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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Listen Our shoes wear well g ond make the foot 2 look neat and trim. They are comfort shoes too. SHOES SHOES New Spring Oxfords have just arrived and are now in stock. All the neat nifty lasts in blacks, tans and patents, in lace and button styles. These shoes are the production of the RE- GAL Shoe Company, and come in quarter sizes. Come early before the nobby ones are all gone. Barker Patten High Class Clothiers. : Toronto Street. Gompers Supplied - the Bribery Money Serious Charge Against Head of Labor Federation Is Made By Witness in Darrow Bribery Case. CW. A. P. Dispatch.) Los Angeles, Cal., Jun 5 Sam- It is unfortunate that the impres- uel Gompers, head of the American sion was created, continued Mr. Ford Federation of Laber, sent money dir- ect to Clarence S. Darrow to be used tion upon Mr. Gompers, Mr. Morrison in bribery of George N. Lockwood, ac or any other high officials of the Am- cording to Bert Franklin, under cross ricancFederation of Labor. In pro- examination today in the trial of Dar- ducing the ledger account of Morrison row for alleged jury. bribing in cok- 9s custodian of the McNamara de- nection with the McNamara oe fence fund In Washington, we only Franklin sald Mr. Darrow had given intend to prove that large sums of him this information. Frankiin tes- money were withdrawn and sent to at we intended to cast any reflec- WANT WOMEN TO FORM YAW. UA ASST Purchased Site on Corner of Ottawa and 5th Avenue ) Meeting to be Called. has been voted by the burgesses, will be erected on the corner of Fifth Ave. and Ottawa Street on the property of Mr. McKim. This plece of iand is 100 by 180 feet and was secured for this purpose by Mr. Ed. Bennett, who is the original starter of the scheme. price ig 9,000, but Mr, McKim ,will donate 500 to the association. Mr. Bennett will now be asked by the coueil to call together a meeting of the women and have them organize an association and to get busy col- lecting funds for the erection of the building, We want this building just as soon as we can get it, said the Mayor. It ts badly wanted in the city and the sooner the Women of the city get to- gether and get organized, the better. WANT SUBWAY BUILT AT ONCE Citizens Committee Will Try and Line up Property Owners. The matter of the subway under To- ronto Street was brought up at the council meeting again last night when a deputation from a meeting which had been held in the Police Court earlier in the evening, waited on the council. Messrs, D, Milne, H. 8, Ireland, chairman and secretary of the meeting respectively, addressed the council, Mr, Mile stated that the feeling.of the meeting was that the: subway should be gone on with at once- The feasible plan which appealed to them was the changing around of S. Ry. Street. The matter of damages they would leave to disinterested parties and the ex:mayor suggested, Kdmon- ton's mayor a Judge of the Alberta Courts and Controller Coburn of Win- nipeg. They could assess the dam- with the matter of the special benefit The de able to give a lecture on her exper- ages and also at the same time deal SOCIAL AND FRRSOWAL xy White lett or Toronto. town last night Mr. J. B. True of the S. A. Land Co. left last night for St. Paul, Minn. J. B. Babbago is visitor in town from Seven Persor's Mrs. J. A. Airtlic and Miss Pearl irblie of Bow Island were*in town last evening. R. Gunther was in town yesterday S. 0. Thomas and N. O. Exern of Carlstaat were in town yesterday. O. A. Lingyist o: Bow Island spent yesterday with friends in town Rev. Andrew Ilenderson of Kip- hing, Sask., was in town yesterday on his way to attend the General Assembly at Edmonton, While heres he Visited with his brother Mr. Wil-/ liam Henderson at 630: Fewings St.) he Rev. Canon Hick, who fox fifteen years vas diocesian minister for the diocese of Lincoln, England, will preach this evening, 7.30 p.m. at service to be held in St. Barna- bas chureh and also tomorrow even- ing at the same our. W. G, Young, Recina, and Mr. Mc- Mannus, Moosejaw, spent Tuesday in town and are very much impressed with the city's prospects. Dr. Jessle MucBean, who passed through Medicine Hat seven years ago, on her way to China to take a post a8 medical missionary at the Kong Woen Presbyterian