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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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+ UNLIGE NL aoe Ses say Sunlight and best. worthy of 5c.-a bar at LEVER BROTHERS BUILDING TG TO PLY ON RIVER Will Launch This Afternoon for Purpose of Carrying Freitht Up and Down River, WILL CARRY COAL ALSO Step May Mean the First Toward the Re-opening of Navigation on Saskatche- Children speak in .the Mother Tongue when they They have heard Mother say it seen her use it worn the clothes washed with it know it to be purest It-is only left for us to say how careful we are in manufacture to The confidence placed in it. Soap. your Grocers. LIMITED, TORONTO. 2 along the bank of the river. They will freight coal from the mines down the river where desired, and in-connec- tion with the recent rumors of the government making the river navig- able this may mean but the beginning of extensive shipping on the Saskat- chewan. ORGANIZATION FOR WORK New York, April 18. Organiza- tion for social work is the general subject selected for discussion at the semi-annual meeting of the New York Academy of Political Science, which began a two days session to- day -at Columbia University. Promi- nent among those who are to pre- SOCIAL Wart, Another new industry has been add- d to Medicine Hat's rapidly growing building. and Brice have been engaged for some tiiii past on the banks of. ther iver the latest being that of boat- Messrs. Saucebruch, Sust near the Hospital, building a good siz ed boat which they expect to have ready for launching this afternoon. the boat is about forty feet long by twelve feet in width and will carry a Power, and the builders expect to do SOPH EELS E FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS 75 MEN S MERINO SHIRTS -AND es makes that w : The Trading Co s Stand, LePAGE. BROS. E-ONE-PRICE CASH STORE DRAWERS Nice spring weight, made + up of odd and broken lines. Friday gt; Special 50c Each 50 PAIRS WOMEN S STRAP SLIPPERS iz AND OXFORDS Made up of lines and J, stock. Values up to 1.75. Special for Friday 1.00 a Pair gt; 100 MEN S WORKING SHIRTS Union made. The largest shirt made. Worth lt; regular 1.25 each. Friday Special s Ma socs neste veisereiceiine sess 1.00 3 50 PAIR DIRECTOIRE CORSETS: + Medium figure. Made white contil Sizes 18 to 26. Friday Special a QPOEOOEEL ELL CLEC LL LEO sont-papers-or-nddrecces at the mest. ing are Cardinal Farley, - Rabbi Hirsch of Chicago, Bishop Hendrix of. Kansas City, Dr. Graham Taylor of the University of Chicago, Dr. Grenfell, the Labrador missionary National Consumers League. Dr. Martells Female Pi Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended fo: women s. ailments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven Ww The result from their use is quick quite a bisiness in carrying supplies and permanent. For sale at all drug * codt-etr., to atid from the homesteads stores, .0.4.-10mo. pre So toctestestests fe) apeteententectostontontestestees oe ieee to s Se eS apeateetersen o Sees e are - discontinuing to eaten . 3. 388 Toronto Hh, Phone SOQIAL AND PERSONAL quaintances in town, a eeaeteateds MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Miss Hayward and Miss Millburn of Swift Current are visiting Mrs. R. BIGGEST. ICEBERG Aa eee FIELD EVER SEEN lie Turpim Ieft last night to spend 8) French Liner Had Trouble few months In Salem, Ore. P. * assing Along Its Edge. Mr, C, E, Neff was aroused at New York, N. ., April 18, What ts early hour this morning with sad Said to have been the greatest Iceberg news, Mr. Jobn Ross and bie brother 0 Waal SS ee seuite fleld aver geen off the coast of New- foundland was discovered by the with the body of Mr. Robt. Ross wite., hel in There were several other friends mroeuaeiacver , whleh arrives at this port from attendance, among them Mra, Whip- ple and daughter from Macleod. w A meeting of the Women s Auxil- Hayre-today; bringing -over-?75-pass jary of St, Barnabas Church Social engers. The field was miles in length Na wil be held at Mrs. H. Baker's, / M probably ag wile and the Labut- Fourth Ave. on Tuesday, April 80 Was hours passing along its NA. Ladies of the Parish are cord- 8 The Labutasne sighted this favlied. field on Sunday in the immef( ate ao vieinlty of the place where the Titan- fe struck a berg and went down, NO MORE TREATS fal i was in town yesterday. . Messrs N. J. Prue and F. J. Iver-) son af Falgury came into town this morning. . Re yes of Bowell is sensei Ontario Legislature Ask People to Vote on Me. Stephen Berry of Many Berries came im this morning, Question. Mr. A. G. Learnmoath of Redclifl came into town om a business trip. Toronto, Ont. April 18 That the Mr. J, Niblock left the Hat for the/ Ontario Government may submit its east this morning. proposal to abolish the treating sys Mrs. W.