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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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900.00 - 500.00 300.00 1000.00 - 450.00 500.00 840.00 ) will handle and rous friends and past seven years ind begs to state carried on as a for the company n assurance of a as ulways been 2. lt; es we lt; a es o-8 ost 9 high that ke advan- next year, Re Po Sestost oof 2 . of es oo ng you a row, while uggest to- 1500 copies dally. 900 clreulated tn elty 2000 coplen Thoreday: Advertisers in Dally xo the boned of the Weekly country clroulatien noextrachargs. Hook pea to ad vortinors; DICINE HAT NEW DAILY ee W. ADP. ANDO 4. Be . VOL. 2, NO 237 lt; Be,;, MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, 1912 After 48 Hours a Unbroken Silene Comes the News that the Most Terrible Calamity in the History of the World Is Far Greater than at first thought--Titanic Carried Many More Passengers than Official List. x arpathias Wireless. Gives Total Rescued 4 710 of 2700 Aboard Wall of Quietness, oe and Anxiousness Broken by Message the Purport of which i is that the List of Fatalities is even : Greater than - was at First Susp ected-- Titanic : Picked up Passengers at Cherbourg. BULLETIN: New York, April 17. The Camperdown wireless station at Halifax sent the Associated Press the following Despatch: We are now in communication with the -Carpathia and in a position to annoumice unof- ficially that the Titanic struck an enormous iceberg and sunk. Over two thousand lost, 700 survivors, mostly wo- men, on board the Carpathia. The attention of the Camperdown Station was at once called to the obvioug-error in the figures which would give the total loss and survivors at 2,700. -from Halifax: In reply to this inquiry the following further explanation wasireceived The Marconio station reported that nothing authentic regarding the lost is known on board the but the steamer Francais in relaying the message from tiheCarpathia says the total number of saved is only 710.. There is no list of the missing on the Cunarder and only the rough estimate of her total passen- ger list. There probably were more than 2,200 on the ship as the company officials have been able to give information. SHE S SINKING, CRY BY APRIL iE HANDS ECTION. 5 BEENG LOWERED AWAY, as quite a number boarded her at Cherbourg. The estimates of 2,200.on board the Titanic have embraced sailings oe? ports, including Chere as far St. John, Nfld: April 16 All hope that any of thg passengers or mom- pers of the crew of the Titanic other than those on the Carpathia was alive, was abandoned this afternoon. 3 jAH-of the Bteamers which haye been cruising in the vicinity of th disas- LAUNCHING LIFE BOATS Travelling: -at 19 Knots the Til- fated Floating Palace owed: Head on Into the Moun- kling. Panic Stricken Passen- ter have continued on their voyage. (CW, A. P. Dispatch) Montreal, Que., April 16- The Al- Jan Line has sent out. the following statement under the signature of Mr. George Hannah: TWe are Ta FeCeIp oa tare of th sursivors of the Titanic that might still be adrift in rafts or boats. (W.-A P. Dispatch) Duluth, Minu., April 16 Mr, and Mrs. Silver, prominent rc idents of Duluth, were on board the Titanic. Mrs, Silver is reported safe, No word concerning Mr. Silver has been re- celved. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Toronto, April 16. On Sunday Mrs. Graham, who had come here from Winmipeg. to meet her husband, re- celyed the following Marconigram: 8. S. Titanic, Cape Race, April 14, New-York Wesnesday morning. Wire me Sandy Hook. Well. (Sgd.) Geo. E. Graham. Mr. Graham was buyer for the T. Eaton store in. Winnipeg. Mr. Gra- tham s name did nc: appear in the list of the Titanic passengers and the hope was held out that he had not sailed on the steamer. (W.-A.-P; Dispatch.) *- Cherbourg, April 16. The disaster to the Titanic has thrown Cherbourg into profound sorrow. The flags on the public buildings are floating at half mast. Thousands of citizens who witnessed the-liner s departure on her maiden voyage have waited all day at the steamship offices: tor de tails of the catast-ophe. