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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. PEOPLE'S o PULPIT. CHRIST DIED 10 vision has already been made fot this. Abraham, Isasc and Jacob and alty-the-Prophet of old have the testimony that t y pleased God and that they are . lt; better reeur. reotlon than ordinary. ey cannot be members of the Bride of Christ; nor sharers in the spiritual UNCLE SAM PUTS THE BAN ON GREEN DEVIL ES i and the Heavenly Kingd All Importations of Absi t mt INTERSTATE FAIR tenet SAVE SINNERS Busileges sod the Heavenly Kingdom. pep ons of Absinthe Into States Are Barred ea. Gale m, Nebr Route 1, Rast ak san SEPT. 30 OCT. 6, EST. beforg, the Heavenly Calling was open om Now On. - aaa Nebe S . . 6, . Jesus was aptain, jer . H 1912 RUSSELL ok and Forerunner fm this, and His joint 50 ft corner OA Highiand st. 3 tor tenia re The Redeemer Is ye te heira ll tollow Him. None of them By an order of the Department ofJalcoholism, and its effects much SPECIAL Tabernacle. Become the Great De- Ter AERO: Kingdoen, tteel Arriouttare aidaled 0 0 iat ot worse. ROUND TRIP liverer of the World. spisitual. wally a ly Bev as ae i ipsa ee aa Freasbinee 354 the eeatest ae i 20, 1000. P . a en sumers inthe, 20 a WOR Annrtnans 1m hone Anaiagl) Wortbine, Shell he Uaited Stite. on he srround spread and general is tho use of the Montreal, Sept. 22. Pastor Russel + glo for a will be mae ct human that the erage is a leterious drug that those who are agitating TO GAs. 80 Ubdtehinn, Late itisy. ne Ldivesance tram ate oa Hore pertestion, wud Substance acd a menace to the public for the suppression of the habit de- Spokane, Wash. Going Dates Sept. Return Limit Oct. 7th, intormation and tick- any . P. R. Ticket on BEYOND THE GRAVE, other on St, Paul's Gospel. America s Ubiquitous Preacher comes quite frequently to the Prov. nces, and the immense audiences that rywhere greet him are proof thet True Gospel which he preaches his to some extent fouid responsive chord lt;0 thousands of Canadian hearts. We report the Pastor's second ad- the which St. aul received and whidh h , in turn, dispensed the true Gospel of which 2 he wrote to the brethren at Rome, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Obrist, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Ass great oak may be said to be in an acorn, so the great Gospel Message may be said to be in our as Adam was Jesus in His, while on earth superior powers of mind and will soon all the wi ihings whidh Divine providence will 3 gules mieajers of Whe citations w mneaiers of f Naturatly perlot men wal be Princes amongst Imperfect ones. But these will hold the title trom the Great Messiah. This ds prov gisied: fustead of Thy fathers shail children, whom Thou (Messiah). shalt od sey health. In taking this action, Unole Sam follows the example set by i: Switzerland, Belgium and Holland, which bave already placed the ban on the green devil. Drinkers on this side of the Atlantic have never taken kindly to the drag which tastes and smells Very much like the paregatie of our youth; and which, when drunk to ex ess,transforms men into devils. clare that it threatens the very ex- ence of the republic. Absinthe was introduced into France in 1847. The French army suffered greatly from. fover during the Algerian war, and physicians preseribed the wormwood mixture as a febrifuge. The aroina- tie liqulor, used first-as a medicine, soon became a popular beverage, and with the return of the soldiers its dross, which was from the text. text, : ake Printe all arth. Seeds IL RATES Ec ov aphenagyy TMoteover, brethren, 1 declure unto time we look at itn sees a titde Peaim cigs. eee Absinthe gained great popularity in use soon spread all over Franco, and : r te Passenger Agent, f sei the Goopel which T preached tt ile jve eau) than Astor th mew order of, tnge France atl other Buropean countries ehoope to rounding nations. The on with ss Calgary, Alta. j yon;.* * how that Christ dicd or before. We can almost see it grow will appeal to the Jew frst. His les before the dangers attending its con- confumption in France increased from L. A. posaiy, ur sing according Seriptur:s: not that the Gospel is growing, for it eons under the Law will make ion y eame fully known, but it I s snilli BBIN; and that He was buried, and that Hy ip the samo teee Gad coreesel in amenable tothe new eon- Umption : ae (nes a aes eee ; j i NE Ticket Agent, ee ape Rae ABI ass (iv. Corin. Eisen eects Conant ee ae Lbecke ee for furkag tet bas never betn Popular among Anglo- thirty-six million litres in 1910. Phone 201, tWians xv, 1-4.) 