-H. Turpin left this morninpe tem and the opposition s proposal to for two month's nisit to friends in abolish the bar to reterendum is aeclared to be a possibility. With ite aa Orem. font Rose arrived lesislative and administrative record ae vat st. John on Friday 19th. ies temperance many Conseryatives feel that their party has gone as far RIGS IGNORING mee fe omen oe TRAFFIC BY-LAW ovrrzrs sexzep Hence their desire to throw the re- SOLD BY AUCTION Chief of Fire Department, sponsibility on the electorate; Peeved Ae ne o boing tek at th Wivcat May (old) 104, 104; Mi sas 3 City Sales Stables this afternoon of eae ete Auto. : w) 1 ws erted Collision with the goods, which were siz at Sue ne ) 104, 103 July 105 3-8, Chief Hatcher of the fire depart- Repsey lage weeks ago by the Oats May 48 5-8, 48 1-8: July ment is out hot for those who ignore Mounted Police on the allegation of/47 5.8, 47; Ex. No: 1 feed (May) the traffic bylaw which is in force S uggting. 43 3-4, 45. when the fire department is answer- The matter was referred ta head- ing an alarm, Tuesday when the ont- Ou fits were going down Railway street The desision arrived at was that they narrowly averted a collision the goods were unlawfully brought with an auto, the driver of which into this country and that the own Kept right in the centre of the road. ers might have them by paying dow: coiitrary to the by-law and forcing ble duty. The lim:t of time for pay- the department rigs to turn to the ment was set fo side of the road. the department and the drivers of the other rigs, says the Chief, and he list is as folldws: Twenty-five wishes to warn all that the tae caty-five bead of horses, two head oi mules, sixteen must be kept up to and the depart- 2 Ti ie ment given the centre of the road /( 7 03 pearoeesy ona seek 1 cis rome ziti: ty-cight halters when. going to a fire. z and eight wagons BODIE CONFESSED - TO KILLING HORSES Prisoner on His Way to Serve 5 Years Telss of His Connection With Many Berries Case. FOR THE . W. Wes (W. AL? Disyaveny Leyton, B. C, April 18. Forty-four members of th: LW. W. are now in Jail at Kainlooys as the result of a raid made on 3 steam shovel crew at Daly s camp war here today, the Provincial police were mobbed at the camp this morning in time to pre- vent the mob from running the men away from the works, while the offic- ers and strikers were milling around the-grade--a dinky engine caiie through and struck one of the strik- ers, breaking his thigh and otherwise injured him. He was taken to the hospital at Kamloops. All of the strik ers Were searched and thelr arms consisting of knives and billies, were thrown into the river. There Were about thirty officers connected with the affair, those from Spuzzum arriving too late to be of any assistance. Alex. Bothwell, night watchman for Griffin and Welch, at Layton, who T Lethbridge, April 18. In spite of the fact-that John Bodie, accused-of- killing horses at Many Berries, to et even with Mr. Marchessault, of that place, protested his innocence to the very end of the trial-here last. week, even after his sentence to five years in the Edmenton- penitentiary had been passed by Judge Winter, his guilt has been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, for on the journey ta. Edmonton, +Bodie, who was in charge of Sergt. Ashe, of the R.N.W. M.P., made a complete confession of his crime, Asked why he had not confessed be- fore, he sajd that he had pleaded not guilty on the chance that he might getoff completely. He knew he was guilty all the time, he said, but he was too stabborn to plead guilty However, -te-seemed much relieved . Bothwell, after being depu chen..he.had made the confession to the officer, and told Sergt. Ashe that mighty good work had been done by th Mounted Police in bringing them to trial, for they thought they had covered their trail so that no one would ever