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) London, April /16. The crowds gathered around the White Star of- fices increased in density every mo- ment throughout the morning. Lines of automobjles and. carriages: -con- taining enquirers-are so extended that the late comers have been unable to get within several blocks of the offl- ces. On all the steamship offices and on many public buildings flegs are flying at half-mast. (.. A. Y. Dispateh) New York, April 16. Of the first-class passengeds thus far counted for, 132 are women, 63-m n: and t thildren. Of th 116-serond- class passengers reported surviving, 38 are women; 16 men and 10 chil- dren. 201 ac- Die that U. S. Government Sent pathia. New York, April 17. In faintest touch with the. wireless station at Sable Island, the Cunard liner Car- pathia. with 868 survivors of the sun- ken Titanic on board is creeping slow- ly down the coast this morning mak- ing the best time for this port that the foggy conditions would permit. Speeding up the coast to the rescue ship and stopping to get within wire- less. speaking distance of her before very many. hours, were the scout cruiser Sal m/and Chester, ordered bythe government at Washington to make all haste towards breaking the silence which so far has kept the sur vivors on the Carpathia from making known to the outside world the thril- ling story of the Titanic s Iast hours afloat and the momentous happenings after she bad taken her two mile morning. e From the Chester at an early hour, this morning came this message. EX- PATHIA WITH nOvEE While the Chester's expectations at the point were not realized, there seems to be every prospect that irotgh, the machinery which the gov- ernnfent has set in motion, definite word from-the Cunarder might be se- cured, within a reasonably-short time. The injection of the scout cFulsers THREE OR FOUR gers Wrecked Many of the Life Boats in Wild : Soramblo for Their Lives, New Yotk, April 17. The World and American this morning publish a deena from St. Johns, Nfld., giving what purports to be the story of the foundering of the Titanic. The world introduces the message with the statement that the version giv- not credited. It reads as follows: ST. JOHNS, NELD, APRIL 16 THERE IS A REPORT BEING CIRCULATED HERE THAT WHEN THE. TITANIC STRUCK THE ICEBERG SHE WAS GOING AT 19 KNOTS. THE STORY GOES ON TO SAY IN DETAIL THAT THE SHOCK WAS 80 TERRIFIC AS TO ALMOST RENT THE SHIP ASUNDER. THE, DECKINGS WERE BROKEN THROUGH, THE SIDES CRUMPLED IN AS THOUGH THEY WERE CARDBOARD, AND THE BULKHEADS. FORMING THE WATER-TIGHT COMPARTMENTS UPON wet SUCH GREAT RELIANCE WAS PLACED WERE CRUSHED IN FROM THE BOW TO NEARLY AMID- SHIPS. THIS VERSION OF THE WRECK IS CREDITED TO THE BRITISH STEAMER BRUCE, WHICH WAS IX (THs PORT ON MARCH 19TH, AND 18 NOW EN ROUTE 10 SYDNEY, N.S. SHE IS SUPPOSED ' THE STORY FROM OTHER SHIPS THAT WERE NEAR THE TITANIC AND PROM OTHER VESSELS WHICH TOOK UP THE THREAD FROM THAT TIME AS THEY GOT IT FROM INTERRUPTED WIRELESS MESSAGES. THERE IS NO SUPPORT FOR THE SENSA- TIONAL NARRATIVE EXCEPT-FOR-THE STATEMENT THAT THE CRASH AME-WHEN-THE SIE ANIC WAS MAKING GREAT SPEED. THE VERSION CREDITED TO THE BRUCE OF THE WRECK COLLISION SMASHED SEVERAL OF THE BOATS AND ALL OF , THE SHIP 18 SAID TO HAVE PILED UP BOW ON, THE FORC ON THE PORT SIDE, WHICH TORE HER TO PIECES AND CAUSID MOST TURNING TURTLE. SHE IS DECLARED TO HAVE STRUC MENTUM AS TO HALE REAR OUT OF THE WATER, TEARING I SUBMERGED ICE FROM THE BOW CLEAR TO MIDSHIP AS SHE ENGINES COULD BE REVERSED. THEN THE COMPARTMENTS FLOODED AND SHE BEGAN TO SETTLE BY THE HEAD, THE WATER- TIGHT COMPARTMENTS ABAFT MID-SECTION KEPT HER AFLOAT BUT THE STRAIN GREW GREAT- ER EACH MOMENT. THE REPORT HAS IT THAT SHE ROLLED HEAVILY IN THE TROUGH OF A HEAVY SEA, SHE HABA WIDE LIST TO HER. ONLY THE MOST SUPERFICIAL EXAMENATION WAS NEEDED TO SHOW-THAT SHE WAS DOOMED, FROM STEN TO STERN SHE WAS SHORN AND SHOCKED FROM THE GREATEST SHIP AFLOAT TO A RAPIDLY SINKING HULL. SAYS THAT THE FORCE OF THE THE UPPER WORKS TO PIECES. OF THE'PLOW BEING GREATEST HER TO LIST FAR OVER, AL- WITH SUCH SPEED AND MO- BOTTOM OFF ON THE JAGGED CRASHED AHEAD BEFORE HER ING PERFECT ORDER FORA XIME. IT WAS LONG ENOUGH, ACCORDING 70 THE -BRUCES RE RECI- TAL FOR THE MOST OF THE BOATS TO BE LAUNCHED. LESS THAN ONE THOUSAND PERSONS HAD BEEN EMBARKED, THE REPORT CONTINUED, WHEN THE CRY WENT UP? SHE S SINKING. FROM