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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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210 a What ver your do it yourself, or painter do it be ical, more artistic, moressnitary than wall- Prpose by Imperial Varnish 'Color FY IL, , SEE see ae Limited, Toroao -MLM painting whether you a GOOD job, soonest di best looking, long- job of havea sure of Spreadeasier, cover more su: have, how to mix a special ML MLMLMLML ML ML ML ML HEWITT jOLD BY B All ready for use. Simply choose the right color from the forty-seven shades in which M-Le paints are made take off the cover, stir a bitand start to work. You'll find M-L Pure Paints: lossier finish than any other paint you could buy. Use M-L Paint and You Won't Have to Paint so Often Other paints soon fade, blister and flake off be- cause other makers haven't yet four out, as we Pure materials to make an clastic, durable paint that stands extremes of wear and weather, and keeps its lustre for the longest time. Decorate the walle and ceiling with M-L FLAT WALL COLORS. More econom- Made in 47 colors for every painting ML ML MLML ML ML ML ML MEME ML ML: Here s Your Paint ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML rface, give a smoother, WEDIOINE HAT DAILY NEWS Be oh beh ob bob bb bb ob b FADS AND FASHIONS Eeeeeeeeeeeeed New York, Oct. 5. One of the most striking features of the new models exhibited in the shops just now is the predominance of the thick soft wollens, They are wonderfully light in weight and very beautiful, but they are not easy to handle succes fully. Some of the most beautiful and modish of these thick wollens are plain or mixed velours de laine, peau de chamois and peau d'agneay, which have soft, chamoislike surfaces; out velours, whieh is a wool velours in which Hines have been cut, exposing a foundation of contrasting color which shows Ike an undershot pin stripe; tyl-tyl, which is a wool aponge, wool corduroy, 2 soit thick wool corded Mike corduroy, zibelines in various new weaves, ratine plain or broche, and pavement block diagonal and atriped yelours de laine. There are many other similar ma- terials. with countless variations. They are all lovely in texture and coloriiig, but in spite of all. the im- porters say that these materials, though light in weight, will be too warm for comfort except in very cold ML ML ML ML ML ingredient with other ML LACK. Tae W. C. T. U. will hold their reg- ular meeting inthe city hall at 3.20 o'clock on. Tuesday,Oct. 8th. It 1s) expected that Mrs. Wright, Domin- fon President of the W. CT..U. will address the meeting. All the ladies in the city fre cordially invited to attend, The W. M.S. of the. Methodist church had thelr Crusade week. The gentlemen Kindly took the Indies around in autos and so they were enabled to make one hundred and forty calls, and succeeded in get- ting several new members. At six o'clock supper was served in the basement: and Rev. Mr. McDonald, Mr. B. F. Souch and Rey. C. J. Wil- son gave addresses, The visiting lad- fes algo gave a report of their after- noon s work, and ail felt that the time had been wet spent In trying to get laborers for the Master's Vine- yard, for the harvest s ready but the laborers are: few. y Cords That Bind. Man is a bundle of habits Parey. A good habit is as hard to bresk as a bad, Habits are 800 assumed; but when we strive tovstrip them, tis belng flayed alive Cowper. Habit often comes in the guise of a dwarf, but before long assumes the Proportions of giant. Sow a thought and reap an action FOR WOMEN BY ONE OF THEM. Day Jast gone. sow an action and reap a habit; sow habit and reap a character;. sow a character and reap eternity Some one has illustrated the per- sistency of habit thus: It is had to get rid of habit. Drop the first let- ter and you have still a bit, drop the second and the bit remains, drop the third and even now it is left, drop the fourth and it is not t totally A good life does not consist in'do- ing as professing Christians do, but in obedience to what Christ requires. Those who live in-closest commun- fon with Christ will be emulous to do the*most and talk the least about it. Ifyou would contend successfully with evil, get on the solid ground of faith; Miere Is no fighting on a quag- mire. Fishing for souls, ike the other fishitg, requires much skill and 1a- bor, and often brings us into the storms Of life's Galilee, There are two persons mentioned in the pledge Christ ana I ; and if faith unites the two the individ- ual can say,. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Duke Visits IndianPoetess. His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, while in Vancouver last Week, honored Miss Pauline Johnson, the Indian poetress, with a visit. Miss HE T skin help nature white, healthy skin both young and old. particles of pure vegetable oil which are rubbed into the open pores of the skin with the creamy fragrant lather of Baby s Own aoe renew the life of the along. It assures a soft, and its use delights DB. MFRS., MONTREAI sale ost everywhere. Mw Baby s Own is for o besa Johnston, who for years toured Can- ada, reciting her own poems and vis- ited England miore than once, has been in failing health for some time. B, Pauline Johnston (whose Indian name is Tekahionwake,) is a daugh- ter.of the late Chief Johnson, head chief of the Six Nation Indians. Her mother was a native of Bristol, Eng- land. Her grandfather was also a chief ( Disappearing of the Indian Summer Mist');-who rendered signal service to the British at Queenstown Heights and other engagements dur- ing the troubles of 1812. When His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught was made a Mohawk chief both Miss Johnson's father and grandfather took a leading part in the rites. His; Royal Highness after- wards corresponded with chiefs, sign- self S Your brother chief, Arthur. Among the many curious and valua- Bie Indian relics which Miss Johnson possesses is the scarlet blanket on which the Duke stood while the cere- mony wes being performed. The Song My Paddle Sings. This is probably the best known, and is considered by many to be the best, of Miss Johnson s poems. It is musical, and filled with the free spir- it of the plains: West wind, blow from your prairie nest, Blow from the mountains, bl w from the west, The sail is idle, the sailor, too; O wind of the West, we wait for you. Blow, blow I have wooed you s0, But never a favor you bestow. You rock your cradle the hills be- tween, But scorn to notice my white lateen. 1 stow the sail unship the mast; I wooed you long, but my wooing s past; My paddie will lull you into rest. 0 drowsy wind of the drowsy west, Bleep, sleep, By your mountain steep. Or down were the prairie. grasses sweep Now, fold in wings, For soft is the song my paddie sings. August is laughing across the sky, Laughing while paddle, cance and 1, Drift, drift, Where: the hills uplitt On either side of the current swift, The river slips through its silent bed, My paddle is plying ts way ahead; Dip, dip, While the waters flip In foam as over tueir breast we slip. And ob, the tiver runs swifter no The eddies circle about my bow, Swirl, swirl How the ripples curl in many a daugerous pool awhirl And forward far the rapids roar, Fretting their margin for evermore. Dash, dash, With a mighty cash They seethe, and boll, splash. Be strong, O paddle; be brave canoe The reckless waves you must plunge into, Reel, reel, On your trembling keel, But never a fear my craft will feel. We've raced the rapid, we're far abead The river slips through ts silent bed. Sway, sway, As the bubbles spay, And fall in tinkling tunes away. And up on the hills against the sky, A fir tree rocking its lullaby. Swings, swings, Its emerald wings, slumber your laggard and bound, and else save weather and will collect. dust too readily. Still they are pre-eminently the mode, and while serges, cheviots, corded stuffs of the Bedford: cord type and similar tailoring materials are still acceptable and correct for the coat and skirt costume, the fad of the moment is the tailored cos- tume of the thicker and softer woot, Combinations of plain and brocade tyl-tyl are new and effectiv and the use of matelasse in association with plain material 1s one of the new sea- son s innovations. The effect is not always happy, but in some cases it fs exceedingly so, and very hand- some Costumes have been bullt up entirely of the matelasse, which looks very. much like a particularly hand- some brocade silk zenana cloth, though its texture ts lighter, softer, and altogether different. A good. deal of fur is used on both frocks and sults, often appearing as f mere touch and in unexpected places. One of the French makers has sent out several very chic. mod- els in cut velvet, giving the effect of pin stripe velvet on a chiffon foun- dation. These models have a neck finish of fur, a very narrow line of skunk or sable running around the front and sides of the bodice neck Just at the base of the throat, but oddly dipping down in a slight point at the back. On evening. gowns of the sheerest sort lines of fur often border the dra- peries or finish the little sleeves. There was, for cxample, a very char- ming mo el