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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 6 MEDICINE HAT SCHOOL BISTRICT NO. 76 Report and Financial Statements for Year Ending 31st December, 1911 Medicine Hat, Alta., Mar ch.12, 1912. To the Chairman and Board, Medicine Hat School District, Medicine Hat, Alta, Gentiemen, We have completed the audit of the Booka of, your Dis- 11, and we beg to report that we have found them in-our opinion all receipts have been duly ts bave been fully vouched and properly accounted for and all payment apthorized. As the District has outgrown the system of bookkeeping which it has followed from the beginning, we have advised and instituted:a more com- plete methed of recording the various transactions, For this purpose we have complied a balance sheet submitted herewith, which is as correct as it Is now possible to make It, The features of the new bookkeeping are that the expenditure under different heads-on each school can b seen and compared, and proper re- cords of expenditure of debenture monies will be kept. While it will require a little more time to Keep the books, we think you will agree that system suitable to a small village school is hardly adaptable to a district like yours. W. A. HENDERSON CO., BALANCE SHEET, DEC, Sist, 1911. avveTS ., Cash in Bank 2,804.48 Accounts Receivable MEDICINE. HAT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 76. Pupils Fees. BS 195.00' General Account for Year 1911. Government Grant, half year to date, under 225.00 RECEI PTS do Education Grant ..........ceseteeeeeee aeseseee 2,591.00 3,011.00 City of Medicine Hat Taxes 31,500.00 Prov, Govt. of Alberta Grants received during year .... ,280.69 Land and Bulldings Land Bldgs. Toronto Street . + .600,00 20,700.00 Montreal Street + 4,800.00 - 21,600.00 Alexandra 4,800.00 64,000.00 New School 211,400.00 20,464.84 Cottage School x 524.00 Block 12 + 7,400.00 82,000.00 127,288.84 209,288.84 ae MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWs Furniture ... ---0+++- 8,241.26 Less reserve for depreciation . 700 00 7641.28 Apparatus, Maps, Globes, ete., 1,063.50 Less reserve for depreciation - 97.50 966.00 Library and Reference Books .. 700.00 ; Less reserve for depreciation 70,00 830.00 Insurance Unexpired 710.00 Over expentied on Capital, Alexandra School Correct subject to report. LIABILITIES Debentures Outstanding - Acetted Interest on Debentures . Promisso outstant Sone inaeel c 224,951.67 7,866.00 224,951.87 W, A HENDERSON CO. Chartered Accountants, 88,591.66 1,852.69, 11.40 i. 82.55 47,893.95 Wednesday, Ap jadnewday, April 17th, 2922. ONE OF THE Greatest Paintings Some of Our Good Buys and Snaps CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 21 840. 14 Cash. 250 feet, block 10, per pair 100 -10, per pair 700.00. Regular. Lots 9 and 10, block 28, pair, 900.00. Regula: Lots 9 and 10, block 4, 1000.00. Regular... Sni Lot 10, block E., 1450.00. Regular. 50 foot corner, block 18, 1050.00. Regular. CENTRAL PARK 2 lots, block 9, 850.00 Edsy-terms. Snap. 2 lots, block 29, 650.00. Regular. 2 lots, block 17, 840.00. cash. 100 feet near Highland St,, 2500.00. Regular. TOWNSITE Lot 8, block 82, 900.00. 400.00 cash. Snap. Lot 18 to 14, block M.; Main Street, 1400.00. 800.00 cash. Lot 14, block 62, 1450.00. Regular. COUSINS SISSONS 10 lots, block 22, 600.00 pair. Regular. 5 lots, block 27, 600.00 Pair. Regular. 2 lots, block 11, 750.00. 820.00 cash: : NORTH YUILL Lot-1, block 18, 625.00. Regular. Lot 6, block 9, 600.00, Regular. 50 Tt, block 10, 500.00. Regular. SOUTH YUILL Lot 13, block 6, 900.00. 350.00 cash. 50 ft, block 4, 850.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 11, 800.00. Regular. 50 feet, block 14, 700.00. Regular. WE WANT YO Snap. -- LISTINGS. T. F. DAWSON CO. Real Estate and Financial Brokers. Loans and Insurance. : Bullding . Surplus Capital Expenditure over amount of Debentures issued, Alexandra School. . Correct subject to report. +2 er x bh 7,366.00 W. A. HENDERSON CO., Chartered Accountants. Fees from Pupils Sale of Seats .. Balance at beginning of year . ee EXPENDITURE Schools Maintenance Teachers Salaries .....-5 Stationery and Supplies ... Caretaking . Fuel and Water - 1,639.30 Telephone - 100.00 ; Moving Expenses 100.00 Repairs. to Building 433.91 Architects Fees Nelson Shields Flags School Grounds and Fencing Apparatus and Globes ... 88,50 27,691.43 Management and General Expenses Secretary Treasurer 499.90. 192,00 488.82 1,180.22 Building Inspector Insurance , - 7.28 Telegrams 34.68 Postage 23.14 Cartage 19.00 46.34 Advertising Rent Taxes 9.85 Travelling Expenses 47.45 Debenture Principle 4,791.66 Debenture Interest, 4,669.17 Interest on Notes 1,909.85 12,888.39 320.04 Balance or hand - i 42,080.08 RECEIPTS ) Building Account for Year 1911. Balance Dec. ist, 1910 . ar 2,449.34 Notes discounted. 