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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Financial .crash. may cumulated wealth. Or the have been 0 scanty chanee to put, by. not urgee. there is ever he huvan. relatt perfect. Bai mourning ond pale face gives lump In the throat thinks me cause the Words I long tout strangled. A glib condol nta embrace such as perhap chary of with nearest Would have Won her. A genius for irl Those born with it instineti- ly must have friends of rad ship and goodwill; ones that are intimate. gradual crowing apart that friendship than hearty set-to- ing. Certain friendship seem t on an occasional quarrel, like the or motor cagine which a serled minor explosions makes go. Obstinate, wrong-headed, and a ly good sort is the-unspoken of friends half the world over. they don't. magnetised by mystery sympathy. ele Giceg CORSETS are designed in many models, each closely follow- ing the lines of some par ticular type of figure. Each model is made in a complete range of sizes. Rarely indeed do we find woman who cannot be fitted just as if the corset jWere made for her alone. The important is to +. the: model aaee Air figure. If your dealer hasn't the right one he will getsit for you. If you ace interested in the new models, of coffee by the cereal substi- tute people, coffee is still the * breakfast favorite of millions of Curiously enough, it is more often On that if hearts are to be filled they Jeinds: general friendship founded-6a com- An dsorrow be my guest, SUN Saviour, help me to: believe Whatever is, is best. And-these I hold so dear Wwe ket huffy bacuse they will not change Enfola them in. Thy loving arms their views and respect them because And keep them as Thine own. This love, with ite allowances and) So may each passing day reservations, 18 of tougher sort than the pliantly amiable through-and- strong in the faith that God is God, through. Women and men both. are, s well as by Something untold at- tracts . A feeling withheld readily In loving deeds be spent, And, as His child, content. ANNA M. WHEELER. The best monument that a child can raise to his mother s memory is that of a clean, upright life, such as she would have rejoiced to-see her son live. CHARM OF SIMPLICITY Simplicity of mannet is one of the greatest charms a woman can pos- sess, If being one s own true self were as easy as it sounds, simplicity would as Ba right eye or a left hand ,and the practice of t as habit- wal as the taking of the morning meal. - There is un irresistible tendency in all hamanits, both masculine and feminine to copy someone eis im mannerism, in dreas and in action. We are all born mimics. It is not necessary to goto the theatre to see correct imitatiun of the other per- son. This example we set up. to. follow is the guiding star, the measure of our very existence; It may be a real Dersonage, an acquaintance, a friend or someone we admire from a dist- ance. It may be merely a creature of imagination a sort of ideal entity we throw on the canvas of the mind s.eye and then proceed to copy. Outsiders accuse such a copyist of posing, of affectation and guile, aitmiring or censuring according to the nature of the deal. The girl who of the girlish gush, is n ver so con- vincing as her sister who uses one sdjective-that rings true. She uses the same phrase to describe a visit te the soda fountain and/a trip to Eu- Tope . In reality one doesn't mean much more to her than the other, for in almost every instance she is stal- low. A reckless s attering of super- latives is a way of -cheapening the cofiversation ,which no amount of ac- tual thought can rectify. To be nat- ural at ali times Is not easy, but sim- plicity is a charm which few men Lcan resist. VETERANS GATHER IN LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 9 The in- vumerabte netivities of the 46th an- nual national encampment of the Grand Army of the Repuvtic began today, when the, national headquart- ers were-formaily opened at the Al- exandrla Hotel. Many blue-clad vet- erang have already reached the city, but the big Influx of visitors Is got expected until tomortow, The big parade ts fixed for Wednesday. The encampment sessions wiil begin Tharsday, when the Woman's Relief Corps, Ladi s o tthe GA. R., and oth er affiliated organizations also wil BRUNSWIEK RUSH. PLANNED Premier in West to Attend Forestry Convention at the Coast. (MARITIME PROVINCES ARE GOING AHEAD ivity is Due to Heavy Expenditure of Maney on. Industries. Vanedurety Sept. same. tional Hom. James K. Fleming, Woy since his debut into po- litieaMife ssa member from Carle- je New frunswick im 1902, until he attained fr position in the provincial sdtaleheteation of the blue nose yihGe at th last general election SFixistered: at the Vancouver Hotel. want to see every sin. vonbyieker in. the west, Its pretty large 1 admit, for the stor have lured a tremen- of people to the west of it-Years.