoon. re of a game between * Boston . in June 1907 it three of the eighteen Mpokase are receiving a Heary call, detalis which are said to have come out at the inquest at Bassano yester- day, only add to the comiplete network ot evidence that is being. woven around him, Tt is said that when the Bassano chief of police arrived at the scene of murder, he found the Indian lying trussed and roped on the ground, while Chief Buckskin, aged and bent with years, but wise to the ways of the white man, stood guard over the brave, while the latter lay frothing and cursing in an effort to free himself of his bonds, It was Ham's own. boasting of his bravado and prowess, of the mighty They were bound to take him and would have given, perhaps they would have met with the sathe reception, a bullet, that thelr brother officer had recelved a few hours previous. Buyt the old chief, despite his advanced years, with his cunning and stealth, born of years on the prairie, succeeded in securely subdueing him and rendering him helpless without Bloodshed. It was fear for his great family and his knowiedge of the inevitable, tliat none could murder; especially the. -witite man s guardian of the law, without having justice meted out to him, which drove the old chief to take such him no quarter, there long, however, for immediately on getting an audience which he soon attracted by his loud incoherent In- dian yells, Ham started the'history of his day's ranipage and wound up with sending all helther skelter with bul- lets whistling over their heads. It MISS Mounted Officers have been working all through the country from Brooks to the reserve and have gathered full details of the Indian's acts from the time they left the former town right uptill their arrest. for Miss Canada. The finn issue of the News. oupoi Yoting will be found What the Realty Men Say of the Local Situation Business Good and Moving Briskly Can t Deliver Prices Low Acreage, Trackage Demands Lots of. Outside Money, They Say. 5 That Medicine Hat's realty prices are low, that there is a big demand for houses and building lots, that there: s an enormous amount of money coming frito the city from outside points, that farm lands, acreage and ims to be the keynote of the situa- here, gt; 7 Following are the opinions-ef the ment is steady and there is nothing of the boom nature: about it. En- quiries for investment are coming in daily, both in person and by mail. Outsiders are being attracted here and in every instance are pleased with the outlook and the prospects of Medicine Hat becoming a large centre. F, C. Lowes Co.: The real estate until the contest closes. Results will even on the increase, especially where ail modern conveniences are to be had. The smallest investors are buy- ing sub-division property quite freely. a One drawback to newcomers to the ars expected to appe t on the came city is the scarcity of houses for ren- float as ladies-in-waffing, attired in tal, white, with drapings of flags, The candidates: Miss Vera Fleming. Miss Jean Nicholson. , Miss Marjorie Agnew, Miss Nora Niblock, Miss Lilian Taylor, Miss Marion McLean. Miss Ethel Lalonde. Miss Mariorie Rae. Miss Margaret Mitchell. Miss Gertie Evans, Miss, Loutse Nason, Miss Adeline Legh. Miss Gertrude-Finlay, Miss Mildred Lussier. Miss F. MeCombs,, Miss Phyllis Becker, Miss Addie Millar, Miss Olive Kilpatrick. ate polling the greatest vote will re- present Miss Canada in the Can- adian float and the other candidates F. M .Ginther Land Co.: We find farm lands in good demand as there are a great many Old Country and American peopie coming in this sea- son, and the. bridght prospects for this year make selling easy. City pro- berty has been somewhat quieter than some weeks ag , but every day brings its quota of sales and prices are gra- dually rising, thus making the buy- ers real money, Rc Medicine Hat Reality Co.: The real estate situation in Medicine Hat is good, the safes are steady, and more for permanent investment than spec- ulative. With the number of new industries starting. the erection of CANADA Was ttren that the old chief took a hand, It is lkely that the trial of the In- Remember this is fhe last day upon dian will be sterted soon as which nominations will -be received list of patriotic young Indies who will enter the contest will appear in tomorrow's for the fn Saturdays edition and every