169,540.46 ees 171,989.80 EXPENDITURE Purchase of Property Block 4, Plan 481 Mt Block: 12, Plan 2177 8,550.00 7,400.00 15,950.00 inusein your office, will absolutely prove to you the enduring leader- ship of the Rem- ington. And every additional one sim- ply piles up the proof, Remember that we guarantee your satisfaction. lacorperated),. gt; which appall the imagination and time back. 706 CENTRE STREET, make us realize the inadequacy of One of the latest ideas n children s AT AER GAT TA. words td do Justice to what we feel. hairdressing is the t: Sctaa GE Construction of Schools , Alexandra School . + 9,528.94 New School 20,464.84 Cottage School 524.00 A Furniture -. 1,308.10 31,820.88 Advertising 58.47 Law Costs (transfer) . 29.50 Notes repaid - 128,667.91 Balance on hand 473.04 i i 171,989.80 SUMMARY OF BALANCES e oray In Current Bank Account . 2,804.48 Due Bank on Note ...+.. 201140 793.08 Balance on General Account - 320.04 473.04 793.08 Balance on Building Account Correct subject to report. W. A. HENDERSON CO., Chartered Accountants. PREMIER ASQUITH'S. MESSAGE One of Terribie Events'in Order of Providence Which Baffle Foresight, He Says. . (We P. Dispatch) London, April 16 Premier Asquith 5 in a brief statement in the ot commons this- fore gave public - expression. to Great Britain's .aym. y in connection with the Titanic ster, After reading out to mem- messages from the White Star Company published, the premier con- tinued: Perhaps the house will al- low me to add. this that I am afraid we must brace ourselves to confront one of the terrible events In order of providence which baffle foresight, THE INTELLIGENT AND. . EFFICIENT SERVANTS are those who read the best papers. Therefore the want ad column of the best home paper is the logical med jum which to obtain the most capable help. Use the News Want Ads. JUVENILE HAIR DRESSING Is noticeably softer than for some We eannot say more at this:time than to give necessary impression of our sense of admiration that best tra- ditions of British seamen seem to have te Dutch style int a Louis XVI pe- tiod. This style is only a slight altera- tion in the Dutch arrangement. LIGHT and HEAVY DRAYING MAK Toronto Street. Piano. Moving A Specialty observed and that willing wacriticey were offered to give-first chance to those who were least able to help themselves and of the heartfelt eym- pathy of the whole mation to those who find themselves suddenly bereft of their nearest and dearest. Tt consists of having the cropped Jair curled und falling im lomg ring- lets completely surrousiding the head, from. ear to ear, instead of being: comiifed down straight. The arrangement is decidedly uaint, and pretty. It will be becoming to even a greater umber of children than was the harsher Dutkh style. SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Daily News. boats rere ts S teats foe ot + 5 t it soofaageofet te , e dod be 4 be 5 deste weer eat ( Phe Grasshopper ) byEdouard Bisson, the first of The La Cigale was honorably placed in Daily News series of the world s greatest. pictures, the Balin exhibition at Paris. It is a beautiful painting, one of the best of its La Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everybody remembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. Done into American rhyme it runs this way: u the summer? Quoth she, looking stiame At the borrowing dame. Night and day to each comer -I sang, it you please. You sang I m at ease; zi plain at 2 Now, madam, you must dance: / THI-the-season-came sound Haw spent you I will pay you, she saith, On an animal's faith, Double weight on the pound Ere-the harves The ant is a friend, (And here she might mend). Little given to lend. A gtasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of ment of of Bread. ot a morsel she-had; So a-begging she went, To her neighbor the ant, For the loan of some wheat, Which. would serve her to eat dveteatertorteetestostocteetestortestosteeterintortest Ta Cigale is Bisson's idealization of the human counterpart of the the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- presses the story of the nobility and necessity of labor. i This Picture Never Sold Less Than 2.50 Before To Daily News Readers THE COST IS 10c. and Six Coupons he Daily News. These pictures cannot be sent by from the front page of T
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Image 628 (1912-04-17), from microfilm reel 628, (CU1771490). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.