- I want to talk to th m , and conyince a few, if I can, that New Brunswick lace te hive in. +4, To Attend Convention. *y Came west primarily to attend forestry convention, Dut it is my to Visit several of the coast before ing tothe east. jew: Brufnswick is upon the eve of era. ot de dlopm nt, said the hin responie to a question re- the condition/of affairs in the I confidentty predict a-back- to-New Brunswick rush in the next year or two, for at present the pros- ects were neve brighter. New Brunswick is looking up, chiefly, 1 hink, on aecount of the ac- tivity promcted by a vast expenditure of money St John harbor, which ir now the winter port of Eastern Canada, aad because the com- mencement cf constru the St John valley rai rail Expending Millions. The industrial outlook of the maritime provinces was never bet- ter, went or Mr. Fleming. Pulp and Paper mills will be shortly erected a: Grand Falls, while the developm nt, of the shave industry in Albert and Westmoreland counties may be judg ed from. the fact that Sir Wilttim Mackenzie bas taken hold of the pro- Ject and will provide an. fnltial ex- renditure of 2,000,000 or more in Putting this vast product of shale be- fore the world . In a year or two ad- ditional exvenditure of several mil- lions is also expected in regard to other shale mines in the province which hitherto have escaped any de- velopment whatever. While the crops of grain and hay liad been very heavy in New Bruns- wick during the present year a great deal of damage had been wrought by heavy rains, The root crops, how- ever, were very large and agricultur- ists were rejoicing in one of the heay- fest yields of potatoes ever harvested. Hon, Mr. Fleming left for Victoria, returning to-Vancouver later. He also made the trip to Seattle. He wil vis- it Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg on his return trip. CORNER 1S TURNED SUCCESS AT LAST Indications are Town Will Be Located on Site Where Fortimes Have Been Renght BIG WAGES OFFERED Sufficient Men Cannot Be Obtained Even at * Rate of 10 a Day. Seward, Alaska, Sept. -9. The Kuskokwin is probably the greatest, stampede country im Alaska today and has enjoyed this proud distinc tion for the past five years. There is always gbod story in the mouths of prospectors about the latest find that has been made across the Yu kon watershed on the Kuskokwim' side and many of the finds have fal-) Ten down and many lost faith in the tales that come from the scores of, the big interior river. SUCCESS AT LAST. Lately, however, the situation is changing and at last it looks as some place on the Kuskokwi be at the mouth of the Tuliesak, where the scene of the, last strike, on Bear ereek, has started a crowd of gold seekers, and operator if the Aniak, has beem of It was the is not a half bad Pe though tiere will be 2z big-town Farnham. Greene . Tt may Wual address. Later-the Governot held a reception in honor of the visit- others think thet during the three days of the meeting, Yrom T-50 to 2.50 to the foot. Labor s afee owing to the fact that all the mon in the camp are prospectors and are not iooking for de-rather spend their. timiein the hills looking for some- thing for themselves then working for wages... Zimmerman, the largest fering 10 per day and board your- self all season, but has not: ta get and hold s full c The Norther pany of Sam Francisco bas already shipped 110-togs of supplies into the country and are planning on install- ing a post, sixty miles up the Atak. This will be the head of navigation for large steamers in the summer, al- though small boats will be able to go up as far as the digmings. : There is quite a stampede into the Amiax from the Iditarod on account of the Jatge numrber of men that have deen thrown ont of employment wher the Guawenheims tcok over Fiat and Otter creeks and the shortage of tat or will be overcome in this way. The water supply in the Iditarod, Tnnoko and Kuskokwim is the lowest this summer that it has been in the history of the camps. Seat +t RT SS WOMEN WITH NERVES x ts Peeneeeeeeeees Many women confuse the words nervous and temperamental and try to affect the one by practicing other. There seems to be an ac- cepted idea that temperament 1s at- tractive, and so it is to a degree, when ft fs real, though there is a doubt. whether it is ever so pleasing ay the gen-Jetess and poise tha: go with an even Jeposition. But the rasping nervousness born in affecta- tion, and whieh rapidly becomes. reality, is enotigh to dim the beauty of a Venus de Milo. Eventually it means the loss of any natural beauty that may have preceded it. There ar women who take a cer- tain foolish pride in being so ner- vous They talk of it continually, and when the slightest opportunity presents they put it into effect. They develop hysterics upon the slightest provocation, and when an unpleasant duty if s in their path they have readful nervous headache. As a result