ORDER THE CROWD HANGED INSTANTLY TO FRENZY, AND RUSHED MADLY FOR THE LIFEBOATS WITHIN REACH. SOME OF THESE WERE SWAMPED BY THE OVERCROWDING, OTHERS WERE SMASHED TO PIECES AGAINST THE DAVITS THE STORY GOES ON TO SAY THAT THE TITANIC SETILED RATHER THAN SANK, BUT THE WATER ROSE HIGHER IN HER WITH GREATER SPEED EACH MINUTE. THOSE IN THE BOATS HAD GOT: CLEAR AWAY FROM IMMEDIATE DANGER. THE WATER REACHED THE ENGINE ROOM, THE DYNAMO WAS RENDERED USELESS AND THE WIRELESS FAILED. AT THE SAME TIME ALL THE LJGHTS ARE SAID TO HAVE GONE OUT. DEATH CAME TO THOSE ABOARD HER IN DARKNESS. THIS REPORT. HAS. GAINED CREDENCE HERE BECAUSE IN SEVERAL DETAILS IT AGREES WITH OTHER STORIES THAT HAVE REACHED ST. JOHNS. oo RHE STOBY-ENDS BY- se eT ta BELIZE ON THE SEAS 1S THAT THE TOTAL NUMBER. THE OFFICERS AND CREW-AIDED- BY THE-PASSENGERS THEMSELVES SUCCEEDED IN KEEP- SS york. April 16- The gram despateh-via-Cape Raee, from Captain Campbell of the Virginian, stating that he afrived at the scene of the disaster too late to-be of ser- vice and is proceeding on his way to Liverpool (W. A. P. Dispateh) Halifax, N, , April 16 The Sable Island Cable, Ship Minla,- reported this afternoon, through the wireless great wreckage or the Titaiilt om the-time being disposes of the hope that the Minia which was anchored off Cape Race when the Titanfe first called for help, might have picked up . fome of the Titanic passengers. t (OW. A. P. Dispateh) Columbus, Ohio. April 16 Three Cohitibiis people, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard L. Beckwith, ana Mrs. Beckwith's daughter, Miss Helen Newsome, were pasgengers on the Titanle. They are rated as being very wealthy and are firominent in society in this city, They fare reported as being-among the res- cued. W. A. P. Cable) Berlin, April 16. The Speaker of jthe Relchstag, Jonanas Kkaomp, at the.apentag session today after the Easter vacation, made a speech ex- pressing sympathy and grief of the German cmpire of the loss of the Ti- tanic with a large number of lives Me sdhe By Dirpateh) white Star Line stated unofficially at 11 o'clock that they had received posi- tive news that the number of sirvi- vors on the board the liner Carpathia way 868, This despatch was sent to the White Star Line from the Olym- pic, which is understood to be in pathia, now proceeding to New York. (WwW. A. P. Dispatch.) Montreal, April 16 The weather night and is was said that wiretess-communtestion with- the Car signal station on the St. Lawrence, re- ported today that heavy fogs tay off Nova Scotia, and that violent thun- ches of open wat der storme broke in that neighbor- Thunder Bay and the Whalen is fast'and Colonel east- Dreaking up the ice so that It will be Roebling are among the more Drom fck condi- ready to move out with the first fay- nent names missing (W. A. P. Diapateh) New York, April 16 Vice lt;Presi- dent Franklin of the International Merchants Marine, said this afternoon that the company was holding back no information and that the steam- ship Olympic was now standing off Cape Race relaying the mames:of the passengers on the Carpathia to the wireless station at Cape Race. New York, April 16. Intense in- the survivors of the Titanic. It is this snip which promises to bring the first authentic details of- the great tragedy and scenes which followed. The Carpathia. is slow vessel and next. Thursday night. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Winnipeg, Man., April 16 As no less than ten Winnipeg persons were on board-the ill-fated Titanic in the first, class, including several well- known cithizens, the widespread anx- jety has hnd-1-personat-note and ait through the night every possible source of information wa assailed for newer or miNshig offs Karly this af- ternoon the local office of the White Star Line announced the following Winnipeggers were amongst those safe on board the Carpathia Mrs. Mark Fortune, and her three daughters, Alice, Eethel and Mabel; Mr. Graham, was also reported safe and this may be George E. Graham, a buyer for the T. Eaton Co, Missing Winnipegers included Hu: ; merly of Toronto, the well known real estate agent; Mark Fortune, a highly respected . business man; Thompson Beattie, partner of Mayor Waugh in the: real estate and insur- ance firm of Waugh and Beattle, and J. J. Borlank, reat estate agent. 