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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Soe regono ees Rolongoeieefoaecfocte Pasko ctosteste teat Soafocteatestesteagoate RE ete Re e t D este Goetecrstectontostoctetoctostestodiocecteds Ms sof Me e co-e8 2 sof e 1 * so-s 1 50-4 *8 - Moose delicious. lt;0 e foes Reetee s fp. v NOON a Seta Soefeofeetse Sie teegesteaseates Peete dreads cS We have Received Instructions from the Owners of Ma Sots tte oes Pate soefeoet Soetees e eons on Pe hosbostoclododbodorioro seo eeh Ged dodtoctodtodtodtod 5 foetecbedteet o soteatecte Poctecte toate MPN Oreo es 4, Bedodontedortest Pre redrers ATC To put 145 Lots on the market oreo PEPE PEPE PO LOL OLDE GDI Geen Peer aH hester te Seetectostecteeteateatnageateateatead This Property has never been placed on the market befo: are on the market for the first time. LOOK AT YOUR MAP AND YOU WILL THAT THIS DHSIRABLE PROPHRTY Ig SITUATED IN THE CENTRE OF ALL THE PRESENT INDUSTRIES. BETWEEN NORTH YUILL, ROSEDALE AND CITY VIEW. i All Lots will be 50 ft. THE PRICES ARE LOW Watch our advertisement for further particulars We will offer a PRIZE OF 25.00 for the best idea of a method for selling this property quickly ADDRESS ALL CONMUNICATIONS TO oy G. G. MacBean Co. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING , Bo Roto totoroageageateatoateateateateatects re. They 3 IT LIES No Poor Lots will be sold Lose tetestete tomate otete Seteste 2a soahe-sSo-sgesteaie-efe-otectoete-eo-eectentescesteate-ice ate-ecesteateete-scoete-ete- ate sce etease ote testes of STEPPED ON LIVE WIRE WAS INSTANTLY KILLED St. Catherines Labor Leader Comes to Sudden End. St. Catharines, Ont, August 27 Edward Day, President of the Trades and -Labor Gouneil, was in- stantly killed by an electric charge of 2,500 volts. He was walking along George Street near his resi- dence when he encountered a wire knocked him to the ground by the storm which had been raging. Mr. Day attempted to move. tt aside with his foot. His shoe was wet and he received the full force of the heavy current through his body and died instantly. He was 52 years aman in the city council, Urges National Check.on Dope Dr. Brose Horne, in Toledo, Says Supplies are Coming Freely From Canada. Toledoi Aug. 28. Though Ohio has cone of the best state laws against the indiscriminate sale of cocaine and heroin enjoyed by any state in the Union, the state is a veritable hot- bed for users of the drugs, accord - ing to Dr. Brose Horne, specialist on uses and offects of the stimulants, Dr. Horne, who several months ago came to Toledo under the direction of the National Association of Retail taining how much and by whom co- caine atid heroin were being sold in the eity,. stopped in Toledo on Fri- day en route to Chicago from Can - ada. He now is engaged in procur- ing data that will serve to further the interests of a national law to regulate the sale and use of the drugs. Dr. Horne declared that cocaine and heroin are smuggled into the United States from Canada in large quantities and almost entirely with- out restriction, and that Toledo re - sidents addicted to the habit find lit- tle trouble in procuring the drugs from persons who make a business of importing it from Canada. In Toledo, I venture to say, there are as many users of cocaine today as there were several years ago when laws tending to prevent the sale of cocaine were less stringent or not in existence. In Canada, about race courses especially, a majority of men, yomen and children use one of the drugs;-and it is given to race horses lin large quantities. When the fact that a very large percent of all crime is committed by persons with the cocaine or heroin habit, the ser- iousness of the practice of their im- portation from Canada ean be ap- preciated. lt;The only effective method of checking the sale, and so the use of the drugs, is the enactment and en- forcement of a national law making it impossible for users to procure: co- caine or heroin without a bona fide prescription from a reputable physi- cian, and making it properly hazard- ous for Physicians to sell prescrip- tions to dope fiends who will make any sacrifice to get them. Druggists to aid detectives in ascer- Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, oes AQLLINGGR AGENCY xen TOWNSITE Block 80, 50 ft., 1250, terms. Block 85, 50 ft, 1250, terms. Block 86, 100 ft., corner, 4000, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 9 50 ft. corner, 850, terms Block 9, 50 ft, 735, terms. Block 13, 50 ft, 735, terms. ALTAWANA Block 4, 50 ft, 1200, terms. Good for today only. For Real Snappy Buys See Us HERALD Block 3, 50 ft corner, 1050, terms. Block 3, 62 ft. for terms. These are beautiful view SOUTH YUILL Block T, 50 ft., 1050, terms. Block 8, 50 ft., 1050, terms. Block 28, 50 ft., 840, terms. Block 20, 60 ft., 1050, terms. 