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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Thursday, June 6th. 1912. Thured , . 5 Sen Si SOCIAL AND PERSONAL YOU'LL SUFFER BU RENE a eG, Martin ids caitraed trate) within 2 minutes of post office, northern points ins reports chat 332/ Siquations Wanted, Help Wasted, 60.00 por month, Apply H. B. Browne Medleine Hat le ood to bim For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under ae Auctloneers):619 Toronto) St. thoes teadings Medicine Hat. Phones 703 or 295 r 5 2T6ate Stanley T. Knox of Toronto is in 25 words, one day . 25 6 aes , 25 words, three days .. 50 ; town for a few day That's what the Doctor told him 25 words, ix daye ,, 3100 'L0 RENT Furntehed house for two . in Additional words at same rate. No onths. Family with no children ates AB Moun 6 sistor) Frufbatives Gured Him , Aistoer woray nt same ran. so) moni, aml with no chile from Bow: Island Suystanviztat, Own. Jan, 2sth 19 r Cash must accompany the order. Maln Street. 274a6 over twenty years, I have been , C. E. Cale of Carlstadt was in troubled with Kiducy Disease, and the Phone 'your ad to No, 18 ring and 7-5 RENT New four room house, Eas reat Gethe: doctors told me they could do me no it wiht rt . s town yesterday: SoG tie hey coda ase) 29) Ht Teen receives ses and water, 225 Main St. North, City s e rest of my life. ae Apply at 217 Esplanade. 27843 3 3 K, Black was in town yesterday) Tdoctored with different medical BELP. WANTED ee eee Sitiati: from Suffight. een ay one AID WANTED Highest wagea LO RENT Two roomed shack to intinde Nearly a year ago, I tried Prather tives , I Rave been using this frat , Paid lt;-e-20 ply 602 4th Ave, petent De Ht Mr. Geo. Bury, vice-president and a79ate ari ne CP medicine nearly all the time since, and OFFICES: TO RENT. general manager of the C.P-R. will medicine ngaely at tee eee. ae 7 aoe Edmonton, Alta. be in town this evening. i iatre Pruitectives the credit (SARPENTER, Virst class trimmer 76 Ruxy, Faralahed, 9 olficw on thisty eighth: Maida of doing what the doctors said was and stairbuilder, wants interlor Weare vas ee iB Od Sy otinlinteedl and Guarantee Mayor Spencer and Ald. M.: A. tmpoealite. as years old, and Wor: day or contract, or Job with) month Ht. B eae ON auouce? pte lan Oh ial oe left town last evening for in grat lass healthy Soe saree Apply Ino. ee vers, 5619 Toronto St, Medicine Hat. ed here tonight und of Purity Montreal. a aah een iat these is 80 other Saye Phones 703 or 29 27eatt cumstances, he g j Mr, Cecil Moulton's friends will be Tmedy that has cured so many cases of F3UACKSMITH WANTED Must be tai the First Fbure with every Mr, Ceeil Moulton s friends wi so-called incurable kidney disease, as expert on plow work. Ay A. Hark- ()FFICE TO RENT Fine large office edifice just pmple pleased to learn that his injuries re- Bruit-e-tives , Vegret 4 7 20x24 feet in size, corner of 4th ance was very larg otniste fruitlmedicineactsdirectly Hess, Vegreville, Ayta. 2766 g re jeeived in Tuesday's railway wreck are not as serious as at first feared, . Sc. cake. on the kidneys healing and strength- Avenue and Main street, upstairs in acity of the puildir ic ening them and ridding the system of ANTED A good capable girl. e News Block. Modern convenen- Many attendmts w He is progressing nicely towards re- the waste matter that ae Good. wages. Apply to Mrs, Jas, C 8nd well lighted, Most central away, the meting ; covery at the General hospital. SEE eM at prise by: Mitchell, 438 Esplanade, or phone 0cation in the city; Apply at the. the kind to e hel 144, News Oftice. 2Teatt the congregafion we men promineht in province, whj are large numbers of the business meq of Fruit-a-tives An artistie little folder has been issued by the General Hospital an- Used sane ae mcs ot tho rs BEERS WILL BE SMALLER graduates from the Training School Limited, Ottawa. ...D Panty girl, Apply to ROOMS TO RENT. * Cosmopolitan Hotel. 