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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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Page 2 Bs Glasgow House olored Burlaps a now in up-to-date house furnishings. S being used 1 We are showing a Special Quality (54 inch), in natural, tan, greens, browns, and blue at 60 cents. All wool quality just the thing for den curtains, only 1. NEW SCRIM CURTAINS NEW CURTAIN NETS NEW MADRAS MUSLINS 7E ee 2 et rot Soak oafoes 0 2 to a rs 0 vs oe 2 Seetentedieteatesteaioionte eos m ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL AND RESERVES...... 16,000,000 Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right bank behind him. This Bank offers its clients the services of a fully equipped Banking organization. : 5 MEDICINE HAT BRANCR Fourth Avenue: : C. H. McDunnough, Manager Seoedontoctectetretectentesteceed gt; ceeteeteetetpeteateedeate retested Pe Rach iS oo toste- tect Soetocfecfoctocgocloclocloclecioess efeeeezeeteae-eloate ale-alo-elo steers Imperial Bank of Ganada Capital and Rest .. Total Assets ... : -- 72,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. K. G, WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. 11,993,800 Sole Serer oer er doko eedetecteateagecterectoctectente te oeteeteeteteateeteateatn atest THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .... .. .. .. . 2 We give special attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. delay in withdrawals, 11.458,578 No Two or more persons may open a Joint + account and either pary ean withdraw money. Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to 268,191,580. pe ie W. 0, JOY, Manager z+ 2 (2 t : Medicine Hat Branch ee 044 e iS oslo S eshoeteetent Meson a es Se-ote-afees 2 e So-atoateatet fs x oo o-, Ms e o- o SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie P . Patent Fio Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Be Had. Limited eececoceosees Of this part of the country. Itisa pity that 2 MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Medicine Hat News, Published by the Medicime Hat News Co, Ltd, every T lawful evening at Its oitice, Mai 4 Medicine Hat, Alta, AL JN. TERRILL, Etor, Ee adopting the boulevarding system and planting trees on the residential streets City Council haS committed itself te the City Beautiful principle, What is necded now is a by-law protecting the boul- nevarticies evards which have been recently seeded to Reportoriul, und aero Circulation and) Up along the Esplanade a horse and News Dept. Job Depts. Olt have done a great deal of damage and 13 RING KING 2 7X here and there paths are being worn by cit- DAILY SURSERIPTION RATES jizons desirous of taking short cuts. lt would 1 vai, delivered. .. 4.00 1 year by mall - 3.00/ nut cost a great deal to erect temporary months, d-livered.. g00 mouths, by m: . aimaatke keto wire fences until the grass gets a 360 T good start. 2 p 0 Ey ERY school boy knows that a kite will not fly unless there is a string ty- ing it down. It is just so in life. The man who is tied down by half a dozen blooming responsibilities and their mother will make a higher, stronger fight than the bachelor, who, having nothing to keep him steady, is always floundering in the mud. If you want ;to ascend in the world, tie yourself to some- jbody. sil Old ad resser Het be xiven. WEEKLY NEWS. every Thuceday in eixteen or more pages, and tains a eumima-y of the aews of the weok local and district. S mouths, in advance 76. months, 1 advance. .S0e 1 year in adva 0 j TORIES ARE SCRAPPING elieeae new administration at Ottawa ap- pears to be already getting in wrong with its friends. Following-an un- merciful lambasting of Hon. Robt. Roger Minister of the Interior, in the Caigar Herald (Conservative) last week comes the following- knock for Hon-Mr-Creth- ers, Minister of Labor, from.the Lethbridge News (Conservative) : : . When Hon. Mr. Crothers, Minister of Labor, rescinded the appointment of Mr. H. ee Reyer ears Bentley of this city, as chairman of the per- minister in ; Virginia has been married manent board to settle miners differences t tee times. Her maiden name was Part- with their employers and appointed an- *idge, her first husband was named Robin, other man at the request of the miners ) second Sparrow, and the present one president, he no doubt imagined he was do- Quail. There are now two little Robins, one ing something that would make for peace, little Sparrow and three little Quails in the And possibly he was, but we submit that his mily. action in the matter was extremely short- sighted. Without entering into a discussion as to the unfitness or fitness of Mr. Bentley for the position to which he was appointed, the News submits that there is a principle at stake in this matter, and that later on be- cause of what he did here the new Minister of Labor will likely find himself in serious inspection has already come to be regarded trouble either here or elsewhere. Taking *S * important and necessary part of the the ease in point for the sake of illustration 00l system in many places, not only in only, suppose the operators should now ob- Europe and the United States, but in Can- ject to the appointment of the Calgary ada as well. Canada has been somewhat judge as chairman of the board, where )2 kward in this-respect, but even in Can- would the Minister be? Already he has list- *l a beginning has been made. ened to the complaint of the miners. and changed one appointment. How could he reasonalg tefuse to do likewise for the oth- er parties in the dispute? Mr. Bentley was no e rig this chairmanship we submit-it was the business of the Minister of Labor to have discovered the fact before making public announcement of his appointment. As it if he has