Mission, is home.on-furiough and is visiting her brothers, Messrs. L. W., G. Gand John MacBean, being a guest at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mac- Bean, Dr. MacBean is not very etrong at. present, but it is hoped that after recuperating: in the bracing atmos- phere of Medicine Hat for a few weeks she will have sufficiently recovered to fences in the Celestial Empire. Mr. H. B. Armitage, who has most acceptably, discharged the duties of local agent for the Revelstoke Sawmill Company for the past year, has been given charge of the firm's Edmonton branch. COUNCIL ACCEPTED 250 ACRE SITE (Continued from Page one) Wednesday, June Oth, 1912. Our Very Best Buys HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. Block 28, Lots 22-26, 865 pair. Block 2, Lots 23-24, 525 pair. NORTH YUILL. Block 7, Lot 4, 800. J Block 18, ,Lotis 3-9, 700. Block 18, Lots 10-11, 750. Block 5, Lot 6, 1050.00. Block T, Loti 18-19, 1150.00. Block 5, Lots 11-12, 1250.00. CENTRAL PARK. 9, Lots 37-38, 790 pair. 20, Lots 47-50, 950 pair. 25, Lots 9-10, 850 pair. 18, Lots 27-28, 735 cash, 3 BENDING. Block 24, south half, 200 each. Fine level lots in Powell in bigck or half blocks near the Ogilvie Mis, See us about these ooo HAMILTON HEMEON Block Block Block Block UNKNOWN FILLEY GAPS EPSOM DERBY (Continued from page five.) Epsom was in its glory all through the eighteenth century and its Derby is now 183years old. From the com- mencement it came to be regarded as, the greatest contest of the year, and a Derby winner is always held in the greatest estimation by breedera of Dlood stock, commanding anywhere ffom 1000 to 1500 when sent to stud, For instance, Spearmint, bought by Major Loder for 300 as a yearling, after winning the Derby, retired to the stud at 1500 and has proven a veritable gold mine, earning about 75,000 each year, which is a big re- turn for an investment of 1500. The Derby course measures a mile dnd:a half, the first half mile being stightly up-bill; then the course at the Furzes turns to the left, and then comes the long steep descent nearly half a mile long. down to Tottenham corn- er where the horses sweep into the straight, the last half mile being up- hill, The hilly nature of the course) tries a horse's wind sor ly, and the long steep ascent to the winning post Real Estate Bargain Modern Brick House on Fewings Street. 600 DOWN Choice Building Lots in High School Annex. 750 THE PAIR Terms, 50 ft. Business, Site, Toronto Street. A SNAP See us about this. Money to Loan on City Residences and Improved : Farms. Duggan Duggan FINANCIAL Fourth Avenue. : : BROKERS. ; Phone 527. PEEP EE EEE ET ts + * + OF oe fe obs fe she fe do he ode be oe te oe Rebel-Oakes has been dog som . fancy clouting of late and helping BASEBALL NOTES the Cardinals climb up among the chosen few. 5 With. pitching championship ball and hitting near the .300 mark it be- gins to look. like a prosperous year fr Rube Marquard, Cleburne is running away with the pennant in the South Central League, having Won 25 of the frat 32 games played this season. With a long series of games at home the Detfoit Tigers figure that they have a real chance to go to the front after all The Cincinnatti Reds found tough picking againgt the Cubs and the Car- dinals, while the Giants went right along winning thelr games Pitcher O'Toole and Catcher Kelly make a strong battery for the Pir and look to be worth all Barney Drey- tified at the same time that Darrow T-Darrow: had told him he need not worry about The effort to have the ledgers page fa job, Harriman being implicated in Comtaining the defence fund account the case. Harriman, Darrow told the mitted as evidence, was expected to witness, could account for his visit toj e Tenewed when court met today. hich should be jevied. plained that.the coun- cil could yw the money for the erection of the subway this year, but that they had not the money to deal with the matter of damages, He sug- the-safe-deposit vault the morning te Up toa late yesterday secured 4,000 by the: fact that he the attorneys for Darrow had succeed- took out 5,000 to pay a mortgage, ed in keeping it out. The prosecution said Franklta, intimated that if its examination of Cashier Flather were not further ob- - structed but little time would be re- Oe AE eee quired to conclude it, and Franklin Los Angeles, June