have any suspicion of their part in the affair. MARTYRS, WERE MEN ABOARD THE TITANIC (Continued from page 1) on the newest ship in company with Hugo Ross. raid on the com. pany's-camp, and who has since been held in Kamloops. under five thous- and dollars bail, was this morning next day, Bothwell was arrested and was discharged, 107 MEINERS KILLED BY RUSSEAN SOLDIERS (W. AP. Cable) Irkutsk, Siberia, April 18 One hundred and seven gold miners were killed and eighty more were wounded in a fight wi Lena Gold Mining Company's ings in this vicinity. Details of the (W. AP. Dispateny fighting and th cause of the trouble New York, N. ., April 18 Geo, D. have not yet been ascertained. Widener, the Philadetphia capitalist. fs not aboard the Carpathia. That information was received by the White Star Line offices early today. No men- (W. A. P. Dispatch.) on was made of his son Henry-Wid-; Mitwaukee, April 18 About six in- ener, in wireless dispatch. Many of ches of snow cll in Milwaukee and NOW IN MILWAUKEE. to the families show that they held considerable Snconvenience had separated were safe aboard the steamers, am praying that my husband has/of their lines. The storm is from the been picked up by another steamer, northwest and still continues at eight was the wireless message sent by a oclock this morning. survivor to her family. Only a few of those who.-still clung to the faint hope that thelr familly or Wenasmight St Il be numbered smon gthe saved aboard the: Carpaghia reialned all night on the White Star Line offices. Wireless Word received late yesterday from Chester that the first and second class passenger Ists that had been sent ashore was a heavy blow to many who) Kept vigil for many hours fic. (W. AP. Cabie mdon, April 18 Cannon as heard at dispatch received here from Lloyd belleved the It fleet has begun aD attack on the forts of the straits v e at the offices of the company. Hbut no details hare come to hand. the capital stock from 1,662,500 to 20,000,000, of which about 7,000,000 1) Winnipeg Markets Quarters at Ottawa and duly commider- 194 1-2, 194 1-2 ar o'clock yester- 40 1-4, ex. 1 feed 42 1-2, No, 1 feed day. As the debt was not paid the 1 1-2, Tt is exceedingly dangerous to both) oogs go under the hammer this ofter, Batley noon for whet they may bring. The/ gt; Russell QQ Sepeeg. sce it in, Ke Ses NEW YORK TO LONDON BY WIRELESS * (Special to News) ' New York, April 18. The stock- today to authorize an Increase in is to be issued soon for extending the system in this country. It is un derstood that the plans include the erection of a powerful station near New-York, which will communicate directly with one to be erected near London, and of another in this vicin- ity for communicating with the South, probably through Cuba to Panama, and thence to South Amer- ican poinis. T0-DAY'S MARKETS, Winnipeg, Man., April 18 The fol- lowing are the market quotations for today: Flax May 194.172 194 1-2; July Winnipeg Cash Prices. Nor. 102 1-2, 2 Nor. 99 3-4, 3 Nor.-96, 4 Nor. 89, 5 Nor. 78 1-2, 6 for. 66, feed 56 1-2: Oats No. 2 C. W. c.w. No, 3, 70; rejected 50; feed American Markets. Minneapolis. Wheat May 108 5-8, 108 1-8; July 110 3-8, 109 5-8; Sept. 103 7-8, 103 1-4 Chicago. 5 Wheat May 113 1-8, 112 1-4; July 107 3-4, 186 5-8;Sept 103 3-4, 103. PEPE EET T * ROOMS WANTED. PLAYS AND PLAYERS +. z SS PEE PBS Be ee Kitty Gordon is to atet egain mext season in The Enchantress. + + Nelson Roberts'is backing ventire to set Uncle's Tom's Cabin to mu- sic. Adolph . Zink and Catherine Hayes; ere contemplating to form a vaude- vile partnership. William Allen White's novel, A. Certain Rich Man, to be put on Frances Sterr is not to appear New York im The Case of Becky until next season. Edith Ellis is to dramatze Henry Miller's novel of American life, The Man Higher Up. Julie Ring is to make a summec Tom Lewis bas sketch, cailed FO The Man from the Metropolis, * by M. Cohan and Billy Jerome. Season in New York. es play, As a man thinks, at the Charles Frohman ster. don-with the intention of leasing cottage in the suburbs and there Yote his time to now play. Girl im the Train. Elsie Janis intends to go te Loa-j tized, threatens to shoot the first dos, where she will head company man to put a foot inside the door of at George Edwardes Gayety theatre. the building he was-guarding. One of The Shuberts are seid to be megoti- the strikers bas his leg and his calf ating with Forbes Robertson to play punctured. The camp was raided the Hamlet next Join Maton will give up the Thom- ind of this season and will become a) William Gilette has atrived im Lon- these headings. 