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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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a gt;, trom be careers of the McNamaras + ama, Mr. Miller said, occured just be- -BRANK- WOOD ALCGHOL from St. Malo, a small village in Comton County, state that Joseph Du- - focher and Phillip Lemieux are dead+ SEEING 1S see the ence look Tf. you wan Le PAGE BROS. THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE BELL S FINE SHOES finer feeling and, a longer wearing . Bo you want to know? 5 Mons 5.00 and 6.00 a pair. BELIEVING fruits of 98-years of Shoe in our West. Window. A PARTY HAD W0-DAYS CRUISE ; Pleasant Tour of the cotenay Lake and starts ATED BY LAUNCHES yal Train to Reach Mae- leod Tonight and Teth- abridge Wednesday After- noon. 7 ek (W. A. P. Dispatch) ootenay Landing, B. C., Oct. 8. The steamer Moyie, with the Gov- ernor-Generai s party on board, left, Nelson at noon yesterday with a flect cof launches escorting her. The mias- sed school children sang God Save the King, and Auld Lang Syne, and the Duke, the Duchess and the Prin- PAGE B ROS. 888 Toronto St. Canada Will Have Miitant Tactics Miss Wylie Intimates at Toronto that English Ab- surdities Will Be Copied. QW. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Oct. 8. Miss Wylie, the noted English sufiragette who has served terms in prison for her milit- ant methods, arrived in Toronto yes- terday atternoon from Montreal. Al thous mot here at the request of the local-branch of the Woman's Suffrage Association who disavow in- * tention to follow militant methods,, Miss Wylie will address a nomber of meetings here. Today she meets the officers of the local association. Although admitting that the con- ditions governing the women's strug- gle for political freedom were not the same in Canada as in-England, Mics Wylie intimated that in the near future the Dominion might h the seene of disturances similar to cess Patricia waved farewell from those in England during the past few the upper deck. Tie Princess held a onths. basket of around the flowers with some three hundred iourteaved clovers arranged THE MARKET REPORTS tim, which the school i war by Montenegro and prices changed very little. two days' market appeared inclined to await cruising on three different- stern the result of the action taken by the wheelers were immensely enjoyed hy the royal party. The Duke presented souvernirs * to the captain of the steamer and to tain Gore, the superintendent of . P. R. Kootenay Lake service. arrival here yesterday even- ing the party went on board the roy- al train, which was in waiting. The train lay bere last night, leaving this WISHEDETO WRECK THE PANAMA CANAL Attorney Says) McNamaras and McManigal Plotted to Blow Up Works. W. A. P, Dispatch.) Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 8. Pages and Ortie McManigal, as leaders of the flying squadron of dynamiter's, with conversations in which . they Were said to have plotted to send Mc- Manigal to Panama to blow up the. locks of the Panama Canal, wore read by District Attorney Charles W. Miller before the jury at the trial of the accused dynamite conspirators yesterday. 2 The incident in reference to Pan- fore the arrest of the Los Anzeles dynamiters when they were becoming desperate in their efforts to secure explosives without betraying thelr identities. Two Men Die at St. Malo, Quebee, and Three Are Badly Poisoned. . A. P. Dispatch. Serbook Que. viene as the result of drinking wood alco- Aol, given them by a friend at whose house they Were visiting. Three oth- fS Bre dangerously i11, but it fo ex- al that htey will recover, yoo Tote Leat System The News Job tment has every facility for sup- g tho most. satisfactory. Powers. Consols did not change, but American stocks were from 1-8 to 1-4 below parity. Wimnipee, Oct. 8. With a of 1200 cars inspected of which 1115 were wheat, a record was stablish- ed in the rece pts on the Winnipeg market, Of the amount 60 care were contract grade. tion. Oct. Wheat opened 89, clos d 903: Nov, 882, 884; Dec. 85 , 864; May 903, 91. Oats, Oct. 38 , 383; Nov. 354; Deo. 33 , 333. Flax, Oct. 151, 150 ; Nov. 148, 147; Dec. 140, 140. CASH PRICES. No. 1 North, 903; No. 2 North, 89 ; No. 3 North, 88; No. 4 North, 2; No. 5 North, 70; No. 6 North, 63. Feed, 58. Winter wheat, No. 1, 90; No. 2, 89; No, 3, 88; No. 4 80. Oats, No. 2 C.W., 404; No. 3 C.W., 39. Extra No; Feed, 40; No. 1 feed, 39; No. 2, 37. Barley, Bo. 3, 534; No. 4, 48; re- jected, 444; feed, 443. t Flax, No. 1 NW., 152. AMERICAN MARKETS. Minneapolis, Oct. 8. Dec. wheat opened 883; closed 88 ; May, 938, 94; Chicago, Oct. 8.