That the was expected to resiime the stand be- Bore prosecution merely desired to. pIAC trots the noon recess began. in evidence the fact aileged by them that certain sums of money aggregat- ing about 200,000 had been sent to / the attorneys for the McNamara de- fence, was stated today by W. J. Fouce, assistant district attorney in discussing the placing on the. stand of H, H, Flather, cashier of:a-Wash ington, D. C., bank. Mr. Ford. said that the calling of Flather as a wit hess was hot an attempt to, inerimin- ate others with Clarence Darrow, now on trial for alleged bribery of a juror in the McNamara case., Mr, Ford said that no attempt would be made by the prosecution to show that either Pres- FERRALL WHITTAN. A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. John's Church on June 22nd, when Mr, Clarence Ferrall of Bassano was united in the holy bonds of to Miss Dorothy Whittain, also of Bassano, The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. W. Morrow. ee FEVER OUTBREAK Scarlet fever and diptheria have been reported from Tide Lake to the ; Mounted Police here .The cafes are all in one family which has been quarantined. Constable Moore, heal of the local detachment, is on the scene, maintain- ing the quarantine. Frank Morrison of the American 'Fed- eration of Labor, had any guilty know- ledge (of the alleged corruption of Jurors and witnesses in the McNamara case. MAKES A HIT. Every Time. MOTHER S BREAD Tassie Bros. Look for the Label. A refrigerator that will keep nions, fish, milk mat- ches and butter for 48 hours in the same foot cham- ber without taint or odor is one of the best. THE BARNETT REFRIGERATOR is the only one which will do this, and therefore the best to buy. See it at our Store. Ser en Doors and Windows, etc. THE MARSHALL-MITCHELL HARDWARE CO.,LTD, Phone 26, TorontoSt. Medicine Hat fen council were of a like opinion, that the committee which met should go on with the matter and interview the property holders who would be effect- ed by the change, and se how they took the matter-of the subway and the turning around of the streets. If pome would not agree to it, then he Stiggested that a, syndicate be formed and thelr property purchased. The feeling was that with. the street turn- ed around and a. wider street buflt there that it would be the best and most valuable street in the city. The mmittee will deal with the matter and do all that they can as soon as possible to settle the differences or reach some understanding with the different property owners, Several of them have already signified thelr willingness to have the street tyrned. hag: willy the chaiige, reotis She six more feet of property, jand when cii promises that it wil be a good one, that t will be the most valuable Property in the cityy. I would give 4,000 more for a lot if the street was turned around than I would at the present time, is the way that Ald. McClellan put it. WiLL BUILD. OGILVIE SPUR Company Officials Want to Start Work Immediately. The city will immediately take up the matter of the spur Ifne for the Ogilvie Company as they wish to start work immediately, and itis rather in- convenient to get their material to thefr site unless they get the spur. The well which the city Is to give the company will be drilled between the Seven Persons Creek and the Road Allowanea north of the bridge. engineer Chap?in of the Ogilvie Co. i expected In the Gity Saturday with a representative of the Stewart Co., wh have been awarded the billuers, contract. Horn Jane 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Newberry, a daughter. Don't forget the sale of household furniture at O, Strausburg s, 201 Main Street 27743 ferred with Mr. Bells application to the -health and Water conimnittees. Two petitions for water and gas on the Herald survey were referred to the committees, gested and the other members of the) 8?-cases vere handled by the police/out of ten winners of the race are last month. 