25 words, 302 or P.O. grave. News office, Collins. to Box. 1248. barber trad: including gas. Phone 63' rent, all Fo RENT- 2 Done 626. ply owner, The 7. 445. x 1249, News George Lederer is to produce Mam- lena s Baby Boy, with Jumie McCree, than the Fife wheat, clean and free Barry and Gellie Stembler from smut. Bobby beading a strong cast, daring Jearly part of the coming season. ment of the Shuberts. TENDERS WANTED. Charles Hawtrey, who digs been put- the Wireless messages by survivors the vicinity during the night.causing g om several plays im Londou with-) to the r cent seasons is sharlly 0 Pey/19 In Block 1. Toxnsite. 3 new frame - gt; j Centra Pari earlier). the five essentials to every Sample Want Ad. These essentials, vidios Sample on request. . in the order of their import- Grades-har . Myers Broe:-Bowell P. 4, ance, are, first, tne names of joe Se K-Ap. 18/1. the article or thing advertis- FOR SALE Two tots and three moa. F 4: second the quality of the ern houses thereon mod- 7. article or the kind of thing hopes that those from whom tiey street rallway and-steam road. traf- America another visit with a four/bouses the three will Phone No. Py 8 FOR the erection of a frame school I fee anerenne eee at Schuler Industrial School Dis- J0ST One brown stallion, Hiring trict, No: 2517. Plans-and specifies -years. Branded e entrance to the Dar- tions may be seen at E. N. White's der. 10 will be paid anelles at noon today, according to a residence at Schuler. Tenders will lery of. above to my ranch Sec. 7, T. be received up to April 20, 1912. The/12,R 8. Last seen on Charles Sher- signal station in the Dardanelles, it is lowest or any tender not necessarily man s Ranch south Seven Per- accepted. : EN, WHITE, Sec, Ith. Pr. Sat-2 wks Schuler, P.O. Prosecuted. G. Schmelzer. 25 words, etx days Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and it will. receive attention. WANTED Bricklayers and ers. -Apply Lussier Construction Co., Limited, Redcliff, Alta. mopolitan Hotel. WORK WANTED Yardwork, ing cesspools, ditches, NOTICE Situations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete., ads under one aay 28 three days .. 50 ++ 1.00 HELP WANTED. et ieas labor- AID WANTED Good wages. Phone Har- 237a12t Box 26. Jus: holders of the Marconi Wireless+ WYANTED Dining room grt, also Telegraph Company of America met UPStalrs girl, At Redeliff Hotel. 236-3t AlD WANTED Capable of doing plain cooking for small family, Wages 18.00 per month, Apply at issdt . WANTED 4in ull round butcher wanted. Apply at once to R. F. tt WANTED Two young men to sell Teal estate on commission. Apply 227att ler Sys ete. Apply P. 0. Box 1016. PLAIN SEWING WANTED 611 North Railway Street. ROOMS TO RENT. RENT Three partly furnished rooms to let on main floor, mod- ern conveniences at 18.00 a month, 626 Toronto Street. 23703t TO RENT Furnished bedroom to modern convetieoces The Globe Cleaning 509 Fourth Avenue. Fnished room, all mod- ern convenfences. 71 WANTED Two or three rooms, completely furnished, for house- keeping. Box 1256, News Office. 238dit FOR SALE For SALE A seven room housc on West Braemar St, built about a year ago, lot 50x130. Good neighbor- hood, excellent value, easy terms. Ap- 213 Would accept a good Bartlett Studio, 237-a2at FOR SALE Second hand baby car- riage for sale, in good condition. Apply Box 390, Medicine Hat: 23743 PURE BRED Bronze Turkey Eggs 3 dollars per etting of nine Box 505 City or S. 1-2 Sec. 35, Tp. 12, R. 236-a6t WR SALE One J. J. Taylor safe ata bargain. Size 2'6 x2'6 . be een at T. J. Flager s Blacksmith FOR SALE Brown Leghorn rooster. Apply 139 Montreal Street. Phone 336-d3t EGGS FOR SALE Bsrred Rocks, White Rocks, Brown Leghorns, Bronze Turkeys Eggs. Jas. Fleming. 226-1mo. SALE Grocery store and com- plete stock, good living apart- ments above. 