2tbatt The sun never sets on Sunlight Soap. ROOM TO .LET Furnished, bath, A 5 . for Nurses in connection with the 2 WANTED AT ONCE Gereral ser- hot and cold water, phone, cen- church edifice was in every country in the gio in preference to hospital. The nurses graduating are Chi Brewers Announce vant. Apply to Mrs. EC. Drake, ally located, 701 Ottamm St by a large choir. Misses Ida MeCorkle,, Irene Trostern' er Raise of 50/418 Toronto St. 274att The Rev. pr. D. ne sn, '0 RENT Two nicely furnished sided and cojducted common soaps, because it cleanses the clothes tits: sssbovs', (nian'vort ssa Gents a Barrel Se Se Ee a art eee ; th hi t half th t ith t for general. proficiency were Chicago, June 6 The wholesale bermald. Apply King George Ho- 4ls0 barn; suitable for stable or gar- of the Ass mply, more oroughly a e cost Wwithou Dear eats baa Ipeica Gs taek loth; be cahana 60 cente tal Ravens Persone; Aisa: g7idia 26e. Apply 519 Ottawa St. 27843 was preached by tt aa seas, es a barrel tomorrow, according to ap Lp es rr RE oer Ey Mackay, of Tpronto, injury to the fabric. Just try Sunlight next Mr, WW. B. Marshall returned yess /announeement made by the ofticial WWANTED Small teath outtits tor Te any det speriaite rent erator, Dr. Macka; terday from the scene of the C.P-R, TEam of the local, brewers associa- diteh work. Have 2000 miles to) 5.,.41. pay 8 or number of yfars the wash day Le: wreck near Swit Curtent. Hie rao- 0. This ts the third increase with- let. Sizes of ditches from 3 to s UC 2 Home Missjon ct i. Janse, McDonnell Co., aur chureh, and his si in eight. months. Increases in the foot bottom, price of barley and malt are given as Bassano, Alta. + reasons. Retailers say that the ultimate con- ther,. sister-in-law and nie ee were jall on the wrecked train, but. repairs jad been made and the train had JKOOMS TO LET Two rooms, fully modern, will be iet as suite, un- furnished for housekeeping, or singly for rooming (furnished 2e7att his deep interest in address was h decla of a living faith to 1 'ANTED General servant. Apply The name LEVER on Soap is a Guarantee of Purity and Excellence J 3 - Shen if desired.) es gone forward twiore he reached the/aume r will be the sufferer, although . to Mrs. Jas, Mitchell, 805 Es- Ajiply 111, 7th Ave. fae need. The text we S point at which the accident occurred. the price of a glass wi:1 still bea nic- Planade, tt She eae Isaiah XXIj XI, No injuries whatever were received eee Dumah. He calleth Watchman, what of RENT Furnished rooms to rent, parlor, bed and sitting room, mod- Kle, Either glasses must be smaller. they must be thicker, or if the old WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade.* Summer rate now by his relatives CRAWLEY C0. FIRST- Slasses are used, a bigger collar ern conveniences, suitable for two morning conteth an LOOKING 0vER THE HAT. must decorate the tops. on. Situations guaranteed. Special gentlemen. Apply 426 Toronto Street. if ye will enquire, LePAGE BROS. css, sivs aanncer Soe se tom e 5 5 M E 5 logue free. Moler College; 609 Cen- Attar: wee dabhod ates ie Simple Treatment That tre st., calgary. esate giscaneanauk ane tudes Ent ae :: Will Make Hair Grow - - Or the Messenger, THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE st Opera Tonight * of tls ions vimuch in Lem- - Now Sold in Canada. WANTED A girl to help about) ANTED LADIES AND GENTS the Enquiry, Deal pany Should Pack House. kitchen in boarding house: High- est wages paid to competent help. Apply by letter to box 1283 News of- end portion of his s What is the me bridge, are in the city on business in conneetion- with some of the larger buildings in course cast-off clothing, shoes, watche: Jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit Every up-to-date have radiant hair. woman shoi d White Canvas Shoes BS of construction as Meoatg 2 868, stoves, musical instrumenve, does not require m 2 The Constance Crawley Co. P- Mr. Bradshaw is a former resident There are thousands of women with furniture, Democrat waggous, bug- hetic spirit to realty pears at the opera-tonight in the of Medicine Hat. and says he * is harsh, faded, characterless hair, wa SITUATIONS WANTED. gies, harness, bvicyeles, carpenter ing in; -extraordina . Broken Law. Ar telegram to the pleaced to sev ih: rapid strides the do not try to Improve it. pee tools, etc., raw hices and-fars, horse ional conditions. 