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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. fin hie W My U0: YOU nS Way feel all tired out P Do yoo sometimes think: you just can t work away at your proles- or trade aay longer? Do you have poor upe- lay awake at nights unable to sleep? Are all gone, and your stomach too? Has am- ahead in the world ieft you? If 10, you shells from the ti elx-inch, fied four 1 disappearing Royal Highne: tugned by ays and trom. there. motored york Point barracks th the officers, and the sulte of Women Waited upon the Duch at Government House, and presen an address, in replying to which t Royal Highness gave expressions At) the lungs, it will briog about originally prepared by Doctor Tecommonded to be just wx good Ate Ge KNOWN ComrosrniN. . Theit every ingrecicut prini Made com roots withut aleobol. Con (Grid's Dispensary Medics Astotiation, Buffalo, men s Councils, Princess Patricia went trolling caught two fine fish, a seven poun and a nine pounder. The: Princ: caught none. TO PROTECT WOMEN AND CHILD WORKE (Special to the News) Albany, N.Y., Oct. 1. A law enact- ed by the Now York Legislature last winter prohibiting the employment of women and minors In factories more jthan fifty-four hours 3 any week Re. *hown over the buildings in the Navy Yards off, the six pounder guns of the Rainbow firing the royal salute. On board the. Shearwater His Royal Highness inspected the blue jackets and went over the ship with ex- t FOR SALUT pressions of pleasure. When he board- a ed the Beryl to cross over to the Rod lt; ShJ- Hill Fordificagions, the royal salute mi ee Yard and inspected the dry-docks. e243 y ne ea On.the Rainbow, the bluejackets u atri *Has NO were, arawn up to receive him. He inspected them and spoke to many of them as he passed along the lines, He then werlt over the ship and ex- Dressed himsel as greatly pleased with all he saw, From tle Rainbow he wont by the Government steamer Beryl *o the Shearwater, lying a few hundred in the Royal Roads near here, from the Shearwater siz pounders g ships were decorated tor the again boomed out -oveg:the , water. occasion, Before going on board the From Rod Hil ber Company Subseribe new for The Dally Went into effect to-day. FLORIDA LAWMAKERS (Special to the News) AW. A. P. Dispatch) B. C, Oct. i The Duke ht paid a visit to the for at Esquimault yesterday, on board H. M. C: , Rajn- H. M. 8, Shearwater, now at) to amend the charter of the city and terminals: guns. The shells struck the water with a great splash five thousand yards out. His the Beryl. to the naval for luncheon While the Duke was at Bequimait, deputation from the local Council ber interest in the work of the Wo- In the afternoon the Duchess and salmon off Esquimault. The Duche: IX EXTRA SESSION Tallahasses, Fla, Oct, 1 Purauant to the call of Governor Gilchrist, the members of the Florida Legislature assembled for a special session today to consider and act upon a proposal Jacksonville so as to enable that city to own and operate municipal docks Peaches, last of the season, going at 1.00 per case. Lively s, me i Wal NOW IN MANITOBA Threshing in Greatly Ham- Drift wo re to pered Jaborers . Back Into Cities. FINE WEATHER PREVAILS tea Crop is Generally Measur- ier ing Up to Earlier Esti- to mates of Season. (W. A, P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, Oct. 1 Fine weather prevails all over the west and dry- ing winds have enabled threshers to make good progress In almost every district, Manitoba points record an acute shortage of labor for threshing. outfits had completed their gangs be- fore the long spell of wet came, but this so iscournged the men that great number of them drifted back to the cities to get more steady work. The railway Rave discontinued the one cent fares for harvesters and threshers and this has contributed to the labor shortage. It Is vital that threshing be pushed as fast as poss- ible, but with understaffed outfits in most cases, and some lying idle for lack of men, the situation s not en- couraging. Threshing returns show that wheat is grading Well and turning out quite up to estimates, except in some dis- tricts where the grain was damaged by wet and wind. SHE. WAS STRANGLED Physician . Testifies That Mrs. bo Did Not Die By ywhing. for der 288 BS of (W. A. P. Dispatch) Goshen, N. ., Oct. 1. Dr. Otto H. Per Cent. 42 YouHavn t Money tolnvest LIMITED : Head Office - Vancouver, B.C. Se oF Authorized Capital - 2,000,000 IN 20,000 SHARES OF 100 EACH. SCOPE AND POWERS OF THE COMPANY Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Committee, Receiver, Assignee, or Liquidator. Trustee under