80 complete a state world. It is our appreciation of the thousand year mankind will be Saxons, In Switzerland and Belgium Of course, the green devil has its m the Gospel in so few words Gospel that grows, portion as judged, not sto their biti ndon and the Be at eer tbut:inaplintion 3 a in PO ) dodged. faith the prohibition of the manufacture; defenders, and these say that all that t ig wonderful. Without inspiration St. we grow in grace and in the knowl jentirely, but importation and vale of the deadly js best in the literature, journalism, inclusive, with re- gait more would have said too much Let us analyze the text and see what it contains. of the Divine Plan and in the it of our Lord; for without His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to shten to their works, be when knowledge will be complete and 50. general. Good works will be staff was accomplished only after widespread apposition af dealers and science and art of the France of the: last half-century owes its inspiration of isa x ira QUE Understanding. and to enable ua gradually more and more possible as cotisumers. to the gre n Liquor. Racine, Boileau simon aod hata ser end np wuld Wea ae: perecon, Watse'tb ago a , im sits of shame, Arnkng and hwts of othe dined N ort own power to wash away or prehend the deep things of God. ents. have been luridly described in Marie Frenchmen were victims of the ab- ov. 18th. eradicate. This is a fundamental How inly the Apostle states this, Seriptures intimate that the Correlli s novel, Wormwood, and sinthe habit, and practically all of S: e saying, The natural man receiyeth world at that time will be in a de- the picture, while it represents an the French authors, journalists and Nov. 27th. hindered 20 the things of the Spirit of God, jected condition, The great Time exteome ease, is by no means over- painters of today are worshippers of Dee. 11th. ane tere eetie is hessealiy tor a neither can he know them, be- of Trouble with which Messiah's drawn: It is not the alcotiol im the' the green devil. Se any raft or steamship Agent, Scott . OF8 LOLOhO+O+os Redeemer, and therefore from ace ing Jesus as their Saviour. 7. thst we are sinners implies a when righteonaness prevailed in ancestry. We do not speak of f 5 sinners, -beenuse the Scriptur: that sin is transgfession of Tw and God would not give to a rate, which could not comnre- hend that Jaw. Similarly the prrfee- tion of our first parents was imelied in this term, because God would 1 give a law to being no: sufi rt gause they are spiritually discerned; * but God -hath. revealed them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. T, Gor. fi, 14,10. Pastor Russell's reputation for faith- fulness to the Divine Word, his cour- e to speak the Truth in Love, and his power to hold vast audiences in rapt attention for. hours has spread everywhere, Newspapers to the num- ber of 1,500 in the States, in Great Britain and in the Dominion which publishing his sermons and aleo Kingdom will be inaugurated will cut a deep swath in earthly hopes and ambitions, and all nations will be in the condition to desire the Mes- sianic Government, and then, The desire of all nations shall come. Hog. i, i. The Scriptures prophetically foretell that, as the Divine blessings of Mee siah s Kingdom go more and more to Israelites, other nations will take note of this and be-imelined to entreat share of the Divine fayors, saying. Come. let us go up to the mountain green beverage that is its chief dan- ger. The experinients of physicians have demonstrated that the essential oil of wormwood, which is the prin- cipal ingredient of absinthe, when given alone causes all the symptoms of acute. absintheism, including spasms of great violence, vertige, sudden loss of consciousness, convul- sions and foaming at the mouth. The In America absinthe is usually drunk in the form of a frappe, but this is practically. unknown in France. The Frenchman takes his absinthe well eweetened with Italian syrups and diluted with water. The syrup is permitted to drip slowly from a spoon placed over the long absinthe glass. Usually an hour or mote is spent in sipping one glass, bO. Uil cligent an capable of whether to give a suit of old nic aa Thus. this very clothes away or have it re- statement. We are sinners, im: his comments on the International (Kingdom) of the lord's hevse; He 0owol. fennel and. star-anive in ab-jand taken slowly in this way much Sunday School Lessons are zealous in will tench us of His ways and we Sumthe are comparatively harmless. of the liquor's capacity for harm is) their support of his excellent services. will walkin His naths. . The whol gt; Absinthism is entirely different