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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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7 PAY DAY SPECIALS Heavy Herringbone Twill Dress Goods in brown 1 ark myrtle and grey, 40 inches wide. 30c yard, Fancy Weave Serges, all wool, brown and navy; 40 inches wide. yard. Corduroy Velvets, all shades, 50c per yard. THESE GOODS ARE IMPORTED AND ARE EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES. We would call attention especially to the new Dress Goods at 30 per yard as most suitable for School Dresses. in cardinel, cadet, 50c per The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers Snappy Buys For The Shrewd Investor. HERALD TOWNSITE terms. Block 85, 50 ft, 1250, terms. ee ee chtner 1080, Block 85, 100 ft. corner, 3500, terms, terms. Block H, 180 ft. poet cor RIVERSIDE Block C, 50 ft, 1500, Block 13, 300 ft, terms. This property is 100 yards of the Ogilvie Mall and would be a first-cless propos- ition for a builder. gt; ALTAWANA Block 14, 50 ft, 1500, terms. (On Broadway.) terms. lovely place for a home. through us. Why not yout Glasgow House Block 86, 100 ft. corner, 4,000, terms. lock 13.80 fe 06 Block 86, 50 ft. inside, 1450, ore 360, ee NORTH YOIEL Block 11, 50 ft. Corner, Bick b. 00 fe aso ka oat Block: 7, 50 ft. ; . ae 11, 50 ft. inside, 1200, ge corner, 1050, oT Block 10 50 ft inside, . Block ae ft, special snap, a ae de, 800, This lot is on the river bank and is 306 feet deep. A Others are making money c. P. R, PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June Syd, 1912. aif Arrive. Leave, 20.20 20.45 Imp. Ltd, Montreafii . Vanvouver 8.05 8.30 Imp. Ltd., Vancouver touiligtreal. 1115 11.86 Vancouver Exp. Toronto toni. 20.00 20.25 Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tot 21.50 22.15 St Paul-Seattie Express, 4.00 4.20 Seattle-St. Paul Express. a 21.25 21.50 Prairle Winnipeg to Calgary 5.25 5.50 Prairie Exp, Calgary to Winnipes 5.05 Express from Kootenay Landis 19.00 Local from Cranbrook 23.00 Local from Calgary. 10.30 Local. for Cranbrook, 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing. 6.30 Local for Calgary. uu 230 2.40 Soo, Ltd., St. Paul-Port, 12 940 9.60 Soo, Ltd., Port.-St. Paul. Nos. 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. time at Dunmore shown. Medicine Hat Dews Published by the Medicinc Hat News Co, Ltd, every lawful evening at ts office, Main Stree, Wedleine Hat, Alta. A. J, N, TERRILL, E ttor, Passing PLONE: DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 ym, delivered....84.90 months, d live months, delivered. . .8 months, by. maf. ..760 T month, dellvered....360 Addresses changed as oftea as destred, but bota nsw aid Old ad ressur 7t bo given. WEEsLY NEWS. pc Publishec every Thursday in sixteen or more pages, and roo OMOLLINGER AGENCY x contains a eumma-y of the news of the week, local and district, 6 months, in advance 736 3 months, in advancu. .S0e- year tn advance.... 1.50 Saturday, September 14th, 1912. BASIS OF OUR OPTIMISM. Medicine Hat is experiencing a base- less boom, a tour through the new indus- trial section at the southeast of the. sity should prove efficacious. One does not re- quire extraordinary gifts of observation to conclude. that there is sufficient activity there to warrant even exuberant optimism. From many directions the sounds of the saw and hammer assail the ear. . At numer- ous points, miniature ,well-organized arm- ies are found to be either digging beneath the earth for foundations or rearing the frames of structures which ar to house in- dustries. One alsc may discover railway spurs which have been so recently laid that POPPI ee Seateteeeteeteeonteeefeeoetee pit, or workmen busily engaged making NOTICE TO BUILDERS ? We have opened an office in Suite I1., in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS anufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. loctoatoeteetodteestoateete Soeerrengesee rapid growth, that one. might the ballast has not yet come from the gravel embankments or excavations only mean that still other lines are to be a put down. The landscape of that portion *3 of the city is being rapidly altered. The sky-line is being broken with buildings whicli are of the utmost value in that they. will shelter men who will live here and put S their money in circulation here. The growth of the average industrial centre in Canada has been gradual. Us- ually one large manufactory was erected at a time and the cveation of each was an event. Rarely has it been the case, even with municipalities which were noted for witness a whole industrial section taking form at : is ROYAL Soon Pa) AUTHORIZED CAPITAL .... .. hes YAID-UP. CAPITAL RESERVES . TOTAL ASSETS .., MEDICINE HAT BRANCH Fourth Avenue; : . H. McDunnough, Manager bone Soto Bedi ste decteshedie dy POO S most typical feature of the expansion. It Erdoeetectocteatedtoatectoctenteate atpeleedeedeeteteeteeteategeeegedte tories seem to throb with a force - which Imperial Bank of Canada Capital Paid Up . . 