357 collected. - 544 in Heenses collected. The License and Police committee recommended that the petition of A. G. Thomas for the including of Riverside park in the pound be not granted. The city wanted to purchase three quarter sections near the power house belonging to the C P.R. but when the committee looked into it they found that they were too late that options had been granted. . y Solicitor will transfer the deed to the Linseed Oil Co, They having carried out their part of the agreement wtih the city. ; An electric light' line will be built to the Birnie Brick plant at once. The Seven- Persons Creek will be diverted by day labor in charge of the City engineer, The. work on grading streets and en first attention: ISMAY KNEW MANY WERE LEFT BEHIND (Continued from page one) I have no recollection. . Sir Robert Finlay, representing the White Star line, safd the fact was that the Board ot Trade was debating at the time the matter of. requesting ships to carry Mfeboats. The White Star Company discussed a plan for meeting such requirements. A: detail waacthe question of davits which couid TauneiXfour boats. Thomas Scalan, M.P:, attorney for the Seamen's and Firemen's Union, declared he had evidence from a con- fidential source that the designs the Titanic provided for forty life- boats and that the company rejected them. The incident of the wireless mes- sage received by Captain Smith which he handed to Ismay, containing warn- ing of the ce field ahead, was again; threshed out, when Sir Rufus asked) if witness did not consider the report of the ice serious. Ismay replied: It did not concern me. I thought the captain would) take any steps necessary to avold it ) Lord Mersey read from the Ameri- can hydrodaphic and Nova Scotian re- ports of warnings changing the Titan- fe route that an, ice fleld probably would be encountered and laid stress, upon the word probably. He made the comment that it was extraordinary For all kinds of Job printing, try News Job Department. that great shipping compantes. should agree to choose such a Foute. elass than any horse of his time, and other municipal improvements will be fstarted-at-once, The Hill wi 8lv- colt, Pinta Dean, has some preten- Tairly chokes him unless bred in the purple and of most pronounced stam; ina and endurance, Occasionally a Poor borse by a sort of fluke wins the race, but generiilly speaking, over period of say ten years, about eight the very best horses of their year, Whether the American horse Swee- per, wins or not, depends on his ca- pacity to stay the course. It is to he remembered however, that: only one American horse, Iroquois, ever won the Derby, away back in 1881, and Iroquois was a much. better bred horse than Sweeper, this year s fav- orite, combining in his veins the blood of Leanington, West Australian and Glencoe, all imported horses. At that Leanington, son of the famous irish hotse, Faugh-a-Ballagh, was perhaps the best stallion ever import- ed into the Utilted States with the ex- ception of Glencoe, arid bre niore all his products were stayers of the first water, On the. other hand, the get of Broomstick and his sire, Ben Brush, are generally sprinters, sel- sions to Derby class, having a fort- night ago in the Payne Stakes, stay- ed a mile and a half and beaten a number of three-year-olds with ser- fous Derby pretensions, and won the race in 2 min. 29 3-5 sec., which is about seven seconds better than the Dest time over the same distance for the Derby course. It is a pity the King s horse is lame, otherwise he might make it interesting for the: Am- eriean horse. FATHER O'MARA. Selected Snaps 650.00 for 50-ft,-and shack in 8. Yuill, water and gas. Worth 1000 s 700.00 50 ft, Block 29, Central Park, 700.00 a Pair Lots 11-15, Block 11, and Sissons, Cousins B. F.Souch, pha.s. DRUG STORE, TORONTO ST. (pbb beeiebib ene bbbebebiebibintelsielbnbiibtelit George Rohe, the former White Sox third basemap and hero of the world s series of T306, has been re- leased by the Moblle Southern League St The vid Cub machine is still doing business at: the. old stand Manager Chance has not been able to fnd youngsters that look as good to him as his veterans, Of that 25,000 option on the And- erson team held by President Comis- key of the White Sox, the Carolina Association fans say that Bull Powell alone is worth more than that am- ount : tes Brooklyn and Boston It 1s said that Ray Keating, the Law rence pitcher and sensatin of the New Engiand League, will join the- Highlanders n xt fall, Keating was a star with the Hamilton Canadian League team last season. Roger Salmon is pitching great ball for the Wilmington teamof the. Tri-State League.. Connie Mack still has a string on the collegian and he will