in oue impdrter s collec- tion which was of white tulle over white satin. Tie short, loose sleeves and shoulders Were of fine lace and from the shoulder yoke surplice dra- peries of tulle. were drawn softly in- to narrow girdle. The skirt had an overdress of tulle, fulled around the sides and back and drawn forward a little towatd the front, leaving the satin underskirt In view down to the ime s but meeting under a bow of tulle at knee height. The surplice drapery and the skirt drapery were bordered narrowly with skunk, and lines of the dak fur entered into the tille bow on the skirt. Everything i overdrapery that pro- duces a line wider above the knees than below, that 18 tucked up or drawn softly away from the front, is dubbed pannier drapery, though tt may be a very far cry from the pan- niers of old or even from the pan niers of the last spring season. And most of the draped skirts come under this head. The underskirt or four- reau may be very narrow, is at least limp and narrow in effect even when plaited, but the oyerdrapery is full enough to broaden the silhouette a trifle and sometimes it even ap- roaches the bouffant. There is a good deal of skirt drap- ery, falling straight, long and cling- ing on the right side, but caught up In some modified panier puff fash- fon at the left front, the long line us- ually including the front and lend- ing height to the figure, while the drapery at the left makes concession to the vogue of drapery movement. A simple cloth frock in blue and black fine stripe, displayed in one of the shops, showed a pleasing version of this one-sided drapery arrangement and had a clever unpretentious trim- ming of tiny black drops set on to simulate a wide band. There are many smart cloth frocks, all much longer than in the French models than American women are in the habit of wearing. All of them touch the ground, most of them even trail a bit, but as a rule they could be made shorter without losing their grace, an arrangement which would make them suitable for American wearers, who do not like the idea of wearing a trailing skirt on the street,, Long sleeves have beyond question arrived. For that matter, they arrived last season, but only the few took them eriously. Now one sees little in models intended for house wear or evening purposes, though occasionally a smart visiting frock has a three-quarter sleeve fin- ished by some sort of soft draped cuff or frill, Sott white waists developed in fan- cy nets, and handmade laces and all- overs of fine pattern have elaborate designs worked out in cotered satin, Uinsel, chiffon and velvet ribbon. Rib- bon designs are brought out in rellef on the fronts, slecves and upper por- tion of the back. Pale blue, yellow, Swelling the song that my paddle sings. Foe or lavender satin is used in tu- Dular style, 7the filling often teIng wh the circumference of pencil. sufficient to give a trimming about More delicate designs are worked out in the floral patterns, padded flowers being made of tinsel and chiffon, the rest of the design being worked out in hand -embroidery.- Small forget- Me-Hot patterns are brought out with small bjack velvet flowers on white chenille, and silk embroldery is em- ployed to bring out the redt of the design. These color uggestions on white being handworked are partic- ularly effective. Cut on similar lines to white waists are the colored models, these often showing the white combination in the finishing arrangement, Including the Robesplerre collar with ta high neck nish in the back and slightly cut-out section In front, and the dlrectoire collar with lace revers or frills, and the narrow satin veat. White charmeuse waists appear with Ddlack, blue, amber or Cerise trimming touches. Both amber and rhinestone buttons are seen on the smartest models. There is much va- riety in two-toned buttoris, some of these being worked out in charm- euse to mateh the waist. For instance some of the ball buttons are covered on the lower side with the white charmeuse, and on the top with a circular arrangement of blue. In many instances the siteves come well over the hand, and are finished off with Jace frills of turnbacw cuffs and frills, . There is a great deal of tulle used in the form of scarfs, sashes, draper- fe , sleeved and guimpes. . Metallized tulles are very much favored, and there are cetrtain wraps for evening wear which take the place of scarfs that are entirely of tulle. Wherever it is possible,.use tulle instead of chiffon. Florence Fairbanks eke 20 ofa fo ofe, ode ofe ofe fe ofer ef ofe of af NEWS FORECAST FOR * THE COMING WEEK + Eeaeeceaeeeeed Washington, D. C., Oct. 