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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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RTS MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. T 7 . Would be a first-class Block 14, 50 ft,, 1500, x The two well-known high- grade Corsets, THE ROY- AL WORCESTER and The BON-TON are just to hand again and sare shown in - soihe new models for this egming season. * Prices from 1.00 to 6.50. z Always 10 per cent. less * for cash. Aare: tie House of Fashionable Dressers Flock 85, 50 tt, 1250, terms. Block 3 50 ft. corn Block 85, 100 ft. corner, 8600, terths, terms. Block 11, 50 ft. terms. Block 11, 50 - t--ift og terms. 10.50 ft. inside, 3800, RIVERSIDE C, 50: ft., 1500, terms. is lot is on the river bank 18 306 feet deep. A place for a home. yards of the Ogilvie ition for a butlder. ALTAWANA (On Broadway.) eeive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC. NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. aie JH. PRESTON PLANING. MILLS anufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. gt; ss Hretecereteatrtretentocgeceatratote teeteetetoegeatoetecgeatecteatoatreta tm ROYAL BANK avi tesces+ +++ ++ 15,000,000 Special Attention Given to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICEEE. HAT BRANCH -Fourth Avenue: : C,H. McDunnough, Manager raeredeeteetrcritecetedeeds Crtretedeeret DOS imperial Bank of Canada Capital Paid Up ... -. 6,460,000 - Reserve Fund ... - 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. BR. G, WILKINSON, Manager. . Medicine Hat Branch. PE erpnteteepegs Established 1864, THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA THE ROSES -BARE-OF-WEGTERN CANADA 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Paid Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 0th. 1911) ovet 881,000,000. - ' A soneral Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts, - W. 0. JOY. Manager : ' t Medicine LIGHT and HEAVY lt; l- e DRAYING MAY Toronto Street. C. P. R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June 2nd, 1912, No. Arrive. Leave, 1 26.20 20.45 Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver 2 8.05 830 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 3 21.15 11.85 Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. 4 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp. Vancouver to Tor. 13 21.50 22.15 St Paul-Seattle Express. u 4.00 420 Seattle-St, Paul Express. 61 21.25 21.59 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. 62 525 6.50 Prairie Exp. Calgary to Winnipeg. BLL-517 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landing. 512-519 19.00 Local from Cranbrook 516 23.00 Local from Calgary. 518-511 10.80 Local for Cranbrook. 520-518 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 515 6.30 Local for Calgary. un 230 2.40 Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Port, 12 940 9.50 .Soo, Ltd., Port.-St. Paul, Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. Passing time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Nat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every, lawful eventuig at Its office, Main Street, Wedicine Hat, Alta. A, J. X. TERRILL, Eettor. PHONE: HONE: Editorial, Advertising Reportorhe, and aE Cirealation and News Dept ded Depts. 13 RING s Nase ay RING .42 D/ .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES -a1, delivered....34.90 3 year by mail, , - .00/ 1 months, -livered. . ase Casio, Seo: 181.50 3 months, delivered. . 8 months, by maf. ..7 1 month, deuiverets.. ite t Addresses changed as often as desired, but bots usw and + O14 adresses st be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Publishec avery Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and contains a eummay of the news of the week, + local and district. months, in advance Toe 3 months, tm advance. .80e year in advance.... 1.50 Monday, September 9th, 191: MORAL OF THE STAMPEDE NOW that the Calgary Stampede is a thing of the past, what is the moral lesson to be drawn therefrom? Any Cal- gary minist r of the Gospel, who attempted a criticism, would doubtless take his life (or his position anyway) in his hands in so doing. But what are our ministers for, if not to restrain low passions and set up a high standard of living? Is.not their mission the holy one of walking in His steps ? Are they to follow or to Tead public opinion ? If Calgary staged a bull fight would the min- isters of that town fall for it ? And where- in is the difference between a Mexican bull fight and the act of roping and throwing a steer ? One is no more cruel than the oth- er, and both have long since been placed on the taboo list by all ivitized communities. We wait with interest to hear how mod- ern Christianity, as represented by the Cal- gary ministers, will handle. this subject from their respective pulpits.. It depends upon them as to whether future Stampedes o GOOD WAGES PAID. THE high wages which are being paid for unskilled labor in the West are a most potent factor in depleting the ranks of the men who'come from the East to