succeeded in placing both M Bentley and himself in an unpleasant. posi- ion. Mr. Bentley makes his explanatic ewhere in this issue. With the mer ' the case as a case the News has nothing to , do; with the methods of the Minister it cer- tainly has fault to find. Mr. Crothers pro- mises to come west next month and see and jlearn first hand of conditions in the mines 0 . HE trouble with being an amateur gard- ener is that usually the things. that come up and look like weeds aren't; and the things that don t look like weeds, Se PUBLIC OPINION, Smith Falls News: The wife of a Metho- Woodstock Sentinel-Review: The Soc- ial Democrats of Woodstock have decided to enter upon a municipal campaign in fay- or of free medical inspection of schools and the free medical treatment of school child- ren. This phase of socialism is not calcul- ited to provoke any serious alarm. Medical Boston Transcript icists may put as to whether the Chinese republic has the elements of stability in it, but-j i om the fact that banker: a ,000,000, the alment of 50, 000,000 to be paid in October, it would. that these keen men of finance are a s willing to take their chance Behind them terested to see that the republic has at least a fair show for existence. 0 THIS DATE IN HISTORY June 5. 1723 Adam Smith, ore of the greatest of political economists, born in Kirk- ealdy, Scotland. Died in Edinburgh, July 18, 1790, 1775 First liberty-pole in Georgia erected his visit here had not been a month or six weeks ago, in time to have prevented what - is at best a decidedly unpleasant situation for more than one person, by the patriots 'in Savannah. Sa Nee 1781 After standing a THE BASIS OF OPINION E usta, Ga., to the Americans. 1846 Completion of the telegraph line bet- ween Philadelphia and Baltimore. 1876 First sessiom of the Supreme Court Dox you soinetimes wonder at your own opinions and at the tena with which they hold you? You stand their governments, which will be in- protracted seige, the British force surrendered Aug- CUDDY PAID 9-- Young Man Unable jbead of hogs in four different pens. GETS 75 YEAR FOR FE Although In Calgary When Salaries Were Raised, He Was on Leave From the oronto Force, and is En- titled to Additional 75 on Pension. The Toronto World says: The pension from the police bene- it fand to be drawn by ex-Inspector Alt, Cuddy, now chief of the Calgary force, has performed a stunt unique) in the annals of insurance, Quddy stands to draw down the sum of 75 per year for the rest of his natural life in return for the outlay of the vast sum of about 9. This is how t will work out ifthe benefit fund committee of the men, who propose to contest this part of the pension claim are not able to stop it and It looks to the experts as if they could not, Inspector Cuddy left the force March 1 s a physical fact, but he was granted three months leave Of absence as an honorarium and his resignation did not take effect until yesterday. Therefore when on May 1 the commissioners increased the pay of inspectors from. 1650 to 1800, al- though Alf, Cuddy was then com- manding the force of Calgary, he was still technically a member of the To- Tonto force,and his pay went up with that of the other inspectors. This means that for the months from January to May, inclusive, Alf. Cudy will draw down an advance of ; 150 per year, while for three months he has been upon the Calgary force. It means more than that. It means that by paying out 7 per cent. upon that 150 for that period he will draw down half that sum annually, 75, for the rest of his life. His added pay- ment into the fund will be about 9, which will net him a substantial ben- efit, for he is young and healthy, wth a long expectation of life. Also he is drawing a good salary in Cal- ary, and furthermore, he Is comfort- ably well to do. ai FINDS PROSPERITY IN WORK ON FARN in the City Now Has a , gt;. Surplus. A young married man tells in Farm) and Fireside how he worked in the city for 100 a month and wasn t able to save a penny. He lost his health and went to the country, where he now works for 22 a month of course receiving rent and food free. He is now able to save money and has got his first 100 together. This is an extract from his article: At halfpast four every morning Troll out and feed four head of horses; then comes the currying and cleaning out of the stable, After that light exercise, I feed about eighty It is breakfast time when I get the hogs fed, and I for it, too. Breakfast over, I milk three cows, pump water for the hogs, feed two calves and do a few other chores then I am ready to begin my day's work. When the day s work is done I take some more light exercise sim- ilar to that of the morning, Do : Wednesday, June 6th, 1912, T When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don t be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM-+ BER because it s cheap use the very beat. We have it, and ey- erything the Builder requires. IS BUOCE OTL R DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOUD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL LOW POSTS BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0. BOX 29. PHONE 57 FORMALINE FOR SMUT 50c...: Quart ...Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and BookStore : : H. B. CURTIS Pree Reever HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A- BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. Milling Co y., : PACVSOSMONS gt; MADE-IN-CANADA twelve electric-lighted cars over one hundred esting exhibits of Canada's wonderful industrial development AT C. P. R, DEPOT, MEDICINE HAT, Thursday, June 6th, from 2.50 p.m. to 5 a.m. Train Don't miss this unique Travelling Exhibition. ation to you. Free illustrated lectures during It will be a revel- FREE ADMISSION TO EVERY-CAR 202 602 MAIN ST. P. O. Box 1010. THE WESTERN PLUMBING C0., Phone 759. LIMITED HEATING, VENTILATING AND SANITARY . ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS and Ventilating, and Sanitary Plumbing. and Builders on application. MEDICINE HAT For Steam, Hot Water, Vapor, Vacuum and Fan Systems of-Heating Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished Architects, Contractors ALTA. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. Taxi .Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAXI COMPANY New Cars, Carefal Drivers. man suffrage question, ne dn t. Most of them are feelings rather than results of reason; feelings that repres- of Canada. 1900 Pretoria surrendered to Lord Ro- ent not only you, but all that is behind you. berts. The making of most of our important opin- ee ions is born in us. -When you and Lucifer PHIS IS MY 59th BIRTHDAY Smith fake different sides say, on the wor it is all-thatmade him for generations back, opposed to all that made you. Bi That is one reason why arguments work so slowly, Also, it is one reason why we should be tolerant of each other s views and and accord them part of the road. a ag A CREDIT TO LETHBRIDGE - Bishop Canevin.- Rt. Rey. J, 8. Regis Canevin, head of the Romana Catholic diocese of Pittsburgh, was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsyl- yania, June 5, 1853, and received his educa- tion at St. Vincent s College at Beatty, Pa. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1879, and his first clerical appointment was as assistant at St. Mary s Church, Pittsburgh, where he remained two years and until as- signed as assistant at the cathedral in 1881. In 1886 he was given charge of St. Paul s orphan asylum, the Stat reformatory and the Western penitentiary of Pennsy i together with a mission at Canonsburg. 1861 he was appointed chancellor of the Pittsburgh diocese, and in 1893 was assign- ed to the pastorate of St, Phillip s Church, Grafton, where he remained two years. He returned to the cath dral in Pittsburgh as pastor in 1895 and in 1903 he was elevated to the bishopric. HE fourth annual publicity number of the Lethbridge Herald is at hand and outside of splendidly advertising the many advantages possessed by the city of its nativity, it contains a wealth of infor- mation relative to the resources of all South- ern Alberta, The press work on the edition and its general make-up is an indication of the capabilities and the enterprise of the Herald and the News wishes to heartily congratulate the sister town un possessing a newspaper which ean produce an issue of such attractiveness. EDICINE Hat has a way of freating visitors which inculeates them with the desire to come again. It s a good name to get, that. And the city will more than ever deserve it after-the first of July. The program of entertainment for that day will be a memorable one. o IN between times, swat the fly. CONGRATULATIONS TO Baron Mount Stephen, former president of the Canadian Pacifie Railway, 83 years old today. mat Dr. Frank K. Sanders, president of Washburn College, Topeka, 51 years old to- day. Battling Nelson, former champion light- weight pugilist, 30 years old today. know that.a man gets awfully tired putting in the time from halt-past four in the morning until long after sunset in the evening.- But in spite of the hard work. T-like to live and work on the farm better than in the city. I wouldn't exchange places to- day withany city-toiler-of my ac- quaintance who works only from eight to five. 4 After the first two months hete we began to climb upward toward our hundred. At the end of the third month we found that we had 11 over and above our expenses. Out of my pay for the fourth month we saved 16. Think of that, and I couldn't save a cent in the city out of a salary of 105. We live better out here thin we did in the city, too. But there are the cows and chickens, that go right on helping out their good work, whether I work or not. NIPEG HORSE SHOW (Special to the News) Winnipeg, Man., June 5 With the prospect of surpassing anything of the kind ever held in western Canada, the eighth annul exhibition of the Winninpeg Horse Show Association was opened this afternoon, to be con- tinued until the end of the week. The Uberal offering of valuable prizes and trophies has attracted the largest number of fine show horses ever dis- Played here. Many noted stables of Canada ard the United States are re- presented, . WIN CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 SRI AYSss Phone 434 Pea ox 304, Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO, 368, 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. * Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale at All Times. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand a a Yuill Street. oe No. 415, P. 0. Box PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fail to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles tn to 14 days, 0c. SUBSCRIBH NOW for the Dally News. W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER awp CONTRACTOR Promptly attended to. Phone No. 345. PEI Pay 0 or Imprc SEE Write, The Can Investm Ph Imperial Medtel House Garde Now Read Pansies hardy eno ing in gar Vegetab be ready s The Prompt Attent Plano Moving a Speciality. Parcels Del *PHONE Private Reside Plants: Cabbage, Caw Tomatoes, P Stocks, ete, AID kinds of garden. THOS. I te City Sal Heary Teams, gt; He For Light and Hay 1 Fred Phone 85. House SAND Ft EXCAY HEAVY ' CONCRET 'Phon J.J. I 116 MONTEE W. A. H Con CHARTERED AC AUDI (Estable Winntner, Lethbri A. E. Gibson, ( Phone No. 198
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Image 944 (1912-06-05), from microfilm reel 944, (CU1771803). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.