1200 wili handle this, the balance on easy payments. Apply 228412 office. After separation of several years) F'OR SALE Good 50 ft building lot Kol and Dill, the musical comedians, have again tecome partwers end ap-jcash -P..0. Box 63. pear in their own production of The Block 58, Ottawa St, 1350. LATTLE CLUB seep WHEAT FOR SALE Ripens 10 days be sold Telegraph and telephone com- -weeks' cogagement in New York. Mc. bloc for 11,000. One third down and panies also report trcible on Some Hawtrey comes under the mnage/balarce can be arranged to suit He will use purchasers, A; to Wm. Ansley, 43 Highland se f ame of the advertiser. 2i7ate When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat- TRAYED ed in the Want Ad, the best 236-3t, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN special summer rate on, join now and save money. Particulars free. 1ee , C09 Centre St, Calgary. 294dtr SITUATIONS WANTED. digg- cellars, 238d6t 238a3t Oriaws oF: So gate ences g35d t Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Can 730 Lots 18 and aged 3 Jeft shonl- for deliv- Avltwt EPSP EEE SE LOST AND FOUND 8T Bither on North Railway, Matn 8t., or Fourth Avenue. A old locket and chain. Reward will be given If returned to 129 Toronto Street. 238a3t joo et fOUND On Thursday morning, chain with Canadian Railway Ac- eldent Insurance 1 attached. Owner may have sam by calling at the News Office and paying expenses, ait AUCTIONEERS Hi 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock and Genera Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- Where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. H, B, Browne Co., 519 Toronto St. 182dtt ee ee 8 CELLANEOUS CORSETIERE Spirella Corsets made to order.. Guaranteed against breaking or rusting. Phone 394 -cr Send card to box 72. Mrs, Jean Mat- thew, Pingle Block, Main St. 202d1mo WaANTED LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit cases, stoves, musical dicyeles, carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and firs, horse + Wool and f.ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P, 0, box 701. Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid for the above. 23Dte. THE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK-CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second band Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Phone 687. a aa BUSEFESS CARDS, SSINGER SEWING MACHINES ana Sherlock, Manning Pianos and Organs for sale and to rent. Alt classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming, Office 381 Main Street. Pressing Co. Rear of Post Office, Fourth Ay Equal to New. New -and See re rm Boul and Sold Clothes Called for and Delvered. MARK HARRIS, Proprietor. E. Bartlett, Municipal. Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, re Plans. Etc. Burns Block, Medicine Hat, Phone 484 PIANO. TUNING gt;. VOIGING and- REGULATING best workmanship. Work Guaranteed. CHAS. A. ADSIT Telephone 63. 505 Main St. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) Pate E I ete + A GOOD WANT AD. law that increased demand makes certain sale. The Want Ad. is the brief- est kind of an Ad. that is ever written, and hence in Its brev- ity there must be wit-wisdom. The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the besls of his interest. Each .eader is interested in each and all of the quicker advertised; third the price of the article or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, (phone, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, the en the results are obtained; but in proportion to the number of Wiese essentials omimitted from the Ad., does the advert- Iser curtail the results to his Ad. Each Want Ad ts an opportunity; look for them in The News, Phone 13. fe fo oko oko of ode ode of fe of of ole oko of ofs ole ole eke ole eke ole oe ole ole ole oft ode obs le ole ofp ole ole odoede obs oe ols We oe ode be fe oe ole obs obs ode ode fe oe oe eke ofr ode ode ode fe oe oe oe ode ole oft ode ode obs oe ole ole ole ode odode ole Hand Tools in the city. We carry - All kinds of repair undertaken at the lowest charge consistent with 4 are here. TI Christy Roug the Baltimo and Panamas ces from 5.0 SEE T Turpin The Man's Ston Get the Big Do SOUTH ATLANTIC (Special to Jacksonville, Fla., circuit unchanged the South Atlantic I 1912 pennant. race preliminary promise season. All of the ed in good shape Macon and Savanna agers. In the ini champion Columbus Macon, Columbia in vannah in Jacksony or 120 gaines
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Image 634 (1912-04-18), from microfilm reel 634, (CU1771474). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.