evening thereafter. be.announced each day, The candid- state's three: principal witnesses has Professor Hand or one of his experts will be here p fireworks display. aa : Well, your committee are apparently hustling ha said the News Reporter. : Oh yes, * said Mr. the trains just hesitate, nize us as becoming a very important city, ask is the co-operation of all bration on the Ist of July. Binning, everything is going fine, at most western at. Medicine. Hat the trains all stay 25 minutes, this is five minutes longer than the trains usually stopped here, therefore the GC. P. R. must recog- So we must do things in a big way. the citizens and we will certainly have a monster ersonally to supervise this big rd to make this a big day, towns All we cele- UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SUMMER SCHOOL (Specal to the News) Lawrence, Kas,, June 6 The first half of the srumer term at the Unt versity of Kansas opened today with a large enrollment of students, am- ong them many teachers from inter- mediary and high schools in various parts, of the State. The first half will close on July 17, and the second half will last from July 18 to August 7, The entire university equipment of laboratories, museums, class rooms library and gymnasium will be used by the students, to whom the State offers an excellent opportunity to employ the simmer months for im- proving their minds, and, at the same earning power. One of the new courses is that of journalism, which fs well attended a THE DARROW TRIAL (W. A. P. Dispatch) Los Angeles, Cal., June 6. Bert. H. Franklin, who as one of the Grande Mere, P.Q., June 6 Ira T. Holt, landscape gardner, aged 27, was drowned, and a companion nar- towly escaped the same fate when their canoe capsized in the St, Mau- rice River near here late yesterday. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Boston, Mass. June 6 Geo. Ed- mond Foss, aged 82, father of Gover nor Eugene Foss, of Massachusets, and Congressman Geo. B, Foss, of Illinois, died at his home in Jamaica Plain. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Fall River, Mass., June 6, Stephen A. Chase, treasurer of the Christian Science Church of America, died at his home here today after a few days illness, . (W. A. P. Dispateh.) Milan, June 6 Vito Ricordl, head of furnished most of the-sensations in the Music Publisping Co, ot Ricordt TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS FRESH OFF THE WIRES (W. A. P. Dispatch.) ot Tom Flanigan, who prescribes ab Solute rest. Tom hopes to have his charge fit in time for the Olympic games in Sweden, Burlington, Vt., June 6 The Arm- ory was well filled this morning when the Forty-fifth annual Encamp-. ment of the Department of Vermont G . A. R. was formally opened for a two day session by Department Com- mander . M. Ferrin of Essex Junc- tion. The attendance is quite large and it ts oxpected that the Campfire this evening will pe a great social success. A number of distinguished G. A. R. veterans from Vermont and Several other States are to Speak. The Woihen s Relief Corps and sever- al other patriotic organizations more or less affiliated with the G. A. are algo holding their annual gather- ings here, T of the works: of. jthetrint-of Clarence Darrow bribery, part rte contest; Te ajor leagues. The Bos ere Sweeny, Teeney, mnt, Bates, Burke, Rit and Young, while the 1 consisted of Alper- Lumley, Batch, Jordan; is, Ritter and Bell. and Needham are still leagues, but not a man mm Mne-up remains in THE BOXERS the champion discus ing to take-up, boxing d and Joe Jeanette are at Vernon, Calif., July irlends and past seven years and begs to state ry ec 5 k for the company Teal estate men on the situation: Messrs. Perry, Sewell and Perry re- port increasing activity in all classes of city property. Sales are oxcep- tionally brisk in Crescent View sub- division and outside capitai is being invested daily which indicates a coun- try-wide faith and interest in Medi- cine Hat. Quite an activity in track- age during the past two weeks with increasing values almost daily, which carries with it the impression that this class of property will eventually Teach values surpassing those now prevailing in the larger cities. Every visitor to Medicine Hat is of the opin- ion that values are exceptionally low as compared with prices asked else- where and. predict. great