they are avolded by the wo- men of thelr acquaintance. while the men, who have little patience with Women s nerves, arc sure to dub them silly and shallow. What is-more important, they mar thelr features, and this should be en- ough to cure any case of imaginary nerves. Regarding this fact 2 noted teacher of beauty culture, who is her- self. marvelously lovely, says: For your complerion s sake, keep your nerves under control. The greater the demands upon the ner- quent the complexion cream and cosmetics counter. Nervousness is. one of the chist causes of roughness of skin and of pimples. Women with real nervous affections have learned this to their sorrow. Ner- ousness causes fine lines to be. drawn around the eyes, which take on a staring appearance, while the fig- ure appears rigid and the voice harsh and strained. Do not redit nervousness to over- work. If you sift the case areful- ly you will find it is worry, not work that is breaking down the system. Should you doubt the truth of this cause hurry to the mirror some time when you af greatly worried and See the trausformation the strain has wrought there. There will be two deep Hines between the eyes and the entire face is cast over as by a cloud. Continued worry Is the foster mother of age 2nd uglines: It not only harms a woman's beauty, but it lessens her chances of success by burning up energy and brain force. Phere is. not ease on record where worry brought any definitely good re- sults; The woman who is the complete master of her nerves is doing more to make herself atractive than could the greatest beauty doctor in. the world. A certain cure for nervous- ness is self control. Therefore, the woman who Mas herself well in hand stands a pretty fair chance of being attractive. ez. COTTON MANUFACTURERS MEET. ton manufacturers from all parts of the country are in attendance at the ninety-third annual meeting of the National Association of Cotton Manu- facturers which opened today for a three day session at The Griswold. Eeatern Point, near this city. At the opening session the members were welcomed by Governor Simeon D. Baldwin and President Edwin delivered hig. ing members. Many mportant sub Jects will come up for discussion it will be further up the river, op- among them questions concerning posite the Innoko or Iditarod coun- th conduct of textile mills, tariff tries, m what is known as the Amiak/ relations to the Industry, the. work- country. men s compensation laws of the Glowing reports h: n coming country, mechanical equipments, cot- recently from Marvel ereck in the/ton growing and many matters of yous system the mors you will fre New London, Conn., Sept. Cot- . PHONE 305 Mr. H. W. Ireland, NSURANCE: upon us in loan. REAL ESTAT acres each. Gross earnings, 123,319,541. Working expenses. 80,021,298. Net earnings, 43,208,242. Net surplus, 17,560,518. Total mileage of the Canadian Pa- citi system is 16 944. The Kettle Valley Railway Com- pany, 275 miles, is to be leased. Four per cent. preference stock totalling 1,976 390 pounds created and sold. Net earnings amounted to 35.11 per cent., as compared with 3523 per cent. in 1911. Orders were placed for locomotives and cars representing an expendi ture of 25,750,000. Four per cent. consofidated deben- ture stock, totalling 2,252,516 pounds was created and.sold. ata low rate of interest. The Medicine Hat Security Company FINANCIAL AGENTS Room 4, Becker Block Estates Handled Farm Tracte a Specialty City Property Medicine Hat, Alta. Mr. H. S. Ellis. and financial agency and general brokerage and commission busines: under the firm name of THE MEDICINE HAT SECURITY Co. dving business in this country. Hail, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and in fact any kind of insurance. this connection. to: place ourselves at your disposi Position to be posted on the best investments and we are weking this an important part of cur business. whether buying or selling. Gerrespondense solicited. Capt. A. T. Claxton Ze to announce to the general public that they are condudting a We represent some of the best and most solid companies We handle Fire, Life, We can secure you a loan on your city and farm property It will pay you to call We have private funds to INVESTMENTS; If you are looking for investments we shall be glad 1. -We-are ins ESTATES HANDLED: We are prepared to handle e: tates, sollect rents, etc., and will give this our personal supervision. : Tracts of farm lands is our specialty and we have two specially attractive offerings of twelve thousand These are fortune makers. blocks. We handle only. the best properties and do so on a straight commission basis, and shall be glad to have the listing of your property. See us for city We beg to solicit a share of your patronage, assuring you that you will receive every consideration THE MEDICINE HAT SECURITY COMPANY. gt; Cc, P. R. HAD RECORD YEAR. . + Working expetises amounted to 64.89 