5. The middle west promises to be the storm centre of the national political cam- paign the comin week. Governor Wilson will be heard in Kansas, Mis- souri, Illinois and Ohio. Colonel Roosevelt will visit the same section and will be heard in several cities of Illinois a day or two before the ap- pearance of the Democratic standard bearer. Governor Marshall, Demo- cratic candidate for Vive-President, expects to devote the week to Illinois, Towa and Wisconsin. Republicans and Democrats of Rhode Island will hold their State: conventions to name candidates for governor;and other State officers and representatives in Congress. The Tria - of Police Lieutenant Becker for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, .which is expected to be one of the most notable criminal trials that has taken place in this country in years, is scheduled to be- gin in New York City on. Monday. The by-election in the MacDonald constituency in Manitoba, which is fixed for Saturdy, is attracting inter- national attention from the fact that reciprocity with the United States is figuring as the most prominent issue in the: contest. Many educators of wide note will, gather at South Hadley, Mass, on Tuesday for a two days celebration of the seventy-ffth anniversary of the founding of Mount Holyoke Col- lege, which is the oldest itistitution in America for the higher education of women. Another event of the week of in- terest in educational circles will be the formal Inauguration and dedica- tion of the Rice Institute at Houston, Texas. The-institute is said to be one of the richest colleges in America and possesses an endowment of apprixi- mately 10,000,000, left by the late William Marsh Rice, for whose alleg- ed murder in New York some years ago-Albert T. Patrick in serving a life Sentence in Sing Sing. prison. Monday s the day fixed for the reassembling oft he British Houne of Commons for the autumn session. The programme for the session is a heavy one, especially when the im- portance of the legislation is consid- ered. Foremost on the agenda are Home Rule, Welsh Disestablishment, the Franchise Bill and a measure to allow trades unions to contribute to funds or the support of Labor mem- bers of parliament. During the week James Whitcomb Riley, the beloved Hoosfer poet, is to be of the greatest ovation ever tendered an American writer. Monday will be the poet s birthday anniversary and during the week special xercises in honor of the oc- casion will be held In the public schools and in Hterary and art soc- eties throughout the country. Canadian historical and patriotic soci ties will join at t he end of the week in a suitabel celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the battle of Queenston Heights, in which the British were victorious over the American invaders, though they lost their valiant commander, General Sir Isaac Brock. On Saturday exer- gises in observance of the centenary WIT be Held on the battlefield, which Te Capital Investment Co. 420 MAIN ST. PHONE 799, BUY NOw Don t wait until prices are 100 per cent, her. The fall boom is just starting. hig Teutonlo, HERALD Nov, 9 Lots 1 and 2, block 23, corner, 1150, COUSINS AND SISSONS Block 2, four lots, 450.00 each, terms. Exclusive sting TOWNSITE Blook 6, 60 ft. on Main St, 100 ft. from City Hall, Best buy in the business section. 36,009, terms. Hxeluaive listing. Block B, 100 ft. on Montreal St. 5500.00, terms. Exclusive listing. CENTRAL PARK Block 24, four lots. 1680.00, cash. ALTAWANA Block 6, 23 lots. 16,100.00, terms Block 5, two lots corner. 1669.00, terms, HOUSES Lockwood Street, modern, seven rooms, 370,000; terms. Two houses under construction, modern and. up-to-date im every way, will be sold at practically cost of construe- ton. Small retainer asked until construction completed in one month according to plans. REDCLIFF TOWN Block 108, 8 lots corner: 1950.00. Block 84, four lots. 600.00 each. Block 107, two corners, 75 x 130 each. terms. Block 77, two lots cn Broadway. 1550.00, terms. 3 Block 48, four lots on gas, water and sidewalk. 275.00 each, terms. : cLT, DIVISTON 208 lots at 165.00 each, terms. HARRISVILLE DIVISION 98 lots at 165.00 each, terms. KIPLING PARK The finest sub-division in South End. Level and adjoining industrial site. 3210 per acre if sold at once, This s the snap of acreage propositions of Medicine Hat. SUBDIVISION See us for good subdivision buys in west and south ends of city. See us for cheap acreage adjoining the city. GIVE US YOUR LISTINGS. 