6,460,000 Reserve Fund . -. - 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, RB, G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. POEL ees ereete Keer oronetetedge ing looked to as a source of supply. once. Yet such a thing may be seen in new ood Hat. The development of the new section to the south-east is not of a (deters nature; veritably it is springing up as a unit. . This city is not following ordinary-paths. It has set out on.a course of expansion for which there are few par- allels in Canada. The building Ssiechend in the new in- dustrial section continue both day and night. To those familiar with Medicine Hat s forward march this is perhaps the makes the growth of these mills and fae- seeks early expression in something mater- ial. They must be completed as soon as possible. And behind that inecessity is a eause which reassures those with the fut- ure of the city at heart the mills and fac- b tories are the reply'to cries from the West which will not cease until the needs are satisfied. This great new country is grow- ing and needs goods, and this ity, chiefly because it has shown its suitability, is be- The reason for the haste is economically sound. THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA, Pstablished 1864. - 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Pala Up, 6,000,000, Total Assets (Nov. 30th. 1911) over 351,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts. W. 0. JOY, Manager edicine Hat Branch If the West continues to call to this city for goods, as it is safe, to presume it will when the discovery is made that many things es- sential to the growth of the new land may be had here, the proprietors of the manu- factories, far from finding that in their +) hast they built too largely, will start an- ) other feverish attempt to increase their ca- + pacity before the demand is beyond over- taking. 1 The re markable a trial section im in the indus- taken as DRAYING Transfer Co. . LIGHT and HEAVY 364 Toronto Street. a ground-werk for optimism. o- REDCLIFF S PROSPERITY. iys regarded Red- a suburb of Medieine Hat and has consequently taken a deep-inter- HONE: Raltorial, Advertising Reportorhe, and Ctreulation and News Dept. Job Depts. 13 BING RING 2 1 FOR anyone who harbors the belief that the West. which. can its industr alg growth has. always been ac- claimed with almost an equal amount of pleasure as has the prosperity of Medicine Hat itself. The news therefore that two jof the best known firms in Canada have Signed agreements to crect factories at Redcliff is indeed most gratifying. Both the eompanies-in question are prominently identified with the glass industry, and at ohe time our Qbuncil had hopes of securing r Medicine Hat. he plan miscar- r, and Redcliff gets these par- var plums, If we could not have them ourselves, there is nc spot upon the conti- uent where the News would sooner see them locate than in Redeliff. The firms in qu jon are the Diamond blint Glass Company, of Toronto, manufac. turers of bottles, and H. Munderloh Co. of Montreal, mskers of window glass. The names of the companies are a guarantee of their stability, as their reputations are na- tional. Redcliff claims.that the two indus- tries combined will employ from 500 , to 1000 men. THE C. P.R. SIR THOMES SHAUGHNESSY recently opened the eyes of Canadians consider- ably when he made the statement that with- in the-last ten years the C. P. Ro had ex- pended 75,000,000 on Western terminals, yards, siding tracks and other facilities, and in Eastern Canada the outlay had amounted to nearly 44,000,000, in addition to over 81,000,000 for rolling stock, These expenditures are so large as to almost elude comprehension. They furnish an idea of what it costs to live up to a policy of devel- opment in the railway world and certainly proves that the C. P. R. is endeavoring to keep pace with the growing demands of THIS DATE IN HISTORY September 14. Scott, entered the City of Mexico. 1852 Duke of Wellington, the victor of Waterloo, died. Born in 1769. 1901 Vice President Roosevelt took the oath of ofifee as President of the United States. 1911 The Russian Premier Stolypin was assassinated by an anarchist. THIS DATE IN HISTORY ... September 15. 1776 British army under Lord Howe took possession of New York City. 1777 Congress commissioned Count Pul- 1857 Brigham Young forbade United States troops to enter Utah. 1863 President Lincoln suspended the --. Habeas Corpus-Act- 1911 President Taft started on a 13,000- mile tour of the West. SoS THIS IS MY 58th BIRTHDAY Bishop Isreal. Bishop Rogers Isreal, head of the Prot- estant Episcopal diocese of Erie, Pa., was born in Baltimore, Sept. 14, 1854. He was ordained a deacon of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in 1885 and a priest, the follow- ing year. In the succeeding years he filled pulpits in Meadville, Scranton and several other Pennsylvania cities. When the Prot- estant Episcopal diocese of Erie was creat- ed Dr. Isreal was selected as its first bishop and was consecrated in February of last year. Sess THIS IS MY 49th BIRTHDAY Horatio W. Parker. Horatio William Parker, cetelxate as an. organist an burndale, Mass., Sept. 15, 1863, and rec iv ed his rausical education at the Royal Con- servatoire in Munich. For some years he was organist at Holy Trinity Church in New York City and Trinity Church, Bos- ton. Since 1894 he has been professor of the theory of music at Yale University. As a composer Mr. Parker is known as the author of several notable cantatas and ora- tories. He was the first American com- poser to be on the programme at the Wor- cester, England, musi festival, appearing in 1899. Among his famous oratories are A Wanderer s-Psalm, given under his direction at the Hereford, England, festi- val in 1900, and St. Christopher. 