from/eliminated: : the thought of fall, just as the-Bible and are praying still more power to world, every natior r ee ted, - nd ar c . peopl, is full line novated, decide on the renovat- declares. his voice and pen. tongue, needs just tie blessings of ing and bring it to us you'll For Christ to die for our sins im: 4 We have merely seen the root of healing and life eternal ich the Plies that our sins had a death pen: the Gospel, continued Pastor Russell, Messianic Kingdom, is to offer the be mighty glad you did, Be: J ity attached to them: This agw'n las it centres in the promise made to And the lemme eill her Ke ream one, cause we will probably save implies that at the time that death Abraham and in the redemptive work but quite the reverse, Messiah is to you the cost of new clothing, Penalty, was imposed it was iust accomplished by our Saviour. In be, not only a Grent King to rule, but + one. because a just God would not Romans xi, 16-24 St. Paul uses the also a Great Priest and the Church Our methods of cleansing are punish unjustly. The j illustration of an olive tree, and de- with Him is promised to be a Royal selentiti and right up to date, death penalty implies clares the branches of the tree to be Priesthood. Cee of intelligence on the p the members of the Body of Christ, However, God will not accent any 7 on ner and that he was in a cond which is the Church. From these other nation than Israel, All of His which he would not have nveded. to branches will come dant fruitage blessings are. to go to, the Seed of THE GLOBE CLEAN- die if be had not si for the light Abraham. And as Abraham's Seed tain fliscl 01 cheaply and plentifully, and alcohol had also to be cheapened. NEW PROCESS OF FERMENTA- TION. 3 To secure all this a new method. POTATOES had to be evolved, and after eighteen erial aster, Zc., a Specialty. . months work in co-operation with Professor Fernbach, a French scient- ist, a mew process of fermentation EMOTE LOLOL C PO POpapoepokod : Phone 59 ING PRESSING CO, , This statement. that Christ ied oF the Werk, oe spiritual in the resurrection becomes EPOCH-MAKING DISCOVERY THAT '** discovered which permitted fusel e aan we: Rear of Post Oftice: op Fourth Ave. eon ae tars Hee tea Bt. Paul points out that the natural as the stars of heaven, so his seed WILE AFFECT BRITISH IN. i being economically manufactured a me d len rac*. for Israelites were the natural branches natatal will i 0'fAll the whole from st: ibstances. RIVERSIDE PARK ; POhe s-0shet-e-rete had He been a: sinner, how could H Jand that the Jews therefore had the Jearth, and are compared to the sand DUSTRY AND. AGRI- ogg catchy, seeeeanos. ae This gave the Englishmen the four on corner key to the situation, and they qitigt- 1400. ly filed their patents. Three months. jater the powerful alliance of Gdr- man-chemists who were working on Gwen: i have died for sinners how could H. first right, privilege and opportunity of the seashore. Nor will this be CULTURE. death have bien ste cpropt or 20; Jof becoming the members of the Body an arbitrary matter. It means the ar Teens was indeed the Of Christ, the Church. Ax a matter greatost good to all. Not that the Professor Perkin of Manchester U g was indeed the of fact, all privil i . the all privilege and opportunity ftst members of Spii'tual Israel com h taketh away tho was excluded from the Gentiles unt) from Natural Israel, and that the iversity Tells of anniversary of the Brit- sg iaeae JA. . ain of the world. that God sent His aa : mp,cend that the Foie) tates oft 0 Carpenter Gniy Bevotten Bon inte the, world iyael time, of favor was, complete Gentiles were grafted in. Similaciy. or the ame task tought: these. work-to tansfer the government Builder thatiate might Bot netsh bal. hese. exbes, , Natural Israel. hut all nations will ALCOHOL AND ACETONE WILL BE tbS stage in which they could pro- liver the goods, but at that time Britain TL Ottawa BE eerie IS his dake lon thats oman ens Sees voor be Bord Seely ate the privilege and opportun: BY-PRODUCTS OF THE tect it by patents. On making their 0 take up the white hone 0 pox an ation x 'tcoret by the duty nt dene,t send the Sows, they lol Sing engi ie and oon INDUSTRY guolcaion they foupd that ther : 2 in the Fijis.. In 1874 Mouses for sale, One under Christ and His resurrection. Were truth under most fayorable condi- same manner that people of all -na- English rivals had beaten them in 3 renewed, and the for- construction in. High School W* not sinners and dying we would ions. We remember that. thousan:is tionalities. comin the rate, ; to American Can- have needed no one to die for Us; Twere converted and blessed