1950.00 per corner, is marked by a magnificent monu- ment of General Brock. been given that hard rubber ball. He pea has just thrown it at his sister and. A total eclipse of the sun is to made her ery. take place Thursday, but it will be t saw i happen. Wonderful, invisible in the United States except wasn't it? as a very small partial eclipse in ro gt; Florida and the southern portion of see ee ee the Gulf States. The path of totallty , ourvel Cleveland Plain Dealer. will cross South America from a ee point near Quito, Ecuador, to Rio Janeiro, Brazil, thence southeast across the Atlantic ocean. Henry, the baby shouldn't have Marjorie But, dear wouldn't love in a cottage be rather commonplace? De Garry Well, of course, we would call the shack a bungalow Subscribe now for The Daily News Juage, LEEPER EEE EEE EE EES Chronological Outline of ebeieiiet ship agent Me ; Famous Rosenthal Murder ae CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE OF THE FAMOUS ROSENTHAL General ag MURDER CASE, IN WHICH ANOTHER IMPORTANT CHAP- Main TER WILL BE BEGUN MONDAY MORNING, WHEN POLICE LIEUTENANT CHARLES A, BECKER IS PLACED ON TRIAL IN NEW YORK FOR ALLEGED COMPLICITY IN THE MURDER. July 16 Herman Rosenthal, a notorious gambler who had threaten ed to expose an alleged connection between Lieut, Becker and New York's gambling. and vice syndicate was shot-down in the glare of the lights of the Hotel Metropole, within a few hours of the time he was sched- uled to tell his story before the grand jury. July 16 Within a few hours of the crime the car in which the mur- derers are alleged to have escaped, with William Sha- piro, the driver, were arrested. July 18 Bald Jack Rose, well known gambler and former partner of Rosenehal, surrendered to the district attorney, to whom he is said to have confessed to having acted as. Becker's collector, also giving the details of the alleged murder conspiracy and the names of those concerned. July 21 On the strength of the statement made by Rose, Briagey Webber, alleged gambling house proprietor, and Sam Paul, notorious gang leader, were arrested and charged with complicity in the murd r. Both are sald to have admitted having an intimate acquaintance with Becker. July 23 Harry Vallons, a gangster, suspected of having been one of the occupants of the murder car, surrendered to the police. July 26 Frank Cirofici, another suspect, taken into custody. July 26 Mrs. Rosenthal, widow of the murdered gambler, testified before the grand jury that Becker collected money from her husband,as did Rose for Becker. July 29 Lieutenant Becker arrested and locked up on a charge of murder, Aug. 1 Frank Muller, alias Whitey Lewis, one of the gangters who fled from the city immediately after the murder, arrested In the Catskills, Aug. 5 Disclosures concerning alleged deposits of thousands of dollars put in banks in New York City amd etsewhere lt; by Lieut. Becker and his wife. Aug. 20 Blanket indictment returned against Becker. Aug. 22 Sam Schepps, who is alleged by Jack Rose to have been the man who hired gangsters for Becker and paid them off after the murder had been accomplished, was appre- hended in Hot Springs, Ark., and returned to New York. Sept. 3 Becker s trial fixed to begin before Recorder Goff on Sep- tember 12. i Stpt. 11 The trial of Becker postponed by agreement of counsel until October 7. Sept. 14 Harry Horowitz, al On Sale Bobb sted detec ab ob bkeede hee debe oe obok de stedete eget me + yp the Blood, and Louis Rosen- advertise: Dbbelebiebbeleiebeiiak th b gt; 1 EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EE EE EEE EEE ELE EE Ee bbe bibibbibl RENEE eter sees ae berg, alls Lefty Louis, found in a flat in Brooklyn and arrested for the murder, These two were suspected of ea having done the Actual shooting of Rosenthal and their buy. more capture completed the round-up of all of those believed ai obere to have been directly concerned in the crima oy tee ta Sept, 26 John F. McIntyre, Becker's chief counsel, declared his be- the dolla Het that t he accused police lieutenant wopld be acquit- worth? ted or that there would be a disagreement of the jury, i Tt will because of the character of the witnesses and because portant of the legal questions involved i store ads. Sept. 27 District Attorney Whitman, in charge of the prosecution, *. expressed himself-as more confident than ever that + DA: Becker would be convicted of murder and that the con- + viction would survive any review by the highest courts, Spee ean ree ane Cee SEEPS EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE Eb
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Image 617 (1912-10-05), from microfilm reel 617, (CU1772683). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.