per cent. of gross earnings as compared Ath-64.7-7in-1911. During the year 669 630 acres of agricultural land were sold for 10,- 710,143, being an average of 15.99 per acre. The directors asked sanction to 1 sue 4 percent. consolidated deben- ture stock for extension of western branch lines. For enlargement of terminals, ad- ditional buildings,. shops and other improvements, an expenditure of 30,- 000,000 was authorized. The New Brunswick Coal and Rail- way company Is to be leased for a term-of 999 years at a rental of 50 per cent. of the net earnings of railway. The Kingston and Pembroke Rall iy Way of 107.5 miles; Alberta Central railway, 65 miles; St. Mary's and Western Ontario railways are to be leased. Authority will be asked to acquire portion of all of the debenture stock of the Dominion Atlantic Rail- Way by an issue of Canadian Pacific 4 per cent. consolidatad debenture ock. Agreenient to, be maae with the Georgian Bay and Seaboard Railway Company to increase limit of that Company's bond issue, the construe tion of the road having proved more expensive than anticipated, Land in British Columbia secured by construction of Columbian and Western and British Columbia South- ern railways became subject to taxa ton. The Canadian Pacific Raflway Company has decided to reconvey to the British Columbia government the. portion of these lands with. the exception of 543,496 acres. Spanking Machine Inventor Arrested At Wife s Request Champaign, Ill, Sept. 4 Because his wife objected to his using a men- chanical device, invented by him, at the University of Illinois, for spank Can YouBeat This? ing their. children, Professor Duff Andrew. Abrams beat her, and she had him arrested. He pleaded guilty and paid a fine amounting to 12.50. Abrams 8 associate professor in the engineering experiment station at the University of Ilinois. He applied the theoretical mechanics to the erection of machine for the chastisement, of children without the Usual manual labor. When he tried to demonstrate the practicability of the device-on-his little son the mother objected. A quarrel ensued. Neighbors in- terfered, saving the child from a ing and allowing the mother to escape. It is said the council of administration of the University and the board of trustees will consider. the dismissal of the professor at thelr next meeting. The device that caused the arouble weighs about twenty pounds, is con structed of aluminum and bamboo, and the but not to injure the vic- It fs bent over a rod and SeaINEt cogs, Scon nects with a crank run by a bell de- vice. The spanker makes about thirty five spanks a minute. Recently the professor's wife was seriously scalded when he tried to rig up at bis home a. mechanical device that would pour boiling water, turn eggs in a skillet and do other similar things. The Abrams wedding, seven years ago, followed by a colleg: romance Section Hleven, Township Thirteen, Range Three, for sale at Ten Dollars acre. down, balance Years. cent. thirty days. and a half per Two dollars per acre term of Hight Interest at five per Must be sold within Write owner, A. Jochem, Milk River, Alta. Perry Electric Supply Co. PHONE 812, 411 4th AVE, MEDICINE HAT For Your Electrical Work x Done a little better than seems necessary and a little less ex- Aniak district, whick is located purely technical nature. shout 150 miles down stream from the town of Georgetown. It is stat- The good die young, but the villain ed positively by reliable parties that is seldom canght until the last act. just came out of that country that Loose Leaf System The News Job the University. Mserible for; pet annual meetings. there is 9,000 feet of pay uncovered Department has every facility for sup- on Marvel creck that will run ail the plying the most satisfactory. that began when Abrams instructor and the bride a student in Dally News delivered in the Se a month. *f pensive than you expected. The sccret of our success is high class work, best of material and right prices. SAME ATTENTION PAID TO SMALL JOBS AS. THE BIG. ONES, ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE. was an Bibiebiceeieflelelelelelefeleiefefeleioiiinieitinleirivicivieinintetels- F ee oe Ren PERE bret PE RECEP Ere Peres SEERA OLEAN OELOSELIS SO EOSSSE SO DSSS OOO OSSHHOOOHOOE Cali Few n celebrate in their thusiasm Golden vance of nia. It day that two year Mexico t The 0 the Gold today s was foun called a wanizatio 29, 1875, appeared July ps young m ner of t sion Day by the 2 1875. in popil parlor Was co7 Wil Williar the cast comedy, shave in sion. Guelph, annivers Btage cai Canada when it kid, and Ue schoe lis. Hay eer he. sity, .and ing light circumst zation, demonsti the raw actor. decided, ot a roa Mr. Cou a chan That ws Mr. Cour He ace law bool
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Image 439 (1912-09-09), from microfilm reel 439, (CU1772583). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.