50-foot lot one block from bridge in Altawana-only 900.00. This is Closer in than lots that are eelling for eat centres tn grattuat-appronch topsres inta slmostpos New-- ork..of the Carpathia bearing ti-due at Sandy -Hook-about 11 o'clock . tothe stato: afford only the hope of opsging up. until she reached the wireless zone of Nantucket, as she was apparently too far off shore and her wireless ap- paratus too Weak to reach Sable Is- land station in a way to admit of the ready transmission of messages. That more than 1,300 persons, pas- sengers and crew had gone down with the giant liner was the bellef that ve conviction as hour after hour passed. Fitanic. HAYS AMONG THE RESEDED- list of known survivors. The names of Col. John Astor, Isa- dore Straus, millionaire merchant: George B. Widener of Philadelphi 1000.00, H.C. Pettet Co. att 17. Pate on Port Arthur, On E, Aprit are visible tions lent Tittle hope tor the regcue orable winds. Major Archibald Butt, aide to Presi - dent Taft: Francis D. Millet, Amer fean artis jourdalis Besijamin saved, OW. AP. PECT TO BE UP WITH THE CAR- communication with the Carpathia; FLASH NEW YORK, APRIL 17. New York, April 17. The anxious throng of relatives and friends of the Wm. T. Stead, London Guggenheim and Mrs. Washington rom the list of Men enamel to Women Might be Saved Great Majority of the Passengers of Ill-fated Liner Res- cued From Watery Grave Are Women Only 79 Names of Men Given in Lists 140 of Crew Sayed Out Cruisers to Meet Car- Dispatch) Other sources of possible rescue than the Carpathia were eliminated and practically only the hope that re- mained to: friends or relatives of the Titanic s passengers way that those they sought might after all be found jon the Carpathia, It is estimated that approximately 140 members of the crew were saved, their presence, to man lifeboats being required to Insure the safety of the passengers. An estimate of 400 steerage -passen- gers Saved completes the total of 868 which the Carpathia had made known she has on board. The great major- ity of these are women. The names of only 79 men fescued have been given in the lists sent from the Car- pathia, whereas the names of 249 wo- men appear in tabulations, Of the 400 were women. MEN AM THE PASSENGERS. SEEMED LARGELY TO HAVE RE- MAINED TO DIE THAT WOMEN AND CHILDREN MIGHT BE SAVED. Little hope was entertained -today that the fishing schooned Dorothy, which was seen in the vicinity of the disaster by Greater Etonian of the Phoenix Line, had rescued any. of the liners passengers. The. officers of the Etonia thougbt-it probable that the schooner. had. returned: to St: Sndssd,sesmed ta Johns without knowledge of the dis aster. Officials of the mained at their offices during the night vainly attempting to obtain ad- ditional names to the lists of the sur- vivors but efforts to reach the Car pathia by -wireless came to nothing. the wireless communication with Oar- pathla ceased because the Cumarder had steamed out of her zone of land communication, 2 Men of the World Astor, Guggenheim, heim, Straus,and- Stead are Among the Missing Contradictory Re- ports About Chas. M. Hays. being c hstantly made by callers at the White Star offices and scores telephones and telegraph communica- tions were received from ail parts of (Continued on page 4.) entitles the holder to phcte- + ite Star line re No new names haye been added to the list of -the saved since yestreday, when Inquiries concerning their fate were plunge to the bottom- off the-banks serdye passetigers thought to be ia of New Foundland early on Monday : untortunate tHemte passed another 4 day of heartbreaking apprehension Soa wusorfxinty ipntbey gathered ta 4 Fb -eoh 2 Fae + x : ; additional numbers at the White Star Soden 4 a line offices this morning, All through e joupon Now the night, a group of persons awaited in the White Star Companies rooms tee eo ae from z and abdut the sidewalk in front of the * This coupolls WALES lt; puilding for additional names to the Gach of the other iss The Dally News of the week end- +f 49th, -and-i0-cents, sf
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Image 623 (1912-04-17), from microfilm reel 623, (CU1771473). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.