Wills, Mortgages, - Marriage Settlements, Deeds of Trust, or under appointment of Court Agents for the investment of money on ordinary terms, or with guarantee of Company. Agents for the management and sale of Real Estate, Collections of Rents- : Fiscal Agents of Corporations and Individuals, Trustee for the issue of Stocks, Bonds, or Securities of Financial or Indus- Pre trial Companies. Agreements of Sales bought and sold. 139 Per Cent. In five years the Company has paid in bonuses and eash dividends 139 per cent., or an average of 27 per cent. per annum., While the Company has paid these large dividends it has built up'a reserve of 126,000. Between January Ist and July Ist, 1912, we have earned over 20 per cent, Tt is the intention of the Company t establish AN OFFICE IN MEDICINE HAT and with fifteen or twenty prominent shareholders in Medicine Hat, the Company will be-practically a LOCAL ENTERPRISE. . 40,000 (400 shares) have already been placed among your best citizens. YOU ARE OFFERED SHARES IN THIS COMPANY . .. Because this Company wants your personal help and in- fluence to make this a thoroughly representative Western insti- tution, and of a financial strength in keeping with the great pos- a ; sibilities of Western Canada. : Because we want to establish representatives in every place of importance throughout Canada, atid owing to our numerous advantages we can use more capital profitably. We invite the small investors to. become shareholders. The terms whereby you ean secure the stock are very liberal. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to secure a safe and an exception. ally profitable investment. i , H. C. NIBLOCK, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE from the Home office will be, at the Assiniboia Hotel all this week, where i subscriptions will be-received and full particulars given. OVER 400 SATISFIED SHAREHOLDERS Many prominent men in Ca Moose Jaw among our Shareholders. - F :e Dont Read This 272 CANADIAN FINANCIERS cat Improvenmnt District No. 9Ad, Schultze, of New York, a coroner's physician, took the witness stand yesterday afternoon in the prelimin- ary examination of Burton W. Gib- son and testified that Mrs. Rosa; Menschik Szabo, with whose death Gibson is charged, died of strangula- tion by compression on the throat and not of drowning. Upon his testi- mony, District Attorney Rogers de- elared, the or fall. ONTARIO BYE-ELECTIONS Polling in East Middlesex, and North Waterloo on Nov. 28. y Sel lt; (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Toronto, Oct. Writs will be is- sued today for Provincial bye-eleg, tions in East Middlesex and North. Waterloo. Nominations willbe /held November 21, and polling. November 28. The first fiamted * vacancy (was created by theideath' of R. A Sutherland, the Liberal member, while in North: Waterl6o Dr. Lack- Mer, the Conservative member, has Fesigned to accept the appointment as sheriff of the county. TRAIN WAS BURKED Express on Louisville and Nashville Line Wrecked in Alabama. s Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 1 A Louts- ville and Nashville express train, southbound, was wrecked near ETk- mont, Ala., early today, and, accord- ing to reports received here, train was destroyed by fire: First re- Ports sald passengers had been lurt and one man killed, but no more alarming rumors followed. Re- Nef trains and doctors left for the wreck, state's case must stand - Pingle, Wales Bell Real Estate, Notary. Public, ote. Fourth Ave, One Minute From Post Office, PHONE 791, We have the largest Mstings in the elty In Riverside. Prices from 300 each. Altawana. Prices from 150 each. Riverdale. - Prices from 225 each. * These are all charming resi- dential properties, They will be immensely valuable as the city grows. 100 per cent. pro ft can be easily discerned, COUSINS AND SISSONS are rapidly growing in value. We have good buys in: Block 28, 300 each; Block 4, 350 each; Block 29, 300 each; Block 8, 3400 each; Block 17, 20, 400 each. THE HERALD is stil good and brisk pi prevail, Block 17, 875 each; Block 8, 875 euch; Block 2, 350 each; Block 1, 500 each ; Block 21, 500 each; Block 22, 500 each; Block 3, 475 each; Block 17, 385 each. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX a very popular buy: Block 21, 400 each; Block 38, 500 each; Block 31, 375 each; Block 31, 450' each; Block 2, 300 each; Block 27, 500 each. YUILL SURVEY A very firm market: Block 8, 50 ft. 800; Block 9, 50 ft, 900; Block 46, 60 ft, 800; Block 7, 50 ft, 925. CENTRAL PARK will make big money in the spring: Block 17, 850 pair; Block, 22, 800 pair; Block 24, 840 pr. Block 11, 1000 pair; Block 9, 1000 pair; Block 31, 350 pair; Block 28, 700 pair; Block 6, 1575 pair. We have large holdings in Townsite, Bending, City View, Westover Park, eto., ete, We want your lisctings please Call upon us. Your orders will have our best attention. No firm in the city will do bet- ter for you. A Faheand Square Deal is our . Motto, * SPECIAL LINES : Houses, Farm Lands and Sub- : divisions. AUCTION SALES ates SEVEN PERSONS To Farmers, Ratichers and-the publi * H. B. Browne Co. beg to an- nounce that on and after Wednesday, Oct. 2 at One o'clock sharp they will hold A MONTHLY AUCTION SALE to take place opposite the Union Bank and adjoining the King George. Livery Stable, on Ist Wednesday in Every Month They oa offer for sale: Horses, Cattle, Buggies, Demo- crats, Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs Farming Implements Harness, Furniture, ete. The Auctioneers wish to draw the attention of the public gen- erally to the fact that these sales offer an excellent oppor- tunity to dispose of surplus stock and on the other band, to acquire anything wanted at auction prices. Entries for these Sales solicited For further particulars and en- tries apply Mr. Peter McAskile, Farmers Association, Seven Persons, orto The Auctioncers: 3 H. B. BROWNE Co. Phone 708. 519 Toronto St. MEDICINE HAT. LOOK AT THIS -PpRIGHT RIEF MMROTHERLY This is the Young People s Society at the Methodist church. Held every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. WILL YOU COME? Situations Wanted, Help Wantcd, For Sale, Lost, Found, ete, ads under these headings. 25 words, one day .. .. 25 26 words, three days .. 50 25 words, eix daya .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and tt will receive attention, SALESMEN . Ir You A MAKING THE money you should, and are willing to earn it, see me at once, I have the hest selling proposition in town. It will cost you 80 minutes to investl- gate, C. E. Bryant, Room 4, News Building. 69-8 HELE WANTED. '(VANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 36c per hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site ate YVANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters On Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp jon site. Canadian Stewart Co, Ltd. S3-tt . LOST SOLITARIN DIAMOND RING. Apply tor reward at 603 Meplanade. este epee SF FOR SALE TO ah Sn NEW MILCH COWS FOR SALE Phone. 8.20. Cornor Montreal St. and 3rd Ave. J.-M. Cooper. 70-6 et ee FOR SALE NEWCOMBE PIANO, ys nearly new, for sale immediately. Ape, ply 4 Blizabeth St. or P.O. 896, or to rent, A the Gun ply to see So WANTED TO BUY Sieg WANTED FULLY MODERN OR 6 storey dwelling, Foom cottage or two- close in. Price must ers only, de right. Ow: x WANTED To BUY Bullding lots im Old Survey, Herald or Central Park, - Give prices, terms; ete., to P. 0, Box 510, Owners only need apply. SE WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Apply: 877 Bsplanade, o2-te WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redelift Hotel. S1-tt WANTED Men and women to learn tea to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 C n- tre St, Calgary. 294att WANTED MAN FOR DAIRY FARM. Must be good milker. Apply phone 198, 10-3 cecal sue sas Se so WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING room girl to wait on table.- Apply Jim's Cate. 70-8 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Hargrave, Broad- way, or phone:15, 70-tt WANTED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply 905 Esplanade. 89-3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY MAID FOR small family. Apply 735 Main St. 69-3 WANTED TWO ACTIVE MBN, good mixers. Men. acquainted in city preferred, Salary. Foster Realty Co., Room 4, News Bullding. 69-3 WANTED A BOOKKEEPER WITH :.- - experience. Apply J. J. Moore Son, North Railway St; 69-2 GIRL ABOUT 14-0R 15 YEARS OLD to take care of baby. Apply 102 Mon- treal Street. 68-3 PLUMBERS WANTED FIRST- class men. 60 cents-per hour. Ap- ply Western Plumbirg Co. Main street. 68-6 MAID WANTED APPLY GENERAL Hospital. itt LATHERS WANTED AT ONCE Apply to A. Dickinson, cil. MAID WANTED APPLY Chas. Milne, 908 Barclay st. WANTED FOR OCTOBER ist GEN- eral servant for family of three. Rez- erences required. Mrs, James Mur- ray, Suffield. este WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights. Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co. 60-tf WANTED DINING ROOM GIRL. Apply Cosmopolitan Hotel. 60-t WANTED SHEEPHERDER, APPLY ae , WANTED 10 RENT SR ETI AC WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED house for two or three months. Ap- Dly at B. F. Souch s drug store. 