- -Wheat, Dec., opened 914, closed 912; May, 96, 96 ; July, closed 934. Chicago, Oct. 8. HMtilities in Montenegrin affairs had a bullish ef- fect today in the wheat market. Big receipts northwest of here failed to receive attention. Traders also ig- nored any increase in the European visible supply. The opening was 2 to Q higher, Dec. started at 91 to 914 the same change from lastnight as the market altogether. A rise to 918 followed. 2; Firmness developed in onts oRing to the strength of other cereals. December started at higher al 52 and hardened to 32 and . No, 3 Manitoba, Ge Sd fu tures firm, Oct. 7s 97d; December 73 63d; March 7s 6)ds London, Oct. 8 The stock ex- Kootensy change regarded the declaration of with calmness, The HAVE GRAND MARCH Threaten to. Bran- don if Compratiots Are Kept at Asylum, Bodies Companions. CW, A, P. Dispatch) Brandon, Man., Oct. .8 Doukho bors here are causing trouble over the incarceration in an asylum of two compatriots about two years ago. Many have come to the city offence for which the two in the asy- lum - are still coufined stripping themselves naked and walking about number if necessary to secure the re- lease of the two in the asylum. The police officer took these fir after they had refused to desist hanging about the asylum, and in the police court this morning they re- fused to give any names. The threo men claimed they were sons of-God and brothers, and the women claimed they were all of family with God as their father. They oxplained through an interpreter that they wanted the release of the men confined here and stated that they would go pegceably away if their compatriors were re- stored to them. The magistrate thought the people were suffering from a kind of relig- ious mania, He stated the court had nO power ro release the two and re- manded them. He instructed the of ficer to treat them kindly. The five then offered to sacrifice their bo- didi and submit to hanging if they could only secure the release of the two. It was - understood that communication was in progress be- tween the doctors of the asylum and the Attorney General of Saskatche - wan, from whenee they came: BECKER TRIAL OFF TO A GOOD START New York Court Worked AllDay and Su ceeded in Getting One Juror. command of the strong arm squad of police gambling raiders, was plac- ed on trial, yesterday for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, the gambler who was alleged to have betrayed the system. . Out of fourteen from the special panel of 250 talesmen called for jury duty, only one juror had been chosen when the day's ses- sion closed last night. Will Sign Peace in Few Days Now One of Principal Points in * Pureo-Italian Treaty Has Been Settled. (C. A. P, Cable.) Constantinople, Oct. 8. Rechid Pasha, since his return from. Swit- zerland, says that he succeeded in bringing about an understanding be- tween the delegates of Turkey and Italy on one of the principal points fn the peace negotiations that the settlement of the Whole question wa: expected in a few days. BECKER SATISFIED... Views One Juror. Which Two Days Work Has Ob- tained and Expresses Hope. I New York, Oct, 8 With one juror, in the box the second day of tae trial of Lieut. Chas. Becker, charged with the murder of Hernan Rosenthal, was resumed before Justice Goff in the criminal branch ot the Supreme: Court today. Lieut. Becker express- ed satisfaction at the results of the first day of his trial and declared that in his opinion a: disagreement was impossible. HEAD BROKE BEAM. Charles N. Bisnett, Brant ford, Killed When He Was Thrown Against Car Brantford, Oct. 8. Charles N. Bis- nett, a