at Peats- adn may enjoy ciienship here under 7 NG seer wan Netra Were it not to rescue, us from sin and cost'and other thousands.a little later jcertain Covenant ,conditions. The fuom death oc) would net; have sent ob, WE mag pe fare thet ev ty New Covenant conilitions inaugurated Progen Deets Here let us notice the force of the ranch in that tree was uc- with Israel (Jer. xxxi, 31-34) will thus mew Se i i cepted of; the Lord every Israelite be open to all mankind, beeaus gt; all oa curring, criticism for exaggeration. word desth in our text. Tt did not ingeed in whom was no guile. St. witl be permitted 1) become members HOW tubber is to be made from) TOV Oe i Os already established life iny te ent to our Redrem- Noa . eae eet tee wriene taath, Paul. tells us that then the unbelicv- of Israel. Thus. as the Scriptures Potatoes and corn, and how this), protessor Perkin, we have his au Phone 790. a Over Assinibola Music Store At the present juncture it is im- possible to say what the effects of the mew discovery will be without in- ion of the group o the: Annex, Block 25; one on Ot- tawa St, finished, Block re took place Sept. 30 of One on Highland st, finished. Have several good lots on which I can build a house ac- cording to your own design. Preliminary plans supplied k If Not Honest. the Atlanta News, r thee. ing Jews, the natural ranches, we: prophesy, Abraham eventually will epoch-making discovery will affect i mony, not only that He died. but iif proven offs the Becetg ta ta asa y ja thority for stating) that syntheti bn Sharp. Williams, re me for y Ite ns reste d f. separated from the a father of many nation: industry and agriculture is R ee at coer te te a. iz or Jeo work of any kinds wit shat, He stage from the tote deluge Divine favor in whieh they had pre- Rofhans iv. 17 One toll by the Sphere. Fubber con be obtained from British thir day. And the Scrinturcs declare viously been. Then began the work Eventually, all the willing and Produce at a cost of about 25 cents n of calling, preparing gnd engrafting obedient will be clad to enter into One of the-most far reaching and Teiportet tect fee several applicants, but Aa Nee are ot nine ho chat Gentiles, wnom the Apostle represents this New Covenant felationahin with: startling triumphs over ackigved in ape Scatter tea cS wo f olive tree. God thr hrist to nt- z . - 8 8 et had finally been re- that He was the Heavenly Father rhis work of engrating the Gen- ed members of the seat of Abra. industrial chemistry has been gained oound, and in times of famine much f ae s . 5 mae o WOOSTER Hime aoe abe ae the: tiles into the Jewish stock andimak- ham. Eventually. all others will be by a group of English ostientists ),;-ner prices have been paid. ing them fellow- 's with the Jews destro: im the Second Death, so after a most strenuous contest with r ie fter- seat serk 7 ng y. After he hid gone, in- E. M. CAWKER, 3 vesi. prevsoded, that He. hed tied, Lof the original D: vine promise made hat then all he corth will be blessed German rivals. The practical re- GOOD FOR AGHIOULTORE. a, , Ys seed, Here we have b a results. phere, az0 dents, and all that, he Phm. B. ae ee arid. Tam clive nearly nineteen centuries. This is the Gospel in. ite fulness, expanded. tlt of the discovery ammounced by Te i Sok Fond hlashoaee se it prompt attention. and was dead the came Gon in B Professor Perkin in Manchester Uni- that crude aleohol can he made cheap- Bi pel. because it all from the original promise made to Professor Perkin in ni S jonest? Druggist forevermore. Reving Redemption, a 8P ings from. the same glorious Abraham, and taking in ail the fea: versity is that rubber ean be com- fot Motor fuel, and acetona for Sho I fs. I's -bin arrested si real Sacrifice, and the Redeemer is Promise. It was good tidings when tures of Divine grace and mercy and mercially manufactured from starch condite. 2 stock of Toilet Articles a Stiktoono the Great Deliverer of 8 Message it was given to.Abra- eventuating in the most. wonderful . and Ro meet the eVer-increasing de- : three times an let off Drug Sundries, Proprietary Medi- 9 Ft to hecome, ihe Gliliverance from bam. Its value was intensified when blessings possible for the human derived from corn, potatoes, eee tater oad eaten ciao, death by resurrection cost the Re- Ged made oath to its certainty of mind to imagine And all this centres other home-grown begetable products. g of Physicians Pre: ri fulfilment, The fulfilment began in jn the work of Jesus, in His death 4 phenomenal imerease has taken eW epock may thus come about in 3 4 specialty. geome: Hie Mian Christ Tents comes Jesus, continued through the Jewish for our pins and in His resurrection piace in the demand for rubber all British agriculture. The millions of the resurrection of the dead; tor disciples, and now thas accumulated for our deliverance and the execution: Pr Ce canes 68 TU Ts Laon, now cultivated, of under as all in Adam die, even so all in Considerable number of the Gentiles of the Gospel Program. Thanks. be Ove Oo. a ee vaece: Te erass will be turned touse, for the de ali probably the foreordained number unto God 7 it i Over. 