very likely be back with the world s champions next season. They call Ralph Capron, of the Mil- waukee team the Ty Cobb of the Am- erican Association. Capron is a for- mer Minnesota University football player and is credited with doing a hundred yards in 10 2-5 in football togs. The star slugfest of the Internat- inal L ague took place in Providence recently when the Grays beat Balti- more 14 to 13, Thirty-three hits for 59 bases, including nine triples, 5 doubles, a homer and '18 singles were recorded during the aftrenoon. The box score of a game between gt; in June 1907 shbws that just three of the eighteen main in the major leagues. The Bos ton players were Sweeny, Teeney, Brain, Beaumont, Bates, Burke, Rit- chey, Needham and Young, while the Brooklyn team consisted of Alper- mann, Casey, Lumley, Batch, Jordan, Maloney, Lewis, Ritter and Bell. Sweeny, Bates and Needham are still in the major leagues, but not a man in the Brooklyn line-up remains in the big show WITH THE BOXERS Jimi Dunean, the champion discus thrower, is going to take-ap. boxing next fall Sam Langford and Joe Jeanette are billea te iat at Vernon, Calif. July se ES ee McKINNON S.. F. B, McKinnon desires to thank his numerous friend patrons for thelr generous patronage during the past seven years in which he has eondueted bi F April 1 Joint Stock Comping, Limited, bake: business, and begs to state business wi he be cari and would bespeak for th a continuance of thelr esteemed patronage, with an assurance of continuation of that service and quality which has always F. B. McKINNO Watch for further Announcements ae associated with this store. been 235-d-tf BIsc MACAROONS SHREWSBURG Main Street. HUNTLEY PALMER We have just:placed in stock a large assort- ment of these famous buscuits, including the following: DIGESTIVE DINNER PHILIPPINE BRAZIL ACORN FOLKESTONE SAVOY SHORTBREAD - SALT 3 H.W. Ireiand Co. UITS ARROWROOT a Phone 54. Hieiivitieirinieeeiebicinieieieielteleielenbelinieivininivininininlen Present Daily Ave: AdverUsers ip Dail of the Weekly co No extra charge. E vertisers, Report Says th Police A Jim Ham, the Indi foot reserve, who is murder of Mounted Davies, is now m trial, The other In who were with him the alleged murder s curred, are being he Further particular of the Hams are to h: details which are sa out at the inquest at day, only add to the c of evidence that is around him, Tt Is sald that wi ehlet of police arriv of murder, he found trussed and roped on t Chief Buckskin, aged years, but wise to t white man, stood brave, while the latter cursing in an effort of his bonds, It was Ham s own bravado and prowess, Business Good Prices Low- Outside Mon That Medicine Hat's are low, that there is for houses and bulldi there is an enormous an coming tito the city points, that farm lands ayacksse are receiving ams to be the keynot on here, Following are the o Teal estate men on the Messrs. Perry, Sewell port increasing activity of city property. Sale tionally brisk in Cresce division and outside ca invested daily which ind try-wide faith and inter cine Hat. Quite an acti age during the past tw increasing values almos carries with it the imp this class of property reach values. surpassin prevailing in the larger visitor to Medicine Hat i ion that values are exce as compared with price where and. predict grea for the investor who pi can handle in MedteHre now. Acreage also is 1 sought after by the big sub-division purposes wh itive indication of incre and unbounded faith in sive cty. Their advice Hat citizens is to pick uy erty they can conven and thereby reap the be continual advance in Bf H, . Pettet Co: activity in the real estat the present time than same-period-Tast year, 1 ing the fact that the car tion was in- abeyance. values are steadily Incres developments going on and are not being inf boom spirit, Outside ir beginning to-come in a Medicine Hat property, a forward t oa very busy McGregor Berry: The situation here is good. PEPE EEE - + MADE IN CAN The ada train will ; 3 o elock and fre at the depot and Industrial Bure: comes in. At 5c / party will be tak and shown the v + they will be giv + From 8 o el to the public. 1 PEER EE:
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Image 950 (1912-06-05), from microfilm reel 950, (CU1771798). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.