2 o . CONGRATULATIONS TO: Charles Dana Gibson, the artist, 45 years old today. Charles-B. Smith, representative in Con- est inthe development of that flouris ng little municipality. Information regarding gr of the Thirty-sixth district of New Yor , 42 years a today. 1777 Burgoyne crossed the:Hudson and encamped at Saratoga Heights. 1829 Treaty of Adri ianople, ending the . war between Russia and Turkey. Indifferent About 1847 American army, under General His Appearance Oo : rpenter aski a brigadier-general in the Am- oe ider erican army. 7211 Ottawa St. 1814 British attack on Fort Bowyer, Mo- Phone 626. Box S81. bile bay, repulsed. Houses for sale. One under INVEST WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corner, blk 23, lote 1-2-3, 1500 Terms. Corner, bik 24, lots 87 to 40, 1650. Terms. Bk 29, lots 1-2, 900. Terms. Bik 25, lots 7-8, 850. Terms, ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, blk 8, 4000. Terms, 133 ft, blk-6, 4200- Terma, 50 feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500. Terms. 50 feet with shack on South Railway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses in High School Annex and Nor. Yulll for sale on easy terms. We are still selling Altawana and have good buys in all parts of the city. H Donald Currie Room-1, Becker-Block, Phone 776. will probably not care to take advantage of our service, but those who do care about their persons and who do use our ser- vice will *urely appreciate our modern methods. Our prices tow, appeal to those who would economize even on the little things. Good pressing and cleansing for all. THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING: PRESSING CO. J. A: LANDRY Annex, Block 25; one on Ot- tawa St, finfshed, Block 83; One on Highland St, finished. Haye several good lots. which I can build a house ac- cording to your own design. Preliminary plans supplied free. See me for your alterations or job work of any kind. Will give it prompt attention. Istrueted by W. BR. Penland, Esq. DUNMORE STOCKYARDS 6 Miles East of Medicine Hat, On C. P. R. Notice of Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION At the above Stockyards of Consisting of 1,000 HEAD OF HORSES 250 mares, with foals at. foot, weighing from 1,000 to 1,600 and 1,700 pounds. The foals are by the regis- tered Clyde and Shire stallion which will be sold. 100 dry mares, weighing from 1400 to 1600 ani Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- Suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it s cheap use the very best. We have ft, and ev- erything the Builder requires, A select stock or LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. Wo have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doers, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW POSTS a BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P..0, BOX 29. PHONE 87 FORMALIN FOR SMUT 50c... .Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : H. B. CURTIS CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P. O. Box 304. Estin mates F ree, Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 868, 408 728, Cincinnati, dictment in Married M: to Common today by th dictment is gers, thirty, complaint o gers, who bh tain young Rogers pro S otoate ogee ete Stitt 1 ong aesoetete eshodtrsiontn 100 3 year old geldings; being from good.saddlers, to 1400 pound horses. 90 2 year old fillies, 116 2 year old geldings. 90 yearling fillies. 90 yearling geldings. 50 saddle horses (which will be sold in car load lots.) T registered Clyde and Shire Stal- Hons. 4 high grade, Clyde and Shire Stal- Hons. 1 registered Percheron Stallion. To be Sold on Wednesday, September 18th, 1912, Commencing at one o'clock. Absointely cash, These horses have been personally inspected by us and we have no hesl- tation in saying that they are an ex- and comply reptionally fine. bunch with the above description. We would like to point out to the public that these horses are going to be sold without reserve, Further particulars can be obtain ed upon application to BAIRD HAAG, Parkview, Calgary, Alte., without reserre, for THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gray Exeavating a Speclalty. Light and Heary Horses for sale a AW Times, F.S. LYO CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY-TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street, Phone No. P. 0, Box 81... T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in-Wall Paper. 320 Eighth Ave, Phone 690, Seeded Bed Tr 3
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Image 473 (1912-09-14), from microfilm reel 473, (CU1772584). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.