possibilities for the investor who picks up all he can handle in Me Foe ity values in every? direction. now. Acreage also is being eagerly prospects for the future were never sought after by the big investor for sub-division purposes which is a pos- itive indication -of increasing growth and unbounded faith im our progres- sive cty. Their advice to Medicine Hat citizens is to pick up all the pro- and thereby reap the benefits of the continual advance in Prices. H, C. Pettet Co.: We find more activity in the real estate market at the present time than during the same-period- last year, notwithstand- ing the fact th t the car shop ques- tion was in- abeyance. Real estate ; Values are steadily Increasing due et Say the least in our opin- fon, developments going on in our city, and are not being inflated by any Western Canada is simply enormous boom spirit. Outside investors are and It to supply the de- beginning to come in and purchase Medicine Hat property, and we look forward t oa very busy summer, from outside points are increasing ev- market still keeps firm, and with the industrial movement well under way and the present favorable crop con- ditions, Medicine Hat will see a ban- nei year. The demand for City View has been good and it-has-beentount necessary to provide wells to supply water to those who want to build homes right away. A steady sub- stantial growth in all parts of the city is in evidence which is bouad to make Investments in Medicine Hat reality a safe proposition. Duggan Duggan: Real estate con- ditions are most healthy. It is more difficult to secure property to sell, than it Is to find buyers. Medicine Hat Investors are holding fast t6 that which is good, Acreage is in great demand, and there Is a steady rise in The as bright as they are today, The jud- iclous investor cannot go wrong. Malcolm Co.: Nearly all our cor- respondents are either asking for quo- tations on property-here or are hold- their large plants, and the prosp cts Miss Mary MeKinnon, of several other jarge plants locating rere; the growth of the city will be NOMINATIONS DECLINED. enormous. Miss Jessie Cousins, Miss Natalle Crosby, Hollinger Agency: To us the situa- tion looks very bright at the present jtime, and. everything peints to-in creased business in the future. We have all kinds of enquiries from out- side for Jistings on close-in property, which we believe to be conservatively priced. Remember the Ust is not elosed yet. Additional nominations may be made at any time today or this evening. BISHOP'S LONG TRIP CW, A. P. Dispateb) Kenora, Ont., June 6. Bishop Fe- thouse left this week for his trip to A. H. Houlden Co.: Conditions point to a goodly increase in vaiues in and around this city in the very near future, We are having enquiries daily from Jutside for prices on city lots and also acreage of which we are handling a great deal. three months. His Lordship makes the trip every second year. visiting missions of the Church of England, seattered at different points in. the vast northern country, Leaving via C. P, R. at Selkirk he 1s g Lake Winnipeg by steamer to Norw: House, and from there to.a canoe trip K. Watson Agency: In the real estate business at the present time there is a great demand for building lots, and houses for rental are in big: demand. Foy acreage we have almost incessant enquiries, and have to some extent supplied the demand. Values are in comparison with other cities very moderate, streams to York Factory at the mouth of the Neb river, Fort Churchill, 200 miles north of Hudson Bay and one of the largest missions in the north. The Western Canada Fire Under- old thelr annual conven- Medicine Hat Property is sure to ad- vance in value, During last month about 35 per cent of the deals we put through. were cash sales; a lot of which were to people who were buy- ing with the idea of building. Fewings Rubidge: To say that the real estate situation is in good lemand fur Hat property in mand. G. L. Dunham Co.: Our inquiries McGregor Berry: The-Teal estate eee especially for acreage. The The move- deman situation here. is good. tor inside building lots Is Hamilton Hemeon: Our busi- ness up to the present time has been excellent and buyers of city, property are plentiful. Property is undergo- ing no boom in our opinion, nor are tion here on Friday of this week, TATEMENT London, June 6. The weekly