's. Butcher Shop. ie ees oon onder. AT Goris, is completed. When thr Elect num- Hallelujah, what Gospel elu. Jig camputed that the value of the Country will Have to increase its Mitchell's : 2 Se thians xv, 21-23. bee atialt have pres ones and-peoven aga, shat 6 Saviour Hallelujah, ) other now annually produced s/srowth -of ser a Box 765, and: si rave been accepted in the what Ee : r 4 i oe Fa Agrent: ewpartnoes gests ie Mies Gaurrection: chasge: ead pasend Bact tie 20,000,000 and of this the United stances out of all proportion to the 13 Rates Tespect and the machinery the best that money can buy. All white help employed. -PHONE No. 8. patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for and return the goods. sina did not remain dead. He de- scended into Hell Sheol, Hades, the tomb but His soul was not left there, as the Scriptures declate. God the Father raised Him from the dead on the third day. The importance of Christ's resurrection is many-fold. It er or He did not et ae ut, op the contrary, maintain s relationship with the Father holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners. Tt shows that He kept the Law; otherwise He would have te- mained dead like the remainder of the yond the veil then this most won- derful feature of the Gospel will have been accomplished. The completion of Spiritual Israel willbe followed by the establishment of Meseiah s. Kingdom and the be- ing of the blessing of all the ilies of the earth. We are to distin, here between the Church and the families of the earth, for the Church in their consecration and ac- ceptance of the Lord and begetting of the Holy Spirit become members of the new nation. They are no Due Warning. 5 Rotorua has been Jaughing over the Flased by. the Public Werke Depart: ublic Works. Depart- fenton some of the electric wire Bas the rosd to Okere, in New fome time ago a Maori youth, who seemed: to have misguided taste for menting, threw s long piece of cable over the electric wires that run to Rotorua from the power station at the Okere Falls. The town wes 2t once plunged in ) Kingdom takes more than half, for which last year it paid 130,000,000. A SCIENTIFIC ROMANCE. A German scientist, Professor Carl Harris, bas been one of the most Persistent workers, and he led the way in investigating the properties of the elusive substance, isoprene, which is obtained by the decomposi- tion of natural rubber under heat. Having located isoprene, Harris bored to obtain this substance arti- present output, t io Putting His Foot fn It, From the Boston Transcript. The Woman My husband is forty today. You'd mever belfeve that there is actually ten years , difference in our ages. The Man Why, no, indeed. I'm sure you look every bit as young as he does, Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, Specia oF Sa Sheepskin. Jews. longer humans. As St. Paul declares, two or three hours until : COOTENAYS More that this, the. fact that. He Ye are not in the flesh, but in the ee fad Geert Tocated. fically. and eventually he succeeded in stock of Clothing, Gents Furn i was raised from the dead to a higher spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God The. dusky and youthful experi- producing it form oil of turpentine. iahinge, BObARaed Bhoes, eee House Mover initiators Si Be Corse eetomy reste cena ened re lei, ethane wtcialionreo ito robber. But sce Great Bargains all . Opening Week. 3 nature, a spirit being, partaker of dwell in you (Romans viti, 9): The menter was carpet in the court and THis next triumph was to convert the NEW MANHOOD ficial death was iv leasing but that life is on a higher plane as the department put up this and acceptable in the Fi La sights spirit beings. Th will glory, Sete: R ee the whole process was so elaborate The Dr. Metager + hence. His high reward aad all this po eae 'y. in joint-heir Any person clas ie electric and costly that the synthetic rubber aay yee : mae, MEDICINE HAT roves that the Heavenly Father s ship wi ir Lord. it or dans insulators obtained was exceedingly expensive: attery is : Nps ees Tatet ack asd 6 es gly expensive; CLOTHING CO. Breat promise to Abraham is in pr - Amongst the families of the earth is arri adlock srenteat: eelr-cace Gest, of fulflment. Our Lord's resur- to be blessed by Messiah's Kingdom penalty of 10 farce actieey ot eet con rman for weakness and Corner Toronts bud North) SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING iC. 3ist HEAVY TEAMIN rection to the plane of glory demon- the first place w' iven to Natural for strive a3 he would there seemed dobility the world G strates to us the Gente of this Israel. In all things the Jew was to Has 152. Deacendants. no way of adequately cheapening. the has ever known. Eaflway. aeiek HIPS CONCRETE WORK. Seed of Abraham, and His prepara- have pre-cminoice, for this is the Henry Smallwood, ninety-one years process. te hy 2a No. drugs, no 2 e tion for the great work foretold the Divine arrangement. As the Jew old, of High Wycombe, England, has Tn the meantime group of Eng medicine, no diet - blessing of all the families of the got the opportunity of becoming mem. 18 descendants living, including Be seep nt ing, no. unusual eae 15th. . .- A 1 T earth ie bers of the Body of Christ before it ainety-three greatgrandchildren and lish scientists bad been steadily demands of any 99th, From this viewpoint we. see, the was offered to the Gentiles, so Fleshly gowen great-great grandchildren, He working at the problem, but they sore; just cease I as a brother ni 11 MONTREAL STREET importance of His death and of His Israel will be the first nation to be inety-two and followed a different course. Profes- all dissipation and. an resurrection, co-related. The death granted th opportunities and blest. sister aged eighty. A son, a grandson, . Deskin, Dr. Matthews, and other this invention will do the work. Ith gt; g3 Taylior s 7th. Phone 260, necessary as man s Redemption 1 Restitution to human perfec. a great-grandson r i Wis a stream of vital Ife aes your price. His exaltation to power and tin ubder Messish's Kingdom Pro all skilled investigators set themselves 5 75. Sons and blood aun ths 13th. to find a cheap method of producing timo you are asleep, It also cures 7th. MEDICINE BAT LIVERY COMPANY : 1 isoprene... By very clever research rheumatism, weak back, nervous- tnt PAT . ou have got 4 ass by which ness, stomack, liver and kidney dis- Ps Horse Repository PATS RELIGION. (gre sre an sate 70a ber Dr. Martells FemalePills ee ee Oe Teen orders, watleoeele, and stops lowses. ft Toe ang .D Rear 12 Fi rth, Taree) Pontte A young Irishman went to join'the Yes, said Pat, Ihave got it Nineteen Years the Standard tusel oil, a heavy and acrid oil which ine MMgharade Letters, renuires no ZTOmae Attention to all orders, occurs in the later stages of the dis- charging with vinegar oF acids, is 00/4 Plano. Moving with Plane Van tillation of various gleoholic spirits per cent eascier applied, gives 400 Speciality. recruiting sergeant right enough. Prescribed and recommended for p per cent greater service, and is sold Pareels Dellrerea. The time came for Pat to aswer women's. ailments, a scientifically the questions put to him by his Beg to announce that they have com/ atmy, and the 1 sergen pleted arrangements for carrying on said: Pat, what is.your. religion. the business of Livery Keepers and ots TP cligioti. : Prepared: remedy: Of. Deota (rOerapaatived trom grain, ote tat ice without added cost 5 General Feed Stables, Single ang P t Fevtied: T've got no religion corimanding officer. The result from thefr use is quick By the onlinary process of fer , taney books, A booklet. with PHONE NO. 329. touble-cutfits of all descriptions for Come, said the sergeant, you What's your.mgef and permapent,. For sale at all dfug mentation and distillation of rain fait particulars mailed free: sealed. le OF RIT dertake all descrip rates Say something. When you pat, standigeggmert gaia: Twer- stores, x feio.4.-10mo, and Potatoes the raw products arc awe wepgGen VITALIZER tions of exprose delivery by horse up 8 vetore your commanding officer ty-one, sommes 5 z SS corivertpa into a starchy Tiquid - from BATTERY 00. antomobile. you had better say you are Church of What's Sour religibdf i Loose Leaf Syatem Tke News Jot irich alcohol is distilled, and, dusel pony Block, Cor, Ave, and Bnguiries solicitad by day or night. Pingland. With great boldness, Pat replied : 3 Right said Pat.. Bank of England, sor. Department has every facility for a br prac 2 GEapoaice St., Bas Phone 708, supplying the most satisfactory. cheap rubber it was ob Turysa Calgary, Alta.
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Image 584 (1912-10-01), from microfilm reel 584, (CU1772649). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.