70-3 a Eee tS WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house, five or six rooms, for one oF two months, from Oct. 9th. Apply stating rent and locality, to box 263, Taber, Alta, 9-3 a ees To RENT a EEE TENANT WANTED for vacant-atore on the corner of Montreal Street and 8rd Ave. Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living Tooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. roate a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W..4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Ushed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A, resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. aTbatt CORSETIERRE Sr ee SPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, im evening. House phone 699, or write P. 0. Box 72, Mrs, Matthews, Au 22-3m A. P. Burns, 60-tf SITUATIONS WANTED, EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wants position. Can furnish best of references. Able. to start at once. Write box 1367, News office. 70-6 CAPABLE YOUNG MARRIED COU- ple require joint situation. Excellent references, Box 1366 News office 70-3 ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Apply 422 Main St. ott LARGE BED SITTING ROOM, SUIT- able for two gentlemen, ground floor. Also smaller room upstairs. Close in. 426. Toronto St. ees TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM IN modern house. Good family. Apply to Pingle, Wales and Bell. 62-tt ROOMS WANTED. Local Improvement District No, 9A4, Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against Local Im- provement District 9A4 are required to send particulars of such claim to Paul Boreh, Hilda, Alta, the secre- tary of said district, before the sev- enth day of November, 1912, and that any person who fails to or omits to do 0 shall be debarred of his right to recover the same from said dis- trict, or any other district that may be Mable for the Habilities thereof Dated at Hilda, Alta., this twenty gt; third day of September, 1912, PAUL BOROH, Secr tary, The Medicine Hat Cheral Society ig now organized and will meet for practice in the City Hall each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Commencing Thursday Next, October 3rd. Intending members please communicate at once with the Secretary, Mr. Inwards, care of box 677. A woman hasymore confidence in a Wet minister than 4 whas in a pbysi- clan, rs The Daily News delivered in the city 35 a monte 7 WANTED AT ONCE ONE LARGE front bed sitting roam. Apply News office. 6i-tt STRAYED 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILL, be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded either H. F, monogram on left shoulder, or ) 0m left thigh. This horse is ) four years old and has trim- med tail. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat, Sept. 30, 1912. att MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON- tools, etc., raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f ithers, bought and sold, Apply tothe Harvard Tailoring Co, 12 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P, 0. box 358. Phone 295. The. Best Prices Paid for the above. 23D REAL ESTATE OAKES, EVERARD CO, 365 1-2 Main St, Phone 556. Real Estate Agents for Royal Insurance Co, E. Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, a Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Railways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Eto, Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 420 TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, Oct. 6th, 1912, for the erection of a brick garage in the city of Medicine Hat. Plans and specifications muy be seen at the office of Wm. T, Will- architect, Porter block. 70-4 6st. loan ot residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 857. * 67-6 jelivered in the PROPERTY AND HOUSE FOR SALEM deal to get a go coat sho one. We : agents. Turp The Man's Get. the Handsome 28 new Sui acoat Model ob beh BIG : 8 Shee: S bh bbe Philadelphia . New York... Seaton, Alex der and Wilsc Brooklyn. .-- Boston . as Knetzer, Ra and Rariden. Pittsburg. . -- Chicago ... - Hendrix. anc Cheney, A innath Bt Louis ..- Fromme ant Bo and Bliss. A New York . Philadelphia Schultz, Ca Covelski, Bus Boston ... Washington OBrien and Engils and H No Wor Ticket Thr Visiting J Team L of Serie Ww. Philadelphi margin of og. Philadelp first of the cricket matel country by The total se of each tean Australians 2 Baltimore, meeting of tl Surgeons of in this city t -of physicians U. 8. army a pital service, organizations
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Image 581 (1912-10-01), from microfilm reel 581, (CU1772703). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.