assist with the harvest. In Medicine Hat,where every effort is being strained to complete all manner of work before cold. weather sets in, thirty cents an hour is being paid. The OC. P. R. Telegraph Co. pays 2.50 per day on its construction gangs and the Al- berta Government is offering 3.00 a day in connection with the extension of its tele- phone lines. Not many harvesters will re- turn home. NINE London, Eng., Boy Scouts who were recently. drowned as the result of the foundering of'a sailing craft on which they were proceeding to their summer camp, were buried with great ceremony the other day. Their bodies were conveyed from the scene of the accident on a torpedo boat de- stroyer which was specially commissioned for the work by Mr. Winston Churchill, the present head of the Admrialty. 0 THE visit of the Vice-Regal party to Medi- eine Hat is still a month away and those of us who have friends in the sur- rounding country have plenty of time to in- vite them to come in and spend the day. This is a matter that:should not be oyer- looked. at AND NOW another big canal system is being mooted, the project being to pierce the isthmus of Panama at Nicar- agua. With a competitive. route estab- lished, our American friends would ger- tainly be forced to sit up and take notice. see gp MORE like New York every day the Hooper and Hueckvale block, now un- der construction, is to have two additional stories, and an elevator will be installed. Some class to that building. ee AS the City Engineer announces that ad- ditional street crossings are to be con- structed this fall, it is to be hoped that the Esplanade will not be overlooked in this re- spect. Tt needs an intimate allowed to sell his grain will or will not be able to feature steer-rop- ing as an attraction. - PUBLIC OPINION. Winnipeg Free Press. It is hard for those -who live under the safe and almost ideal conditions which exist on the centre of this continent fully to realize the sus- picious conditions of used neutrality un- der which the nations of Europe live, or the intrigtiessjyhich go on day by day in the -ountries across the Atlantic to gain some icied or real advantage in the struggle for commercial suprem: and world domina- jtion. It all seems unreal at this-distance. acquaintanee with modern diplomacy and a close study of his- tory, not as a mere matter of events or dates, but as a chronicle of motives, ambi- tions and planned moves towards definite ends, to enable one intelligently to under- stand the moves on the checker board of the nations. EDMONTON Bulletin: Hon. Mr. Foster made a most unsatisfactorily truthful speech at the Toronto exhibition the other day. He said it-was essential that the Wes- tern farmers build barns in which to house the present year s crop, as there was no hop that the railways would be able to take the grain out fast enough to prevent congestion. That is putting the matter to the farmer with cruel frankness. He must build barns or take the consequences. It is useless to expect the Government to do anything to preent congestion other than urging the railway companies to run their trains as rapidly as possible. The thought of opening new outlets is not in the isterial minds. They stand, apparent- quarely by the policy upon which the; ere elected that the farmer must-net- in in the United States less he become infectd with disloyalty. Nor have they found any alternative scheme for expediting the outward movement. of the erop.. The farmer must, therefore, help himself; the ministers have no intention of recanting and helping him by accepting the proffered market to the south. The Minister of Trade and Commerce says so. qe Ng NSE THE BORDER LIGHTS. A little more tired at close of day; A little less anxious to have our way; A little less ready to scold and blame, A little more care for a brother name; And so we are nearing thejaurmey s end, Where time and eternity meet and blend. A little less care for bonds and gold, A little more zest in the days of old, A broader view and a saner mind, And a little more love for all mankind; And so we are faring a-down the way That leads to the gates of a better day. A little more love for the friends of youth, A littte-tess-zealfor-established truth, A little in our views, A little less thirst for the daily news; And so we are folding our tents away And passing in silence at close of day. A little more leisure to sit and dream, A little more real the things unseen, A little nearer to those,ghead, With visions of those long-loved and dead; And so we are going where all must go, To the place the living may never know. o z THIS DATE IN HISTORY. September 9 1776 The American colonies first called the United States by Congress * 1840 Great fair opened in Boston for fund. as 1855 The remnant portion of the famous table rock at Niagara Falls broke off and tumbled into the abyss with a tre- mendous crash. 1864 Gen. George B. McClellan accepted the Democratic nomination for the presideney. 1889 Baltimore began the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the defence of the city against: the British in 1814. 