state- Valuestoflated at all, Houses toliment of the Bank of England. shows rent are in great demand; im fact it/the following chafiges is impossibis for us, to supply the ap- Increased, 1,195,001 circulation, plicants, increased, 13,000; bullion, increas- ed, 1,324,663; other securities, de- creased, 803,000; other deposits, de- creased, 122,000; government secur- ities unchanged, The proportion of the bank s reserve to liabilities this week is 4844. par B, D, Bennett: It fs hard to sayin wnat way the real estate situation could be improved. Buyers are plen- tiful, and our values, considering the location of our town and its natural facilities, are the lowest In the west. cent, Last week it was 46.76. per Money from outside s greatly in evi- cont, dence and will heip to keep things moving, * 7 SIN 2 zs WISCONSIN TRAVELLERS MEET the far north and will e gone about of hundreds of mites on the lakes and He will also visit gross Verdi, Bioto, and Puccini, died today. case, lirst took the. stand a week ago Ricord was born in 1840, last Tuesday was expected to pro- vide additional features when he re- COUNCIL CENSURED South African. and Cambridge Univ- ersity, the Varsity was beaten by 10 wickets. Seven other matches were abandoned owing to rain, which was devoted largely('to the in- troduction of documentary evidence by the prosecution, His absence from the stand was due to.a rqquest by the defence for zdditional time to Prepare a new line df attack. London, June 6 Bonar Law, the It has grown more apparent that Unionist leader informs the Canad- the trial will prove one of the most ian Associated Press that he has not of the west. made any arrangements to visit Can- ada. SATISFACTORY PROGRESS (Bullet (W. A. P. Dispatch.) CW. A. P, Dispatch.) ) Bulltin Winnipeg, Man., June 6. Her Ro- A pitch In Is reported to have taken yal Highness the Duchess of Con- Place between a freight and passen- naught passed .afairly good night Ser train on the Pacific Division ot and is making a satisfactory pro- the Canadian Pacific in which the en- towards recovery as well as Sifleer of the freight was Killed. All can be expected. wires In the mountains ar down. Dr. W. R. Hamilton was called Jn (W. A. P, Cable.) eae z ) , Brussels, June 6. King Albert and ba -/Queen Elizabeth had planned to leave B.S WORTHINGTON, MD-BS ro. Ostend tor a sky at tha Royal pe: A. E. GARROW, M.D. villion today, but the journey was W. W. CHIPMAN, M.D. abandoned because of the political sit- Se eget uation xesulting from the Socialist re- sentment of the Clerical victory in the elections. (Specal to the News) z Vienna, June 6 Vienna today wit- nessed the cutomary elaborate cele- bration of the festival of Corpus Christi. The festival was instituted in 1264 in honor of the consecrated Host and though it is generally obser- ved by Rorsan Catholics everywhere, in no other city is the celebration of such splendid character as in Vien- na. The custom for the Emperor of Austria to take part in the proces- sion was begun fr the seventeenth century by Ferdinand 11,, who by his FESTIVAL OF CORPUS CHRISTI (W. A. P. Dispaten.y Winnipeg, Man., June 6. Geo. Bury, vice president and general manager of the C. P. R., left this morning at 11 k. for a trip.of inspection over the west- ern lines. He is accompanied by ai- vision supt. and willbe Joined in the west by the chief engineer. His trip will extend to the coast arid while there several matters now pending settlement will be disposed of. CW, A. P. Dispatch) Papers and Their Atti- tude City Solicitor asks re Salary- Boost. The city council censured and were censured at last night's session. They passed a resolution censuring and condemning: the Calgary Press, and jin turn were censured by the City So- licitor for tardiness in regard to his request for a salary increase, Ald, McClelian brought up the fol- lowing. resolution which Was unani- mously carried: That this council go on record as deploring the unriendliness which the Dress of Calgary assume towards the City of Medicine Hat, as evidenced by the complete: suppression of aH re- ports of Medicine Hat's Municipal and industrial development, and the pub- lishing of distorted and incorrect re- Ports of the acts of the city counell, tending to convey the impression that there-ts bad feeling between the coun- cil and citizens, 3 c And further, that this council