wealthy oil operator who has been for some time residing HEhe Betmont, accompanied by Char- les Herod, of this city, drove his automobile into a freight train at a terrific speed last night. Bisnett was thrown head first against a freight chr and was instantly killed. His head struck the freight car with such foree that he broke the stod si Herod merely dislocated his should- er DOUKHOBORS WILL FIVE ARE PUT IN JAIL i Offered to Sacrifice Their for Release -of recently and threatened to repeat the public streets. Acting Chief of Po- lice West has taken statutory meas - Many noted ries recently re- emi iect last night arrested five turned from fordjgn fields are here to tingleaders, two women and three address the gatiteri ed, however, to bring 5000 of their New York, Oct. 7. Charles Beck- er, the police lieutenant who was in /sniitial State convention of the Order at AMERIOAN BOARD MEBTING (Specat' to the News) Poetland, Me,, Oct. 8. The 03nd annual/mjecting of the American Board of Commishioners for Foreign, Missions was Opened in the Williston ternoon with ug address of welcome response by Dr. Samuel B. Capen of Boston, President of the board. Up- Frank H. Higgin and Secretary Cor- nelius H. Patton and the annual sur- vey of miss ons presented by Rev. James L, Barton. The reports showed the past year to have , been one of activity and prosperity in all departments of the work conducted hy the board: The total cash re- ceipts of the year were 1,000,025, Which just about equal the figures of the preceding year. The meeting of tho board will continue four days, BIG WAR FLEET IN THE HUDSON (Special to the News.) New. York, Oot. 8. Fifty vessels, representing the flower of the Amer- ican Navy, are ing at anchor in the Hudson River today. Mearly one hal, of the vessels are battleships, which vary in size from the great super-Dreadnought of the Wyoming type to the new obsolete type re- presented by the famous old Ohio. In addition to the battleships there are armored cruisers, scout ervisers, gunboats, torpedo craft, destroyers, submarines, supply ships, range ships, mine layers, hospital ships and other auxiliary vessels. The arrival tomorrow of s dozen additional bat- tleships and. number of auxiliaries will complete the fleet, which will then be ready for the greatest mobi- lization. the Western World has ever seen. On Taesday next the great flea will be. reviewed by President Taft. FIFTY KILLED BY EXPLOSION (W. A P. Dispaten) * Tampico, Mexico, Oct. 8 The charred bodies of 22 victims of last night's explosion in a warehouse here eve been recelyed from the. ruins. Five hundred kegs of powder ex- ploded during a fire and it is beliey- ed that nearly fifty persons -were killed and severa hurdred injured, TO ANALYZE WILSON S PAST CW.-A. P. Dispateh) New York, Oct. Governor John- gressive Party last night, seserted be would seek to show that the Democratic presidential candidate, Woodrow Wilson, formerly was hos- tile to union labor. MECHANICIANS PASSES AWAY (CW. A. P. Dispaten.) Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 8 Tony Sch- udelari, mechanician for Bruce Brown, who was killed last week, while trying out for the Vanderbilt Cup race in this elty, died early today from injuries received when the car went into the diteh. IN SESSION AT GRAND RAPIDS (Special to the News) Grand Rapids, Mich. Oct. 8 The of the Eastern Star assembled for a three days session here today with an attendance of more than 2,000 del- egates and visitors from all parts' of Michigan. WASHINGTON MARKETS CENTENNIAL (Special to the News) New York, Oct. Old Washington Market, one of the few landmarks left standing in lower Manhatten, brushed up a bit today and docked itself out In flags and bunting in celebration of its one hundredth birthday. With Hssex market a thing of the past and the doom of Fulton market already sealed, Washington market is left practically aloie as the sole survivor of the numerous Dublic market places that formerly Were conspicuous in lower New York. Fifty years ago the thrifty house- wives living about Washington Square and in old Greenwich Village descended daily on the market to bargain with the Staten Islatia and Jersey truck farmers for their sup- bly of provisions. But the market Jong ago lost its old Tharacter.. The stalls are now occupied by commle- sion dealers instead of farmers, while the buyers for hotels, restaurants and. ips are much more numerous among the patrons of the market than are hous wives. FIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR TO- NIGHT. Billy Wagner vs. Freddie Daniels, 15 rounds, at St. Joseph, Mo. Young Britt vs. Willie Chandlor, 15 rounds, at Baltimore. Willi Lewis vs. Tommy Gavigan, 12 rounds, at) Cleveland. Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson Leader. b4-tt AILY NEWS, Congregational Church hore this at by Rev, Jesse Hill of Portland and a wards of 400 missionaries, Congrega- Riverside. Prices from 800 tional'preachers qnd laymen from all each. Parts of the country were in attend- pares, Prices irom 150, ance. Following the exchange ot iverdale. Prices from 8825 krectings the convention listened to toch, the annual reports of Treaster These aro all charming reat son, of California, Speaking at Long Island on behalt of the National Pro- Pingle, Wales Bell Beal Estate, Notary Public, ete. Fourth Ave, One Minute: From Post Oltiee, PHONE 791, We have the largest Mat in the ly in t dential properties. They wilt be immensely valuable as the city grows. 109 per cent. pro- fit can be easily discerned. COUSINS AND SISSONS are rapidly, growing in value. We Bave good buys In: Block 28, 300 each Block 4, 850 each; Block 39, ) 300 each; Block 8, 3400. each: Block 17, 820 each; Block 20, 400 each. THE HERALD Is stilt good ana brisk prices prevail. Block 17, 375 each; Block 8, 875 each; Block 2, 350 each; Block 1, 500 each ; Block 21, 500 each; Block 22, 500 each? Block 8, 475 each; Block 17, 385 each. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX a Yery popular buy: Block 21, 400 each; Block 28, 600 each; Block 31, 3375 each; Block 31, 450 each; Block 2, 300 each; Block 27, 500 each, 7 YUILL SURVEY A very firm market: Block 8, 50 ft., 900; Block 9, 50 ft, 900; Block 16, 50 ft, 800; Block 7, 50 ft, 925, CENTRAL PARK will make big money in the spring: Block 17, 850. pair; Block 22, 800 pair; Block 24, 840 pi 1000 pair; Bloc 9, 1000 pair: Block 81, 850 pair; Block 29, 700 pair; Blook 6, 1575 pair. We have large holdings in Townsite, Bending, City View, Westover Park, ete. etc. We want your lisctings please Call upon us. Your orders will have our* best attention. No firm in the eity will do bet- ter for: you. A Fair and Square Deal is our Motto. SPECIAL LINES : Houses, Farm Lands and Sub- Alvisions. R Rates on Freight Wil Be Lowered Hon. Robert Rogers Yells Winnipeg Electors : That the Government Will Act (W. A. P. Dispaten.) Winnipeg, Oct. 8. Hon. Robert Ro- gers was the principal speaker at the Conservative gathering at St. James last night. He intimated that the Government would reduc the freight rates in the west. He also made some reference to the inerease of stock which had been made by the C. P. R. under an Act twenty years old, imt he gave no in- dication what action was likely. to be taken. He said that application had been made to the Government for leave to make the increas but nothing kad up to the present been determined. HONOR BROCK S MEMORY United Empire Loyalists Will Gather at Queens- ton Heights on October 12 iy (W. A. P. Dispatch) Toronto, Oct. 8. The details of the Brock centenary celebration at Queenston Heights on October 12 have been arranged by the executive of the United Empire Loyalists As- sociation cf Toronto. The speakers will inelude Col, Geo. T. Denison and Dr. James L. Hughes, brother of the Minister of Militia, representing the local committee, and A. Claude Mac- donell, representing the family of the Tate Col. Macdonell, who fell with General Brook. ARRAIGNED FOR VICE Chicago Men in Court for Renting Property for Im- moral Pu Chicago, Oct. 8. Arraignment in the municipal court of the president and secretary of one of the largest real estate corporations in the city on the charge of renting property for immoral pi was the ead - ing event in the state attorney's war against the segretated vice dis- trict here yesterday, Other develop ments were the arraignment of nore than four hundred immates of resorts arrested in tecent raids. The an- nouncement was made. by State At- torney Wayman that would-be pat- rons of the levee will be arrested hereafter. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 o'clock p.m: of Medicine Hat, Loose Leat Sratem The News Job Department has every tactlity for supplying Big, most satisfactory. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Wm. 7. Will- e PURNISHED-ROOMS TO RENT TO of. Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1912, for the - - rection of a brick garage In the city FOUND POCKETBOOK CONTAIN- Situations Wanted,. Help wanted, For Sele, Lost, Found, ete, ads under these twadings, 46 words, one day . . 26 26 words, three daye .. 50 26 words, eix days .. .. 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad agcopted for leas than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone to No. 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention: B Ly WANTED. WANTED TWO ACTIVE MEN, good mixers; men acquainted in city pre- forred, Salary. . B. Bryant, Room 4, News Building. Office open even- ings. 76-8 WANTED SCHOOL TEACHER, lady or gentleman, to work after sehool, by financial firm. An oppor- tunity to make big money. Apply Room 4, News Building. Office op- en ovenings, 76-8 If you are not making the money you should, or want to make more, See ment once. I have the best sell- ing proposition in town. C. E, Bryant, Room 4, News building. Office open evenings. 78 WANTED A RESPONSIBLE LADY or gentleman to take orders:for a perlor and exclusive lino of Private Xmas Greeting Cards. Samples furn- ished. Liberal commission paid week- ly. The R. J, Lovell Co, Limited, 150 Simeoe Street, Toronto, Ont. 76-1 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT Small family. Apply 628 Main Street. 76-3 WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 741 Esplanade. 76-6 WANTED GOOD, CAPABLE SER- vant. First class wages, 20 per month. Apply 419 Main St. 76-3 SINGLH GENTLEMAN, / LIVING about two miles from town, has sit- uation for married couple, wife as housekeeper, man in general capacity. Apply box 1372 News office. 76-3 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT.. Good wages. Apply 626 Balmoral. 76-3 a ee SMART HOUSH MAID WANTED Apply 808 Esplanade, or Wright's Jewelry store, apposite post office, 76-tt ERAL house work. Maid to help care for young children, eldest five years. Apply to 801 Toronto street. 78-tt. BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE. Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Teiephone 787, Job Office, or Assiniboia Hotel evenings, Can- adian Stewgrt Co. Limited. 75-tf. WANTED AT ONCE A GENERAL servant. Apply 132 Montreal. St. Mrs. James Cain, T5-tt. sey, ei WANTED LATHERS PLENTY OF work. W.H. Rosewarne, Montreal St. ie 14-3 WANTED AT ONCE YOUNG (MAN under 35, speaking French and Ital- jan, as interpreter. Can make 50 Der week. Room 4, News Block. Of- fiec open evenings. 48 CARPENTERS WANTED AT ONCE Apply to Marshall Bates, on the Job, Toronto Street, Herald. 11-6 CARPENTERS WANTED APPLY ready for work, to B. D. Bentley, lot 17, block 4, on Park Street. 71-6 WANTED CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns Contracting Co. Tite )WWANTED Laborers by the Canad- ian Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply Ogilvie Milt site 24-tf WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mili-job. Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Ltd, 88-tt WANTED M6en ana women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now jon. Situations guaranteed. Special tea to ladies, Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- tre St, Calgary. 2oeate WANTED GENERAI, SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. J.C. Ha. ve, Broad- way; or phone 15 gt; 70-tt MAID WANTED APPLY GENERAL Hospital. itt, pee ee WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS MILL- wrights, Highest wages paid. Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co, 60-tf etree ee che ce tae ROOMS TO RENT. LARGE, BEDSITTING ROOM, ground floor, suitable for two. gentlemen. Close in Apply 426 Toronto St. 76-3 TWO FURNISHED. ROOMS FOR for light housekeeping. Modern. 246 Braemat St. 16-6 lodgers. New house. Apply 316 North Yall, 72-6 SS LOST AND FOUND ing eum of. mcney. Owner may have same on. paying expenses and prov- ing property. Apply-to A. Guy, 421 fms, architect, Porter block, . 75-2 WANTED SERVANT TODO GEN- * gt; -- i WANTED TO HUY WANTED TO PUROHASB 15 OR any emalier number of well grown spring pullets, also a quantity of one year old hens. Apply Box-D, News, stating torms, 16-8 WANTED TO nuy Bullding tm Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Glv prices, terms, ete, to P- 0.,Box 10. Owners only need apply. oe . +e oe BBth, COTTON RAGS. e2-tt lots WANTED CLEAN Apply 877 Esplanade, WANTED A FRESH MILK COW, Apply Coleridge Hotel, ras BOARD AND ROOM WITH PRI- VATE family on the hill, Close to High School. 526 El Paso, 76-8 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR * young lady, Apply Box 1371, News office, 16-8 Se Coe ee ee Be WANTED AT ONCE, TO RENT FUR- nished or unfurnished house, Only jtwoin family, No children. P, 0, box 929, 16-8 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WITH barn, for six months, Apply box 1878 News office. 76-8 a URNISHED HOUSE,NOT TOO FAR out or six months. No. children, Ad- dress M. E. Rygg, Monarch Theatre. Titt Se eee 2 STRAYED Se 25 REWARD THE ABOVE WILD be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, welghing about 1300, branded either HF, monogram on left: shoulder, or ) Shlete tien, This horse ts J four years old and has trim- med tail, R. E. Starke, Medicine Hat, Sept. 30, 1912. eott CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS eee ee W. 4 HENDERSON CO, chartered Accountants and atiditors, (estab lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. A. E. Gibson, C.A., resident partner. Phone 198, Burns Block. 276att . CORSETIERRE vue: a SSPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, trom.2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699, or write P. 0. Bor 72, Mrs, Matthews, Au 22-3m - en a eee AUCTIONEERS Hi 3. BROWNE CO,, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tox onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Ranch and farm stock sales conducted any- Where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our ex- penance at your disposal free. Phone (03. H. B. Browne Co, 519 To Tonto-8t, 1s2ate. Sele THE MEDICINE Hat HIDE, FUR on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves atid Bedding, new and. second band Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mertioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Rallway St. or Phone 587, w WaANTED LADIES AND GENTS: cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, suit Cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, etc.,:raw hides and furs, horse hair, wool and f thers, bought an sold, Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 812 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. 0, box 258. Phone 296. The Best Prices Paid for the above, 23Dee REAL ESTATE OAKES, EVERARD CO, 365 1-2 Main St, Phone 556. Real- Estate E. Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Raflways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Medicine Hat Phone 420 TENDERS Estimates on Tenders for the foundation work-on St -P ch R. C. Church, will be received by Rey. Father Cadoux at his house, Toronto Street, up till Monday, October 14; Plans obtainable at Parish House Thursday. A certified cheque for 5 per cent. of the tender must accompany all tenders. Lowest or ang-other tender not necessarily. Braemar St. 76-8 AND JUNK CO. The above bave this invention sends a streat nerves, organ: time you are rheumatism, ness, stomack orders, varico Dr. Meteger D is a high-grac Der cent ease per cent great at a low pri for fancy boc falt particular THE MET BA Robl Block, TuThSa Ca Sutecribe NO
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Image 631 (1912-10-08), from microfilm reel 631, (CU1772677). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.