7? News from Brandon gives the senti- city is making 1owards becoming the In England and Paris women take FeDUCATED Young lady requires po- balr, wool and f ithers, bought and tothe -varreat ments of the theatre manager there industrial where the company played Tuesday. west. centre of the last great Cangae- What (of pride in having beautiful hair. Every sition as governess or clerk, Ap- Leas Canadian woman can have lustrous ply P. 0, box S79. 27803 sold. Apply to the Harvard Tatioring There is nothing so attractive for summer as white Co., 312 Fourth avenue opposite canvas shoes, without them summer costumes are They were to have played last night and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, wae Dreamland theatre. P. O. box 701. ie aed or cua 3 y complete, For women we are-showing th lin Moose Jaw but owing to trouble REV CANON HICKS the Great American Sage Hair Tonic.) h)DUCATED young lady requires po- -Phone 295. The Best Prives Paid for oo a tae ava gt;: r 2 i e : ae ng and valleys an i 7 it i s ith the lights they took the night fvery reader of The News can fave sitton as s6 iF Rte ete Bet - Hagar model. Try a palr and see what ddifference ff) 7 ights they Be eee a eaeentau emit ie biter EEO ee Pt ae it does make. There is non of the rubbing and The telegram: diocese of Lineoin, Mngland preach- eeks by using SALVIA. HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR Lord thy God carett burning that make sfides so (unbearatitesit the hot weather. The sole is tanned by a special process that makes the sole so flexible that you can bend it almost double when new. the Lord God are from the beginning end of the year. 1 curate description Inhertance that has adian people? It 4s ed in St. Barnabas church last e en- Pinele, the druggist, sells a large JATERNITY NURSING, 114 Domin- AND JUNE CO; The above have fag, delivering a nrncti-al and faten Dottie for 50 cents, and guaranteos fon St 27746 on hand the best selection of Second esti STEN hho je a it to banish dandruft, stop falling hair z Hand. Toola-tn thevcity-. (We (cart. ing sermon. The Canon, who isa 1) Honing scalp in ten days, or AM at lberty to go out sewing by Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new pleasing speaker, will preach sgain Yr pcg 2 the day. Anyone wishing my and second -hand Clothing, Clocks, this evening at a service to be held ST vra iy a services call at 732 Princess Avenue Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns. Re- fedicine Hat News, Constance Crawley Company first class. Should pack your house, HARRY TURNER, beautiful, pleasant, Hagar Brand Pumps and Oxfords Made of extra fine white canvas Brandon. at 7.30 p.m. Nees aserear or write to box 147, City. Best of rec- yolvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, ed as in recent yeat lined With white kid, fashionable lasts. Sizes 2 1-2 to 7. Press comment lauds Miss Craw- non-sticky Hair Tonic. ommendations. Miss E. Vi Lowe. and.a nice new line of winter goods. ed the attention of t . : SS RGaTLED 273d6 We buy everythin; tioned The tide of populati 38.00 a pair. z ley to the skies, a few of them are: CHERRY COULEE Subscribe now for The Dally News. e buy everything mentioned above pop York Musical Courier. ms Bey - and pay the-best prices. Call at 504 way. -Atew years Children s White Canvas Oxfords, Pumps and Buttoned Boots Ali Miss Crawley is one of the finest Wm. Wilbur was busy harrowing STRAYED FOR SALE South Railway St. or Phone 587. tf cent. of those emi gt; FOR SALE At 428 King s Street, 1 wagon and harrow for 60.00. 