1891 F rancois Jules Paul '.Grevy, presi- dent of France, died. Born August 15th, 1807. 1911 Marrigge of Col. John Jacob Astor. and Madeline T. Force, at New- port, R.T. aes a CONGRATULATIONS TO: Sir Edward Speyer, prominent Anglo-Am- erican financier, 50 years old to-day. James H. Kirkland, chancellor of Vander- bilt University, and one of the best known of Southern/educators, 53 years old to-day. J. Havelock Wilson, the noted British lab- or leader, who engineered the great strike of seamen some months ago, 53 years old to-day. Prinee George of Servia, who was forged by public , sentiment to renounce his the benefit of the Bunker Hill see DISORDERLY, so the dictionary says, means unruly, lawless) dis- reputable. Judging from the daily police roster, the Hat Is not without such characters, Now that the pennant fights are practically settled who'll win the world series or When the devil finds a mai atiwork he goes om by, says an exchange,.In that ease he doesn t even hesitate In Medicine Hat. eee The United States trust breakers are after the phone trust. Possibly they'll find the line busy or out of order, : . Wives of pont hile for shame or run when thelr better hall's op- ponent reveals some dark secrets of Inbby s hidden past. Yet the women ia thelr cry for votes are running thelr necks Info the same noose. Which would you rather have fair vote,-Iater-to become a po- Utleal speaker, or Keep that dai secret hidden. lp lt;The leaves will soon begin to fall, says a Chicago philosopher, Some body must-haxe told him, . Marringe- 1s the most important business in the world ? says Ella Wheeler Wilcox. In that case many Hatters are only carrying side lines. cee A Texas editer says he works be- cause he Toves it, We work because we don't have to. Who's the biggest? A young girl wants o know what will refurn the sparkle to her tired eyes. Less sparking. Man serviceable, subtle, A woman Is like an Egyptian eigar- ette. Light, delleate, unsatisfying unstable, quickly lighted, quickly finished, Though you have no cholee, what would you rather be, Just for sake of argument, a cigarette or pipe. In olden times a cross was used by a writer to- gire-eritente of goed, faith, Today It denotes an Inability to write. Mary Tudor threw away a crown for love. Oh what a difference a few hours make. Girls, you are still a girl at 5 min- jutes-to 25. You're an old maid at 5 minutes . Chicago . W. C. A. rulers have said 50, woe Oh what a Jot of old maids in in in Lethbridge. Fat babies are not the style any. more, Quality not quantity is what we want, says Lady Cook, our emin- ent London, Eng., female lecturer. The Onlooker TENDERS FOR PLANK SIBEWALKS Sealed tenders addressed to the un- dersigned, for plank sidewalks, will be received at the office of the City Engiiteer, Medicine Hat, -up to 22 o'clock noon, Thursday September 12th for construction of plank side- walks according to pl fications ito-be seen at the City En- gineer s office. - A certified check for 500 shall ac- company the tender which will be re- turned when contract is awarded. The lowest, or any, tender no necesarily act a A. K. GRIMMER, City Engineer. Medicine Hat, Alta., September 7th, 4912. 513t TENDERS FOR EXCAVATION Tenders tor excavation for new St. Patrick's Church shall be received from Tuesday, Sept. 10th to Friday noon September 13th. Plans and specifications canybe seen at resi- dence of Rev. Fatttr Cadoux, 510 Toronto St, from-Tuesday morning on. . 50-3t The chairman of the corporation re- serves the right to reject any or all rghit to thethrone in 1909, 24 years old to-dayt bids. A certified check of 200 must accompany all tenders, EPR err rieeeriert When you butld, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per Suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap use the Very best. We bav it, and ev erything the Buflder requires, A select stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS, We have the agency for the celebrated M rgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL Low PosTs BEAVER BOAR FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P.-0. BOX 29, PHONE 57 FORMALING FOR SMUT DON'T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : La Daneel Oa Chem mS) HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. t CROSSLEY BROS, Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave.; Phone 434 P.O. Box-304. Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. STABLE PHONE NO, 868, 42 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Exeavating a Specialty, Light and Weary Horses for sale at AL Times, F.S. LYON GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Yulll Street. Phone No. 415. f P. 0. Box 81. j T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wail Paper. 120 Eighth Ave, Phone 699, Phone Houses constru Annex, tawa One on Have * which cording Prelf free. See 1 Painting Re; (4th AD New Wall fully afro your roor
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Image 435 (1912-09-09), from microfilm reel 435, (CU1772589). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.