go on record as strongly condemning the evidently mialicious Intent of the cor- Tespondenc or correspondent who send out these unfair and altogether misleading reports. . ze The article aimed at in the last clause is one on the lawn service which appeared in a Calgary daily. Following this the City Solicitor ad- dressed the Council re his request for an increase in salary made some time ago, of which he had heard nothing further. He also objected to the resol- ution that he should attend every council meeting, being as he was ab- sent for business reasons, only on the GU ASEDispateh) AND WERE FENSHRED is examinatioe oer tasther et088 raga, June ta match whieh - i roncl the : Franklin has respite yesterday lt;oneiuaed Yesterday between the past Resolution re Calgary . B. F, Souch: Real estate the last Sheboygan, Wis., June 6 A large PTesence succeeded in putting a stop Toronto, June 6 Geo, Gomtiding, the ore the Naeee Sooeiee 5 2 aa 5 a a, 1 e mayor explain: at the rus li Ss EE SRE SE ee ta nn aa ee ee eg Oa eee see eee a Protectan ey with hich uh are Nope ak Geeta eae ds Series ot mine ae ee oe + a : eS business property. A large number Par one, ee ee i Monies-in-thoxs days were almost in-( through overwork. H has been fore. Hook the matter ot any fuereane , but MADE IN CANADA ARRIVES i A 01 ct .d thi at they wou e the matter up ge assort- Ee c T : of purchasers are paving to ponds vision of the United Commercial Y Tiably attended. This remony ea ie cancelialt cesta eae ae ; + IN MEDICINE HAT THIS AFTERNOON outside capital is steadily coming in Travelers, Today was given over D been observed ever since by the ig plac ig including Ly ae + indicating increased confidence of largely to the reception of the visit. Peror of Austria. . iad + + The Canadian Manufacturers Made in Can- - /0u'si e Investors in the possfbitities eee ee oreo waliege toscens SLEEP EEE EEE EEE PEE ET EE a + Beane Se CLUE cous eee of Medicine Hat as a comng indystral/ 7 ana vecRiat eran SOUTH DAKOTA . A. R. . f + * ada train will arrive in the city this afternoon at Fl centre, Central Park seems to be the bel ee Rerhosrowsand cone N se B * 3 o clock and from then to 5 o'clock the car will be + choice tor residential lots. There, Saturday. (Specal to the News) We, the undersigned, beg to ** at the depot and open tor th ee ne yet e visit. x Rae ek wer aaae te the Some OF 5 5s ake fe ofr ofr ofe ofr ofe ofe ofe ofe ofe ope Mitchell, S. Da, June 6 eee nominate . Z INE *+ The members of the Council, Board of Trad fe and aos : * /orated in the national colors, Mitch- Edie: sie puaye eines ae cla Rararars EAD + Industrial Bureau, will meet the train when it + Matthews, Murray Proby report ca TYN AUTO CLUB Eel iuer mteceeararee rane 3 treet Address Ming Canada icc on : OT * comes in. At5o clock the manufacturers with the + a keen demand for Corbett Gardens, as + nae lana ae their friends who have gath. * AS a candidate to represent Miss Canada on ie **/ party will be taken for an auto trip around the city + wen as S090 Hullding teta:all over tual. A mmeeting ofthe auto owns i ered here trom all parts of the State * Dominion Day in Medicine Hat, * and shown the various industries. At 7 o clock city its e e ters of the city Ws talled for -f for the annual encampment of the ** Nominated by ........+.++++ z by the lar aber 2 : se + they will be given a lincheah at the Alberta. trom outside, pattte, both In castara *F the clty ball tomorrow night of Grand Army of the Republic, der + Street Address ......66.6,200-sn0it + * From 8 o'clock to 10.30 the train will be open Gas a and the United ' States the St 8 o'clock to form an auto- partment of South Dakota. The gath- Seconded by .....2... Se siace EM + eT 4 * cen *h mobile club. Also owners ering will continue three days and Vian Fr * Street Add: * to the public. The band will be-in attendance. real estate situation never Iooked half 7 Street Address .. cae eran ateaeant es + pul promising as at the present time, 87 asked to aitend +f willinctude the val sessions of the * et bud 4 . ees sk hatha) several bodies ted with the G, PRE EEEEEEE EE EEE eee ee ee (Continued on page ten) thee eek heb bb een eA. Ris PLE LLL ELLE EEE oo
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Image 951 (1912-06-06), from microfilm reel 951, (CU1771758). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.