27943 sizes at 95e to 1.75 a pair. LePAGE BROS. 388 Toronto Street. lactresses on the stage today.' New York Courier. f She played with great skill and grace. New York Journal. Miss Crawley is one of the truest subtlest English artists who has Phone 28. graced the American stage for many his potato patch on Saturday. Wm. McManis is busy putting in -his crop on his homestead. P, Gifford is busy working B. B. King's land, J. L. Lemoigne was busy planting potatoes on Saturday, British Isles found foreign shores and per cent. came and British flag. Last revnained under the thirty-five per cent shores. (CAME onto our premises one light bay, mare in July last branded on left thigh, three year old. e In April last one sorre ) pony gelding branded R. Sh. Henry CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS V: A HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- AUTO FOR SALE A 20 horse pow. er, 4 passenger car in good repair, will exchange for a lot, or sell at a FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912. SPANIELS Brown curley, retriev- ers; pedigreed, ten weeks old; from best trained stock; just right age to train for fall shooting, , Ken nels getting over stocked. Will sell at the following low prices: Dogs 8.00; bitches, 500. Write R. W. Al- Some day she will dominate her day with her charm and her voice which is a chime of many changes. St. Louis Mirror. onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- perience at your disposal free. Phone In addition to tha add what is even be the vigorous and mate, the beanty Erairle, forest and It is truly a land G 7 at alpridge. A. E. Gil : Then what of the a long year. -Chicago Record-Her- mf. Arnd: called on B. Settle on) * Dunmore, Alta, 1t snap for cash. Apply 623. Braemar partner. pyone 198, Burns Se sek. the resources of ou ald. Thursday last. ie ae Bice ste08 ia 275att fabulous; We have I have seen Miss Crawley play wm. wiihur called on C- Foster on gt; a2 in millions. The o . five characters and I do not know am Saturday cvening: AUCTI ON SALE See ee i AUCTIONEERS ests, 77,000,000; of actress who could equal her in one mae Oy tke AE See eee EE Abi te 27 00,000; of the mi of them. New Orleans Times-Dem- ON i z Hi. 8. BROWNE CO., Live Stock etc. And yet we ocrat. SEVEN YEARS and General Auctioneers, 619 Tor- the fringe of our 1 H, B. BROWNE CO. Have been favored with Instructions from the importer to sell by Auction, upwards of 30:head of Mares and Gel- OF MISERY How Mrs. Bethune was Re- Eu dings.. Including in the above is one lien, Hillside Kennels, Piapot, Sask. 703. H.B, Browne Co., 519 To- His eyes are alway: + NEWBURG stored to Health by Lydia racing (thoroughbred) Stallion, 4 tonto St agnatt y as y T3d24t . cI : 5 a estteee toe eae old,, winner of two races only y is Christian 4 OB deo be ole ob oh ote fe og time out. Pedigree, Merry and Bright) 7oR SALE King Edward pool BUSINESS CARDS. ane, ane -Belting Hose, Packing, ble Compound. (Imp.) 368, foaled 1908, imported from room, Strathmore, Alta, 4 tables, lt; eae ? The rain we had very good for the Zrain. The wheat im some fields is over 3 inches high. ate the organization n which Christian pression? Whether Ireland 1911, bred by Captain Bloom- field, Waterford, Ireland, Sire, the Solicitor, winner of the Cambridge- showcase, wallcases, chairs and outfit, ranged to suit purchaser. two barber s GINGER SEWING MACHII Terms of lease af Sherlock, Manning Piano This is a Organs for sale and to ren Sikeston, Mo. For seven years I ang suffered everything. I was in bed for Mats, Tiling, iy who a Ustie or reforma : Mr. BE. Henkelmann and family who four or shire and othes Important races. Sire snap TorDrompt buyer. Apply Albert classes of insurance. W. J. Fleming Relea eS, lo were visiting their friends in New- time + Wingfield , Lady. Dam, Flirt N, Reay, Assignee, Strathmore, Alta. Office 381 Main Street. ves, ? burg for a couple of d - aiteed weak Teould 1; Uj... Sire, The Sailor Prince 278a10 man can sugyest or sal Rifnad to taste: cane oe Beek 5 Pea ap) Dam, Lally. terment. of society 0 their home in cramps, backache .) 5 a lt; General Rubber Specialties as Sees Shg Maat Sat as of ts wa GRR Hono Bartlett, B rd eae was so nervous and double harness; 8 young and fresh six Shetland ponies, including one . 9 ASC or unwisely these o The church organ which was order- ed a few months ago arrived last week and seems to be a nies ofan. Miss Emma Schaller was visiting tiply: indefinitely anc a longing to do so the world better. 