1050, lots. A number of the above are good view lots; an ff excellent place to build. NEW ORLEANS TO VOTE ON COMMISSION. (Special to the News.) New Orleans, La., August 27 Sup- porters and opponents of the pro- posed adoption of the commission plan of government for the city of New Orleans closed their campaign today. The question will be decided .at a special meeting tomorrow. The mea- sure to be voted upon provides for the administration of city affairs by five commissioners; one mayor, all elective. The recall feature is cared for in a State measure, the referen- dum and initiative features being sub- ject to a petition of 30 per cent of the registered voters. ( ARCHBISHOP RIORDAN 70 YEARS OLD, Many felicitous messages were re- ceived at the archiposcipal residence at the corner of Steiner and Fulton Streets today to remind the Venerable Archbishop Riordan of the comple- tion of his seventieth year. The Archbishop was born in New Bruns- wick. He spent his boyhood in Chi- cago, to which city he returned after completing his theological studies and was rector of St. James Church there nntil his selection as head of the San Franscisco diocese in the eighties. eighties. TO DISCUSS MUNICIPAL PROB- LEMS. Windsor, Ont, August 27. Deles- ates from widely separated sections f the Dominion assembled in Windsor oday for the opening of the annual onvention of the Union of Canadian Municipalities, The sessigas will last hree days and will be devoted to papers, addresses and discussions ealing with a wide range of subjects. Phe proposed new Dominion railway jact, the municipal ownership of power plants, the cement situation in west- rn Canada, public health, and muni- ipad finances are some of the lead- ing topics. VIRGINIA FIREMEN S TOURNEY. Roanoke, Va., August 27. Delega- tions of firemen from far and near arrived in Roanoke today for the Tournament of the Virginia State Firemen's Association. The business lof the convention will be disposed of morrow and the two days following San Francisco, Cal, August 27. . 'rwenty-sixth Annual Convention and not meet the expectations of the com- and Hudson Canal Company, near western Railway. pany s officials and was withdrawn. Honesdale, Pa. success and was soon widely adopted. The first American built jocomo- The first locomotive used in America The postal car service, by whicl The system s now in general use tive was given a trial trip ighty-two for passenegr travel was the Stour- railway mail clerks were placed in throughout America and Burope. years ago today. It was constiucted bridge Lion, built in England, and cars to assort matter while in transit, by Peter Cooper and tried on the put into-usein-August of 1829 on alwas first tried forty-eighth years Baltimore and Ohio Railway, but did small road owned by the Delaware/ago today in the Chicago North- FIRST THINGS The trial was a A smali want ad in The Dally News Classified Column will bring results. We Can t All Be Farmers We Can t All Be Wage Earners We Can t All Be Captains of Industry But we can all of us make big money in safe investments. fe is the Safest and Best Investment: now offered to the public. REDCLIFF' has four large factories in operation and making REDCLIFF famous as. the high-grade ; Building Products centre of Western Canada. These factories have a present pay roll of over 30,- 000.00 per month, , ae More Factories Are Coming More Railroads Are Coming Real Estate Is Booming We also have Medicine Hat snaps and good farm lands at low prices and easy terms. STONER AGENCY ABOUT IT na will be devoted to the prize competi- ions and races which are the lead- ing features of the annual tourna- ment. 395 Toronto Street Phone 396
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Image 380 (1912-08-28), from microfilm reel 380, (CU1772643). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.