1 the dawn that the A weak that I dreaded mitk cows mostly with calves at foot; four-year-old stallion. Apply to J. R. gto see anyone or ; young oxen, thoroughly broken, 4 Millican, Fourth Ave, 2egdi2t have anyonemovein 54 5 years old; 3 nearly wew bug - Latex oe gies, 1 democrat; 1 nearly new set TOR SALE Thoroughbred White Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Automobile, MotorTruck, Bicycle, See the exhibit of the DUNLOP TIRE RUBBER GOODS COMPANY, LIMITED in-the Made-in-Canada Exhibition Train at C.P.R. Station, Car No. 4096 Made-in-Canada Exhibition Train will arrive at Medicine Hat THURSDAY, JUNE 6th a A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results. ad Wonder if anybody could advice me where our church organ collector is now as the organ turned up at last, and we want the person to play it now. The Newburg and Josephburg pic- Suyoom 48g TNR PVE AGred om) this year for the purpose of making arrangements for a picnic. Miss K. M. Hillenberg was appoin- ted as secretary and Mr. Wm. F. Hillenberg as chairman. A motion was made by Mr. Albert Stelter se- conded by Mr. John Hillenberg that a picnic will take place at Newburg )P.O. on or about the 12th day of June. The meeting then adjourned. For all kinds of job printing. try that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pinkbam s Veg- etable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it, Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do all my own house- work, work in the garden and entertain company and enjoy them, and can walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the week. I wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl, and tell them what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comp und has done for me. Mrs. Dema Beruune, Sikeston, Mo. Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compotind. It has helped thousands of women who e have been troubled with displacements, tote, Pettit ularities, periodic pains, ar Oe CONTRACTOR dics, 20 knives; 1 set of harrows, 3 sections and a large qusntity of effects too numerous to mention, included are dairy utensils, cream separator, Peerless Incubator. etc,, etc. Entries for this sale will be recely- ed up to 12 o'clock on day of sale. For cards to vitw and further partic- ulars, apply to H, B. BROWNE CO. Lye Stock and General Auctioneers. Market offices, 14 Fourth Ave, or the General Offices 519 Toronto St. Phone Nos, 519 and 295, Medicne Hat. Hat Fair. 1911, 1.50 per bushel. Ap- ply The Chatterton House, cor. N. Ry. and Ottawa Sts, 260dtt 2 eee REAL ESTATE JKENSINGTON Lovely resident lots worth 200.00 each, Now is your cash, or 150.00, half cash, 6 and 12 months, Will sell one or all at this price (per lot) No. 15 and 16, blk. -22 and 9, 16, 11, 12, 13 and 14, blk. 23. Earl Stambaugh, North Edmonton, Alta. 27743 BOARD AND ROOM. ICE comfortable room with board. Also table board, Newly furnish- ed, Terms moderate. 103 Montreal the News Job Department, have failed. Why don t you try it? Phone 675. Box 781. chance to get a cheap lot at 130.00 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fully ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 158, Roan Mare Lost Strayed from Box Springs about May Ist, one roan mare, years old, welght 1400 pounds, heayy with foal. Brand left shoulder. Suitable reward, Thos. White. Medicine Hat. 272412 Street. 27946 SUBSCRIBE NOW for the Dally Niwa, Motorcycle and e Tires the E. W. Weiss ranch for a week of oxen harness; 6 young well bred Wyandotte eggs: for hatching, Plans, Ete, : Foreign cine to ease me at c and returned to her home again in those times, and said that I ought to P s; Implements consist of 3 sulky 150 per 13; algo select Early Ohio Room 14, Imperfal Bank Building. What Is true in Irvine have anoperation. I would notlisten to ploughs by the best makers; 1 set of Seed potatoes, prize winners Medicine Medicine Hat Phone 20. other lands. Starti happening-everywhet whitening, the whol ening. The mornin Inat India is shot thre with movements tha naissance. A thirst come down among 1s being promoted by by missions and by vals. Chin Tn China a success have taken place years movements t enal qute unparall tory of the world, by itself is entitled the great revolutions (1). In the year 18
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Image 954 (1912-06-06), from microfilm reel 954, (CU1771799). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.